! aerj 1 1 Mm TELEGMAWi v xoaays y j j i I j ( Wether ) H ft ,3 N Forecast $5gS il lL.LLad - .VOL.-IX. NO. 299. ROCKY MOUNT, N. G, THURSDAY "AFTERNOON, MAY 31, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CEN'R? TEW DEATHS OCCUR FROM TORMADOES IN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Over Fifty Persons Injured in Windstorms in Mis souri and Illinois MANY FREAKS PLAYED BY TERRIFFIC WINDS GENERAL CROWDER WARNS SLACKERS I JYindJs-Block Signal intof Operation and Warns a Train Carrying 400 Pas sengers Who watch Storm Destroy Whole Village. St. Louis, Mnv .il.- I hi undoes in Mis souri and .Sunt horn Illinois yesterday caused the death (if :il , :ist III persons and fin' injury ii( 50 or morey ueonrdiiig to advices lu ro todav from thi' Hi.' v;ni (IIS Clllllllllllllt ICS over v Inch the storm aSHed '.'. All automatic block signal ihi tin' I run Mountain l. -H 1 111,1c I ecru. Mineral Point Missouri, nit into oporat inu liv tli,' wind imiciI ii M lupins ;!. I.miis tram enr iviig l.J! .passengers: who watched tl ni'irm ucsriov me village and turn ir.'ivi ml ot tin' i'li ii rod.. A number ol freak wore rv iniTcd. one lioiug tli- cxricricnci A . ... ' or f lie Minion agents wlm '!i st.'iuiiini Willi Ins i.nu about the. shoulders ' hoiiuis Lcmnsl crs. conductor, when tin Mrieinl I mill station was demolished .. h" aicnt escape! unhurt, wlulo tin cniidiiolnr was Ii 1 1 1 (.. A thrilling moo with I he 1 firnndo win I by. the engineer" of fin- Missipa am Honnioferro piiriscnger trnin . Hour Mm crnl. l imit and possibly saved the live.' "t;r"Wii passenger. Who'll.' tho toiundi lieoitm.' visahlo tho ciuiilurtiir orderc, (In- enunoor to) put on full speed in m effort to out run til" storm. The stun, followed tho train for moro Hum n mil, before it changed. t'l '''' kV : "V J9) I IS :.,?W TOWN WIPED OUT BY A TORNADO St. I,oui. Mo., M:i- :U - A tom.-trl-twisted into M inorjil I 'din t . .M o :t il of almllt .It"' llilmliltnnls. voster liiv Hfti'i'iioon. killed t nil r rsnns ninl . injnrpd .I'l, d -innl ivliod the town willi the vxropt ;on of tho si liool lions', ami then movod southwiiril to l:;vo, wlioro J rod JInrior,. a farmiT. w n killed l.v flviinf debris. ".'.' Two oo.'ielios of nil I run . M.iunlnlii loo.'il iiiuniii botwoeii M in in I Point and Pntosi wor.i bl'iwn from lie tr-'ick," find it was in'-this '-wierkiiije tlint j on iliiotor l,oiii;isteis :ind 1 biumnii Itoono were killed. EIGHT TRUNKS OF WHISKEY SFilZKD Provwt Manshal General Knuch II. CrowdtT. : General Crowder has made public an .official' puide showinjr how men required to rejri.ster under the selec tive draft law should answer tho twelve questions on the registration cards. He warns would-be slackers that they cannot secure exemption merely by claiming it and savs, "Do not hide behind petticoats or chil dren." - RACE MOTS RECUR AT EASTST. L niiq uui Disturbances Are marked with Decreasing Violence. .However. Militia Appar ently Has Situation in Hand. Knsl St. Mots wlliell oonrred in iiK'-vinloiioo ; tlie nix.; iin;.i I ii.'H'iJ.s lay' tli.-il "I. I he ,'iitiint ii'o l.ero w i l.nst imjl-t it V US . lull ir-lsmi .si.. .1 ;it -In Loui-i .M;iy 'U. Aiiti-nojjro bi4.'in Mnmlav infill havi Il ni'ht, but with iloorens aii.l Cel. I'lny ton, eonim.'in.i eiiiiil'iinios of: lllinnis .;i s, iinu' on iluty, iloi'lnroii to ' believeil the, odieinls. .had n well in haml ami that bo lil f lo inure dist il I till in-.-. desote the la.-t that tin dib'-I by .-ilii:0, li;il-i'ii!M; I si eeial di out i BREAKFAST TABLE TO PAY TOLL LIST FOR MONTH OF Coffee, Tea, Cocoa and Sug ar to Pay Eighty Million Dollars in Taxes AID WAR MUNITIONS The Present Tax of Twelve and Half Per Cent on War Munitions Is Cut Out By t he-Sen a t eFi n a nce-CTtnw-l B ri ihh- )ITcnsivc in thcAi mittee. Wasliinnton, May I. Kurt her rodm iinj the war tax b M tho rM'iiate iiuani- oniniitlee tmlav dei-idod to raise Ml, ooii.iiiiii in exi-ise r ooii-iiiuiition taxes f J rents a pound on coffee, "i cents on lea I - cent on Miliar ami o cent eiiona. Allot her , important -Italic lyreoil iiixiii was tlie OlMiiinal ion ol Mi i sent tax ot I- !- per cent tax on war in ii it 1 1 kiii k now raisiiiL' it-n,"o",oiio AONTHER MAN FOR NATIONAL CUARI) Sore; "oi'oiid i.oial i ersiiu,, uanl. anv d. 'arboro. nil M. 1 1, (irant, ( i . ( i mi pa ii v f; e j; 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 , . N n r t li .' a n 1 1 i i ia . N' a. iirifd, luis enlisted William' Hen from this citv, in the national lie will be stationed il!i run oil her at Koekv Moiinl or at Th s makes three voima ni"ii enlo the tod in I he tiovoriior uat ional s call lor that have ore since i luntoers. , Also live recruits from Washiiij J,': '., passed . t hrouyh t his nioi'liiii heir wnv to (ioblsliofo. Whore thoy enlisted in t ho 'oinpnny ., !Se oiineiif. With t hose - Ii veil lid t lit na rd "..iiliO tiin X on will coin! ' six I mm ash illo, tins will make lonrteeii Inen' enl.ste.l lor tho guard in the last oek in tliis vicinity of tin- State.. All who wish to enlist ill the itiynni ition can' see Sergeant, (iraut at lliif- in.l'nl(j More ami no yvni .no giini in x plain any, part icu.laf s as f o t -lie mr- iiu;ition. If: is hoped that ''others will ollow th( so foui loon yoliii; moil uiiil iuswer the call of the (lovornor. C.L. EMPLOYES HERE BUY 'BONDS VI. lie b'nloigh. V ('.: Mac :; frut isfaetion did the pel el,'lit luniks of uhiskov .'et ennv odiii'Mla loor pencil to bo about wlu'i' ino'it w;is pirn ed' on I t n F.hod (it fho union station. . vwe.iit once seie.l l,y p-i " lbpior ooM ' ' at lo robunn ( ili more pints llian il did I '--V, lit'!"' if he h: III i CI. ks mob -I I 'l'.l. no! 'tie "In ' I , It Was abii'lt ilav li.;hl M s! ".!.-- v hen f'liptaiii W'uri.!.! rind I'a'n.iioen Srcph enson and I'osli-r h-iul-'d iii( I ii ei;hl trunks o litaj'pi.-ir!i.' rill'T tini'im; tinder t ho Mod' hi (ho noiiui slatioii. about siv hones after tie.' trunks u cr taken from a 'auuthl.iou'iid .Sraloiani , . train. ' They buro checks from -Wasliiiijr-ton. Tho whisk "y cii j.f in'od"yostci"ii:iy was tho largest sintrle haul m.-ole by polii-o ill many' inontlis. Since iln- new inlmiu r istration went into oftieo, tli" police have seized 2(i trunks for a total' of l,S."2 pints of whiskey. COTTON MARKET NeVoi'k, May "II. ('oton fnlures ooenofl -steady. .Inly: sH-.frr; FVtnlrrr 21.10; J)ecom'bor L'l.lli; daniiaiy L'l.l!'; March 21 lio. New York. Ma v ''A 1 . The cotton mar o iliv att H; ami III- ' -gaj nil : h)-. ',1 I. iliicn loav ..il IIIOJ.. ch fin ill,. led, h fists t own. d in of 1 1., I :" I t her on 1 1,! oi : -f... . ntll llllll '.It. o Inn t iiiiii -: ill's f . tl iii lie l meo' I o Oil iii.p,.i'at ioli .nt!i. nia,!.-" b; ol tl',- cite' U'Hi ' of. of II I'll, l.lllt city and "-national it. There early to red from t a groiij. big . u 1 1 ' I , -i ua rdsnien Ii slrii'te;; a toot i-sl gro 'lab,, i ,i leaders Tin llicials of . the Atlantic" .('oast L:no Kail way, a re aiding in the sale of Liberty lifian Bonds, by buying them tor any 'employe in any department of the company 's sonji-q and iillowing the .nii'lovees to roimbiiis.' tho cnmpMiiv on he installmeiit plan. This has casv for any eniplovi- recoivin; st salnrv to purch result of the ppoituiiity road, neariv every oniiil,, made it mod bond and as h offered .by the V'O of t ho eb'l'i FORMER VETERAN DIES 'SUDDEN DLY b'it'hu,oni, 'r.. M I'.ell. 7;i y.'.'.rs old;'a Con an and h idelv known' e.li nierly ciindircfcd a ;it . Iviiigs Mountain morning at t he lionn tlrs , itv. His body b'utherlov -It, hi. X. .'( ' I W. T at", velei- e,l ilea I or v ho for militrifv io-adeinv X. C. died this ot' his daughter in will be taken to , for burial t lo ro. KILLED IN FALL FROM A BRIIKSiE Xaslivillo, M i v kot showed renewed strength early to day. The opening was linn at an ad vance of 22 to ;0 points With .lulv selh itig at 21.S0 iiiid October, 21.40 and w;t.h nuts! of the aidivo positions making new high ground for the movement. This advance eiieountored hc.-u y reali. ing and there were reactions of several jyitints right ;ilter the call but offerings wore well enough absoibed to give the liiirikct a steady ur.derfone. STOCK MARKET New York, May .'tl. Resumption of market operations over the holiday in dioated a further accmniilrit ion of buy in' orders. Leaders opened at gains of 1 to 2 points rails alone disi, laying some hesitation 1'iiitod States Stool was the civcrshndowing feature on its initial transactions at an extreme advance of 1 1-2 points and a fraction above ils previous max iiuiiin. Independent Sticl nhares registered advances, also Marine pf'fi'Ffcd, American Smelting and sev V, cral specialties. - Sugars wore again .i coiispicnoiisly active and strong. Stool " extended its raise another Traction in the first 'A a If hour, other industrials keeping pace. . lierrv, coniniander of nc oe liifriiifry iiniiouit dent h of I ',i vat e ( ioorgi Kiioxville. vt here ho fell villo and Xaslivillo bridgi guarding. II is sister n land Neck. X. ('. C',,l. t"lic Ilariv S First Ten I'd todav the W. Moore ol from a Louis wliore he was ddes at Scot IT Another dor am 8 Hi Mrs. L. L. Morchead and Mr. and Mrs. J F. Wiley Give Machine For Service In France. I lui ham, X. :., May :tl. Tho second hospital (iinbiilaiico from Durham for service in Krance has lo'ou contributed by II rs. L. L. Moroliead and Mr. ami Mrs. John F. Wiley, it has been an nounced. This m the fifteenth machine to be provided by North Carolinians, eack at a cost of approximately $1,000. a! stall stationed hero has su"scrib(', lo rno or more, I, onus. l ins is cnai.ii te-ristic of the whole s-vsteiu of Hie ('oas Lne arid a great number will bo .sold in this manner. Without har lly an ex root ion cv t rv .'man', and- wo man employ d in the nfliees hero bought their bond md in this manner are doing their du ,v to heln I'lii le Sam light tho -light of nomocracy..: UNSTINTED PRAISE COAST COMPANIES CASUALTY REGISTRATION DAY Y 111,333 MARINE CORPS HERO List Includes 5,002 Officer; and 106,331 Men Killed, Wounded or Missing A BIG INCREASE OVER WINTER CASUALTIES ras Region in Which Se verest Fighting of War Took Place Naturally In creases Casualty List Over Winter Months. London, May is published in May, I bills sin i no! Illli.o.il men; I lie Unti di .ollensn c ol front nivolviiig soiiie ol ghting i.n flic war. nalar ulled up r tin increas, monf lis. asiinltios for Ho hs have been received in tie i in, lliirv 7, y. Til - OSSi'S III' fho bl! t f I y were only I .--Li cii.sualtie: ,002 oflic r the Arm ho sovori'.;il illy has i w niter leveral but in r'el ofl'cers and the I, si n. . .''.. it ion of the l.rirish that their oi) per cent smaller than in oi' Sointiio uotA'.tt lisliiiiding he fact that laiger (o.-cis an gaged rn nut borne out bv the -May figures al hoiN.'h in the (lbs e of the disunities report, for April eariv in which tho ol eiisive was lannclieil the snowing is' not oneliisivc. The casualties rocoivlod in t he first three niont hs ill . t he Sonitne rive were ::(l7,Mi!). ofllcers tind inen. In Augrust of last . veal' tli ! sciyjnd inonffi ol he .Solium- battle the casualties were I27.!I4" 'is coinpiii'ed Willi I lj,.oi lor Mnv the second inontli of the Arras battle. CL SING EXERCISES F RIDftY NIGH T Class of Twenty Will Gradu ate From High School. High School Musicalc To night. , The Ualeij be said Mav ol. Too much cannot praise of the coast nrtillen coinpanies ol'fhe North I 'a roiina Nat ional guard, iiccnriling to ('apt. W. II Pace, L'nifed States army, who has re turned here after a tour of inspection ,iinl instruction at various .points .when the units are located. ('nit. I'iieo said loilav that, with one exception' all the comiianios . 'were iiriiotTcallv iat full strength nud that the -one company' be h inl. pi'obablv had its full ipiota of men at this time. The personnel of the units is excellent and all the ollicors were ti with their studies in technical subject eiiiiuectod with the artillery corps. Heavy c(piipinent to be used by t'o aifillorv companies' when they are call ed to the colors, already has boon for warded to tho concentration camps -and wi-H-be a Vraii-ti -t hem-tvheit t hey iirri v-e. ( 'apt. I'acc said. .. UNEARTH PLOT PREVENT REGISTERING Columbus, in duce voung Ohio, May .11. A gigantic plot with national - head this city organized to lu men of military age all over the 1 lilted sta'os to retraui i rom registration for conscript inn next Tues day, has been uncovered by State and government secret service agents, ac cording to mi announi-eineiit: made this afternoon ley (iovernor Cox. lletails of the plot wliich was said to have 'extend ed into many States became known when I'nitod Slates marshals raided a print shop and oflico hcre practically II the propaganda literature was print el and distributed. It was stated that the plot appeared to be well financed md well organized. WON'T ADDRESS TAMMANY HALL lialeigli. May -.'H. (iovernor Uiekett has declined to address Taiiinianv Hall Xew York City on July 4th, because of a previous engage, Inient, it was an nounced todav. On that date the Gov ernor will address the Baptist Seaside Assembly at : "Wrightsville Beach. commencement exercises of t fiu Mount public schools will come (inclusion. Pridav night when the .. .. i - .. i.. ' ...II xereisos ot tlie gni'iimuiig cms . .u fake , lace. , A class of .t wenty pupils of the high school, weathered. 1 ho storms of -lit o so far successfully and will grad uate at: that time. An excellent . .program- for I'lidav night has been ill ranged by the pupils. Tho las' s-ssi-.n of the schools ha been the' inost successful and a percep tible .increase in the number' of pupils over the preceding yefir was noted. The work iff fho .schools luis gone forward in good stylo '-Holler the .direction' of Su perintendent, Wilson, Professor -.lolin-soii, '.'and the: excellent corps of teach ers thaf this city has the honor of hav ing. The work of the pupils has shown progress along all lines an I tho people of the city are to bo congratulated in having such an excellent school system bnibl-iiigs and 'teachers. . .Tonight ii nilisi, -a le by fho pupili the high school will take -place, at Mu'soiiio i.i.cra house lit. Srl'.bd'cl The spleniliil program has already' been aniioiinced and the parents and friends of the pupils are promised a deliglittui performance. Let there bo a good turn out tonight and show the pupils that I,,, mibli,. is interested in their work. The graduating ' the high school follows: .linn, Hiwn. Annie li. 'Cox Haught ridge, .Fletcher llanghtndge, Tril lium Percy Dniiiditriilge, Mvron Davis -Krhrin-Ferebee fincy-Wnenie (Jreon, Cinhnni Paniel Horn, Hamilton, Mary' (iladvs both I'embei ton. Mamie Christine Hobbin Marv Loui TO BE OBSERVED Big Parade Will Form at Corner of Tafboro and Main Street Tuesday PROGRAM ARRANGED All Men Who Register Will Be Decorated. Day To lie Observed as Registration -Dayr For Sale of LibcrTy Bonds and also for Getting Red Cross Members. I I fs. L j COIUTINUE EFFORTS TO REPEL SLOWLY ADVANCING ALLIES The Germans Fight Hard to Regain Points of Vantage Won By the French j FRENCH LINE IS YET INTACT ABOUT ARRAS s of the ook. class for 1 '. 1 7 . of Kd: L -4t(Hdo I'annic Koev, F.h.a- Porter, Nellie Kobert (Jray Kuflin. Huflin, Mary Uelilah Koss. Jacob Thomas, ' Claude .Treyat haii and Isaac Ciordon Vestal. , The program 'for Friday night fol lows: , Salutatory- F,dwin Duke. I n vocal ion. History (iladvs Keel. ' Trophics-Kti?:i1ietli I'embei ton. Awarding of diplomas and medals Mr. Thomas 11. Hat tie. Presentation of Hibles Reverend Fred crick Diehl. Song Junior Class. Senior Response. . , '. - : Valedictory 41rnham Home. Last Ieiiiests and Demands Mamie Porter. Phnphccy Xellie Kobbins, M'resented bv the senior class, assisted by Irfiuis Xovev, 'H, Hinl IW'illiiiiu Shaw. , '211.) Farewell .Song Senior ( lass. SEABOARD NAMES NEW GEN. MANAGER Hegistrnf ion dav here will have a three fold meaning; for th ' citv. I nsl as registration dav, second as a dav I in the selling ol l.ibc.tv Loan Ponds, and hii' llv for the p. ii pose of getting iueni: hers lor the lied I rOss ( liaplor that is In be. 'formed, in this cif v. . A commit tec onr.is'.i.'ig of repic:ointaties of differ nt c 'ooer'eial ainl ot le r oi'"-i ..'V.-.ii ,.'. ' met this morniiig am outliii',1 a pro- iiiin for th,' i.l.serv aiieo' U'' .June o as a pat nolle event. Mavor I . 1. I horniv presided at the tii'etiug. Iii prose a f a f i v m from difVer nt organiitt ions of t he ciiy , Who i',-'e 'leMont . wen.':- Air. Percy .Tliigpen, of Ihi. M erch.'ints :issociat ion ; ii. Ii. I lavis, r., chairman ot the Libertv Loan Loud oni in itte ', u ho w head the canvass rs lor the sale ol the bonds on done : l(ev. Ii. ( . ( raven, for Hov Scouts: Mrs. II. .k. Ilmipe id the Woman s I bib: .1. I . Isnilev, repres 'lit nig t he liookv Mount ( oneeit I'.and: Mrs. II lb, rnc ond Mrs I.. D. Hull, k. of th, trl .Senilis: Mr. 1'rank lagan ol th ( 'ha in ho r of Coniincrce; M vs. W. L, Fch ncr tor the nod l.foss ami loiiuer iviayor F. Tillel V. Mrs. Henry lloriie and Mrs. L. D Kiiihick wen! appointed as a coniiiiitf, r for securing proper badges to be pin ncd on the whil;' men ot the city wh register on Juno I Ti. .Mrs. W; I'., renne i ml Mrs. H. IL Ihoipo word appointed is. a coiumitle to solicit members tor tho fed (.'loss chapter. It, should be .home iiiiiid flint gentlemen ns well iih la In s are eligible (o liieinbrTship to the icd ( loss and it is hoped that a gr. at number of men of the citv will yim lie Red ( ross chapter. This chapter ill begin active work as hoou an the barter is received. k It also must be .understood that col oivil people as well as white are to taKi art M the exercises Tuesdav. Mis. (.. I' ricks mid Mrs. J. W. liryan, two proliit out colored women .ot the city, were iipointed ns it committee for gee.urin roper badges to pin on the colored ill' n hat register on legist rat ion dav and Iso to secure members for the colored I Cross ehapt 'r that has already been formed, but inor members are needed J ho parade will begin at o i lock p . ' Tuesday and 'will- form at the big ig at the cornel" ot 'J arboro and Maui t reefs. I' root thence tin- marchers will i'ocoed to liraswoll park where n short ntriotie s rviee will be held. I hen trii-.'e iii'Oiiiiuent local speakers on tho progiam nud. the singing ot putii tic songs bv a choir of picked singers of the citv v. ill also bo on the program ul I'.iaswell I. ark: besides a baud concert Ii v the bockv Mount Concert bund. The .lino of march will lie as follows The narado will. be led bv the local bund followed bv the enlisted .members': of tho Xalional (iiiard stationed here Next will be the while in, u who regis (ered (luring the day, then the colored men who registered., hov Scoiils, (nil Scouts, mi'iiibci" of the Rod Cross cha tor, lire d opart in eiit, police (b'pai tment and decoiai oil Iiu'onii biles. the auto mobiles' will; foi in in lino on Marigold and liroceod down Main. street and join 'I ho marchers.' Kverv automobile ounc in the c'ity is in ged to decorate his oi lier car and take part in the .parade ill', . L. I' culler is chief marshal for the parade and will he assisted by other marshals who are: Hal Hayes, P. K. (iiiivolv, lieu in in i ii Ilium,. .1 W. Hos' C, 'F. Smit lison, Clnrrirov 1 'aught ridge and Philip Holt. . '-. li'.i'iy minis.tei'.of the city, is urged toj .siie.'ik mi tin. duties of regis! rat ion, the Liberty Loan Houd proposit ion. and the wo r k of t he H d Cro ss in his discim rsej ;afions Sun that all th follow this First Lieutenant E. C. Williams. First Lieutenant Ernest V.. Wil liams, U. S. marine corps, had Just boon awarded tho Modal of Honor for extraordinary heroism In ths face of tno enemy at San Francisco io Macoris, Uominican Republic, Nov. 29. 1916. The roDortu show that he charted u fort at that place in the face of a fire from about forty rifles, hurled himself against "thi dcors just us they were beinff closed, was first inside, and without the loss ot a single man, hut with elht of his original detachment of twtv men wounded, succeeded la bd- turingr the fort. MAYBE THEY WILL REGISTER The Artillery on Both Sides About the Arras Front Front Continues Lively Firing at Long Range Ac cording to Reports. 1 All Who Have Been Getting Their Quart That Do Not Register Are Going to Have It Hard. He Iiegihf ration dav will case tho luiuiU of the judge and solicitor of Ixash count v in one resopct. In a certain com munity of Nash,- which is more or Urss lawless, there are a umber of young fel lows,, wlio lire said to be some where be t ween . eighteen - and twenty years of age. .nud who are paving; their tuxes and receiving their quart of whisky regularly. 1 he authorities have had rea son to believe that they were not. twen ty one years old, but they had no way to prove it, so thev wore allowed to pay their tuxes and i,i-eive their regular al low.'iiiie of ii (uart, lis if they won t wciity one yea rs old. : ' . Ifut now the scene has changed. Con gress passed the selective drntt mean lire, Hlih-li provi ios for the registration between I he ages of lil and I nited States on Juno o. g fellows who have been act- of being t v entv (die years ' r to got their (iiiirt were flu.' state of nfl;;'i.: . The istoring arid being coiiscripl appeal to 1 hem forcibly, and Reports t nun ( f :i II men ::l in the riiese vim ii ing the rot old'- in or,! alni'iiiod al idea of reg e, did not Hi I act I liov wen that ,- iniouiiitv show that several of those are going fo gel their fal her and ith"rs lo come into court and siear d. that. Il.ev recc I' I hey ere i have In en vie g tlieir (iiai'J. , t ho .conn t y , jiolg saw f heir, (dianco on t linse vi In had selves ill order to t Wenty-ono, alt hough ving (heir-taxes and airl solicitor to 'wreak .vengeance misrepresented t hem get' their (iiKirt. Lt in uiidi-rst ioil that the judge and '.solid (or I'n 1 1, rein oiitiiK wunnnrs to Tiint i,m,ii.inil- iin-d everyone of those who pnio TOe.r t.ix ),i get their liiiior who is iiof re.; lock s in - will oitlre' jury or I lstored when the registration .irspected Wednesday in, lining be. liable to ll charge of. per 'iide Sam will fake, them in hari i yo So th" Xorfolk, Mav .11. C. L. Friteh, gen eral manager of the Canadian Northern Railroad, has been appointed general manager of the Seaboard Air Line, ac cording to C. S. Lake, resigned.. to their icsi.ective congre; day, June 'J. It is hoped ministers of the city will plan ninl will do their share ill impress ing upon the people t h - gravity and need of these three duties. . The mooting this morning was' called aT"flicTnstigation .of the Chamber of ''ommeice and that body, through Mr. Hal Hayes, i he new secretary, is to be congratulated for their progressive id, as. The chamber was instrumental in g,. t ing the repr, seiitatives together this mi 1 ning and also in the formulation of tlio plans for the evciff. Rocky Mount is on the job and no otint place is the state is going to .have a lugger ce.ebra tioii of registration day than this city '..ill. .everybody come out and In'lp make registration (lay the biggest pa- 'node event in the history ot the ci.v. if they were under ago and il liijuor and do not register w i I f-fix 1 1, otto a it d if t b ev ere twenly ,ine or over and do . not gist.-r tley will In- Irainb'il one .of the many jail'.-sentences that most likelv will l o port ioned out by I'm-to Sam for those who try to get out of reg sf rat iotl. It. is wit h exceeding great pleasure that the registration came at such an opportune time to the aid of the j.iidge and ,s(ilii'it"i- .and it is most likely to the great displeasure of those who have been t en ty -one years old only when Nicy wanted their ipiarf. All of them that ib not fegist4eeafc-goi:ig to havr one of two hard na is fo travel. STOP ALL MEN WHO MUST REGISTER Desperate attempts by the Germans to push liack the 1 reach from the vantago ground won in the recent attacks in the ( luiiiipiignc have been renewed. Ax a whole the 1' reueh line remained intact under the successive severe blows denlt it todav in a sustained effort of an extremely violent character. The I rout was dented at only one point and this but slightly, the Gorman troops gaining a looting in some trenches northeast of Moiitlinut. Along the lint l nil line in France tho eompiiriit ive o,uict continued broken in to only by the trench raids. Increasing artillery activity from the Arrai bat- tlef rout is rcjlrrted, however, today ami the mg guns iroin notn sides nave Marled up ngutn somewhat in lively fashion near Hiillcfourt and further north along the Hcarpn east of Arras. The political situation in Spain is be ing watched particularly in view ol todav s newspaper reports. Newspapers announced in Madrid that the constitutional guarantees would shortly again bo . suspended. , For mer Premier Koninuoncs is quated as de claring that conditions in the country which is known to be suffering keenly , in a general economic way from the wnv as well as directly from submarine sinkings were, become" graver every hour. He considered the recent great meedng of. pro-ally sympathizers as of enormous importance and as perhaps likely to "exercise a greater influence on foreign than on home politics." TWO CHARGED WITH MURDERING UNCLE Knvetteville, May 31. Carl and Ar thur Armstrong, young men of good family, were placed un trial in Superior . court hero yesterday on a join indict ment'' for the murd r of their uncle Neill Averitt, at Htedman, on March 2. A lurv was cxanimtki- before ad; lournuicnt this afternoon. One of these was an eve-witness, while; others ten fied to statements made by the defend ants before and after tho shooting in tended bv the btato to-' prove first de gree murder. The caso will probably be concluded tomorrow. NORWAY'S LOSS OF SHIPS CONTINUES London, Mav 31. Further losses of Norwegian ships is reported in a Cen tral News dispatch from Christiana, It (iioled the Foreign Minister to the ef lect that the German submarines have sunk one sailing vessel and two steam ships. . . WILSON TO HAVE COMMUNITY STORE Wilson, N C, May 31. Quite a num ber. of men of families met in the arm ory In re Tuesday night and organized what is to be known .as the "Wilson Community .Store. " Over $2,000 in stock was subscribed and a charter for the enterprise will be applied for today. Th re will be another meeting next Tuesday nighedn theetty-hall and the public, especially the housewive, will be invited to attend. The purpose of this movement is to reduce the high cost of living. GOLDSBORO ORPHANS TO GIVE CONCERT RAILWAY COMPANIES ASKING FOR RAISE Washing! May :tl.--Tt was an noun I t, ay that slops had been tak en to prevent young men subject to regist i rif ion from leaving the country he day of registration, June "it Ii. Raleigh, May 31. Representatives ol' railroads -operating in North Carolina appeared today before the State Cor poration Commission and petitioned for permission to establish a new basis of freight rates within the State. It is said the next rates would be approxi mately 13 per cent greater hail those now in' effect. Shippers will be heard in opposition to the increase at a meet ing of the commission here on June fitb. in ii i iiwuiiomj ORGANIZE TODAY Raleigh May 31. The executive com mittee of the State Counsel of tell 1, mittee of the State Council of the Coun cil for Aationan lefense met here to dav to organize. (Iovernor ftickett, and acting (iovernor- (leneral . Itovster are official 'members of the executive com (ioldsboro, May 31. On June 11th the children of the Orphan Home are going to give in Goldsboro a magni- ticeut musical coneervin r celebration of the twen-fifth anniversary of the es tablishments of tlieir Home th Odd F'eflows Orphans Home at Ooldsboro. On the Kith day of May, twenty-five years ago there was established in Ooldsboro by the Odd KeJIows of the State of North Carolina the Odd Fel lows Orphan Home for the care, main-, t, 'nance, and education of the orphan children of Odd Fellows whd are with out means of support. F'rom a very modest beginning the institution has rown to large propor tions, with beautiful grounds and splen did buildings, not, only feeding, cloth ing and educating hundreds of children from every part of North Carolina, but at the- same time, in a separate handsome, commodious and thoronghiy comfortable building reside members ofllie great order of Odd Fellows who have grown old or who have lost their health and are without means of support.