I ':-'. liiiliriiw mil" ,t 'IlirirriwrrrfrrrrrrWWrtrrrfWl 1 ' III II .1 . Ill I Mill I.I II. I I Two Dodgere p - (-''-''- w'. - '''W2f'-' " : " i' '"' '.' v .. . ':Jfcf'' -' ' ' : - . ' - ' ' 4 I . " p 'y: q v Alter JMpy30 it will cost von Bill V. II : - Z'Z hTHH ."ECI '"-':.. SiL 111! 1r . f 0.-..i..v;i.v;,W,ij, J a "rt.iv ..;.r mains 1 -'V- "V-' ' ' ' ' , i v j4" IH' Mr life : time; 1)ein just " $70 moK; le price lalmers Until' mitlni-g-lit of Nov. 0 yoii am et a 7-22 Cualniors for $12lB0 Detroiti-a rar of ran- ahiiity, fascinating in hotly cjuiinVsit, ''and, 'like a -LcautiJul woihart,V)f This pictore shows a double play in the first half of the eighth innihp in the first world's series frame at Uoston Saturday. Johnson singled. Myers' grounder went to Scott, tho Red Sox shortstop, who tossed to Jan vnn, who then threw out Myera at first. ILSH'SIil E BREEDS FIGHTERS Rhondad Valley Coal Lays Claim to the Scrappiest Region The Field X WM. ':. (fiv Jlail.) Thp RrapplilKest, HWal-tingcHt juvi't ; in : the "world- that in Thp'lMjijit of lln Klmridda Valley in tlm eoal HcIiIhW Wales. - The world is quilt! a clhujU'df terri tory lint tin) valley is rentlW to li.iek up the iioOHt with L'riinv -toil -hndeiiil lists. Hiilunlfiv nijjlit in t)ie piililic liius nriiti'lies nru niiiile ami all Uliumiila val ley 'h male population turns out in the dawn of Sunday to liattle or wateli in the liilla that cup tlio valley. t.Veiy to' .Christ ili.la s I lie KLAXON 20 - The Type L is the largest of the Klaxons. It is the cic you see on all high-priced cars. You can always tell ft. The "right-angle" ronstructio.n distinguishes it from alt other signals. No other sigiLl look? likeltTNb other sigrTIJ 3ouncs like it. Its loud, clean-tut, far carrying note can ccaic front it alone. ii Veelt ! u J from' .Vejv Vcai-M ' mas Hint on through the h proKiiim K"i's mi.' This is aiiout how it happens:' ' - Mill - W i ! I i:i tiisj anililes ilon n to the jiub for his JSatui ila y eveiiinj,1 's ev vin'iiy; af ter a . ha i d 'week. 's wuik aiol a jn.ellv f;o(iil siiicr nt hiMiie. : llr is at ) ui-i with the .world anil inelimnl to krep ii, lAit ohlv oa e't'rtaia terms. Hewn in the liar.is t'luv.l Jenkins. is a lot like liill-has' vvni k.-. ha.r.l all ee K , j us t ! mi- K e I in a satislae.nuv sup per a in I i: peaeea hie on I In' me .''imijii i . I icIIIM. . -.' '-." ; Hill . snrnuiiiils a' rovev of itowMif; liov.'ls ami fjive.s A'oice' to snine lU'liiil opiiie.iiis on conserifit ton or pnlitirs. I loyil is a rmlieal, Inn, 1ml just tli'.i other une., Ol" course he i'iiii 't slfiiul ' V a Ii 1 1 hi.'iir liis (ii'iiiest'-i'iiiivietUMis run i irrtfi 'I he Kr'mrfi i tpSir-tro "WttH op s"irf i 11 it i r t lie nose. - Krieml.s .intervene ninl. the 1 ii 1 1 i,j i ruts th aw on liiiei iil niiiht caps iirt'ore u iml im: their way Imltie. Tlie. nainr iiu-ideiit has. Insi repea'ted in perhaps a .wore of plares. ' . - Jiill .liiesli 't. hale- I'lnyil ; lie-pit ie him his V. t.'One; eonv iri ions ami sn tii.-v t;nin lo hatlle.J'ur a pi ini-ipi-!.. - - NijHiluv imniiiii thry n t ami tiL'ht to a' kuvekotlt. -nut ill the open h.i't l eves' thtii'ul her,, it Ii -mi ruprs, im love'i ami iiJv the ui-ass fiir t Uv em;. I!', Ilili v ins-Ne is ninl'tiditi. dly i ifclit ,al;iiut "eon,i: i-ipt iiitKor hate-er it :m he as e puml 1 ll; Tne nt In-1 Iim ii ia lis '-iHt le t heir ninlni vei'sie.s in the same e.a '.I i in m v Wilih', t he k mii kiiM. tlvw i iLiht i ITanipmn, eiiine l'iiiiiu4-lu' -dnHimlila 'al ley ami lonmed his lihtie up hi-tin hills. The iniiieis art' plum! el' .liuKtiv ami liyek him 'to the limit. II'', in" tuifij has none his part liy sliimln riin- a l it ol' teed . iilitei s-"7Tiuiii . llytteu;h!s to t'eat hers. - . : ' Yed. freihlie Welsh .femes fioin l!lioml4a, loo, Mit tt.u' miners only.iliuni hie the I'aet when tliev mention.-it' at ill. " " ' ! Jlshby-i'i-Lexicon-tit-, AMR.OW COLLARS 1 B9nsoch, 3 lof 90 ct. CLUr:TTJEABO0y &CO WAi!TS RELEASED SI FAIRLYJREATED AH Deleffates lo Prison Con gress Agreed on Need of Fairer Treatment SOME HAIR AND SOME REASONS ALSO , J'aris, (let '! nates that 1 liv Ihe poiius ! j'lVTTT.l.s I o 7; i ii'r.'isi.ie w:i A t'leiH-;! i iii ral esli 1 loll- of 1'ur w ill he shed s a li-sillt el the ordt'l' for I iT.T of Ihrir limi l ds, 'I'I.e t:(!iell Ins alise t I I l I i.Mhaio, . 'Oct.---oil n,' the deli -ratrs -to , t In' , an rii-an Pi-ismi A s sioli hci :;. Ma. i Xji lr S.sho ".I. r,... I I ....X., .. win ,1 fn-siii .l'k I'lactieally tlm i '(TUri'i'SS .of S'li'iution in'ses "ii'i'r, ; id-i concui i-i'd with W. M-n, supi-i iiui-mlimt ol' the Ore mieis" Aid Sm ii tv, '.vlio said pi iMfKi'i , should he i Insch si rut inized x prior lirleii:t.. so I li.'it--nfTrI det'ee-t;,M-s m:iv. IXt.'ek'Ui i-aie lit. lit- puinted unt the di I,--fSie-f.'l.-a-..'i lUiccililv srn hack to ci - vlmiihl t-ii;,., n-, tlv,-.." said lcal..n-eiiN iiiaiiu i mil t lie police, ami yice other ij'li'.-,s...d ,i.ri t l yd ahuie. -- 'I'll. of the ili (,.(" ml shigihl do- icace oflicers aiice Sill Nji readv msks do not lit all ilesi;;ns of I'nliai ms lettini: in poisonous funics. ' .M , taches are still permitted. now jo mniml I '.ii.i l.a, K toVrisons. iv lu sji.k-ar the iiie.'t'inHlii mm iiiie,' m ic: li.-v. i. .Miller of WesKl ent 1 ciittctil ta ia-j A l!.vlienyt l a.; Kev, S. .1. I'ewlijl;:; Stale's 1'ldsiiu,-Waillplllll Wis., and ifev.. U.d.ert Walk.-r-iif the Mas-achusi tsi Stale I'et'ormat.irv. The KlaxoA on your - car means permanent satisfactiotn. It will last. You can use it d n th is car and the next and trie nest. It is guaranteed pcrmdnently not for one year on two years tor five years permanently. .You also have the satisfaction of knowing, and of tiaviiig all , who see it know, that your signal is the best oil e possible to buy. We will put one Jn ready to sound for 20. I Klawis are mrii!e only 1?y El it .rVJUig OM,nneUMfg. 1. !-..( that Ih? Ii. T. I.iL-e .1 . . - j- ' in cahoot t'i&4iL!J'Uthpi9ff , To be sure, 1 - ! " ' - - . name-piaie. or -m produeT lie read creased ' U " rc in use V M Supply Co. I Street I nt. h. a SUBSTAirai-REDUCTIONSl Effective October 1st, 1916 Pennsylvania VACUUM CUP 6,000 Mile Tires Pennsylvania EBONY TREAD 5,000 Mile Tires Pennsylvania BAR CIRCLE 3,500 Mile Tires $12.40 :uk: $11.15 -j!0x:i .$ !t.70 "H5.40 ..-TiOx.-S 1-2 :!x: 1-2-1 12.ti5 17.:!5 . :2x.'l 1-2 15.(;5....:!2.x:t M 14.50 25.HO :i:rx-l 2:!.:i0 ...:!'!x4 20.70 27.00 - -14x4-' 24.S5 :!4x4:;. 21.15 :54x4 1'2.. :2.10 :!4x4 1-2.. 2S.20 46.80 i:i7x5 :.. 42.15.. .",7x5 ;!4.85 Oilier Sixes in Propor.Kn. . The pfovdng demand for Pennsylvania Tin s, under llie irre voeaMtf poliey of qnnlily first lias enaliled lis lo heavily inerease our 'volume of sal-s and, notwithstanding the jvresent high levels in the raw material market, to effect substantial savings in cost. --.' The repiitatioii of the Pennsylvania Kubber Coiniiany is sufficient as-.surnec that the established Quality of Pennesyl vfltiia Tires wi il be maintained. BURNETiTE'S FORD SUPPLY CO. 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET ,ill 'yCyy t?!al ate llirr)ii-Icb IxvttmcB B1351) iVir-t-eriir The 37(1 is just a few dollars le?3 tlL:ri the j.H-fcao'e ia ; roil 'of nfciu;fncliirc ol tSiia car lince its appearance in June. r: '.'.Tolliosfr-srho hvxv io?fi;rd for thr- C-pzer 300 . p. ni. ( llialmt rg ahd -have not yet pus.ccd orr ir.i.fu ard fvamiini:' the x-rioV; reiiittii.s uuchaniied ji-st nw DWroit; ve do notlw Mr hiv lhl lilv riricc vill conlimie. r. r.o h Id Itiir'i-irade automobiles We reserve ihc tb'iacrr.ise fl:o Vu'-i Only those yhs ere-Lnvir.rr n::.'u citn Login to realize llie pte!y ":'!p.'.V-:.'.r'cl. Just due condition t:Hi.t pivyeHL;';; .iy:f:;i:i' '.price' of t!iit : .Ij-passenger 3100 r. p. ru. Chalmers the ftict f.';..l fhc st;.-- t.'ftra.'tti .being . niado on a iaeiory t4work tr.i-.lcri. via U. i rket. i ... - or daliny-Lack severed tirj.;?!-. eosl ' ajjain.- jasn at tlsoir ord Since t'ae woirk ' pr(lerw;v.-cul' thro!U ne.tt rials have juu;ped in When Ihe "current 'work order' is .'een:.i!ett l imi! If.'iiinleriala1' rciMs present level .or rise, higher, oniy-.drie eoui fie ill lc pss-ihle, an ' ft.iever.sed priot i hor.e who have been driving Chalmers cars know Uow diligent has hecn the Chalmers effort to' set'dowsi cars'of llie-q:ility. khtt!. ' '. ' ''' They will understand how impossible-ii. ivTTuut be for Chalmers to dodge the increase-in-materials fssue and maintain the prevailing price on the 7-22 Chafmers.-'' Lower the quality of tltc Cliabners cr.r?i Never. The Chalmers men take great pride, not only in the money the cai- mak. s for ihem, hut- ;:i the car itself. Aud pride, as everyone knows, 13 a thinghat cr.n.rseye.n'he eompromiftcd. V It would he like Tissol lryi:: l: pa'::: a pieUtrc to :ui a : price. - , A9 long as there j a i nanie .Ghalmor:) , 'Ui'tl v. Til "Tib a :aa!:iy car, and as loiiff us mere s a sjuaiuy car mere u ue a price lixet: .:ot l;y the Sales iJt jtartment but And there'll bca fair deal. Chftlmcrs says these lo .1f30 r. p.m. models Mill be' ebntintied into ncxt'season'.'- You ran baii.lt on that. N that a Chalitiers ear vou might buy now will be exartly like tiic one .you would buy next : prirr'. Remember the $70 you can f-avc :::rv by anticipating the rise in t,T;:v. Thcnd an old Scotch proverb that says '"A th.Ibr saved is a dollar earned". SIX) buys' a good Suit of clothes, a good pair td h es, a gootl hat and some good gloves. Also it just about pays your dues at the "t-lnh for a year. Or, if it's a 5-pasPcnger 3400 ivp.ia. Chalmers" you want, our advice is to 'et one now. 0 We are not sure the price is going i:p and. we are not sure that it isn't. MOTOR SALES COMPANY Wihon, N. C. wWi.i m m jnn .mm. mmmwroii RISCQPALIANS TO GHAN6LGEREM0NY Ten Commandments, Lord's PrayeTrIatriage Cefe- rnoney May be Chan St.. Louis, Mo., Ort. 111. Tho Ten Com mandment, the niarriaKP oerpAiony and tin- Lord's I'rnycr as tln'v lmvo stood through flif nfii s arc to lie (hanged liy tin- iriMicrar convention of the Protest nnt KpiseojrnT ehun'ti which convenes litre tomorrow if the reports of rommit tees and sub i-oiinnittees are endorsed. in the inarriage epreniony the commit ter will recommend that the. word Voliey" in the liride 's promise be re placed liy "keep," that the giving away of the hrnle he omitted entirely and the groom's promise to "endow" the liride "with alt his worldlv gdtods, " be elimi nated. A committor- will recommend that the commandments be shortened by the omission of the reason for their observ ance. The recommendation will be based on the fact that the reasons were pecu liar to the life of the traelites and that changed modern war) have robbed the arguments of much of their weight. Ihe committee on- revising the Ixird s I raver will. recommend the elimination of the words, "'or Thine in the King dom and the Power and the Glory For ever." In requesting the omission the committee will say tne words constitute a part of the Doxology added by early translators and that t'ey are not in tbe I original text'of Holy Re'rtptnres.' Thrf om-rstrtn'rt VvmiM tnnlte the-prayer identi cal with the Komaii Catholic version. The same committee will probably ask the elimination f'roin the Hook of Com mon I'm vers .the prayers for ".lews, in fidels and Tiii ks. " The proposal is based 011 the around that it is nnwnr- A canon prohibiting marriage when either party to the contract has a wife o- husband living and has beeu divorced for aiiv cause. Arising after .marriage w ill In- presented'' .for action. '.Many liotrtWe churchmen gathered here today for the openim'. X NORTH CAROLINA Great STATE FAIR 1 RAXEIOH, N. O. OCT. 16 to 21, 1916. Low Sound Trip Tares. Special Train Serviace via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Special round trip tickets will be on sale October 14th to lst, inclusive with final return limit to rearh -nrjginal stnTtiiijr poin tJijLjniii nigliLulLOiitober L'.'trd, iait. Sptejnli;ne of free attractions. I)o menjos lomiing the loop anil- storming J'urth with aeroplane aerial Mitcln-Hs, tlying tilen'dnles, Jellieaihe, Miss t:iiar- lotte Brand, ttoaglin Brothers with Gnidless wonders, nad harness and run- races, l'lentv of fact, fun and frolic for evervbodv, I'or full information applv to nearest agent or K. 11. Butts, P. P. A., Chafrrtte, X. ('. I). V. Ynrke, P. and T. A Greensboro, N. V. M. Dent, D. J. ARichmond. Va J. H. WMd, lyP. A., Asheville, N. C. J. O. JonesC P. A., Kaleigh, N. C. W. M. Qllpepper, T. P. A., Norfolk a. We Have the Biggest Assortment H Ever Shown in This City And we have them at Last Year's Prices. We can positively save you money be sides pleasing you in your selection. Ve Heaters from $L50 up to $65 I Washington Street W. R. Lancaster Furniture Co. I 41 til ..fi ... ..- V JRL-S . irs - 1 . -'.FX V A .( i i I in , : " ' ft: f ' '- ' ' '" I ; . i .--v Ar (I

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