-"" J: . - V S Saturday, November 4,-19M ifTE ETErTIRG JELEGKKM WVW,"W)) PORTING NEWS pnirjcETuH ND YALE IMPROVE T Football Teams of These Two Institution Show. Im provements Recently j nr. t"W Jr. i'ii J Prinei By HAMILTON " (United Press Staff Correspondent) drk, Nov. 4. i'alu, Jlnrvnril rineeton arc not the oifly -iIli-f;,'M ib. the cant which have foot Imll ttMimfl, ;. yvn if the mnjority of experts Hie itimitry over no apparently hiivp imit ijlon. Cornell, Brown, Colgate, and vnl other colleges arc forever Initt itp the triumvirate ami niesiiij; Uuar,. t. n- : outUutsthe4lar.t'X-. ..ort around thi'He piirtN: ' es of the temim are TOMOERCu the nport irilnnl.ir BQu the final KnnieH rinjj i .m footlinll f'nns sue on h- three elevens. ornell ield the upper hand for areely through the ex- one JVrcv HauKhton, who Je life and lire and pep into n eleven than it ever believed possess. J T ; i t this year seems to be the start of it aseendnut of the stars at Prince ' ' mr! I 'Wn -' the rlV it e aid VENEZUELA NEED A-NEW SERVICE ... - . - . runs, . ened in ! bet ween nii(hty good start iimler I lie rutcl.'ij;" of Tad loneK, and I'rineet.on, in spite of Speedy KiimIi'm loud wails of anguish, is giving a Kod account of itself. Yale has n fine backfield in I.cgore, Hinjrhiim nni .)nriieH, and a line fuM general to help this trio nlong in Traver Smith. ' I 'i-ilu-tlun h n n li uimd "bur-Hn-M- with a fair (uiiiterbai k in Jack l.'Mv to help thcrn Jilon. . A reniarkably necoiiil siring iunter is found in .Ames. Tibbott is as jjootl a kicker as the east has turned up so far this year. Harvard, on the other hand, does mil seem so strong as in n lit pri' mils. vearsW hen sliew as wont to walk r'n li -shod over Vale's cohort?. Then1 are no Mahaiis nor Jlrickleys. Hut llau;hton jiiis a pc achaiif for ris:;i(; to emnni'-tn-i and by tho time his but Kiin"'H me due he probably will have a much slroiini i team in the field than lie is now credit, d with. colli n bill cd A, MAY CONTROL COLD JJTORAOE Chicago Congressman Drafting Bill for Government Direction v ('hieaiio, HI., November - I'Vilei nl rontrol of eobl Mtornge plants ihroiigh the inteistnte coinnienc mission is to be provided tor in lei ng d?aTleTrii5rro7lKiTSamTiTriT'i Hritton, of Illinois, which he announ ces he will introduce when coiigi-PSH convenes next inontliT Itritton plans to include a. provision miggcHted bv lla vid Hosenheiin, gioeer and orchiii ilist at a food lieitring .before the council committee on health reiiiiiiirig month Iv sworn statements to t he-TeiTi r;iTb1Tr reau nil contents of all food shortage places. I'nited States AtWnjiey f'hniles C Jjj'ne was invited to appear before the next meetiair of the health com mission of thecity council and take American Citizens In South American Country Points to Misunderstanding A RIDICULOUS STORY The News That Hooker T. Washington Was Leading - a Rebellion Against the .American People With Success One of Jokes. ton nnd Yale. Yale is getting off to a advantage of the facts brought out. Mice to City Tax Payers Citytaxes forJ916 are nowdueand payable ..at the office of the city clerk, Main street, Muni cipal building. In accordance with an order of the board interest at the rate of 6 per cent will be charged after December 31, 1916. C. H. HARE$ Clerk. WilHlli II 0 I (HI , NllV. 1. - Ml can citizens m eiicui'la some, mont hi, a'o .received 'tho shock of their lives. They read the news that flic late Hook er T. Vasliiiintou was leading a ncfii rebellion axuinst the I'. S. (ioveinmeiit that he was even then pussinj; throU);h Kichnionil Va.y en route to Washinnt'oiij at the head of en aiiny of .'i(l,oi)iMiinrr- Americans, after the ."first shock,, re collected the (piulitv of the 1 . " N' "news" received in eneiicla iuid ins missed the story with a smile. In the same manner thev .disposed ol the re port, a week after Hie ( hieU)o con ventions, that both had lumm.atcl a man named .1. .M.MctJiiik for presi dent.' ....'. I'lestou "Mcdoodwin, I nited States .Minister to Venezuela retuniinj; to Ins post after o. vacation here related the incidents in discussing steps necessary to bettor the iinderstnndiiiir between this country and the Latin -American nations. - ''News facilities must be improved," he said. "New's ls'ihe. tg .tiling that is to lirinj; the two continents together for proper political and com mercial relations. "News of the passage ol the Adam sou H -hour law ami the prevention of the great raihvav strike had not reach ed Venezuela Sept. 1, when I h ft there -and epui lei s fen fiib of having t heir - products tied up ni ' American -ports, were not sHijiping their goods. "The step' taken bv the I'nited States in establishing a real exchange of news between North and South America is one that should earn the congratulation of thiiiRing people every coiMitryJii-JJiii-e-m4.spluitiV-l-Hli-t a. not "to Tviiow about South America badlv as South Americans need to know about us. The average American has got his views of South America from, novels, the movies and tales of eoinic opera revolution," "lie knows little Xif her vast coin niercial . and . agricuit lira I jrossibilii-mlj. He knows nothing of the people themselves,"-. . . . --r ' : . "All this ignorance can be broken down by: good news service, bringing the life of each nation to .the ' other's doorstep each dav." CIVIL WAR IS NOW THREATENING GREECE I ollowniir the capture of Katerina, oa tin (iull oi Salomki, midway between Salojiiki and Larissn, by a revolutionist force of t i ) i - men, . King Constantino has issued orders to his army to 'defend every position they hold to the last man rill her ..than surrender" to the rebels. At K'-'Jeriiia jr. loyalist force of lied betore I he superior rebel army. They ateil, mcordbig to' Athens dis- reln patches more than twenty-tive mile l.a russn. nv t he valley. ' -1.; to WANT SOME OF FORD PROFITS Dodge Brothers Sue for Dividends to Prevent Use of Assets for Extend ing Business as Planned1. H, .,.,,W ",y,.nber 4--T,dl n Nov. I. (,'ix il war is threat- l-':. and Clloiacu, I lodge, stockholders in (ireeee as a . result '.of', clashes the Koril .Motor '('oinpaiiy, obtained a revolutionary troops and loy-' temporary injuctioli "in the Circuit Court, hero Thursday -.:.a,f tcrnoon Htraiiiing Henry Kurd from using the assets of the company tu extend the business as planned, instead of distri buting profits in dividends. Tho Dodge brothers alleged that On. creased labo"ir"eo"sts"aud unstable huii ness conditions coining at the end Vf, the war make reeklesj extension of thu business iniadvisiible. ... Phone No. 72 Office and Warehouse 314 S. Washington Bt. CAROLINA BUILDING SUPPLY CO WiiCLESALE AND RETAIL DISTKIBUT0R8 OF Building Materials Sash, Doors, Blinds, Columns, Man tels and tile. Wcvd Laths and Shin--?lh Plate and Mlniew Glass.Alei.- al Corner BeadB, Laths, Shingles and roofing. Pat, Valloy Tin. Composition Roofing and Shingles. Waterproof Sheathing Taper. Lime Cement, Plaster. Hydrated Lime and -P4 Pari. Eough.J'see anJFiW Brick. Fire Clay, Terra Ootta lip Drain le. avo. j 4 v m 31 Horepowr New Series $635 Roadster $629 I . b. T.I... A mazing They like -its power it's the world's most powerful low priced car. Everybody concedes its beauty. It wins on economy. But its roomy seats, deep upholstery .and-easyridinffcantilever springs w (Lomrortabie These, things make it so amazingly comfortable that people can -hardly believe their senses. ,You wouldn't think that a small, light, economical, low priced car could be so comfortable. But come in and let us prove it to you.' F. P. DUNN Telephone No. 21. South Washington St. The Willye-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "Mado la U.S.A." r V 1 r A. VflHHMhlMlklMMMMMaHWilBlMHHMIMMHWHrilAikMMWM . i - '.. wmSaL.J.Hr i-tr, I'ATL.. t- - . - ,. . V - ..... . ; -. ; il "'"r.'" in i iiHi mwmmmKiwmkAMUMi : - uamni'wrmamnmmmmmM.miammmiiMmMmm ; j ;: . I LLt I of the Levy Property on Clark street, consisting of Three Houses and Nine Beautiful Lots. The property formerly owried by Jesse Turner, but now owned by Munn and Griffin, on South Church streetlmmediate street, in the Old Gibson Subdivision. Don't Fail to Attend These Sales. "Every Man is the Architect of His Own Fortune" ONE GOOD BUY IS WORTH A LIFE-TIME OF HARD LABOR The person guessing neare ,10.00 and will be awarded parson guessing third nearest his weight. Hie Terms Will Be Easy. will hp a ward ed with ,15.00. The second arize is lu Villi i ill n i i f i iv mi v n lit .1.11 ii 1 1 i kTif v Vj1.iili tv xax. iw - t j. 11 1 10.00 and will be awarded to the person guessing next nearest his weight. The third prize is $5.00 and will be awarded to the l Remember the ; Time, Place and Date !TT A'TS 9 4, ML 1! il i i mi i i E 1 a a ii si TIG COAST AIl4 COMPANY - i . f i I -