THE AM MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS THROUGH THE TELEOBAU W.ANT ADS. Weather n v VOL. IX. NO. 248. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., FRII)AYAFTERNOON, A PRIL 6, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS WIPMPI Al A1MM M W"P111LW -1 I I ftl II VI iltll U M Erax l M ci ts-m Ifl fcf - H - s P.l--Vl- - M-VLj-k J-I J I J f- - 1 1 7 VI r 1 1 I if M 11 II 1 1 ft 1 I .-::, v. ;'v' .... ';- ,. .-. - ..'';:.''':-''. V'- '...:-v ..v-.:;.'.-',.'' ..--v-v; : . -'s :vy . 4 IRAZIL, CUBA, AND OH HEMSPHER Activity of German Submarines in Sinking the Brazilian Ships Raises Ire and Causes Out breaks in Rio Janeiro Russia ould Welcome American Members in the War Counsel and Asks Assistance in the Way of Money ana Ad - vice In Matters ofProsecuting . the-War. With the proclamation -of a state of war between the United , States and Germany -on the verge of issuance, the probability of other American nations joining this Republic in hostilities is pointed in today's dispatches. Brazil, according- to advices on the brink of war with Germany. . A submarine has sunk the Brazilian steamer Parana with the 1oe3 of three members df the w crew. Anti-German feeling in Rio Janeiro as a consequence, is re ported intense and talk of a speedy declaration of war is heard in responsible circles, the advices states. Tha little Republic of Cuba is another nation that is likely to ester the war following the action of the United States. Ha ana 1 dispatches forecast the probability of such action by the Cuban government. '. .-. ' '. . ': Appeals for American expert advice and other assistance in prosecuting the war are comma: from some of the present Euro pean belligerents. Reports from Russia indicates that an Ameri can commission of national character would be welcome there to cooperate in financing munitions and transportation operations. liiiiv. 'likewise is w '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n .American co-operation and the hope i : expressed 1 1 1 1 ill hcl p t rnm t lie I n il ci! Si at 4 s in 1 In- .way of .credit , I 1O1I and increase ill means ot -ocean t I'HIispnrtat ion, !n tin1 field of military operations t li.c . Krei.?eh. have made further I Ttfjjri'ss in one seel or (if the present j i i i 1 1 battle front.- In the scpar--;.t e i D'ugcmc nt I hat .has been in pro cress n net h west of l lieims. ,ad tiit ioriiil t rei t hiTTTTVo icruia ns. were a h.le t o retain in their recent hi lack in .'force ha w .been wjvsl u from I hem by t'lio'.K-iH'n.f'li J ritops.' il BRAZ1LLIAN SHIP submarine Che rlidiirj;, Tffince, Apiil ii. -T he lit ;i hit iti' i v. -..! in ' 1 i i 'Hall, deaim-r ratiina, uassniiK 1 ui-liilit. Tliri'e mchib ts el' In vcre niisniiii;. 'ljic I'loana w:e i i.l' -(.li'il tiiiu. Sin; Was owned .) inci rc. , TOWNS ON COAST . OF KENT BOMBARDED -London. April b. Tnwnr. on tee coast of Kont were anain bombard ed last night by a Gennaa air plane. There were no casualties, it is an nounced officially. MYSTERIOUS STRANGER VISITS WASHINGTON i VusJiin;tnii, A". I'K'.'il ni'jrriH's luivi of . :i invteriniis (111 .ill. HI two I'.TI t'Mlk: at tin- lnclll Thev strati' tliat In- ( '., A ,i-U-Ji.---Several 1 i if tlie ile.i.Miee itmiif,'!'- in V,'i.sliiii(r Js imii, wlin ili'lrfi'i-eil ' ' sanct i fii"l I'liui'i'li. ' ' tis :i h it e man atel K'tiew tli.'.t lie also was a foreign. 'r. i Jiniiii l,lie iiay tiii'.e tliev n-:crl tliat lie it n'liv Heveral tris iiji an-HHul tlie eln'-j t.ic Wlit plant anil also a ,:;eneral in-I M,'Cctioii (if t mills aiel the water f.i.nt. . Some jiif the ney i-nes bean mis ji 'I't in;; tint he was a spy ami littered v nrils to that ) fleet.'; lie evi'lentlv yit ;ip of their suspicions," .fur he. left sii.lilenlv. SUNK TODAY BH CALL FOR MASS MEETING OF THE CITIZENS Citizens of Rocky Mount are called to meet April 9th at 8:00 o'clock pi m. in the Masonic opera housefor the purpose of en. dorsing suitable resolutions on the action of. cur President and Congress in their stand for justice in the defense of our rights,- "A programme is being arranged and will be published tomor row.; Several speakers of prominence in ouf city haveTjonsented, to address the meeting.. All fraternal arid benevolent organizations, ,the different troops of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls and all citizens are invited to attend. The ladies are especially invited. ' . E PLAN T from South America, is lrembLjig COOPERATION OF'OUR ADVERTISERS IS' ASKED Tins is a time of the unusual one of a national-crisisone-wliirli the lastory of all time will record, and you know that a newspaper, that is n newspaper--lu'ust give, the news rud tiive it first. To this end of-J making a newspaper, of doing your part -and of co oierat,ing we afc asking a little favor of our adver tisers. In" the past we have had no timo save that of physical ability " and prior demands that lias limited the time of a change of an ad or a new advertisement, and tlie result ' has been that 'a good many adver- ' tiscrs didn't care when they brought their copy around and they they generally have been able to get it in that afternoon. Getting it in the same day lias been a desire common to all advertisers fcr years. T'io war is on us, any moment may demand an extra, telling you the news of what is happening or has happened and in view of tliis lime and stress we believe our advertis ers will appreciate our predicament. So in Wie future if you want your -ad changed or a new ad inserted you must have it in this office and' into the hands of the printers be fore nine o'clock of the day that you v4sh it to appear. We would mecli more pppreciate if you might send it along the afternoon before or any time prior to the date of in sertion, while if you desire a large a ppropration of space copy must be in the afternoon before. It isn't cur choioe for we like to be accom modating. It is of necessity. We believe our advertisers will help willingly. , 1 L. P. TILLERY, Mayor. ER NATIONS "VICTORY!" IS TORD FLASHED WITH FLAGS BY U. S; SAILORS 'rHj sr5r-.t'. I !fW'l f-i ' J;r.ft&;.i. H - jblX - -';.' j wj .....-:::.-.:..-..:::-.:--:::; - "V'-I-C-T-O-K-l" being spelled out with flags by U. S. sailors. No -American dreams of anything but victory in the war with Germany.-This is especially true of the boy who man Uncle Sum's lighting ships, and they are here ebown spelling out with flags tlie thought that is near st every man's heart. i, OQATS mw MM OR GULF Advices Received Through ' Neil I nil Country. That (ujf ()f Mexico Base HEEN EARLY THERE SINCE . IN FEBRUARY The Government Take's Cog nizance of Report. Which is Believed to Have Much Foundation. Report Dc- clares There are Six. Washington, Anil li. l'eisi-tcnt, but liitluoto siiironlivin -il reports of lirrmaii M'il'inariiif-i u a it inu- in t !,e l i nlf -if Mexi co t or the o..'iiin of the liut i lit ies by the - I'li.teil- Stati'H -were finther sup-, porteil totfay ill, felvircs to tin- yoxern ment f ruin Ku rou Tim full nature of the gox'i'rnment s infoi niat :oi,i is not llis I'loseil, hut it Was lei-eiveil from one of the. iientiials emit iirimnv to lii'rinany wliivli li.i Kervi 'l as ,'i 'clearing limi.si1 -for tiermaii reinfoineit ioil since the se'er niiee of iliploniaie relation.. ; . It was reporti'l that niore than a score of (jeiniaii. .s-'.ilniiariiies' were al rea'lv in Mexican waters. Persons here who. have linen j.r'inir attention to the subject think tin' est,e of iiinebers is hih Imt feel no ilonlit that Herman suliinersibles are son:eherc on this s'nle of the Atlantic, probaTily in MexicTTn waters ami some of; t hton , ha ve liecu there since early in l-'eliruary.' 'I'liere i no doubt here that' if the u-bnuts jne in the ulf iliey are lu inj; 'supiiei from Mexican shore basis. 1 COMPANY ENGINEERS FOR WASHINGTON Wasliinejrin. N. ('. April (1 Iv. V. Myers, sun of M is. I., V. My ei s, anil a. jirnmineiit onincer, locatetl at (irecus Imro, has In'en nke,l hy the tfoeriinicnt to captain anil recruit a company of en pincers fur m'ei nioe'it al scr 'u-e Mr. Myers lias' tender.' ilhis sereices to tlie government. ; CUBAN PRESIDENT WANTS STATE OF WAR Havana, Cuba, April 6." President Menocal, of Cuba, this afternoon sent a message to Congress asking that body to declare that a state of war exists between Cuba and Ger-' many. EMM ITER OF WESTERN ICR CBITICISV His District Not Represent ed in His Personal Opin ion as He Voted. EDITORIAL COMMENTS Nowhere Claimed That He Represented Even a Fair Percentage of His Consti tuency in his Vote Against .the War Measure. I 'list in tvij cril icisin a ml out spnk en i-l"-cl.-irtions lliaf his-'Vote :i cr;i i m s t the "iiif i!.inis!ral inn nirasiire i'lir v.iir with (icr niany' doi sii 't n reseMt fen pe-r cent of his const 'tiieij.-y are" lioiiiL,' hearil in the Second ; ( 'oiirixioii.-il 'District -- to.lav from which Majority Loader' Claiele Kit.jiiMi of North Carolina, is elccteil. His Mite la,-' ! -i l; 1 1 1 is not only ileploren I iy his district Imt liy'his friends anil iiroirineiit l"a'lers sonje of ylnort jrn so lai-irs'to clialleiis'e Ins ru-lit to vote his j'ei'sonal ceil vict ioiis in a matt 'r of ua tional I'eom.'nt, aiel ivhicli is so clearly contrary to tin' iews of the voter.- who I'l.-ole his eleetioti possii'le. Men who are neither, -pro ( leniiun, pacificists or coivanis. i- I'aily j..-i ers in his ilistrict a'e ouf spoken in t hei r ei i t oria I criticism of the' Kepresenfat i e 's course, the ( i reenville Reflector ilrcla res in part, it all ri-;lit foi- !iim til vote his convict ions, Ulujjiiiy it piai ii 1 hat it was such an-l not thai of l.i.- people, Imt it shoiihl not li.-ive heei: ilime jii lieniocratie Leailers of the house, he shoulil' have resijiiiei!-"-his vote iloesu reiires, at. live per vent of the ri-.s;i!i-nts iff'I'itt county." The eoi'or of the Seotlaiul XeelKt'om leiinu call Ii, a newspaper in Mr. Kitcli in 's lionie t.o n ami in which Mr. Kit-li in owns stuck is authority fir the state in en t that his- ote iloesn 't represent mole than twenty-five per cent of thi cit ienshi p of Halifax "Voiiufy. 'I'he Wilson Uaily Times declares a disappoint meat ni his coursc, even his closest friomts regret his attitmle h'.vjirs 'ttie lelniinist rat ion at th-is t : me. . i . The Lvi'iJu' Teli-srata of .Km-ky Mount, ifeel;ir..,t ' - not li ve per cent of It! i people hold any such view Kiljje coiithe ' has !-e-'n woefully inisrepresent - d, !i county that ha-- iiithe past reared a;- hra'i' and loyal sons as tiny in the i iition, r-sei:t the action. IJemenilier the first Mood of the 'onfetleraey Henry V. Wyatt, of Ed-jocumbo his sons are Hot degenerates." The Kinston Free Press: "Out of ac cord with the times, ttie sentiment of h:s district, the leaders of -the nation OF KITCHI PJ VOTE and the party tgjfjrell. tlie irajority when the end came and is well known,8 signed hy Vice-President Mar-L.-ader should resign.'. i throughout this se.ction of th State. ' shall, it will he rushed to the Pres MAYOR TILLERY CALLS VOLUNTEERS All Men Willing to Serve Asked to Send In Their Names to Mayor. Tillery ' At Once. A eall -for volunteers to form a hoine jjiirtrij orfi'iiiizatioif frnin. the citizens of ((Vicky Mount was issued in a proelaina tioii hy Mayor L. I". Tillery today. . The l"vor says that' war has been declared and th;t all who will Servo in this or uaai.'i! ion w ill "end in .their names to him. The yuard will he organized so BS to lie readyin efi-nt of military neces sity iiiid it' is expected that there will lie-a patriotic, response ot'tlir Mayor's call. Th- procla'natioii follows:' "Attention! War has lit'en. declared ! ('ail for volunteers will lie made. All who will respond to our country's call and all: who will serve in il home euaid orjja ii izaf i.i;i will ejive their name to L, I'. T1LLEKY, -Mayor." SEARCHLIGHT FOR BIG WIRELESS PLANT Now Ii it iij April i I'li-i-tiii' liuiiii I'.'i'ii' A few weeks nuo plui-i'il all iirounil tin' (fii-vcr'inu'iit 's--"hig win'li'HM plant il.nwii nt Ui'.'iiil'urt a nil nil arini'il gmiril v -.-1 s 1 : 1 1- ' I mi iluty there lit nifjlit ill nr- l,.r lit tirnt i-el: 1 lli-4 tllllllt t'rnlll nilV IIIINNl- ii.-ii'u".'. - ' T0 PRESS WAR . ' Diiriiig- tlie 'pant week tlie men in' ' cI.ii :.' have li:nl reason to liediine un- Washington, April 6. Appro ,:.s. vi r the s.if. tv (,f tlie iilaec ami nriation of 1 0(1.1)00100 for all two ariiie-l luen lo ilnty th"re cacti 1 an. l a liic sea ichliylit. which can !: lavs over the water for a mile. phi; iiml h is l.een install. !. , o visit.. r i-i allowc.l en the .laie af- t'1' "'Kl'"' 1 tl. se vlio Ht.ut toward it . l ami Imats arc vxanie.t to keep nwliy o tar I hey -iiave h.-e.U'il the warn- '' DRAINED- BARREL OF WHISKEY ONLY TO LOSE IT ALL o f., Ik. Va.. April (i Wililam Car inn an. I Walter Klooit, negroes,, livinj; in I'inner 's I'nitit were nrrestcl liy l.'onnty (Mlii ers llarrell 'ami li)iintri.-c last ni'lit "liareil with .IrainiiiK a liarrel of liquor in iraiinit over the licit Line railroad. The negroes were caught lea vinjf the car carrying a u ash tuh 'filled with li' ,fl..r inl each with a. water bucket in iiis h.-i'i.l also lille.l with liquor. They dropped tjieir lianleu and ran, losing all the liquor. . CLAUDE KITCHIN'S ' ' BROTHER DEAD Scotland N'eck, April 6. Sam Kitchin, brother of Claude. Kitchin. Kepresenta tative from the sefefcid congressional din- trirt of North Carolina and a promi- nent" saw mill man of Scotland Neck, ''ZJr.J PRESIDENT SIGNS ORDER TJOHGRESS Plunges This Nation's Resources Into Fight to Crush German Nation PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY PRESIDENT . All of the Naval Militia and the Naval Reserves :-jreCalIedto-the-Colors--Mammoth Appro priations for Purpose Washington, April 6.-President Wilson today signed the resolution of Congress, de- claring a stale of war betweenthe United States and Germany. The resolution was signed by the President 11 minutes after 1 o'clpck. All the naval militia and naval re serves were called to the colors with the President's signing of the war resolution. ..-'' ' - , l!y Mninr of the reKoluiioii, the war 'which German actually has Im-cii limkinoy-ott "llic Cnitcfl States for infiny months in recognized in oliuuiil form ainl the .TJiiitcd States teniunntion to tiikeMip, wlint PreHident Wilson cliaractcrized inhia flddrcss to Ton greys as, "Germany's challenge to all the world, her war ng.'iiiiKt humanity." : 1 ; .Speaker .('lark signed the resolution soon after it passed the IIonse lii.nng tlie early morning and Vice-President ifarshafl had' signed it .soon after the Senate convened at . sent' at once to the White House. It was waiting for the President when he returned from n short wallc'with Mrs. Wilson. " 1 ISSUES CALL TO ALL AMERICANS " Washington, April (1. The President also signed a proclamalion foi'iniilly declaring a. state of war (ieiinany. In the .proclamation he called ii)im American citizens to' give -support to all measure of government. ( SENATE VOTES " -.'.'" V ' ; . - , EMERGENCY FUND " . - '- - - ,, " . -i Washington, April 6.- A n emergency war fund of 4(100.000,000 was quickly voted today hy the Senate', to President Wilson to he used in his 'disei'etion. The . appropriation must .he n)j)roved hy the lloues. HOPES FOR A WORLD PEACE Washington, . Ajiril G.-lu n statement approving the army plan presented to Congress hy the War Department,, President Wilson said that 'Tlie hope of the world war is that when the European war is over arrangements will have heen ."made -composing many of the questions which have hereto required' an arming of the nations." HOUSE MEETS ' ON MONDAY ' .Washington, April fi. The House will not meet again until Monday. President Wilson will isign the war resolution as soon as it leaches him from .the capitol MAMMOTH FUND : cmergi'iicy war fund to he used at the President's discretion, similar to t he .f .)0,0( I0,(MM J uinl given 1'ses- ,,.nt MeKinlev, for' prosecuting , ut'ta,.u, trwlnv lw tV,,. Seiuite appro)riations committee to the general deficiency hill. MISS RANKIN WAS MUCH DISTURBED Washington, April fi. War he-twei-n -the I 'nited .States and Ger many hcconiVs an actuality today immediately upon President 's Wil son's approval-of the war resolu tion adopted hy a vote of Hl'-i to .-( by the House a few minutes after ;I o dock "this morning. This action will set in motion the gov ernment's newly planned machin ery for ' mustering naval, military a'-l economic forces into an a'g gressive war against Germany. Final action upoiv. the resolution came after seventeen hours of con- tinilOUS debate and a ftpv minutes afterward Speaker Clrk affixed hissignature. Af ter th resolution THIS EVENIRIJ of Pressing the War. thus announces to tlie world dc- noon. Tho entrrossed eonv wna het ween the United States Vnd ' t ident for his signature.-. II ,... I .. . I i. ; I. . ' .1 J-a Miss Jeanette Rankin, tM new wo man memher from Montana, voed against the resolution. After fail ing to answer to her name twice on the first roll call, Miss Itankin rose on the second call, trembling, ob viously badly frightened and with a snake in her voice she declared : "1 want to stand hy my country hut I cannot vote for war." Half a dozen of her colleagues, wearied hy the protracted debate demanded. "Vote, vote." ' . Sinking into her seat. Miss Ran-;-k in whispered, "No." ' , Most of those opposing the reso- hit ion including Mr. Kitchin, an-., nounced that once it was passed they would support it without res ervation.:. When a. Vote was finally taken menibers tjuickly dispersed to their homes.. ALLIED WARSHIPS -' ' TO BE WITHDRAWN. Washington, April 6. Allied warships ;ia,trolling tho Atlantic Coast will b A'ithdmwu and many will be sent to he Kuropean battle front pow that Ger- . nan merchant ships in American ports have been taken over and there ts so possibility of their slipping to sea as . commerce raiders. All the allied war vessels which have been patrolling close into American shores will be withdrawn. BERLIN REPORTS A BIO CAPTURE RUSSIANS Berlin, April 6. (By way of London.) More than 9,000 Russ ians,. 15- guns and 160 machine guns and mine throwers wer captured by the Germans In their attack on the Rossi an bridge head of the Etoknod, the war office announces.

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