f . I : ).'. . '"''.,' 7"' ' I, V' , '!,. ,'.:'! ..""? MAKE KNOWN l it .. - WAFTS THEO; II I H E TE I. E G R A I I WAN T Kk D S. VOL. IX. NO. 31 ROCKY MOUNT, N.C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 12th, 19.16. PRICE; FIVE CENT., THE CAPTURE OFIPRESS ASSOCIATIGM IIFRFS DIACRAI OF GERMANY'S SUPERgUBMARIXE THAT BRINGS CARGO ACROSS OCEAN IWFAiT DISEASE 10 HEW YORK SHOWS A DECREASE TODAY .pcwsco'pes IS 0PERAT1N6 innnr rv- rnMiii n OPT -. -r-S-HRIIlSllllLiLFO toopfdo Tiiflrs-srwct L ,'UhfA) FOR CAWOO " r i i COWTALIVIAISON m nniminrn ninrn 11 ; PTITr iv - Wlvlf IV VWS-WW SSI,. I . ' k. 3) v w i n . Ii i i mi. .... V Vill Y1..L IA.-4I ..:.. . .i in mane i ill HILT ViUlIlS on German Lines. ENGLAND IS SATISFIED WITH SUCCESS SO FAR Contalmaison, Mametz and Troncs Wood in the Brit- : ish Line Captured, Making Possible.. Attack on East and West German Flanks. By tjir- Asm-intP(t f'rpKK,' f': ..... London, July l::.-AIlJioiifli . ...y tpnt Of (ji'niiiiil vvlj icli V;i ln'cii yiijiicil '' the Iliil'iHli is not irii'jit, ; tlirii- . i. some .siiti.sfni tion ' In Kul.-ilol in tin BinccHs Kiiiiiril I -v (In- linti.sh iirmv .i:i iujT thr-i-wclvc ilnyM of llTtrtnrn, jiml Hie poHil ion nmw .cMv'iiiicii .will iunki'.'Ksili'l-' gn-ii t t;r ncli icvi-tiicnta. . I lie r:i'tuii. of ( ontiiliiKiisoii. l i nictz ami TroncH Wmo.I in tin- Hritisli line running nlninot runt n 11 J west, so Unit Die (ifnnnns to flifi nortli run. Ii nt t.'i('ki;i oil tlir tlnii'k v.lii'ii the ynns miv hroti" lit for Ihi' si'i-oini j,inM. of tin' 0 ''i:it ions. . . To tlit noiitli of thp river the I ronc li aro in n position soim'ulint simil.-ir to th 1'iitish ,-) n i Hkewiw c-in :ilt:ovk 'tlir l II .III lllihk Holllll of I'm IIov ,'ilnl I Ill's:)." Tlii" two iirniii'S nVi' oiik.-ii'iI iii J 'f't'a rat ion' for Hi-ir iniw'V.yiii..H yi.il., ITii- fTi-rinaini nr' ri'iirwinytli-ir ji'itrir I. a on Vi'r.lnii. Tlo-v iNiptiiii'il tho Jlainhiiifi Imltery wliirli thrv lnl, for n tiinr in ihr lioginniii); of .liini.'. .; This position is me point tartlirst trom Virduii in. tin: I'ioin-h lino of flcfi'iiMo an..- it is. not taki'i si-rioiiwlv liv tlir- I'mu'li. .'. in t lie rust thn liu'ssians nro n.;?i tr. ii in heavy li.iiths in (hi- extreme north Tvrst-rii. jvtri- oLvi'TiK-rm tiin w hcic tlM't Hrf- tijAirtiiig further', defeat rir. the JC-nf (jlenrml rilander, now cut from Wi neral yon Holinner's fiireos , to t ho iii" tii aiol also nloritf .the Stoekhoij river v.here the AtiNlriiins ami (lernians are pnttiiijT up a livelv rosistiinee. . I lie lull lin rrnrshes fin either siile to 'iinfieile nio.p inents of troops ami (Jims across J he riv er. fdhtiiiK is in iiroe,rcs near Hviliiik to'trre'souiTrpnC r'" liOinloii. .lulv I he hi it ish ernnient has aproved of the rrsolulioti flilopteil liy the 'Paris economic cunfer ein-e ,of rcpri'senlatives of the lOntente allies, accontinc; to tin1, statement madi' in the House of ftCnmninns this after neon l v Premier Asipiilh. . . fr.RITAN8 FEINI'OUCF, Ar.JIRY IN SOMME DISTBICT. . Iiomlou, .lutv I'!.. The Ircnnans ,h:n I:iler. rrinforceil their .'irury aii'l atl o-l; eil the l,iitish on the i.'ioini front ' l:YKl ei.rht. 'I'hey ifiiim-'l .uri.-iiml in 1he Ma riot, ami l rones wootl. ' RKKMAN PLANUS IrtOP BOMBS ON CALLATS. herliu, hy j'.ay of Nacillc, .Inly 1L'. : Two (ionnan aeroplanes neolc an nttac'i on til" i 'hanncl lorl of I'nlkiis on Moo ilay niyht, it was anmiiinccl otticinlh 'to'lny-. 'i'hey clroppeit (minds' on I he pori (linl on army encanipmcnts. r.rAHAM HARBOR. ATTACK BY SUBMARINE. l,onrlont ,Iulv 12. I he l.iiirlish port of Seahani haiiior was al'ackeil last . mht liv a tieiiiiau sulnuarine. Aliont tin rt V roiiuils of shrapnel were tneil. One wonian wna killeil. .. . - u : - ' , - GERMANS MAKE GAINS ALONG METJSE RIVER. 1)....-.:.. L.. . . ' i i i' 1 iei .iii,--T'v way oi ijoimon, .liny I-. ficiinauu' troops on the right hanks of the river Miuisrt yratcnlny pushcil for vvarl their positions to the tmint near -,'nu villi- yrt isirft rT"WT!Tli spta 1iTi ijfThT cflieersrf 1 OH nipn, says an olticial utatcmc' I (fV1' to'lny liy the (iernian km Bait imori', July 1 2. Keeling seel cure in their belief that the Stujf Mepart ruent At Washington will Hiistain the Mailings of the Treasury and Navy officials that the Dciitflehlanil is a merchant ship am) therefore entitled to all tlie3logvs clue to a belligerent freighter, agents of the submarine today went ahead vyith their plan for disposition of the ves sel's eargo afi preparations for the re turn voyage. . '. ThiXorth (ierman Lloyd has received froC iiersons in all iTts of the eonntry offers runningfis high as $"i(l,(HiO for th Vilrge oi taking Missnge on tne snb .nine on I t return trip. (niTflETURN v yVOYAGE- -4 , Editor Cowan f YVilnunjf ton Dispatch Makes the - Opening Speech FOR OPENING - SESSION A Proposal to Establish m North Carolina Paper Mills Foi News Print Pa per Y ill Be Taken Under Consideration." " - " (Isy AHum-iiitod- I-rc::s. '.' J Mirloiiii, .lull . J :'. ' ; A t ih'i'.o,.ii I t o i' t.'iMisli jli No i Hi ( 'nicli on-, rv mills in innnm'.'ii'tni'o tn-ws o int .:i'i'r Tor. tin nv s:iri s of- his t;it"' . foul iirril tin Silili ess hero "tiiiliiv of Mr, .1. II. t'ounn. nl it or ii). t In I i,s,;ili-i'i, .ir !'esiii..it. of tlic .North' ('on.liliil"l'ri's AssolMilt iuiij l n ' i lie oju n : t: g session ol' tlie- oraniat ion 's niinnnl i-inivenl ion. The pi .iposa I 1 1 1 le taken iimler con,. siih-nit ion. ' Al'oiit t uent - fi e i.'iiil ins wi'rn. fieri' f.or t he ope ii ii:.;x of t he eon v,iii ioinio! twice this nnftil'ui'i'C e.Viet'lei iluriiie; the ilav. ; ' , ,. iMSIlMI INTHECURIKGDF TQBAGGQ IMitor, The lji rio.!. kocl v Mount . N. ( '. !i ;n- ir: !"ii! v nine years o I ItT San li'iouiiY:; 1 1 1 1 j.i . i , A fcv-.vi nw l.'iti i' I ileciilisl. t hat '! It. ;: rn' VeiTalv,.' flay better tllfin otlo'is' oh . which to cot to l.,'i.;iii l',ir i: tii r:iii uii'hicfly jiiiil liriv a -ro h "witw " ami h'-.i v !olv. Tn to tell 1 K in alien I. has a liar. I c hut I v.jis'iin.'iiiy sacci ssi'iil. 'I ,,' iil.-i let iii''. say. that' )rh,-i.c.i hns an .oi!v si sta.Ticc,'. a tiic lr -iy -it's 'iiai-ir-ntn-Ttt it h.is :i .a;e f , nter . 1 1 ke fit her . A e:;et ;V linn. '-.'he i the .. l; it' r.ius t lo oil out thrt.nh ihe jwrsnf tlir haves on the- prinrij.le t iif t oik ami -AMtei ,Voii 'l mi", r,:t. tin; oil heim: 1 hc'!i.;M er is p.. hei-l- out . .y- ) he s.'l'p. Ti.liucco ell! hi thiM-'latv w t : t !.. light an. I ".i"h.ilTy' Vou see 1 lie r i-.' is nothi't" hut sap in th. 'il...eco.-' ai"l . hen eri; ! Ihis au i.- e'oile. ' 1 t e a pol'at- S .illll h a . es tile in le.cco li-j.t ami worthies-. Hut lo ciit tohscco heu tile s;ijt is iliA.ll ami tin oil lias full sway, you .an cute it up '.icciy aiu.i v.ilh a lica'vy iiurlyr'il will he i icli ai"l " , a. v. ' ' This hoi.petis he ...il:-e the (,.!,;,. eo is f ill of oil, illste:o! of sap, ami the oil can'! i a poi :i t e a mi 'ii viai.ns. in t he lohaeco to u-uke i r'n-h ami heavy. It has 1 i my experience i U;p ',i hid .1 eol t.,l -.. lien I i, . i I in il if we expect to -have oil i'ji ii liieil ce".. l''or install, ;e, vou h;:-, e e peri. - uce. I cut t tug one. ue !; an. I having i i . ilen!' Im k. aiul then int a few .hie later, prol, ;.,y off tin- afee piece of groiiiul, ami .wlTli 1 iper. . 1 ol.acco, aioi h:. " no lui- : at nil, . ' " I sha ll lie -pl.'ueil tit iinsv er an ' corj respniiilwnei' t'lom tii.iiac'c eiowi'is v. In may ant to write nie, pii.iiile. postage is sent tor replv.. ours t rule, l. V. MAVIS... r in It , N. ('., .luiu-'L's, I COTTi KEf New Vu I-' "otton 't ut ures opened stctiilvp O- tol.er. -2Mi; JiccuukJ- I .. lo j' I ,, , . . T her, I. -kill.; iuifuniv, l..,-U; MiUcU, 1 .- ", j-, ' ' The cut Kill"! uraTkeT opcneil at a eliue of i pblnts for August, lint th tone ffas ste.-fal v with other nuinths, aui active deliveries sohl 1 to 'Jfpoiiirs over last night's (rinsing tigure :. 'lurrng the ir-a-rry- -t-rntrmj ARE PREPARING FOra THE BANDITS Kl I'nso, ":t JulV 2. Ann-riciin military aulhoii les today took steps tn forestall a-iv at nipts by illi to agn.'.i rai.l the Iiig Heal! .lisrl'.'t. Oi-.TaTs, w issiieit tor tlm 'tiftli Massachusetts i rt -faiitry to iiuive 1 ii,t the Ojinga and lininuillas distriJ ts. NORFOLK GUARD AGl Norfolk, Va.J LNST DISEASE y 1. Tiico'iiing pas. e ex;atia,'-l by the neat with a view to ison with infantile sengcr steamers C'itv health depsr' irevenimg .any p. paralysis, or any g tenilg the city. T lieon a case of the rin carrier, fi on en date there has not IVrase in the city. ainf the health auti irities are a loptang piri'i'iit i ve omasa res i Here ii;. i.een no i !ise of the disease in .x on oik since ir.g vears ago, when there vvvr several. , ..LW-RUDDE - ; 1 . r-y-1 X HEAVY Oil FUEL .. . : ., :t jjTF ! ' AUBfi''!C .-'STORAGE".";" '. " ; ; , j - AM E H I CAM STEAM E R C APTsl STRUCK M il I.I am I 1 1 'J l!v II,,- : im :.,l. .1 1',.,.k. .lulv II'.. 3tM.,Wrlv an "st ani I': l.ip l io-hlsliell f roui Now . Ilj leans, to lionloaiix, with a cajjjjo of' oil, struck a miitc-on Monilay li-ftt ami was Icti-lly ..l.'iniai.M'.1., She, has .Itftpt ;!a!loii,'until slieciiloi-eil t In inoiltlfif the dir Hole hire shii-s lieing li(itori". SC1DNS Or SGCIETY . I. MILITIA Oil BOROEj New . Vni k,,; Jniy 1.'. ' The !!.. r df iiulkikm's a i islucyity ufw-ujl t U-ami o cicty went to Die luiiiler In 1'ncle ham khaki, . Tie'' ranks reeiuient after re"iinen; if ttie New. Yoi k iii.s isiou 'of the nation.; al guar'l is Yfiore tloin lilierally sprink. leii with tjiO si ions of fainous.New Y'ork families. Among the.e -nines of uoriiiliern oi ! he.ynct i opolU ' leailiiio families: a i i' sm h, fainihai cues as lliisiailier Jlen-tn-PJS-tKt-L. pvist;- of -the 'first T,ri-; ea'lc aii'l a sun of an xx-(,Ioernor of l.'llo.le lsl;:!..:: ( 'ijl.Hirl t V-riiel i lis A'aie leii.ill ol I oinpany .,(.!, twell'th reej -'"i-lil : ('..llieial lion; Ihivlh tt Si in,. A. soua. on A, MHfoT-Ili.1 'l.'i'vrl I r. ui Mrs.: Ilenry A. Stimvon ami hns i iii! of tHii . former .Miss IsalielleMe- )';ft;i"i' tf I;ti4-.i. Kiirr',- 1 II.'; N'rrrinan W iieam. privn'e in sijiia.lron A ami sou u' !! t,',r. Noiuian 11. Keaui, t 'ii.m whrjr. i,,. inlip. Ite.'l an rnrniui(s i'ortiuie aiul nm'ial posit ion. . , "I'ln ie hiis for many years linen t ho a I mespliere . of r e! us'i ve chl Iclolii .such as il'.'it'aelei i.i'.s -the socie.fv men's chilis ill- Manhattan, almnt siiia.ran A '.ol' Ma'ihaltiin, s?piailroii of llrookh'ii. 1 he liisl arninte.! motor hatlety ami se-. eia! companies of the tvveltth. seventh an f se enl 0ii; st re" i men t -i. Hasty re i-eci u i) i ng hen. I'licle 'S'inii' iii I In i the militia to the l.orilcr, of course, threw vi.le these exclusive ranks to all phyil i'allv ami nientally fit comrvs. -liut'u. ,1. Ti iinlilc, sou iif the Jate Amerii-an I'munl. tieneral; tit Milan, lames M. Ti iml.le, ami prospect i ve In h nl' Miss i in. i frrp Uooliev of llonsfioi, . Tc., lu'longs to trooi Itrook ly'ii n troop II is William K. SlH-pliei-Jr.', nephew of M rs. ,1'ui ne! ius Vai l, rl.ilt. - ' I ii 'troop U are:" V ' Tni;.ier I'ltcr Cooper P.ryce. son (r ilcneral Lloyd . Hpyeo ami grcutgrnml son of 1'ul ei ( 'miper : "Kwiiig It. I'hilliin, son of Justice ami M si. .ICugene A. Phil hiii; William Jay Nohicffeiiu. Jr., son uf Mr. 'ii ii-) Mrs. Jay SchielTeliu, great graiolsuii of Alio late William )l. Vaii lerliilt anil a cousin og Lieutenant ''ol iinel ( 'oriii'lins Vamlei'liilt, ami Caru"l; ins W, Wickershani, a relative of Mr, (ieorge Wickershani. , " - Troop (', Si'coi'iil T.ieiitenant Woilniati tlihler, who niarricil the ilaughtcr nf M r. . Louis Tiffany, " J-'r ', "., , - iiifT7r,. Leslie (.ii on, who ane w i . , i t. known artists here ami in I an'.'- Troop I,Jlugh M. Cotton, smi of "Nfr. REPORTS STORM IN CARRIBEAN SEA -Washing! i July l'.i bureau report's' todav si.'i.c iu.iiea! bur of a disturbance in the i-xtrcme eastern t'arribeau sea. (By Assccisted Presy.) -tlickory, July l'J. A- special receiv ed here from Lenoir, N. (., stated that Calvin Ci wles. aged -.'In, killed' himself j at I'atteison yesterday by slashing hisi throat with a razor ami shunting him self In thf h.ei.l A itboil.rh lt l.l't iToTe SaySTfgl ' lie cou,, not stand it anv longer." relatives are unable to as sign any cause for the deed. Cowles was a member of a prominent family. CALVIfJ CQ1ES KILLS SELF WITH RAZOR liS SAYS X c " BOYS DQIH& FINE Vn InieresCn'jr Leltei F-iom Cap!. Piiul Jones Tells ol Men In Camp PLLYH OF i-(H)l) NOW The( C'pi mii Wriles1h.tt Hef linn", S'Jire II ie H.p ronir I:Tea ol the" En campment and Conditions Tin le tis 2') Mm Ml'. !..itr.r; I t lliiitone of our Creo le IciVk hn'uc llnvv -rocei eif-n v.-rotig m '"in re . .'.'ii i ,, . 'l i,,, ,..,ii ii j 1 iliii i r thinijs lit ( uinjv (.'!..)) up" While i.l.i'irin;; the (ir. f:feV .leys' 1 here :ll I iei w't ', e incom en !e::cc...;" V, t ;it this'tilue, i'yciy- Ihill;; is ill spieniliil shai.e -r,ml 'Mie'mi n are all saiisee.l aiul leceiviiig (lie ery Lest of lic;inicMl.,.. 'rfic ru tii ui's ar.i.plroi. lil'ul liu-l .1,,'t.i cookc.l. :i'li.. ivater 'is pure. i'The .fezes j.i-e l et'i-eshilig, aol the 1 H-iiui f i ir an encampinent is iileal. I hae hea i-1 mai. ;.. , v.lo l:i:ow,.say, no atii'e in tic i !.V.jik.ijJi5j'1t. r one. Sick ness is aim..-! unknown, ilue to tic splemliil sni,'t'..'uy comtit inis. 1 hear im cauiiiplaivitsV . I ilo't 'f t hink there is . any man , or -.'iiui,'! u.j vhoLase- sin hi-n'iiee. e 1 hcniseU'es a;iv fear. Thc.'l ;.ivoi iiiii it-U i . liking o il for the "sol Ho-' ,.. - , ;t,- . ,1 eo .s-i.ierati e, ;, . Afi.-r. the .r.'eii.a nl i are Util-stelA-il in, -Ii-.. v iv.i Oil lias ii.. en uiaile l.y tin-. Vv'.'ii-' Ivpnrtinont to' give ' ilis- ilil'S af Inline iti pe.ifl.'iH tp.no 'I'eni. M ' eol'IpailV :-! ;!h a.;. ;s ;lho;( r-, I'., ,,, Hring it up te u inimuin v.tr strength, f iiope the ,eopl,. of (focky loliHt' V. ill assist urn irr");i rt tug (Jic i n i in I nun'. her. I ' leave . ,T'ie i lav or 1 '! inrut li, MoekiifjM -IVrrVi ('ol !;:i:l,ia' ami Ci isvillc lor T.'eruils. I v.iil also isit Wel-loit ami Roanoke Paphls. :-'-".' 1 wish In sa' .to those at Iioimc v'ho have sons, I ., ro' hes i-ir frieu-ls at t'aiup ''h tiu, mil to lie'- uneasy or a!'i:aiil. 1! eiy iioil v is .hiing well anil I'. oui all repoils n ylioily is getfilig I'lild-r am! ;o!l'.er every'", lay. I-sinu new llnit'oruis will he issimil .'on! The lm s arc. lucking forv, a r -1 to I his wjt Ii inueh i n t -n :,l . , u ;. t king ,i on can 1I0 for the -'sol iliev Imys" i!ifie--rtreat I s -iipiirjcgai.i:!.k-I'vi'i.v one ot' tne iiiinii nml I ii of vou I ejv.e -ny personal ii I l ent ion to. e.'u h ami your sympathy aiul "support. Most' r. sp, , t failv. . CA!T. PAIL Ji INKS. I'anip filciin, ."('., .lulv 1 I, PU'i. BOY SCOUTS TO GIVE A LAI FETE 09 THURSDAY ''The I'ourlh 'fioop' - itov. - Scnlits :' of ifockv Mount ....hi.-h has I n !at"!i eaiiiil with Mr. T. C. ' Kio.-. !an. as Si-nut Masfc-r. is busy pt epa r i n g f or a h.wii fete im. ice cream supper to be held next . Kri.ia v night, July I P1i at i... n ... i.?;. ... . .i . ' . i -e i,e i 1 1 a.'jpia i i i-i s oi i lie .ii-oii'i I inn I near I lie .pun MDg stilt ioh. TTH" rrtTT ...Ills in. v. ,. nr. Or troops ot the ii .v Scouts a ''r jjiing a helping haaj tn this rITort the object of Which i.S t'l serte S 1 1 ttlc i i ' ll t flilOIS for the boys . uni f oi uis. A number of cars have kindly been loaned to ti.k. their patrons to and from the lawn f.-te, while many of the younger folks inay-.hav the pleasure of irslia i . 1 . ui.. in. Tire band w i il sbc . irt, '..hnnd, a ml a r rangments -;ire being made for electric lirhtio H l , 1 The boys tire doing some lively adver tising, which will include an exhibition of Scout Pictures at the soft drink bo..th of the Second. "Troop -on the Tillcry lot ad ioiiiii g liraswell Park tui in :t Thursday night. 4 PRAYER MEETING iV rRETEYT -HURCII Wev. R. K. V ,. ftfiylX if . ., address the audieuv- r niett- ... ... ii.. t,,si.,. , - 1 n nt ,s o'clock. AC's, vj. . hnme misisou bt - n Jv mect-" Land. f .r , . t f ting tl j niont the th- be on R! ENGAGED III HEAVY FIGHTifIG - (l.y As'-oriated l'rc:.a.) ( hihualiiia t'ily,: N.M., .Inly ' 1:.', M' :'.'l V li';lililu- bTji'i .'o. ;i'.i'hs' iief c I he rlr ('.Tcl o' go v, U' II ill e ii t rt i'lii .1 "iiTi. l l:..(v:e force of illa l.aiotits a lew miles lirimv" I'.irrel. accerililig lo TllSj l:iclii re.eiveil. -to. lav hv l.'encial Trevino; ... FIRS IKEN E fin . "'lie iirsi''si"p iii t he oceupn iiity of the huii.is.iuiejtf,iSMl ail,iii.in. to the Mu nicipal. k-nhj-Hi.; pi o IilinrT-TrTTTiTv ftrrtr up, lire ijiuiileis ami L - - i I tuv.i'!' xicenrr'... csierilay v.hen local nu.ijiini.ts loo', oil I Iv .general alarm hell t'l om. it s fo uii i '(.. .iliou on a Cil-i;.)l steel tovvie- to the brick 1 'H-'e.' tmiii. fan- it,. IVomiufy upon the.. removal of the MmH .! o . it -i' m-w ami mon. stahlc local ion, M r. 10. 1 ). Allen, si ;t a. at snp. r i utnnlei.') of pul.li" work's 'icul stjrci iali.eiieat TT-I he tire, alai in system Logan the" w orlv'.f instiillini; the alarm riiigiiig -li ice aiul connect iiig the same 1 1 " ., ,.fThc new pinrlris .of the ilcpart uient pro.-i.h.s a ro. in, especially ilesiglii'ii.for this purpose ami v.hi. h will contain the l.alh'i'ies, sv. itehliiianl ami in fact (In- '.i .'i .j .' o r. I .1 oi .i.'o Hal lerics lis 'they have been in:pnsit ion in the room ..e the siiitfiea'd: corner of tin' building. 1 '' hf new Inl-utiiin-trni tinmny..l, '.l. u"ii -be belter litted out than at any lini" in I he' paAT aid i! i:; expoi ti'd lo e -i". mi h i f , i; : , ice . 1 hall hei'i t o lo.'c. The. ilniieaJuJ" boarij und inside alarm bell will rrirurin-'nii the lirst tloOr of tin.' lire house near (lie apparatus. On t.lir sccoml llooi:tlTei'j i? tolie loca ! e.l ,slorage baf ! erics mid sw it chining Is a Inngcwit h the alaini bull for all of the t'tciueu who occupy dormitory rooms white in the turn lyw ill In', placed ,t lie mechanical ring'ijg' device. These in the past ha', e iio!grve:i the best of service due to ;: budi of wliiblc Slljiport (lit t Irr l iio. iug fowcr. . 'I'l,e1i!.l steel flffhte lower ill piob nbiV' i.e taken down wiihin the next ten .ras or two weeks. It is understood that the Nortli L'ocky Mount lircdepail ami I iias bulged ;i reipii-sl that the steel c-t over to Uiein Io. use oi-k ,- M on a t ,!i re hiiuso, ll 111. mill GODWIN' THINKS CARR IS GOING TO WIN OUT Lit tM'iie I e1 ev II ite lis Or1 lnillv Jlaiic X)p ' Will Evanttta'ljr Ge -T'iro!i.l!''-Carr Indorse:!. Wasliingluu, uly 12.--Ilet wceu l'."! and oil letters bearing an where fiom live to '.) signal iires iiidoi sing .1.-1). (,','irr, nt' Wilniingtiut. fur dtsjiicl . iittoriie', were filed with Attorney llencial (ire g.ny last night by President Wils-n. Tin: letters liillic over to the i fopa it me 1. 1 of justice in one bundle. The-t arr let teis were the only ones ri,'i;eived at the VVI.iln 1 1 rrrronr-rtie-Me) ilii'Ti f rjus t 'o-r, so far for-n-rrv-Faiii'liilMte for the da.s..' . - ' ' 'Y'U can quote me as"s!iving. " said b'epl e-cntati e (iodwin, " that I now l.rlieve that Mr. Carr will be name I dis trict attorney. I ilo not know this.. to !.r a fa.t. Hut 1 think that will me the u in initio ""'''j'1" f -t he controversy.'' ttH nfrrp Indorse- mnits sent in tor Mr, Carr there are seme ;pe. pie who stil) think the slate as originally planm-d will be carried out. That is, Collector .7.-W-. Purtley of b'aleigh, will be noble ilistrict nttoriiev Marshal Moitch of (ieblsboro, appoint ed s-ol led or to succeed P.ailey; and Joi Tavloe. i-lerk tli the tinance coinmittre, sriit dnwii to tU- State to succeed Mai slinL Jti'rtch.. )tut - using i'onitnon, or.liuary, J.orse sense, it - is rmi seen how this, can 1 ie .bine. - Had not the people got busy for Carr "there is not the slightest doubt (hat the above mentioned plan 'would have been carried out. There is little doubt that there would haye l;eejinioij. TTiti. swT.pp.ng torn Hut tii view of tne fact that practically- everv law ver in Jhe State' fas 'indorsed Mr. Carr . nod not a single one so far ns.. anyone hi r-ha-"beta able to' learif, has sai 1 a win 1 1 to,- ',fr. Iiailev, it is kind of pn.-liiig, to figifre out how the powers that be j wnl liv-sv-in other wor.la nei I if nm .... with yiw people down in the State; The' outiVme i iieuig watchiul with interest I by aro'-'iians herecs well as down VILLAAMD CARRANZA MRS rsEPif H1160TH I EE JULIA CARTER F AT Hv the Ass... intr.l 1'n-KH. . l.'.iicigh. July IJ. Mrs. Julia ('art iif J'';l vt I ov i !i ii ml n patient at tin .-.laiJJ. iiosiiiiui. inr rue insane, was fnumt Ueaif iniiej' rouin this inoniin Mr. Alhert' A inlcrsoH, superiiitciulent of the hospital, lias askeil permission foi an uiitopsv, .1 ause i.if Airs. liter s ili'ath li.'ul not I u (hMoriniiicil. tliis aft ernoon. :' ' ' .' " " ---;-'-.-- Ei TO MEET P Chicago July 1L'.--Here's your chance tu meet ,voer favorite movie actor on tin- hoot. I he exposition ol tin' Sixth annual convenliuii in producers, actor linl ai tonnes ot the screen ojiened i the t'ldiseiioi herextodav. I he convention the business part of Jie meet ini.1 --closeil venlerdav. 1 he ex position will continue until July 1H, 1 he .movie mens exposition is to be given .over to tlie public mid ftio pule lie's favorite stars, Your favorite-- whether . itiishnian, Pickford, Chaplif, liavne, Slewartf Clark. )aw n, or imvoni ill be In li cet Mill ill the lb sh. Tiu players, will- iose 'and 'Hour pic tun's Will b' shown jut M'e'olisojun "tTilliin yT' TiiSi rs niier taking. 1'ivery bndy is goillg to dance: public, star-. iioilncers, exhibitnrSj all. lOxki'iitois .w ilt get acquainted with producers, .the iiiibiic will meet its stars; in fact, it is going to biSSfre;i gef together inretiitg Inr those of, by or for niorton pictures,. Kaoh day. the crowd will he taken to some Inotiou picture plant. An oroanieil elfoit.to oust. or at lem-! slaiiiliinlize the nmving picture censor, was planned at the convent ion. The league plans to show why -it is thn tin' "censors are tending b put Hie nio iug iictui(. prodilceiH out of bus il s.' ' '" "There was n singli! mtioital censor oyer all product inns, cnml it buis w ould mil In:. so bad." a motion picture inaki-r said tndav,' although f do not enu -aiu l o n a national supervisor. I lie war il is now everybody censors us. Tl-ere is- a municipal supervisor, district sii.iMvis.ii of every si.c and descrie tioii ,'nol by.thc time they get through chopping out pi olui-t ions we haycil't an vt liing bit. "We are jigainst censorship in every form bi'cauxft we don't think we need it nvmoie tlniithc theatre or the news paper needs to be censored.' t. . RETURN FROM VISIT TO CMP GLENN r i . .Mrs.-W. ir. Ili.nif, aiol el.it ilrn, (;rah;iffl'E?Tnr1 MarTrt-ct. r tiiriul ta--T 1 1 1 ' i r t ) 'im AlrreJeail it vt w here tln-v itavc lieca soeiitlitiy tlie week rati at l uxXiXiiuXXtXU A ' al on a loief visit lu ilr.."W,'II- iIon4'-r .1 r,, who imi i,'i'ttii"'i ai t Tie aiTenHHi ' nTiipwiiv in Ine'Tinnl Ndi tti arrjliea n ntu-'tt nnv e.,."Mrpe-l th re. Mr. W. II. Jlonie, .Ir., tiiouli a resident of thin fity. stone Ivvn ".('; t a lto Leea-iue a inf-nler if tJn'-War reit.joi raiMany of fiirh hin unci, Mr VV'H Hi. i im ;il iit and licit t tiv sidr'iit V v ;.t)ljL:JlS'jX-X-Uu hiJ i .a I'um. Mr. lit r-ie iit'fiM'diatelv repttrtefl tu his eitinniaiid at V;,rriMiton. H" hee:ine:tf lied u ifh tii' i-'iio!iiiv white at trading WprriMitnn llih sehnnt. " J ASSOCIATED PRESS HEAD GOEST OF ROTARY CLUB , .'a)iah, July )2, Melville E. Stone, (if New .Vni k, general -manager of the Asso.-iaTid Press was ti.e guest of lien or bore" today at a luncheon givvn by tiie liotary 'club. 1 5irrs a I tei iioi il VT. s-rone w ent -to T)ui ham .where .tonight -lie will address the' members of the North Carolina Press association in annual eonventlon in that city. ( HOSPTAL MOVIE FAVORITE HOO Infantile Paralysis Epidemic Takes Turn for the Belter 17 DEATHS IS TOLL FOR THE PAST 21 - HOURS Worst Heat Wave of Season Prevails in New York City But Disease Seems to Be Taking on a Turn For Be t- - t cr 1 (2 New Cases." l!,y tin.,' AsMi. iiO... I'rcus, . ; " , ; , "i ork Jnlv I.'.r-llespite the worst hea! UHvii ol the season, the epidemic ol inlanlile paralysis took n turn for he belter tiiilnijJjroilg'Ltlii" -t koii-s p,rccedino morning only cevi'iitreit ii,.,il .ft.a : , ase were reported in New York Citt.! Ii2 new cases. .' ' "V I hal the genu of the disease lia dually discovered livii New York p . 'uni va asserled today in flur offices the Hoard. 'of Health. The name of t phvsieian was withheld but it WCS ciallv staleil that, nfler discovering tin germ the phvs'riuu had nut been u)tij to levi loji onio viriib'iit " eultureu.'?.. of .. ' he pa r.'tlysis, TlOflS SHOW DECIDED IMPHDVEMENT Altlinuli H'mmI ootiijjt luiiK in thu mortt Mm i tl I II-1 H whKl WIT,' III TtRrtTTll 1 Ilic tr'tiic;il hurric;niM hliownl (U'cid 1 Diii'iovrini'iit tolu v,' tlit. m it.'i! iun in veM.rjil A L'llnna ccnhnni-M' ftir mux. Tito , htltarti river rmiliniU'H to rim, und unuy. li-y4 f th ijiiji'rilUui, lirlicf workiTH W4'r( dniit tlic'ir itt- nmsi f HiH-4(r iiuirodinM families. Tt0 Jd'conn-i'iit, 1 1 r k Altiittima left : Ht'hnu Huh HMifiunu Inr i'Mi'tluriii with u t'uro ( pru iH!nnfi ii nt 1 ,jUii;r HUj Iich for I'0 . 'rsoii'i v, Itfi iYv tc!nif'liltl iiuiroonr(J there on toj-H uf uniitll hills.' Tlii.i niti juii: the riv er -wan onlv two-li'iuhu iielovv !km stnut I'lte Mt t tin 1 in Htnithwentevn Georgia is iimu'Ii iiii)niveil. A'l tllV rivers wi - liii' !intl it J iiirther lHr,inie r-'trotft "I oihrr I'l-dpt ! w;is hoiu'vni to he t i ..lolule, I ei'Niu ola tml othpr iMiintH- HhinjjC t In? K"' were, recuvii jji f IiHi'k tlie fiijiMt laHi" VediM(iay mue s i!!i:i!(iius,i wji e.'iiiH'Mi Uy a weather bu reau report Unit another liNtiirhatei 'i,i'f lierij nltserved in the extreme ra.'it tii .-:i?t e ii part ot the (.-arribeaii ea. I lu re were (hi ulienl i.oftH of the ff , in i irt'chon uf 1 h IK t hst lI' li.'llK-f in VA -veatlter Imreau reporlH. 10 settle. - Wa: -hington, July 12. A conimunii lion from Mexico City leaching t Mexuaii aiiib.assador here today is r ..rst"ed to contain instructions: as. the form of negotiations. . by whiel' -4eri te sc(44r-me H t-n be t wee ti Vnv .stjitrs ami Mexico will be undertaK; , Tin' acoassador made an engageint for a conference with act ing" beifrel VorTi "(if the Ftate Depart ineiit. ' ' f After a talli-wilh; iictiiig Sccrnv, Polk, the ambassador said details.!, t he. propisod negotiation h'ad not bi'cu set: ted but that he expected to lnbli In i i..l.v an .iiii.oiiui i iiii iil uithirra fevr" .bus. STOCK MARKET 2 Ry the An.oriated Pres.. New Yirk, July 12. Pressure -peeil stocks was renewed 4n- t ' cuing of today's market with offsetting gains. Shipping shan again singled out for liquidatic ed Kniit soon hist 4 l-S point mobile issues also suffered t preoiation. (ieneral Motors lo with a more moderate r Studebaker, Willys-OverTa " well. General Chemical a to yesterday's loss of 6 p leans were heavy with i Sugars F COi v.-

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