' PAGE TWO Monday, October 9,1916 T777s77TrT7 NEWS - . .. ' ' ' I I ' "-'' "' : .. ' . . " ,u ,! ,,,.., i rnrriim 1 ntnj Tl " A. VJ , l" x -i -n r- . rX A ISPORTING ' HI ' . M i 1 A V V N K VA . , rPT 1 umnL 1 1 in i rnr r iiiiLUi uui iiuiiil. IN RTHLETIGS Wild and Wooly West Has Pried Crown of Suprc-, macy From East ' IN ALL THE EVENtfJ Sofne of the World Events zrWhicnhendmduaT . . Leadership Is A .-"-tot! tne'1Wesicni Haif-uf the Nation. - New York, Oct. (. The ihl ami wooly went has pried the ei own of atli ierir supromnev rrom nie nasaic Mow - of the rii:t'nnd slapped it upon its mvn tanned forehead. ;..In the whole athletie realm then- isn 't All event in winch wcKtcriirrs haven t ptiT. tnpir lnmifilvn nncers with an air of chainpionshii, with the exception of inoae games whien the westernerN can not, reach. Here is a laldo of chani jiionships which inav prove inleiciit . iufr. Heavyweight pugilistic ehampion Jess V Ulanl pi-iMiiisas. FcntWrwviijtit elidinpion - .Johniiv Kilhano of Uhio. Bantamweight champion vouii; Kr tlo of Minnesota. '(Claimed.). Light' heavyweiKlit chainpion Jack DiHon of Jhdiatia, All around athletic champion Fred . Kelly of California. Hwiniminjj chainpion liinlv lianger of California. American league hatting chainpion Tti Sia'aTior or.Tc.uS7- Nationnl league hat ting "chainpion Klaxon for four dollars.' Klaxon I. KlaxonQuality. Klaxon Per janent Guarantee, It is the New tKu yr. Optnttt on An eft tirely novd principle. The plunger u very ihort. A (light push gets immediate responu and a very loud note. Projector is brass, not steel; bell it oval, not round. Guaranteed permanently Larger Klaxom $7.50 to $20 Burnette's Ford Supply Co. South JMaln Btrwt EOCKT. MOTOT. N. O. 'kil other '' ii in i i j i .-i.--i:.lt''J;jy1'f;;y.i:iV- Cllnun nf f'.rlif,,...:.. - AflniltlMlr ailll linen irnlf ,.1, !,, Cll.l firs HvilIlH l)f IIJiYi.iiM Mtrtmntil Itvin-ur ' niviiiinr w..h..v Alo-.juiiilervif Nebraska. yrontlniK ihnnipioii-,ice JiLichor-nf Nclpi:iHkii. licnniH .(lonbli'M champions aiiin (inflm or ': 1 i Tom -Johnson 4"" west didn t got its lini.'ors into worm h Herns Mir. hut hiiiiii' id. ! h. mot prominent lliciiihorH i.C each com peting tenuis arc out west wlienthoy re at Jhimic. Jerome Travels an. I 1 minis Oiiitmot tluf rant ' I wo best pollers, have not been seen in IniiTTiaiiii'Mts I Inn vi'iir, anil, ecitineeuicntlv, were not of any lii'lil in Having Illinois lor the mini. Tho recent A. A. I . held and track meet ill 'Nt'waiit brought hofii e crack ntlilrti'n to tho.oiiNt; from' the went Among Tni'in worif-'noliorl fiUTpson ol Missouri, and Prod 8.. Murray, fn Cnli foi'uin, two hurdlers whose eimnla ncv it - im.' been ,.'hci.'ii. 1 1 rrrsrt shower liiilei'H,' the wonderful .schiiol boy nth ;r Iroin Illinois, who came williiu an irli jil' t ieiiiif the A.,A, lr. record fin HiojMiUi ynijlt. - U-iImo jiu ye- the spet inlois a glimpse of Andy Ward, til Chit'jIL'o sprinter, and Arlit.' Mucks, the prodigious Wii-onsiii weight thrower The."!' are jii-d a few. of tiie iniiny athr letes ill the wen! Whose re-ords .sliou the' are aide to ejve a eood account, of t heiuselves ill anv contests. The nth Icles who went to tin- Seaiidinavian countries a- slttirl -t inoi-u;o as represen tati'cs of America in e.-inie'racross tin seas, were nil weslerncis with the ex crptirut ol Ted M credit h.' KIKJHV FOOtfJAf iL SEASON IS ON (Taiiiillou, Onl., Oct. ; ii. - The' lir.-t Kami' ol lue runny season win ne piayeii here .iis afleniooii at. the .Varsity Stail iii in. The A II '1'oroulos, a team select ed from- anions soldiers recriiltTTl in I o rnnto,. .will meet , the Hamilton Tigors in the openini; cm, 1 est . MONEY END OF BIO GAME Poston. Oct. V.-,'.hi olliciai. . auuoiiin (Junius ed li f or Sal in a v s n me national Coinmisiou nr:-, -, . .. AtteniIaiue..ul),lI7. .. Total . 'receipt s, 7i;,4MI..'iil. flayers' share, 1 1 I :,'ii'h chili's share, -t l:i,7is. 1 I . National oiuinissioii's shart. if 7, x.!i."i. COEDS MUST LEARN TO SWIM. COLLEGE EDICT . Han l-'rancisco, Oct. AH'coeds al the L'liivcrsity of California must loam to swim; This edict has just gone forth to the freshman and sophomore women. The university will require that its, under class women not onlv know how to svvim but soini of ' the nuHnients of. life sav iiiR anil first aid in the water. Out ot several hijinlrpij .wowwh i MtniloiitH' who- must take .'the' tests only lifti'cn have successfully juissed thus far. . EIGHTY FIVE MILLION IN JUST A SMALL SECTION The following dispat from Kins- ton is surely nstoiinding: Sixty to eightv live millions ol dol lars is the value of the summer's crops within the radius of oil null s ol this city, according to estimates ol chamber of eommeree ufficialn and agricultur alists. Jilore' than half of this Wealth is in tohacco, proliaMv. 'I hat crop is the most valuable ever produced in the section. A few persons are inclined to run the estimate up to a hundred mil lions, possibly with good .reason, point ing out that in tin' territory Kinston and Greenville tlone will market close around $ IO,00(i,(imi . worth of tobacco, while a number of smaller., markets drawing on the .i.ection are thriving bovond expect ions. These.-include Snow Hill, Lutirnngiy I'ink Hill, New Bern, Ayden and others. The; cot t on "crop is estimated - to-. be about lu per lent short on the area, but, the in"!.';:se prices will offset the shortagi' shoiibl bo maintained. Thn cotdoii crop t d.. I.cnoir county, for instance. ,vill for the sec ond time in nian vears produce more grain than il needs, the mcrei so m art claiming Quality k art guaranteeing U' new stock of in writing SI 5000 MILES WE have jusfe received our large spring -consignment of Aja tires. Better anticipate your needs, as the" demand for Ajax tires alwayi exceeds the8upplyv VV. T. ROS1 SON Local Dealers piouiu-tiou noing largo enough to ear fur almost twice r.s manv hogs .as win owned half a , decade ago rTiTfihublu W ith, a few t hoiisniid - bushels to spare Last ytHr'H estimate ot tin! ttital vain of j rops within ii radius of an miles Kijiston wajt.$.rll,lHIU,(lill.- The- tofrai TI IH gellOiallv ClllU'Ollod to bo heavy as in l'.'lo, however, while prir a n - mitt'li better, sonic triad several times as valuable. bi LONDON PAPER DEFENDS ATTITUDE OF THIS COUNTRY hays Entrance of United States Into War Would Have Created Groat Problems. London, Oct.. 7..--Tlie Weeklv Nation -in a long art irlo Wftrutty- di'l'ettdint: th attitude of UirTiiitOil Stall's dming the war mid regrettine; that her " hints at mediatmn " hare only met v. ith , ol neglect, says active iiitci ven-tiiiii, on tin side of the Knteute allies uoidd hav hroiijylit almost Jiisolulile pnddenis" tor the ( iiited. (States.- - . ; The newspaper dec la i cS, lo'icevii (hat the I'nitrd Stair's has shovvn it simpainy Miii mo luieuie allies in ainny ays, ." esieei.:lly in tolerance' of o:ii innovations o( ka law and I real oioiit of neutrals.""'"'-'. .' - Agieeing thai- to diilali peu e woul. I'"":; no real si'ii leiuenr ol. tin' prolilcms coo I'ri.'ii I i irg h ii man i ! ,v, .. t he...', uewaapf i coiieiuls that the entry "nf tho 1 nitei states into a league of peace is tin- only ne ,im. -i i .uiiisiiiujig-.a-uaiaju'i' in j.urce ou the side of law. aliidiug .nations. , we snan ne guii'v vi a ounu against (iv).liatiioi,,;',ia. j tlu'-nt'vvspa per, "ii wneu t lie 111 omen t ol set t lenient arrivi'si we refuse'. the aid ol'. (Iml onl power liicli can liring a Inialiiig. inlli nee to the. world. " , SLAYER'S MOTHER LYNCHED Georgia Mob Riddles Body of Woman Held In Jail. Albany, Co., (let; ;i. , colored: -won) in ii timed I oniicllv, v liosj'. son is alleg ed. '! .have k-illed K. M. Melvin.a I a i in was taken from t he city., .jail a I iry, Calhoun couiilv. Ha., some time Monday night and Ivnched. a. i or.liin o reports received here vester-iav. II, r iody, riildled with bullets, .was found near Leai'v r ndav. JClH.tt-omtiiT'- was gilld --to have been ngaged in an altercation with, leh io when it is .alleged her son struck the inner on the head with a cotton' scale weight. Mir was anc-ted soon after ward. No clew to the i,lentit- i,l' l!e ,.,.,. ici's of the Iviichintr oarlv has been tainod. The boy was captured I'V of licers in Dougherty county. " V This Case Has a Hint For Many Tele gram Readers. Kockv Mount woman has used ois Kidney rills. She has found them is rcinesen led. She wishes her neighbors to'know. She publicly recommends -t linn. .No need to look further lor a tested k idney remedy. The proof of merit . is here and can be investigated. I'rofit bv Mrs. Uradshaw 's statement. Mrs. U. K Hradshaw, ."iL'ti Washington St., Ifocky Mount", says: "My kiilnoys Were weak and I had rheuniat i'c. pains in my back and hips. In the nioriiing 1 was sore and still', and colds settle, l' on my ki .'iieys. 1 had headaches and di:'. so lis and my sight v;;s bl.ji:::.ed.. Til Kiiliroy sV'iT'i'TFiiiis wi','!' si ft 1 1 1 - in. pasi iige. Iioau 's Ki.lnoy 1'ills cul-eil me o all symptoms if kidney' t nnible. '' I'ricu OUc, al all., ilealers. Don' simply ask tor' a kidm'v...i'einedv" gel Dunn's Kidney I'ils -!he, same that cured Mrs. Iliads-haw. roster .Milb.urii Co., Drops., Dtifl'.ilo, N. V. . , OCKYMOUNTNEWS i-L. -mL -V.A- .A L;L js-sj -i ' y jfcl siLl&:'. V .iioTi -mn-n xtrarif." riTilVir' . Ol " I AFTER smcskin- x P. . j i" lw - irVfea FLinii.-n men jrc cuooqing r aumas ior uieir i ju m - - v - . v . ' - i. at . i i . i i s i v r i L : VS-'WSk M "' -XU -UfCi lUfSU HU'H WOUltl II UlUhl V lilV U JU1" I Ml . 'fr'v . i inu .. r-w t- -i . ti . . - r . . - - . . i mm 'n,i' bt.. ... 1:. i 'iff, ueTn ,v At h VST . THIS NATION'S NEED OF NATIONAL CONGRESSMAN E. W. POU jj n.! .1 rt - f - ta rtaaress ueiiverea oeiore inn turreni limits iiuuii m .; Here On Monday Die li.i:-i'ry of wais aie larly.the pic-nit :!i,-il' it pr thing, t't'uvi s tliis: fh.-it a dr- ight insuri'S no nr't: oi ;i:::'in The (iol len l!le 'rfi ars to .b. de:dillt;S .' -!Tetlt n:iUolis. grt powerful, profi' ssediy 1 ion deli beral ely ' ;i.-k iug ak oat inn. w Itii-h I'.s lie.'n" M't.ing. and vvliirh Ii::.-: ulTei' tense, wlin.se onlv cl'i.efe IS lie let alone.' ' -Think' of a T'i" at" poc'erfu'l. l:""Tdii'isfian lialinit iii'i i lu-ra 1 1 I n t i ii -t yvheiliex. it w ill enter1,' ready racing, on i i. " oiie sMe o er, lineertnin sliieh ede -greater g:i iix -T lrtTilr""n7" a gr : Cid,-proT, -:se-ly ( hri-l i.'iii nati orati'lv ealciila'ting tin- prohl- In ed I.;. Li.-; I :. ; a" "I M.aiy.. : which atai-k-s ;i lint I r c ri ;i t i (.i ii itit caasr- i-; a :::'!-I.m -i a:;, ail 'think ot' a i,'i,'---..'.:t;-4:hriw deliheiatelv calrulattMO how . W ''I gain i i' i Ollt roll- -ie!i' right an I v. W'e S. e , - merd'-i:. VVfrh. I C all !le-e tho. llil tile e,, il 1 Pi e. .rnlioll..l . I- 1 ' v -1 1 man del'ido h 1 n- -' I i the ip:e--hi,oi will i'e; tack' Aim :1. ;, : ' A u I himself intrr ,1m !ie i; liiv rit-pend''!H-'. yh:lt,' tain pmt r mat i among n-at ions o.ar I ri our enemy ' t oieir, inu, to be gained Jjv lie all by eoiit 1 1 ; i . i 1 1 g ni Tempora l ily , ve h:: i fhili I" We an- the f i i -: 1 ami and the -South An,, We have our great c;i: ctor i.f 'uba "I ;d. .Wo h: aid to the othe;: li 'ni ':'!.is. far and ! tint this n a-' . : nat'.ous in itil'TTiiT na ;!;. that miir titat v, e ha ve en b: e. Hut no i'urt her. I th: "k it froei tion is differ pect to it ripns. I tlia;:: 'me ler is .'nib..; r.-r.t tn i not vet at"). i ::' ! t ( ol "ve oi e to '.'. m I. ic, w e nit: -t be f. . o.i;.. oi stmy , '-'1 n'O in- t t he ii by a navy ami tf dcs'ro' him, s iatcrcst to Tit- greed of the highw a an 5irin- strong t i," if he decides i, is t tack us. So long as ;Jie ,;m' i i la'.rnpe shall continue, t!e,.'ie will h;0 a ; of our being iu oh i L- The Kuropenu war may end in one nf two or three wavs. It mav end likexlu" Thirty Vvars War, with : peacenf ex haustion, none of the priiu ipaK beliig erents having oitlier the ability or the desire to continue, tlie war, -'and all will ing to aeeepi an 'misatitfci'tory and il logical -compromise. If the cnmingj'eaco"' in Kurope sliould be like the t'e:ite'of Westphalia, we w ill perhaps' havr lit tie to fear from that direction for some j cars. Europo AvilHn-eevATed with Uis-1 f: . jfix - - PREPAREDNESS - TL. r -i T-. ri.LM Nighf, October 2nd g'ooni. aii'' strength for reijiuil1 fi'iot tln-r lighting. so, tile will I truce, in 171.1 Is an. I would at ies of I " t re' la ( hapelle in .'. Sl4eli n pe ht flowed by renewed propa rat iocs for Iiistead :( a peace, it would lie I'lnisfTee," lasting (MiT v TTli f iT sonii' if the bclligennits shall- !'.-rl itsell' .."tr.uii; en prop'it ions '.ligh : lii'l 'Olisidel'-s-' t he time to re commence w. a r. In such c;ise there uillrt arise llliilleiliate men a;2' for tin' 1'nited' Mates. 'o man can predict with i-iTlainty, u'li.TrTitlia trees may be forme, l,- the nations of I'lirojie six months ahead. ISelmld Kussia ami l.'ipau mak;ng i-"i!:iiiuri cause in the pres cut war, : . I If course the war ma v eiei In a enni plij.e. triiiniph fii one. Vi .Kip of i,j-!:oes or the I'ther. Dr iring to be pi neutral,. I ; hall. xef rain from dis I Iv the (''fl'ei t upnn Miis nation oi' ei M" victorv Jnr .'itner sol, .' It seein- 1 ' nt l et ". 'li'licnlt t'nr A merienns t their ie, u con In-ions in sn. h iv Will, tmwe'e!', ventnle this or tion. A crushed and iinimv onsl peace -of t he w orhl jus ; wolf at tacks' a v. lode c just as' the starvjue: iioi b home of his v'et'ni, just as s'l.'irving shark viiulri t liifiidreds of iiiib's away from the waters to which hi is ;u,' i ist dined, to at tack a n ytdiiug which mav savor of food. . STOMACH OUT OF FIX? 'Phone your grocer for7s dozen pints of this delicious di gestive tonic Drink a pint with eack men I an d if yon re not delighted with the instant relief; tell Urn to charge tha first dozen to ua a authorized. SHIVAR GINGER ALE Nothing lite it for renovating old worn, out stomachs; converting your food into rich.red' blood; adding sound flesh and givingrou vigorous health. Bottled only by the celebrated SlTrVAR MINERAL SPRING, SBEIT0N, S. C If your dealer haa none in stock tell 7 him to "phone : CEO. S. EDWARDS & CO. m Distributors lor Hocky Mount. - " 7 T3 NOTTCEAfctE tWmofc'and mbre'suK Pt.inlt.iT mct nm cLtoosing Fatimas fortlieir steady : -smoke. There must a j 'i i Liphcr price for ' another iLtin better. XLSureiVT tn"se men would quickly pay a lar That h just it. No oilier cigarette can quite phc wbal Futimag give. . . ' r Sonic oilier cigarettes taste good, yes. But Fatimas do more they, are comfortable. lot only arc they comfortable to the throat and toiifrue while you smoke them, but, much more important, they Jcave a man ieeling keen and "ill AI'TER smokix'r, even ibouKb be smokes more than usual Hut, gentlemen, ue might as well face tho f Filth", there -are two nations which believe thev Inn e a giie'aneii against America, . ( If course we, feel wd have done nothing to deserve tlie , ill . w ill of niiy nation, but It is Well night, impossii Ido to iyinvinee. these nations that all the aiors and: purpose's of. the 'American neih jj'l are . Cor the betterjiieiit of iiiaukuid. We ni'iit have ami neVer will wage war I Uj" intneieial gain or national : eat, We - went to war with -'gran Spain, .lf.em. st rtn:k mad" : The shackles'" I'niiu I 'nb ;r a present or' tli" sano' libeity '-u.ioy. rife to hene' er w e know it W ill d" .-o we 'Aid confer upon 111 the l'hilip'im.'a islands, the he ijUV-.trnli j nnt how We feel t" I tle nations ol' the world,' but hov, - feel toward us. u matter how h we l.iv e pe ice and despise ar, so : as .-tlrK- enmity- exists t'uvard Anirr nii long as t -ei ' great--on t ion -is trni ill a e; i - 01" !ies of des! i in-'t ion' ill ship "d every 111 i II II ti' of the 1 night, Sunday included, re blind if they do not te 'preparation. Think of -const, jine, -1 iinnsa inj.s of t h, nntl t he ma ny great g-i.'i shot of a modern bat- ..it hin up. b'ig);T Jiere." will pause to say t hai I think I will not' lie adjudged guilty-of Hoy-iotpteiprit-t y- if I remind voir that the only real slop toward preparedness was taken by a 1're.sideiit born in -the Soul h. The bids, pasxisb- by-j4f)figr.ess .Tmt?iTsfied" by the I'lesident lire pinch defensie no-n sn'tes. The President snw the danue rhHvTiew' that twice during tlie la-s-l;l'tei n ',-cws Wi'-Wee on the t n-Tge-rrf-wa r. e" not orepareil, aio :e lie: si.'es of dcf.' t iple a man insn; c new that, we recommended jmlt th" same home against ' v t;r. w i t h Ii ,s a-h I i I i i T u'Tnlih" on. When our wo k of pcepn a id' ! i -t he ire will I..- ioi) wieild Ii1 e tn discus hio sin eire'lness sible. ssf nl M lee ein'le Upon Allo'llca ,'ls i ' bv emini'iit ntilitni y mi l cits, bet as 1 --aid awhile ago i I. i Ii i. iin Iii.iI.m.hIii iat.'Ie ju,; . ;1;i ! if ollld be iilipossjltl t'l jli-eit -s 1 le-n- liaogers- i. ff limit "dcugrr- iting t he '!,.'! : ion v.. Ii u-Ii n'iny or-i)i;iv not have it in ini el to atta'k rs: If one Ji'ield be in ist.-i Uiii ns to the temper null pii'-pnw of a nation mentioned, he might have lo defend himself against the charge of being unneutral in the pvesMit uar. tSiilIice it to say these are dav.s oi' onielv action, that it has been -Uaie.i o, er and over, again Icy . expert an'.al and mililary inen' of the highest landing th"t as successful xpeditiou .i-.ild be land, .! on the Atlantic or I'a ei!ie coast and do inealeiilahle destruc 'ion l.efiire i,e could possibly piiare to d. fend ou.s. Ivi'S. What America need. and. what Ameiiefl will sonn have is a a ivy v. hich will .meet any -such expedi I mil ami semi its snips to tlie liotioui oi tlie set) hetoie riiev get anvicliere near nt:r -lieie. We 'must and vi! h;i e a n:;vy reat tiiid strong enoiii;!'. to send t.i the I itt'itu of the oivan ltc iiavv of any nation s tit forth to attack us. There is one aigitment of those who have (ioo.se ! our jiieaures of ;i;-epared- ii .v v. lii. Ii fi -iii I heir AvUtv ti.'tu e. Wlteti it is suggest, nl thrrt the it:", y of n certain nation might attnek the piestiou i i instantly asked will Jlie liritish navy be doing the attack is going on? Putting ihile asi I.' for the moment l:e historical fact that (l.reat Britain in thoroughly sebisli in her dealings with other nations, that she might side with any nation against meripa if she eotild gain more from the f riendshin of thnt other nation, here ! the Ainerif-an who in nny emer- gonrv is willing to' depend Hpon the navy.-of dreat Britain for protection f If n irr fwnoj must America fti) forced to be some reason for i i -w cigarette if it suited ask where is the is the Ajuerri-.'i it Hi it ish na vy . of anv partv When w ho IH willing to submit to such humiliatioii Where is t hcTiritlsli uavy indeed,' Al rend it question litis been asked too often in America during the . present, wai, Wh-;iiwir '.he lbith naxy m:iv be, olie thing ' iri. certain it has iitloily failed to destroy the navy of aiiv other nation- in the present war. The man who is-willing to depend up on (ircat. llritaiii for protect ion must be a hyphenated American; lie, is Hritish Ainerieuu and the profeetiou lie hopes for will be as a broken reed. With every trne American 1- -ay tnat ibid grant that !.;ir-m;iy nev er-enlitt'. bllt-if it dot-s route h it be only ncn-S-.: rv. tn ask'wliere is the American iiay.' Let (is- make our evii navy strong eioiije;h to . destroy the fleet of any nati'ii) which dares attack us. Let us not depend upon the navy of iireat Itritatn or. Trance Mir fieniiany or any othe-i n.itinii. Let us not take the gambler 's chance that Kngland will be the enemy of the natiiin vhich may attack ns. There is nothing. in hisfi.ry" to justify tlie hope, but .much to justify ex pect.it uui exactly to the contrary.- We are.iiot so poor Mint we uiust depiord up- oiany navy but our ow n.. Let-nil Amer icans fee! they can ask in the fullest confidence of ictniV over any ...possible, ehi'liiy Avhete is our own navy, manned liy oyr own iiaiUirs,: ilyiug our jivvn (lag Tha' is my Amerieanisin. It was my ideal in boyhood. . l'uder all adniinis I I'at ioiisif. lint h parties I have support ed bills pnnjdiiig for the'strong'-st navy I 'could reasonably hope, fur. I can say. with absolute (ruth the war in Europe has w r Liht no .cTiangi' in w hich a- -xuia 1 1 4Wd- lj along to practical dcx elopment. No'A, gentlemen, congress has passe two great- measure of sriny during time of pence and "mH en t v 'five tliou -inT t ense, A t a htllldn nilald" ei list "d men a lid ee en t l' "i is ill'leeil small tor the lie; "-: I ''( u 01 I.I. Last spring v fi lool ler peace was jrnvlliiitg "t'resi.l. tll Wilson A:n.i. I 111 people t hat he did l!'H li.'i . .- 4.1m mio 'i" """i if Mi'r"t'lirr 1 .Mexican border. Think ot" rprerrt- from Th et Yes iitttmrf that state -Ttrp-tln'ttM States if you please! Hut We are now. nssureirMhnt we will always have tlui uifcleiis of any army sullicieiit for de fease. ... . l.iki e.ise we have provided for in-, crease In the navy along all lines, liy' lltfwi' will have the second in fighting rapacity if not tho first of the navies of the world. M.uc.lLdep.eiils of course -upon the results of thejva'r in Kurope. Tho piovisions of thtse measures are quite well knie.vn and tin e does not permit of a discussion of thorn tonight. What more is iiccesarc to assjre the peace of Amer ica. " ' o 1. We should cirme to a friendly un derstanding with " Japan. We should declare ourselves truscop-for the I'liilip- . pine Islands without . benclit to our selves, ready to give those island inde pendence at any time other nation. will join us in guaranteeing independence good order and efficient government. If an niimy for occupation should beeo;.ic necessary after tho islands ilrr. given oald .be an international army, in which we participate, lmt do, not dominate. V.e should reeo;niz" lapati a-s a great and strongjiation, and her pari.iculur domain and zone of in tlurnce utthxr V'nf KasfT'We sluiul J io this, -not xnjdginKljvJrot . wiUiagly, n her due. As n great naiion .she woulil not ask, nor would we coiic-ik', anvthinf; iiieoiitii.'rtent with the higlteat uutlunul honor. There is no reason why .there sloi'dd . not he a frank nud Jierf.-ct undersf liu! in" between Japan and oiulves: ami that understanding ot't tomke, fo Tuu-.. imniinueu on I age beveu) ft ' - 1 j JhI Sox V m. policy 1 rlto ' Jf -I :-;'ii in . en l.i out- '.' V I of bright -Vl V 'lo ricaii ' ?, .I'l.io'l to V- . i.i .il iliiill MlnlHM i.n i I

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