Wednesday, July 26th; 1916. PAGE EIGHT. HIE EVENING -TELEGRAM . . i. . . - 'ilf In Wood and Coal Try Our BIO DOLLAR LOAD of Wck. fond be convinced. 1 DOMESTIC FUEL CO. Phone 679 B. T. 0. B. TO HOLD CLIIB MEETING RtCENTLY nc SPECIAL CLEAN-UP PRICES 0 V; ummer THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY MP:7 1 a III r - . J-Th- Mth VVOrSUHf iltillS. 1 "IP Men's $7.50 Palm Reach Suits, light colors, re duced to .'.:.:....$5.00 Suits," dark duccd tottt: Heach rs, re S3.50" Men's $10.00 Cool Clott? Suits, reduced to. $7.00 Mcn's$r00TromcaT reduced $10.50 .We have these in regu lars, stouts, thins and shorts and can fit you. Hoys' $1.50 Palm Suits reduced to Beach $3.25 Boys' $5.50 Cool Cloth Suits, reduced to . $1.00 All men's and boys' Palm Beach and Cool Cloth Pants are reduced accordingly. Tlio !. T. (). H., cliili of young men of the city, at iln annual business meet ing, held last night elected the follow ing olliieis for tint en Hii i ii r twelve mouths: ('resident, Mr. Marvin Kob- bins; vice president, Mr. D. Persinger Hiiiwiddie, hit ret a ry and treasurer, Mr, Jin' Wyim; censor, Mr. Charlie llarris; CritTc, Mr. Woodall Rose. Following the election of officers it wns the Unanimous opinion of all of 1 tin- mi'titlit'iH present that the orgauiza ! tion should he made a more active fac tor in the social life of tho city; aii'l tin1 entire membership of twenty-five watt lo ono accord,' pledged to this idea. It was decided that there should-im nicdiutclv lit- held a ilaiict- and lunchoojjj jtitoitriynTji n 1 1 1 r h 1 1 a y night ot this week. ( oiiliintti't's tin nrraiigc mt'iits wore immediately pei fecfod and invitations rending as follow haveto ilay been issued:' The (i. T. (). R Club Hetptcsts thf honor of your presence at tlioii next supper and dame V- to be given Thursday evening, July twenty-seventl. nirietden hundred ami sixteen at till' vouniry ciutt jm Hu i i i.tT seven-thirty Dance nine-tliTT tircsented a lint lirst report .1.) nr IjaadMiWS-l0 t'at,i mail's of the I mm.- Thi'seini'iiilMrH wort' si'curt'u ny Mr. Hvnl, Mr. .Norinan antl,Mtatt Himv rotary . I . '.',. tlratcliliold. ".; Mi (h-utch-' liphl Vtativl that the Xorth Carolina di vision wan nt'vcr in hotter sha'f that tlio iiH'iiilioiship was larger-null tho.tta- CIS II OF iow" York., duly : lili. Tin' rpVli'Miic pf in fa n I i!ox J in i aly sis c'on tin ucd to gain hoadway. today, --thimgli there was: a falling oil' in, the nuinlur of deaths. There. jiu-ttCJUure Cit-i s -rt' tort nil -Tho daily bulletin' of tho health department ulimvs Unit lii'tween flu' " I. llllllrH Olid- e epidemic there were p4S--.tli W2 'new children and that ases reported. GREENSBORO HAS X OVER FOUR THOUSAND ( ! reo n si io ro, duly "fi. Approximatelv $I,U'iiii das beta raised here so far by the Chamber of Commerce for the re lief of llnod sufferer in Western North Carolina, according to an aniiiiunce. luent luiide liv the relief committee To; dav. i : OF PROMJNEN T. P. fl5 be read Kogardiug tint meeting of the Htiitc board ' of direcora of fho T. i A. re cently held in. Ureeasboro and jiresiill'd over bv J'rcaiilent Geortfo S. Kdwarjls of thin city tho follow jug Will with interest here: .."'.' 1 " The State board of directors of the T. 1'. A. met in the tdlice of tho fhaiii ber of eoniinerce last evening, .Stale 1'resident .0.'" 8. Edward.Sjof Ttoi-ky' Mount, presided. Other ineiubers pres ent .were A. H. IJollaad, J..J. Nonnajit of Winston; K. N. Carrier anM (J. C. Mel.ean, of this city. A. L.Myrd, Htate ( haii'aian of the aiembershnp commit- ASK! FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL - MALTED MILK w Chotp cabaUtutet cost YOU Bams prlc. CAPE FEAR RIVER IS OUT OF ITS BANKS T anc ial eiirtdition stronger than at any time in the hlHtory of the association, t ft if being true" nf the : : tHganization throughout, the United Stales and not applicable to North (inroTuia only,: SUNSIUNE FOR DAY IN CHARLOTTE ."Charlotte, July 'sunshine for the iiist time in Several days encouraged workers mi the Catawba river bridges tmla'v and reiiinring . the daiiiages to railriiad bridge! week. . The rivpr back, to normal. washed awav last gradually gett ing -NEW-FOR-EDGECOMBET ...Tlunt. niuy..t)e.iuit.hiug. iu.vv uuib.'C ;t hp sun, bnt now and Then there, is some-, tiiiuijuui-ia- (jii ohl-hlgiMMttttWstt the Tarborti fSoiithei'iier. If a few years ago siinie' niie hiid predicted that hogs ia ised in t he. diunty u'oiihl be shipjied by the carload to :iiistailt as a business proposition, ho uimiIiI: have f'iken him si'iimi-ly Vet this is hat htt huin-nrdi1"' " Th lliof! MIL fleor Holderness S iiiu'ii I hi nig oogs, r f old; In h'iehinoinl. " : Seyei.t v live years and mure ago the I'ar'i.ers drov:c tlu-ir ho;.rs i'rom here to I'etersbjirg" during the v, inter, but with I he -advent, of ctittoii as the leading crop this ceased. Only a fewveais ago did a fncmer shit aM- hii'.'-s away, but those who' did ship fliem iii tjie winter a:id most of them were hogs purchased else where, brought here and fattened be-fore-.sliiiiient. -' ..The, hogs .shfpj'od tmlay .were . born and raised right hire in the county. The results (if, t heir sale should ty in teresting readji.g. . '-'-,', ' FayettevillBi July 26. The Cape Fear river waa at a state, of '":I3 feet, accord ing to unoflicial estimates anil Blowly rising. I'ersons familiar with the tet ritory ;aloug the river say that if the height is Cor rect . Jowlnads between here and Wi,l miigtou are. tinder water. . . ': ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY. .i nl t L'll On Fi ida v en- ing Miss Mary I'oweil delightfully en tertained in honor of her . attrat'tive guest, Miss Helen Kdiniids, of Winston Snlem. ; - - ' ;i Thcdiouse rang with -music and laugh ter and "all went mcirrv an a marriage boll.':' Port the ini.-iest ; time cnnie when ."the voiititr nieti had t'ounil their partners by niateliing bells and were lnaii liirig to the dining room to. the strains of Meudolssohn 's weildiug march the bells and tin" inarch being very sug gestive of the secret which had been so. safely guarded. Kvery face was filled with animation sis they approach ed the dining room, which was profusely decorated .With potted " plants .. and Safety First er Suppose you leave home one day ayourhouse jwas burned to the ground when you returned, Would you by that fire lose any valuable papers? ' ' 4' i V; . '''". All sizes of; Lock Boxes for rent from $2.50? t 5.00 per year. "--.'-;... ;''-; . .";. .-' .;'' Safe from fire and burglary. The Rocky Mount-Savings-& Trust Co. DIE3" 1 -toilciile-le.oJi autifullv beaut it mlv .airan spoke a ctinilug iuarrtage. ; table Was a kewpie dressed nn i. t-:-her table rTTTrrTTjj was stTT eonyetitioiia) black : were -hearts, on one written, appropriate the other, side was of the- approaching sToiiTTl he t'pon""f he is a bride ttoT Kin-nta t.v. Cliamhh tember groom . the place, cards side of which were love gems aiid' on the announcement -.marriage of Miss I'oweil to : M 1 . JJayurd . of Koekj' Mount, on Sep- moo LUCK . .''... ,'.'.''"' ;,."."".'. :'-. ; :' ;; ' ; . '- '" v ' . Gtfod Luck is more a matter of pluck than anything else. A good , live man is going to "arrive" if he really makes that his business, y No 04& travels very far on the Road to Success these days. without co-operation of a thoroughly reliable bank ' , :'B . There are dozens of ways in which We can help, the earnest, aspir-; ing young man. To all such it is our particular interest to render every possible assistance consistent with conservative banking. 115 heir) Virirnr von Good Luck ! .' '-."'-. ' :" .'..'" - ' P " -'" ', " - O J . 4 Per Cent Compounded Quarterly on Savings The National Bank of Rocky Mount SUBSGR!BNOW fjr the Number of Shares You Wish in the NINTH SERIES of the Regular Straw Hajs 111 & Loan Association iVA lTi- w 1 1 r rrs rsr $ 5 s 0 JPnamas rd uced to $3.5 0 t We a few regular suits in young men's Ujhat vve have reduced. Come and let us show you. Rocky Mount The Men and Boys' Store Buildiig and Loan Stock is the Ideal Way to Save Money or to Build a Home Office with L R Tillery & Son R. B. DAVIS, President L F. TILLERY, Treas. J. A. HIGGINS, Secretary NEGRO ARRESTED AT WASHINGTON IS WANTED HERE to (i. IS. Robertson returned last -this-city from Washington ha"iug in his eustodv vlaretice a voung negro who is wanted answer t he' charge. of ciubez- (Kli night Citv (iaskill, 'bere to answer the' chargiy ol -lenient. . The yTilliig negro will be tried in the city Ueeorder's court 1 011.04 1 "w, cha.ige'J with having .ji'iubez: xle.l between. .ii."i and . "0 .of the fund of the local hiilgc of colored . Knights of 1'ythias. -The funds are said to have been approprint ed: during dune aiuf .I uly J ;i I ! and since that tinie the defendant has been seeking a fot y" . in a not her clime, lie was n eeiitly apprehended in Wi.-sl.iagtQii and was placed umler ar rest and' the police here ad vised ' a nil (lllicer b'oiiei Ison h as' sent, fur him. TELEGRAM WIN TAOS II THOS. H. BATTLE, President R. H. RICKS, Vice-Pres. ' FRANK F. FAGAN, Cashier S. L. ARRINGTON, Vice-Pres. W. G. ROBBINS, Asst-Cash FIRST MORTGAGE PRIVATE LOANS ;." --on- '".:' " CITY PROPERTIES ONE YEAR 0 JOSEPH B. RAMSEY ATTORNEY : LOST WATCH FOE ON STREETS Sat ui'lay : night with three medals oil it; one w it It .the in it ials H. K. 1 1, tin return to this otlico and receive reward. . ' '1 7 -"i .'.t A BARGAIN TO A QUICK-BUYER One iil -jewel Klgin watch, Itisie, . "."i-year, golil-tillcd ease, open I'aee, brand new an iinredeemcii pledge. o11" trunks, suit cases and hand bags just-received; as samples, J t lie price pay elsewhere, M-"ney to loan 011 ,'lnyt hing of alue. fiiM-ky Mount I'.iwrr Shop I ). J, Kdwards, Crop. IfHt Tarboro street. - 7 111 If LADIES SHOES SHINED TREE. NA- tional .Shoe Mtore. 7 7 tf TOR RENT TWO rooms with . bath,. 210 FURNISHED S.' Franklin. 0 77 -ar :tt. . FURNISHED ROOM, 120 NASH street between Church and Main street. Close ami convenient, linfer eneu rhone -J'.io H. ; 7 -1 at LOST BETWEEN WASHINGTON Street and 771.1 Branch Large (lohl pin, leaf design. Finder please" re turn to Marie Mercer, Anchor Store. .1 . -.. -Xal " - rauHOHsE caV'.lli! 7 J5 .ft WANTED TO RENT SMA (loud JiM-atioif. . Adtlress '-" Oflice. FOR-fiENT HOUSE WITH CONVEN- ienccs for small family, l'hone ")U7H. ; notice Mr.. T. TV Ilollingswirth kjs leasetl Mount -Hotel for oui' year responsible for all bills rom- an'jwill July 1. WlhJJ AM MK'V.KKS, Jit. WHEN TNNEED OF AN AUT0MO, bile ihone U77, Htatiou auto trans fcr , . . " X 5 2 limn. ; J-" .. MUSIC Five Cents a Line, Six Words to Line. Phone 71 and Have a Messenger Call tor YourWant Ad. CA BIN FT MAKERS AND 1 1 and Sanders l or large piano factory in the North Good wages, steady work year around. Address lis ter Piano Co., Philadel phia, Pa. , 7-U-3()t FOR SALE FIVE k - i4t.i(l "modi I. I 14- FASSENOER I 9 gilO'l Son. tin .f.'i.-.o.ou fi'. T, Hill) ! , It use i; '-. 7 0 t f WANTED-ROOMERS AND BOAUD t'rs. h'atefl raHonablo. Mrs. J', T. barber, L'U;o Hammond, or Phone. 1-0 V, l or all qccaalon in autTTfuiroT town. AdtliTsw Manager;"-' ' The r. o. LYRIC ORCHESTRA, Box 9;;o or Phone tiOJ. 0. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS Ii:;ht Jio;i:'lee ping, ('all plnoo i :i7 l H. -: v - 7 for o. . L'-t tf FOR SALE CHEAP NICE POULTRY yard 1 '. and one eighth acres near eii- liniils if b'ocky MMiiHt, N. '. Cued stone, t ile well, ijtable, poultry houses, u.ete. One Fairbanks, Morse - Jul!. m tank. Address l'.0. Tiox ih"). - Ayiiitakern NV C. - - . 7 20 "It FOR RENT inodein c Apply L. TWO BUNGALOWS. ALL on enieiiees. (bind locution. F. Tillerv & Son. 7 -H lit FOR RENT THREE ROOMS FUR- ainhed or unfurnished. lesirabv lo--I'ated. hone 71H-F. 7 LlJ tf. FOR RENT ONE house lini S. IV I comliti'in. x. 2 STORY, ari stri'et . Crews. 6-ROOM 'in goud 7 tf FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping. rhone ll."s I'. "" .. . 7-L'B-tf I tJJ LOANS NEGOTIATED ON IMPROVED FARM LANDS FIVE YEARS " 5! i,noo to $50,ooo BATTLE '& WINSLOW ROCKY MOUNT .f Wiiiiiiii ii'iiiwiwrnwrimuii iiiiajiViMrrnTOiinif-" " , 7-" ..-1 7S.. -,--.-HatHMmoigiiCTgaaanmM BBammBBr'-' - - : . ' . ,' . ... ... ..' . .1 II I'd. flODAY, gUGS! V Paran : A- v v.:a ib t tw- .9 i . 1 1 1 m I I RUGS !' ie niipi.r 'me bait 1 iue highway ant. rifting of forres V iition can b give Jiwav to Raleigh. i .jMent big need for , nale onimuro klinouttty anil wi ' , re i practicii'ly T A 'cntanv tlie f' J-L luce auk Building - i! J Ml RUGS! RUGS! are doing yourself an injustice if you do tfot look over our Rug Stock betore buying. We have . . - W lity and price. Don't forf-t. W feql that our Rug Stock is more coinplete than any other he city. Spring ,"''-. And IiiteX T'S? NORFOI ' Q , J) Via ATLANTIC CjP.J tw .''A Js ' ' ' ' - THURSDAY, Auia.S'Xy V.J; ' Train leaves Rocky M.n,,j) '1 .V Vir - Leaves Norfolk, return! f vf ""f . Fare from Rm-kv MoiiiJwt I 'C'ul- CO Corn t- J 4 KT AV 4 kJ A ilflJ Mf f ROCKY t . l A TV T ATT T Ci "717 - ' '7 curl Launc'-y. 1 1

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