pr-n.r' THE -EVENING y MAKE KNOWN YOUB WANTS TH&OUGXX THE TELEQE All WANT ADS. VOL. IX. JH. 243. "r '5 - ROCKY MOUNT, N. ., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 3, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS 5m .I 7 CPA M 1JC ii ii ' f Wffl : LV 'Mm ! A WAK T MEETS ON 1 " a . IASIS AMD TEPS ARE PLANNED Methods of Raising Funds to Prosecute the War Are Discussed At Length In Session 1 of Cabinet Today T M1E.IS BIG SAVING IH PflU TO HEAD THE QBE MMIUMS RULES C0A1 Dispatch From Ambassador Sharp Says Most of Lost Were Americans WAS AMERICAN SHIP DECLARATION BY CONGRESS ONLY A MATTER OF HOURS Universal and Compulsory Military Training and .the Raising of An Army of 500,000 Men Is Dis cussedThe Navy Is To Be Put on as' Efficient Basis As Possible and Brought to War Strength Immediately. Washington, April 3. The United States really is at war with .'.' the German Empire today awaiting only the formal recogni- The Nineteen Surv ivors Are Landed at Driest and De clare Ship Was Torpedoed Without Deinj? Given Any .Warning'. City Goes to Second Class in Fire Protection as Result of Biff Improvements jn Fire Department. Washington, April 3. A dispate from Ambassador sharp at I'nris. U p. n yesterday, said 111 survivors from tti ere l.-iinli'il yesterday iiT'liTnimn at -lircst; I'lniife. ami L'S persons sti ucre missing ami meir rescue. u;is doubtful lifc'iiiso of the. hcnvv sen and storm, - ' .. 1 . Tien of Congress, Evefy agency wasmoving to gird the nation against tho government which President Wilson, in his address to Congress, Jia i charactemed as "The natural foe to liberty." ' The Cabinet, at war session, Was called to discuss the extension cf credit to the nations already at war against Germany. The way of raising funds for the United States in the war, the equipment of the navy to. the fullest state of efficiency to cope with the submarine men ace and the raising of a great, army on the principle cf universal lia VE.iiy to service. Tho first increment of which is to be 500,000 men. Counsel of the national defense and its advisory commission in a joint session continued the work of mobilisation of the national re rm.rcco t bring the government of . the German Empire '-'to terms aai er.d the war, " as the President exposed it. " The War Department and the Army general staff was ready to present to Congress its plans for raising an army just as goon as the legislative body asked for it. Work in Congress-on the-resolution to foimally declare a state of war, existing, went forward. The Senate FOidgn Relations committee approved the resolution as introduced v.-ithort change in its effect: T?reHouse committeeis expected" to act later today. ; .-. -. . "' '. . , - The resolution as approved by the Senate committee now is as follows : ' "Whereas, The Imperial German government has committed repeated acts of war against the government, and 'peopjp rf th PIN T PACIFICIST DUARTERS YELLOW National Guardsmen and Citizens Show Disregard For the Emergency Ieace Federation. Washington,- April National iinrdsiiii'ii of. tlic ,'I'liiril T:5( i of Co-Himliift-liifriiit'rv I !f cil liy a party of itizi-us covered, tin' .front of tli.;. liend piai ti'i's o'f tlie..oincr:iMiey peace fe.lera imi with a coat oi' yellow paint wliili-iniitlli'i- party uf i-itiznis ' ifest roycil ai'itieists h.-inin'is ami ' liti'iatnrc in- iili: , : BRITISH FREIGHTER I SEN T TO T BOTTOM Tin1 first ri'al ri'tniim in n inonclarv way from t lie. iinprovrini'iit s in tjlio 'cii tral Piro Ucpartinriit, ami its urgnn'y.n t j ii ii lias just licca ri'ci'ivi'il in tliis citv lv fit v Kiri' U. I). J .mi 1 1-i ii ij'. ulio has hern' aiU-isi'il ' liy tlie Stato Inspi ion ami itaiiny itnronir mat tins Mtv is I'dtitit'i! to i'ronil rlas riit in with ccr-t.-iiiit minor - iiinilinYattnns. Tliis I'hanc will imaii a mati-rial rt'iliut ion in thr liiv inkiiriincoiiciniiims of tho city ami tliu at,r!;i'('sati savins: lias lii-cn variously ; ('si imatiwl hy iiisjiranct' tnen nf from ten to liftccn thoiisaiiil ilollnrs per year, . . Tin' work of tin1 rciliii'tion whili mailt" possilili" bv the mlil. (ion of another unit of fii'i" hi;litiiijj apparatiis in tho n!'H"" Uiii' piimpi'i:. ami tin" .new ipiarti'is with iiii'ii in ilnty prai-'ically all nf hc timi'--it was tirst Luidfrtakcii by tlio ChainliiT ,of' ('oinn'.i'i'i'i" and .Si'i ri'ta'ry. Oi'orgc K. liorni' ami it 'lias, liui'ii froiii his oflici' that prartii'iilly all of the ('orrispoail-fiK-i' ami iiiformation has none forward vvjiii'h had as the result tho material rc-diii-tiiiii in til.' citv'.s rating. In the future the premium on resi dence will lie, on a straight two per cent liasis of if; as conipari' $I.2U at this time, while for the linsirn's.s property it w ill lie $1.05 -a compared to $1.25 at time. T he st ri aht t wrrpcr cent rate is. $1.00 lnit the addi tional in the district is' cxd;i in 'ed in a.'few iiad risks or tire-traps, conp ted with the fact that t ho .hydrant in t Jn city flie not properly equipped for pumper ficrvice lmt. rather for- Service, liose coiinection. It is exnected that this 5 c 'iits will lie dedncfeu wlie these Ijounteoiis siipjily hydrants arc put into,-place." The Inspection nnd liatinn uurequ. Iiiis Advised that as soon as possible their clerks who are' in another part ot he state, vill lie sent Jiere and .that the nt ire city, will lie re rated. Two North Carolina Repre sentatives Civcn Chair men Jobs Senator LaFolleite Blocks Declaration War Today DEMOCRATS AT HELM Representative John Small Is Chairman of the Com mittee on Rivers and liar- bors in Reorganization of Congress. Washington, April .'!. The lionse met todnv nniler the new orn ion com plet.'il last niL'lit Jiv the DemoerulH with a few chanL'cs in ciniiiiiittce chairman ships from the arrangement!) in thft last congress. : Southern 'Democrat! wova reuJuiU'd liv Northern Democrat!) in soine plitceH. The Democrats maintained their nia joiiticg of all committees, but allowed tl.e Hopnlilieans 'some more places on boiiic oj the i in j Kirt ;i lit ciininuttecs. The cominitteeM for which new chair nen wen. named included the Hulei), I 'oil of Xorth Carolina, and I! i vers and Ifffniors, Hinall, ot' .North Carolina-' CHARGES OF ROBBERY PREFERRED AGAINST & BETHEL BUSINESS MEN COL ROOSEVELT IS DELIGHTED Stops Off in Washington Kn Route Home and Cohgfat- "tlnitp?. S.t, of Amprira. Trierpfnrp h it ? "Resolved, By the Senate and House of .Representatives of t he United States of America in Congress assembled, that the'state (f war between the United States and the Imperial German gov rrmsieht 'which has thus been thrust upon the -United State, is hereby formally declared and that the President be and is hereby ftit,hnri?p.i a,p.i riirrrtir tn rnirln' thr rntirr nnrnl unH -liiitarx iorces of the United States and the resources of the government - to carry on war against the Imperial .government and to bring - the conflict to a successful termination. All of the resources of ' 'jhe country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United states " y - - ; Chairman Stone, who voted against the resolution, said he would not make a minority report, but expected to speak on the resolution. IOUSE COMMITTEE - V CONSIDERS RESOLUTION . Wiislimgt.on-. Aril .'i.-:- 'unsiiliTot ioi'i f the inlininistrn.1 iun war resolution Jiv llii' llonv KiH'eiirn Afl'oirs cominitlco w ns iiosl noiifil uti- 1il Iginoirow. Wliili- ( 'o.nirrrss wciit. it lion 1 1 wilh its work t lie ( 'ahinot jiici in ils virl unl, wnr ('oiiiisrl. . CHAMBERLAIN BILL ' , RE-INTRODUCED . . ' asimifrton, April ..'. ni versa 1 military eoinpulsory traininar lva'i virtually hniiiclicil in-llio Scn.ilo toili'iy when Sonator ('liiiinliorliiin irOro!;ty. olifiirin.'in iff ihf iiiilit;iry coiii'ntiHoo. inlroiluood his amoiKl oil hill providing for trlmiing nf nluiut riOO.OOO nion of 20 yours af tlie I'lVsitlont's (lisorotimi n1nl nuiny llionsatiil more up to 2-'! years. Tho bill was referred to the commit! oo. - .cw oi l;, . Aii;l :!. The 'Diitisli freight steanisliip Trevose reported-. by lerinany as haviiiji lieen sunk was tor .redoe.d wit limit" wii riy nj on March N, jnd twenty -'four liK'inlieis of her crew ir.' iiiiiiccotiiiteil for .'H'coi'dinK to the ifiieers of tlie steamship Venezia which irrived here today with live of thc!Tre 'ose 's crew. . '' J COTTON MARKET New REAJ3Y TO PUT KLASUEE THROUClI. asliinton, April .'1. An effort to jvit tlitViyh the rcsoliilion declarin; n uta'e of j-itr before tho Senate ail iiiirns tun jftit probably will bo made by Denin- a leaders. rx?ECTS MOTION rA!5S EARLY. Iv'nuliinsrton, April .". " The resolu- on. otiulit t'l p!.r:a in thirty iniiiutes," naiil Senator , Martin, tho Democratic loader. 'T don t think that anv r.ltor ought to sjieak more than five ! tes on it. TIi?v nil know what it c ir 'aim anil what they expect to do. I ,i,a ill iavor of Hitting through until it is j .vssed. The Senate ought not to nd-'-veiii without aetiiijr on it," Senator T.t Ut' to atii- nppoNeeT to its ininiediate considcr ntion can force il to o over for one day. lie did not believe, however, that such action would be taken... CONGRESS READY ACT ON MEASURE. . Washington,, April ."..( 'on yress met today to act on President Wilson's re (piest that it declare a state of war ex ists, bei weea the I'nited States and Ger many. I'rospects early today, wore that the -resolutions to-that effect' would reach both the House and Senate for de bate diirintr the afternoon. It is taken for granted that this resolution would be congress in two or throe days at least. CongrLis acting for the American people took he steps looking to enabling the nation s the .President expp8so (lit to exert air its power 'tmrt employ all it resources of the govern- .M.irtip. sniil !. Tiiat ..".o" I'lOrosiiutionmeutJiLjorc.e-tIifr (rermHH iiidre to femes from the coitnnittce that any Sen- terms or to end the war. - York,-April :t. Cotton futures opened firm. May 1.'Jf; July K !),") October ls.15; Decemlier is.'o; ,I:lnu iry' yS.:il. ' ' . . 'New York, ; April .'!. The news from Washington was followed by an act'n buying movement in the coiton niaiket i'.'ii-ly Joday whiidi curried old crop posi lions to the highest 'point reached sinei last rebruary. The .opening was firu 'it an advance of s to L'l points and tin ictive monllis sold . 'Ill to (.) points net higher before' the end of the Ji rut hall hour wifh May .selling nt 111.:".! ane' Inly -l!l. and 'October IS. to.' This ml Vance met with a good deal of reali ing, but there was broadening outsiile demand as well as eover'mg. ulates President Wilsonon His Stand. -. - : .. Wasliingtofi, April :. (!ol.:, Roosevelt stopped oil' here today oil his way homo from Florida to call on l'rosiHvut Wil son at the white house and congratu late him mi his address to coiross. BRITISH PHYSICIANS NOW OVERWORKED Central SurgeonB Proposed" By Medi cal Journal As Remedy For ' - . Situation. THE COTON ' , MARKE CLOSED ; ' 1 '.ewYork," April .1. The. cotton mar ket closed; .laiiuarv, IS,".:!; Mav, l!.!j; lulv, lit.J.S; October, 1S.-I0; Decemlior, 1S.4S. STOCK MARKET Now York,' April ;!. The .stock mar ket was visibly heartened at today's opening by President Wilson's message calling for a declaration that a state of war exist between the United States and Germany. nins of one to two points were limited largely to munitions, equipments and allied industrials. Rails and metals failing to participate in more than minor degree. Dealings were large, but lacked the breadth and exciting in cidents which, have characterized, other war markets of the past two years. Heavy profit taking ami the reaction ary tendency caused a genernl reversal and wiping oiit of gains wiped out dur- mg advances during the first hour. Weakness ofiotors issues was a fea ture. - London,' April 2. Kvev doctor ami surgeon lit for niilitnrysorvice has been culled to the colors 1)V the Brit ish government, with Uie result that tho public is being appealed to for co operation in lightening the duties -or tho remaining members of the medical profession. The further call' upon the profession . made recently by, Nevillu Chamberlain, Director of National Ser vice, has entailed a vast cutting down of tho medicVl "rendered to the civil population. The British Medical Journal,: com menting upon the combing out of phy sicians, declare that it may become necessary to establish central surgeries in each'. community and organize the medical men available into bodies sim ilar to a first brigade, subject to the call of any person becoming ill. "If central surgeries were estab lished," says the Journal, "it might be possible for the older doctors or those infirm health to nderlako a cer tain numbers of hours work a day .at the centers, liberating the younger practitioners , for attendance upon those who must , be seen in their irfvu homos." - SAFETY FIRST IS ' . , SHOWING RESULTS Greenville, April What promises to be a genernl-sousatioii in this coun ty was the arrest of J. J. Ford ami Kieh Carson, prominent business men of Dethel Sunday, charged with hav ing been tho perpetr.i prs of the series of "robberies that have taken place in rarmclo . 'luring the, riast twelve months. Several times during the past few months the A. O. ,. depot there has been roblicil, and there had been no duo, until Saturday night when the station agent .followed the tracks of a wagon to the home of Rich Carson. A further search disclosed many stolen packages is the warehouse of .J. J. Ford, who conducts a general -supply store 'in Bethel.. , . ; : The oflicers placed the suspected par ties under arrest, and they have boon bound over to Superior Court to awaiy trial. I hey nre prominently connected aTliniie-trial willl'O hotly con tested. MONROE, WIS., TAKES VOTE ON WAR Wis., plum April .IThe- first n tliu I'nited mates ' Monnre, wnr l'i'fpi'i is being held hole, toilnv. The citizens of Monroe nre voting on whivhor tho Uyired States should go to war with Germany. The vote is tH'ing taken in eonneci ion with tho regular city elec tion. A notable percentage of the pop ulation here is German and Swiss and the result is being, watched with keen interest in Washington nnnV-olsovvhere. WAR SPIRIT RAMPANT IN NATION'S CAPITAL Even ' F Street, Washington's Fifth Avefne,' Hears Notes Of , Army Bugle There Is a Hot Exchange of Views When He De mands One Day Privilege Rule And Consider ation Goes Over Until Tomorrow With Assur ance that Both Branches Wiil Pass the Ad ministration Measure. . llfnsliiMtflon, A)ii! .'I Tlio rosolution iloolaring n stntoof war , ,' exists with (ioi niiiiiy iiini dirootiiif? tho IVosidont. to prosecute vviir .'iffjiinst tlio Imjioi ifi (Joi tni ovonimont was. presented to the S(ii;t(r todiiy. Soniilor Ilitelioook for the Foreign Relations eomrait too .'iskivl iimiiiiinoiis eotisent. for its immediate consideration, hut it wi'iit over under tlio rule on oltjeotion liy Senator La Follette. " When Ia Follette objected to iuunediate considration there was a stormy soouo hot-ween lain and Senator Martin, this was interrupted liy a Inirst of aiiiilaiise from the gallory:wW'h Vice-President Marshall hiid a difficulty in oliooking. AVhon pnlor Was restored Sonator Martin moved that no other Inisiness ho taken up and the Senate adjourned until 10 a. m- tomor row. . .'.'' '. . Siiiiii after the Senate adjoui'tied as the climax of a BtornfHcene h ioh j: i-oso o wr La Fol I ot t e 's ohjootions, the House also adjourned to meet iiiinorro'.v at noon. NO PLACE TOR . ; PACIFICISTS NOW WashiiiKton, April 3. Facifio.ists delegations here todav turned their onoigios towards trying to persuade Senators and. Represent a- -lives from voting for the state of war resorbtwuL They also began a plan to prevent enlistmeiits Uijhe army ancl navA'; Declarations were circulated by persons cafeng themselves represent at ivtM "of A norCri' " listnient league. The signers nledsred themselves nnt tr pnliu '-- Disorders of yesterday including fist fltrhts in fimall l-iots in thn headipiartors of the Kinergency Fence Federation on Fennsvlvania . avenue resulted tcithiy in the disappearance of many of the army banda ; and body baim'crs'.woril by the Pacificists, The few "keep out of .war" that appeared on the streets were hissed." ' , ANNOUNCE SCORES EATING PLACES Denies - Markets n and Cafes Are to be Graded by the City Health as to Cleanliness. The lii'ultli ili'iartnii'iit will tnnko puf)- lie. tiip sciiros of .tu.i' vurioiis dairies, mar kets inn raft's iliirinjf tliu latter part of the pit'si'iit wi'ck. : A (H'orc caril system inaic -n workdl out hir tlio citv hcultli l)i- Mrnswi'll. mill '"ft '"" Wnsliingtoii, 'April H. The war spirit v;is rninpant for the first time Hiiturilav nilif tliriiuKliont Vaslilii)tim. At the li;J cafi'S, tin' hnti'l ilininjj rooms, lintel Inlihies niifl tlieiitres tlii're was evident that spirit, whii-h was so plainly seen here iliiruig. the interim between -the sinking of the battleship Maine, in Ha vana harlior anil the -day .congress puss ed the '-.resolution MeKinley asked for ileelarln'ir a state of war .esisted. . hven .V, Wanhiiiftton 's gayest and ipost eolorfiil street thev eall it. Wash ington 's Fifth- avenue was invaded willi the spirit. Rigfit where the erowds of handsomely gowned matrons and pretty 4 iris are thiekest, a militia .re cruiting station was opened on F street Saturday afternoon, and from the big doulile dmirs came constantly tho blast of bugles, blown in-relays by three . or four men to attract the incif to their country 's ?all. Washington, O. O., A.pril 3. "Safely First," which the country has been healing so 'much about for several years, is beginning to show substantial results in the mortality nmohg miners, a rding to -he Bureau of Mjjies here today. Minos throughout tlio United States have been exacting a yearly toll in aJuiit-3V men in every 1,000 employ ed. The latent figures available are tlio Iowrst in R tears and the prospect is tor still greater decrease. ALL TROOPS 1ST G01BILIAT1 CAMPS San Antonia, Texas, April 3.' General IVrsliiio today authorized the announce incut that orders will be issued this af ternooii directing national guard- troops called" out in the Southern department to proceed to. state mobilization camps immediately. . two miiiitlis the various establishments ha vc-bceii rated according to the condi- iiuis nf the place. , . ..A score card lias been placed in ench market and cafe in a cnuspiciotiH place for the benefit of the public and the score ot each estalilisliment is placed on the card .monthly:.:. The csids-have been adopted after the 1'nited States staiidar score card showing the sanitary inspection' of places where foods are prepared for sale or sold. A ninrttct or restaurant that does not score above 75 points i:i considered to be ill bad shape. Where the score is very low and the san 'tary 'conditions are bad the establish ment js reipiired to remedy the condition or else close its doors to the public. . Dr. Hiaswell slates that people do not giv,o enoipjh thmisht to the placi'H in which their food is prepared ami haad 'ed, and itisease of a serious nature is of " ten spread by this source. The health department can be of much-help to the public if they will demand better con ditions. When you visit your market or call on your dairyman try to remem ber the score as given that party by the health department. , Ask. the. mar ket man to show you hs score nnd if he has a nice, i leiui place he will take much pride in doing so.. NORTH CAROLINA BRANCH OF WOMAN'S PARTY ORGANIZED BILTMORE ESTATE OFFE REDJO (J. S. Widow of the Lai Conrg. W. Vanderbilt Offers Site -Mubilizalion Camp to Government. Haleigh, April ;t. Ililtmoro the estate of the late (ieorga W. Vanderbilt, near Asheville, has been offered by Mr. Kdith Vanderbiit, to the War Depart n!''nt "s a mobilization camp aite, it wa aillimilK-cd here today. ' Th ofler came to atnt'' officials late yesterday nnd wa forwarded to Wah ington. ' . Cbarlotte, April :t. The North Caro lina branch of tho National Woman's Party as organized Saturday. A Stilt e executive committee was formed with" Mrs. Arthur Taylor and Mrs. Will iam Kobertsoli, both of Charlotte, . hs chairman and secretary. .The organiza cr was Miss Iloris Stevens, of New York, "member of the ' XationaL.excii tive committee. ----- A constitution was a(loited. The res olutions asked the North Carolina dele gation to work for the adoption of the Susan B. Anthony amendment and1 pledge the support of the wumeu to the prcw reporter. support of the women to the nnfcon dur-i Kvervhndv is Cordially ijiv ing the present iriig, J MUCH FIGHTING IN CHAMPAGNE lViris, April 3. Violent artillery en gagement are In progress in the Cham. ptre. the war office announces. No important action -is reported along the lii.' of the German retreat. ONE CASE IN THE CITY COURT TODAY The morning session of the city court todnv was a model of brevity and there was but one ease, that of Mr. George T. Uuriicttc, wh was charged with running an automobile without license. The ex tenuating circumstances caused the re corder to decide that the defendant should be let off upon the payment of the costs In the case. EPWORTH LEAGUE ORGANIZED The organization of a very enthus- iasti; Kpworth league was - completed at South Rocky Mount M. E. church Sunday night. The folowing officers having been previously elected were for mally installed: - Mr. L. A. Hickman, president; Mr. R. M". Sanders, vice-president; Mr. J. W. Knowles, superintendent of first depart ment; Mrs. Martha Everett, superin tendent of second department: Miss Leora Swanson, superintendent of third department; Mrs. W. D. Rjee, super intendent of fourth department; Miss Anuie Croom,' secretary; Mr. George Whitley, treasurer; Mr. Leo Moore, eor resiriding secretary; Mr. Oliver Bot toms, era agent; Miss ifhnie Peaetx k, ! t join the league and attend t'uo ir

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