VOL. IX. NO..'35. - ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 13, 1916. PRICE: FIVE CE!,i ;i 7v - if: I MAN EATING SHARK CAUSING TERROR OfJ NEW JERSEY COAST ' ill 1 Hundreds of Men Hunting: in Launches for the : Alan-Eater TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY BELIEVED, DEVOURED Reach Bathing, Along" ." the 1 New Jersey Shore Virtual- ly Suspendcd-i-Coney- Is land Also Precaution of the Shark. ' (By AsiorUted ttu.)" i: Matswa, N. J , July IM.Hundroils of men in row boats and launches Averc b i n 1 1 r i c: today for the man-eating gbark thiil yesterday killed a hoy and a maji and dangcroiily Injured another youth in Matnwn ('reck and caused a. reign of terror nil along tlui New Jersey7 const. It was reported this morning that an other man named Baldwin was attacked mid killed by a shark ii) t'aport, N. J., in the month of the crock. The body of Lester Stillwell, twelve years old, has nut lieen recovered and it is believed the uli.wk devoured the lad. William Stanly Poster, twenty-four veins old, who wan attacked JiV the "lmrkvvlieinie tried To rescue the fttilf well boy died upon reaching tlic;shore. JhciIi Dunn, ten ycais old, whs in a precarious condition today and it was said the injuries he received from the shark in iht prove fatal. T r The scare that has been felt aloii( the Jew .Jersey hliore mainly in sunimer re sorts since tho first shark raul on bath- ni -luis , vutiuUiy susptnidvd- liU.-L'd. b.ji'hiiijr. Kvcn at Coney Island every jtvecauiioii was tHKen aainsi ine.visii of tKo shark. The tragedy is todav all -i tlm inofr-tltnTthnit tieemisc" lt'iivcufrc(t in water It! miles trom the ocean. Matawa creek is a tide, water stream nlmiit .")" feet wide anil to lf feet jjeepjjQyyjjs meet WITH ...hihI emitties into lite Karilan nav. I The shark to ct there from the At lautic ocean liail to round Handv Hook 4'niss through the lower bav info the K.'intan Mav in the south and round Maten Tslanil The lirst person to see the shark was I aptain Thoiiuis H. oltrell, ot ( nvport as he started up the creeK about noon Kiltv of mure iei'sutis .were bathing th captain said, ami he" - wariuMl t-hem About the same tifnc a number of men on a drawbridge saw the shark, Captain 'uUrcll hurried up the creek ill a motor lioal to warn the hat hers most of whom left the water linmctliatolv. Tbe other ignored the warning because thev Hid not beluve an attack bv a shark proba Me lfi miles trom the open sea. Four persons have been killed bv man ent mg shnrk and two maimed along the New Jersey coast during the last ten davs TWO ieRSON VICTIMS OF MAN-EATING SHARK Boy and Man Who Went to His Aid Killed by the Sea Monster. No Trace of Boy round. Matawan, N.-J. July 13. Lester Htil well, 12 years old, was killed by a man eating shark while, bathing in an arm of Karitan bay near here yesterday af ternoon. Stanley Fisher, 24 years old who weut to Ins aid, was so badlv in iured 'in a struggle wrfn the sea mon ster- that he died while being taken to a Long Branch hospital. Josoph J'unn, 12 years old, bathing some dis. tanco wv in the same inlet, was at tacked by a shark nd one of his legs was ;ao lHrcerat"d it probably will have to be amputated. iT'tV. is the third time within two " I ffhat sharks have claimed the V v n 1 1,1 1 ' mimiih 1 ill: .i-w dfiorv V , .pTiarlcB E. Van Hant, a voutn of ' I Ilphia, was killed by one off rineii, ix. ti.f un ,iuiv v narien ? -JyjfTprTng Lake, . J., was at- , both his legs taken off bv . " 1 p I' July. 6.. He died while be- jtiTi-tf ashore. , A dozen or more boys, who also were bathing in the inlet, heard Stillwell s anis for help. Fisher, who was stand ing on the bank, went to the rescue. He had gone onlv a few feet when the shark renewed the attack. Burdened as he Was Fisher was helpless and the shark snapped off his leg. r isher re leased his hold on tSfiTlwell and hTm- r.flf sank beneath the surface, uncon- scions. Heedless of the danger another boy i'praug into the inlet and drsgged Fish er out. No trace of ral jn'tillwell was fmind and it is believed he was de voured ly the shark, . The nunii boy, according to persons who were standing on the bank of the inlet; also were attacked soon after go ing into the water. An elder brother and another boy went to his rescue. They sneeeeded fn driving-off ttimhark.T but Hot nntil after the younger Plum's leg l:ul be. torn almost to shreds from the Jj.nee down. He is expected to rc- cov -. ' . E OITOR BRITTOW HEADS PRESS ASSO Morchcad , City Selected as ' the 1917 Convention i . City . TO ADJOURN TONIGHT Wmiam G. Shei)hard, War Correspondent of Ameri- il5?n ??s Association Will t Address the Editors at Tonight's Session. ' ; '. t th(! iiurM Ptm. Purhnni, July Kt. Kilwar E. Brit- to of the Kalciifli News and ObsVirve'r. was ...elected pnmidmit today; of the North Carolina Press association, fend Morehead rity wae selected 03 the 1017 convention ity. - Othr officers elected were; Sanford Kurtin of Winston-Salem, , first vlee-jiresldent; . Bobert T. Beasley. of Monroe, second vice-president ; V. W. Whitehead5 of Wilminff ton, third vice-president; J. B. Sherrill of Concord,, accrotary ; tL Sherman of Raleigh, historian;' Henry Gait Brax ton of Mnstnn, orator, and William Jauriu Hill, Maxton, poet. The execti- 1 1 v e com mt rteo rna- le-elt'ctedi-'rTh w couvention will adjourn tonight after hearing an address by William . 0. Shephard, war correspondent of the American t'ress association. HUGHES PEACE BENCH 'TWMh-S.Tufynrhit7r-rtHrTk'e tinted (States District Juilge of t.'leve land, Ohio, Was understood today to be the irobnt)le choice ot . President v 11 lt-J0lt.the.jU!t-H--4l--iireni (nrrt made vacant bv the resignation of form er.ludge Hughes. -- MRS. WXLLIFORD On Wednesday inornlng jirs. William ii.ii torn entertamet tno .louaus at one of the most eiijcyalile card parties of the season. At the close of the game several of the guests were fiind to hold very high scores, Miss Mary Mason sur passing the others by a slight majority. The Jonah, assisted .by. Miss Helen Horsby, then served refreshments in t ho courses. , Those present', wore Misses Frances Scott; Genevieve (iriflin, Alice Dawson, Htith Dawson, Lucile Kose, Mary Ma son, Mary Smith, Chloe I'ooper, Annie Sorsbv, Annie 1L Wilkinson, Margaret Dauglitridge and Mrs. II. L.'Kose... ELKS IN BIE STREET J Baltimore, July '.- The big event of the (irnnd Lodge of Klks wiw the street paraile today in which many. thousands of the mambors of the order inarched to the muf '.e of thirtv live bnndn. Floats ancl- spectacular designs abounded in the demonst'ral ion. The final sosjjfon of the (irand Lodge will be held thif afternoon. COTTON MARKET t 1 By the Asswiated Fres New: iVork, July LI. Cotton futures opened 4teady. July, no cpiotation, Oc tober, la "IS; December, 13.13; January, 13.li; March. 13.35. The ftton market was very quiet earlv. t.lav"and the opening -was 4 to points 1 higher on scattered covering after sollling at 12.9H on the call. Octo ber easCii off to 12.i5, while December declined I o 13.11, with the general .list liohling iuVioiit 2 to 4 points net higher toward th e middle of the morning. :"a STiOCK MARKET New, Td rk. July 13.-2-Further ten e displayed by special stocks opening, indicating a cessn- deuces m I toda. tion tein orarilv at least of the recent (lood of Vuidatious. Industrial Alco hol soon recovered 4 -points over vester- lav's heovyliss and the shipping group was higher f-'rom 1 to almost 2 points. The wa-r grostp was represented by Cru- ible Steel. I Anirican Lcomotives was mcterially btter and Tnited States Steel was higher with Reading, Vnion PBCinV-Bnd Cl'sapeake and Ohio:, Wil- vs-Overlnnd 1 Lrrtvetl th onlv notflhle exception loy 'lg X 1-2 points despite the increase mJ extra dividends b-i CLARKE SLATED FOR PARADETODAY AT BALTIMORE nounred V ' WITH GENERAL PERSUING S EXPEDITIONARY FORCES IN MEXICO mm r- 1 -41 r LOCAL BUY IN THE I'robalily t Fit) only Ro(-Ry Mount boy who is believed to. lie on the southern border along with the detachment .of State troops is -thought to be Mr. Herbert-Parker, a son of Mrs. tJeorge. L. Parker,. of this city. Mr, Parker, who lifts for several years luen in the ser vice of the' Westinghoiise Klectrii- (,'o is a nieinber of a Pittsburgh regiment, and smre tirat unit nt ttie Mate guarils was last week culled to Kl Paso, news of his. arrival on the border is awaited with interest by many friends here. Mr. Parker happened to be in a local hos pital, away on a leave f absence oi fic yount of sickness when lie learned of the President's call. 1.1? inifno'di'iit.ely wired his comnjnnd as to the lime that he would bo discharged from the hns- pital acre and Ii reported at t uts bargain time to move to the cf'iicim twira en nip with the .regiment. BRANCH DEMOCTRATIC HEADQUARTERS Chairman McCormick in the City Mat ing Preliminary Arrangements . For Chicago Branch. Chicago. July 1.3. Vance McCormic k chairman of the Democratic national timmittee, was here today conferring with jiarty leaders and making prelim inary arrangements for opening branch national campaign headquarters in, Chi cago about August 1. He left for New lorV. late in the afternoon. v.." Chairman Mc(!orniick said lie expect ed to announce the Democratic nation nl campaign committee of either twelve or fifteen members within a tew davs ud lli.'t meetiiig would tnen be held to arrange for opening the branch cam paign headipiart'rs here and in San rraneisi'o or some older. tar western city. ' It is sunt inat in nm k mHni me cant paign committee, the Progressives will be given - recognition. ' DISTRESS SIGNAL SAYS RAMOS IS SINKING Messages Picker Up By Steamer Hog- endory. Which Goes in Search for Steamer in Distress. New York. Julv 13. 'T)istress signals from the steamship Kamos, reporting that her engines were disabled an. I fhnt she was sinking 31(1 miles. northwest of Watlings Osland, were picked up lit .20 a. m. veter'tay liv Itie steainslup an Hogentlorp aud relayed to flic Marconi wireless station ot .Miami r In., tne ilar- eoni eoinpany nnounced. The Kamos is a .New ork and Por to Rico Conifliiv vessel of r3N tons net which sailed from Pl.iiadeljUiia on July 9 fn "repo of Cartegena. The Van Hogendorp orted at ; p. m. Ihhnshe had ar- riv at the last position given by the Raines and had heen unable to locate the ship but Was continuing the search . ... I'Tm'f yy ir'5-- 'vll I " SERVICE ONTHE WORK OROEREO ... ': - . ' .' . DnDnru DUI1ULI1- in thick weather. mi Scouting party returning to camp; Chinese pie man ma king MUCH STREET Orders of CityAldcrmen to CaH for Big Expenditure For the Streets MUCH IN SIDEWALKS The Matter" of Falls Roads Gives Some Concern and From Ten to Twenty Thousand May Re Spent There. 1 lietwecn $1."i,OIMI and J3 ,000 in streid inipriiveinentss are now being made in tltis city, or. have been ordered by the aldermen 'and the slate includes a press ing of work though it may he -early in the coining year before it is completed The vork is in all probability lo bo completed iiHts' entirety byjlie city en gineers mid about out' third .of the work is for concrete sidewalks approximately l,1 M Unci foot of whii-lr is no win -pen-cress tit liuibling or. has been tirdered coiistruilc'd 'J'he-const met inn anew of Falls road from. Thomas street to the Rocky Mount Mils at the most 'consei' vative t-itiinnte will cntt .'flL'.iilul All tif this is in evcess td' the approximate .f I. ".II, t II II i that has given this, city as good streets as any the state.. " "'- ..At a meeting of the board of alder men held soi.ne weeks agojthcre was or tiered nhoiit l!,4l)( lineal feet of paving for Arlington street, l-lastern avenue anil llniiiiuiiiid r.trei't, the totTrr-ciist of 'Vt hieh was'abniit .f 1 ,L't lt. Later there followed a second order ami two sides of Thomas street for one block counts SOI) lineal feet, Ma dison street one-half that mm. nut Hiii- street clainn StlO feet, South ( Inir.-li 1,11(1(1 feet ami on - Wash total of :i,(HI liilcal feet of paving ington -and Battle utrcet -7(10 feet or a which should cost about; $2;(I0ii. . The big item f'r street work and for which there' may be made a bond issue by the bnan'l of aldermen under the gen eral act i stha tof a rcbiiildingof Falls iioad for about one bile between Thomas street and the city limits line at the North Kiickv Mount Pire Department. Tlic'i'Ti"? r uf 1 hii7 A oTirVoubl IiaidlvTic cs tiniated at less than 41J,0li(i, while-n much larger sum will be expended if the street is put into the same condition as the hitulithie umA.asplialt streets of the t-it. K instou, July 13. A rabid cow on the place of t. C. W'Sfy'ld, near here, was a barnyard a fo ra series ot' '.,,ako i ca...i .V.Y' ' 4 v. , k ami rcspousimc oug the animals lUHia '!-- ' 1 HI Id killed her. w lien coiij 4 -1 1 : f neu m cha as suffering from hyde up The oM The Kourt'i diseovere- edlhe animal chase chickens. e has not beeri' Uevcd a rnbui cow was fi- j.,.. . V! sales to U. S. troops. EIRE PROTECTION IS FURNISHED BY HMNfi Fire protection for tho major part of Rocky Mount during the past three days has been '-in tho hands -of the officers of the local ''department aiitl the Gibson Hill and North Ttoeky Mount depart ments. The average layman had no knowledge of the fact that the man that wanted to call the firemen did it in just the same way as always, that of "pulling the box.'' Thd alarm was sounded all right but only on the indi cator of the central station as the re moval tjr the general alarm boll from the oltl steel tower to the new brick tower lias required the greater part of Tuesday and Wednesday. During this time the calls for the departments were to be attended by the officers of the company in Whose room there are alarm bells and then there would have been sent a call for the North Rocky Mount and (iibson Hilt tleHtrtrnent. . That was overcome late ' yesterday when the hand' rope , connections were made and the contra department may now be curled in the usunl manner, though -it will ring from : new and -not previously tried tower. E- BLEfUP Plimpton Lake, Nf. J., July 13. One of the powder house of the Dupont Powdtvr Works near here 'Idcw upi 11.20 o 'flock today shaking the sur n.unding country. It was reported that four" persons had been killed and three injured. ' ' OBSERVATION Akron O., July IS. The Ohio nation al guard today is tne onTy Rtate militia organization equipped with an obser vation balloon ready for" Mexican ser vice. The artillery contingent, ciu mamled bv Major Harold M. Bush, has .been presented a l(10,0(0 bajloon, the jf Only one of its kind , in the Cnited 4 M ' I uu, FOUR KILLED WHEN OE HUS OHIO All 11 States, for observation purposes. I lie Wsr Department has ordered severaf like it for the regular army. The bal loon, present" 1 t.v an Ohio rubber eom- i niv, is it-., v Battery B. INFANTILE DISEASE :TI Daify Bulletin Issued at "Noon shows Slight De crease in $ew Cases REPORT 117 NEW CASES With Marked Decrease in JVumberof iNew-Cases is Shown A Decided In crease In the Number of Deaths. My the AKHQt-liitntJ Rrc. N?w - York, July 13. A slight de crease in the number or now eases ami a marked increase in the number of deaths (luring the last SA hours in the epidemic of infantile paralysis was siiown in inn uauy iiuiietin issued at noon today by tho health department. - During - the 24 - hours - preceding 10 o emeu tins morning Z4 children died from the plague and there were 117 new cases in the city. : COULD TALK SO Lorain, O., July 13. In celebration of his twenty-five, years, as a barber, Theodore Curtis today hauled out and exhibited records to prove that he has shaved 243,960 lfion, including Presi dents McKinley, Boosevelt and Taft; Senators Haniia, Quay, Beveridge and Bti. Tillman; Doc ook, Buffalo Bil, Jess Willard, Tod-'Sloan and ., Harry Thaw:; He has Cut enough hair to make eleven " mattresses- and to pad 43,562 crutches. He would H k to add Charles E. Hughes to his list. When' ft friend heard that Curtis had. stinved so many, he remarked that he didn't see how one man could talk so much " New York, July iV Kive persons were killed, one is missing and thirty others vcre injured, many seriously, to day when an ammonia tank in a Brook lyn butcher simp exploded, completely wrecking a four-stor brick building. Ho terrifiKvas the blast that scarcel a brik in the building was left standing and the victims were crushed under the tons of debris. A passing trolley ear escaped the avalanche of bricks but a dozen passengers were injured. TOURING FAMOUS PISGAII FOREST Ashcville, N. C, July 13. Delegutes to the Southern Forestry Association convention in session, here, spent yester day touring the Pisgah national forest, of nny of the on the famous Biltmore estate. No busi nations represented .was held yesterday but the sessions was. resumed toady. The delegates view, at, .first hand the re forestation work aceoinplished by the late iieorge W. Vanderbilt, most of which was 'done under the supervision of (jiftrwd Pipcljot, or I)', C. K. He he nek. TWO MOTOR CARS ON C. AND N. W. COLLIDE Onstonia, July 13, As the result of injuries received at 7 o clock yester day morning, near Collettsville, when two motor-ears operating over the rj and N. W.t railroad smashed together, three men, O. W. Litis. II. E. Cobb and fius Branch were brought here yester nay afternoon. The three men are now in a local 'hospital and it is reported that : Mr. Litx, vice-president of the Uitter Lumber company, is in a critical condition, while Branch, who has i broken leg, and Coob are also badly in jured, but their wounds are not eon' sidered fatal. "..-... The accident occurred at Colletts ville, eight miles north of Lenoir, when the two -cars going in opposite direc tions collided before the occupants could bring their cars to s stop. Litx amp Cobb were on a car owned by the lumber company, and Branch wa op: crating a car for the section foreman of the railroad. CHILD KILLED BY lLIGHTNINGJIONDAY Bad Tragedy Occurs In Anson villa Township, Anson County, During Storm.' Wadesboro, N. July 13. Mondafl morning about. 11:30 the little eight rear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-J, Thomas Hough, who lives oa the farm of Mr. Emerson Bennett, in .Alisonville township, was struck and instantly (kill ed by a bolt of lightning. The little girl with ier five-year-old brother were in a sw ing when the lightning struck a large oak near bv and was transferred to the tree in which the swing hung. The little boy nnii severely mimed and bruised, CUMH4 MUCH 1 1 1 1 FIVE PERSONS BT AMMflNT A :. I Ml 1 TANK EXPLOSION. lakeHbefoic-th but not fata itaVv. RUSSIAN ARMY IS 1H0URCMDE Czars Array Startling tl Military Writers of j England S I X GREAT rARMIE Grand Duke Nicholas' Am: Pressing Turks -Hard i --Persia and -Armenia Sc tors, Gradually Forci. Turks to Fall Back (Br Associated Frew.) London, July 13. The recovering the Russian army sines' the defeat I: year, and conditions teem to be a sour of wonder to military writers At h ; six great armies are engaged again the Austrians and Germans on Itunsii western front. Forces under Grand Duke Nicholas Armenia and JNsia have been fsgbt: vigorously agaa 7SXurI or A -few weeks aga f 4h' se i particularly those west.. -n compelled to fall back S.. ' (' of stronger Turkish armies. ; Early this week the Grand sumcd the offensive in recaptu. makhatun, 50 mijes west of 1 so that the Turks have fallen bac 25 miles from the point they re. their counter oCfenslve. - ileanwhilethCjirinics Ulrectly sou of the Pinsk marshes are lighting pitc ed battles ,' with the Anstro-Gernie forces. ' Along 4h8' lines of the 8to hod river it probably will be some da' before tho divisions hre reached as ti Germans have bought np- very stroi reinforcements., ' ; North of t"R. Pinsk marshes the figh inir is with Artillerv. ?n tralifla ti Russian armies are reforming for eo: tinuatioif of the offensive. . The Germans har aiads is slight gn which apparently has aot lesevned t1 confidence of. defense , which must- 1 penetrated before the German obje tive :Tan ;l5e. gained. The British a still -engaged in. Cfearipg the Germai from fortified positions whicn most i e general offensive c be renewed. ..... . GERMANS OBTTB -RUSSIANS BACK , tarlin. Julv 13. by way of Londo German troops have driven back tl Russian forces Which Had pusnea io ward in the region of the northweatei Buccacz in Galicia. according ts a Of man official statement issued today. TI Germans took 400 prisoners. ; THREE NEGROES LftST NIGHT Chief of Police Hedgepeth telegram this morning to be out for a negro who was . headsil this way, and whJ party of three which shorHpec. Braswell, of the A. C. L at Hill last night. Bo far the niv not been canght "' The shooting occurred on a f train just before J2 o'clock last i fipeeial Agent Braswell caught the negroes on the tria nand afterc arrest them.' They opened fire and one , shot took egect thron body near his heart. He had two with him and after he was tho emptied .both at his assailant Struck one of them, as two of t'i caught later, and one was fom shot in the arm and leg. T escaped. All three of the nc thought to be train robber names are not known. Special Agent Braswell ws to-theCoast Line hospital ; Mount last night and the atte sieians state that he stanii chance to recover unless con get in. ' ' ';; j (Sy AnocUUtt Baltimore. July 1" the. cargo of the G neutsrhland was co- the ship's rise revr mate of her sire i Instead of bclnf long aad 30 feet more than 2."0 f thaa 25 feeU BRASVJELL SHOT B DISCHARGED C GP -1 " A

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