' i vlir' - !vm t '. ' .. - Thursday, July 13?, 1916. .GE TOO THE EVENING TELEGRAM t ,. Portsmouth vs. Rocky Mount GAMES CALLED 4 P, M. ::::z::z: THUR. FRI. SAT. July 13, "14; 1 5 lTHE PUFESTERHIFIG IIItTIMW Vr-HEELSflGl Hopewell, Va.. July 13. The PuITh continuing their terrific hitting yeste ilny, connecting fur thirteen safetic and winning the liixt of tin- irnra with the Tar tieels hy a score or 10 liusBclr jiiti'lipa a mnstrriv game keeping the 'Down Homers lniiL'U'S well scattered. In the f t t ti frame he showed luir league sin IT hv Ktriking out three hatter li succession utter he hail filled t tie hnscs hv giving the first man up a walk and hitting th next two. lTi Simmons-wittj , angles hiiiI U") I hiM wit IUV o al"l triple were io I'ufTs'r ; batters. Kirchor with i-fi ii.iC l'dtlie Tar-.lUclB'ofTiit inr'l yarn i- I Oiij making Ins -demit at 1'cjwoll fielded brilliantly. II . v Mount irr, rf ... an, 21) ... crt, If .... vards, lb . . inel, tif ...... 'arroll, . . . I'armelce, Hyan, J T Teftru'i P" 7777 7 -Talbot .. Ah. . ft . 4 1 . r . . 4 . 4 . 4 0 Totals Hopewell Simmons, rf . . . . Mntthews.-cf . . . Jiarnott, Jb " Guse, e .... . . . ; ' Tt6ikins,lf .... ftfcoinbreuner, lib : f oh, us ........ ' Russell, p " Bummers, 3b ... . .... 32 Ah. II O. ! I i :i ' J rn t i t 2 10 l t TT V I 1 .10 I 4 1 I) II 1 1.1 24 ia 0 1 1 (I u 1 ;t I I 11 1 Totals ......... Hatted for Tmikuo ju i)lh. Seore -- Rorkv: Motint ... (Hit) 000 (ill M?ix?wcll ... fli) I S4 1 1 -Oi is. RunB C'alhert, Kvnn, Simmons Harriett. Oust, Hopkins, hummers . two-base hits. Hopkins; three base hits Hopkins, Calbert: saeriflce. luts Alar oan, fcisel (fly)i Hopkins; stolen Imses Matthews, Himninns, Isnrncft, J(iin ,'Kirelieri (loulilo plays,1. Matthews t Stoinbrennor, Summers to linrnette ti Poll, I'armelee to Marciui to Kdwnrds baso on balls, off TcHRiie, I; off liussel 2; left on bases, ltocky Miiunt S llnne well 7: hit by pitched hull, hdwards Kiaol: struck out.liv Tentrne 4; hv Kus . sell 7; time 1.43; umpire, Keimedv r. Passes Help Truchrs Petersburg. July 13 Hits inter 4 mingled with buses on balls ami huh i -I I ju'lgf J A'1'" in "r!t ""'I third in a iiingg yesterday gave, Portsmouth i , Vafl W'8 Petersburg could not over .. L V'"", tint Si bejlllf 7 t" 1 ' f"'"" v.jf the Tisitors. . .. Score; ' ,K. II. K fftsmputh .... 203 000 200-7 !l I Vl Mtc ..... 000 201 1001 If 1 J,h(f: Wood and Reynolds; Hpaid II: Craft Allows Three Hits uAlk. Vs., July 1.1. Crnrt heh -port News to three scattered hit I was given excellent support Xvt lay, the locals defeating the Huild kby the score .of 2 to 0. "Huck llpy was in the lineup tor the tns nu piayuu ma uiu pueniuii ,n iuni ore: r Hort News ..000 000 (KM If, 3,-1 Hk 200 000 00 2 9 . 1 teries: Voss and tiakej Oraft am Every time you sec a man emoking a Fatima you know ho is petting .ill the comfort that is - possible in a cigarette. The original Turkish blend FATIMA C Sgtl sib lc C iqcL re tte STANDING OF CLUB BASEBALL SUMMARY J 0 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE Uontiiii 2-.I; Chic lino -1 1. New York 0 .1 ; fleveliuiil I ; Philadelphia .11: M. Louis : tin il game 10 innings.) ashingtoii 2: Detroit I. UOTJTnERITXEAGTJir ( 'lint taiioogn-Memphis, l.iltle Kock-Nasln illc, .ci others scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE. " ' ... . l VIRGINIA LEAGUE. ) Clubs Won. Lol. Pet. Newport News ........ U J .His Po I't sin on th .. ! .HIT Kocky . .Mount 5 ,6 Alt Petersburg .-. S ( ..-l.i" IrrrrfPTVTtt 3 S 2TTJ" Norfolk 2 t) .12 CAROLINA LEAGUE. dulis : WonT Lost. Pet. ChnrloMe 10 3 Winston t 'rr 0 5 .il" DuiliuV. : A 5 .l!i (JreensboroN. .V ' . 0 7 A Ashcville ..rv 0. 7 Uiileigh 1 12 .077 VIRGINIA NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cliibs r Won. l.oC lVt. ,., ,,,,,,,,,,1,,, Tirooklyn ............ 43 -i . -1 Hopewell S Philadelphia 40 30 .r.X . Hnlno --'r:: 37 Mi .SfPji "C v v...l :ti :i.ri mi v- . 34 M .472 . . . . . . . 3li II . PiS ..... 31 43 .112 ... 31. o... .-loa. o - . : I I 0 wet grounds, rain. Pittsburgh " Cinciliiiati il nun. St. Louis Mrooklvu, rafu. ( lncago2; Pliiladelplun . Post on O. New York 1 ; i innigs, LEAGUE Newport News 4 Portsmouth liorkv Mount nARRpW. Liaht-Starched.Tapehnhed COLLAR. l.tccach llnrOc CLUITT. PIABOOV tCHWCMKll WEEK ua : : ATTRACTSGQUTS Three Representatives in the Hunt Eternal Expected to Visit Gty WATCHING TWO CLUBS Holh Portsmouth and the ' Champs Have Young Fel lows Who May Move Up in the Old Passtime to the Major Leagues. With the niiiioiiiicMmt last week ot Hie pun hae of Craft, the Norfolk pitch er In' the Chicago White Sox, there was ail arousal ot much interest in local circles as to the scouts that will prob ahlv visit this city in tbe next two or three weeks. At the same tunc Man a'cr Presslv and Owner Walker were 0 L4is.si u g -ofin Port Hiuunth high SCllOOl HOYS. .llillIHger- J'OUH.ui Philadelphia Athletics was in I'orts mnuth looking over the Pirates iclub with a view' to calling Boine of the vouiigsters into faster' ompany. It is uiidi i-stood that Manager Mack was at tracted particularly to tho work of Wood, a right hand pitcher and young stcr owned hv the Portsmouth club. During the' visit of (he ' Portsmouth dull to this citv for the. wcpk-end and the imos starting today it jyjjiiexted. that the two liig league, scon will be s, iii the -local stands Sullivan tins hceii swinging around the. fcirciiit for more than a week in the interests of the Cliii afo White" Sox and Craft was his first scler-tiilii.. Ife is expected to 1m: here probnlily tomorYow wliea tluv two teams .. return' on the .local lot. Bill Dal-, han who toruierkif -managed the. Brook Ivn Dodgeni, luif-whe-is now.-t'couting for the New Yqrk Kfisuts is in North Carolina and is ex'n eted- here during Brooklvn is known to he Pit tslnirgh 1 hicago ,. Nt. I .on IH Ciuciniiati CAROLINA "LEAGUE" iiihthii frr-Aslienle O. ( l.arloll'e-Mj: Kaleigh 1. Durham 4 : Weenslioro 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE, CI ill,,, W on. Lost. Pet. I leveland ........... 4.r 32 ..r.-l View York 44 32- ,-.f.7! Uoston . 43 34 .r.5H , M lt, 40 tl, U'jishingtoii 30 .; .r20 Detroit -40 37 .iil'.t St. Louis 31 42 .11 Philadelphia . . 11 f3 .2ot WHERE TIIJEYxPLAY VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Portsmouth at Kocky Mount. Hopewell at .Newport -News. Petersliurg fit .Norfolk; SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Clubs Nashville' . r. . N ew . Urlenns hattaiiooga . Atlanta tiriniiighain . Muiuphis .... ,ittle Hock . Mobile "Won. Lost. . 4S - 20 - Pet. .i!2:! 40 31 rrrn 41 37: .52S ...... 3S 30 .101 ; 30 42 .102 '..... 3.T 43 .11!' .'33 43 .431 ...... 3H IS .407 CAROLINA LEAGUE. Kaleigh I lurhain W uist on Ashcville Chariot! (irej'iishi the scries interest in 'tilling week sixits in its and a representative 'of that club who is in the hunt, eternally, is to be sent to .North Carolina and Virginia this 'week according to an 'announcement from , a New. Yiii-k- one or two of the with youngsters' INJUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE MR. SIMMONS i m Think National Conunittecmaa McLean ia Connection With Winston's Res ignation and "Bailey Slate.' ' ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia at St. .Louis. Brooklyn "at ( 'im-iiuiat i. New York at Pittsburgh: Boston at Chicago. IEROIC FRENCH MAJOR IECEIVES DECORATION iurrounded By Germans On Dead Man's . Hill Ho Fights His Way Back to Fronch Lines. Washington, ..fuly 13. National Com- mitt nan ' A. . VV. -McLean,- who is one ;f.the i-lose friends' 'of Senator Sim iiirHis.told the, cjirri'f ponilent yestej-dny tirnt'Hhe senior scnafoT7iadl"MMr mis represented in the. State with reference to the c)M:,giv that" Snator Simmons knew df the iHgnatio.n of District At toriu'V I rani is IV, W-inston. Mr. Mc Lean is conyim ed alfMthat the same is true with regard to tlKvnrleged slntc whereby Bailev .wait to" bfexmade dis- frii-t .ittiiriiev-aud other.r)iainri in iidis EWGLAND T PENNY ROLL ARE DOOMED London, Jiiply Li. The faiuoun Brit ish penny roll and tart are doomed. In 4ho interest of good whito bread nnd war economy the Amalgamated I'nion of Operative Bakers has decided to abandon gastronomic furbelows despite the fact that tarts and'jieniiy rolls have become a national institution. MEXICO RAILROAD IS OPENED TO TRAFFIC El Paso, Texas, July 12. The Mexico Slrrthwpstern railroad again has boon opened forlhe-shipment of supplies to American troops in Mexico. This action follows the lifting of the embargo on food and tither cxportatiims to Mexi cans. . - . :. , . '-'.'! Shipments arerheirig made "by El T'nso eoncerns by way of Juarez to Casus tlrandes iirerehants who in turn dispose of their supplies tpffiho ipiartermaster at the held base. . , : Army oflieers yelcoine tho indirect use of the Mexican railway as t ho rainy season i snow on mid the. motor 'truck trad from Columbus is not so clhcieiit us it was. Jn Mexcian quarters the re opening of the lino was pointed to as evidence of a further slackening of the tension in the border situation. . CAMPS AT PLATTSBURG FOR MILITAY MEN Jackson Springs, July 12. Mr. Roger A. Derby, who has been active in the movement for military training of cuil inns, has recevied a telegram from, the I Military training Camps Associat ion stating' that CeneraM.eonard A. Wood announces that there wil lbe two camps for medical men, Covering snintation. and military hygiene, each camp lasting two weeks, one commencing July 12 ami the other July 24 at Plattsburg, N. Y. -M sr-lJerbyr-wh is wliftvil on mili tary matters, declares that it is highly important that as many men as possible atend lu'se caaips. -. ; MAY GOTO JURY BY NEXT SATURDAY Two More Summing Tip Speeches to Be Made in Orpet's Trial Before . . ' Going to Jury. DodgeBrothers ROADSTER It is literally true that gaso line, oil and tires are practi cally the-only expense. . This is not merely an advertising ex pression. It is a fact. The parts rare ly have to bo renewed. It wil pay you to visit us and examine this car The gasoline consumption is unusually,. low. The tire mileage is unusually high , The price of the Tourijig Car or Road ster complete is $785 (f. 0. b. Detroit R . J ' 11 mil . GEO.TBURNEXTE VVankega, 111., July . 13. Two mote summing up speeches remain o-be. made bv" the attorneys in the trial it V ill 11. Orpet, I' uiversity of Wisconsin student charged with murder of Marion Lain bert, Lake Forest high school girl. The expectiition noV is that the,, case will be given to the jury on Saturdiiv e-n- mg. : ' ' - I -1 T-. 1,1.,, ,, i , .... I .... ,. , I DO YOU WANT II LGOOuNOOHNOf ere Are Reasons ly YOU Should ade With US. - 1 ,.'e stand back of everything ,'ve seSand nothing. of a low rade ia ever put out by, ua, it Perfum, Soap, a Glass Soda Water, a Tooth -or - a Eubber- Bottler we and receive the pro ; which oan be given those who know and . - tare at a& times. 7ir:ie Drug Co. A .ind Sunset Ato. - r . . ; ----- - Paris, July 13. The battle of Verdun ins lieen lim ine or Heroic neons, onr f the most dramatic episodes of the ghting around Dead Man's Hill occur red to the west of that position, where a French regiment was face to. face with a Pomeranian brigade." Diiring tho hottest moment a major ; commanding the third bntalinn of a French regiment disappeared.' His men, who worshipped him, became very anxious. It was nt first reported that he was killed and then that he was a prisoner. Suddenly they heard a well known voice., shouting, "Bravo,, boys! Give them beans!" and the major eamq into view, his uniform in shreds, Jiis face covered With ldrrrni-ariul his left arm hanging limp. IIe had been cut aft with a handful of men and at their head had fought; his way through the empty ranks until he was sent to. the irroiind with a terrible blow from a rifle butt, which smnshed his left shoulder. Dragging himself on his hands and kTteesfon mile, lurhnefeVeiftunlly- r joined his men, and his first thought was to lead them once more into ae tion. The French were successful in driving tho German back but, the gal lant major received a seeona dangerous wound in the chest, and had to be tftk en to the rear. So excruciating was the pain he suffered while being operated on that to avoid groaning he sang the "Marseillais, ' at the top or his voice. A few minutes later the general com manding his unit arrived at -the hos pital and taking the Cross. of th? Le gion of Honor from his own uniform and pinned it on the breast of the brave ci AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit at Washington. St. I .Dili's at Philadelphia. ClcvW.'ind at New Y'ork. Chicago at Huston. . . :. I "I - ' J . -J I I I . J I'- " - til Mi S tLX lutein SjC vV-a i t rrri i x y x l JJtfl in v klx m nif fir in 1 I 1 I I ! I ! I I M I ! I I ! I ' - : - r : I I I ! which have lieen given wlde pu ill the State. , lie said that he know absolutely that both reports had lono the .Senator, an iiiju-tice and while he hail nothing to with the matter, ho-felt that all fair minded men would like to know the tai ls, lie said thntllnVo was no doubt that some of the Senator's friends had circulated the report iTiat- they were given out without the Senator's know ledge or consent. with their strong tracGon tread give you a sure grip on the, road. , The Price Is Less than that of the plain tread styles of several other standard tires. " Make your owr comparisons? - J Prices on Fulc Grey Non-Slud Casings 3 x30.10.40 4ix3S.310 31x30.13.40 41x36.31.55 4 x33 . 22.00 5 x37 . 37.3Q The biggest service organization m the country morethan 125 FwkrancheiJ iTBeckpf every FukTire. available at all time with Rk FREE Service for dealers and tiro users. Burnette Ford Supply Co. Dunn Motor OC'Co. r- , r. . . 1 ', v. ' rit Branch In ( Of course you do? Then investigate Lynord Met al Tin Roofing. There is only one Ideal Booting and that is good tin. Expert me chanics . only can Jay tin roofs, hence yod are assured of tho best nnsslhla workmanshln When TOlton on hy a reUable tinner. Thelris securely sleated to the sheating the seams locked and soldered, piece of metal coverinVe antlra bllildlnsr. ' . jfjet us show you. We will sub mit facts and figures backed hy a positive guarantee. South Main street. V M a - L I X tins! rnw jyv ZFhoue 153 .l( You and Your Friends and . C. DIXDK THE TINNEE AND PLTJMBEB WITH A CONSCIENCE. 1 125 Otic I 1 I I I "1 FOR RENT Two Small Stores on Falls Road. Attractive prices on Houses and Va cant Lots. For Sale 25-acre Farm one mile from town. v . .." .: Will trad e good Automo bile for Real Estate. , Also will sell a nice home on Falls Road. r . Pfcone 610-F or See. F.-C FERGUSON . Xou tried it because we told 7ou how good and delicious it -was. But $ovr friends bogan dnnking it because Vou told them howgoodit was. This is the end less chain of enthusiasm that has the nation Tub Coca-Cola Co Atlanta. GA. " Demand the ftenuine by full nme nicknames encourago substitution . 3fJ : JII FOR ANY KIND OF INSURANCE SEE .i ': A:- :: 'r -"GrR7H0RNErC07" 123 Western Ave. -- Phone 777 - ... , f Rcbrrof Condition of :- The Plants National Bank 4 . -: ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. . and PLANTERS BANK, Battleboro, At the closfe of bnsines, June 30th, 1016 . ; ) j COMPTROLLER'S CALL ) RESOURCES : Loans and Discount: Real Estate and Ban king Houses Furniture and fixtures Overdrafts i Cash and due from banks 38,000.00, 5,900.00 . 49,500.00 155.90 . 142,853.44 -$379,240.93- CAPITAJL, SURPLUS AND PROFIT : Planters National lank, $100,000.00; Planters Ranir Rat.tipWn I525 000.00: Surplus and Un divided Profits, 19,608.58 - Circulation TleTlnRits i i -PocAvAff f nf Tnt.Afrpnf. vDividend Accoiin Jt : 224.608.58 .$ 25,000.00 . 610,810.74 13,807.67 . 5,020.00 $879,246.90 J. C.BR AS WELL rELL, ctesident :; M. BRASWT Vico-Predent . kk. e ) : mi : ft Mil , a officer. . ,. . 'J MILLARD F. JC v' W . :.. . . .......... . '