- Friday, May. 18,1917, P" J. VfWIIHIi T THEY WILL .;. ins eve:;i:;o tlleghali FRENCH WIDEN :ift 11 L'8T REPRESENTED IT GREENSBORO Ui'll lll Ji'NH ,'IMll IlllS HI .1' II I llllisl ()(' his tllllt' tlMHIIIIIIU till' IICWSpllpl'I'.-l lllllt .1.-SS Would llfllt wlll'lll-VCr tllO opponent WIIH louiiii who coui.i k 1 : 1 1 1 I iii mo "aim-, riuj; ,u.tilt . n limit iii-Hn.. f rum pure heuVVW'fleJlt YOUNG CUBAN STARS IN WESTERN LEAGUE 1 No - Interest irt Proposition of this City to' Join New ; League Mads Up of Cities In Two Slates. ...fi'.;.-:f ;.;.,?, ." "- Thus. Vil-y K"Vg without "IM-csi-iiIii -linn klJhtl.Mcaimg-jcit tlitultttfiin inn l.nrolnia leiijrno baaebnu iifiiuiti'H .-nil ,' il for (Irfcnnboro tkis jifteruoon when n. vulipnt effort, wir ;bu jnnile to wood mtt fhe wckIc KintciH hvcnoli circuit nml perec( i strong orgatilHtion. With the I'lisKOlutjOH of "tint 'Virginia, leiiojuo cir ' fuit ThutUilfif nmfilfug there vi.is nt hist held' pu hoiiic. Juipi that the (inn Jina jouguc, whiolrn .nlsu m trnuido iii(:JiD hiciul itx fends-and continue in tho" ipimiv with1 tho u!i Of n (in in 's - clul tliat ntlll wtiiito.i (o J)lnr I'hII. Tlicio mi called for tho handier of ' iKhla .!!!ttlii( of tlio. directors nml . nlM-Mko)ici'$ Of tlm- bull club for tin' -, purposo of il HciiBMiinJ the iidvisuhi hi v :' of thin city taking the KalciKh trim - chine and bunking a debut in tin- tmf . Ji.M league There vn, hoivcyor, a Iih I Appointing lack of inti-rosf. upon tlio . mtt of the owners of the local club, iluo in part to conflict iiik cii(;!io;onientM and J other matters anil it wan dooi.lo.l that ''i no further net ion should ho taken mul Mint WO would stand bv the V in'mia . league. , ,'. With no outlook for continiunn the , f trcqit tho fifteen player w no made jip ho personnel of the, .local club are leav ing for homes or other positions ttnlav. Vhilo Munatjer livnii has nnnoiiiii eil Ins ietrntiujis ot reniniiiiiiff here tor several ' ilay yet. Inehnloil nmoii' the pin vers . who have left nlremly or who are plan tiing to leave in the near '.future, Jim Qinnefroo, ot tlio Tnllnlotm Cluli in tlio lilllk Hi t II.' v. r M pion. ";t(ilin l Sullivan, Janiofi .1, ('orlietl, liuli I il .iiiiiaioii. . I mi .it'll rien, noil ov'oii Jack Jolinsoii uiusl ha vo clinckleil 11. delves nliniiHt lulu hv.ilei id I v I Iiim limn I V the liii'ie I'liiiHiilernl iii)-.iL,niiell a champion 11 cliainiiiui who iIiiivm not, or rol urii'H to filit. J illnnl im wroiiii nil "ii he sa.v there is mi inn' worthy .of n match c,'i6liy4'iin. liven fihnij'li' lie . ii liaclu'il lv Tom loiicH, Jack . Virl.'y nml 1he rest of tliom li. l'i vio,it.r' 'Vi'f only in there one man i.liu u nl'l Im' acci'ptalilo tor n mutch uith the chaiiipiou, Inn there are al Last ty,ii. - Ueoril-Alnbiiiliii lenjiue, ilainis 111 ..greater nuniher, nml Lnrnssv, lleno ii) tftunipf have Iiim'II teniloreil post tions; Tbeis inuv go to Hanover, I'a.! Coylu ainl Jaian-ma v ii to Mn.skejjun in tho Ceutrul'aKile, while Uhiti ratt left Inst night for I'oi t avue, linliana. having ncci'iitml the teriiiH it tliri r eluli ill the Central league, llollv will proli ably (jo back to the World's liatiipnin AiniitciiiH, the Norwood rluh of ( ini in. HUti, wiiil - rperker pluua to. jilav--vv-rtli A emi-jircifesioaal eluli in I lie mulie city. ' , Willard has cnati'iiloil jiinisi'lf tili'iin.',j dmviV the iii-sistenco of . I ' M in tj s liv the ass. 'il ion that Mori is no card. '.Morris," ho miavely declar H, . ' ' mmld not draw n liouso of if In mm; " -. AI':-iol:.t('!y wion. A idiaiupiniisli i niiiti'h lie! ween Jess Willanl and 1 nr Mnriis- oi: a cliiiiiijiiniiHliip' niatdi -be tuo. u .less YVillnril ami almost ' nnv In a vvweicht that could ho riainoil wool lraNai! eimi imiuii crowd. 'I ho ohlv (hi. Hie piibln: would ak would ho to 'a.-to-s oa'i;;;li to sta'o the nlVair sum hoiio that Hie iiroiuotors I'olisuloron Tlioir Vili io outride Xew Tork or Wisriiusiti - vhoin a i! 'oisioii would nettle, disputes Uielore th.'V staiti'il. ... 1'ie.l I nit: im M.mJd be. a KOiuL oppcti: t I'ui' tlio ( ha:iiiiioii(diiii. isil 't any- tliiii;; ti) su ickor, alioiit. . I''red ''uItou or t 'ail . Morris oit her would make tho fat and im-oiiip 'lout ch.'nopiio.i step rati iivrivTr. i;eep tne Lilt ou Ins crown f mm. Iiciiijf lai uished. J t 'h ahmil t iiiu tie lii',';ui to idinw sij;i.s of Iii'". Tli. Ii'lit luus want it. lie en ii t hold in tic Ii loiifior and ho it better (ran be fore t ho ..Jirulihiii;;' (jets .loo hot for Iiim. f i l j - v i RESULTS YESTERDAY Carolina League. At I n rim in I : inston Snlm At (ireonslioro S; lialoiylt ,'. At (.'harlul.e 7; Ashoville L Diary Of a French Soldier Is Demonstrative of the Feeling of Victory Among French Troops. STANDING OF CLUBS Carolina League. Clubs: : I'uvliam . . . (irei'iishoio Charlotte . Winston Ashcville . Kuleb-li ... vr. Jose liungo. .Jose Hunrro, a younir Cuban, is nwkiiijf them sit up ami observe in tho VVcbtvru lcao-iia thia . euiuon. Al A I A I At National League. I'.iihIiiii I ; I lni-a'ii I'liiladolphia M : I 'it tsbu rli lirooklvu 1 Ciiieinii.'it i In. .Now hoik 111; ,st. laiuis American League. At ( Incaijo 7 At liolroit -J: At Clcvoluml -l - I .OIIIH' ; I'hilaib-lphiii J), Wasliiutou 1. 7: Host I. J-'-romh Krant-r-Alav lx I'UKO dior wwsponil- Vssoi iat.i'il I 'reus - Two diary of n Fr 'iicli sol inouilior of an miaul rv ultack on the (loriuaii which bewail on of the f rum I ho who was a unit during the bnos in t liampaejie, Apnl d this year, will nerve to doiiion Hliato the leelino; nl confidoiii"' of the I leiicli troops ia their power to boat the Sol mans. '1 ho extract renin: "1:10 a. in. - A- palo lijjht whitens sightly the sky heavy witli clohds-hiiu-.o yest-'f.bn-nyeiuiie; al six o'colck caiinoii have thilndirod uninterrupted Iv. the si 111 in I I'sonililiiijf tH' iQlliii,; of International League. At UufTalo I I; I'rovidonee I .!. At Koclii'Mtor II; Haltiinoie 1.1, At Toronto .T; Kiclniionil ,t. At .Montreal -1; .Newark (!. American Association. At .Milwaukee M : Indiaiiaimlis At Kansas fit v I I ; Toledo S. At Minneapolis I: I .iuiis I lie '. At St. I'aul-ti; fohiml'iis ,"i. t ; At Southern league. ItnunTijrIiaiir7; Atlanta ... M.ohilo '1 ; Menipliitt l...j hattanoo";.'! f: Nashville l' l.illte Itook o: New Orleans S. A. L. LEAGUE- - giant drum. .All niylit wind anil raiii. A iihovver has just stopied. The coin niiiuii'iitiou trench is lull ot water ami we sink into miiil up to 1 ho nnklos. .. '."i:..il a. in. At the colonel '8 post, lie chats with Ins adjutant and two cap tains,, cheerful smiling vtiiniK men, al riiflil.v weariii),' their steel helmets, their belts ami euuipmcut, with iron shod wilkino; sticks in their hands, rcadv to Outside the dav breaks until lit little tile wan liijht Kiuoads (i cr Hie, two eai'tains h coiupanios utter taknij; imls l Jncksonville Ai. t uliimhus S ; At t. liai'lostoji !th, daiknoi'S'. -t : Maeou . Augusta ; i. olumbi.'i (called 17 l.-i I I 1 I 10 I 1 1 1 1 rj l'i is .''... j , , I f ) 'L-LL Itf A. .; i 1 i1 fa- n I - 'i . " '-" l use - i, ..!0S r I iVVIIEPS THEY PLAY TODAYj National League. WILLARD CAN'T HOLD OFF MUCH LONGER By II. 0. HAMILTON (Unitod Tress Sta.T Corrospoiulent) NifW York, Mav IS. loss Willard has not iiiel, un opponent no the rnijj for moro than :i year. Willard has spent Ins tune I raveling around over th' count rv with u circus, . drawing a huo;e.Halaixilifoli.ihi.' power ft hjs name, hIiowiuj; the peepul hone lie knocked out J.'u.Jt Johnson and brought hack the title to the white race. Tom JoniJ, the barber, has travelled Clubs: ( 'liieaeo . . . N ow oi k ,. rhilnilolptiia St. Loins . ( inenili.'it i I tost llll . . . , lirooklvu . . l'ittnliui'Hli . W. jj(l. II I I. It J .' 8 .-:! 1 1 Is i.; li .10 l 'it 74 U iii;7 i;ii!i 'iiiu .((Hi s :ii!i' American League. . Cliiba: " W. I,, lvt- Hostoi, 17 ; S ; .lisu New h ork ... ...... Hi M i; III Chicnj;o , i't ;.t;' ': .l',i;." me.vjl;nu4 , , .. .(Ji , . . .V St.. lain is . . . , ,t. . II S. 1)1 .Hi 7 Washiiieiiiu II- Hi :' ,ln7 hotuiit , pi ,17 .::;o I'iiiladolpliia' . . . . . , 7 IS .L'Ml Carolina League. ( i reenslinro. at Itiirhuiii.' at Cliarrulto. Wo aavo just installed ono of tho latest 'improved Slicing Machines and wo are m a position to supply you with Plitod Boiled .II,invCliippedEe2f.aiid Sliced Limch Ton no'. Wo aI:o slico lo.if bread lor parlies. etc. &i7o us ycur order .tomorrow and real 'Izo what real Katiciatticn l'i, ' National League. . ('ii)ehniati at llosfon. . S'-. I.nnis fit r'.i-miklvii. I 'it tslniryli at New ork. Chieaun .: at rililailelpbij It d AH-h-hl" vou Snv. "that's what T wanf?" Anrl V jt " " down goes that glass of sparkling PEPSI- S iijf - cola, drained to the very last drop a glassful of W' vi1 pure, wholesome joy that makes you ungle with pleasure to the soles of your feet. j&P Sj 13 : l.l TL . ,. r .iW W i jioui uwu juuuci i. licit: is no suustuuio tor fti.fiL- ri II Cola Tesu-nt th sniro-i5tinn. . B- 1 1 Say "PEPSI-Cola" at tho fountain today. f rl will be provided. f jpj FA if f fB' 1 crala from your proeer's fiv4 tlio nf Tli.it this leiiniou, which' is. Ibo lirst BJii Vf ' Ice-box-tit will gladden the wbojo family. . i ' i ' ' 1 " hiii" Inl.l al t lie ini.t ionai '.'eapitnl, will . - v ""' Wlivvmis??r;i!J drink nt.l.ac.t !:,r.ev crowds limn havo' nssi'in- SlATi(r ' jf?3 ' prpf I p ... Id 'I al any provions reunion, and that f 1 i 1" if l1 J ' 5 i -51-CCia ll.o u.'il- activi;,es nill not i it anv way . J J '!. gmf I . ' 10 . y i jSlr Pnro enne -yerir, fcarhonatct interfere with the program tilromlv nr- - c lv 11 fAi ! )Si A 1 . ''Sl J- V VJ ; tOl 1'fr.l-SI-Col.i. .Ko.ii.yt.-ry In it 4 sender 1 rallic Manaijer W. 11. 'layloo. J 2 J V-m,mr VjV.l, ire: j.,Mt a rroocr tv":.liHf I he appearance ol the old vrtrrimx at . .-Jlr.. iVoSveS. V-!1yo.,iso,p.le,od4,- sliuiulatepa: ' A i jm g s tS j Mt ... ... r-cml ii is roircsbinR, aa in- .tri.tis:n and t bus : ' help t lie ju-es lit s kr. Healthful Rerreshtftent ISSSSIS - "!"iS"' : ::y:Y--'--y:':'- v : tk mr .h iPl American League. - Ilostiin at "i':c;:;;o. , ' 'Washington at St. Touis. ' Now York at I i-t roit. t.'liiladolpliia ;it . lo'v.'laud. PLANS TO CARRY . VETERANS 'MADE Alio i ii.l I i (ia., ,M.-iv H. I'laii.s e t tituis.-inds of visitor:' nun t he .'h.iiIIi 'Alio ill Mtlond. t lie e 1 'n it i d ( 'on foden liiiiir'.liin, l. '., mi 'inclusive, wi re made W 'i u n un I ro ito Voter .1 lino lib lit a con. i.o ol" ollicei-.s of tho oporatiiii and oyer t i'ii (lie iloparl nii'iits (if '.'' thi"1 'in Hailwuy' Systonr in Atlanta y and Tuesday.: '. luoeinents were' pi'i'l'octeil at the L'nee i or ( In' oicrnf ion ot' lie! ween Hid f.'i'ty spo'ial trains to V:is in addition to extra equipment Ira Seetiiius on tlio roejiilar paw iraiiis. ; For the. reiiniini a spo .:aniatlou uill.be fonneil by tbi ; n at- ashni;toii to nsist th is :iiid their, friends in- niakin iirranoiiioiits for rol urn trips, A lai'K nuiuber ol exiterl passeiiL'eu men will b" assiirned for this purpose.'-.'' Special o.perntinj,' and iiioclianioal .forces will lit ilot.'iiloil to assure the prompt movement. rain and spoe'i.'il pi'"'" - start, tie bv the ure.v plain to join t heir leave ot tho colonel who shakos I with tii-iii, remark!!!: 'All riht on) --(-will hjhi vou out t horoJ - .": I"i a. in. n the junipinv' oil'. .ii. i. j n ino uriHvine; iijiu tiiem.oii are toopnifj in the mud at the bottom ot the trench, or Iiumiiii with their backs 1 1 list- the union. . Some are sh.i-i.iuii wit h Hrcir-hclwi'tn "ili-awu ov er their tacoH. (ithei'H cliimlv smoke cigarettes Many ot them are vounejsters and their luoii.od faces look ipnte bovish while thev sleep. .1 wo ul them, 111 order to be warinor, eUddlo up together.. ... - ",5:00 a. in. Kvery body is afoot, lilies in hands, v.ith ' b.-iyoiiets . fixed, llucklos are t iyhtcuod and : 'haversacks adjusted. ," Far iiwayv the sky clears aiiil. imiii'.M, rays pierce the clouds, which have l in n od to pearl o;rcy. In spite of -the inoes ant roar of the cannon, a ni'ht inhale is sjii''iii'' . lust in front. : "Tlio "plain in front .'of ns raduaHy osos itself in the inist out. of which Hash from all points fiiL-itivo Jlauies (used by the hiiistin of i-llell.s. "li. a. in.' I'orward! ' . .Nuiseie.s.-lv, without a .whi-sper, tho men clainlier hiii ot tlio ti'"Hcl-i onto tlie.plaiu. Tlio tii't.t oa; assist tlii'ir coiurioles l.v jjivins ihein their rillo butts to. huLjli-o.- Then rt a ipncK pace tiiey auvaueo Mlii then' .voiiets pin n tod , tow aid the line ho tri'iichos. .1 he re is im shout inj,', not .oV'ii of words of ' coinniaii'l. In small ei-ni.hi iilely separate:! they ::o iiu wiilonii shade of hesitnl ion: Kai Ii iiulii knuv.s here is tiV-o'tn'aiiil Jini'.es diii'.i.-l ly ('or s' object. . 1 he: tipiclniie -mis crackle, buih i. whistle l.v shells burst aroiind uilii ,': ible- ten r in tr. seund, cmiitiii!' bl:".i I; sniijlie I'riiin win e h .w-rt-t-cli i OK I'miin'i e ii ; . 'of steel liiirt-le t Ii ii.uli t he n it . lint tl.i wa-is of men 'always, .'iiivaii"o, nolsiop pine; e en- In-r tlo v ci;;i '-. l.-.i.-l.. rTTTl' l.ail-od wire onlnuleni. nits u hieb ha o not been broken up by t he Kieneli art illoiy. Theso. Jhey jin. round an. I fake up their nliyiimeiil on the othei side. Thou they d isn ppoa r from view. "Ii::!u a.- m. '-The tilst wouililei! Iliell )ii'p;in' i arri e ;iiid; at the .suiiio tiiuo some prisoners, eaunt and co.'i'eil Uh iniid. - In the ineanti. no tli position has boon oti. '.' . iitct nrrnurn a iTriirr at iuaciici.'idtc All the New Weaves, including Sport Stripes : All Sizes 24 to 34 Waist Pried 98c Up ALSO A NEWJLOT OF SHIRT JAISTS Assorted georgette crepe, special at $4.98. Assorted crepe do chines. sneciaJL3k88-ta-f2,9&V A pretty lot of wash Waists to go at 93c. Sizes S8 to 4G B. F. PROCTOR .116 Tarboro Street Miller's AntlKcptie Oil Kaowii a3 SNAKE OIL Will Positively Relieve Tain In Tlireo Minutes Try if. riejht now fur b'heuinatisin, Neuralgia, l.uinbayo, sore sliff audi swollen- joints,-pains 111 the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After onu application pain disappears by manic. A .never failing reinnlv used ally : and .externally:, for Couoh I roiiir front P)i-...'i,l, liipl.i.l.. K .Cool Clothes . i I !' ; , i . m In now liavi a full supjly ui' Breeze -Weave-( Con C I ni h ) c 1 nthm jrfor h itrRiim-- and li- J 1 'aim Wo ,! ( 'inn. k!i, Cool Cloth, Moli-iii- .Suits, iiriees from .(J.OO to Bull uck 8c Johnson l-'i!) S. Alain Street ST $8.45 from ROCKY MOUNT TO WASHINGTON ACCOUNT CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION Selling Dttet From Virginia and the Carolina, - ; " June 2nd-7th From Georgia, Florida and Alabama, - June 1 t-6th, ine Tickets limited to reach final destination not later than midnight June 2 1st, exten sion of final limit to July 6th, 1917, may be obtained by deposit with Terminal Agent and payment of fee of SO cts. LOWEST RATES EVER OFFERED TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL For ddrMs any avent of tho ATLANTIC COAST UN it C. WHITE, C. P. A. Witmiastiw, N. C - - - ' ?2J , "if- - . :::-:: ' ... ' 1 nit"i n- j - I s,. .colds i i ..;-'---- '--r '--.:.' ;'-; I "' ' ' m i ! I .,.''-ii.'j-: 1 f IvlXt. '.'v. fl erxAivnrf,7 ill I, peiie. I i'FJtV' 41 1 1 SfeJ3k?l tla oe I M k lh - I . ! 1 1. ; ; ; : : i. ine 'aJ t ri .'ii Jlunsilitis. This oil is conceded to be the . niost pcuet ratine; rt-niedv kiimvn. Its iirunnt and immediate ed'ect in ; reliovimr on in is due to the fact that it penetrates to the atl'd'tcd riarts at once. As an illus tration, our ten drops on f he .t hickest piece ot sole leather and it will trafe.. fins substiiiice tlii'oii''li aii tlnoiiffh in three .minutes. Accept no substitute.. This ireat oil jji-hleu led color onlv. I'.vorv bottle iiraiileed; 2."m ami ol.lc. a bottle or money refunded. sMav & (.lorhiini. ACCIDENT INSURANCE in AMERICAN COMPANIES Backed By Millions of AMERICAN DOLLARS GEO. R. HORNE CO. Western Avenue Phone 777

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