Weather-teh-pHgf- j Forecast 55S " ; "'": I," " r ' ' 1 , rm:' ii iLO VOL. IX. NO. 271. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 30, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS V ,1 JUWERICAM ' TANKER VACUUM HAS BEEN SUNK BY U-BOAT Vessel Was Sent to the Bot tom Saturday While on Way to U.S. EIGHTEEN MEN HAVE BEEN LANDED SAFELY Another lioat With Captain, Remainder of Crew, To gether With the Lieuten ant and Nine Naval Gun ners Are Missing, Accord ing to Reports. London, April ,'IM Tin . tank steamer. VaiMiiiiri:. h The captain mid: pari of American (ill IS bci' li " Si l' v. tin' cr.'A !!!! the naval liei.t.un.nt an I ii J i.l. naval gunners: are tiiissiiig'.:;' .-' The Yneonin was stink by Suhjnnriuo on. Satitidav w.hil American (tel'man die", was on the way to th - f " s . : r - I States:;' . The chief . mate ami svv.ettvt')t men in chiding thro' of tlii' Aini'i K a n run yijsiifi ncrs have b 'en landed.- A boat .contain i i 5ng the master 'of the ship ftud th 'tv riUlihder of tin' crow together k ii -iht lieiitonatii am! missing. . iiin;:i I gtiuiTrr LEFT .NEW YOItK . ON MARCH 30. New.. York , April :"'" Tin' American steamer Vacuum ; left. .New York en March .'10 for Birkenhead,' F.nglanil, ear; riecd a crew ol. thirty foiir nii'ri. of w lush fifteen- were American oitjoiis i ji e rug nine, 'native born. NO OFFICIAL AiJVlCt NAVV ' Washington, April ..'10; Tit is afternoon 'State .anil... N';a vy . .Hepart ir.riif oflieijfU staid they : hud lio -ell'iei-al dispatches on tlie dost ru. t':on of the A'aeettm. or the i'ate of the n on- on board. Whether the fate of; the 1,1 aval, gunners is ihado .pub lic Will depend upon What information tlie -Navy.: )epai ! no nt rc i i d. U-BOAT BREMEN HELD BY BRITISH New" '. York., Apr. I (ieniian merchant submarine " Kremoii, sister .of the UOiitschlaii'l,,- which; ;t ire visited . . thiii country, is in the hands of the jti'it ish, according to a special eon i-spon. tent of the Kvcliing Shii, who. 'u'tiirned aboaril the. St:,- Kimis; 1'r'oof ;t hat, i-aiue .to li i in t.lirouuh t li rcc soun es istablisli.- i d to h.s satisfaction that : the lindeisea 4 raft wa,s eapifiired on her iiiaiilen V(-y ; at;e:.: .He' heard .(iiiriiinh li'y in: li' i; laiol that the I'eiitsc.hlaiid also had beioi jpT" K'ized and t liiit d'apt;; 1'mii Koelii.; and llis crevy are iifisoinds in a camp in the ' north of Kiii;ian I. llourver, o . could gather no siiecdlic facts aboiit this, ios w; '..:..:' : He was tolil aliout the lircnieii by :i Hritish naval oflicef .of. hi(;li rankr , f hy ; (tetaii of her enptnre vcic ivdiiteil .lev, ' th dtlieer, dio showed a photograph of tlie siiliniariiie. Hh-c picture showed t ho Name contour of Irody aii I the same typo of emitting- tower , and general : nper ; structure of .th.e,deiitsi hlaiid. Vorrob. . Cratioa ctinte f-rom anotlicf naval nHii-er and nlso from nn A ine'ricy ii; mn n iil'aet U-r--- or ;wh'0 has a factory in .Scot Hail.. The latter saiil he sa w t he Hremeii . laid op in oiie of Kiijjtmiil 's yards. I n alj three storii'H the circumstances of tliivcapfiire nre identical COTTON MARKET . New York, April :ii ; -V opened steady. Mny L'O.L'n ()etobcr 1H.2U; December ofton f iit-oros : .inly .115 ; ! : L'l : .lanii nrv 10.24: New York, April ;i): -The cotton inar ket was generally steady -early today. The A)Hiiitiff was eight tii sixteen points lower ill response . to relatively eny cables with Jiilv sellinj; 'ents and October, at If. 1.7. on the call,, but prices fniieklv rallied, on renewed eoveriin; ami a little trade tnivini;. .lulv sold up to O.lfl and October to l!h-!t Ipefore the on il of the first hour, or back to. within a point of -Haturdav's close on (ictober mid wit li i ii foup- points of Julv. STOCK MARKET Nw York, Aprit .".t). Market condi tions showed no material, alt 'ration on the resumption of tradiuu today cirly piotations denotes a e(intinuanee of the - irregillaritv vVlueli attended last wi'"k 's later operations. Gains in special issues of flip several classes represented bv At lBiitin (Julf nnil West lades Mexican l'etroleuni, Industrial Alcohol, American were balnneod bv a recession in marine Woolen and lothleliem Steel new stock prsferred. General Motors, Ohio fins. Texan Co., nnd Beet Kiifjar. United States Steel moved withm a narrow ra dioius and roils were only occasionally quoted, j '.-:"' BRAZIL WILL L Government Issues Procla mation of Neutrality in Respect to War Between the .United States and Germany Only. Tiin .Jiiii. iro, April The Brazilian gfiVor.iiuieiit issued a iiicnl.-iiiiiftioii of lii'Utialitv todnv, -In reaiii'ci- tothe war et ween the I'nilcil States and der nianv. . ; ,. , Y The Appropriation of This for Ur- Amount Needed gent Deficiences in Army and Navy is Favorably Reported. . Washington. A pi il ! life Appr'npr ia.: tioie of ; ,f il)t , 4 r,-J k 1 to meet,. urgent rli'li,-i('iii'Mi in... fiio rirmy and ji.ii v v -oi $Tli0,s,",";,l-s7 less than was re'eumnioude I by ..tin.' War "a lid Navy department lire incljuilcd in a bill -favorably reported to the House, committee, today by. the .' J i(l" i 11 1 ifm ? TWO SMALL ROOF FIRES EXTINGUISHED ' -The Cent ral l-'ire 1 p:.: tn.i-n! -. civc I two Calls Katni-rluy a,ii( Similay to cx tiiiKUiH ii t o s i h :.i 1 1 Vi a if -fin e,s ,. vv 1 1 i cii e i i-fail-'d only a slight ilainae.. : .- .' Thi-'tiiist alarin1 caine. in at 7:10 Sat ii'nbiy njjjlit froiii fiox nuinlie'r ti.'i at the coriici'. of Xa.'-iliville road and Houtli i hui c.h street. , 'Die l:ri incii found a saiall til 'oil " t)i: roof of M r.. Koso 1'ci dtetMii, Xdo lives at; dL'i;:!; South Chttrch feet, . a ud i fjiiiti vLsheil.;'. t he I'.amei . 0'i'!; slight' damai' licin- 'ilone. '.'. ' . siuiihiy morning, at".: 1 ' : -1 " a sceolul alarm ra'aie in- froi')l "liOx. nuiiitiijj- -.'',7 lit tlir' . I'.orivoi' . of- .Yrlinton ''anii I.iassett slnrts ;- jli;rc; the home ' of M.r, Hen Jiaiiics : AviiH - fiiind 1n lia e,a smal .fire on. the: i-o'ot' and .this' was .also ipiickly ext iiiui.she'l ale., only ...slight ' daiuae;-' was. enu-sed.. " '.,':' : .': MEN WANTED FOR SIGNAL CORPS .Men are v. a lit for the signal r eserve l'ost a let: i skinj: corps of t he.-1' nit-e liiasf i :r - A .Vd '. . Nn i pi I'M' ; f null t be War States ariiiy has ri'ci'ivcil Department that ho f iiHst men for this branch, of .-t lie. war sel l ice. The nat lire of the duties of. ,t ln siViial corps is teb'erjipbic aiel irn. clm nii'n'l : ' The' salaries' in t lie sienaj i.'itrps. service ranee as hih as i11'1' month..: Any yoiin no'ii , hil.are jtroti ciettt : :w t-ebxraph. operatoi sr ' bot it Morse iih.l 'otit 'mental, electricians and tt'chiiicni wink ,'lre eliyibie to this ser--V i'ce. . V . ' ,.; '' . The l'liited State's arniy is endeavor iii to r:rse- fourtceii lield' batteries and six : t ilec i aph bat t '-rie.s, of signal corps n:en w lticli wll , necessitate the serviced of- K",vitrnl t lioiisnnil fee in it s. The. ined yioV eiii'st: "vVill also be -yiven. arv training and the i,ork is out doors and intei-e'M iuy. : . . A ha yoiiuii ni '-n of Ifocky Mount vvlio lire fjiiabfied in au- (if vocations :nv, in i;ed to enlist, iii the service, ,- Mr. Snipes will be. iilad Id enlist - nien for t his- si r v' ice and all desiring to do' so will.' to him at his, idlice in the post office ""1 tl i 1 1 i 1 1 ' ' TERRY TAKEN TO RALEIGH fo-eeiisl,oro, N, (''. Aoril Mb -Sheriff lb B. Stafforil yesterday carried to Mai eielif ,Iciry A. Terry of t his coinity. who was convicted of nulrdef in. the first de cree lasr fall and whose conviction was recent ly siista ;ue i by the supreiiie court. Terry is the slaver of .'ohn R. Stewart, a well known and wealthy eitieu of the (ounty, with whom the defendant had had sOjtso dilliculty. An effort will bc made, to (jet (io ernor Hickett to ciiui iniit e t he sent eiice id' Terry to life, iiu prisouuienf. The plea of insanity .was insisted upon at the trial in superor court, but the jury did, not believe that insanity was suHicientiy proven. TO GRADUATE WAKE FOREST SENIORS ike Forest, , N". cement, is mad lands I'oteaf' ('., April .:u. An bi- rrcsidenf Wil f Wake Forest Col none liaiu toco. that In: a special , decree of t he faculty all seniors desirine; to attend the -, North. Carolina .Military Tiainiii(,' camp at Fort t lulef horpe, (ia., will bie cradiiateil' im media tidy upon the secur in? of admission to the Canip. Seniors applying for degrees with conditions will be iriven a spccial examination next week in order to assure them of their devrees. T'nderhrailuate students who pan admission to the camp will lie liivci credit for the full year's work, provided a passing grade has heen main tained upon the subiects taken up to ths t:me of the applicant's departure fy; Fort OMethorne. REMAIN WEUTRA THREE BILLION FOR 1 AND A Y FOOD BILLS ARE E! Bills Contain No Price Fix ing or Control of Use of Grain for Distilling Provisions. Designed to Stimulate Production. Wash infirm, ;AVt:',l V,iXhJ tialiiiii food bills dh'i', i a lit in iliirf'l in t.e IT I.f Tlii'v itii t lii' House today by Chairman tin' ngrioiilt iiral , committee: . n (it cover .juice ttx i ny or eontrol of the use of orain for ilis.tillinjf f'Hiio.r;s, 'I'liese subjectH will be .co en d in. a bill -to lie introduced later. ''.-' ; V The bi 1.1s as iiitrodiu'ed today are ile. sigec'l to si i ijiulate prinlucf ion, preven t lloardi.ii(, makiii;; for i iiiit aide. l ibii . t'ifiil aiu.i .siispi'iol .the law prohibition the mixing of: tiiiiir; Tiii'y coiitai n pro vis iona to. prevent conflict vvith t!:-.- auti trust lind interstate .( run !ihmoj laws, : The Id'M-r bill appropri:itei.,-n,Outi,(Hiti dollars for its eiifor.ceineiif and author 1 zed t lie a ppoi n tin en t. , of t wo ad 1 1 i t in ua I Kecrefaries of aici.ltii: e to :i i si; in i ; r it..' -It' state- tiiat it vonferres ami pre scribes pow r.s auUtoritioH duties, 'did i j;atidn and prohibitions because of thi iiatiunal .eiuer)eiicy and to secure an aderpiate supply and ejpiitalde ribii (ion of fooi) for the ,'overhnrenf and people of . tlie r.nited States . and to protect t hem against '.-nj ji.U'is, sppcula tions, manipulations, and eontrols. . ' CORONER'S; JURY MAKES DISCOVERY . Viliniiic;',iin. . Aiii ilo. --The, (lis. em ery by the .coroner s jury , t liat . t he only , lock fastening the dOor "of;'- tlie rooni at t he" coinity ' stockade in whii-li t he convict tritstics, : iiicbniiiie; ( )scaf .liihnstoil, . have beeii couline'l, ' is in such i oudi; !: t evi'ir a :.i'lii'hl;:.can easily ivpen it; by insert ing a .finder and re.niovins- the sylinib'.r, was the starts !'. iur and most int'en'st iiit ..dcvelopinent ill' the .invest ijjat M"! '('to tlie lii I uy; ol eal AValtiin Na-furdiiy;' ..','.. "Xot siitisiied with , hen riiie. three of thirreuiainiii four triisties sivear that the lock was ainl. had been in sucli con dition' that it was mere ehP.d 's .j lay to tipen it, the jury, .accompanies, bv, t'fo i oner A. S. Ill I !. u. S.'-icitor d'i. T. I'.i' !:. and 1.. ":. ton ;( .' rft'f.i t. -Ksifr; ytsited tlie stoi'kade. at 7. , o 'clock Satiir.lav; .af-t;-eriiooti r fliid : liersoiially examined '. the lock -in- ipii'stioii.--: !rpon: their ?:retnrn- to tile city, tliey stated that t he story told the conviets on: the stand was absolute ly.: true, in reeard to the.' lock. . : ,, WASHINGTON MAN MYSTERIOUSLY SHOT - SVashintoii. binly of .lohu farmer of Core j hrouHliout the terdiiy near i.hc in t he . woods .NT: '(',-, . April :W The Isaac i'.pkiu, a .yiiiiliK I'oint :and well kiioyu county, wsis found yes- I'oint after, liayiiiy: lain for aboiif. , twenty four hours. lr .l ack N ic hoi sou , "'.-, of- Bat h, acting' as eoroiier, lield an iiKpiesf. jhe corouer''s jury announced, t hat," the de ceased ltaii tiicf his (ieirth, by , means of a juslol w oiiiiii, tired by 'unknoWii per.-; sons.' ' -,; ."'!.'' ' ' ; .. Tlie .murder is shrouded in ;a wall of mysif'ry'y hi. h the county officials are eiideavpriu),' to pi net . ate. Tin body was fojind within thirty yards of ,i still: r, rather,.wliere a, still had been liichtcd. for it found to -have been -removed. The pes t :uii id' the body in dicated - 1 hat t he . man had ' .been shot, while iroiiur awav from t:..'. still. Thi) bullet wini nil went : throiiyli his back. If, was .inflicted.- bv a ,.-11. revolver. Dealh wiis '.pro'linlily' instaiitaiieoiis.-Tiie man's hands were .covered with meal and lii- had evideiitally been enaed ill the . ma kiiie of 'beer in-' lepior ' ivhere: he was shot. , , . , ' Several theories,aie advaiiieil re yarding -the killing. It '. is ilftiiuated that I'ipkin m:iy. foiind .the still ainl was iiivesiinatinir it when. tlti-Hpeta tors discovered him and. shot him. lie may also have had .; some, connection with it. This, hnweyer, is inerely con jecture. No- specific, clues or informa tion have ; been unearthed as yet which might -lead to a trace to- the murderer or ehe cause of the killi ijf. I'ipkin was years" .of Siye, ,was fnarried and is: survived by his Svife and three c.liililrou. - CONFERENCE ON AMERICA'S All) Washington,. April ". : lit). The British and French commissions settled down to their second week of conferences with preliminary away niiithe frrouiul work laid for the part the t'uited States is to take in the grand alliance for the over throw of. Prussian autocracy. M. Viv iana .accompanied the French Ambassa dor to a conference with I'resiilent Wib son.,- - . MISS DAVIDSON TO RE RELEASED "Wilmintrton, N. '., April .'to. The warrant Thnrjiinjf M iss Floreme Ha id son with lieine;-an accessory after the' fact to the killing of Xeal Walton will be Jiol prosed at this moruinjr-'s session of the recorder's court, according to tin announcement made dry Solicitor 10. T. Hurton. The warrane against Miss I'nvidson was issmuj maiulv for the pur pose of holding her until her testimonv could lie secured nnd now that this 1ms been done, she will boio longer ludd. It ih undcrBtoud that she will bep laced under bord nnd held as a material wit ness for the State, . NT ROUGED TODY OUTCOME STRIKE WHEN McADOO MADE $200,000,000 AVAILABLE i t ,ww -, -' . a-. in d --v. . r ,'....! jr-, -- -i . , .trS. :;:.: '"rn-- ro mmP.-n my -am v -.-mi,, s it i n r vi - 'i i f ,n v ' $ " ms '' ' i r- n - t Left to riifht: Lord Cuniiffe, Rovernor of the Bank of England; Sir -Cecil -Spring-Uic. Secretary McAdoo, Sir Kichard Crawford and Assistant Secretary of the Treas ury Cnitiby. Secretary McAdoo is shown here flipnintf tho treasury warrant which f?avo to (irivu Sritain $200,000,000. America's lifst war lonn to the allies. The warrant was mnod in tho presence of Lord Cuniiii'e, governor of the Bank of hngnn(, and the other British financiers who accomimmcd the liall'our mission to the Uii'ted States. The receipt ior tho loan was signed by Sir Cecil Spnjig-ilicu, as the ollicial reyraentUvo of Grout Britain' in this country. FLAWS Tfl RAISE M FUNDS MADE Federal Reserve Board Re commends 7 hat money Be Obtained Offering- Treasury Certificates to Bankers. ... Washinrrfoii, Aiu il ;til. --The Federal Reserve Reft ril has recdinnieioied t o.Sec rotary .. wMc Adoii, f uiois t(i be raised. nil iler .the seven: billion .dollar war fiiiaiu e law be -obtained jjr'ailu.'illy - by iifTeriii-j; tii fhe banks of 't iie chii lit rv , idoeks . of ti'iiiisiiry certilicutos- to be :rv t ire'd .later wit h bonds' evorv t i.vo weeks;:-. PRESIDENT WILSON R SENATE MEASURE " Washii'elou.'Aprir:;!1.-- 'resident ion r. nil Secretary- linker - today 't' between, . the- Senate House amiv bills.' .The ai:e' iiinit i to Iie, ile tlie S, l,:;ti' Ifll-'atH fi-l i i'-'i b the' adiniid-! rat i"U -Mure mure iie.'irlv ap'p.roMn'utc- -Utc , desi t he War I e a it ii-e)ii for a'ie IJ in it s 1tt- to Near;:,': 'I' lie" I'lliit Trooi- ;' 1 0 fixed bv'thelb'iise bill, iii e Hie t':ictor' ,f o ihe -a-l mill i'st rat ioii.. -' W'il k up Z i t- DUTCH NATIONAL FAIR REING HELD I.'tn Uiitih supply, tra ,.th .therl:iu.s Al u-i fresh inea .s to home needs: ni:i'inii':. 'iii, in; t r source.-i and I 1 1 1 -1 1 ions to disiilace fi. jntLized .the ; .first , I Hirers ; n: natle ' Xatioiiur f lilch iiow. in I'l-ieji-e- n't' -freeht: This first 'Kit i 1 1 1 1 . liianiifacturer aiel touch wit h , i.'ich of i ess,. ;in'd it s i-ep. -t it assured.- All ex hi )utch inaunfactiiii 1 1 ntte nfl to-' 1. vdio,s:,.e.;,le: her. h:l' been ''oi, next year bits - had ' tu; '.'''Tlie result-.. be , et: : ele rjuise. higbly er.'ililable. t The fair disc los 's -tl is iiiakin a bold b dependence .: I n J months, Uliit new t Hut,-!, ...nt ': fact that Holland iii for imliist ria i in-, the - last - eifjhti-eii .-ictoris .h;i e ' je i n tiuilt in t heir, eieini rv elsewhere, to war 'i"l obedience t'l nat ut ;i I ' f ierrnaii v 's i-lu-n: i '--.-i I "have to look to their land 's ne v,:Xaetoii'--dtice t heir ov, n conl t i f liot ib'Vo'i"! as k. but rais-'il. in olioni ic s-leusa lids industries - w ill laureU, for ' able, to pui proilucl s, a n il Sue dyes, s vn tii i and toluol. tic:, p, i l miles; rb SUPERIOR COURT AT NASHVILLE OPENS l.Tudge 'Who week's session i Court l,nilay lit for the sess'iin lin t l.nlay started - , f Nash countv Superior Nashville.,.'-' he .docket of t he court this week consists enttrelv of criminal cases. Peterborough, Rn-rhind Local irimi alism will devolve upon imic deaf report er, a septuagenarian cashier and lyi of fic bov if the Armv wins its fight to call uj) vxruipted nvwajiaper muiu - ,. li F MM ED m GERMANY FOUR UP !1 TRF SHOOTING AFFRA One Man Shot Through Jaw In I)iturbancD Saturday iHiChL Or her Cv.t., fore Municipal Court. : ''"ji Sinirh :i, ic; iiuil Mack Hudson .'ind Oiati, ill white',, li-ie'n. and- Smlie, .tufa's; ;to .weiiian, vwere ii-ll (T j mi.'dUTn'n hii.r''e.s at this- niorniiig 's session oi:' elli uiuuicijial coilrt as the re.Siiit.of a shoot-iiiif-. affray, that t iiuk dai'e in f ronf of ('poper 's -Warehouse- Sat lirilay n i i;ht, in Avliicli ( lla ii -,. Sin if j. j s allejji'i.l -1 ii , liavc. sle-t ,-M ack 1 1 udson iii- f he ja w. .I t. is uii-ilerst-ooil t hat- Sinit-h was forced to. s'liiiot h is -assH-i-iui4 fu-se If iTfeiisi' as it is said t liii t 1 1 n : t w (i I I'm 1 son . nieii - were prcpai'r. i nsr t o' assa nit. ,-iliiu the l.iicas;vvoiv:in wi The' 1 1 iulson bi-ot her: (ban Smith ' and. e fo.ind rui t guilty, w'erc f ined: t w'entvV live dollars apiece, ; ..'.,;. The 'next . chart,'!' - . was . aj'.iiihst -' Ol'au Smith - for c:i rfy -iii.. a: coifeealc'd w eapon an i he was fined' 'f'.W, w li i h ,i"s: the mint iiiiini (ine fixed for i Id's iilTi'iise by the ri' .(; nt - state leyislafu re. This is -1 he' see oiid 'person in' Ivocky, Moiih't - who. has been lini'ii ii similar .tiiiiiui lit :.f ur . earrv i i i l;' ji con cea lei 1 -, ea p,-n. ,.'; :- Sud ie I aicas, -1 lie iieero woma.iv, 'was t'::ii-';i:l ' i it b l i.siii-il erl v -.'.eoniliiet anil--('ii.'.:i-v ..'iiid' sriite'iu'ed' to t hirty-; tfavs -ii .t he N'asli' e;o!.itvf': iait' oi" st'-uleiiee wilt voesided 'oil .eniiifitirn: t hat the .ui.'in .have tlie citv 'i it'll i t.i : t-w cut y fiVu r hours. It' fh.i-sis 11 fit ijoue :the. si' n t 'oi c,o ','. lil' I.h cal'l iiri (illt, " ,' ', '. '-- . ,: :- .l,olrii:ii:d '.'.Ma.'k'""llu'dii.iii.' were -u..t : i-h:ir:;erl wit 1 1 -liei.ii ii rni-il,-. but . "jn:-." si -' i ( J.e'iVx as. su-'pi-ipp-il." ' ' e:' ; . : 'tli' .1) 1 1 1 i;s i ) u bl id iit.M-s" luoi still aiiot.'e ' li a i'"u" ia-'jaiiisl :t heiii, .! his t iiiu1' lieinL' -fi ii assault-;'.' : Tliey were',. Iiiiei'l"-:f Went v live d i .-i rs : ea i - li ' I'o r -1 1 1 e: a s.vii 1 1 1 1 -..John Scert : s, -itco rViy w;: 1 1 h toil mi in ':.;i ml . was lil'iei I T: ; l,,. ' WnlcVilk, ' dolill ;A: ort;e and ' .1 h'lini's F.u rf en:, eie,-.clui r'j-i-d -ith :iL;i-n-iii'v i !.;)! -'e. is i' Ii rsrjr ft5.f (. ' ' : he,- ,la ines alb white, ,. bti.t judt;-' 'at , .:::'i in, i-riended,-." .1. A. I., itii speed? st ' nil -d'oii-r' defenda Was Hiai'il. ;("alH- wilite fined was LKSS COTTON, MORE FOOD. TEXAS PLAN i --Dnlliis. Teens, April Z'l Adoptiii' I ! i rei i a buf'j.. '::et ics , :i h:i t ,of n t re.'it in'; I". i'i;ie -siarfiug tlie nia't ca m pa ign - -- ,S t vi esff lav. w as. p:-,-p: - I n is,- bi far f.irv " - The sarri- ticin-i i-t: ai '(it .: Ih t-i i i lit :-;,-:i es -a ai'bl- to the- te receivi' ev-'.' lillHl' I esl-.f at t'-nt 'hie: tiid nnt i wi li:ii:;u. 'as ie,1., -,t: at to--1 bv Mi" st:it s,,!.' i-riberf-' be. i i d of a i-' i',ieult;-i re. I'V the st:,e aerieolt 'n'i i no n tal s-1 at :or s.- colli' ;ts 1 1 --'-.Re :u id. - In cut: iltou crop twenty per j n;.isi' fl.Oll ubii-ts . t Si-steiiiatie- fi-dif aeMi-iast inscefs and live stock disease. plautj Iircriase the livestm-k uii all farms. State wide city gardening, ('olnnizatiou of that portion of the 11111,(1(111,(1110 acres of southern cut over woodland lying within the boundaries of Texas. KnicTgeucv appropriation for tho nrrr- cidtural deport men t by a Hpoeial session of the legislature. ' I TILL TO GREAT BRITAIN 4 v fa" LABORERS WILL MAKE UEINDS To Submit Demands For In crease in Wukcs Tomor .'ijw. B' Not Granted Si ikes' Will Follow, It Is ''.New Vofk,: April ' rnaud-i fiir. itiiT"Jises submit f ed.' toniorrovv vo::kers, in .this- city di'ci:irid 'todav that !it.--May day de- ill 'Allies Will lie by fhoiisaniis of and labor icailerii unless they - wore rraaleil, strikes will, follow. '.' ; -' '1 he iii":it sei ioMs en. t rovi-rsv is cx p'ct ,!,; Vi ith )i i I utei-icit ional Assoeia:-X'yyi- )) : Nhiichinists '. I.u wants a '44 !ii ill i iii u in w:i).'i' f or ,i nside and if li mini' iiiiiei-: t-or-"iiuf side . yviirkers. ' , '- .- .-'tifher.. trades v:h;cli tlireaten walk puts to : i'ii force tin' ib'.mands are bakers inisiifer . work 'is . bronze, electric, iniiiernl boltli'rs, Iduirshoreineii. lUIHIlt em idiildrefi 1 liaclier hotel workers and shoe: workers. RFCOVEHY SUITS FILi:i AGAINST S. A. L ilirii.ut oiu A pi'it - i ii'a nst; I to' Seal; w:i : -C:onit.i:i n for re -The tiline;, of :i rd Air Line o;erv for pen -'Oi! .for d, al di'ra.l, -hun is df- S ri li'-i.ll II tll :' '. to- t s.,,i 1: violatitei of the' Fed ice, -law bv- fitit-eif-Sf l)itriet AH- .! , '( i, It.enf j iiiisei! n r i j i 'lb U-i '1.1 the fall teriu -Hal v ii few pro-en) time ol 1 1 ar! . i, ':..ll:r.--s 'iilHl eJie bet i , on":: ! In" dnt.i - eiuirt : defelidii ii:t i c, I'll till roll V. will lie:: iind hardlv I Ho t -lee f -i file ansv ers. ' : ' ' . j - r'-r-ietica lly- i'V'erv en. o! ! he alleged vi'dri'ioii v. are a !ti'iM''t-;f o h'ai'c occurred on tl e Wiliuinyt.oii (.'.hai'lotte iine,,' Tlie- loir of service law cl"in;ly s:'t s 'ii-d i !::j t. no t raii'iuia it sliall. ot-k lofig-j'e;- tbeij i; ciuisee-etive hours-: thi: coin- ; plndiif. . lib 'f bv f he yin eminent si'ts. otit I fiat -tliey. were at tii'ies u-orked as loiig i as- L's ho'irs and "io minuses. 'The case was o:'i, ei! -iiti' by gov en erne fit iiisjiec-,.tii!',,-ai"l i' 'Was sIkoa li-tTiat ntucli of the o . 'M-t i i;.:e . ' ;-is ' steel's ,i!a t ed lii'. trains lie'.iu'. held ' ii si, liu.'s: -i I a: of' t iie ; 'i-eat lenetl: of f iiee t ha t - voii Id lie re -'nn'i':eib.f'iT -die:;sei':"-:.t" t ;'al "f : each of: i 'fens" if is liki-ii- fbn't a 'j.foci'sfi- of e'itit; iiui t -'oii wil l In-:'1'u! !o i"l: ' a a Y 'provide,!. heSeabiei i d admits a' pi' ft- of; the coin phiinfs t hese cit-.-s'- M ill probable be dis '' nt' and' th" other shelved for the titeertndii."';:;' : -'..;-, : r-- -'. ' P.READ RIOTS IN CHICAGO -Hiotinji --tlie : lifi'Mill district ; 'sert'ill d ( f the citv j I' ffiic-'f'l tn j hundreds of I l-'he bala (de It tie :;t ,;il: :f,u:i d hi "fZTu' nilr-"! i- -i'i"-- no nto MouiitVij police dispersi'd tlie riot The si I'o ance ot the strike, which Saturday and which has cut j wi' ci ! I ' off a br. d n i l sm :i'v of I,.1n(i.li0ri loaves a w ned uion die citv tadav when j dav families depended on the large bakeries found tfrevi. must get along on stale j crusts or no -bread. Manv a morning meai aau to ne anriuced. ivianv resrnn.- rants were without without bread. ' IN DOUBT: RIAY DAY BATTLE f STILL .RAGES WITH DECISION IN DOUBT (ircat Armies Still Strug - Klinjr For Mastery After Si Days of Fishtinp BRITISH STILL PUSH GERMANS STUBBORNLY On Eve of Great Strike To morrow German Officials and Press Display Fever-, ish Apprehension as to Outcome. Revolutionary Movement Spreading. ARRAS The battle of Arras still; rages with : tin (sin s remaining in doubt. Kor bix ilavs torrents of blood linve 'flown and the armies of liritam and (icniiany yet I ru.;le for t In- nia.stry. ,: '::' Vj-'.:,',"- 'lens of thousands of reserves have been hurled airainsi the Ilritish liftttto tiont b Field .f irshal on Iliniltr lui' ia a sui,.nie cloit to check tlio iituh advance lint so far without avail. Alniost htterallv foot be foot (icilprnl llaig is forcing his Rtulibom foe back,' ; However the mjiues which hang on' the Idoulv h.iKBljiJifc, typhis , imuiflicient to hold the nttcntion of the fieruiau iicotile vlio am .facing a nitua-.. ..: tio nat home fraught with ovi'i morn tmiii'iuliius .possibilities. .... , . : : '' -; l)n the eve of the )reat genernl strikn planned for Mav day tho Herman press - . and b'.aders are displitving a feverish i. appreliension as to what the monoii':." wilt tiring forth,;: '. -. r '.The; niajority soi'feiliHts arc enprgeti callysiippdrtinfi ,t)ic. goycrimicnt ill itB ellorts to chioIc or threaten the work ers into refraining from striking. Even the -...radical- minority .seema to be frightened at t lie ponaible results of the ngitatain it has lostered. : Home of tho radical nevvspapefs are reported to have, , laiinciied an eleventh hour aplH'til in an -; i il'oi f to avert the strike. . . Austria and Sweden- are two other i storm centers where Mav 1'ny inny i evoke popular uprisings ot far-rcaclufig effects.. In the face of the brewing storm word conies that (lie Hungarian!! government limb declared in - favor ' of--': importiuit Democratic reform.'.' On the-," other hand the Austrian Emperor is ro purled, to have retuxed the resignation of I'remier Tisza, of the diitil mori'irchv. Another curious nnd unexplained it-, cm from Austria-Hungary snva that in . Hohemifi, long fi hot bod of (lissatisfac tion (lerinan paiers have been mip--pressed;; y '' ;, '' :'..,; the entire sitnatiim in Kurojio Berms . to lia e ;. rcaehed one of the confused . . stages where conflicting news makes the .relative importance of events uncertain .: and obscure a situation intensified by . tlie increas'iig .rigors of the censorship ; : in nil i-ouinit ries. , -.''"'.""' ',' ." ' Outside (if I'airope interest fcfntcm on , t he possible course of Brazil and China. CHILD SCALDED TO DEATH IN BOILER Nof.'k, n, Aptil :tn I.ula Bell Hcalb, the t year old .daughter' of Paul .f. and Mrs. . CiiIIih f. Harri Halct, was scahli'l so budlv in a wash boiler ot wa I er ..hat urdav morning at 9 o'clock at the'r hiiiiie :ttl2 Mulberry street, that she di-'d four hours later . ,, ,,.:.::; '1 he little girl was lying in two chain placed side bv side as an improvised tied. Hi r mother had placed the hoilor of boiling water oil tho floor by the cleri-s I'to h' boler. , ' ., Ir. .1.1,. IJawles rendered sueh ser ial'. .( oronor 1 , H. Kight, will hear vce as was possble to relevc her sutTer the r'videiice and p:iss mi tho caso ofii-c':e!- to-lay. V - ' , 'I lie bodv will bi forwarded to tho ii.smi i- home of the family at Poplar I'.r.'inch, N. ('., tudjir for funeral and biiiial. " -: ' " . . - -.'-''; Mr. eale utoved his fanjly. from I'liplar liianeh two davs ago. He had bo il i niploved at one of the local ship yards. CII IN A EXPECTED TO ENTER WAR I'ekiii, Chniaj April .10. Reports tar that the Chinese Republic will probably enter the war against Germany within two weeks. The Brazilan congress meets on Wednesday, and-will then decide on jieace or war. In the meantime Brazil has issued a decree of neutrality ag be- iween ine i ruipii nrares ana uprmnny rolls and some winch may hav a hearing oa Brazil s fu - turc action ' ,

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