v i .;.-.,'v-.:. v,. . ;. . , s., ,, . ., , , -1 Today 'a Weather Torecaat MAKE KNOWN YC1 : WANTS THROUS:i THE TELE OB All WANT ADS. VOL. IX. NO. 3Ck ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY lllh, 1910. DE UTSCHLAND ,s TWO DEAD INSTORIVI SHRIWERS HERE AID RRITIS .- i.. L WHICH SWEEPS IN THE WORK FDD T TRADES MO UILII K-W4EMPtE THE . . , . - - . . ... H WAIT BUT OHLY A DAY BEFORE rtflbt u ..... . j 3 This Is Report By the Navy Hoard Given to' Acting-' i Secretary Polk DECISION REACHED IJY "fc t n - m, .... N iU 1KALITYE0ARD Front of Kress Store Rc- ported IJIown In and 2 Men are Killed Tim C..1 - i. . -v I'uiiuiaiiiie is uniy a Peaceful Merchant Craft and Entitled to All Privi ' leges as Such Was the De sion by Board. tlio A.iMiriaO'il Vnshinjjtoj,, jh-H.-- report on the. status of tin limit submarine Deutsi hhmd I Aol ing. .Secretary 1'i'dk tod An tidvison tiorman mor ulitiiitted y ly- tin STORM IS MOVING UP TJ I E ATLA NTIC COAST Upwards of Three Score Shriners Here Sign For - Sudan Temple Hightidc at' Wilmington Is Apparant New Hern Is Apprehensive of Points Along the East Carolina Coast. 11 t iii'Htrnlilv hoard is and' h1 riuil tn lin i-.i....i i ' i i . .i , . " '" 'I'-imiou Mini ine ship is pciociui merchant craft ami cnliticl j'i iviiegs as such. SPECIAL AGENT HAS GOOD CHANGE TO RECOVER ti V lli. A hiii. nm4 Pn U.S. Niiiiini'i-viile; S. C. July 1 .- Tvvo ini'ti iiie lciioitcil k illt-il itiid I'xtfiiaivc l:nii;ijjf iloni' liy'tlic Htorin wliii-li HWCiit !! Atliinl ic i'o.'ist liist iii'siit ami eon tiiinc'l toiiiiy. , ' , JV1 oiifji'i" (lil'atclic.s f i oio ( '!i;i'lostoii in (lirat.c'l that the stoiin i:y.il tlnl through tlio in'glit ami at 10:1.") tlijfi morning the wi.nl was still liiyh ami tluit tin1 uat'er Croat liad In en innunila tcil. Only inti-riiiit tout, wire reports with the storm' swept -eijy, twenty miles away .was possilile. 1'ir.st jvjiort sJuiU:. MtiJ thum wo men were killed when the wiml lilew in the fiiiiit of Kress, stole in . Jv i ii jf street. ; There was 'no ir si rvii-L'. Trees. ami pollsi lit- INSTALLATION WILL 1JE THE GREATEST AFFAIR The New Temple In Eastern Carolina Is Created Uy An Order of the Imperial Council Yesterday. i-t -A!.mtie oj si .inn .....:.. i t . . . w ....-, ,s , a (.u,.,., (.-,i,i,,ll h .. the hoHpii,,! ,)t (, ,.,,.. hl,r(, W1h . V l"c"o-noumi iiiioii'Ii Ins lelt lime lout akii',, .1... l ... " ' " l" neari, while two neK "-"'"I' oiona imiiriH snppo-,4. i i " ' orm e Ale.Ninr ami Kr- "oi niiuerwiir, are under tjuurrt with Vamfnl ivyinids and a third unit iein.-int ii (lip Wiiiliiit is heiii earnes'U- oii"lit fJnlrf.sd Kpreial arrent was shot- nt ll.asiuit Hill, N. f. ,.,,rv I'hnisdiv innrnitiR hv the three neirroes whom he I'ltiMiipU'il to put under arrest while they wore Ileal mi; a ride on ti -nmket st n tied the streets. It. is not evpriTed there will he heavv i.uialt-U'H on.ashxuils- nuar-l 'harlintua persons t Here had waniint; ot the storni ami .hundreds went to t'hai lestoii. WILMINGTON EXPECTS FEEL rUBY STOEM. AV-thn-nrrtrni, N. I'., July 1 1 Allhon there were indications of the niuirmie ere rtiorm wnieli is Kvce AW;ntie coast iiiaiim sanl that veslerdav- s hu'h tide was ;il their (fun, w hni,...it .iv Ui'lli'Vt'd, was juirposp to have rohlicd. in ine iiiflit which lollowed the nt .teiup, uirest M ire in I Aent Hniswe was hit liy a shot from a lare ealiher revolver which went entirely t!TYoi!"h his liodv piereinjt bnth" sides of his loll .-liinj; a few inches aliove his heart. The white man kept up. the light, however and the nejrro Horace McNair, svho dc . : In roil that his home is nt, Klrod, was hit twice, once in the thifrh Ineakiiij.' Ins loir, while tlie'secoud shot shattered the lai'k'e lione in his arm. He is in t In; r.iilwav hospital here for treatment. Kr nest AndiMsun, who 18 a vouth, lieinj vet in his teens, was hit once in the lej;. He was given only a llesli wuunjl However, and alter meitictif atj-eni-iou he was turned over to the oflioors; The third tieifro, who sD far' as is know-n 'was unhurt, is tiring sought hy the po lice tici-e v,f the IIL' up tin lai yosierilay s liu'li tide was most a record. . . j iiu..iiiwi.uimiii tun" iteeiiw-1 iinvr hrrn south of here, h:iiui been responsi tor this oouditiou. Tin' coasHuard cut tor Srunindo i l, f ;y iin; f seiii'eii ol two haifies reports tlio 1'aroliua const, having hp ,t 1 1 1 1 1 1 tin- t ' i 1 1 1 1 .1 ii i Ii. t e: tor had not returned early t n. iim rr lost. Ill' n mvnv i ne cui ARRIVAL OF STORM EXFECTED, AT NEW BERN. New lierii, N. . mile wiml from the .Inly st in ni TT7T.V twmity , the sunt he;l:-t indii-ated tlio apprumh of tin' coast storm and. while no report had tni-u re iveii 1 nun lioaulovt onrlv today it i; hnown a Heavy sea lias iieeu ruiiniii! there. ' .. Through a greater part of the night the w ind was coinpa i at i vcly high lint h.'HI not done any damage according to repoi Is. .. .' ... J. II. CLARKE TO BE HUGHES SUCCESSOR ' Uy the A ;-si ic lat oil I'rcsx. Washington, July 1-1. J. . II. Clarke, United States rtlstrict judge at Cleveland Olio, was nominated ?y President Wilson today as an as sociate justice of the supreme court to succeed former Justice Hughes. LAST REPORT IS -OVER RAILRQAD WIRE Savannah, Iin,, .Inly I t. Two men were killed and great- damage suffered Icy shipping in I'liarlest according to tin' reports given to Ivlmcr ('. ('lark, a lispatc her for the Atlantic Coast .Lino liullorad, Clark was ii miniiiiient ion with Chaileston for. only-u minute after which the wire was lost. COTTON MARKET (By AooUtd rresn.) i jen' lork, July L i t. Cotton futures opened Hteiidv, July ia.83: October 13. liiieinlier, 1J. 17; January, lXi.'t; March . l;!.:ts. -The cotton market opened steady to- day at an advance of 6 to 10 points int there watt a eonsideralile realizing aoinii tne opening and pnroB reacted X, 'Tht after 4he-eali writh-fyetolier selling s"$00!FhA Deermlirr, 13.14, or within 'B points of yesterday's closing ,1. The niarkrt however firmed up ,n enrt of the nrst Iinnr with c j A v'ig 13.03 nnd Deeember, 13.10 - : to 1Z points net higher. .j M during June ,ri7(i,4iC 1ml ' it .,p lit liniers a-ni Tor llu , ivim nths ending with .TiiiieT,IKri,li:t! bales ' iJiand June iiil was 1,x'J,Hl'ii and " " is bureau aiinounood today .t'ot- xlic storage and at oompresess 1, : 'ft. -Cojton spindles active diiring iiinBiimberrd 32,-."0,:il'i. r STOCK MARKET ' I LINEMEN TELL - WIRE SITUATION. Atlanta, (ia:, .lulv 1 I. - The hnrrioune which last -night -swept th, coast of Koutli ( 'an I i u a lid lieorgia early today ,had parsed to the north ot Charleston, w recking telephone- and telegraph linrs and doing considerable ilamage other w ise. I Charleston was A t off from wire com- niunicatioii and nifl cports had been re ceived since last iiifLrht. . Since there are .'sonie-'two to tliriV si o:i- hhunofs- in this -city, ."a maioritv ol whom signed the appliual ion-foin teniple at New Hern, and who automat lei.Uy deiiut to the new temple the fol lowing taken from the .New Hern ' Kun Journal,, regarding the creation, of Sui dan Jomple will be il with interest Menihers of Oasis Temple at Charlotte, who have loinod in the application to the Imperial counsel tor new temple in Kjistern Carolina auikthwe are some ooO ot them, will welcome ho news of the creation of the new temple, and it is expected that the' installation of the temple sometime ; during t-he-ne.t t" sev eral m'oiifhs w ill be an occasion of great interest. iSiiii-e lioanoke, Va.( was suc cessful in its application it may be ex-1 pecieii inat the installation coromonies will follow close upon one another and that probably, prominent Shriners . from over the nation, will belni(ued tij::al t!id. :'-.'':' . lho gtn news was vesterd:iv after noon receiver in New Hern tionr liufla lo, .N. ., to fhe effect rant the Imperial counc'il of the Mystic Shrine had grant ed permission lor the t'st"1'lwi'"'""t "r- lemple in New Hern, done as soon s pos- THIS ONE'S THE REAL THING (shrine . will be 11 .Mystic nnd this Bible. -": New Horn Shriners ami other Shnn rrs ill Kastern North Carolina have been lor a long tune endeavoring to have Shrme hieated here.- lr.-J. hlioiii has labored faithfully with this end in view and to him the majoritv of the credi I'm llii. -i.'Mill- -hH-itiiiedrgrhrp: Accoinpan'ing l)r. - h'hem. to liiiffalo to make the reiiiost for' the dispensa tion was A. H. Andrews. Jr.. of h'aleigh, L I. Moore and W. I. Dunn.' They carried ajciiiu with them the -endorse ments of a largo number oT Shi'ihers in this rta to and when the reouost was made the dispensation was granted. .. 'nie-TTiTTrre of the now temple has been selected.; The Sudan Temple will tie its title and. l'r. Hliem will "hereafter be known as "the, father of Sudan, as W. S. Liddle the "father of the Oasis, Temple.''- at. Charlotte -a mi .. i. Harron, of Columbia, the father of the temple at Charleston, S. C. Hefore Sudan Temple caflie in ine there was only one temple in North Carolina," this being Oasis, at Charlotte. Oasis Temple ha -about Iwoivty-two hmidred inemhrTS. Sudan will start oil with about fivo huiidred 'member and this will rapidly be ine reused. Mr. A. H. Andrews, Jr., ol Kalcjgli, at presentWlrand Master ot the An ient I'liT and Accepteu Masmis (ir North Carolina will bo the-first l'ot- ntiite of the n'W temple. The establishment of the Shrine here will be of great benelit to New Horn in manv ways and Masoliis all over this part of the State are delighted to know that success along this line has at lasT been achieved. (rMyrf"wMwwsHjpy.'WM iiiiimiijiujii iiWi ,t ii M, n m.i.imm m-mTTttri-MiTriiniiiii ,,! i viiii turn man ' i 1 , M. VAr .'i-'-.r xL V'::rJl . fiiJ-,. -5s ' ' ,t , 'fl- the Ii I. . .r.rJ,J r.rJr1,.p:n rtf,..,rn.. ,rYt f1 nn-imin-itiinMiiiaM),!! , , Iji.1i M I L UL.J LIL LJ CAB NE T DISCUSS THE JUNIOR NAVAL FATAL -DISEASE SHARK ATTACKS RESERVES OPEN AT DEWEY Coast Guard Is Ordered to Do What It Can to Stalk Them PLAN CLEAR WATERS supply ship, has sent out S.-(l. S. sig nals. It is in distress off Charleston. Savannah sufTe telephone onicjai storm had pTissed ing. ' Thev stated of gettiiflt.inta. vv ror noon which s! I little.. ltern4j;t!t-to indicated that - the ii 'hiirlosjii this .morn there were prospects re eom m mi tenf mrr-nr- I'med to point to the i. . .i . i-.i laei mar eoiKiui.ms were .improving over much ot thfl storm area. A line man reporting to tVie local telephone of i. . i. veiociiy was ilocM isiiig. - He said no lice said tlit the Wind was high but the street cars were tninmr. there were no lights ami 7H tel phonos in t hp citv could be (piestionetll as to casualties and were out ot romTiission. Hefore he other losses the wlrl was lost. Washington, July It.. The naval col ior Hector is in distress -1.1 miles south ast of Charleston according to the re port to the Coast (iiiard cutter service from the steamer N'aeoochee. The cut ter Seminole which Was cruising off the North Carolina coast has goiie to her assistance. . , , " . V nuh in ,rt mi lulv -tJ Vtmra Is -rrr n nv vessel in the-viciiutv lo gato the aid ot the Hector were sent broadcast by. the nnvy rado towers at Arlingrrni. The Hector left ' Charleston Wednesday aft eruoon for OiiRtamania and has on tioafd in addition her crew of on marine troop ers to till up vacancies in the ranks of Ban Iomingo and Culm. New York,, July 1 (.Speculation eon tinned to ceiir jirouniT special Stfls today particularly mnUirk and eijii ments, many , of which recorded gains varying .from, substantia! fraction to over a point at the outset. For the most part this advantagr'was well sus tained In the first half hour. Indus trial Alookol was again erratic, yielding '' point, but later. making recoveries ' '.ipers were inclined upwards while ' '!ntc Steel heTA" firm with the Tracing was lignt and re port Cl I V,g. : STORM WARNINCfcS ON THE COAST. Washington, July frnreairs-latest repel o clock this morning lestoii had reached n an hour, Idow ing fro Storni warning w on the Soli th . aro jpal disturbance first dav appears 'to have ward between Porto iiiingo and this morning deuces ot its location north of ttif latfer island. -U.-7 The weather t stated that at 4 the wind irt Char elocitv of .rifi mile's n the'iiorthwest. re disjilaved today oast. - The trop itcl on Wednell issed northwest- o and San I'o there were evi- short distance NAVAL COLLIER IS IN TROUBLE. f- Savannah, Oa., July 1; Charleston are that Init hWf) Hector, thought to i ports from ?ates steam- tollier or There Is An Order Issued Following Cabinet Meet- . ing: Today Instructing Aid of Coast (iuard In the r- Work. i. .the ONE MAN KILLED BY LIVE WIRE Charleston, July 14. The hurricane which struck Charleston ast night abated today. One life was lost here. Ilamage to shipping and the- wa4er --frmtf was not great and the balance of the city did not suffer severely. Hundreds of island dwellers could not be reach ed today by boat or wire but it is bc lieved they are safe a they had ample warning of the approach of the storni. Many hundreds came into the city. Hundreds of trees were blown down and inanv phone and electric wires de molished.- Fcrrv service also was ef- jeered ny the Heavy seas an t high tides. Byq noon electric power which had -been turned off during the height of the storni lasf night wasa again turn ed on. The one death was that of a ne gro killed hv a tivn wire. - It is report ed that the tug Eastern, which arrived here last nmht had lost two bnrees whicli she had in tow. ' A Washington, .lijlv II. Tragic of attacks by shin ks upon bat hei t lie New Jorw-v const were di nt today's inert ing of the cabinet' Secretary McAdim niiiiounceil that coast guard-wool. I be nrdcrc dto do what it could towards cleniiiig the coast of the dangerous lish and prevent ing for ther loss.nfLlii'e. ' 1 us' met ions won' sent bv th,' frcasuiv department both tn the coast guard rat ters and life nn i ing stat inns, .Xu -deli, iiitc' plan of iictioi: has been worki d out in running dow n tno sharks w hi i. but the idea is to have the service assist sible and warn ports of their prMimity. Ni'un tary Rcdfiel.'t told the YnMnct that the bureau. of fisheries hair-bedn unable to offer any scientific explanation of the attacks on jicrson.s. CAMP A CONTINUES RAVAGES THE BlMClTROL Untie Sara's Lmbryonic Blue Jackets Are Cath ing at Camp CAMI TO L'UK'POSK SEKVK 1U(J TO NAVY The Work IsTo He In Ac ford With Strict Military Principle and the Training to Make Future Sailors of Junior Reserves. Hundred and Sixty two New Cases and Thirty one Deaths DISEASE NOT STOPPE1 Little Time Allowed For Central Powers To Form Line ATTACKS PUZZLING ThcJJritish Instead of Press ing On Towards Comble.s Change Angle of Attack and Move on Cantalma- sion. - - H?-Mi-AmnjPiatMl T.m. London, July 14. At daylight this morning the British resuming their of fensive, north of fe Homme attacked (he (icrmaii seconifcs defenses and, .according' to the Hrit)report' pen (rated them on a front oV mini. Wl.ii.. it is expected the Kritish would not c low any great length of time bi ' continuing tlieir operations, it i hardly believed the German second I would be attacked after only one d of artillery preparation. Kor it was o ly the day before yesterday that t British made, an advance all along tn linn from Hnrdecourt to Ovillcrs The direction of the attar also was some thing of a surjirisc for instead of push-, ing on towknrd Combles the British comuimniider chose to attack the flank of the (icrmnns who faved Cnntelmason. mid Ovillcrs and those who will occupy - lo.iies. There was no ncwa this morning of portnnt di'velopinents on the remainder of the western front. But at last re ports the French were- preparing to re sume th ineiiBiyaaoiith-of-8mme- wlulo the dormant are still hammering at tho defense of Verdun. The Russians have1 made no gains since they regained the Htockhod river where the struggle lias tteen goinr on with great intensity. Tho fight banle now appears to hnv Men cleared or Hermans nut it is nm known whether the erosstng mode by iiKhinns have disrif them complete unmniiind of the left hank. The Aus- rians having succeeded in holding the Russians in (J alio l a, but with Delaytn in the hands ot tns nussians mere is expected additional important advances bv the Hnians. The operations in trie Caiiciisus are becoming more and more -; important. ; After suffering heavy losses in tneir counter offensives the Turks havo bet'n Iriven back, .- IIN SPEAK IN ST. PAUL There Is Apparantly Cessation of the Ravages of the Epidemic In New York According to Health Hoard Report. - "New pa i ade H RUN E CASE THE CITY COURT TODAY There was but nianded the attention of mm morning aua nuntj n;f sion was all that was reif. hearing. Will Sessoins w of having fifty-six pjnts his possession, wj.ich V evldrnee of having i of sale fi' 4 was soi l -Rosi! f-T "- dav. -.. 1.0; le- courf r's ses- for theJ evicted uor in as an -'.ose London, Conn., July H. The grolilnl 0tLnmpJJpwH4 sht-A- VoumTcT bv a big grov of trees on thit banks of tin' Thi"no.s,.is swarming with c.-fdifts t'nlay at tiio opening of the sum ii'i t ..w-Ksitm nt' the- I'TirTeiT States Junior N':i val Mfesyn TTncajiipuu'ii-t,.- - (ier two hundred American youths of I I years and over are already enroll" ed and recruits will be received during the t.o nronths' session. 1'nitod Sti-tes army and navy n.licrrs are oil ha id to gi' r the boys ins4ructlons in naval an I military tactics throughout IIk' sunimr:-. Admiral ' ieorgo Ilewcy, for w hom the training camp was named, is the honor mii'V loiom.iuilor in rTiiof of the reserve; w hi jr. i 'a niejj-siMjeiajcif linvy, l' riiiikim 'Uoosevclt, assistant so rotary; .(iovrnor Whitm;(n of New York, anil Mayof ,Utclu;Il of Now "York City', .III- IlillllllillV I ai !- f esn ll'O I s. wscar pit raus ami, M. .losephtlial arM acting vice president ami arc here today for the opening exorcises. Life at the ramp this summer will be strictly in accord with military princi phs, eai h day beginning with revilU' ami assembly. From H a. m., until taps 'is sounded nt :Jt) p. m., the boys will he kept actively engaged in mental and (By Arniorlated Frssa.) New York; July 14. A marked en-use in noin me numiier ot new cases and. death in the infantile paralysis epidemic-during the last U4 hours was shown today in the report of the health department. In the Jl hours whieh end en hi io o eioi K Today ins nw eases were reported while .'II children died from the disease in the citv. COMPLETES physical pursuits and will be trained to serve their) country if the need arises. The grove in which the eamp is sit uated slopes down to the Themes at a point midwa'v between New I.-oidon and Norwich, v i -re tie n r i- - -;'ienfly wide to ! 1 ''If' i iiistn.e. ITS BILLS OF LEGISLATURE -Washington, July 14. Democratic Leader Kitchin reported to President Wilson today that with the passage of corrupt practices bill the house-will have completed the legislature which he had reipiested. He asked if any addi tional legislation was desired and .Mr. Wilson replied that he was satisfied with the work done by the house and thank ed the house leader. Mr. Kitijiin said that the suggestion that the house adjourn for three days had not met with general approval be cause it was neeoMSHry to stay in session in orde rto facilitate consideration of mutters in joint session.- Therefore, he said the house would mark time by ad journing from day to dav. He said he expected congress fi " ' I 'i- St. PnuJUJAinn., July 14. Without tto police iTrTT4l'erence: that has marked meetings- of birth control advocates in other cities, Mrs. Robert Liggett of Pu- j luth, today lectured here on birth eon- trol, before several hundred Minnesota women ami girls. - ; Mrs. Margaret Sanger, of New York, assisted in distributing literature on birth control. The Minii(iota law docs not prohibit the dissemination of infor mation on this subject. But a clinic at which the subject was to have .been dis- cussed more generally, with maps, eharta and wax figures, was declared contrary to law. The exhibit wns abandoned. Mrs. Liggett recently got her name in the p.'i'rs by advocating at Seattle 'hat women of tlie lower classes be segrega ted as breeders, that no high strung woman'"-? the upper -classes should be subjected- to motherhood and that no child in Nip woTld is worth the vain it takes to bring it into existence. Mrs. Sanger recently went free from a federal indictment in New York charg-i , rag- her with sending obscene matter through the mails in her birth coutrol magazine,- "The Women Rebel. '''' New York society men and women, "Miss . Fola Lafollette among them, puhlieT5"v, supported what Mrs. Sanger had done.. BOAT TO AID OF THE HfCTOR Charleston,. S. C, July 14. Tn n vlHiiTHecttrr, said tff be bound for San "Pomiiigo carving 50 marines i reported sinking ahoot 60 miles, off Charleston. The lighthouse tender Cy press Went ut at 10 o'clock this morn inf to the assUtance of the Hector but was una!!' to breast the heavy seas J and returned. The tug igilance, whie' had " been in wireless communicating, with tho Hector reported at 12.30 th.t . f 1 V i i. -J a steamer was sianamg uy out n ih not known whether she had trsn-i -red the marines and crew. Wireless "- munication is bad. . At 1.30 this afternoon a lvi .- that the Hector waa appros hh - leston at the rate of rov hour, being-about fourt.' Details of her enmi.' : able, hut the steam--- tench with her r if re.. 1 '. r