, arm For Inuneter.Sal v A! . i.i ;.v H.UH ftll'l ll. ., l-l! I J. II. iHSMTg.' i;o.7i. . ..... ... ..... . 4 HOUSE AND LOT i.;u..i , . i,. J!'" ..... M,,ii, i.:o ..i...h : .43 (;n Wwk.i. 10 linn will ho mibliaUod In 1II4 KVKMNU TKLKOUAM wiles tccompanicil by the nnme and address of the writ it, though the name will not Bi'ea.riiy i useu. "Entered ancond-elasii matter Oct, h id Lt a th Pnutoffln at Hock? A .mnt, North Cnrolink, under, tht Act JiiAjaS LAVIa HD AEMVIMQ. NOKTH - , Jw f j Now Tnrk J.koiivil! ..... 1:011 m . kij Wk J. kn.wviim ..... 8:00 pm I . N-r W k' J. ln.mviiln ..... 6:-tsm J , 4S Norf.'fW 4 lili.u.KUItt l'J :7 tnt 1 a! HU Ni.i full. loi'l l.ora . . t:" " u. in l hv Mount r'nH"VUl ...luuwiira .1. 1' t ll t -, ;; .... 7S 1' -I. V'.l l( In.,. .ml t.'y.lH!Yill 1. y wiHiut Hitiiiij llup .. . 8:40 inn k y Mmiut Kernm ll .&:lll nu l M,.i.i.t I KmuuUi :0 mil 14 Ii ,, hiHl'llf, Ijiv j. si New York Ji kcinvill 10:0li .m ,i h'.i N..W VorkJa.-knonvillii .... .111:40 m a. ft N'W York .lnkm.nvill ..... 4:14111 ll. 411 Norfnik WiliouiKlon 13:65 pin HI Norfolk Uolilsl.orO ,1H:M lm ... Km ky M.iimt Knyctt i-vlll .. . 6:10 (ill ,i. m k. iiiiiio.d t iivniii'vlilo jtf.H'i pin ,t. ki No. k y ,V miit MiiruiK Hop .. . U:lft am j vyiior ky Ni.imit HpriiiK Hope .. . 4:00 piu .1. :-l lu..ky Mini lit H.rili(t Howe . tl :00 pin .. f Ko.kv Mount I'lymoutb , . . . , 10 :I5 am - ird'ilk -VI ilniini;lon 6:0f)l 'I , exciiit tiuniUy. tBundj only. 1 1 i. . I try, August 5, 1916. li needs you and thorp in no o" niiike the start thmi to- riLil"',!"l t llmlt,,,' '0W " you were nt church, k, a month or a yenr, the The Ci, lice of fluty ia In nom" Wl.iiO'I' tomorrow. Jlon't lull .., , j to U( in thf lir.lirf WOJ.ilj or thnt yon will muko SCO' Hunday- " ". A; .... TIVX n,),f0 from tlio lirominnnt it 01 I u" . vi tsi- iMioirt i.i -t-ri.tfiv-i -Tarhofo-WDtithrTiH must havo liOPn Tiling our . .niiil friend K.litor Frank Pow.-Il in 1 1 . .'.J i cinhl loriiiL' city. It i g'-m'ni Ihl ;i ;.,mi lliot it hua boon ft miKhty stir f r tlm vrtornn editor, following tko , v, t. fMiieoCliiirway- id a mini of ''"' , ,,ji,. .uid di'lilioration, and incidi'iitally '. of hit beat known and most goner- :.v lil.'il fitrurog In 3iil(fccomlio county. !i' yuu havon't dono your part In ; ,;,m tlio rclii'f work in Western toro !;a ilii'io is no reason why you should ,..t rni.l lii'i'inisfl vk' .-"-"iMtiztiiig havo c m you one iota. TuTui't" you khoukt u-'.-t the matter with a viow of whiith r or nut you personally havo done your Hv niiil gavo bh your MiaHion in'lil'e ! it iiOHHiblfl. Aily the iierinonal ;nurein'iit J plan to tho ir'oiioition we lirliovo that you will moudure ;.. If nil would lt this Iho fund would i, i'.ii wiird home more. Ah IhiltiHcioug wnteriiiolons -are rip cninj; qver U countiea the vrac , ,lilorof both the daily and the country v oi-l ly is woaderinK what has become f tlbit typo of citizen that came Into I he tV.wu with ft nice load of melon but iv i t h one tucked away under the H.rij; scat -which ho explained wan in. y Tor nalc but Hint ho was holding it. iv tho editor. Next week of course, i.1 cauiu.. A ' V"l , Jiturt".. atury abou! fMinictwVvand ao and that nice load about his lein(f tho mciHt -progressive fanner in Ponatunk county. The Hoard of Health of the city is ccrtinly Being to make it hard sledding for the dairy that furnishes poor, dirty or diseased milk to the city, according to the regulation!! soon to 'bo adopted I v'th e i ri rT) rmiTseTTTicifo. will bo a howl from some sources, but tho man that is selling tho puro product, and the kind like nil" of us would like to I: mm- that w are drinking when we do ,1 , i ii k -mil kjlf-ltotrttrhte-lTrlrngST On Hie other band tho fellow that is f 1 1 1 plying the city from unhealthy stock, or dirty supplies, or adulterated milk should be debarred from selling his product in tho city and rightly so. It has often before been declared 1h.it. many people own automobiles who 'luivo no business; with them and no real ' financial standing that would -entitle tl.cm to such a luxury, but nutil recent ly this fact hasn't been applied right be re at home and wo looked at it as tiiuh it was the other fellow. The ...i rages hero do. not appear to have ). mid it any exception, however, for rllYrtive on tho first of. tho present in. mill it was "pay as you go' with fbein. or in fact, before you go, Kvery ti. ii:t iii tho local garages goes on a i .,..) basis, and tho garage managers tic . ! ,( Unit bad accounts and innbility to t. ',vt forced it. Washington N.'ws was : geveu nl.l vctei day nn.l really we don't ,,f hi t, s.-iK r tli.it lias so much f.-r one so vning. "Messrs. ;. ;.uj Mavo are UiiK-4lt.i -s4m -iniiijf of quiet old' Washing-Im.-i c aii.l buslle that will ii to i!a own for great- in This V', THE Rockv Moiyit m - er and letter things., .Many more hi: py birthdays. Villi the DoutHchland gone and it. ap pearrit sjiould bo a pretty good way on the trip right now, it is of course the main topic as to where the Hremen may be. If the .British havo taken the freighter they have a mighty good chance for some publicity for their cause and really wo are inclined do think that they have not. Hut Where's the Hronienf that's the point. NORFOLK PLAYERS "STRIKE" FOB PAY " Norfolk's bnsebnll team, the Tars, are reported on good authority to have ileclared that wimo money .must lo forthcoimnu before they play any mure baseball. At tho same time they have served notice on. Secretary of the Na tional Commission. Ferrell, and Presi dent Corprew of the Virginia league that money may. reach their bunds should be held to satisfy the claims of funds due for service rendered by them. T h I" "'ii.! tn l.'ivn been ibn'id- ml upon by the players who have passed two pay days with but a pittance of liS-each, while tho players- committee is said to be mndo up of Pitcher Coeh rnn. Outlleliler and former niiinager 1qc Newton and Catcher Harry Webber It . looks as though the membership of the Tars has forced the issue and that their demands for pay not only in clude a' stopping of their services if they do riot get it,-but a disrupting 'of tho'club. They cannot be made under tho National ngrecmeiit to play unless they arc paid and they re now all. free agents if they desire to leave tho fold. From a business strtiidpBiiit Norfolk ig looked upon as one of the-best fields in the league for ' a franchise and whether or nnt Owner Walker is going to meet 'those obligation and continue tho i-lub and pect his interest or is going to toss up It he" sponge and return the franchise to Ihe league. The decis ion of the dir.l.tors in session last night and today I (iay determine much. FIVE MEMBEQ CABINETr ARE TO SPi AK IN MAINE . .ii 'New York Auc. v4 Five members oT President Wilson 's ibinet and several Congressmen will sin ing cniiipnign in Ma !ik durinir the com pie, according to a partial list issued man Cuiiiimua of night by hair- ppcaker s Inireau oii.il loinioiltccl The list includes: S, Lretary of War linker, Attorney tienc I tiregory, rec- ret-il-v of ( oumierce Hedtieil, 8'trc- tary of the Navy llan'i MONDAY, We WilToffer One Lot of VOILES . flowered and striped effects at material is a SEE ASSORTMENT IN WINDOW ANCHOR STORE North Carolina "The Store That Sells for Less for Cash" ULlt. Unllll U ML I Id J lair Aiimmr L HELP Arrival at Marion Has En couraged Workers For the Flood Sufferers IIELP-'HKMJILI) HOMES Offers' to Lend Money tot Build thcllomes Washed Away on On Easy Terms. Government to Si art Road Work Soon. Jlarion, N. C, Aug. .".Willi the ar rival of Heneral Julian t'arr, of Jliirhani, yesterday the workers among tho suf fercrs in Hood stricken districts have been creatlv '-encouraged and the suf- fercrs TTi i 'ill selves Tiave been much heartened. He is cooperating with and his wise the local committee counsel, -aiding greatly in the work. One thing needful is money to aid in the building of the homes washed nway and (leneral Ca'rr is offering assistance to these people by means of loans up on easy terms. This class of people arc not receiving aid from the state relief committee. (ieneral Carr will personally investi gate conditions here and else.where anil doubtless his report will be helpful to the state relief committee with the as sistance of Superintendent .Jovner-aml the state board of education in provid ing schools and of the state; the relief committee in rcplieving prosSut neccs sitcis; of the stale depart mAat' of agri culture .in' i's work with the farmers and of the federal government in the re opening of" the mountain' roads and trails. -f --- There is hope that these good people mav soon le restored to normal crtndi tioiis and that lite threatened depopula tion of these districts may. be avoided. A message has just been received by the Marion board of trade from Uepre sentative Hritt, that the wr depart ment promises to use all possible expe dition in storting road work in the Hood stricken district. County Agent Ilailoy is dcvotuir Tils en tiro tinm to the relief wwk-wi! h the tiers of the local relict-committee. Mr. mil of several rclialile citizens an. I ineni Itailev will make a complete rcort in detail of every family living in the Hood districts of McDowell. The re port will be scut by the comity com- WJCIn T AUG. regular5c yard IS 1 Ul lllltOV JL1V JL uunimvi vMjw we have lts of prepared foods that will shorten the time you usually spend in a hot kitchen. ; Good country butter and fresh Richmond Bread daily. We sell the "Sunbeam" may- -onna ie dressing IK4t in the worl d;- Full- Jine cereals,-eani)cd Boast Beef, ' Lunch Tongue, Good Sardines, Veal Loaf, Deviled Ham, Fotted Ham, Potted Chicken, - Vienna SatisagOj -Tork Sausage, Corned Beef Hash, -' " eta, Chicken Loaf, Bonoless Chicken etc. .CnnVeit Brnlm, - Indian Rock Ginger times. ' Phone Us Your Orders Jenkins & Jeffreys Two Phones. 171-172 its their representaUv,o llnleigh uej.t Kri.lay to be submitted to flic conference called, by Governor Craig. BUILDERS MEET" ILl NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON nungton.N. "J- '"". 4 1,- secimd- -jtennion- or N ortlrai"- i . linn Ituilders Assoc latum now ventivn nt the Seashore Hotel, Wrights ville lteach. was the ddress of Mr J W Ktnnt. liresi.lent nf the nssocin tion, Mr. .stout in his Kblress outlined the great good being tecomjdisbed by '1 7th value meat.',, etc. ' - Crab Meat, Shrimps, -L Tuna Fish, Chipped Beef, Corned Beef Hash, Oysters,' ' prepared Soups, etc. Ale kept on ice at all K 137 Sunset Avenue ll iisiitjatnnd.(ilttie('id .favr- ahlp upon the large-increase tn member ship. ' Mayor P. Q.-Moore, ( f Wilmington, welcomed the visitors to this city and Wrightsvillo Beach at the session this morning. The response was made by Mr. Philip Williams, sccrretary of the association, of Wiiiaton-tSnlcni. lui l.nrt.itit iinwimr tlni business transacted ..(. ..... . r this morning was the admittance of 111 new members that were reported by me membership committee of which Mr. J. H. Kedden, of (Ireensboro is chair man. , Thrs afternoon Mr. O. L. Grubbs, of flreensboro, wiil deliver an address on "The Henelits of Rond lnsuveiice.' Mr. J. V. Leitner, of this city, will also Piles Cured In 6 to 14 DoV Ar i.ctI.I will rr-lnnH moflff H PA70 Blinrt, Ulerdlrer itotrutling )ile in (,tal4lrv r h first juulicatiuB iiitcs hilt aud Kcit. Sue. On West Side of Church Street, only Threj Doors from the Methodist Church. Lot 52 218 feet, and 16-Room Dwell ing JThereon. Al mofJernTmprovements. 'A bargain, if purchased immediately. For further information apply to Wilkinson, Bulluck & Company Phone 83 Planters Bank BuUding MONEY TO LOAN Applications for loans on desirable btlsi- - ness, dwellings, or farm ranging from $1,000 to security is satisfactory, loans can be arranged ments running as long as five years, when de sired. ' " ' ' V'WM ROGKYkMOUNT Insurance & R. L. HUFFINES, PHONE 384 W.SODEN Good-Year-Electric Shoe Repair Shop Let us repair your shoes by the Famous GoooVYear Machine that makes your shoes. Work CalletrTor and Delivered." . .. Phone 384 Saved to buy a Farm "I own more than a home I own my' farm. I began, when I was 18 years of age to put money in a Savings Account, determined to keep at it until I had enough to buy a farmr free of mortgage.. It took me 20 years to do this, but at the age of 38 I had done what every one can do if they will bank money I bought a farm and paid cash for it. I am now 40 years of age."...". .. ... .If you are a farmer and desire to have a farm of your own, why not start a Savings Account here? : - ' .NV 1 3 Yon can bank mail. May we i FIRST NATIONAL', BANIt E0CXY 'MOUNT, N. C.J property in amounts $10,000, where the are sblicited.These to be repaid in install-' Realty Co. j jf General ManagT5 V e . - - PB0NE 384 119 Tarboro St. Is with ns by tell you hoy? ; : V -7 sva v i j '' " - -' 1 ' '. 'v.' I 4 in

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