i . ...... j . TELEGRAM rwi ' loaayg Weather Forecast VOL. IX. NO. 4. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 5, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS r-1 r i REGISTRATION IS PROCEEDING WELL TEW MILLION M E N ) N E A RlnWs AN D ARE REGISTERING IN IVIEW OF THIS CITY THECOUNTRYTODAY HAVE REGISTERED The Reports From All Slates; Expected That About Eigh- Show That Registration Is Proceeding Well EXEMPTION CLAIMS. TO BE PRESENTED LATER Very Little Disorder Report ed From Out the Country and Men are Registering in Earnest. Thousands of Towns Making Today a Patriotic Event. ..' AllHTHTl" is .-Stepping l ilt VV:) T' I I ll her part in making .the. ivnrM sale lnr (bliioeruiy, .In every cily-niid' lul tin' most "reunite valley, hiiinh't and :it tl wildest mountain rro-s mads, ton millions sous "t liberty ate inscribing their names on the honor tH of I hfaire that I lie. free 'gu'veri.iuioilt s fur whi.li their fathers died niu v. not. perish fniiii t lie earth. While or.' black,, married nr s ngle, sick nr mil. alb n . hi: ' mil i ', born even, enemy siibjcets ill' Hie Kin sur al! men between t lie ages j if -1 to l .are expected to present themseh I"' tween 7 a. in... iiiel !' '. I"-. f"i' regis tration, It ilm's nob 1 1 i : 1 1 1 r that ii Hum tor iinv reason . is unlit fur ni'inv duty I hilt wilt l.e -xlal.ihe.1 hit er.J t . dor nut matter thai lie only, claim an.) he entitled to exemption for army "itvi"', that will he t ten, lo t :'tn in niint.li.er. ivy; It ilue nut matter t hat lie is' not ii i ii rc'l of lie I " n i t I States i'v ere man lie . tween those u-.'cs is . I to register today unless .l.i.' alr-'iijv :n Hie in ili ta-v '.service- nr in sonic bra in-h in; .other. . fn "register is net to b.i driil.-d.- That is another stcj. i'i !. great plan: As ca h Mian registeicd today he. will he iii nil.- eil ami at .a lati i ti i in tie- mini hers will lM- 'eliu"!i 'for son ii:'e; l.y 11 urn tier: Not lint i! tlieii i.ir aii v niau know wheth"i he will he -'.i!i ii .fr the hit itinerant of "..".' I " 1 mi ii .w Vo will p.rnl. 1.1. !y he ...iV! ! '.'the eo.h...'-s.".t'or l.c t raili ng, ea rlyjn )' einl.i i le f-.i'.v t lit'S (ii int. i the' t.!itt!i.'M -f N'tnrhrrii Kiaiiee or. ii'.'' In am h. .of .ml i -nee. I i'el "gium.- Alter tin- in. -ii 'have he.-n draft.', Cl Hie question i.f exempt ions Will .'Olll.': up to he ite.'i.le.! -Iiy Vfiir aiel aiii.iii'tial boards. They will l.e il. leMiiinc.l whel h er .hvsieal or inenia) .let.'.ts .lehar a inaii from s.-rvire. V.r u o Out the , yiellilellt s of lit hois. il.;il . 1 illl or the eoiiiil.rv 's nei'il of h i in iii . '! v il I 'I'e hia ke it noi-n-sarv In. ei.ie.i fiinT from' ser vi. e ;it t he f rout. (If the a..roviieate !'.''''.' tire recistei eil to'lav tlie eensns Inireau i-ntiiiinfp.1 thai ;' 1 1 ' : ; it'."' miirrieih an. I I t ."...". in.! H M l nil' single. ,'l'he jirovost inarshal hernial 's olli.e esti -lnati'H the : iiiinil.ei '. ol iiiiii siiliie.'t to ojristi'r inuttK-. at I'n.ilrt.i'lMi.- They in etmle Noi l h ' ( a i ol i na , 1 I : South' Caroliiia, 1-". ;nil ami Aifeiiiia -lie :;;.:t. ; . -Heyistration for lliiwaii ami Alaska will he arraner'l later, Whih' air ai. .roxiniate. lpport of the resnlls of file je'iHtiilt urn may he .nl.lisieil in the innniint' liewsir.ers I ni'.'v it will he lie Vera I ilays" hcfoi e ii e..in.l.te ret in n eilii le iisKeiiihh'il. STATE GENERALLY I.'t REGISTERING l.'aleilih,- .I il.nl' Ki'yist rat ion in .Norilt t'aroliiia to-lay was n .Lee' inc '..11. i ;.. .... .1... in.. ii iit-r a.- poi i itii; to rei.orts- fioiii nil pints of the Ktate rei-eiveil heie early tins afternon. Many .oints ,in.ieatiil : 4-!m t inure nii'ii ivoulil lie legist ereil in their localiti. tlinii ha.l l.eea eie. te.l. lieuist rat ion !( rally staneil with a rush, nowils ol' men lieino at the resist rat inii j.l: s when the work l.eean at. 7. o 'elink this iiionfiiie-. : In many in-tnin es the early erowils were so lari;e that men who were on hail. I to register ilesni : i e i of havini: (heir ea.rilH tille.i out i inini .lia tely ami left the ljoi.tks to return Inter in tin' ilay. (Ine of the t'ea-inres of the regis tration in this Sta'e w.as the iresenie tit manv re;;istral ion ila..'i's of a Nation al (inarilMinan ilelailml to exjilain what ree!st rat io tlieant - iiinl to stimulate leeriiit'mr for the unril. The iiil jiitanl oeneial's olli.e several 'lavs iio reeiininienile.! to eaeh eom .ii ii y Tommiiinler of those units not in l-'eileral .servi. e- t hat men he iletaile.l lor this work if msil.!e. (Ireenslioi o eelel.rateil rcijist rat ion Tiith wliilt was lieilareil to hae l.een the (jrenti'st patriotic (.ayennt iii the history of the city. IJeyistrat ion of iieroes in all parts of St.a.e also at traiteil attention. K.iyitteville, Uoeky Mount anil Salisbury reportinj,' larye numbers of blacks iis having present ml themselves. Hickory was out for n ree mil for the State, more than lialf t he number- of men cxpeeteil to register tlicrp liavinp jirespntiil themselvps sev eral hours lieforp noon. teen Hundred will be Reg istered Before 9 p. m. EACH MAN HAS ARM BAND ON HIS SLEEVE Registration Has Proceeded Without Any Hitch What- soever and Both White and Black Answer Ques tions Willingly. Claims For Exemption Later. I'p until iniiblay toilay, o er one thousan.l liien between the ayi.s -of L'l anil :H ha.l resist ereil theiuselves. for service, uinlcr t h , s-lecti ve 'lira ft law. White ami black" all resistor..-.! ami so far tlicre: has been tin hi.ch whatever, in the r. oisfrat.iou. The prospects are that there resist ra I ion will be Carrieil out without, iiuy t;roubli; in Rocky; M..U11 ami if is not thought that ii mini in the cily who is sujipiiseil to register, will be fiiuinl l.-ii kiiie when the r. fjis tratioii ciinls ai-e tuine.l in tonight; This m.iininu at seven o'clock n line of about one him. Ire, I anil lilty men of bol h races w ere liiieil up at the reois t ration places iif .leiikius H ml. 'Jeffreys S iibies on the .Nash side ami ut Christ niiiu's uliiblei on the Kilecouibe sidiv The reiM rats i ivcie; then- with their tahli H ati.l ink in han.l they lietran their ta-.k of enrolling tin. Iloower of Hocliy Mouiil niaiilidO'! .s?i!.'(!t t.) Service in the iinny ami wjiuit that service is to be I- rl'iii ineil ho' ana yet .'knows. , low ever, all icisiereil w ithout any. t rouble anil they went after it .in earnest. , 1 1 answere'il til. ir ijin-jtiiins witliout any hesitiltion iin.) as l.'ir iis kioiwn oil (me has ti h-. to liiet-' out of '. it. The. no 'it I'ronr this, i.-ity are righ- there when the' overnm.'iit calls them ami there will be -'in i .'trouble whatever fioju I;-"-!, y Miiuiit.. - : At iii.ii i -jrist ration place were .thirl Scouts w hopiniiiT il khaki arm ban. I on eerv wln'e. mini lhal rcistere-l iin. I prominent i-oh.ie.1 woineit of the rit - It, a. I cha fji': "f ptnuino; ban .Is. on the color . nien that ri'O i'st ere,. Num bers of men of the city were seeii this liioiniiiL; with n 'yclhuv" streak on their arm. One ohl s.ihlicr came to the i iso i, lalioii pia.'iJiiiil I he cji Is pinneil .an iiiiii binel on him also b caii:.e he hml alrea.ly ib w iiii ' the in n whn are r.-ist. 'm,' fo.l.-y are to .In. liht for t heir -'count ry. The siln ami; cloiuls wrcstleil thi. uioinini: lor .supicniacy 'ami the sun slioiie little ami t lull hi.i beliin.1 the c.louils. After:-a while jt looked as .f was siiin; to rain '.ami spoil, -Hip mass in. 'el in .stayed for ,'oiiieht ,. but old Sol showed 'his face in illl its grandeur 'and the 'prospects ,i.,'ain wcr" that In wiuihl be the greatest patriotic day in the city. Kveiyoue is iloinn her or his part and those who aic novreyis t.'iiro '.'lie either '.IniyiilK ' ft. liibif ty It I, ji.inini; the li."l t'ross teudini; oar.leiis or iloiii,! their l.it to help the count ry. The registrars worhed nf full speed this morniui; for a few hours and th--the numbi r : --reyister fell off ;i little. They ha.l worked hard however to fret the. -thousand, ii'oistcied by noun. This alteiiioon when the shopmen e. I etl' from work and ot.h. r nien in dif " Tei'enf trades in" tlTeciTT-CiinTT -nll-dtlty- Ihere will be anode r hard few hours work in d the rcyist.nif ion jdares close tonielit. The registration has lu'Pii talked and published and no one to whom r istration inipTies will not ha've the excuse of not know hie; that today was the registration day,' and when he load i'o register. Many reyis teie.l tliis moiniuj; .before they went to vvotk. . The entire, force ol". the livening 'releyram, that come under Hie a'i.-s of twenty one and thirty one, Ve're union;? the lirst to reeis:'er this morninjr and tie- entire force have their "yellow streak" on their arms. If all of those wlio registered - frmn the Kveifinjr Tehirram are called, there will he u newspaper lacking in Itockv. .Mount. Tonight ,all the men who register, d are asked ;'o a't'eud the mass meeting at liriiswell l'ark tonight, and seats have 1 n arranged to accommodate both white and colored men. The registration is still proceeding at a lively clip and by nine o'clock everyone in the city will have been registered who is supposed to do so. Of all the towns and townships in the cnuntrv- that are carrying on the registration of their men, none will carry thj' registration out with less trouble 1 ami "noire success that ill is being carried out in Kocky Mount. The men of this ritv received their" cprti- til-ate of registration which may nirnn T Five Buildings Were Set on Fire By Convicts in BricPTimc MILITIA IS CALLED Both Firemen and Military are Necessary Before Con victs Are Finally Conquer ed and Drove into Their Cells. yV'-'-;:::'Vr'::: Juliet, .111:', dune Serious riot ing among convicts at the isfntp prison here broke out this morning. KiVe build ings w ere set on lire. Company s K. t and i'. of the first. Illinois infant ry now in sei vice nil di'ncainpcd near here were called to assist in flip guar. Is in iiiell iiig the disturbance.. The .first work of the soldiers was. to clear the convicts away f.roni the blii.ing .buildings so that the Iii emeu could Work; This whs ipiickly accomplished at .11:1-1, three hours after the trouble started, the coiivicts liiid not been sulidue.l but the soldiers were nia k ing steiiily , progiess in herding tlu-m towards the cells, The infaiitiymeu were instructed not to shout unless to save their lives. NECRO KILLED AT MOUNT OLIVE (iohlsborn, .lone o. ('ornuer I'liiiide Itaker has returned to Ciohlshorh froni n trip to Mount (Hive where he w.ii SaturdiiV iiij;ht Ui hold ait impiest over t lie dead body .of Moses Troublelield, who was shot and' killed in.;. Mount Olive, late Saturday afternoon. According to a statement made by Mr. Maker to a reporter-this inorning the killing occurred the negro Trouhlc iiel.l opi ned lire w it li a revolver upon I'hicf I'age and .ieiu;y Sheriff Hhndes, w ho went "to the hoine of a brother iu law of the ileci'ased to s rve a warrant upon: the latter,, who resides in the noil! hern part, of .Mount Olive. TA COM A C ELEBRATES, PLANTING TOMATOES Tueonin, Wash.,- : June 5.- Tin'onia pliiuled potatoes toilay, thus' celebrat ing a local election. It was lirg.-d that, every foot of fertile ground be until izi.il." Those who had nil grouml for planting were advisi .1 to go fishing. : DEATH ()F AN INFANT THIS MORN I NO ,'. An infant child of Mr. an 1 Mrs. A. T. (Iiir'uantis, w ho rcs'ile near. Jackson 's store,, died .'early this inorning. The body: will bo sent "to Wath.-l this afternoon.- Kriends of .M r. and M rs. Our gaaus (ill'er their lieartJV.lt sympathy in this hour of t heir ..bereavement. BELIEVE HAVE HEAD I New Volk, .lllne. .". The police an noiinci'.l to iav that 1 hey . had - posirrve information that the hea.j of the "tier- inn.. t.ittli.M .'OIIIIIMMV III llil to thi-. "country, made plans rega-rding- wireless outhts ami oilier intail", linoiigii wn.en n for in :i t i in was to l.e conveyed for lierliu and then departed for Mexico.'.' a passport . to Km nre, but they have ihe consoluti.ui that they have done tlieir part and that is all they can do. . The claims for exemption will be heard later and w hen t hey recei ve t heir not i cp that tluivreraneij, t he v will then hnv.- 'lieir o.ior-l unity to present, their claims for exemptions. This will be explaine.! by the govern ment later. GENERALLY QUIET OVER NATION. Washington, June --Ib-gist rat ion was pri 'ding generally throughout the country and tie' few arrests re ported were construed by officials not as evidence of any effective organized resistance, but rather as sporadic nf fairs to l expected in an undertaking of such magnitude and importance. Weather generally was fair and iucom jng reports indicated a healthy regis trntion during the early hours and con tinning as. the dav passed on. The ex tent of invasion will no! be known until complete returns are assembled, but of (icials are eontident that it will be neg iible I. W. W. STARTS TROUBLE HERE Lansing, Mich., June o. fiovertmr Meeper to'iay wired orders to the com mamPing officers of the company of Michigan infantry at Maripiette to hur ry t Negouiies, it nearby milling town with 25 national guardsmen, lieports from NegcunPn said that I. YV. W. agi tators wprp- thprp thriiatciiing to forc ibly npposp rpgistration. 1 CONVICTS GERMAN HE GERM N STEM IHE BHUISH CRUISER E Commodore Tyrhitts' Squad dron Gets Into .Play Against Oermans SIX (JERMAN SHIPS ENOAOE IN THE FIOHT Was a Running Battle in Which the British (Jet in Effective Hits Against the Enemy, According to the Statement of the British Admiralty. '.'' V. ".' .." . .,' ?' -: Loudon, June A icrin.ui destroy e r hiis been sunk it lid Ii lint her d:i iua;,re.( ill il ruiiui ng fight bet w een six (ieriuaii di'st rovers ami 'oininodorp . Ty rhitt 's sipindroii, the adiniiiilty annouii.-i'S. GREAT INTEREST Strong Note of Patriotism Is Evident In the Oreat Veterans Reunion Today. Washington, June '". -A strong note of patriot ism marked the opening: tiidiiy of the seventh annual rpuninh of the Tinted Confederate eteraus who wcic wplconied by inciiibers nf the (iraiol Army of the K.'publie on Ihe -occasion of their lirst meeting north of the I'o tomac river. The jiresence of of near ly " r,.(MMI vPtoraiis and T.VMH visitors gnvp promise to ninjfp this oiie of the largest reunions ever lipid. The so iliprs of lixio rlisplnyi'H their interest in rpgistration today by the impromptu gathering in groups wherr patriotic airs predominated. They were up bright and early to see t he men of the younger genera I ion Ph rolTng for service in the war against I ieriHilll v. . Tlw talks under 1 1 big1eiit on the Capitol plan where the . veterans . are eneiiinped is divided between the ineni ories-of more than half il century ago ind the present conllict and Ihe men from- the '.South' fel I again lie stirring ill. to iiniis w hich swept them inlo the bat tie lines in the s'xties. Washington,, June .". Thousands of ('onfedern'Vi' ' vef tanM reprcM-ut'ing every state in I iixie,. earrieil ineir . nin th' llags dowii I'eiinsylvaniii today in a parade that is the climax of -their t w pii'i v sevent h annual reunion. l'ift riot ism reached its highest mark here since the break with U. rinany, for this was registration day. Kvery mai. in Washington of military age had been asked by p residential decree to register for service against a foreign foe. .".' ..'.- "'. ''-.'.:. - Agisl and bent, tie- one-; line Johnny h'ebs Uliirched between lines of cheer ing spectators. Miiny men of the Hluo who fought against them were also rere in line. , Wdh spirit unbroken,- w ilh gleaming eve u the men whoJought under Lee and Jackson, Stuart : and Johnson, were .jubilant, a; participating in a great pageant 'that ma rk s : t he dawn of a' new- uationalism. . Kings of the allied nations, 'familiar sights through Washington through the spring, wore .today hung aliings de ' t he Stirs and Hiirs ;lie emblem of the Confederacy, 'Streets, and avenues pre sented a colorful spi-ctiicle in this galaxy of banners. l'resident Wilson and governiiieiLt of licials reviewed ' the veterans, in. front of the White II. nisi'. A f ter the parade,' luncheon was si-r.v-e.l in the KITTp-i'. Kor the firs;, time in the history of the nation, a Confederate reunion was held north of t he Muson--I lixott line. Heretofore sentiment prevented hold ing these yearly galheririgs on sou outside the Con federaey. Churches and public, buildings have been thrown open 1o house the visit -ing veterans. Krom the war department thousands of cots and blankets were secured to use in the 'impromptu dor mitories. PLANS SOUTHERN CAMP TO HOLD Charleston. S. C., June .". The south eastern department "ill still get. twelve camps and selections of sites already npj.roved will holi, according to lalesf advices at headquarters here. The mill tia authoii'i. s called , out will be ex pnnded, oi gaiiie.l into divisions and given since training in their native states, before being sent to divisional camps. The inns cale given at the V. M. ('. A. auditorium last evening by Mrs. W. IT. Taylor's class was ini'nti enjoyed by those present. The numbers given were creditable both to teacher and pu pils Miss Kdwards' readings showed her to be nn artifct in her line of work. ANOTHER AInG VETERANS SINK PATRIOTIC MASS MEETING TONIGHT Short Exercises To Be Held At Braswell Park at Eight O'clock PROCJRAM ARRAN(JEI) Patriotic Speeches, Singing of National Songs and Band Concert on Pro gram. Seats Arranged for White and Colored People. Everybody Urged to Help Make Meeting a Success. Kocky Mount will observe' Rcgistra litui day tonight with a short patriotii mass mooting at Uiasvvcll l'ark at k o'chick, lit whiih both white and color ...I ate invited. Two s-ctions of seats, one section for the white peopl" and the litlicricctoili for; the colored, people ha ve I 'eeii li served mid ev. iybo.ly in Ihe i if; l.t urged In nttenil., A short k teres) ii' i I ;i"giam has been 'iirran-'ed . o.'si'mg of short patriotic tiiM'S li ; i.ieut nieii of (!: city,, patriot i. iougsiind a concert by the .Kocky Mount coni.rt biin.b The progiiim .roniiscs in be in line w ilh the mom ntous signi :'cance of the great i iision today. e heu 'i've.ry . iiiiHi bctiveen tb" ages of ''! anil .''.r is registering himself as (in bio to military service for I'ncb' Ham. the y siilt of which no one knows .will be and it. issjii honor of these nien who have signified their i,n lent ion of laying doe li their, lives for 'tlieir cVnutry that llm mass inci ting is to b" held. It will .simply I e mi expression of the heartfelt admiral ion and -respect, for Iter citizens who bv tins tune next year no one knows where tin y will b v Mo let every bo ly conn' out tonight and show your interest ami sympathy for these valiant sons of the citv wlio inay be called at anv fiiue to: tight the light for t'nclc Sam across the seas., loii't let nnynne be lacking tonight and make this mret. ,g a cliniav of the greatest patriotic event in the hislmy otMhi' city. 1 he program will consist .of an open i,.g prayer by K"V. Krederick Iliedil. Sleirl tiilks will be made by Mr. J. H. lianisey, fMr. B. II. farker,. Rev. It. C. Craven and Lieutenant A. O. Dickens of IK Co, :trd r.'gi'nienl, N. ('. National liuarilvnud Mr. K. S. Sprnilt. TIip Kooky Mount concert band will furnish the music, for tonight and the national hymn and-patriotic songs will be. rendered by ii picked choir of the vocal talent of the city,- mi. I t t,he. dirci tiou of Mrs. h. W. Koinogav. , Mavor T. T. Thome will;, pin side at? tliK iluiHS iniT"nig tonight.: In event that-' rain prevents holding tlm mass lueetiug at Hraswell l'ark those who wish to attend will go to the Ken tier i.ee Warehouse, . where it will be held Instead. So if. the mass nii'i'ting is not held at the park on account' of ruin which seems improbable at. this time, the meeting will be held ill Ken iier Lee Warehouse - ' . ' The Hov Scouts, Civl Scouts and Kcd Cross workers are asked to attend in a bodv. Seats will be reserved for these organizations and also for the men who register to. I a v. . .' .'ol' on Its-id todiiy to.be nne for. the obsei-yati.iu M '.''JJe'gintratioil day, but also tor tho liberty I.psii lands' mid the Red Cross. - . . riti'i-y man und woman of the city is urged to purchase a Liberty Hoiid, if he or she has md al icuflv done so, and to buv one for their children, hviry iiinn that do 's not have to register, today is urged to pinclTase ii bond and Ihereby di." his oa;t in liiihting the fight for Cncle Sam A .'lent number of bonds have -already been purchased by tin' I'.eoplc ol' the city and it is thought that :i oi'.-at iiianv more vvill be sold today. . "v.-terdav afteriiooli eighty, four wotu en and giris of the citv enrolled th 'in hi Ives as iiieinbers of the Kocky Mount Red: Cress chapter and today there is lie- in" carried', on'' a campaign for more members for the orgaiti.atiou. I tenuis of v., ung ladies are canvassing the citv and thev will make their reports :,s t the number enroll-d for member vl.ii, ihrouuhiiut the day.. Men as wdl III voieen are eligible to membership and -i-rr hepl-44!-1- ma41 ,v of Ul--1 f a'A 1 ii' s,.t will ioin the chapter. Let everyoin' w ho can conveniently 1 ," j"'" t li ' Hi'J Cross. - So nt todav is the greatest patriot! event in the history of the ciiy don 't let any, eith T young or old, be found lack in'" 'in the snii-it. of the day and let ev ery! do his or h r part to light the battle of. Inch' ATTEMPT TO W RECK GEN. WOOD'S TRAIN Liriiiiiighnm, Alii., June .". It wa ,r,,..,t I, er.- todar that an attempt was ;ide to wreck tlv Alabama Cnnt utliern trari whicli Oore i.-'iieiai ,,..r,l Wood from I'hatlanooga .to i-ininirhiiin. Ala., lasi nigni.. i ass. n rs nil the train confirmed the remrt it a large log was tied across tin i.-k about four miles south of Chatta oga. NEW YORK ELKS DOWN TO BUSINESS Ctica, N. Y., June ". N'i wr York ...,,.. (.'lira iim vent ionin" herrt ."II- gaged in business sessions todiiy, while i..!.i.,. tolinu niitliireil iivpr n .ill- i iw- i i.i.tm ........ - mile route. A barbecue is scheduled for tonight. - ALL THE SIGNS GREAT OFFENSIVE V ATTACKS OSIEi The (Jerman Naval Rase is Hombarded Ry the Brit ship Warships BRITISH SHIPS UNHURT The British ; Forces Were Unhurt in the Bombard ment Says the Announce ment of the Bri t ish Ad miralty (liven Out This Morning. -London, June The (formal) nil val luise at listen 1 on the lielgian coast has been honihnrded by Urit sh war ships, the admiralty ainiouui'OH. : Tin' I!riti.-di forces were undamaged. ADMIRALTY REPORT MADE PUBLIC Lou Ion, June .,. -Tile text of the, ad miralty aniionnceineiil leads: The Vice Admiral nt Dover reportu that the fni'inv liavai base niul work slurps lit Osteinl were havily tiombardil in Ihp early hours this morning. A largo number of rounds were fired with good results.- The piieniy shore bnlteiics rp- tiiriipd our fire but our bombarding forces suffeed no dnmaV'. Coniinadorp Tj-rwhitt also reportH that parly this nioruing a torcp ol light cruisers anil destroyers under comiiian leru sighted six (ntrnian desl overs ami pngaged them at long range in a running tight. Olio of the enemy destroyers, the H "0 was slink by our gunfire and another se verely damaged. Seven survivors from the S 20 have bpen picked up ami made prlHonris. TtiPiHt wern no ' cRNitaltira un our side .;.:' U.S. s First Intimation That Amer ican Fleet Was Taking. Over the Guard Duty. I'iii le .fiiiieii'o .Inn" fi. Tin? Cham. ber of Icpu!i s voted todiiy on a motion to authorie the cabling of a message of congrat 'iliif iiili to I he .Congress, of -the t lilli"! i;i:e on llie arriMll (i . un A'lr.er'i li n. s piadron. I'lRfiT NEWS IN TJIia COUNTRY Wii.'Jiingtoii June o.- The foregoing dispatch troia 1,'io de Janeiro is the first published i I format ion in the slates of the plan of relieving the French and British cruiser iii the waters: of. the western hemisphere; With warships. Kor the -present tie' Na vy ilepj it nu nt with holds furl her infiiriuiition iir comment .'poll it. --. ' TRIP OF ITALIAN WAR M ISSION POSTPON ED Washington, June (.--The trip of the Italian war mission through the South and Middle West, which was to have been begun today has been post poned owing to the illness of the I'fince of I'dine and Signer William- Marconi. STEAMSHIP AND UROAT EXCHANGE SHOTS Loiidoa, June .1 The American steam ship Mongol! fired four shots on June 1st, at a li'miaii submarine which discharged a torpedo at the liner. Neith er the Mongolia or the subamoriiie were lagauied. .. NEGRO DIES FROM PISTOL WOUND Jnu Vincent, a negro, who was shot Inst week .at Spr tig Hope and who was ru'-'heil lo l'ark View Hospital here for treatiucnfiilurdiiy, died Sunday morn ing from the effects of the wound re ceived. As to how the shooting occur red has not been definitely established, but U that is known -is that Vincent was shot by a member of his race at a lumber camp at Spring Hope, while In" was entering one of the houses used as quarters by the workmen. As to who shot the negro and whether he has been apprehended is Hot known here. The wound was such a nature as to make the (fforts of the attending physicians fu t le to save his life and he died twelve hours after his arrival at the Hospital. The body was sent to Spring Hope for burial. QUADKOiM OF ANOTHER EVIDENT Cerman Party Greatly in the Minority in the Austrian Chamber '' MANY TRENCH RAIDS The British Arc Making Plans For-Another Offen sive on the Western Front. All the familiar signs which herald n great offensive are reported from the Bri4 ish front in I'raiicp. The thunder of ; the Br.tish guns increases day by day in volume while trench raiifs and other mnubticvers for positions multi ply in numbers. In the field of politics whero the pvents aro moving rapidly the opening of the Austrian parliament has caused something akin to concentration in the (ieriuaii press and tho pan-Gorman or gans, especially arc Freconsofatill ra gans, pspecially arc filled with gloomy predictions in view of the fact that tho (ierinaa party is in a vpry marked min ority in tho Austrian rhamber of dpfin- lil'S ; ARMED HIMSELF TAKES TO WOODS i'ort Worth, Texas, June 0, E, H. l-'iilcher said to be a member of tho J'arnii'rs and Laborers Protective As sociation of America, who had hidden liims If in the woods, heavily armed with the announced purpose, of resisting eoitjiciiption, was shot and killed near Midway yesterday by a possess of f ticcrs it was learned here today, ' , TYPHOID VACCINE OFFERED TO CITIZENS Tlia Health Department offers . to every person in the city a chance to , protect themselves free of cost against the dreaded .disease, known as typhoid t fever Jr. Braswell the city health pfflr cor states thai ono should be vacciuat- , ed every three years on order to, in-, , sure perfect protection . against ,: ty phoid. It has been proven by erpen- , ' iiieuta.1 work iu the llnited States Army. and jNavy thai tlm immunity received, . from typhoid vaccination wears off in about three years and one should take the vaccination again. The results obtained by the Army and Navy from the use iif typhoid van cine has more than proven, tho worth of , nidi a great proven: itivo medicine. Where the vaccine is fresh and proper. ; kept tho results have always provi-.i to bo very beneficial. This simple treat ment will insure one against tho dread ed disease and save many dollarB. The treatment' is very simple as three doses of the vaccine are required and , they arc given, preferably ten, days , apart.. The length of time can be short-' teiied or' extended as one sees fit. Thi treatment is very simple and practi-ral'ly-faiiiU-HH. The time required to . give a dose of the vaccine is approxi mately ten to fifteen seconds. The Jlcalth Department is very anxious for every person in the city to bo immuniz ed against typhoid and offers them the , opportunity of a frpe treatment. A good many states make a nominal charge for the vaccine as. in Virginia the material is sold at cost, but in this state it is given free . Dr. Braswell stated that he would be glad to give the vaccine to anyone who culled a: the offices of tho Health De partment and further advised that the ' vaccine be taken ill the afternoon as the reaction which is usually very mild and often goes unnoticed should prefer ably occur during the night while voii are asleep. The offices will be kept open until o o clock lu -ihc afternoon. 10,000 OFFICERS TO MAN SHIPS WANTED Washington, June 5. A campaign to recruit and train 10,000 men to officer the ships of the new American meri chant marine was announced yesterday by the Ke.leral Shipping Board and the Department of Commerce. Henry How ard, of Boston, has been appointed di roeton customs house. The first nautical training school under government direction was opened yesterday near Boston. Fourteen simi lar schools will be established along the Atlantic voast, and later the training system may be extended to the Pacific coast and Great Lakes. Applicants may be. of any age, but must be in good physical condition. Pre vious nautical experience is desirable, and men will be paid "reasonable com pensation'' during training, which prob ably will lust two mouths. Graduates must be examined and licensed by the Commerce Department steamboat ire spect iin division, which is now consid ering certain relaxations of its strict rules governing admission of candidates to nautical service. . An announcement made yesterday points out that merchant skippers re- -reive $.'!o0 a month and mates $250, with additional war bonuses. BRITISH ACTIVE OH WIDE EXPANSE