i . . ., ' . Wednesday, July 2Glh, istffc E' 'EVENING TELEGRAM - . ; : ; -T"""" .ri.rftirrtfwwrfrilrtr-fVl-fiWftrifrr(firrrMri'iiii.l.M.ii. .Mil.m,,l?ffilM t -.JUK 1 IN G N h W 5 JDLNG OF CLUBS J VIRGINIA LEAGUE "ft News' Mount . Month . . hrg ... It .. .. Won. Lost. Pet. I . . 17 3 . .R5ltl . 12 8 ,.HO0 .-io 1o '.r.oo . JO 1U .51)0 . 14- ..aoo GONZALES IS GAME'S ONLY CUBAN CATCHER CAROLINA LEAOUB. "" t '. Won. Lost.. JVC .. 14: 0 .G.I7 ".... - .... 10 7 I,SH h 7 .n:i.i v. - i - ,VJ Huoro 7 . lit in iloo ,h . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hi .200 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. I'ct. lyn . , ...... . . 4:1 H2 .0110 it .'. .. .... . , 4:1 xi . .r.r)l icinhiu .v.. . : : 4 4 ..i.io 'o . . vrr: .... 4X 4rr iorJc .. ... i :m . 12 .iHi burgh , .-. x 42 47.1 oiiib . . ........ 41 IS Mil iiiuitl . , ' .15 ,12 AMERICAN LEAGUE. iilm Won. Lost. I'ct. rk .... . . . . .11 .'17 . ..10 hi -to :m ..iii;; land . . ..... .in ..Mi:: igo .. .'. - -ID " 40 -In I 'ington ........ 17 II .0:14 -It . vr-TT-r-rr- 45 .-MR i 'lun .... . . . : is .41H i.lphia ... . . ... . . ID ii2 SOUTHERN LEAGUE Won T.ost r'(f iiio . . .11 :m .liiiii i ! 1 leans .is . :iii ..liio ... uiooga . . Hi . in : .10.1 ' .. .. . . .. .. 44 4 1 .,1(111 lupins" ,. .'. . . 14 4,1 -.l!M tmngham .. .. .. 4:2 4.1 .lo.i fttlo itock .. .. .. .. Id Til : .41(1 lulo ... S 51' III I i ; o -V lor.'n A t OTTHnr nv-t- i JEBALL SUMMARY! VIRGINIA LEAGUE 1 Jrfolk-Hoi'ky Mount, rain. i'Wort Nowii 0; IVlcrsliui'K (); Aid (tli, rain.) Mtera schoduloil. ' CAROLINA LEAGUE IliBton-Halcm H -4; Jalci;li 7.0. rlotte S!-J j liroiMisboro 1-2 (lirM llllllll'H.) evilk-Dnrham, Diirliain team rnve. jMERIOAN LEAGUE1 jwo 1 linyw, Yorlt H. Jjoiiiu tfl "r llil7f?loliliia .'Ait Cj Wahiiiftnii i. Vcland 5; Bnntim I. NATIONAL LEAGUE. ."V NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' ' .1 . 1 ' 1 At Boston 2; Chicago :t (11 inniiiK.) a kta... vnj,.fiin,.:..n(. .....t ..V .1.. I At . Phnallnhi-litti.tur?. t rain.i.-i - "-'"! at I'liiJii-l.-Ipliia. kt Hw.lrlvn.H.. I,,...iU vvl' JMrllltiatl lit V Ulk. 5N vV . YANKEES MAY BUY ROM PHILADELPHIA limp and (.'Icvelaml has liceomr one of term, JH52,- of, J-.ilgci'ombe cirtinty, it ho hcut inyiiiK cities in the oirtiiiit. " Mnft lot No. A pf Haul cIivihioii, and 1)0- Doiiovhii Iiiih nianaifiNl tho JftnWofs injf ni trace oi iituii wmca iiesct;"'""" Hiltislactonlv.. when It J conBUlerca ro niisnn uavn xrom nur uiiu-r, uvn li(w inauy accidents ' havo liaiilie.apied Dawes. 1 " . 1 i tho teimi. Donovan i8 fiititlcd to miichl TcrhiH of sale ensh upon: report and credit for keeping 1 he Yankees ho high confirmation of said saU'. The purelias- in the rued There is no-doubt that lr I rr w,u ,e required to make a deposit of we had experienced Bood fortune in I (rn .lpr ,,ont f amount of liis hid avoiding these accidents the team ow with said comniisnioner, pending the. would he leading, hy ii wide mnrgin The players have shown the right spirit under Donovan 'h leiidertdiiii. They have Worked liard and failhfuli.Vi and thev are nut iroinc t iuit now because Hl(i'iand other stars are on the hos pital list. The season is only half over, and inniiv things inav happen before the lirst of October." report and confirmation of the sale. July 1, ii'ltt. M. H. DAWKS, Coniinissiomjr BIG EXCURSION Spring Hopo, Enfleldj Scotland Neck And Intermediate PoiutB to WEORO SIGNALS PAS8NGEB - - . TRAIN AND PREVENTS WRECK NORFOLK, VA, rlllllldl lplll.l, ,v -J). -r -Von ve got to liaiKl the pn.i' will eh to .New M oik tor One thing. I heir Anii'neiiii League club owner have ) U-LUUhf. .i)iu.Jklui.sr. riiTjijrt mm liiirtliMi spared no expense last se;irw)ii in semling senilis throughout the country pinning lor promising tal fill. I lie teimi went Mtiilli I? bull plav .el's iii sijiuid, Home not tpiite so: much Imll players lis others. ' They bought linker nt the high price asked for him. And now--the', injuries;.' to . tiilhooley, Minsel and linker have put them in a hole ug.'iiu. What do thev do (ion plain ' hard luck nnst them ! d : tin Miguel GonMilea. (ionzaes, the onlv ( ubaii entcher iii the baseball business, lias been plaviug a gooii fielding game tor the St. Louis t ardiiials in the abseni i ol Snvder. Cioutiles niecliunical work is fniiltless, hut ho makes occasional slips of pnl nient, mid heailwork flint are said to mar his plaving. 1VIIERE THEY PLAY VIRGINIA LEAGUE Uockv .Mount ut Norfolk. .-eteiHburg nt Newport News. No game tor l ortsmoiilli. CAROLINA LEAGUE. Hnlcigh nt. lnston. (ireeiisboro nt hu rlotte. Durham nt Asheville. AMERICAN LEAGUE, New York nt Chii'iigo, I'lnbiilelphia nt St. Louis. Washington nt Dyljoit. Dostoii lit I 'levelainl.' TomTI TIT bieaks going iiu Not Ihev. If mone' can buv pl:iv(rs r oinpeti'iit to (ill the 'shoes' of the hos pital c.'km's It will he. done, Naturally, they turn to the merclianl ..iiiost. likeiy to sell, .'rinit, is Why, '.persistent ru; mors r.ro "afloat in. New York jiivl now, ei'Hiinglv--ta,conie from high nutliority, (hit the links are trvnlL' to buv St ul fv .Mcliiues. and have a good chame of landing linn. .Mel lines was a sTiTTrf.stop before he ever. pla.ved.Just,. ami can . hamlJe Jiiiu self about eiii;illv well .at. -third, short or second. .The Yanks need somebody good to (ill the-' vacancy lelt bv the homo run king, and . all hough ... Stuffy Jins bnplny iug at 4. It -opjiositc .corner of ...the; inlieid: .tin-.. 1 lie past- 1U e- years, it would .probably be vnsy for him tO'get. hack to his youthful position. liul it .Mi' noes can t be bought, t he ambitious". -Yankee ouners-uill not lie disheartened. " J t is my nnibit ion to prinide the New 'iii .biiseball public with- a world's championship,'' 4s the way -I 'iiboief liiippert -pntsit. -'-Nol hing could be niore iiiteiesf i ng I linn a ;World V series ' bet Ween the 'Yunkrcs uti'l tin'1 (iiauti or I'.ioukh us, .Vim . Yt.. rU . -in New Hera, .lulv 'Jo. A cloudburHt which oee'iirnid in the Ifnve.lock sefltion Kifudav nfteriioon washed away the un-.-leininini' of about 4.1 feet of the Nor folk Houthcrn railway conipanv track two mil ist of llnveloek mid caused n WnV of-WVrf-n1 "r?rW Vtf atTlniC t1 thnt sect ion. The ibnnai'c to the truck was discov ,.r.l ul.iirtlv nfter; :l o'clock bv W. L. I.nwhoin, a negro resident of that see- tion lleali.ing that if a passenger train ever struck (he rails as they tiling miisi nenilei I ill mill air over the washed out nee! inn it would mean a possible henvv loss of life, he sent his wite up -UrI i I. in warn umx train rnniuig- t'roiii Unit direction, while lie went the other direction. The lirst section of the regular train f p. ifnrt win the first to come nlon' The engineer saw Lawhorn sig nailing him and brought his train to a stop and was told of the wnnhout. The train proceeded slowlv on to a point , in,, wnshont nnd ( bnducor Davis ..-Ik.,. I froin that point to the llnveloek uli.li.tM ii nd I'cliolted the affair to the Ww -Hem ollicc and asked for assist ance. VI ATLANTIC COAST LINE THURSDAY, AUGUST 10th. Train leaves Uockv Mount (.,1() a. in. Leaves Norfolk, returning U.00 p. m. rare, from Jiocky Mount .$1.75 W 1 .losing, r TrallK Mgr T. 0. WHITE, General I'nsaeiiger Aft. Round Trip Fares SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of tho South. $94.05 CioldHhoro, N. C. to Portland. Oregon. V.. to Han N. C, to him NOTICE OF SALE the ho and tin ol t.iai t baseball tans are i r ,ln iti ill it 1 in the .1 In Hi.' ouitt ry strong in buv. SOUTHERN-LEAGUE At 'Atlanta 0: "BirmiiV-!m 8. it r.,,i,io i. 'fcS, v.. At Mew Orleans AL,Nahvillo I4 Tl'V- I Li . .vriln stop- RAIN STOPS BATTa Newport News, Jiily V. id a pitching duel bet ween Hpuid find i (tariTinior in the sixth inning nf4es S 0-0. Crist 'a running catch of a drive irom I'ar'a but was a feature. , Bcore: R. II. K. "torsharg ...... ..000 000 0 5 0 VP01" News . . . i 000 0000 ! 0 .terie8: Spaid nud Hudgins; (lar wild Jake. (St. Louis nt Hiooklyu ('liie.-ij-o at Hoston. GREENSBORO MEN TO RETAIN CLUB FRANCHISE (.ieoiishnroiluly L'li. A meeting oi' t.UHi Hess- men and .lu eetoi s of I he o cal (dub Hith ('resilient V. (I. (,'iaui hiiin, of Dinhani, at the 1'hamher of Cominerce last night, pledged a sulli eient amount to practically insure the retaining' of .the local fiiiuchise, each lilisiui'ss limn iireueiit gii ing h nego-: liable full the ankees. in spit of much hard luck. ha e show n bv their present position in the race that in attempting to build up a pennant winner we have made som'e progress. I he pntlduage which the Yu nkees : have enjoyed at. . the I'olo (.rounds this season jn'0'cs conclusive ly that 'the funs demand first class i spoi'f.' Our games at home so far have- drawn as inan paid .'i.lrnissioiis as we rjuved at the i'olo (.rounds all hot vrarH l or Hint reason Captain Huston and I will spare no expense in getting hold of more desirable pjayers.- . . "Kcvornl scouts are looking over the minor leagues, for new men.; The club who linn a do.eu recruits in tltr minors vvho Van ho rceiilled. ' liul if I here is an opporluiiily to buy a t-'tnr front one .if the other major league clubs the money iil I.e. forthcoming' . without ; de'.ay. .since we purel-nited ihe 'an.kees a war ago last winter fur $nii,niiii -fiine paid iHT.I.imiii I'm- new players, ue did uol .!'. .4 ilis.MHuaged. If the .tc'iiii e.f-evd .'f'l:''.1.llliil. We j.wt .". MM) in runiliag fx peuses last -teas.ar, but : vc .I'd not feel discourage. 1 f I he feamcon tinii."' tji hi- a j'actnr, in 1 he ra.'e t'he idub olHS'oi. t n.e se'iseu. -, ours ".u H e.vtrenielv h.Mibl niai.e .t.Sii.lioo. p.-'ol tliat aniouiit vTiider and bv ..virtue of the power of u.le .i.iilaiiiod in-4hnt emdaiu -deed in .... , .... 1 .. .tiaist :tmiu..lirJ.-..tiauaers-.ine .uun.er sit.ned. dated Heeember 2.1, 101.1, and lulv recorded ill book 21U, page V.wli Cnin.tv Heeistrv. default havintf been Vnade in' the !iyinent of the in .1,4,1 ..cliioss Iherehv seeure.l, ami the liMrnl hol.ler of said notes therein de scribed having "made' request . for. sab Ihe-ondcrsiniicd ,will..onW.ed.iiesdi!y n,nist . 2:iril. llU(i. between the-. hours of 12 o.ci'ui'k noon and 2 ii. m., offer for sale to the higlust bidder for cnnhr44w1nir-tnTTT land anil premises, described ill said .I I in trust and being described as pnii'i'l $92.71) tiolilHhoro, X Iranemco, t Hlifnriuii. $111.12 (ioldsboro I raneisco, ( alitoi ina. Aceount; Kniglits of I'vthins, nnd I'v thiaiis Misters Convention, I'ortWilid, Ore., nud (iraiiil Kncampment Knights Jeniplur, Los Angeles, ( all. Tickets" on mle, July 22 to 211 inclusive. 1'inal limit two months from date of sale, fet op overs permitted. $20.2.1 Goldshoro, N. C, to Nashville Tenn., necmint I'eabodv ( ollege .Sum nier N'hool. Tickets on- side Wnno -l!) and 21, and Julv .20, 22 and 24. ('null hunt inav bo extended to (September .10, ltllfi, hv imvinelit of (1.110. $!).45 (ioldsboro, N. V,, to Itlnek "Mouiitaui and liidgecrast; "S. ( ., ac counf various conferences. Tickets on sale Julv 20, Ul and 2h. August 1? 4, 14, 1.1 11 nd 22. linal limit 17 davs from date of sale. $1(1. 7;1 (loldslmro, N. ( ., to Wavnes viltc and Lake Junaliiska, N. ( ., ac count various conlcrenccs. Ulckets on sab hn follows: .lulv -1 to -4 luclu sive wi tr . final ..liniil AngnKt 17; duly 2S to August inclusive with linal limit August Is: August 0 to !l inclusive with ti 'i tla lief thence in 11 northerly iliri tiQii ."2 feet, to a stu.io; thence 11: nud envterly (Uieetioii ,.arallel with (.'heater st.'o.'t ,s:l feet to ilraco rect! thenee in a southerly direction with tho 'wost ern line of Crace street 52 feet to tho hegirtnig, and being n j.art of the pre mises conveyed by H. H. Bryan to the parties of the first part by deed record ed in book 19(i, ,pnge .r!2, Nash county registry, nnd also a pa-i t of the premises eoiiviVo.l to the parties of tlie lirst part by Wi.'-T;- Overstrect and wife, by deed recorded in book iJiilV page "SH, N'ash county registry, to which deeds refer ein e may be had for further rleserip fi.ui and iilentificnjion. This descrip tion is taken f rom deed from 1 rank 1'. Sprnill and wife to V. A. Wells, record ed in book l'U4, page 122, Nash county rei'istrv. Subect to prior encuinbrnnce of $7(i0.00 to the Citizens Building unci I.oiui Company. ' ;t. I'.egiuiiing at point in tho northern line, of Ohester street 28,'1.5 feet west of , tho iiorthwesterit intersection of Grace and Chester streets; thenco in a north erly direction 102 feet to a lont ; ; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Cheeter street 147.5 foot to a stake in the eastern line of tho oxtensionol! Howell street; thnce.iri a ioutherlv-di- lection uieng said lino 102 feet to n, stake in-tho northeastern intersection of Chester and Uowe!lfdreots; thenee in an easterly dirL'ction along the north ern line. of Chester street' 14 li feet to tho beginniiiK, and being the identical tract eonveved hy 0. A. Wells nnd wifrt " to C K .lames on January HI, 1014, nnd conicved by 1'. JL Jordan, trustee, to C. A Wells 011 February 2.1, HI 13. jniv is, 1D16. ; J. C- I1RASWKLL, Trustee. R -3 V1 .m;i y 1 h 1 v 1 8niii' Wt v. nitlil i-ohn'mI J'tn t h p:i I il r . 11 il!iiliir lln' tt'.'UJijs fhiliiri'S f(U IH-X't pli'ild to lin.'iticf the flnh. Thr IWS CENSOR FOR CAN OPERATIONS i !j lpv : am: rf '. f.ODAY,; II y f power: V1 ,e""in" in t" me had . V ne highway nL T I ft ing of forces iT"" !ion can be gH-e ' . 4 " way to 1 -nt big iinouni, However, was not seen fed and I'rt'siiient Hriimham will remain in the eilv. tomorrow to router with a few men who expressed regret at be ing unable to atteild the conference last night. , I'resident lirainliain aiinouiiced that Asheville would resume its phfving schedule in Haleigh on Friday, lifter having been forced to lay idle. 'lor the past ten days. y eai . . " In nt liei- ords, I u(u fuith what has heii :e,'o 1 .feel !-ure t hat I hi publi, our club soon will be one fni'lTTTs" "in l-he national been show n in ( 'lev ehi ml mid -tied and .-.i'I i h d, icalies that f 'Hie biggest mie. ' If has whnl liberal 'XpenHlture 0001 li. Ii, li 4- I ' ac -4r. lollows: All thilt CCrtiUfl 101 of of land lvnig and being 111 Nash ( oun tv. North Carolina, in the suburb of the citv of Ko. kv Mount usually known and -designated ns.Ilnppv Hill, being lot No. I of the W illiams and Marnliill Happy Hill property, as is sliown by plat and survev of snnl property duly recorded ill the Nash County liegistrv more narticularlv described as follows. to wit: Heginnuig at an iron stake the Northern line of 1 lmmns street. 10 feet Lasterlv from the point of niter section of the Northern line of Thomas street and the Knstern line of Howell street; thence .V 1:3 degrees ;Xi mm- utcs K. 110.7 feet .. to an iron stake I heuce N'. (ill degrees ,10 minutes W. , 'Ill feet to an. iron stake; tlience-S 2.'i de grees .10 minutest W. I ID. f feet to iron stake iu the .Northern line of Thomas street; thence South fifi degrees In minutes K. 20 feet to an iron stake at the point of beginning. x . This, 22ud dav of Julv, l'.'Hi. '"''"' THOS. II. BATTLE Trustuc .August - V ; -,;".. .- Low round trip tares- I rom ot her I points on snme basis. For detailed in- j "" NOTICE OF SALE. North 'a rol itfa , Nash Oountv: "ly v-irtje of the mer of sale con tamed iii a certain deed of trust, dated the L'2nd of February,. 1!H(5, recorded in N'.ish co'unt . frrgisliy, Book .21.1, page"" .'!!, from William Sessniiis and Arsenic Kessoms, his wife, to Uockv Mount Hav ings ttTrust Company, Trustee, made to .secure 'the payment of the indebted ness therein mentioned, the undersigned upon reiiuest of the holder o"f the note ured, whu loriiiutiuu call on. J. JONl.'S. T. P. A. liulcigh, N. C. VACATION TIME ATTRACTIVE SUNDAY EXCURSION Wecll-end ai)d Summer Tourist ROUND TRIP FARES via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of tho South To the . .SEASHORE AND MOUNTAIN RESORT-POINTS Good opportunity "lo spen.t Sundav. the week-Hint -or the siimiger nt the sea shore or in the cool mountains of West ern North Carolina. "The Land of the Skv.'' ' : -.:'. . Call on us for details, as to round trip fares, befit schedules, sleeping car reser vations, ,-iu. I let us arrange your tip.' we wil make it comfortable. - . .' O. J(v!iS ' Traveling I'nssenger Agent,-" . ;' '.'.- JJaleigh, N. (.' R -1 t I I 1 I it I MOTICE To Automobile Owners! 3 On and after August 1st Our Terms Will Be Strictly CASH TO ALL. Signed: F.P.DUNNMOTOR CAR CO. BURNETTE Ford Supply Co. VTTTROSivrSOtJ, STEWART AUTO CO., L. D. BULLUCK, GARAGE. I I I t.WM I lM K I For These HOT Summer Days I DROPPED SOME VERY HOT MESSAGES FOR BERLIN lil'V. ; W'liV, hl'd ' SMUIOO'I' v li''il the Yankees played in Clev.-fainl I saw I'M than .;ii per;:,. us in ihe griiiid..! I. liul (hat was due to a weak . tram :ii"i the inability of Charles W, Sum. m to .4. lain expensive players. T'lie'1-ale iTt' Ihe I'le.velan.l club t.i .lano-s C. Iiunii, f hrerfiire, was a III strike; for lliinn made a Sagacious move when he bought Speaker for $.10,111111. His ball pail, has been crowded ever isnce the opening Part of Text of One of The "Tro clainatiou" of Daring french Aviator. URGES : BRITISH TO LET .TARS RETAIN CAPTIIREH ISLANDS Arringtn I'll is in. irnor in efnult, will sell at I llin Citv of Rockv " " " NOTICE. 1'inler tile power" contained iu adeed of trust irivon bv.C. A. Wells and wife, Ttninia"".,." Vells, to .1. C. Hraswell, t r 11 s-' Ice, on I'chruaiy .27, ll'l.l, recorded in book -21.'l( .J agi' Mi, Nasli coiriTty regis try, the iu..etjigueil -.illilTer for sale, nt piil.:c auction to the highest bidder for ciihIi - before l'laiiters National Hank, in t hu .-it v f IJni ln- Mount. l'aris, July '2(1. Second . Lieutenant Aiiselm Marchal, who recently flew over lierlin, throwing out pioclamatioiis as lid passe'l nnd finally was loned hv engine trouble to ileseeini 111 Kns-o.-.n J ol.'ind w here he was captured hv the Aiistrians is .'!.'! years old. lie received lus pilot 's license 111 liifo lleli a d bei'lLf inplov-id by Iii r 1 1 1 a a firms fiml hud made freueut trips between Herliu nnd Cologne so that he was well nciiuiiiiiteil with the country over which he flew. He whs in (lermaiiv when C " war Proke out, but managed to get back to France. ' lie took part in a number of bombing raids and received the decoration of the legion of honor December 21. .ales 0 coun ? is 1 ,,t: Raleigh. 1 v0'Vr unimpro' V.. 4 -l( The proclamation thrown on R0W111 is described by French authorities its con sisting of 1111 ",inip;ii'ti,'il statement of the causes of the war, and the principal -misoii8-h.Vt!ieT;ulento" "iwllihs in e hound to win, ' v nud coiicliidin'2"Vvith J these worus: . "Hy the wholesale massacre of inno cent women and children and hv her brutal methods of warfare Germany has alienated the sv moat hies of lreutiuU and the number of her enemies grows daily. 'The allies are firinlvVesoIved to go until the Utmost limit. Ion are fight rs ? and i'l! 'y for your at of I kings, your hierachy land grabbers Vte are fighting lie liberty of all against the tyran- A military caste. . I I desire to punish the guilty. We1 tor'V make.n repetition of the prea , T ge imjossible, and that object lli-iincd if iu (iortnany the peo- Mount, N'ash county, North Carolina, to the highest bidder nt public-auction for cash at 12 o clock noon on Saturday, the -t'tli of .Inly, WU,, the following lie scribed real estate. A certain lot of land lying in Nash county. .North Carolina, in or near thi (. ity of boi'kv Alonnt being the Home I'lnce of William .Sessomsoin the Little Kaleigh suburb of Rocky Mount, nd- loiinng the lots of Kelly Bryant, Lizzie Hat tie ami others, fronting fifty feet on Henry street, three hundred feet from (iro n street and running hark one hun dred and two and one half feet, being lot No. 4(1 in the H. I'. Cihson land, n survey of which is recorded in Hook Iris, jingo ii, of Nnsh Hegistrv, nnd being lot conveyed to William. Sessoms by deed from H. I), Mnlluck arid wife, recorded in Nn.sli County Itegistry. This tlie L'7th day of Jiine,-l!Hi. UOCKV MOI'XT SAVINGS & TIU.'ST CO., Trustee. For further information see HATTLK & WIXKLO'.V, Attorneys N'ortlrCarolinn. ou Satur.lav, August 2(1, IDlli. .it I L!.. IU 11 '1 lock I'. .M H'll'ml bus we have lots of-prei)ai,ed foods that will shorten the time you usually spend in a hot kitchen. 1 ,-' " -'-:::: ' -. --V. : -::'-. or parcel ot laud, lying in the city -of i K... kv Mount, Nash county, stale afore- I said, and described in said trust deed as: follows: - . .- ...' 1. A.l.jnining the laml1 of vWi2ij A vera mid others; H. 'ginning... nt the I southeast c. irner of W. I. Hicks' lau.1,1 hill fei't koiiIIi of 1 1 :i in it 1 1 ll , I street aiulj io- leei nortii ol i licsler street; inenei m. nth with Avera's line ltl'2 feet Chester street; thenee east with Che street .in feet to S. It. Hilliard 's or l.ul 1 iarrett 's line; thenee north with lid liard 's or in net I 's line lu2 feet; th.n.s' west on a line parallel with Han I street .10 feel t.. the beginning. Tin:. lesiripti'ii. is taken from deed from li. W. KuuIk to C. A. Wells, recorded in book 2114, page Zufi, Nash county .'regis-' try. (-uled to prior encii'iibiauce of 4125.000. Hegi lining at.-a stake iu the north- i'n lit;,' cf Chester street at the iuter mtUuii of -. (-'heater and Crace streets; (I. .'nee in n westV'iIy dircfion with the nofflll'M- lint, of CI, ..'. T ;r,. 's'M' ''.Good "country butter and fresh Richmond Bread-daily. We sell the -"Sunbeam" may onnaise dressing Best in the world. Full line cereal:-, canned meats, -etc. x ' Roast Beef, . . Lunch Tongue, Good Sardines, Veal Loaf, Chicken Loaf, Bonoless Chicken etc. Cooked Brains, Deviled Ham, ... Potted Ham, Potted Chicken, Vienna S? usage, Pork Sausage, Corned Beef Hash, ' ' : etc. Crab Meat, Shrimps, Tuna Fish, Chippod Beef, Corned Beef Hash, Oysters, Prepared Soups, "...'. etc. . Indian Rock Ginger Ale kept on ice at all ' times. , ' Rhone Us Your Orders Jenkins & Jeffreys Two Phones, 171-172 1 3 7 Sunset Avenue: 2 NOTICE . Cuder Hie power continued in a de croc in a suit now (Minding in Kdge combe Superior Court, untitled Marirar elliawes et al vs. Millie Kstelle Lanciis- ter et ill, the.uiiilersiiriied coininissioner will offer for sale, at iublie auction to . I. .. .!.. . ',, a - . . me mgiiesi dinner, in iont or the store ol tieorge Dawes in tin niirg, i-.iigecnniiic counl town of Sharps v. North Caro lina, on Saturday, September 2, 1916, at Baron . Baron Chinda. cently was the Jal at Washinirton. ha3 don by his poverrl British to permit , Islands captured ti the Germans in the war. Baron Chincl of 10. twelve o clock At., th: described in the petit i neiiig iu ciigecoinoe co sixty-two (h'2i acres. bounded arid described ginning at a small bl; r. lot No. 2 in Tvan Co v'-silroad; thence sou tract of land n ns lying and nty, containing more or less, is follows: J)e k gum, corner y Swamp near 157 1-2 poles wond stump inl the hay )ond o. X spring vt. - And Iiit JhCTini NOEFOI Via ATLANTIC i THURSDAY, At t Tram leaves Rocky Mil""1 Leaves Norfolk, return 1 1 rare from Hochy AIoui l degrees E. 54 Bobbins' cor- W. J23 3-4 (rs. Rob- '-oles. I mtUuii of ('liester and Crace streets; 3 (I. ence in n wi"it"eily dircfion witli the m norflu'.e li.'f of Clw'.j'er .In..,- ' v! '' ' 1 iu ' ' ' : , ,,-rm". J ,-. vi - ) - ji'i - ii ni.ini.i iii' '" ' " " '"' J -t inn, " Mi -'"iii i.iii.iii rT'.i1T' - 'r- I - ,t'S ii II (rVwJJllUDUAc;JlVJl(oi I I J vv(.U;J U ( U U I ivr-c I h - JULY 2, 28, 29 y V -ki" ' Tf A. L. TYSON - WW 1 : " " i. r-m u l v j ' 7 0 -i c; i-i. I

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