TT TT VOL. JX. NO. 274. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 3, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENT3 Today's y. "'Vs v E HOLES IN GERMAN LINES IN FRANCE Heavy Assault Being Deliv tred on a Three and Half Mile Front . CAPTURE OF STRONC. POSITIONS REPORTED French on Wide Front Along the Aisne Are Giving Ger mans No Rest. British At tack Breaks Deadlock that Has Characterized Fight ing Lately. New breaches in tin' already Jimllv battered German line on the Anas but tie field art' being made liv the llritisli in a heavy assaul;: launched on a IS miles fruiii lodny. Sinking in :) l-'J' injes south of liens. jeiienil llaig's troop drove at the Germans all along tin1 li ii t. tin tnr. runtli ini ii luunt t miles southeast of Anns. 'I lie at sn-k enine at a. moment when it seemed as if a deadlock had been stablishcd tor 0 tune at least beeiiuse of the heavv reserves) brought up bv the Germans and their strong resist i powers ot the initiul success ot the renewed offensive, the otheial British report speaks art horat i vel v of the rapture ol n liuniber ot strong enetnv positions. While no;' pressing ahead on a wide front I-reiiid) along the Aisne sector and in the liampngo are jji vmji the Germans no rest employing their artil lery vigorously and iti-ki out a sic tion of the etiemv line here and there. There mav be significance in the re ports of activity which are coming Irnm tile erdun sector anil the lines to the southeast of it. There has been con siderable patrol lighting in these sectors and active, artillery work is hi progress in the sector ot St. Milne!, where the Germans have successfully maintained a deep salient since early in thcw nr. CANADA'S WHEAT CROP J 116,548,000 BUSHELS Winmycg. Mav .(.- Mlicial estimates .today placed the --available supply ot wheat in Canada at 1 HI,.r.S.fii.)i) hush- els. Thev stated that .?0,tl(lf,iHiMl bnshels nrlp in country-elevators, ?i,H n i,tn lit nrr in interior terminal elevators, 45,000, OHO are still in the hands of the farm ers, 8,000,000 are at the mill and :i0( linn bushels are in transit. P Men From Warships That Broughf Commission Over .- Will be Accorded Enthusi- astic Greeting Tonight in New York. New York, May .'!. As guests of the city at Madison Siiiare Garden tonight one thousand sailors and marines from the reneli warships that escorted the J'reneh commission to the I'nitsd State will be accorded the greatest ovation ever givon by Americans to foreign sail ors. There will be a special theatrical and athletic program . and addresses by public men including Mayor ' Mitehel. COTTON MARKET New York, May Cotton futures opened steady. May .20.1(1; July 10.07; October 19.25; December lO.liil; Janu ary New York, May.'l. Tiie cotton niar Ifit .wns'treali and unsettled todav. (iloomy reports eonrerning f tffjltst ruc tion of tonnage bv subniariuoaml the continued good weather in the Srtiith seemed to bring out liouiilntVuir after opening .'t to"? points lownr, prices broke very sharply. The selling soon became excited with July breaking to lO.ri") and October H.H" before the end of the first hour or about 12 to 40 points net lower. STOCK MARKET New York, May :i. Stocks were in process of further liquidations at to day's opening, selling orders accumulat ing over niht as the result of the more discouraging attitude adopted i(t official quarters respecting foreign conditions. Equipments and munition dropped one to tlire points, this also appyliug to shippings, coppersand many specialties commonly associated with the various groups. Offerings were relatively mixl ierate. Rails also yielded about 1 point. The selling movement was. unchecked throughout the first half hour S IK NW RENCH SAILORS OVATION E NVOYS DISCUSS I Ways and Means to Combat U-Boat Danger Up at To day's Conference NEED CO-OPERATION Ways to Combat Subma rines by Increasing Ship ping Freight and Nation al Co-operation Is Chief Topic Under Discussion at national Capitol. Washington, Mav .!. What the Hub marine menace is and wins to eoinbat it bv increasing shipping freight and national cooperation was the man topics of interest that the Uritish mission be gnu .considering toilav tiom many iiu t ere nt source!. It is now evident that other matters before-the Untsh- commission however vital-lire .being subordinated bv the Brit ish naval officials in coining to lis the British naval oflices. in coining to this " .'ten tit rv hoped to get a considerable number of small boats to "use as sulmia line chasers tint .they have been disnp- pointed to discover that the few avail- Ide-are needed here. - NEW JiUAT LlINtt I FOR NEW BERN New Hem, May ;t. Hc-gai'dless of the tact tha.: material for the coutiu--t on ol boats is hard to get hold of just at this time, the management of the Irgnlia Carolina Navigation .company who have under eons; met 1011 at hliu beth City a ship to be used on the line between --New Hem and .Baltimore state that thev are making rapid pro gress with tins work and tha.. the line will be a operation (W it Inn the course of the next two minium. Vi Ii i If nothing delmite in regard to this niatier has been given out, it is understood that t lit (.raven Machine outlaid for the making of shells for the I luted Hi ales government ami that letual work on these will beg. n at nil ii I v date. Prospects Are For Some Close Races For Mayor and Four Aldermen. Bal lot Boxes Open From 1 to 9 p. m. Tomorrow is May 4, and the. municip nl primary will come oil' to some inter estmg races tor the olriVc. of mayor aTTd the aldcimnnic positions in prospect. So far the .candidates remain two each for, every office to be tilled nnd as this is just enough for a good "hoss rac. " there , is a promise of some po litical excitement. It is expected that those who get the most -votes will win. The polls will bi' open tomorrow from I o'clock p. in. .until- ! p. in. and a heavy vote is probable if the weather is favorable The voting places will be the same. T. T. Thome and K. M. Drauglin will have it out for the mayor's job. Mayor Tillerv will not run again and as the men are new' contestants for the ollice the odds are in favor of iieilli er and it remains for the- people, to d.e eide w hich w ill preside over 'the -affairs of the city. A ' litle excitement, in the first ward is expected as Alderman J . J . Battle will endeavor to .-protect his seat among the city council, against (i. R. Dixon, w ho has a desire to occupy this -place, therefore that is the reason lie is run ning for it. In the second Ward 1'. ('..Vestal h'rrs his' alderinanie scalp endangered by tlic presence of K. (i. Hart in the j'tielif . Which one will win will have toi come about in this manner. The ballot box will be opened ami after the votes are getting tin' most' votes will have t he 100 . The third ward has its contestants. Alderman U . K. I'arrish pitted against ' . II. Home and here a lively race is expected . - Alderman Lancaster moved out of the fourth ward and as n result there .:'' two .men in Ihe lield there for the place of alderman. They are .1. W. II iocs and H. T. Watson. As these men are new contestants as ill the mayor's race no forecast of who will wFn has been prevalent and here as in all other politi eal battles the time honored ballot box will tell the tale. Lit everybody come out and vote to morrow.. If you don't, like one man vote for the other.' If you don't like both of them, vote anywhow. Ho. the the biennial political fracas will be staged tomorrow and is being looked forward to with interest by people of the city as it promises to be one of the most interesting contests between the different candidates held in Rocky Mount in a good .while. MENACE - PRIMARY WILL BE HELD -TOMORROW SEIZED SHIPS ARE NEARLY. READY Austrian and German Ships Seized Will Be Ready for Service in 5 Months SEVENTY ONE IN ALL Will Add 535,722 Tons to American Merchant Ma rine. Some Can Be Used .Within Four Months. Re pair Work on Others Be ing Rushed. Washington, Mav .1. Seventy one Austrian ami Gorman ships seized bv Ihe government will be repaired all ready for coininissioii within live months unless concealed dfimttgc'is dis covered tin1 .-Federal shipping board es timutod todav. They, will mid !'i tons to American men limit mnnnc Many of the smaller ships can be made ready for service in less than four months rind necessary repair work now being rushed in private ship vnrds Will Go Immediately to Washington to Assume Position as Head of Coun try's Food Board. New York -Mav ;l. Herbert C. IToo ver arrived from Hclgutm today on nn American ship and said ho would pro ceed at once to Washington to assumo lin new position as head ot the country b ioou txinrd. ONE MORE MAN GOES TO ARMY ; . , ' . . . : Tarboro sent n man to Raleigh Hlus morning to Try to pass rhe puyslcirt trsr required lor service in the army. l. J. Johnson, of that dace, was -neat to the 'Capital Citv by Postmaster Snipes to enlist for servic(i in the army The postmaster has applications of severul other men who wish to join various branches of the service, some in the hospital and aviation corps, but their applications have not been passed upon as yet.: It is expected that some thing definite about them will be re ceived in a few days and as soon as this is received the names of the young men will be made public. . The patriotic spirit among the young men of the' city is nicking', up right along and liocky Mount is making ri creditable sliowiiig in this line. .-, TRYING TO SAVE LIFE OF WALKER -KaleiiTh. Mav 2; l.'iule Mose H ar shnw and John T. Hnrke fil "iilT flint could be done yesterday forA. C. Walker now-under sentence of death for the murder of h'lorence Sutpliuiii of Lenior county. Walker is a boy of I'd who killed the girl of lo. They were sweethearts and had been for a long time. The evidence is t'.hat the young girl and two children left liime Sunday October 1, 1SHI), to visit, a neighbor and that Walker lay in wait. for the girl- When he asked her to restore him to her former good graces she . refused and he shoil her Jtlireo times. . Mr. Hurko today used the.Hible to all the purpose that it may be put and l.'ncl,. Mose did his best, but the Su preme court, was as :inquisi::i ve as a boy.. Uncle Mose thought the' boy killed the girl in. a fit of love but the court was disposed to think the three shots rather overdid rhe lit act. The circum stance was used to show that there was no premeditation' or deliberation although the boy's (light was played upon. - The case was argued by Assistant Attorney Oeneral.-Svkes -who bad -bail an tiniuuuwuii aluoigit of near poetry which the lovers wrote each other in their courting days. It had tragedy throughout. Walker is in the peniteiiT tiary now awaitiing the result of the court's hearing today. TO WINDY CITY Members of French Delega tion Go To Chicago as the First Stop on Their Tour of the Country. Washington, May :i. Members of the French commission leave late today on a special train for Chicago, the first leg of a tour of the country which will last a week or ten day's. RtfiBERrHuQVER ARRIVED DA iillll lUUI Ull uu PLEAD INSANITY NVAWTER TRIAL Physicians Introduced To Support New Attack by Defense of Vawter THIRD DAY OF TRIAL Trial So Far Discloses Scan dal. Vawter Charged With. Shooting Stockton Heth, in His Home, at Blacks burg, Va., Last Month. Christ innbiirg, a., Mav '. The de nse in the trial of ( ha i lea K. Vawter chaiged with murdering Mockton Heth, Jr., todav switched to insanity ami In troduced phvHiciaus to support the new ittack. Physicians testifying for the defense at the trial of harles E. nwter on the charge of iiiu-rdering Stockton Heath Jr., declared their belief that the letters he wrote to Heath reveallnit his know- Ige of the latter relutions with Ins wif e, indicated awter was insane. The mtrodiirtimr-of -expert - test nmnvt-tint ished the first intimation that an in sanity plea would constitute a part ot the ileleinie case. . i...r, 1 1. en,.t .. cesscil until o'clock alter devoting the entire .morning session to hearing physicians ' tcstiinov, it was niioiiueeil hat Mrs. Vawter would take the stnml at the opening of the afternoon ses- ioii. Counsel for the defense claimed that the introduction of witnesses to prove awter s insanity at the tune ot the un iter letter does net menu that thev will rely upon an insatnv plea but that it was meielv to establish Ins insanity nt that tune entirely destroying anv val ue that the letter mav have as evidence. LOCAL BOYS TO GO TO FORT OGLETHORPE Four Kockv Mount bovs have gone to Haleigh and passed the examination preparatory-' to going to the officer's. training camp at ort Oglethorpe tor the three month s training there ami also on Condition 4i'iit thev go into ac tive 'service when needed, iliese ioui v ig litin are Wiley T. May, V, Wilkinson, J., 1! . U. (iorhani and: W. I. Thorpe, It is expected thiv will cave for Kurt Oglethorpe alvout the middle of this month. ft Is understood that boiideS these four that three more went to: Kjiloigh, but whether they passed the-examination is not known as yet and tlwir..fiuiueH will be publshed later.. . .. Other bovs are said to lie leaving to, Inv for Kaleigh and it is thought that there will be a creditable representation from Uoeky Mount at the officer's training camp this year. The civilans camp at I'lattslmrg, .New- York, was not held this year and Ihe of ficer's camp at Fort Oglethorpe -is. to ike its place. The situation for the t'nited States ind other allied' ''countries is getting serious and the boys seem to realize, it is "they lire going ill to get ready for whatever their country, needs of them.. Like the rest of the voung men that have gone fmm Kocky Mount for ser vice in either the army of Navy they are a great credit to the ciry and Kocky Mount is proud of them. . ENVOIS Hi Great Amount of Work Yet to be Done by the British Commission so They Work Overtime. Wiishi ne-f on . M a V IS. Breakfast etin- erenees between meinliers (if. the Unt il mission and Auierietin ofhei.'ils were gun its lust week. The work to lie t;iiii its last week. he. work to he ioi sn grent that every minute is ing lit ilied. . SEVERE WINDSTORM 1HTS GOLDSBORO fioldsboro.Mav .'!. A severe wind and eleetr'uil storm swtpt over this itv about 10::i'l Monday nitflit,- tol- owed bv a heavy down pour of -rain; Iso several niiniites there was a -'heavy shower of light hail but from best: re ports to bo severed this morning, lit tle damage v done to rrts by the storm in this stetion. At the time ;:h" storm came sevrrnl hundred people were under the tent of the elinu'y tigun, which 'opened for a week's engagement this eitv last Tuesday, :mi- ror a half an hour there was great exeite- nient among the audience a, it appear ed at anv mono'in:. Women and eiui- Iren were crying, and the lights-went out and but for the timely appearance' of the manager upon the stage platform who finally assured the frightened au dience-t:hat the tent was 'perfectly nafe doubtless there would have been a man stampede to vacate the tent which would have no doiifct resulted in a serious eatastrophe.'-. OFFICIALS CONFER THREE NATIONS ON VERGE VAK BRAZIUAN MINISTER QUITS POST SHOPGIRL BRIDE OF MILLIONAIRE TO FILE COUNTER SUIT TO DIVORCE PLEA -if "'--".','j l;it.'V;v.- -, i v III ''-Jy' I - Mrs. Philander C Knox. Mrs. Philander C. Knox, Jr., the Providence, R. I., shopgirl who eloped with tha former secretary of state's aon in 1910, has at laat exhibited her fighting; spirit and will bring a counter suit to that of her husband asking divorce. She says vriuner Kr"x wouldn't work arid support her and that sh wouldn't accept charity of his parents. She is now attempting1 to make a ' living; on the, stage., Framing, Plans By Which States May Assist Gov ernment During War OUTLINE WAR PLANS State Executives Meeting ? With National Defence Council. Redfield Outlines Conditions which .Must be Overcome by State and Local Authorities. Washington, May 3. Governors of States or their representatives holding their second day's conferences with the Counsel of National Hef'euse toilav din cussed di-liiiite plans by whirli states may assist the government in carrying out military and economic wn r . meas ures without overlapping or eonfifliei ing of efforts. Secretary .liedlield "Outlined commercial, .couditioas and Weakness, Nvliejh State and local authorities may help overcome. .: " ' BRITISH TRANSPORT ACADIAN SUNK London, May :i. The r.rifisli trans port Acadion was sunk'by a submarine April 13. . It is lelive(t""i.'7(J, were drownuib - TITLE TO SHIPS Republican Leader ' Blocks Administration Bill to Give Title to Seizure of the German War Bound Ships Washington, May ."..The administra tion bill to give title to the seizure-of Gorman war bound ships was blocked again in the House, liepiiblicaii Leader Maun objecting. GOVERNORS PLAN WAR MEASURES BLOCKED BY MANn Sailing- vessel Margate Des troyed Off Irish Coast on April 27 by Gunfire. VESSEL SET ON FIRE No Mention Made of Loss of Life and Fate of the Crew. There Are Several Sailing Vessels By This Name. ' Washington, May .1. The American .ailing ship Margate was destroyed .off flu' Irish ioa-t on April L'7 by a sub marine being set on fire. No mention of a loss of life is made. There are sev cr;rl sailing vesx-ls of that name. RAILROAD OFFICIALS DISCUSS FOOD CROPS Kaleigh.', N. (-., May 3. Mr. L. P. XTelioTs, ' i .eneral . Manager of the C. & N. V. liailway, and, Mr. K. K. lieid, (ieneral Freight and rassanger Agent of the same road, were in the city yes terday from Chester, South Carolina. In dini-ussing the, crops and food problems in'. Mouth Carolina Mr. 'Nichols said that (lie peopie of his State are very much inteieti-d in crops this year, and that much enthtis'm!!! has been raised in this .seet'ndi over the food problem. He is of the opinion that this phase of the preparedness proposifion w ill. bo. given anprecedented attention among the peo ple of 'The Palmetto State. Mr. Held savs that from all his observations, more -gardens wiH be jlanted in his section than ever before. These gentlemen believe that the cot ton in -reage in South Carolina will be materially cut this year. They say that this can be attributed to the fact that the oulook now points to a scarcity of labor to gather and market the crop. The people, they say, are eperiinenting with the potato industry now, with a view of 'making this both a money and .food crop. FRENCH ENVOYS WARMLY GREETED Washington, May 3. Prance's war mission was received on the floor of the I house today. A roar of cheers greeted the distinguished visitors- The visi tors shook hands with the Congressmen, ss M:-i anette'Kankin passed down the I'-ie M. Viviani grasped her hand and '. bending lo4" kisscci it. 'T't BU'SIIP 'mm o:kt IHE coons NOW HOVERING QJi BRINK OF CONFLIC Brazil, Norway and China AH May Be Added to List of Germany's Enemies : BRAZILIAN, FOREIGN MINISTER ' HAS QUIT Possibility Is That All Three Countries May Enter War. Situation in Germany Still OhKniri c on Account-of1 Censorship. tins drawn one step nearer to . war with Germany and today is ene of the thrcn countries who are hovering on the brink of confliet. Norway and China are the two oth-. . er countries which may shortly be add ed to the ever lengthening list of Ger man foes. 'v.'" Two events havs happened la Brazil winch may easily form the impetus to the last remaining step on- the road to var. pr. Muller,' Brazilian foseign minister, has tendered bis resignation',' on the eve of the day. set ior the Bra- , silian p.ongress to- decide whether tle rnpublln shall draw v Its sWord, Dr. Muller has been' persistently reported a au actiy pra.Qflr.n'ani an4 AaALieast. a,, (Jno oppooent.of tLe.hontilififi b?! Brrfjnl ink 'the? HeixioW eSnpire. ': sen His eupiaia ' ibncjUea j.wjti taa Jurder that President- fira-detained the Ger-, mart i;niiiilirter.iS' The BrderwW' Issued on receipt . of hews from . Berlin',"tlfl.t ' the Brazilian BiinnUr. to Oeriuay '(jad : bewn refusex permission, to , leave -the country.-1 '.W-rv. i,i;fuj nl '' The possibility of ItorWa's etrarilrb in the ranks of the allies is based on the havoc wrought among the Norwegian mercantile marines by German 'subma rines. Norway( prior to the war was fourth among the world's seafaring' na tions has suffered so heavily from the ravages of the U-boats that her ship ping is actually threatened with extinc tion. The" bitterness among the Norwe gians'of -'the German war methods. e ... growing rapidly and ninny forces are ;' urging that shipping could not be worse , oft; as a holjif erent, end, they might ,pd eonipensntlon, if pence found her ri the J st ,with the Xntenta,: ) M ,- rr(i U ' All reports from China' igii'e f that the sdvooat'S of war are in majority at Pe king' bnf npparefttly fhe 'presideit is still, reluctant to take the fateful step. In th'i 'hieautrnie the e'ntira'altnnition ., in Kiirope remains obscure through con flicting reports and the xttaordtnary efforts of the censors, especially in the reulm of the Central Powers. The only definite fact in regard to conditions in Germany is that a political crisis 'eists and that the antagonism between' the parties has blazed nut with violence utt knowii since the beginning of the war. There is no light whatever on the strike situation and no reliable news of any knd from Austria. . MAY CURTAIL PASSENGER SERVICE Washington, May 3. Curtailment of passenger train service and shipment of the country's entire output of rolling, stock and "rails to the. allies were fore cast today by Daniel Willard in as peech befire the National Defense conference of Governors, and Representatives of State defense counsels. ' ' Airc-ady-; r "Mr. Willard said, "the Federal counsel's general railroad board Is working on a plan for readjusting snhedules. Othe nations at war,"' he said, "have disrontinued passenfer rl. dales entirely, but tha Amerihan, yovernment hopes to bring the railroada to their highest point of effirienly elim- iuating duplication and reducing the " iiuinber of passenger trams as lar as . . possible without inconveniencing the Ji, public. Of the 14,000 passenger train locomotives in the United States tha f railroad board hopes to Telease 4,00 for ) fie ght trains. i "It is vital that France and "Russia J -have locomotives and cars." said Mr. ' Willard. "We will have to furnish them. ; How can we do itt We can do it by get- j ting along with what equipment we . have nnd. putting into effect measures of greater railway economy.' t' FIGHT RESUMED ON t ESPIONAGE BILL Washington, May 3. The 6ght on the ceiisiirs'hip section of the espionage bi'. was resumed in the House today.