:-T.:j. -Ill ? J 1 1 m-J f IJI S III N ' - !,--. -...j , J - ELIE CHAPLIN AND : ' ' "THE ISON'CLAW TODAY tlm : rii ixl I'ri'HS'- A'ient.) ltd a' (Jivri-Hitij; 1 program of thrills ' Id tighter tli h ljaiul is i-jitri'taiiiiii ..'" ' 'loilnv. . I'l-THt -on tin! mosriaui ponton 't ' The liitc'rvpiitin'n of Tito" the fifth -Wr-mio iit' "Tli roir-t.'l.iw " i whi '. tliriMiv lintiHiiril chniiii-ti'is'Leifiir and Tho ' Lnuhlnj -Mask are si'ciin. further thrilling Situations. The other piettirrs .is-"tlip Houiuler" -or "His Favorite v" . rnstiino,' ' with Charlie Chaplin in tl.c I War Films for Monday On Moinlay tho Grnut will present r'Atlie lii-Ht notable war film which has ever r been shown here and .to the (irand's f trrclit it must he said that the vei V lai- jrnl and most praised war pu ture 4'cr released is the OJie which has lieen n eiiii'd. The lilins contain tua .(Oihjectrf, aliout four , and a halt tliousand leet .i-ontain ai-ttint - pictured taken on the war front of ijimpe ami two reels o-'-for an intimate jilniiptte. of- 'the conii; fion in .Mux ico. the troops ot (ienernl .1'i i'shia;, t'arranza and Villa under ti e lrU'lership of these nieii nee shown in aciioii and a -very clever comparison' is drawn. In the Ot'rniiiii iiictures, which by the wav were taken bv a stall pho 1 0141 ,'iiher iiinl under t he supervision f tho Imperial (;overuiiient,..:.we will see the ;iy;intii' jcims in action, tlm charge ol't dry" and infantry, . life in the tfiwEl'inn aoroplaue and Zeppelin in mortal .ciimliat, all the terrible ojli- i cioney of the Germans, Jlurititt the ae- V 1,'nn of .this film we are taken 011 the 'j ijern front, whore tngland anil r J-YiTffkajr.e 1 Hit1! tin it, on the west wdiere t.lio IJussaiis are making a terrific 011 . Fliinj;lit and even to the. Dard.'ttrellc, ' ' wher; sin'h; fierce fighting was wa-jed jil 1 ne' staye of the war. These, films fen-ore luade by Imperial order tor the .j, t if )iurpose ot saving in the German Ar " cIiivcb and wero released to this eoun '' - ! y through' .effort's of . The F.'ithevhincl t'f t.'ifiaziiK', so that the people ot the 'I'. V lhitotl States could get an accurate im i. ( pi e.iion of the high state of German ffitK'uey. ' : ' X" everyone, fur we all are interested in these two military situations, in Ger many and Mexico, the pictures-.should " Charlie 3Aii1)NDAY. N i J , Itl TV 'L ,11 1 i cJu Z SI MM m 1 V I &t ' 111 r ttm III And nf.'ta episode oi i- i i in . - . . t ' if . : Wk-i ;-: WAR :-: "GEillANY'S BATTLES AT VERDUN" Showingthe Saxan war from all fronts. Battles in the air On land and sea Aeroplane and Zeppeline en--go gem snts Cavalry and Infantry charges Life in the Trenches Gciicr.".!. Pershing, Carranza and PronaV: need hy press and public x. V-v , Prijies Ten and Twenty cents, afternoon ad Eveing TUESDAY Victor Moore in V "THE CLOWN" Also Musty Bun er Comedy i n; r - -,, . . . ; : - - - 7- ' . : '.,., . .-; : :JL-JLrL .. ij' --- . We have decided to continue our Clearance Sale on-all - Spring and Summer Goods through ilio month of August. EveTy article in the store in the way of warm weather apparel "will b 3 sold a. prices less than we can replace the goods at the present manufacturers' prices. We need he rooni Li our store and ve need the money to settle our bills, consequently we are maldng a sacrifice of our goods. Come in and supply your needs while you can buy such merchandise at the low prices pre vailhij II- 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 iti ' r r . it ti- i lit x it ii- I 1 ,: t 1 1 1 r 1 t 1 j Souths feiri "II ilili i appeal strongly. You. have read much of tlie war loit iq the attraction t the Grand Munday you will Hud inore ml vuiicemeiit in real knowli'dg' of war conditions than you could by feadilig a year. "Germmiy 's Battles at Verdun ' ' and'' "Across the Border in Mexico" .will be.well .'worth going miles to sVe. The prices for Jilonday will .be fen ami twenty cents afternoon., and evening. This,-raise is made because 'of tlie ex cessive rental which is made for the picture. It is brand new mid as we are tlie-Jii'St : "Towrnn Ihe cttai!' lu secure them the' irice wis cori'ijioiidingly high. . '. :. ,.. 'THE CLOWN COMING" TO GRAND TUESDAY Victor Moore,' the celebrated come dian who immortalized 'Chimmie Fad den'- will be seen at the Grand 011 Tues day' in the thrilling iihotodrama of "The Clown," si' Lnskv I'hotoplnv 011 the laramouut program, writien es peiinlly for him by Miriam l-'aTrfax, the distinguished dramatist, and pro; rtijced under the ioisonal direction of William' C. Ie Mille." Victor M'.ore" is consi.lered the lead ing photodraiuatic comedian .' 'of: ;the country , owing to the 'fact that he "does not have to .r.esort to the broad and slap-stick methods to obtain his fun,. The "Chimmie Faddcii" pictures were a distinct inilovAtiii'ii in -t,ho: cone .edy lines and ''stampeii Mi Moore as a eonjcdian of Unusual excellence, s in. the Lasljy prodiii'tioiif of "The Kace' ' he again identified himself as a comedian Of the highest order. In "The. ClmVii" he is si'eu both ns the harleipiin of the cijc,iis, and the .noble, .-Uumnuljuxlinml falber. The .stoiyTTf!'iie Clown " is (if gripping appeal as it tells hnw the . children s idol risks his "life to save one of - his little admrers,. and later sacri fices lis career to protect the honor of another. ;. Ilow he tries to better him sidf, and how he leaves, the womaiv hes has maii'ieil to protect, that she may turn to the one she loves, is chronicled CHICHESTER S PILLS W- Tin: 1IIAMONII IIIIAMt. A m IMtl in III-J and iinlti nirtaiticV BlfH I'lAH'IM' 1H1.1.-MP 1'lL.bH, for X6 years L nnwn as Best, 5a reil, A I ways ileliablo SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TODAY - - Chaplin In - 'The Iron Claw" AUaUST 7. WAR Villa andlheir forces in action to be the best War film yet seen WEDNESDAY ' . Blanche Sweet in "THE SECRET ORCH ARD" . rAlsCTWho's Guilty?story " Strieec fn a number of . unusual ami starfting For . lie liiciilents, connected w ith the circus scenes, the Lusky Company rented aii entire eircii; organization for t'iri'e diiyu anil presented, the scenes with Hie read. performers. VicforliiorP rev'eled in these three (lays' occupation, as when a boy It. was- his ambition to become a circus clown. . Running away irom home, for three weeks re indulged h'liiself until brought, back by the pti' teinal fewer. The: iiroductfon of "The Clo-wli" is of. a nioBt .unusual order, uiy dflic 'Lnsky Cohipany 1ms surrorujded 1 M.f, " Moore with a caHt of umntual- excellence, in ( hiding such prominent; artists as Thom as Meighnn, Florence Pagmar, Krnest ,loy Little, Billy Jacobs, jeroldn Ward and others. . " ': Also 11 Musty Suffer Comedv for Tues day. ' ' ' -"- " " ;;' vr": BLANCHE SWEET COMING TO GRAND ON! WEDNESDAY tf- . . . . (Bytlic"Oraii(j I'ress Agent.) In yesterday isr pajier . aiindiinceiuent thxU.'Thr 1 ni inij-ra of w. r.ld ,be siic,w n on next Wednesday, this was a mistake "The Secret Orchard' ' 'With Blanche Sweet is the pieturey-which is. booke I f i r tho' coming Wednesday. It will be shown in connection with on? ol the Who C 1 1 1 1 1 1 v ' stories. - f)n Thins. lav Carroll MeComiis anil lliidiard lacker will be presented in the Kdison" feature, "W'lieij Love Is King'' for Friday the brand ncY- star, Ann JVnningtoii will be scon in :'Susie Siiowtlake.'' Of Mrs. Chappell, of Fire Tears' Standinj, Relieved by CariuL Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Cliao pcll of this town, says: "I suffered tot live years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardui, the wo man's tonic, and 1 decided to' try it. 1 had not taken but about six bottles until I was almost cured. It did me more good than all the other medicines 1 had tried, put together. - My friends bean asking jne why I looked so well, and I told them about Cardui. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader,' suffer from any of the ailments due to -womanly trouble, ciirh oc h(aiiarhp hzplrnrha eirtj9rhf. i sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired j feeling? ; --'--, If so. let us urge you to give Cardui a trial. We feel confident it will help you, lust as it has a million other women in ! tlie past Half century. : , . I Begin taking Cardui " to-day. You won't regret it All druggists. f Writt t&! ChertartooR Msdiein Co.,; Ladl 1 idylsory Dpt.. Chutaoooga. Tenn., (or StrcUi Instruction on your case and 64-pace book, "Home TreUmant tar Women," in plain Wraiisar. N.C. ISA i nere arc ivcasuns Why YOU Should 3 We stand back of everything 8 we sell and nothing of a low 1 grade is ever put out by us,; oe n reriume, oap, a uiass of Soda Watef, a Tooth Brush or a ' Rubber Bottle. Buy here and receive tbTeprb" r tection-which ean- be-given- j only by those who know and exercise care at all times. J,W. Rose Drug Co. Cor Main St. and Sunset Ave. -15 PHONES . erties hiivecu1ST'i'lally made fiii ear opera, ilesigflvdfr in every detail, from the original productions..." We are asked to specially mention that the whole repertoire will be sung in tho Kuglish language. . 1 '. . SURVEY BULLETIN MAY BE OBTAINED Washington, Aug. 5. As a art of its preliminary" or - "control " ' win k-in tho making, of accurate maps, the I lil ted States (leological Survey is obliged to determine, the geographic p'osit ions of many points in each area iiirveyed. These detcrininlitioiis are di'pciideiit on astronomic latitudes and longHiides and on rMrefully executed triingulation or primary traverse. : Incidentally, '-the true- n.imtiths or beai ings rfud fcilgths of the many lilies measured are also determined.- ".'',""'." " ' ; , . : Ihe (leological hnrvev advises and urges engineers mid surveyors . to con nect their. -work by direct measurements w'it hall available geographic.' posit ions;, bv so doing thev are enabled to check many of their measurements and thus avoid the possibility- of blunders or er rors -in- their--luxHiilts. Such gliecka. Bra- For Tornado aad W ENGLISH Ol'EKA CO. XpRotiutioiW, liae- been completed, which will secure tlhc Chicuijo Knulish Dpe7aoTi'Timiy'i'f'rrrJ visit in tm-n-try during the coluinj; Aseasoii. This roni: pony is said to bo Allio inost perfectly ((piijipd operatic mrgaiiiiitioii toi"- All entire danlde cast of famous operatic. sjiiKers is ciijiricd; a f'ull ,dioi;iis consistiii; of yoijntrj '.'nut well trained voiceKi.iuid rpi;UU orchestra IK also travelled with 'the"cmpnny, so "-.that n perfect performance f each (ipern may lie given, ; ( It is the wish of the management, of the Chicago Thiglish Opera Company tu presiint iijiera in each city, following, as closely as possible, the traditions qf tho greater National Opera House of the World. To achieve this end, com plejeueu' scenery, wardrobe, mid prop SEE G R. HORNE CO. r 123 "Western Ave. Phone L. FOXMAN, The Tailor is Now Located at 169 S. Main St. Suits Ma2e to YoMer'niiies We do Men's and Ladies' Alterations of All Kinds. Remodelling Ladies Coat Suits . I Especially. PHONE 433 TKe Business Man s Bank The Planters National Bank unites a large part of the Jbiisiness fabric of this community, gather ing together its working capital, placing it where it is most needed to meet legitimate requirements and,strengthemngthatabilityof,eachJ3usiness intei'est represented We are working for cause worthy of the heartiest cooperation. We cordially invite your account. The Planters National Bank J. C'BKASWELL, President - MILLARD F. JONESi Cashier specially useful ill ililiiilig survey si n Mttrwys- ftir-CTHiitT-bomidaripsy'Hnd in extensive surveys of oil, coal or timber lunds. Hcaides the actual nso of the geo ifrapliic data in surveying of various kinds ttic'-nrr( Tif no little interest to Ihe general public, i ' ' To have the results of this class ot? work in "convenient form for its own use and tor the general information of others,- the (leological (survey publishes thorn every two or three yours as bulle tins for frctv distribution. ". The volume for the years 11M.I to 1015 inclusive (Uiilletin ti-M) is just coming from the press in parts covering single states or groups of Htates. Hullentiu fi-14-A, eon tailiing' data for Alabama and North Carolina, is now available for distribu tion and may be obtained .on request to tho Director ot the Hnrvev at Washing ton, 1). C. The remaining 17 parts will he available within a tew weeks. - New Hem, Aug. -t. The little dmigh term Mr. and Airs. Martin McKinnev, .No. -1 Short slreet, who IS the victim ol n ease ot lnlnntilo pnralvsis, is '-improving rapidlv, savs' ..Dr. K. ,. Arm sMong, who is the attending physician and Mhere 'is every reason to "believe that tdio will soon recover. hiverv precaution is btong taken to prevent the spreading of t h in -1 ixeint"; and the local health authorities behove that pract icnllv everv danger has now been averted. . However, no elTort is being left un done that will tend to prevent the out" break -lit another case , , : ind - Storm Insurance 1 777 community progress- -a M. C. UR AS WELL, Vice-President W. W. AVERA. Asst.-Cashif H BERN Hi IMPROVING -a- nm. v r .! ;:.. : - a4 "' WJ Shall they be Industrial Federal To the American Do you believe ffinl warfare? The train employesn ,al bc .fni.bn.-..'!:. - have voted whettieTtliey will give their leaders authority to tie up the commerce oi the country to enforce their demands for a 103 million dollar wage increase. . The railroads are in the public service--youfyservice. This army of employes is in the public service your service. You pay for rail transportation 3 bill'- . dollars a year, and 44 cents out of every dollar from you goes to the employes. On all the Southern railroad in 1915, leventy-fl ye per cent of t tram employes earned these waet (lowest, hiihet and as ( i of all) as shown by the payrolls PaManger Freight Yuri R.nca Avmi Encinecri . $1972 $2306 3810 1552 2G96 943 1C52 Conductors 1847 Firemen 1209 Bralcemen. 1736 Vwaf The average yearly ' wage payments to all Southern train cm ployes (including those who worked only part of the year) as shown by the 1915 payrolls PaMengar Engineer , Conductors Firemen , . Brakemen. $2144 1723 1096 1013 A 100 million dollar wage increase fcr men in freight and yard service (less than one-htth ot allemolovesVis piuil -to. a 5 t tint tVMtUfrataf .. . xJY:The manage'rCdf the iajtlroiti'Sif atrusicc : for the public,? have no right to place thi: burden on the cost of transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tri bunal speaking for you. The railroads have proposed the Ecttlc ment of this controversy either under the existing national arbitration law, or by refer ence to the Interstate Commerce Commi s sion. This offer has been refused by thi employes' representatives. Shall a "nation-wide strike? or an investigation under the Gov ernment determine this issue? .National ConiFerence Committee of the Railways ELI5HA LEE, Chairman. . H. AIJ1IIK. H I, Ciii'I l.iinyi Allnlf '.o..l lia. Kuilrowl. L. W. BALUWin. C.n l nana,-, Onlrml of Orgla Hallway. ' C 1. BAKIK), Cut Manager, Naw York, e Ua.es ilarriord Railroad. C 11. COAPMAN, fln-Pnmidm. Sootiiunt Hailwaj. St. E. COITIR, Ctn'l Hatmgu, .h..a ll.ll.r. P. E. CHOWLKY, Am Plra-Praifrfaaav tlmw tork Oalral Railroad. G II. KMF.HMON. int Managmn Creal Nurfhffrn Ifatlwajr. .' ; C II. KIN;, CnH ManKr7 Pbll.rfrlphla a H...il (UllWir" ; I B. w. (.nu t:. a..i. id 'r.,id.j, :.a.Bka A lMn Knllw.v. Rocky cLlu- Yu;u. Lu.i. Public: in arbitration or int!u Rang Avri ' Runs ' Arsi nice $1455 3505 $1916 1353 2358 649 1638 1055 1719 : 400, 1302 1580 979 lJ''H'-HOS were - Freight $1712 1488 . 863 845 Ynri 11S7 I A. 9. CKKIC, mL la Imtan, AtcblMia. lpaka A ftaata f'a Railway. B. W. MtMASI tH, CmV Kmi, Wheeling and Lake trie Maiinmt, N J). MAIIKK. rtfPrm,idat, Jarfalk aad Weelera Hailwa.. JAMKS til SSr lX, t.7 M,f,,.r. lea.e. At Kiu trui. kallruad. A. M. KCHOYER, M(oVi, riaa-iVaa, Penaaylvania Liaea Weak ., tteeboerd Air Line Hailwa,,. A. J. MTMi.'lc.'realdaia, trie Mailroad. . . .. , C 8. W AH), ri-Pnm. A Cat Alaaaaa, ' HonM-t Onlntt t.lnM, Mouiii, i f 1 1