. TEL1 EGRAM VOL. IX. NO. 286. ROCKY MOUNT, N, C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 17, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTO THE Today's Weather Icq p jg Forecast x Jell' t . . J TRAINING CMP 10 BE UNDER CHARGE OF GENERAL WOOD - . X, Will Have Charge of Twelve . ' of the Thirty Two Camps in United States CAMPS ARE-GROUPED INTO DEPARTMENTS Will Be Twelve in Southeast crn Department, one in JNorincastern, rour in Eastern, Six in Central, Six in Southern and Three in Western. Washington, Mav lT.--Thc chief cen ter of the armv training camps h v t he War Department decision todav will bo located under the new southeastern do pnitinentr' under M a or General Wood. Twelve (.f t he thirty-two camps will he placed in General Wood s depart incut, which will he responsible tor ns inanv as any other two depart nients combined. Grouped by depaiTlmcmTs, twedv e of the camps are to he located in the south eastern; one in the northeastern, four in the. eastern, six in the central, nix ih the southern depart incut mid three in the western department. Selection of sites will depend largely upon transpor tation, water and light supplies and "l'pJi t"'' ('f 'bind fnr rvrrriinff--thj--t loops. ITS METJUESDAY Plans For Entertainment at . State Convention at Wil son June 19-21 Made. Oth cr Business Transacted. The Retail Merchants Association held a meeting Tuesday night to ar range for one dav's entertainment ot the Mate 'Convention to he held in il noil June lit 21. Hockv Mount made a hid for the convention last vear hut. when tnc neighboring citv won out Hockv Mount ottered as an extra in dticeniont an old time lelgocninho hnrhc uc, which could" not" tie-T0siSird1ttid- it was agreed' that Wilson shnre the hon ors with Rocky Mount and that the con vention he transported in cars to the hitv that ''Lends the VVav hvorv I'nv. " "Tlijj'Msocintion also passed n resolu tion recommending that nil stores, wit u the exception of drug and grocery stores close not later than II o'clock oti. iti t -iirday nights. This will enable, the merchants and employees to attend Sun day school and church on .Sunday morn ing, whereas hy the old .plan of idosing Ot midnight inanv -ot them felt an in (linat:nn. anil use I the inclination as an excuse to --stav at home and rest Sunday mornings. 1 he-,' r is. present slated that thev nuiiiil not adopt the early closing hour, since . thev were al 111! st compelled to till orders and make deliveries even after midnight on Si' urdavs. Of course this hardship U imposed up on them hy the carelessness of house wives who neglect to send in their Or ders until the inevitahle last minute, thereby unconsciously imposing an ex tra burden upon the merchant, his clerks and the tired, horses who faithfully make the deliveries. Kverv housewife could help to make Sunday more strict ly ohserved and lighten the load of hu inanity if she would eonsdier the peo ple who in u.st .till her late -orders and Mend them in -oa'f ly so as not to lengthen the working hours of those faithful in her service. V .'....- COTTON MARKET New York, Mav ! 7. Cotton futures opened steady. May 20.11.",; .1 illy 'J.W ; October ISj.fl ; December lii.'iii; Jauuary l!l .'ill. ' ' ' New Yoik, May IT. The cotton mar. ket today opened steady at an advance of 1 to 'A points anil eased hack from 1!U2 to lit.S.1 for .July and from 1!U." to li'.Hl for October and llin'tuated within this range toward the middle of the morning. Si ntiment' seemed to he ratheT more cheerful with reference to general and political conditions and the strong est tone of the stock market may have encourage Wall Street buying. STOCK MARKET New York, May 17. Many substan tial additions to yesterday's sweeping gains were made" at the active opening of today's market, Kipiipuients and mu nitions again being most favored. Ad vances in these ran from large. fractions in the I'nited States and Bethlehem Steel to 2 1-2 points for Virginia Iron, Central Leather, shippings and coppers and Industrial Alcohol gained 1 to 2 points. Louisville and Nashville led the rails at a 3 12 point gain. ET IE C NASH FARMERS TO MEET SATURDAY !"TheNa8nC6iintT"ood Com--mission food crops campaign meet ings will be held throughout the county Saturday afternoon, May 19, at 3 o'clock. Several local gathering places have been arranged in each town ship, and the fanners in every community notified where the moetlngs for their locality is to be held. An Interesting and help ful meeting is promised at each place, and everyone interested in the increased production of food stuffs is urged to attend one of these meetings. ,v "Your County neefls You I " "Don't be a slacker! ' ' Throughout County Farm crs Will G athcrEorpjir pose of Discussing Prob lems of Increasing Food Supply. While the govern men t is marshaling its-light ing forces anil drilling soldiers in the art of mnilern warfare, the farm crn ol Nash county are mobilizing for the equally important "Second Line of Defense," the production of food stuffs. There are no "slackers" in this second Tl ne army, for every farmer h as h ear the call of his country, and every one has responded. On Saturdav afternoon, Mav li'th, at i o'clock, there will ho held through tint Nash countv at about ..thirty-five local gathering places a group of enthu siastic meetings for the purpose of dis cussing the food situation and the needs of the country, nnd to work our definite plans of work and cooperation to in crease the loud 'production and relieve the dangerous food shortage. The towiifdnp committeemen who have had in charge the organization ol this work are well .qualified to make these meetings successful, and the re ports from everv corner of the countv seem to indicate that the poopl keenly interested' in the movement that it U expected fully five thousand poo pie w ill attend tnese meetings. alualili information about the food situation and inanv practical suggestions for im proving th-1 . kit nation-, in our own coin tn u it it have been printed and placed in the hands of the .committeeman', in charge of each meeting, and it is be TievT'i1thatr-v'v -iuutJXeyerv farm er 's wife, and every attends one of thes boily and girl w licit meetings will eeive suggestions which will prove help .fill mid heneticial. Atiotit -fifteen of the meetings have re'l'ie 1 ed the central commission to furnish them w it li on tsiile speakers, and those demands will lie filled by men froni the '.'Hockv Mount .Chamber of ' 'oiiitncrce, and froni 1 he Nashville iinil Spring Ilipe ' .Chainliers of Coinineri'e. The, other meeting.! will be addressed bv local speakers. The-citizens ot Nashville are so mi nressed with the great value of. this movement that they have -'unanimously ngrei d t'i close all stores from three to 1 unison Mitordav at ternoon. and a large attcOdanc"" is expected at -the meeting vhicli will be' held in ' Nasli iile. Mr. :,ini Weaver, chairman of Kockv .Mount township, has arranged for the meeting in this township to he held at Hi.H'pshnrg. firiftin school house, Willi ford 's school and W, ). Carter's store. When the nation faces a crisis, we need the best farming in its history, and in. the present crisis there is no, more important work to be done than the in tellig.mt and ' loyal cooperation of the fanners to secure the: largest possible acreage of food crops and intensive cul tivation of tlnw already planted. ' Nash county has always been known for .'its progressive1 spirit and its loyal ty,. iiiul in this wide .spread .movement to help i nthe present hour of need, the farmers of Nash are simply hving up to the traditions of patriotism- and de- pondability which have been handed iw ii for generations. .. DECORATING FOR SHRINERS MEETING Hocky Mount is getting ready for the Shriners. Mr. II. H. I'axon, of Atlantic City, New Jersey, is in the city decorat ing for the Shriners. The Shriners cm Idem of$ the fez, sabre and crescent is appearing from the stores of the city and make a good appearance. The hunt ing of the Shriners' emblem together with the national colors compose the decorations that are being put on the tmsiness buildings of the city. Kverv store' practicalyl in the city is being decorated and when Mr Paxon get through placing Ms hunting the store fronts will have a tine appearance. NEW CAVALRY TROOP FROM WILMINGTON Raleigh. -Mav 17. The newlv organiz ed cavalry, troop ('., at Wilmington and at Andrews, have been recognized by the War Department was units of the North Carolina National Guard, it was announced todav at the adjutant's of fice. BIG JVIEETIIMG FOR N H SATUROAY IGIITEAGUEGEE? NUVV uldUrtNULU Directors in Meeting at Nor folk Last Night Decide lo Dissolve League ALL CLUBS IN TROUBLE Portsmouth Club Quit First on Account of War Condi tions and Decision of Di rectors to Disband the League Followed.. The. A irginia league has ceased busi ness for the l'.17 season, at least, ac cording to a decision reached last night hy the Virginia league directum, in. n called meeting held in Norfolk. The dis ruption came almost as a ( lap out ot a deal shv and veiiterdav mr.iiiim' th Portsmouth mun.ugemeiit. decided' that it had enough and would quit, and so thev wired President Bradley at liieh- nond that thoy would pay -their .play ers and close the season and sn with this idviee on Hand there went out tho "S. O. S." call. Last'iiiglit from S o'clock until well after 2 a. m. the directors of the league wranglcf over the various clinnrrs I or ri-urynimat imi or a revival of the circuit with thefina1 rict-woi-that they should bring the season to a lose. With the meeting last night there was developed that not only was Portsmouth - in trouble but that Petersburg and .rw- port-News had empty i'offejan.ilpros: pects of small attendance with which to continue the season, and they voted with Portsmouth that the season should be terinini'tedr In the meantime hhza beth Citv's application forJTTrv Ports mouth franchise was .considered' hut tnero was nothing tangible from them md with Petersburg and Newport News insisting that thev too were- through this effort at reorganization was block f, In fact the Norfolk and Lvnchliur! inanoireineiits ofTered to franchise th weak s.Htcr of Portsmouth for several duvs lonirer in lioues of saving tin league, and in this Hockv Mouiit assent ed hut this effort failed. The position of Hocky Mount up un- ti niii niL'ht was that it was tins city s lesire to piny hall and we had uml gone great expense to this end, and that we desired to-continue tlie season. At nuiliuglit, however, President Move norts that there as no abatement ot the .Ivadloi k and that he then switched for a niinoritv with those favoring essation of plav for the season. 1 lieu many enorts and plans were net inch tn hones of continuing the circuit hut all to no nvail and the irginia league s de mlse occurred shortly before 2 a. m., to lay in a room in the Monticello Hotel, PT.AM-TO CONTINUE ONE LEAGUE Before votiug.to close-the aeasim Pres ident Move was in receipt ot . alviee that indicated that the Carolina league was upon the rocks wit ii vtsnevuie aici Ualeigli. in distress. Mo this inorniiig Ivised President Urainlinm at I'lirnam of the action of the Virginia league di- eetors" inThisrne"flia. seasou and he advised that since Lvncliburg had for mil v filed an application for admission the Carolina1 league taking Ashe, illl'to franchise that he considered that there was a possibility ot a reor ganisation, especially if Hocky Mount might fill the vacancy made by baleigh 111(1 .Iliat a. t u nil i na U K i ma ii might be iierfected. Looking to tins nd there is called tor tomorrow morn ing.al rue t'li-'iioro nuto m oioim boro a meeting for the purpose of devis ing ways ami means, if there be any of ontiuing n basoliall league num. cuius within the two states. :. MEETING TONIGHT OF LOCAL FANS 1 n 'v i e w of :t Tre njipoiwuttLJifloxd out MUine-'tlio season, n 1 1 is ncsin ounlcd with the-desire' of the -directors to learn the sentiment of the citiens and two hundred, owners of the local base- lull 'plant there will' be held tonight a ublie meeting starting at S o'clock in the Chamber ot (.'oinniercc nioms, sec- Olid floor Philips building. At this meeting all interested are urged to be present and the sentiment of the community will be asctreained as far as possible as to whether OLiiot baseball is desired for the remainder ot the season and if so a delegate will be named to the''-meeting to be held in ircensboro tomorrow. The meeting is to be called at 8 o clock ami attendance upon the part of every stockholder and fan is expected. REICHSTAG ADJOURNS UNTIL JULY 5TH Amsterdam, May 17. The reic hstag has adjourned until July .". The Social ist'IVtnocrats voted against the military and other budgets; both factions of the party uniting in their opposition ALLIES TRADE CONGRESS TODAY Rome, May 17. The economic of the Kutente Allies, for trade co-operation during and after the war, win tie tigiu- ened by the Inter-parliamentary Com mercial Congress scheduled to hold Its first session here todav. American co operation in the plans under way will bo considered. ' mm? SITUAT IN SHADOW OF WASHINGTON'S STATUE PARIS CELEBRATION IN HONOR QF AMERICA'S '. iMflT' memmSm& fl " t rl! If ii ! ht few''' fff Great crowd gathered around the George Washington statue on the Place d'lena, Paris, listening to address being made by an orator who paid great homage and honor to the United States. -'..'- Th above pictured incident was perhaps the most Impressive of the episodes marking France's celebra tion of America switry-lntothe warThe AmericatLambassador participated in the ceremonies, which were also honored by the presence of high French officials. America's lining up witKhe entente allies "was theocT" casion for a tremendous spontaneous outburst of enthusiasm throughout France and especially in Paris, where Americans and their works are known and appreciated. WOULD PREVENT FOOD EOTORTO Government, If Given Power to Fix Maximum Prices, Would Break Corners HOUSTON EXPLAINS Government Would Only Ex ercise Authority to Break Up Corners.. and Prevent, Extortion, if Given Power to Fix Food Prices. Washington,. May 17. Tin meat, if givoir the power to ni u 1 1 1 T f o 1 1 d p r i c es -w o ul d..c x "Te icy onlv t break up corner vent evtnri.it.iti, r'ecretarv Houston plaiii"d today in a letli r replyi'iir,' to an inquiry. I.'efei ring to iop'ii:ir tnisiiji prehension "regarding the iioe.,il i ha' th'- go'. ei iimcnt men set a pi ice on food stuffs, Secretary Houston explained that only t xvo su;rge;it ions hat e, been, mad One is that he government f.c giwi; power to fix n miiiini.Uin prieo: to a t iev' of stiinulat ing production. This price would be siitliei' ni ly high to msmiiv pro dilcers against loss. 't'te. ot her is thai th.' government I"- give'a pover to lit' a minimum price in' extrfiie emergen eies to break up corners or to cont ro1 extortion. : BARAC-A-P1I I LATJ IEA MEETING OPENS A-hetiil. . . i .. M:.v 17.----delegates from all larts.of the State were luM-e to day for the opennm" -of- t he 'eon i i t ion of the li'araea and Pliilijt lied classes ot. North 'Carolina. ; Preparii.tioiis- tvi'i'" nia1!! to reeeit,- one thousand yisifor,. The. first session will be held tonight stlhfHiitterv Park .1 Intel and will i on tinu'e throulPiiiiilay. The pi ogi am i a lengtiiv one with joinf-" nua-tins in several el' the churehes in the city each day. The ' concluding session will be held Sunday night church. nt the l-'irst Hapt . FAMOUS AIRMAN REPORTED KILLED Amsterdam, Mav 17. The Telegraf! cjuotes a statement printed in a trcrniari newspaper that the fanious Preach air man, Captain Mourner, who is reported missing, was shofdown behind the tier, man lines and killed. , ' MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR J. II. CHOATE London. Mav 17. A memorial vice for the late Joseph II. Choate, tiler American ambassador to Creat tain will be hold at St. liar-;; Ser- for 11: i r.-t- church, Westminster Abby, on Monday. The service will be conducted by coir ducted by the"Arh Bishop of Canta lmrv anil Canon Carnegie. , govern Ii s ion i se ,t lie. po! i ;iud p,r AIL TO STOP BRITISH MAS TO RUSSIA S E TO BE RAISED Treasury Department Says $2,015,000,000 Instead of $1,800,000,000 Needed - BILL UNDER DERATE Representative Kitchin No tified of the Need of the Increase and 'Urges Sup port of ProposalrTo Raise Income Surtax on Sums A hove $10,000. Washington, May .1". Democratic ladmJvil.idiin nnnoiiiH'ed in the House ida'V 4-1 liit,' the Treasury I epart ment had notified him it would bp necessary' to raise .1-J,oi..,iiimi.oiiii instead of oi.inMi.'iii'i .y t hi' war. revenue bill now mid' r if l.aic. . He-urged support ot new proposal to raise the income surtax on i:o ceisc, on sums above I 'iMMl as now oe tained by the bill by one fourth. Kitchin 's announcement was a great r.u 1 1 ri s"i 1 when the movement to in ert ase the income taxes was started yes t rday. Mr, Kitchin I'oug.it it vigorous ly. Immediately al ter Kitchin 'a an nouncement tudapj Representative 1. en root int rodiiccd ' an. amendment 1 1 . i 1 1 -ci-iase. tlie proposed sur taxes between f;n,0in and i?ii,iili'l.'froin ifli to l.'i to 7." per cent. The Lenwood report was adopted 'in the committee of the whole bv an o cr-. heiiNing ote. Preparations were immediately made to proposo simi l.'r increase on all the remaining divisr ions ot the income tax section. Mi anw hile. hope of striking from the bill proposed taxes on freight, light and i rat bill b.i sub si il hies of. the Mir a VPs' increase as proposed by liepresenta tive. I. enroot, seeuie f to disaipeni. Hope that it would be possible to strike out lie proposed increase rate on second class matter also waned seme'what, but supporters ot the proposal were deter mined to make a hard fight. GERMANS LOSE CAPTURED VILLAGE - Iterbn, May 17. The ground which was captured by the Hermans in the vil lage of lioeii-v yrster lay morning wast biter lost following u strong British coiriier at'acks, savs the (ierinan state ment. . GERMANS CAPTURE MANY PRISONERS Berlin, May 17. So far during the month of May, says the official state ment, issued today by the German War Otlice the Cermans on the western front have taken Knglisli prisoners and have captured 2,700 Frenchmen. 1 VENUE TILL HOLDS GREAT ENTRANCE INTO WAR NO SETTLEMENT Irish Nationalist Leader Re- jeets Proposal of Lloyd George for Settlement A COUNTER PROPOSAL But John Redmond, Nation alist Leader, Accepts Pro posal For Calling Conven- t ion at Once to-Decide on Government For Ireland. London, ,Mav 17. John Itedmonil. leader, of the Irish. Nationalists in "the lb use ol I :iininons today rejectfld tho proposal ol Premier l.lovd tieorge tor a -el IteTT'iT'iil ol' lhi' hoihc ruiefpicHtion tiv ii'cejding the proposal for imineiliate culling ol u convention to decide on a g vernmpfit for Irelaiut. CABINET CRISIS IN RUSSIA SETTLED Petrograd, May 17. --A settlement of the cabinet crisis has been settled.. A d'elarat-oii of the government's policy hsa been accepted by the representn -tivesd' tie i oiinnol of work men and sol diers' delegates with merely slight al terations and was signed by them mi' n ' l.t. at FOREST FIRES IN THE NORTHWEST Ibiliith, NI i mi., May 17. prom ninny points in M ichigan, Wisconsin and Min nesota reports continue to come today that forest fires were ooing rienvv dam age. Onlv rain now can save the sitna' tion, it is declared. Hundreds are light, ing the flume. Destroyed Off Coast of Italy With Loss of Four Mem bers of Crew, Say Reports. New York, Mat- 17. The American steamshio Hilonia has been torpedoed and sunk off li -noa, Italv, with a loss of four members of the crew, according to a eabb eiam irodved here In- the own ers of the Pniversal Transportation cooinanv. - - The Hillenonisn was not armed. She left here April 27 for Genoa with cargo. She carried a crew of 39 men of whom li were American citizens. OF IRISH OUESTIOH AIM! SHIP j HILDiMIAN SUNK ADVANCE; DOUBTF GERMANS FAIL TO STOP ADVAP1CE OF Furious Counter Attacks Break Down Under Brit ish Artillery Fire OFFENSIVE IS. BEGUN ONTHE ITALIAN FRONT Allied OflensiveriirMacedo- nia Continues Successful ly. Outcome of Situation in Russia Still in Doubt and No News of Importance Received. . The (iermans lmv failed ot atop the British advance. Tile most furioua and sustained counter attacks have wither ed before, the Britsh artillery and th miJipdhjonfiHT'Beiiliurg Tine goea on slowly, but without halt. Tho tremendous effort! made by Field Marshal Von Ilindenburg to gain th ''initiative have failed. Von Ilindenburg evidently uacd every ounce of atrength at lus command to wrest from the Brit ish the villages of Rout and Buleeourt 'and the out come ia summed up in the almost nionotinous repetition by the 'British war ofllco Of the tatemnntt " Our troop made progress in the llin deuburg lin.',' v .. j-' .;.;;; .,.,:,.,: Possibly more ominous for Berlin be cause of the wobbly eonditiort tt her Austrian- ally; it the news of the grat, blows struck by Italy in the direction if Triest. ' The Italians hav opened their spring offensive in brilliant fash ion, attacking on a wider front and ap- pnrentyl with greater forces than auy other previous operation. The allin doffenslve in Macedonia con tinues with considerable success for the British forms, but the lighting is ia : such a Wide front and so psamodie in character that It smeaning is obscured. Reports from Bulgaria of nation wide discontent and wariness of war may be significant in connection with General Sarnnl s campaign. 1 he Russian factions have patiied up a-ttuu but-tha-nutooina-isiatill in-doubt. In nay. event is seems certain that lit tle ran be expected from Russian in a m ilatiraywC-tiw 123456 12:14566..., military way for a long time to come. WHEAT PRICES BREAK 16 CENTS Chicago, May 17. May wheat prices broke as much as 16 cents a bushel to day on accessions that the Entente gov ernment would sell back huge amounts of futures they bought in the United Ktates. Opening prices ranged 7 to 16 points lower with July at $2.41 and to L22 and September at $1.95 to $2. BLIND TIGER GETS TWELVE MONTHS The number of defendants in the mu nicipal court this morning made a de- i cided increase over the holiday yester day and many had the painful experi ence of appearing before Judge Foun tain. Henry Kakeyscr, .ft negro, one of the old opticfess tigers of the city was tha only one to fare hard at the hands of the' city. Henry answered to the first charge of retailing the beverage which makes the width of the road worry you more than the length and which also causes those who associate with- it too freely to alternate from one side of the sidewalk to tho other. Henry was sen t en ecdtoii i ire mcmt hs onr" the roads where he wil ltake the physical culture, provided by the road district. This will 'improve Henry's physical condition wonderfully and is about as beneficial as training in the ramy only a little more compusory. But tins was not all-Henry had to do. He was charged with having had liquor for the purposa of sale Hard luck ac companied Henry again and he was giv en three, more months of training on the road district. Henry did not like the idea so he appealed, which was noted. Henry is now under a 250 bond. Dave .Sumner, a son of the 'ebony race7was charged with an assault and it was deemed advisable to relieve Eave of the sum of $12.50. ; Sol Young, a negro, was charged with embezzlement and his case was ; nol prossed with leave. Perlie Roberson, a negro, was charged with "chunking rocks" one of which atomized a window pane in too city. PAIibi Ike was theYe, however, and Per- lie had judgment suspended in the ease. The A. W. Gill Oil Company answer ed to a charge of delivering oil on Sun- .flay, but it.waa- found to be1 ease of necessity and judgment was suspended. UL TROOPS OP BRITISH

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