V.Jnesda'y; July 2Gth, 1916. V y ' CTIE , EVENING -.TELEGRAM r - PACE St VI: ( ! Avoids 9 Breakfast Cooking -- New. Post:Toasties-aiu-r(tly-la. ';it direct f rem tin; package. Tlie.v liave (Wine new (1n voiiiv-sell'-levclo)ctl ly a JH'W jmteiifetl prows. . It's ran:, true flavour of prune, w liitc Indian corn 'itself, and these New Toasties are the first corn flakes that do not dcnrnd on cream :ind Kin'jir for pnlatalnlity. - The )rool' of this, superior flavour is found ly eating sonic lroin the package dry. They're delicious y ood tljfit Wii.V, hut of course' are usually served with cream or ?(i(wl scale. orrniLEs I BCAUMONT- JU--V 9W.LVIU.U . VT IT EJ I . .. . . IOU2INCOUR ILLtRSt ""V V X - - J - 7 I V VflARTINPutCM i , V i-C TRANSUOY OCLVtU-C wooo C RANDCOURT' X i sab r COURCClCTTt THICPV I rtONTAU wATwQ MAMEtZ rmcoWRT jrf AANQ 6AI1 bCLViu-t wooo oMORVAL INT THONE9 HAflOtCCUBT milk. Kxauuiui" thu "New-" Post Toasties. f.lakij. Tin:, ipiick, fierce heat of f lic new process of jniiniit'ael lire, nol. "only TuiVUic-nrsTjfifwTnilfr III tie hillililes on each (hike, hut ,'ives a hody and firmness that makes the New Toasties a more uhstant ial food that ordinary "corn flakes. " "New Post' Toasties Iff - rrot Imlt'n'Trn-i a t deTin li f paekaKe, and they don't mush down when cream is added. I hey come to you untouched liy hand, an in uioisliirc-proul . j)ackaf,'es Hint preserve their delmlitlul oveu-cnspiiess until sej ved at your tahle. ' Acll worth frying these New Post Toasties Sold by Grocers Mvi'i'y wliero. J? m jf' . fVC V mHnii iv A 7 I will fed RANCOORT v OISLAlN th fx CPA5 ttOOCHAVCSNta, r ddhpicrrc 1 n BCCOUINCOURT ; ' T6. A. RESNE8 AtHICS Tim snrvivorM rrmiehi'd lit the btrttora (VI Him mil.teirumu ehcllpru anil awnit' fl tln'ir f.itc. ; Aliolli' T terrille OxiUiHion oociirrnd, tlio mon t)oiii(!; thrmvii tojjetlior in coiifuHi'i) lun p. 1 AIiiiohIi iimnoiliiiti'ly llniucs shot li from.tho unilernroiiiiil (avrrn, TIutc whh a inoim'iit t tu-1 ilwriliiililn terror, fur now lire wn rvuj;inn thu works.. Tlio lioiiti'nnnt In -( in in a n l wont mini iuiiI Khouted wildly lit iiiiHinnrv I'.iK'iuii'S. -Then in tlio in inter K'ri the llinni's the (idiecr net f uHiiiislv-1 1 ; i it hit nun, killing thi'iii after nnother, unit was hinim'lf Imruod to dentil. The Havnriiin deterriiineil not to diehy the IiiiihIm of Iiih cliief, had willed the ruins, rlingfiit; to n Hlope f tlio works, only to hurled mid r liloek ttl stono. Hu died Moon after i, rescue.. " '. ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE INCEEASE3 WAGES EMPLOYE." "Wilmington, July SB. A vontitiiry inerpHHO of fivo jr cent in the falariei o al clorku and ajfenry force win. have liepri in tho eiuiloy of tho rril for twelve months r more, effertive July jHt, hn lieen jnade tiy the At liuitifl (lonst Lino, Stjwns learned from tho general offiec. Jiero twlay. Tlijn will affeet approximately 2,IH)) fin plnyeii of this railromt and in th third voluntary increase that has been niaita by this Ryatciu wjthin the inat jijt years. Unlit line shows farthest advance of allies July 1: heavy line marka extent of gains since made. Teiieernte hMini; Continues ineewnn tie in thi'iPi""""' c'iou f northrrn Fr oneef where liotli Hi4 .' ..have. .Hindi1 L'.f urtlier iiai.iis in their grea t plTeniivs.ioy'eriientSj the iiiiniiMjinte o I'jei-tiye. 'of wliieh. lire respect yelyt H:a 1'iaii iiu .ami I'eroiuif. ' '' ,' ' : ., . ; II iiviLniunuranuG MORE-PERSISTAMI Colorado Officials Declare Women who Drink Sur pass -Men MEN OF CLASS PASSING iNvfiM n Dell OPERATION TABLE IS lODAf E l.oiidiin, .Inlv 1. - i-1 1 v orii':il Slaves, tiu-t n lieiineiit, .in e.4. luda' Mail.'; l.ance 's e;l ni i list rr to' he :'hle t. - wiv that lie dieiV A 'lcrm:m aliell eli'; ed iuT ..-nl of Jlayes' r i h t arm -fit Ypn - last l'hri.-.t-Iiiuh. 'Kvc iitiinlly he iaieh l in a Lniiiluii hosiital with a stunip ut' an ariti tliat threatened blood .jmiyii'. Ail npei al inn ljeea are neeeKsiuy; ' I'mler finTin.'n-sthi-tic I lie soliiier's I Vv.imH In In .il. Ti liwi I ellaiiVei al lenl was ileail. I in smyeoTi tried ;i iiiick eperinii-iil . Ite madi1 an ineii'inii large enough to adntil his iHiml in Mayes' side. lie lifted the dia phragm, reached the heart ; u 1 1 gently in.'iF.4jij;ed tlt-f nre.an uilh his linern. The heart roniKiuded a ml resuriieif 'iiil; sat ions. , M si ' Alay e. is now on The road to complete eeo'ery.. In nuotlier month he lie iii an artificial nrtii and learning 'll kc it in a trade which he will he v taught hy the goveriiioent. 5-CENT PIECE WORTH LESS THAN ONE CENT Value Iu No Way Advanced By crease iu Puce of Copper and Nickel. . Iu- -1 Va.siiii uti-a.. .1 u!y Jii.-Trca-.,ii v i. -,:u-i r'leal ki tM'l of a i (lceal I y printe great rise in the price liupiiiy at- Xlie oek t he Imttom I story that, the ot nickel and While the Reform of the Men Drunkards Is Show in if a . Ikrease ..There Is a Disappointing Failing oil In Number With Men. ('. k'I". iuc to tlic Km i(.'jm';mi -war, lias nunii tli1 AiiiciH;tii Ti-rt'iit pi-1, i-mii-nmiily kmiun ;is tin 4 ' jiivki'l ' worth :ir( ti.-iliv six I't'iits . insU'iul of its finn wAtw of . i'ln intnlt-:i( ion (.f- tlii.s miHHiliiui si orv FT v:irioiis- ucwso.-iircis li:is st-t iin:ii1m r , of iiiiitii ssiiiiiahlt folk - to Sit:;irtiinLT ni'kt'ls under the iitisa(rc (inisicii t liat . tiif v ;trc ma-kiti' J" rent dti tliis si in opt'rnt ion. 'TIh'c arc tin1 fat-Is: In :Ui I nirkcN, Ot'iivcr, Colo., .1 ti 1 v lM!. I)j'Hiikt )iiit's , anionj; yotiicif 1iaS ti-.'ir slowrr 1n iv- vvy asc uunt r tlic state prohiltit ion law than aiming nn ii, juvenile. rutiit atitliori l ii s sa i'l here today.' 'Prohibition has cut down the number of rases before tin1 various city courts, 7 per cent. Ilahitiial men 'drunkards h.'i'te almest d isa'i 'pea red. VVhi Icd rink in bv vonn :i shows a marked dei'.c:is' h"se eombined t'aee value is .fls.ijO, t hjire a rr .f ttoiinds ,of eopnor a nd ! elui: fI'he f.'t'prnaii'iit l."i cents a pound and the copper L'S cents' a mund. Tliat inaUi's if I .;.'!! l or i lie w'hole"'?.ti 'Alfowiiig 3 i'enls ""for .the. cost of the rest of the eoniposil ion :lnd for the expense .of iniiitagi--.-:-)!. really extravagant ullow-anre- wcltu've a "clear profit fo' fTie "gi7" eriiiiient;.of .lli,:!ll on iijj;els worth tls.ll cm their laces.' - That is. to say, the 5 cent "coin which some people are liiianTing in the delu sion fliatvit is worth six eeiils is really worth less' than one cent. ' G lOmEOEHfl I ile pet cell! ai;e o ll.'i I' 1 1 tla I " ' oaia II di'ini':s" who h::e icfornied fiil!s much hehe.v tjiat of .the men.; . - .lu eliile court nfYicer, ,lo!ni I'liiHips, uho metis t In se caes hecause chi'dreii .-etiei illc niPer ulteti their iinrenl:; net diillit., saitl Mitueil heen:ae liiJior ic tinis t!ii'iitteli eii v i t'onmoti t . destnii'tlenc ' illld liUI of l'eVelli.. ..''Once a utiman is cursetl vi1 Ii litis itahil,'' said I'ltiilpis, ' ' her 'dliu n fall i.t luutdi t'asler tlian a man's Itecause. of her i'railer pltusie makeup. Women adielcd to liiVflnfie. lii'uor and tnliaccd uaiiUjiit-ji aliiitJiupuiilile tae.uix'..'.l Piles Cured In 6 to I i Days K.nir drririritt will frcfmr.l inonry it PAZO '.IINTMKNT fall to cure any case cf Itching, alind, hlcrtllrtKor PrblrntlinK Pile in 6 to 14 days. Vhe first application cives Ease and Kct. dor- New York,. J illy (i. (.'yut rid of the Penver A. liiu lirande lunr) n ml iti outlet lines to the Pacific ISoiit liuest, hy the .lay 'iould estatt', may lie cliucliett a-t a conference in tu-otge .1, Jlouhl's ollice her c t inlay. . This nieeuiie is the result i 1 a young Was het u ecu ra"ilrnad nuigitales, oyer tlie 4iiiilril':ilid (ievehjUiiiJt of the M is souri I'aeilie System ii ( (. Ij I'. 1 1. Systeiii, .t he iiu;rit rtdi.ii of t he lines and lltetr subsidiaries tteing siitfty iui. c'l iip Itel v ecu the two groups, '.The l.ar (t'oiild est a fe'im us a cent roll fug i at. 'Vest 'in the 'ea.s & I'ficilic ami I nternal iunn I K ;iri",it .'oi t It. lit r.til rends. . These two tends really lire tap lines into n idtlle-sotil h lerrilory for the Missouri I'ai'ilic railfoatl, hut tin: e,roup of halt kers TTiirtTolliiig 1 lie M is-enri I 'a eitre .van not' rise 'them its' uelt hecause the ( iouhl estate cnnl mis them. (In the other hand, the haiikets a'-oti-tt:oili.tg the .Missouri I'aeilie also con l?ols the V'estern Pacific, a tap-line into Soct h i-stefa and Pa.-ilic ( i,ast 't. rri l.uy fer lite IH ttver ,V liio (Iraiule. and I'ueV uon't 1'el Ihe ( i . .n 1. f i-on t ri iH.-.T I . Hi It. Ii Ti A eliut ?.iti.l t, v.'f'rtwa r .M'SKi.tni l';;,-ilie owners also hold a log hit.-i. of i. A: i;. st- k. 'i'lie Misseaii Paeifi:- etmirol has heen Irving to'flveye lite Cuuhls out of the !.' i I.', ti.. so. Ihe II. & i:. C. ami the Missouri I'aeilie couhl he nu'fgeil II lti the l'aeit;c coast tei -vitorv tupped. -j--4rtvi all t:: a pi (dittiiitat v ineel iie ( toulil's ollice ' IriM e a cottjile of -au'o .and. -id. .he iliXtt it ely sett.!n ! way or . anol her today,; is- to have liot'tlil esl al gfve: I he Missouri Pa iis inleresV iu Ihe Tesns- V: raeiiie T itt eT'iraTii iiiitP &; 1 1 real Nitrt Ii e rn s(i Missouri Pacilie can di' clop" in middle south, while the limilds an r"cnie in exchange (lie Missouri c.llie 's irterest in the' Western 1' tunl !').&' I.', (i., .so tho l. i' i, C tap t!f southwest territory. the i ti. ami "the the e to fa cilic i-firr I 'aris, July "(i. Destruction. uf a I ler majt fortilied s:orks on the Somnie front ii is 'marked hy a tragic, episode, says I. a I.iherte. The order was given to destroy the fort at whatever cost. In less than six hours ' niore than 11,5011 great. .shells were tired nt it illld the defenses gave way'" one hy one in a cloud of dust and .smoke. The infantry Ihcii' went forward anil the tierinan po i.i! 1 ions uiu'e compiered. . ; , !.'reach . a i t ilh i-y . oilicers,. examining lht rains, diseovei'ett. anti'l a, mass of ilehiis a llavariitn oiiieer with lifs-eheHt crtished. aittl at the point of death. .At sight of t he French oflicers the liavari :i ii seemed, to collect himself, then hi' Vaii to speak softly, the Frenchmen 1. ueelitig ahoiit him. The story told hy tin- Unvarian ami later recoituteil hy ;wi artillery .ollieer v,a,s to the elfecl that -t Jiirt-y t-WMf jiwn. had occupied the works. After the. hoiuhardnieut. ifitd coiiiinueil f'or.'a lintivhalf of the nieTPwfi'e v r 1 ims of an awful tle;i1li. Two were deci'pita ted, and of three others,' near whom a shell exploded, not a vestige remained. TH E' ti N I V EW5. AA5! . ... .,..;,.- , The Ford a simple car of proved quality. . A car anyone can operate, anyone can care for and a car that brings pleasure, service and satisfaction to everybody.- The car of more than a million owners. Reliable ser vice for owners from" Ford agents every where. Touring Car $440; Runabout $390; Coupelet $590; Town Car $C40; Sedan $740 f. o. b. Detroit. On display and sale at Burnette's 'Ford Supply Co., S. Main st.,- : Rocky Mount, N, C. w mi For Burglary INSURANCE SEE '. G. R. HORNE CO. 123 Western Ave. - - ! .x ; . '... '..... . Phone 777 Take This Opportunity Be Considered Seritt-s ft v tho best mMjic.il authoritii Imless nromptly checked, often (Ii-- had to chronic bronchial and iu innary troubles which may prov. If your cotiKh or cold has not rc- uln.l tn tre-anie.nt-riinil j I'niyfNw! J.'. nie(li;ii:o HhoulU not he solely i iif u on timely use of Keltrny-n'a Allei a tivc m.iv Kivo you rMe.,' ';'" ' i'or more than tvt'crity yoarr it lia:i been hr.mtfitiiiff sufferers from th diHortlTa.. It 'Is copecJnUy indtciUed wiicro tho system tlemands lime, for 4-t -contains calcium chlorid 00 eorn-ljnril-T4 10 bo easily assimilated by tho aveKajzo porfion1. " .-aft.' to tiyb"eause it contains no l a; niful or habit-forming Cruga of. any sort whatsoever. .. At your drut-Tint'c. r:kmnu l.uhoratory, Philadelphia. Vhjlc the weather is warm and ypare resting from -your day's labor, think j ihe -id ea of opening an account with thf I JT KJtS NATIONAL RANK- Try ft, Fli Me lay Lo lake " jX& "TTcthintr (ivorv tmv dav in your old ao;c. " ' ' We pay 4 per cent interest con , Vled uartei-lyJnWrlSaviagaJDegiaj us explnm to you how easy it, is .tfrsavo. 4A DOLLAR SAVED IS A D-QLLAR - .. ivi a nir . ... : iViava-rj-i .. me nanters national mwi J. C. BRASWELL, President M. C. BRASWTJLL, Vice-President ' , MILLARD F. JONES. Cashier W. W. AVERA. Asst-Cashitf ' S,"" '"'llllllMIIMMsMMMWlIIWIWitWMmU JWgBUff'' . jsm M : - EE W : 10 E E PflllEff Of Our Great JULY CLEARANCE SALE. Don't 1 et this opportunity pass you by. We still hr 1' I a lot of Great Bargaiiis in merchandise that will please you. Come an4 get them while the gef-r 13 good. Everything in the store at cost or less until! the sale ends, next Saturday night. - r t $50, l: ,t!;

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