. - - ,. ... 1 'i - ,. i i Today'8 mTT TTTP1 C?' Weather W U TELEGR MAKE KNOWN TCrr, WANTS TIHIOSCII THE TELEQEAi: WANT ADS. -;-liv:VOL-IX-;-No.:43. ' A.' ROCKY MOUNT, N, C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 24, 1916. PRICE: FIVE CI HY CAUSE OF BRITISH-CLAIM BIG FINISHED BR1C SUCCESSES ON THE AS AfJ OTHER 0 AM Ti fT St r-a fi wa m mm w m v r rtr r. Tf r- w f1 m SV VW WW T sx w m 11 A k'k' III ll "I'l 111 I II I 111 1 1 III I In A III lAi III I 1UH03-ratt 1 1 n u lumuni IU aiu wuivi ni a ai niTnnnnfMn iTrrwiYT a n Air titt a TTn iivr liTrnrr K I I I. a. I. IJf I 1111 1111 lf 1 HI I fi R I 111 11 lil 111 ' ini la Hi I I IB II I l I H Bi li 8ri I 111 111 1 I rt - I fa I K ill I l I II nr I If I " l iiirnTr rin rnrtiiT in. Ill l n II r n nr :-' ' y . '.j T, XI HI c. 1 A ... ' j MAYOR ISSUES A TO lass Meeting Tonight In Municipal Building to ' Perfect Organization EVERY CITIZEN IS UR(JEl) TO ATTEND 3'he- Occasion IsT)ne of Duty From Every Citizen and as Relief Is Needed Now All Are Urged to Attend the Meeting. - TKOCLAM ATION On account of tho great disas ter caused by the floods in West ern North Carolina, rendering many , Homeless and In groat neod of immediate aid. It is ur gent that help should be given immediately. Our fellow citizen and neighbors are in distress, let us respond promptly to their " needs. To this end we urge the citizens of our city and county to assemble ui a mass meeting tnniffht at H p m in tha r.ity hull and devise ways and means to contribute our share to their re lief. ' . Ladies are welcome and are rOnueated to attend. L. F. TILLERY, Mayor. E. "t. DAUGHTRIDGE, Central State Conunlttce. . . Raleigh, N. C, July 23, 1910 Mayor of Rocky Mount, N. C. Distressing demands for aid to : ' flood sufferers in Western Narth Carolina call for contributors in every town in North Carolina, riease urge your people to re spond generously and without de lay. Thousands re homeless and holpless. Have mass meeting if possible. Wire Tuesday night -what your town gives. . . ... .EDWARD E. BRlTTON. Chairman State Relief Com. Raleigh, N. C, July 23. li10 E. L. Daiiijhtridgc, Rocky Mount, ... .N. C; " . Meeting of State storm relief committee by Governor Craig in Raleigh Wednesday a f tenioon ' at 4:30. Please attend or write sug gestions. Please urge your com munities to help with quick sub scriptions. Ask ministers to co operate, need is urgent to relieve destitution. EDWARD E." BRITTON, Chairman State Relief Com. EVERY CITI20BN URGED TO BE PRESENT " Tonight, starting at H o'clock, in munieipal building there will bo held a mammoth mass meeting of bockT M'lint citiens-- those who would as sist in relief for flic greatest devasta tion of providence that has beset or bottlers in two score years. Thousands of-cit.ivcns of Western North Carolina, in a half dozen or more counties appeal to ps for aid, to us for help, toMye ' PROCLAMATIQfy CITIZENS thc'.r starving children and to care VJg(gses begger description. We mtve to I lien. Sri this hour of trial, when Hoods - hajve swejft frem them their crops, their hrimcs anil their all. - Federal aid has Imjpii suggeslcd but it is not necessary, uur people should, rally to this cause .ami toniglrt is the time. A great muss meeting fur evecy citizen who, should manifest not only n' willingness 'but an .enthusiasm in this matter of helping V his neighbor iu distress. . A committee, of public spirited citi zens met' this morning in the otlicp of -Mavor Tillerv ifiiTT ileeiitcii upon tins course, wml tonight 's meeting Called at, H o'clock is to till the needs of the emer ( g) -ncy nml every citizen that can at j teiiil, should be present and take part "in the igani.ation. There are to be a few brief talks by prominent' citizens, but-the meeting is in the main part to be one of nctiun and work rather than n discussion of-ways anil ngs. The lack of reports from many iso lated districts leaves much -in doubt as fo tiie total sum required for the relief but-it is know n that the cities of the - State- should be counted upon for liber al response while others may "he ex .eeted in smaller amountsT- Ttlias7 al . ready totaled n thousand or more dol-' lars in some rities of t heState, in Rl. j " ' rt."rtliTTiiueil on l'age Kight.) WRITES DAMAGE i i i . I it Mrs. L. F. Tillery's Rrothcr Writes of Damage by - Recent Flood ALL TI I E RRLDCi ES CONE Rocks Ueeoming Undermin ed On Mountainsides and Rolling Down Have Iilock- red7All KoadsRailroads" Washed Away. ,-A remarkable, recital of the distres IH'I suflenng in the Wilkelmro sectum, along- with the devastation-. wrought-x told in a letter )ust receivecl bv Mrs. I,. F, Tillerv from her brother Mr.l.eon- nntlv reineniliT'Ted bv a sniall ciijili" of tTirTrrt."litW7inartrrVllttiis (nriit-'tij '"North W'ilkesboro, XrV., .Iiilv L'l. 'Hi. " W'eli.l liiuillv reachifil lionie vester lay via Tavlorsville, N. C, arrived here at 1! o. in. - ''Tin- roads from Tavlorsville here are beyond description iii the way they a re torn iii. In dn the rocks Troni the mountain sid four to six feet in diameter, rolled sides, id crlii ih dovn. tie1 mountain ! l oads, Bridges all g"'"' lloated. down thiMiiall strennts tliat were swollen so that tliev carried ilown two storv liousvs as if they w'otc pieces of small drift wood, h'arins are completely washed away. :'. ',M)n arrival in WilUesbot'o; I found tliat, the : (inly : llriilge left ,in Wilkei' I'oiiiity. across the' Yadkin was the one bet w een tin- two: 'towns. . 'I'liere being al'imt si washed :ivlv aerctss the 'ad knr'n loner We ii.-ol ttr t'timh down the aloitmeiits t.f tiiis:uol then wade acrns the'Mittem lands to reaeh No;;th Wilkes boro. '1'lie railroad to- Winston Salem is nlonit all gime and will take ov,er iu d;ts-io 'et a train in here, the ' W. & V. railroad .lost every bridge on the road for miles; alj the rail is gone and the road hid is all washed away. The town liht. lant, wati-r works am also all gone. liileklly i have a- gooil well 'on one of iny plae'es. (iooil drinking water is it a premium. Life so fiir in -VUJi.c.s.rw:aii..jiiitie.iAiglLL.pcoi-dL'. llr.ou ne'-h l.liat ue know of. Some Jo houses arc washed away and gone in the city here. Tim lurff tmi stifrv building of -the Shell Chair I'aelory lloated off. This, stood where father and I use to opcrrtt'e. This p;ives you some idrea of the amount of water around here. The plant of the Wilkeshoro M a n ii f art wring Company, near the !ed.iei b'iver bridge, washed away', and took , the Keddies h'iver loi.lge. The l.otiion lands are piled, high with thrash ami I he 4I. itH wjisIi ed liwiiv, The tmnbrr 7eople all lost hiavily. I'iles usually high above the lin.'ll wfller malk and these piles ','(1 to feet high unshed away as if small i hunt's. The suffering is terrible among thepoor classes. Kvervtliiug gone, ina.ni. with no clothes. "The town mayor onty .'illow'.s "2 1 pcoirnl'' of Hour, to the family. We-are sitting up a mill to make llour nt the colbn plant and have stime '.sim bushels of wheat in the town, ami with care shoilld lie aide to hold things straight, lint the terrible tilings that are ahead for this fall and winter; all- crops are gone in t h county ; to late to replant and the lands are washed so iinj.ossiltle to raise nnvthiiig on them. ''fhe. large tannery lost at least $."iui,oimi ami it will run over two mil lion in the county, to say nothing of flip cost to clean 'things up with no chalice for a train fji at Ieii "To the trained :ist Wi days. I juind in values use the old failiion liu'ht and vpfwlit tie kerosene n- tow n. Hope to open e via Tavlorsville for up. wiigon ser supitli "Mv indiviiial losses are iip to the present over'.Jf njlHO with the points be tween lloariuff river and iDoiinaha to hear from. fl'his will - take-, about '!' da vs. so if I et off with about $40,0110 feel verV thankful. Hut with my interests north Ply good. Wife "ami the cell, my nerve and energy in all I sIihIH as voit know and heairtt-fa little girl are in good trim, Ii feel like the sunshine it is bright as Aver, the opportunities as good as ever, Ijnil that life is all in the making. My Vreatcst nwre is what to-do and hoi to assist these people that have lost I heir all through the com ing winter. trhis is certainlv a time when the hcarl-i of all good people, and 1 mn certains that when the outside world )crRf4M small measure of the loss and distress this section aid will How in. These V are workers, not beggars, and I kV 1 from the efforts already started, t I we wiLL raise np better and larger tl)vj ever, if we can arrange to keep heatisl above water for a short time. Do notworry about ns, we will make it all (- K. for with health and strength etf push for- wrrrd -with Pott's hsicfr fighter and better tinieij - "" , NEAR WiLKESBORQ ANNAMESE TROOPS FIGHTING WITII ALLIES AT SALONICA i it uf ,iu k j . Annqmcae troops are now fighting with the allies at Salonica, having been called into tho war by France. ' Their equipment is most, modern, excepting their hatu, which are made of woven bamboo fibre covered with -khakL Annam is a French protectorate and the soldiers now fighting for the allied cause are well trained. They are near relatives to the Chinese. DISAPPOINTED AT BREMFN'S DELAY Second Under Sea German Trader Was Expected Off Capes Sunday A RRIVA L FOR EC ASTED Those Who Predicted the Coming of the Deutsch- . land Arc Ready to Agree That Boat Isn't Near the Capes. . - - - Norfolk , duly L' I. Persons w ho niaiii tained a walch for the Hremen, sister ship of I he giant suluncri.h-Ilciilsch land for l.lt4i..ta,sU,.ls hours were keenly disappoin-ted at the snuiorcildes failure to put in at Cape Henry. So far as could be learni -I there was lio. I race of I huSPofT the coast though she was due not later than today. - . Persons who accurately forecasted the coming of tin- I li'iitsclil.'ind almost to the hyur of lis arrival and who declared the lircmcn would probably put in off Cape Henry prolinhly .'not laler than to day iimde no .attempts' to esiduin (he noil-arrival of lite ship. They insisted that she probirbK' had lieen slight Iv de lav nossiblv h' lie present of (he allieil ! warships just lOitside tin- capes anil that she might In- expected. lo dash into safety at any time and they simultan ously admitted their disappointment at the non-arrival. . . The feeling that Hie Hrenien is tint dear tlio c.'i'pcs seemed t h;u'e spread to the allied warships and only one of litem was in sight ami she was cruis ing far off the coast. TO PROTEST .New 'ork,,Iuly -4 i'reh:lnts whose foreign t rade has been, bautlh'appeil .by rent Britain who names were included in that nation's recently published black list today declared they were collecting" a mass of .material to lay before the Ktate. IXpartment to em phasiz.e a .. formal protests and their comniuuicntiou to the Federal govern incut would probably be ready by the end of the week. "Washington, July 24. The Senate Judiciary committee by unanimous vote recommended confirmation of th'i nation of John U. t'lark, of Ohio, ai-assoiatiul just' nreine Court th mi"' Hnghes. . BLACKLISTED FIRMS PREPARING 0 FAIR DIRECTORS ITEFT There was recently held- an impor tant -meeting-of the stuck4if)ldeis of the lincky Moiiiii Fuir. nssucjutiim. , .jiixd ylans wore gone over for detnils ook liig to a great success ol. the Inst an nual event to lie held iu thi, city Oc tober 3-7 inclusive. A committer was named to secure' a prominent speaker for that date and names of several men of national prominence were discussed at least one. and possibly, two may be invited here for that occasion. , Fifty stables have already been com pleted and if was generally agreed that this was hardly enough and hl'tecu ad dit innat- staldcs with -a barn earing for thirty horses has been ordered erected. This will lifing the tojal stables on the lot in the enclosure to nine tylive and about fills the needs of the-local track, l'pwnrds of a half dozen horses are expected to he bi oeght here din ing -t in present week t fi train for tlie'event of the first -week ill' October. '- ' ' "'. At the mooting of the stockholders it was also decided that an attractive poultry barn should be buill . to care fop what is expected to be one of -the largest poultry exhibits to occur in tin State this ear. L MONDAY EVIL DOERS Ther was a half hour's session of the city court this morning for the dis position of evildoers for the leftovers from a week end.. Recorder Fountain presided while Mr. W. S. Wilkinson, Jr., prosecuted the docket. Damon Hullin k was convicted of the charge of an assault and was. lined i He pabT the money. Hatty. Terry and l'risiilla Taylor faced a charge of. disorderly conduct and Jhe Terry woman was lined !fi, while flic other defendant- was let off upon the. payment of half of that amount. Xeal Mi Siuims 'and" Henry John' ,u faced the charge of being Migrants and heating a ride . on The train. Out of work, they didn't care if they didn't get any more hut the court took a dif ferent view of the nfatter. and they were sent along to tin- roail, force for sixty davs each." Charles Meyers for a charge of dis orderly conduct, was conVicted iml required to contribute tfo to the coffers of the city. ' - - Henry Wooten for. ' charge of dis orderly conduct, was tined $7... "id. " - REV. fr -OFF ' tOVL VACATION TRIP Itii Johnson J?ft by the ' today for Scotland it' fxpeefs-Trspend the j his three weeks vaea latires and friends." , PLANNING FOR OFFERING QF iJ 'I VrJ ' I. LOOKING FOR THE Mayor of San Francisco Of fers' $5,000 Reward for Arrest of Man MANY JOIN IN CHASE Two More May Re Added to the List of Dead in the Fatal Tragedy of Satur day, During Preparedness Parade. .San Francisco, July iM -Under the pressure of public.' sentiment which has iieeii arorised over the bomb explosions which marked Saturday's preparedness parade-here. The authorities are work With determination to apprehend the" perpetrator of the deed.- To the death list of six it.Js expected two and probably more of the forty four injur c.. w ill lie addial. Five of tilt!, victims are reported in a seiioii condition. l.ed by. Mayor liolph, who has offered a rewnnl -'-of 11,0011 for the arrest of theperi-oii who Juglrf have placed the bomb. There are seines of citizens who have. volunteered', their, service, in ''ap prehending the guilty party. ' .- A nrass mooting to express an opin ion of 'the "bomb outrage " .wan called today for next Wednesday by Freder ick J. Roster, president"- of the Cham ber of Commerce" Soveral clues arc being followed with great activity. Twif men are claimed to have seen the men with the suitcase believed to have con tained the infernal.. inaehnie and de scribed him as about ,'io years old, tall and shabbily dressed. A reward of $1, oiiii has been, offered by the brother of one of the victims. ARREST NEGRO FOR HAVING SHOT The police, at a lator hour Saturday afternoon, placed Jim Ricks, colored, under arrest, charging him with having shot Jithur May Saturday. The shoot ing occurred at a poiut on Cowlick cn'ek, The police believe it was through a misunderstanding which followed a dice" (fame. May is shot through the left shoulders a few inchest shove his he;irt and while it was first thought he might he fatally injured, physicians de clare lie wiMrevovf r, Jim Pm-1 "tl "arraigned this morning and his bond wm tilxod at ",). the amount bein? give PLACER OF BOMB -ANOTHER Heavy Fighting Continues . - Ov.er Greater Parts of Sunday in West MG CONTEST FOR THE TOWN OF POZIEREES The Report Tells of Sharp Clash Between Germans and French Small Crafts In the North Sea During Sunday. London, Julv !M. London todav re ports new and important advantages gtHne4-by -(he- Jlritish in their- Mght-foi f'ozu-rccs the present focal point of their attack 411 the Komme region. Despite a stubborn (eriaan defense of the town, which has been turned into a strongly fortified post, a large portion of it is now in Hntish hands. The place is considered of great practical iniporlnnce as locking ,nn advance of the Flntish lines toward Rataume along " 4 --' 1 Vnnrpnhr wood to thi east . The heavy, lighting of yesterday was followed by comparative calm nt night, but besides the successes of J'oiers the Hntish reports gams of ground near high wood -and iu the vicinity of Ouille mont on thji British left flank. The repulse of ierinnn counter at tacks between Ilighwood and Uuille mont is reported. .- 1'aris Quuuiiiat'S the continuance of bad weather alonir the French front on the Homme region and cessation for the time being of active operations there..' , --' ,v. . emiihasizo the imiiOrtnncc of the Rus sian offensive in the liiga region where nt one point the (ierinnn forces are re ported to have been driven back 12 miles. The Russian are said now to he consolidating the ground gained in the offensive which extends along a 30-milr front. - . Ft4 fo(jHt l o flic iallyBUiuMince t h e advance-rrf-a Kiissinii guard within 1.'! miles of the Turkish force, at Ser.igan upon which the Russian army is steadily ndvancing. .''..' , Engagements between "flermnn tor-, pedo craft and a British foreo of small vesselSTu the North Kea arc told of in a UritisliTiiTinirality statement. In a riiniiing fight with six lerman! destroy ers reported hits are declared to have been secured by the British. One of the British vessels was hit and two men wounded. The Germans succeeded in reaching the Belgian' coast." W RILEY -Imlinnnpolis, July tl. Flags all ever Indianapolis and many other cities of the State ere at half mast over the death of James Whitcomc Riley win died suddenly7 Saturday night. The body will lie in the Htate capital from It until H o 'clock tonight. Only teni tiyo funeral arrangements have been made but burial w ill be made. here. ASOUITH ASKS FOR VOTE OF By tin- A-imUtfct Prci. t.ond"n, July 24. Premier Asquith todav askefl the Houso of Commons for a vote of credit for 4-W,000,000 pounds. This is a total for the vear of l.OaO.OOO, lioo and the total since the beginning of The war of 2,-i,oftOKoo -pounda (p- proximately 14,lfi0,0O0,000.) IRISH RESENT THE ACTION OF HOUSE. London, Julv 24. Premier Asquith today told John Redmond, leader of the Irish Nationalists in the house of com mons, that the British government ii'J not propose to introduce an Jnsh h- NO ANA MOURNS DEATH OF JAMES mi MONEY not a f 4 1 ui.staV rr4nlT,""r regard to which there did not to be the prospect of a subs ar,amiiiil liv nil ttnlit I imrtipft ...,... ... .... - , ... ' Mr. Redmond obtained leave to mover, j' the, adjournment of the house in order .; to "call atten t ini fo the rapidly . jjro"-- . " Tiig unresTlri Ireland, owing to th- that the government did not in carry out in eatiety the plan imposed settlement. A. C. L. Again Has Lost 1 of Main Line Trac! Near Saute River DETOURING TRAII OVER SOUTHERN NC The Continuation of i Downpour Makes For : piousness of Situatic New Flood Warnings . Out. Though greatly annoyed by the I waterlnd the continued downlim Mouth." t.'arolmA.-.thc Atlantic ( Itne has yet the only through line i tweon New York and South Atbir Seaboard or -through theL'Brolinas. ( ing to the continued rise, the bu rivor coupled with the fact that tin- was a high tido on tne coast, tnc A bintie Co.-tst Line was vestcrdav afti noon forced to block j.ta main lino i the Bnntee. rivor oerwoen Janes at liarleston. This was done in ordery. - - -ai,i,ur of the erubankim and with riKi nopev ri., . -, tracks ami bridge wlilcn are now griv ly threatened by the rising water. Thia for a hrief time blocks the COUr: of travel south, however, aud it wi expected the line between Sumter ar Augusta over the Santee, detouring I Chnrleston to Tianniark on the Bout em Jtailroad.- Beahoard Air Line trail arc being dctoured oyer .this, san tracking . whilo "., it iT understood tl Southern attempts no through acrvii further south than Charlotte. -Th comnued rains in Houtb Carolin ciala regard as grave and with the coi tlnuatton of the rain the . rivers . an streams show little cessation In th fury of their flow or thef thei embankment.' The Santee river, accon ing to reports, has several times read ed a standstill and later gone highe Ynsterdny the 4ide of the aoait bad i effect, though thi condition is abate today, and oniciala believe , that the miiv be able to save the bridire an NEW FLOOD " WARNING ISSUED ' - s Charleston, July ii: The local ir (her bureau sent otft new flood warning to tlrf-a-ftern- netioih of thi-8t8te an conditions similar to 1908 were for casted for tiie Vflccama river. Reeef hfyyVry.ihiive swollen rivers in th (ojjxi,' i I of the State, In the low er i-'rW ylction high water are peeted aVrlloodi rc announced to b indefinitely prolonged. New crests ar 4-anmniriaed for this week. T i Washington, July 24. Rhowety tinned general last night in the A and Fast Gulf Htates with an heavy fall in North and South Cart so the weather bureau reported V I nsettled weather will continue t and Tuesday in the South Alt Htates. STOCK MARKET New York, July 24 Trading in I volume and higher prices marke resumption of operations today. Saturday's advancing tendency r general headway. United Stab led the movement, soon advam to over 87. Other-milar indus eluding Lackawl 9 (Jteel, th- ments, General K, Zinc stocks were fraf ions to a pC extwmely activ .Maxwell. t"n yrominunt ra' and rails gav1 from their j; Xl,,. 7 rfrcr New Yor ojened ste SHOIRSCONIIIIUI OVERGADLIfl DAY