ki ' 'r A ivU.I ii ii JUL, ii V ii VOL. VIII, NO. 253 ' CLOUDY AND WARMER ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 28TII, 1916 .-. (HOME EDITION) PRICE: FIVE CEM EMPLOYES-flEADY T T Committees of Trainmen's Brotherhood in Washing ton Asking For Raise RAILROADS PLAN TO ENTER POVERTY PLEA Railroads Have But Thirty ; Days in Which to Make -Their Reply, Though They Are Outspoken in Opposi tion to Proposed Demands of Their Employes. (By A,socUtd FrtMT-" Washington March 2. Committees representing the engineers, firemen, conductors and Trainmen's Brotherhood are expected to present demands for in creased wages to railroads throughout the. United States next ThursuTIyrThe men will flsk that the eight-hour basis be adopted for computing' the pay for a day's work and that tjme and a half paid for overtime. Thede:maiid will apply to all men in the service of the road, freight yards and hustling service. The jjbv of passenger .employees already is baa ed on a day or less than eight hours. Although the railways have HO days in which to reply to the demands, ofli "cials here Rtnte they cannot possibly mpet them with their present reve nue!. 'Presentation of the demands of the "railroads in the southeastern terri tory will he made to the Southern at headquarters "here, the HeaboarC Air Line at Norfolk, the Atlantic Coast Line at Wilmington, the Louisville & Nashville. 8tLouisville, the Central of Georgia at Havannnh, the Florida Fast Coast at Jacksonville. COLLEGES NEED BETTER - FTNANCTALf BACTCTVn Raleigh, -March US. That an unduly large numlir of colleges are being con ducttid in North Carolina with insiilti cieut financial support and consequent ' inndeuiiate cipiipineht and .iucllieii'iit faculties, is the general conclusion ad vanced by Samuel I. t'apen, specialist - in higher ''education 'for the tnitctl States Bureau of Education. Repoi,s on the exhaustive invesfiga tlon by .Jr. Capen are being -mailed nut just Aow by the State !epartment of T.Jucaiou to the educational nisti tutions .ml educators of the State with a view t stirring action which will ra' ; the standards of the 'colleges and bring about wetter-financing and gen eral management. lr. Capen's report states that the conditions shown to exist hi this State are not peculiar to North. Carolina, but that it is uone the less serious. He suggests that ins. 'tutions not -qualified to grant batchclor of art degrees should not, be permitted to confer them and that schools that do not meet require ments for worthy conferment of the degrees should not be permitted to tiitl themselves colleges. - OUR NAVY IS NOT AS STRONG AS GERMANY'S Washington,, March I'M. Willi the explanation that he" "hated to say it," Rear .V.miral Bradley A .Fiske, former aide for operations, told the House na val committee today that in fighting strength the Failed States navy was only about half as strong as tier many's. ' Reluctantly in response fo questions he expressed the opinion that all things considered, two to. one 'eonld not be very far away'' in an -esfimnte of the comparative strength of the German and American fleets, although the German fteet did not cost anymore. The admiral declared that the navy was not getting value received for money expended, and was only about 75 per rent of whn., it should lit" under a better system of administration. Naval Contractor Kmory S. . Land test i tied - Hi at i ncludi ug boat a nearly completed and five at l'.inama, 14 sub marines could be- made available for war service immediately "or within .'to dgvs. Of the IS submarines of the A lantie. fleet he said l.'t were available. ... Mora Boy Babies Born. ; The proportion of boy babies born in England and Wales during lit 1.1 was the largest; since apparently confirm ing a popular belief that more males are horn during vartii)ul. For the quarter consisting of July, August and September, 1915, the proportion of males births to female was 1,(15.1 to I.imhi; in 18S4, the ratio was 1,054 To 3,000. The ratio of boy babies to girlhns rieen increasing with every quarter. In the first quarter of 1915 the proportion was 1,032 males to 1,000 females, in the second quarter 1,043 to. 1,000, and in the third quarter 1,055 to 1,000. ; Seienee can give no explanation of this phenomenon, contenting itself with declaring that there probably is some natural law which is resonaible. 0 OFFER DEMAND FOREIGN HOUR E T TAKEjRLDNG WAIT By Vote of 10 to 9, House , Places Both Questions on Waiting List. THE POSTPONEMENT IS TO BE INDEFINITE That All Matters Pertaining to Woman's Suffrage and quorJVjlLNoLComeUp at This Session Seems In dicated From Action Tak- en by-the House, ' Bv Associated Press. 1 Washington, March tin. The House Judiciary committee, today voted 1 to ! to postpone indefinitely coiisuleral ion of air suffrage and prohibition propos als before it. HAS GROUNDHOG BEAT ON TELLING THE WEATHER Norfolk, Va., Afsrrh If the fore cast af George Storming1 1' is carrect, spring is here and here to stay, George has belt calling the turn on the wea ther for several years and has never missed it. His method of announcing the arrival of spring is in wearing a straw lid ami he made Ins appearand ill such a top piece this morning. George 'is the first citizen to be seen on the streets with straw headgear and some of his friends have told him lie was ahead of time. 'Leave It to me," waff the replv of the weather prophet. Spring is here ami here to stay. I do this every year and never have- to selve the split braid after I once decide to put it on. 1 said last week that Saturday would lie t he' "da v Tor t liiT-Kt raw- liitr Wpm't-f APPEAL AGAINST USE. OF PLEASURE MOTORS London, March The national organising committer tnr war savings has issued an appeal tor .cconomv in order to briifff-hboiit nn early victory It will, frqm Jhnie to -time, call atten tion ,f d fornix 6f spending which" should most clearly be checked, as being wnsfcful and absorHuig labor thai could be put .1 better use. It protests earuesty-jiga'iiist the use of mot or i-iirs anil motorcycles for pleasure, it states, millions of monv- would be saved and much "work could be translcired to more use till, channels, r or example, -the work of ships and men now employ ed ill carrying oil and. rubber' for cars and cycles; men at docks and railway men, and so forth, employed in hand ling these 'cargoes and in work con nuectod with the importation of motor cars and cycles;- chauffeurs now en gaged in-driving and looking after mo tor cars; men uow engaged in garages and shops all over the country, repair ingcars and cycles; men engaged in the manufacture and halding of tires used on. cars and cycles. - They emphasize the fact that they refer only to cars and cycles used for purposes of pleasure, and they appeal to all owners to consider earnestly whether the use of their cars can be justified by any question of public utility or by real necessity.. They -cannot, the appeal concludes, with any effect ask the poorer classes to save, as long as they see well-to do people en joying an expensive luxury. Weather. ft FOR NOIiTH TAROUNA: Fair tonight, uilh frtii ; WiMhifrtiiuy, fftir. slightly warmer in w"s )U)rlHMi wild motif rtitt wfst ul. COTTON MARKET . (By Associated Press) New York, March 'otton fu- tuies opened tiini? May, r.';.)ulv, 12.1:!; October, U'.2.".; Iecei'iiber, 12.41; ,lnu univ, 12.14. The cotton market opened fimr at an advance of 5 to 7 points today. A live months sold about 7 point n. t hi er right after 'The eaTT it Wit iiyiTatenH ing 12.U2: .Inlv, 12.14 ami October, 12 2I. The advance wajciiecked at this level and there were read ions of S to lipoints fivoii the best before the end of the .first hour. -STOCK-MARKET- - (By Associated Press) Xow York, March L's. further. nn eertain tendencies were manifested at the, opening of today's market, al though advances outnumbered declines. Cains of 1 to 2 points were made by Continental Can, International Nickel, National Clonk & Suit Co., and Phila delphia fcbTT wliiTe-Crucible RteeT.amT American Meet Sugar rose fractionally. South forto Kieo scored a new high record on its rise of 5 points to 1!K. Lossea of a point wer recorded by Mer cantile Marine preferred and Maxwell Motors, vhile (Baldwin and American eru Marr-I land, wera non.Inally lower. ANQ LIOUOR MUS MEXICAN CROWD HEARS CAKRANZA'S STORY This photo, which hus just been received from Mexico City, shows a crowd of Mexicans in Queretaro, tho provsiionai capital of Mexico, lisf5ing to the Carranza government's report of Villa's depredations in Colum bus, New Mexico. ... : .. ..'' .' ..' . '. . . .. . ' .' .-. .... CARRANZA REPLY TOAID IN"THECHASE BRITISH C01MVERTED immm PRAISE (By As.sociateU Press.) Loudon, .M:iriti The licit inli eon.- verted itmisim' AihI ip'ts the rr'lit Kinking tlu firriiKin - raider llm lirli'l' ill llu' .'Mil I h yea I VbriKH v L!!'- itt- additional details of the battle .pub lished toda.v"." "After the British, armed merchant iiinii Alcantara hail engngeit the (liicf iiiiil lu'i'ii rendered helpless iy a 'slicll whicli shallcieil lie nuttier, one of lier consul Is, I In1 Andes, appear ed and made it impossible' for- the CI riff to est ape. The (iiief "asset nlire unit blew up iv it It a tci i ilic explosion. MRS. L. E. SUMNER DIES VERY. SUDDENLY (several scon- of relatives ami maiiv friends in this- cily- were last iiiehi grieved lo learn of t lie 'sud.ien ilealh of Mrs. 1.. K. SiiiniM'r. u bieh occurred at her home on Hammond street, after ah extreme illness of less Ihan two hours. Mrs. Sumner at li::iO o'elock yesterday -af teuioon suffered a stroke of apoplexi ami never revaluing cons-iiiiisness died at H : :ii o'clock lnsl.iiigHt'.'.'The ileccas ifil is survived by a e,i ief st l iekeu ,lius bami, (Mlicer l.' 10. Snuiiier, liie Mm;, and three 'daiiehlci s. The ilatighf'-rs. all xif whom reside in this citv,' are Misses Maiy, Lottie and liache'l. The sons, Messrs Heuiiie ,of Norfolk, Ya., Lou, Allreil and Herbert, of this city, and Willie, of Coldsboro. The deceased viis-4'.t veas oltkand a member of well known and respected family' of this tion, tniiiibei ing one brother, apt. llerb. i t Went In rsliv, ami. t hree si.slers, "trn. K. 1 ir-.-tiiyiuT, tf -K-htr-tHty ,- "" Lou ltroHii, of Hamilton, and Mrs. .1. L. Miadley, of l-.dgecombe county. From tie. home this afternoon at 4 o'clock the funeral is to be conducted by .Rev. l. li. Williford, yastor of the J'riniitive Uaptist church, of which the deceased !i a member. Interment will I be "Vmtle in the family plot at I'ine View eeinoterv. SEABOARD TOURIST TRAIN DERAILED Raleigh, March 2S. Seaboard ' passenger train No. ! was derail- cd at Lemon Springs enrty todav. 1 T-MgarVliarbe.., of Raleigh, the engineer, as slightly injured, but was able to continue his run after thiengine was placed bek on the track. None of the passengers wera , injured. - . j ri.... j Vr if.iV.' ttt3 i - ' 7 A 4X"Hprh r Y AT- URGED MAKE EARLY :':: (By A-.iiociiit.eil Pro.iH.) Mshiiigloii,.., .March 2.s, --A nieino raiiilimi to (Iciiernl ( 'ai ranza fur al iin'inediale 'reply to t bere(iiest foi- pcr inissimr. Iji s- Mcvicaff rnilToafts - u toipdying Ameiii-aii Iroojis in pursuit I today of fiaiicisco Villa was pit'i nt the Stale Depart incut . ,. Jl w forivaitli'd-. lo i 'oj'iauza ...-.probably ioilav. .'"... ' ' will boi lut Motor Trucks to Aid.. F.I I'aso, Tcv..' March 2s. I lie pur suit of l-VaiiciM-o-'YilUt may be. haoi pered if not actually hailed unless the Mexican railroads ;n:e made available an Hie initio in 1 ton imin u .n ion 1 oi the j in1 rii-.'i ii t.-iiy men expr st inlying -1 isp 'ilietilijj...t Ujit. aimy in .Meii-'u -ss I hal view toti; ' ' lies 1 1 urn t h it (' Villa nas still Mili v, ai'iei oiit, iu in, full liilit south wniil ;ind was uoi Tm'i'ltii with any " ur litfli opjiHHititni. . ' The Aint-ncinr t'ort't-s arc nior' t iia 11 L'i'O lniifH Itcinvv tht AnnTii an- Itordcr. Kv t-ry-in i!i- that tin Aiitvfican ihlvniifi into tin jsoiitli iiH't-faMi's tlu'TTttt'iiiiatcd liin1 of Amt'i iciui t'litit in u it icii t .Motor t rtir It an hcing rushftl to t lie army hasi;. at . (Jolnnilnis 1o kccji up tin lu'cessun tnovi'liirn T iJ' Xii'ilit'S nt -thr licht. hfa'UjTiai tvrs'. At n point iir-ar r'asiis (tr;)iiii-s rvrtv rtTrt in Im in; miiilf to cunt inui- t In- lint of -taiirt-port at in in t'nil tipei at inn ttcr the rocky ami mainly trails ,ih I'asas (iraiult'M until tin ih' tai'to tjtfvt'rif men! f;ivts uriii isHtttii- to iiM"thi' railroads, ,riifi i,'"rTs Ho'tcft "pitirniiii in army ir clcs over the capture of Villn, an! it . is ft'jj that, mill'"' In is rono-rcl within '"f"vtvk, thf hamlit will have out run hi pmsm'is ami that many months may pasH lu'f ('t e . h ami hii ltaii'1 can In iirmn out of their hiding place in tlu; msmi. tains. . , WAR SUMMARY (By Assovlated Press) The infantiv continues inactive be- fore Verdun "ami-even the notable ur tillery tire in. 1'iat region east of the Teiisi1i;s sla ck f iTt-it." Tti i; ITcTiira IT giinshave resiimeil a heavy tire ti tho west of the river, however. Hitter lighting i- again taking plate along the Austro Italian front. - - Vienna declares that Hussion 'acti vity In talo-tuhTiSslackeneiT. iiritish airmen have made a suc eexsf ill -444 oh t lit j Turk ish Hilvaim space lull miles east of-the .Sue--ea-nal, aei-tirtrtiig". to reports from Sue, the-aviators dropping bombs ami tin ing extensive damage. Loudon figure ou Uie damage done sttrce- the inaiigura tioriof (leriiianv'.s new submarine pol;" icy shts that in less thaji a foifiiight. beginning March loth, vessels with an aggregate ionnnge of 7",IMHI have been sunk. Onf-Hiird of this tonnage be longing to neutrals. Today the siiikijig. of the ' Brjfish steaiuer Kiiipres!;; of Midland is" rctnrted, the crew, was sa ved. " - Casualties froin the" explosion which damaged the stearaer Sussex is not ex peeted to furred fifty, according to the statement of th-; steamship agents. OF VILLA INVASION Wi '-;;'' n ', - ' - , '. iniiir F runic J. PENCE IS TODAY (By Associated Pr.) Raleigh, March "S. The "fimeral of lliomns A. Pence, secretary of the riciiiocrat ic National -committee, who nloi Jay in ..Washington, n -,u I'tmiliictetl here today, the -L'.rd anniver sary of his birth from the liiHt TSaptist It n ' ! Willi interment, in Oak wood cemetery. v ' Meii;ii;rs of the '-Raleigh lodge 'of Klks of which Mi-. Pence was one of the founders and a member, nt tended the funeral in a body, while Wake Forest college, of which Mr. I'once was an -alumni, also was rep resented... At the church the casket was hidden Under a jjrofusion of lloral of t'erings sen! to lialeigh by organ iza tions -and pei.sons of . national . promi Hence, .('arils bti-e the iiames of i' dent "Wilson, Attorney tieueral (ircg ory, Secretary and Mis. Tumulty, Meua tufs Hughes, Overman and others.- T (By Ansociatcii Presn) . " New -York,. March "S.- Tindings by the 'grand jury investigating the case of lr. Warren AVai.te, have been de layed by the continuous discovery of ii PwTTliteTlf t'. ' It HWV lie' 111 eend of the. week jtr even later, the district at tornev "naiil today before th grand jury reaches a decision. " The prosecutor is aid to have declared that he fs satis fied wit h the evidence connecting Unite with the murder of his lather in law John I'eck, of (irqiul Hqpids, Mich T.fTorts are iiow Ticiiig inude to show tli'.-it the young dentist's activities or-' tended to a number of crimes. SAYS THE MAKCIIESTER NOT GIVEN WARNINO. London, March 2S. Two American citizens ,vho were on board the . steamer Manchester have made affidavits before Un American Oinsul thM the steam er was toriie'doed without tint! according to a tJeutral News dis liatch from yueeustown today. -. RALDFTHDMAS HELD 1M RALEIGH 50MUCHM0HENEW EVIDENCE DELAYS THE COUR CABINET WOULD HAVE Wti EVIDENCE;SUSSEXTORPEDO: CLEVELAND HAS BAD DIRECT AN INOU I RY APARTMENT-HffUSE AT GERMAlJYjVEn F!RE: THREE DEAD ATTACK ON SUSSEX Waitress Says Masked Man Kntered Her Room and . Fired the. Building. TI I UEK PERSONS I) KAD SCORE- OTHERS HURT Majority of Those Injured in Disastrous Fire Jumped or Fell From Windows of Building; Two Firemen Hurt While Rescuing Oc- rTupahtsfAparulientTT (By AssoRlsted Prena.) Cleveland, March K. Two unidenti fied men and one woman were burned to death and fully a scoroof people iveririii,jured this morning at 2 o'cluck, when Maines swept through an apart7 inent honse here. The police are search ing for a masked man who, according to. a story as told by a waitress, enter ed her Iioiiiii mi tho third floor, bound and;'gagged her and set fire to tho building. Most of those injured Were hurt by jumping from the thiul floor. Two women, aro fatally injured while two firemen were injured badly'iu f ti'inpting to rescue residents of the building that they' may die. ' Both fell from third fimu windows, Thr fire under control before the building was destroyed. .... ' ' . Af- rf f .. f ....fa( I. uiul nitasoii of the t'iir- rent Topics club was brought to a close with the meeting of last night when one of the largest attendances of the spring season heard ex-Senator I.. V, .Basset t on the relations of the .-.r-ring powers in Kuropo today and of some of the. great . conclusions that might .brJdrawn from the greatest war the. world' has ever seen. The speak er's address showed marked study, and ' profound search, while the"uddres has been liberally commented Hipon by all who heard it as one of the ablest delivered before the club during, not ii I v the present season, but any season u' fact. ;- '' ,' '. '..:- " ", . r " In rounding out its fourth year's work the local club, which draws Us membership from the rank and tile ot our citizenship; hus' accomplished great gootl and at this time numbers a large membership than ever before in its his tory. The weekly meetings at the . M. V'. A., the gathering about the ban quet board is .the perfection of the ideas of the brighter member of the "V. M. ('. A. cause and it. does much to cement that link between the business man, and citizen and the Y. M. ('. A. The, urrent Topic club the past year has bven ably served by efficient offi cers whir have as their guiding -hand, Mr". M. V. Hunihill, the president of the club, though Secretary Kinch of the Y, M. ('. A. Mr. R'. T. Fountain of the membership and Uev. K. '.'raven,, of the program committees have lent time' and effort that has done much for the success of the club. ONLY ONE CASE FOR CITY COURT II BARING There was but one case for the at tention of the Recorder at the morning session of the city court today tnd that rnasTTiT a negro. Jolly Simms, who was charged with forcible trespass, submit- trd-Ht-4 he-eh m e an.l paiVtytiwe $ tr YOtTNCf NEGRO UNCONSCIOUS IS FOUND BESIDE RAILROAD Lniiil.erton, March -" fieorge Mc Queen, yoimg T-titored man, -was found last night at 11 o'clock at the west end of the Seaboard bridge just west tf the town in an unconscious condi tion apparently leaving been hit a se vere blow on the hcatl. lie was discov ered by Kugineer Bunily of the pas senger, who reported the matter at the station. If struck by a train it must have been a freight - running heati or .the passenger. McQueen died early I h;a ..i.irnin.r will be cmiiiili t- ed tomorrow. JABLE ADDRESS CLOSES CURRENT TOPIC SEASON Secretary Lansing Wt Ask If Central Powers i Were Responsible CABINET MEMBERS THINK TORPEDOED Li;. . :, ' . :..y,. - Though Furnished With All Reports That Have Come to State Department, the Conclusion That Boat Was Torpedoed Is Baseless ; To "Direct an Inquiry. (By Associated Prenri) WASHINGTON, March 23. Secretary of State Lan sing announced, after the s Cabinet meeting today, that the United . States would make inquiry of the German government whether any, of its submarines torpedoed tb. Sussex. Members of thp O- inet said that evic!"' ace in th possession of the; il ; StatMmsr;iiot conchsive ' ; enough to warrant action at this time, and for this reason it wasnaecidect ' to make in-" quiry of Germany. A majority of the Cabinet members said they believed the preliminary reports indi cated that the Sussex wa3 torpedoed, though later de velopments did not carry this belief. , The President and Cabinet members were furnishe;' with all reports that had s far reached the State D partment from diplomat and consular representativ in f'rance and England. The t'nited States has inquired Oermany, through Ambassador tic" whether any of its submarines t doed the British channel steamen bcx. Secretary Lansing announc er the Cabinet meeting today t had . been decided to make sm li ' quiry and it was later learneH (' inquiry had been made and is pr in Berlin. . The present status of the communica tion is that of an inquiry it has not advanced to the stage of a protest or a demand. While Cabinet members declared the situation grave, they .thought a break with Hefmany was hot an immediate prospect. It was said, however, that if Germany admitted torpedoing the Sus sex a situation would be brought about which -was most serious. Cabinet mem bers ttiought action won hi depend on Germany'! reply. Hhould Germany deny that a German submarine attacked thtt Sussex, th American.governnient would reach its conclusion from the evidence being collected, by its diplomatic reprc wuitntivcs. J. W. .. . . .. . . . Shuuid Germany admit te attack, but claim thw submarine t mn: ' r exceeded -tiis orders, officials tt. ., that it would tie evidence that it v, impracticable that submarine eommi TfiriCamjijpfctadlHtingDii.hed arii:i vessels from those that were not armM. UROES CONSIDERATION OF BAIL LEQISLATIC:; Washington, March House Leader Kitchin tu!:! ident Wilson wrote to P. -' -.t urged consideration of t ping bill and the rt ' the investigation of Hons of railway t ami legislation. The railway It ' included in fla grant laid tieft. ; caucus last w ... ' fi