Tuesday, June 5, ldl7 H8 , CZ3 EVXI7E73 T2LS2ia y IN i ill BIO o PAULINE FREDERICK -.'.' AT THE GRAND TODAY v :A special " ld'istiiitioii Diiv'' pro gram has boon pi ovi.leil at the Grand today liy the I . j j i i i i.r tin- Para mm: lit ilay, "Sleeping Rliirrina i I i ii i I'li'ilcriek nm tin' fourteenth 'tiimnlc oi' " I'litriii"' with Mrs. Vernon Castle.- Yuu don't need lis t.i li II yiiii Imw gooil I'liuliiid Frederick is mihI win ii . mi truthfully say thiit Slcopni'.; Fire ' ' in accredited with Initio an e:'ial for KuphHj ' Audrey iiml Hila 1'i.ni.n. ou wjll know Imw oiioil .l he picture isli'l 01 coinse Villi will want to see flu next ID HIST ' IllStllllllll'llt tit - ratlin ,111 vhich Aiiii'iii-aiiisui mid IhiiiW are st '.' I'awiiiutingly combined, ." Tomorrow. "The Hidden Children" 'Ioiiioitow thi' Grand will nii'si'it a picturi' version of Ibihert W. Chamber's .' aiiiiinliB novel, " Tin' Hi bleu 'tiihlicn " ' ror tin- Inst linn' in thrir yen on ce room, Harold' Liiekwond ami brv Al liton will jijijiotiK in a .L;(vat liitni i.-iil ITodiifWon, 'Tho Hidden Children, -V." tlio Mo( i'ii- Vni l, r feat ore si roo.ii . 'la v adapted r'i'o in tiro fnnioii.s m, VI of t lie nsinit name bv linl.i i t . i Ii'iii'Im i -. which Will In' situ- at li.o Grand f Im-;, . tru mi tiMiini row . "Tlio Hidden Chil.heu, isVi ' pioierfii' Htorv tit lii'Milut innin v .las, r,-i 1 1 1 SX'f.m1 Stress I'll tlio St I UJiIl'M lit tlio "'early colonists with tlio (jix ..Nations oi thtt. rrutpiniH Gnu leileraevy' 1 1 N a lav tluif will mouse patriotism, tics, iiliin; us it lines in intimate detail - ho :hen y edtls,tigainst which the 1 'uuinicrs of ..j ho nation ti.iitio'i. TlWwtnrv uf 'Tlio II iilli-Ti (. Iiil.l'oii.:" tnlifa its lioin, tho 1 in 1 1 ;i u -.'iHit, Kimii l-OKKltii 1 1 :i ! 1 1 i: l.rii-Uu 'Hi'l .' illol lt ho 'uijio, litto l.iii lo i Vmi ro noiir i iav .(isim with M ij ljm n s rtilli'im.'ii mpuHH il a ii porous i s into : t io' " .oi x hoarfr of tin1 loi -ri to: v . o!' I i.-: ilo - i tf- tijin at. 'a I ho i t mi--, l ui' a, 1 !:ii't io h tho i nil jany ai o.ilOM-rilfit as v''ll as the iloiii'oila.l iniis .lit' t i nitio "lis w hi' on. Wlillor li.iti, i ' I'a.i.t. , -." TliltrFday BUJic Burke ami World . I eaturo Or Thuis.hu i. I!, w ; I l.o Been in t ho lift -ii! I. i i-n.;o ,.! "iiliii Ill's Ulllliaili'O. this is tlio tun' '.MM not soo, iiml it w ill 'In- i-'iiinii Mi i i.irii'rv -tion with it iowoi l iii W'h i i " I rr.t'H "Tlio II..I.I. o S ar.'" : w'o:- I I :i lit ! CI li' foil ami lluiln u,, .'.linn a i !- .t,i.i . , ,L. MABtJUERITE CLARK i i'V COM IN C fOON ; -4 ' -f i , ,-rV '.J , A , ' i.'..t 7, m KscA-'v. .?H "itHt t, ,,,i MAY ALLISON, IN "THE HlblsLM CHILPKFN' ;'':';''".:.:'"' j Robert; W. Chamber s famous uovol at i)ic Grand tomorrow in pictures ! ' In it mas atnl I ho . I'un i t h of .1 uly. in vioi'r t:ii: i-uiiirs aain into pjnia; iiiio'i' in tlio 1 hi t h i' in ni ti l'";! tin ins I'lav 0!' pii t n ; v, r.'Tho V '' l''M ' im- tlirl'' star l ino Ma i '..iiit i to t la rUj hoi ahioil tar aiot r:ir ns "tin' snri'ti'M oirl in ..ino'i'in iii:t iiros, '.' on thi I'liraimiuiit I'l ooraiu .it t Ik- lira in I next Tsiosilav. "M. ii'l ont im , " u a- an uhl Italian Saint ami ;,'lthioii4li it. is imt tiiiown oN.'iitlv hmy hi' or.;'iii.'ito'l t'li' I'n-'iiili, it is ooitain that yin.i-c tlio ttmo ni his lift' .man V i lit ni ii s aii- 'until. flit- oiid nl thollMh out ttry , ' 1 L.o V- nsTI'i'in oi siii'liii ; ' ' va i ni iiii s' ' or !u i- tiil: ii, stoa.li'y porsi.'.t. I. Ivvoir tuilay iu many pai'ts nt' tlu' niuttry .tlio. voaiii.i icioi at ion ' oior it v't'S tlj.. tjita iut ati'l pi o:t:t y roroiiii'ity Katrina Collins A Colored Girl at Fort Wi-nhi Tfxas. wiys ttiaiadrr hr uwd'Nclaon'i Hait Drriisiris n nlmrt tine itlie wai able to "do lirr iiair pertrrtJy. Slic t-anrurt mv too much for Nelson's Hair Dressing h your hair curly, rtuMoni, nii hard tomaiiaL't? By ail liiroiib try ium't h jrr UroMtic wlticti iiai mide tJii.u ati.ls u( tdlorcd jtcf.plc all ovrr tlic l imed tan- lruu.i ot tlH'irliatf. N I t-bON'S fiuftpnt-thr hair, iiukci U-r.tsy to tuinb. and "do up and f ivralt that rich, glt'y l(Hk w-ttuti is ku Hiutti adimrcil. Ijch packasc c'l iiUiiiii ftrt tiouklrt It litdc hov to impmre rhe ha:f. M .SOS i (tic hair (rniii.' that i rccom mnnlrd and suld by ilruj: stores cvryivht rc. Price 2 Sc. bt?e what one ti i wtiliio for your hntr. Ur pure to i'rt cciiuiiic N ICON'S. Take thin ad lu tticdruc More. Nelson Mfg. Co., Inc., Richmond,Vfe ' "NdNon'B mil nwlre you proud of your bairt" , hi.Mor ISii-l ril J. .JS. " 'SAW (inn. U. Coopi'r.Nierii'o n rogistrar 3rd ward ....... . 3.IM) J. (). Circoiio, 'dorvioo an rcg;- iiilriir, Iiml wnr.l ...... . , . 3.00 A. 8. Lyon, pay roll ...... I -!2il3.iMi X..C. l'itt, pay roll ........ .111. 1 1) H; Kinii, iMivn , rr4. MAI4QUE OF LIFE" BOOKED AT (irwND THEATRE f (Vv tho fir. "V Hlv Vtilontiiio 's ml Ha I'ro A-oii a. .l i t! ot Vhovef Vou Need a fienerul TonU 1 nt.e drove's "Tho'iOFtl St.-iM.lart' Orovo's TitclcrS chil. Tonic 13 erjiially valuable: n a Gencrjy 1 omi: In-o.-uue it roitlfins the wel'knJw' II ton il- irroiiurtu'j r( fjl I N ! N h nticl IJ( .- Jt acta nil r .o.'.ivcr, lirivos out Ml.irta, JmiticI: tite li;ootl a;;., Build up the U hole fevMouj. Ml cent'. ."Tho .latii" nl' i.iloV. has luvn li.iitik. 1 1 to play at t ho I fV.-iml- tin at i r t'of illii if;ns : l.luilH'lli'i 11! M li IU ! .1 V, ..1 11 III ' J. V it'oinit to linlil.t this -t-M-a lot'L sptf t;..-.il:i.r tilm has Viva! ; -ii iiniit' rtiiiinioiit t !ta ii' iiii V; -ot Iht' pii't liro of t lii' -yra r ;'i a I N.-i.hiti ly . i i . ii ' i t qit t ; --riii any t'i' l'Ol ill " -r i oli ia A a ,', '... a. its has lit'',.uLlWtueiJt-r' -Tho thino; -t .poni.l'o-' talk :i I .. ;. i ; .' i 1 1 fho-pio, tho Will k Hi I '..to; 1 if' lOi.illlvi'V ho i:iii.ii v n ni.i'iy nl tio .In;' nl' "M n.-it- 'i ;tt) liiinli op of t.i,,- ;'a;n i ,,t '. ' t :ili ;:i;h unnoy ' i.;,;l li'.'i'. ti'il", iiMi. f ' Irs .aili!. t : ; i I - tlo- j-.hiui'n.oj liaVi-.'- i- a "!ij!-i ' i "i ' t i'i ,' ' i ' 1 1 ,' t i I .i 1 ni 1 1 ) i Iv. o y aint i no MJ' t lit- .ittiri y-ho v'.'i-'- nj'ti.o "'I -fi. to'T'o; -' to i "-s-ur til th;: t . . f -- -i , :; ' pi:; iliW- atiii ;: ai h- iri.iui t ii luiii o tlr. III. : '-oo fh'.-' !,.or..i 'iV'l;.- V . ni hi; V A-i't,.i'b tl-l ii,;r. f i..-,l.i !.. thr- hat. lnoatli. Ill LlI. in H- loiitiki'V v.. l:; i-.. 0 li.i. 1 II IM-' V . till -of i i y a'ti :i-ii .A .f?ppiaf!it? .ii ..V; h 'Vvi', t in . ij ii. ' , "TlitTO was very wiilc i-iiiiu't it ioli in tho liiihlint;,.' ' Slid A'liniral Mot low an, m viii .1 st i'i- ii iii nil uf tho Navy, ' bids I'm' 1 .,)".'i,i!Oi pairs, boinj; I'oi'oiM'd in ro spdnso in t ho iiiVit at it.nis tn bid on tlio Navy ciiiitrai Is., 'i'ho oontr.'icts wen ;iw a 11 1 i'ii, in o i rv oast- to . t lo lowest biO'leis. : iloliv.orios iiro to bo i-iiinjtloloil ii, 1 i u lit nuii.tiis. Tho iii.i!it ity whii-h. we ha 0 ountiai-ti'il t'oi" will probably he snll'iciont to supply.tlii- iioi'ils of . the Nn'Vy ftij- t ho it'iiia iiolor i f the year. Tin inliiial si hoilnlos. ( n'li 'l fur iS'i'.t.imi; pairs, but a-; the tUan! ity was inereasoii to s:,ii.ii 'ii pa irs. ' ".' -'.';. Tho si. i. jo : 1.1 Jn . .1 fin the Navy a ro 1 h 1 i-y ii lilt ion : biaek t all'sU in hiyh rut il-'siii,. iiitd t ho a .t'i a;:o prit e i: liio.iit .( f.s;;, ' "..' ' 'I'iio AVa r I ii:','ir.tiiioiil. eontraets for J (iiMi,iiiH.i pairs of sh,ii :i. f,i-. the new :i ; 111 tttit awarded to IU oi: of a total 1 ' (7 biiiiliTS, ami ' the a-i'faio pf.ie I ,';iil w as I.s."i a i.'iir. T'hiei; sty Jos wvre I'lir.ioil, ineluiiinir iioth inaieltin nii'l ttrl.l shoos. J'li'- I'l'ls v.ii.i' opened in T. , ..lav , M i'. :.'!'. I lolivi'i ios w ill bi'oin at .inee. iinil t hi 1 a : t w : I I be eiim plot oil by th li j-"st it! I I tn'i. 1. - : NATIONAL PROBATION ASSOCIATION ME El I1 -1 .;,) . ot- I'AJits or - p,)R -'.ill llll'KS Wo always have. somctlijiiajuiaiiL s . v . M ill ,T; st. ;i". Ill .i-ll . ijo a vi Ano illli! tfi'n Th 110!. I Ai 111 .1 :h. ,.! s ".ill 1 siH'S. vMi'Hi J.''l awai-.l.sl.' it "s,-. an- :i:e ii,:.!. .iiV'.th' : '.;!:.'l,'i th. .- ,l 1: . illOlit s . il:-i.!,:reil ,'; - uf' lUiie Stock to tickle tho pa;,'te ot those whose appctitics need ionmi' a little. Pay us a visit, ladica. it will be mu tually heliift',1. Owoiiis'a inal on OHve Butter and PromJcr Snappy ReM-h. I 'itt '-bin "Ji, I'a,, .1 11 lii-' I'ivo linn ilrei'li'' pl-iibil-f ion otlii-i'lsV "jlldaes ' ailll others in I resHr in inisiliirtiiin wnrkmit iiv'l Uiil .a 11 n liti t'cuii frreifc' 6' tU"v, IxariuiiSl l'i:iliiiti.it - Asi'i!)nn lu ro toil.-iy.".. The s.i ssiolls bii-ll " tht-t i lay;:. A li i;t t. yd . Saroi-ii t of I'.ost tin pr'.i sit!i-nf, -1" l.o lii l.iy, liutehin on noiiiv of tlio pfosYwii ill 'Qtnihriiutl w it h - jii v'ta. i In probat bill w hieh are t be' .lis. ussi'ii. ' '..; y DIZZSPELLS Relieved After Taking Two Bottlet Of Cartlui, Says Tennessee L'.dy. tl.i; 'V' i- .'-;.-!.! l!o j.- vf. so j i-s .1.1 I o. -,..,1 till. aVV l',...;.. "I ;.-V'.mi'.-..yy th." itinila.-I-. 'w'tl'li tin' t-tiiO; 'ri.'ii' on' ni' j.iili.,iv lit- I ho " : i ii( i I of nil. t :.M :!"-.-. This I'lnttOj'ti-, ;.f v Im -h .bili ;y ''.' ;' n v.-.'i I'l, '"'io. i, i t h-'r : jo ...i o. -i:..!,--! the pi;n -ipal- '. h-aPe;!' j.H-i'-tM.l' i' thr. t'titttry. st-ii: "i n ;-yui ' ti'i.M nil t;j. teal 1(..-it.tpiiie.i. Thi ii il ' sh io .'-; : iiiii'ri.'t';:i'Ots who havi- th -'faril ifi- . im -p.-vidn. itrr. shoi-s 'iif' fh..'. ;;ra.t.s ..ii. T I y . i''i: ro,y aiot S;t:-y iii.tiio. i y i li t i; i"? iei!iiri I w I-.' im iteil to sub 1'iit ! t.iii's basi'il (in t lie : prit'"s seeiii'i'tl. id . i he o; T.,"tis ni i a ntyM w i t h t ho tauiioi's. i : : :' .jk TODAY, JUNE 5th SPECIAL ' REGISTRATION" PROGRAM Pauline Frederick in "SLEEPING FIRES" A mag mheent pluv of great appeal . .' Ak;o fourteenth episode cf "P ATRIA" With Mrs. Vernon Castle Patriotism and Thrills 'vMijtwrll jv.n.Vs 0 P Cut ViTiglif," of this ph.! o, wtMos: "About four vears n"0 tho tlly.r.y-spells' got sr. hud tbe.t v.-lieji I would Kt.jrt to wnll. I- would jtiit jircKv nour fall. I v.-asn t prist iiotiu: !iv,' work, hut was very i.'i.tfch -'ruti-Gown. .'. ... 1 f 'lhl n,y liiu-.ha.hd I t!)OtiBlit Cardul voald help me. as a lady who Jived iK'xt door to mo liud talien a great deal, and told rue to try it. This was when we were living In Keiituekv. . My husband got mo a bottle and I took it according to directions. It helped mo fo iiiueh that he went hack and pot me another -bottla. I got a ivnolo let bettor rind Jiif;t quit taking it. I got over tho dizzv Fpolla...I took no oilier medicine tit that time nor since for this (rouble. No, I vo never regretted taking ( ard ii. 1 felt iii at n:;o when I ilmshcd ths second bottle." Purely' voi-xtable, niild and gentle In Itu action. Cvinltn. tho woman:! tonic:, may be the very medic.'no you need. If you suffer from symptoms of w foiiiale tro-.filcB, give Cardura trial. All druggists. NC-129 i ; i V V V i FINANCIAL STATEMENT ol tlio City of Rocky Mo. int. for tut Mouth of May 1917.. RECEIPTS l.i-ht ri'i-oii'ts . . . . (i.l- 1 j.'s . . . ., lias niat oral , Water ret eipts . , . Taps fiml materials N.orin! fas I '.'I i'i . :! iiioil 1 11 lav I'.M TOMORROW WFDNFSnAY II IMP Kik rils, ,., ,,v it, - - j T 7 -- MliV . A W V A Md Villi Robert W. Chamber's FaAious Story - "THE HllDDEN CHILDREN" As it erpeared in the Cosmopolitan Maazine featurin." . HAROLD LOCKWOOD AND MAY ALLISON Kl-t oltlfl's ,11111 f ' i t.-t ' ' l ot'tn .or 's eon 1 1 'tiiies': I.ii-enso t.-ix I t eioetoi salt's . . . $ . V. isi i lhi a,-. i:s rei-i-ij .f s- U Street ;!! silieuiilk p!U ' a -'.iiien '............ l,:iJ-:iii S7. 1. 1 I iHl.00 .".-7.70 L'77.."i(' ''ii.ii.i 111. oil iis..ll .0 v COMING THURSDAY, JUNE 7th. BILLIE BURKE in the fifteenth episode of " "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" . The one you missed - Also the World feature "THE HIDDEN SCAR" With ETHEL CLAYTON AND HOLBROOK BLINN Total re.-eipls $ !l.;;L'.ll."i OeoKlintt, May .'tl, 1 1 7 1 .717.1 1 DISBURSEMENTS A. C .!. Co.. freijrlitif Til. -.2:: I1. J. Ilose. buiblinn aiblition to power plant L'.iHMi.uU A. S. Lyon, pay roll :. JiJ'.i..).") N. (', Witt, pay' roll - l!s.!.il(i B. King, waji'it 7.00 Firt Nat'l. Bank, interest on orders I ."511.00 A. C, I,. IJ. R.'"o., freight.. ; T?,17 Ji--J, Lauicr, .sexvke-aa poll . ' HUWM I. A. Joins, HIrvil'PS tlH poll hnlilor - 1st ward t ... . , , . . A. V. Airiiigtoif, Mi'iviei'H us ; regiHtrnr in 1st ward. ; . . 1". '. (ioihaiii, scrvieos as auditor . . . ... . . . W. K, Hell, wagoi ... . .... . . A. ('. L. H. It. Co.., freiijht (lenoriil Kloe. Co., sup. ...t Tiiwer-Iliiifiiiil Kloe. iV 'Mfg. Co., mijiplii's ... ..." Crime Co., siiji. . tieneriil F'ii-i" - Kxtiiignisher Co.; supplies ............ Western Klei tiii' Co., sup, . , A tin ii tie I .lOi'.l lie Co., sup. , .. TTI. Mueller -Mfg. Co., sup. I Whjte.Oiilt Cinil Co., coal ,,,, . Jlonbleibiy H ill Kh'i'l V siljK st.iiiilaiil Oil I n., sup ...... I'nite.l Mrnss Mfg. Co., sil. Aineiit'aii La I'lii lie I'i ro Ihig. . i 'o.,' supplies ;-...': . . . i . . . I'liilinli'lphin & Homling Coal : Co., i'onl.-.,' ;',-.-", (ilainiiignii I'ipe i Fouinlry Co., supplies .. . . i ....... . S. It. 1 urn o r & I, ami, sup. Indianapolis lilue 1 rmt tic Sup. Co., supplies 1 hi' I'.stato Stove ( o., sup. . I- hit 1 op h Hoi ( o., eoko s I'ltlsliing Wiilj'i' Hentor ( "o., supplies . . ...... . . . ... National oiiiiiiori-ial (.as Assnt., sujlies lievnor M Ig. o., sup i II i;i in M . Time t o.. sup. Milwaukee Gas I o., sup. . I'.lwooil A. liolingoi I no. silliplios . , . . ... ......... rime o.. sup. ...... Liinre Miieh & Supplv ( orp. supplies .'.,.-.,...,... .'. . Ilolnie ii Mellheiirv, sup. .... Hiissell I'.iigiiii'niig Co.. Blip, Metroit Stove Works sup. .t Welsbiitk Gas Lamp (;o., supilii' .............. ;;r r.aMimoio Gas Appliiiu.e ic Mtg. ( II.. supjtlles William I li'irgcyoll A Soli,. Sllp. Ill's ' .' I lie l.att liner Sf e ens 'o : : supplies . . . .-. '.'. I mprovoil Applianei. Co., siii. I I uiiiph roi- 'a., gup. ....... Kfl elf -Wad. ley To., sup. . . Sinit h I 'ourt iii'y Co., sii Ma in mn la t orporat ion, . sup. Stone I-orsvt li I o., sup. -, lloi-kfisli: Mills, coal .. . .. Tar liiver Liiiiibor Co., supi. . I.uilileis Sash anil 1'oor I n., unlse. . . . y, . . , . . I. W. liose line,' I'o.. IlliikeWilliforil. indsi' I. . iTii iner. work mid srlfi- plios ' Koi-kv -Miiliiil lem & Kiiel ((; coal . : . . . I. h. Moore. so iv lee and more ha iitlise bobbins,: su. . . . ...... The I'.vi'iiiiil' . luli'gr.'HH Cftj 'service J. . . ' ; W osti'i'ii ( uioir SiT viees .- K'o. ky Mount :l ns. -. l.'i'alt liy y. t'o., insur.'iui'o . ; . . ."r .'l' I. i. kins liaughli-i.lg . MaiihTi'' I'ii., work 'and. supplies , "''' Williams I'riiiting I'o.j work' . iiml . su jilie .... .... , liishop. Lauii'lrv Co., servieft..' 'Carol'mii IhiiltHug . sup. cf '."KUpplief '..: (ion. S. l-iilwiitil.s & 'i., utip. I. W. ( 'tin mil, uiiiforin lor pnliec . . ... .-.'.. .... ... . . .. . ; liiyni'i- & Kiiubiml, sup. .Matthews yVrekg Co., sup. f. Is.- -l:n id. - sun. ' , . ; .-. , , . Il.time Ti lophdiie'. i 'Ti'l. Co., s"r i'-e ......... . . . . .... ,'...' lull :i I . ( )diiiii ser n-o . - . ; 1. P. I li'i'epef Ii, hin k . hire I. A. lalertiin, servii-e ...... I. .1.. Hose, bah. on contract "fllv buibiiiii and htnro n'ut ' I. W. Sinithsnn. sen ice its : poll 'hohle;- 1th ward ; . ; . I. I. f.'i'avtiin, sup. 'I. S. 1 oole, sup. I'bv Goo. ,1.: Males, Co., sup, May & Goriiam, sup.- . ... . 'tulbii'k l-'uf. Co.. nup. . . . . . ' Stamlaiil llihv. Co.: sup. iny i Airingtoii, sup. . . . . i'iio N. V... Vnil itii'iital Jewel Co., p.ai t pavnie nt on eon- ; t raci new lilter ; . . . . . . . S. I. villi, pay roll '. .:. ,y ... . C. l'itt, pnv nill . . .... .".." II. King, wages . . Hen Knwlins inials lor pris oners ... . . . . .1. liobi'i-son. seriiee :13 J ml 1 holder :iril ward . , I. I.. onvcrs. service lis null hoblor .'trd ward . . , ..... I. K. Hill, Hcrvuc ns poll holder lit h ward . : i. .1. Ifiiss. service ns ioll hohior' lith ward . S. I. von. pav i "II ....... . C. l'itt. pnv roll ; H. K i no. wages T. l-'oiiiita i n, sala rv . . . . . II. 1 1 a i-ris. sala rv 1. Ilrnvi'lv,, salai v ..... T. Thorne, subirv ... ... . b'obt. L. Arrincf on, salarv . . ''has. ('. Harris, salarv .... . ). I'. Ili'tlgepeth, salary .... . II. I bibv. sabii v .. s. I avlor siilarv ........ W. I llai'i-Tii'lon. salar' .. W. Hart ho la mow -, . saliirv L. V.. Sumner, salarv. ....... . 1 1. A lii'i'less salarv . . . . , i, W. lid), snlarv H. loborson, siilarv ..... I. , Stevenson, salary .... II. V lledt'eiief li. salarv .. s. I n is. salarv . S. l.vou. KJilnrx- K. II, Allen, salary . . . .1. I!. I'oi-ke, salary ........ fieii. W'oiiible, snlnrr ....... ('. V. Hraswell, salary .... . C. l'itt. salary 1. .T. . ial, siilat-y A. M. Lynn, salary W. K. ( 'ado. sala i y .... 1. W. Bartholomew, Hillary Dr. .F. C. liiiiswcll, Jr., salary Kussell Ainli'rson, salary ... .1. B. Moore, siilarv Miss Grace Airingtoii, salary -Miss N. M. Alvis, s.'iiary .. Frank Bell, salary O. A. Snipes, I. M. .ostagc stamps , 2, no " : . .1.00 oO.OII L'O.IIO ::s.sr 'JIS.SII iti.r.7 i"2.;ii ls:i.on jii.VL'ii CI.7I ' i.ii.r.s l,i::.'.i;i (..Ml ILL-JO " lll..i(i 10.110 l"j.r7 . ;;os L'" .Ml ii.llll L'.v tio ;:l 7..V0 4 .. i ;i.n7 Is IS 5.10 HI.JU IS II :iii.sri N.IO ll.il i7'.i.;o no i. . yl.llO ;. oO.Jsi J.OII Itl.liH LMU IS Oil JI J 1 : : j.js v IU , T.liU .11 1 I 1 I .Si . OJ ; '; oO '.;o 10.111) 2o,;iii lo.l.V 10.10 :i.:'u 70.00 (iii.u !)."i.00 o.ir, s i .:.'i; l'.III.OO 'i i I. in : 1 .11." 10.00 10.00 ' fi.nu ."i.K'.OO J.oii liJ.JO ;!s.'j.i . -M.70 .'i.lll - 5.1.1 I'l.os Jis.:i7 Siiii.Oo J.".:f.70 ;.'.:!. mi 7. on l i i '.'2.0M 2.0(1 i'.oti 2.00 2. mi. si ;t-js.:!o 7.011 luu. (Ill I. Mi.no iVu.iiii ll.oo 'Td.lHT 7o.uo 111."., 00 Do. on so. 00 SO. (Ill so. 0(1 SO. Oil Sll.oll Ml.llll HO. 01 1 SO, (Ml 17..V0 7."i.oo loii.oi; luu. Oil 1 Jo.OO 1 00.110 SI 1,00 100.00 SO. (1(1 v".oo I Hi. 1:1. Sll.ltll 2'h.:i;i 70.00 SO.OII -to.oo 7.".. on 40.110 i.OO Total disbursi iiients . ...$10.212 11; .OvMdraft. Ajn-.Oy'RUt 24,!iJ7.."iii - . . ' S fl-J.L'in.Ofi r.y order "of the TtoariT. C. II. IIAKftlS, Clerk. -11J,?1Ij. I a 111. 1 j J ' . I-.'. 1 1 t v. i c f Vi n 1 lviaice You Can a NickeL of a Dollar , Here's an experiment that may prove a revelation to you. ' The next time you ctuju' in the front iloor of your home just imagine that 'you are entering the home of a stranger. Look at your own things as thoimh you hiid never seen theni before. ' Notice how many thinus you discover that have previously escaped your attention. Some of the furniture to w hich you niay be rriost attached will look mighty shabby to you. Not worn out just scratched, marred, dull as ood as ever except for the finish. Notice your walls the woodwork and every artkJe-er surface that is painted, varnished, enameled or otherwise decorated. Of course, it's out of the qucstijnto refurnish and redecorate every little while, y --- - - -: -Hut there is a better solution. Invest a few iiiekel.s in LUCAS HOMK. HKI.I'S.: You'll find o for evcry imacinablc require-.y ment. A few hours of pleasant, easy work then hekyour home tveragnin ' Everywhere your eye falls you will si c that the original licainv of perfect finish which you missed before litis been restored and even enhanced. And the cost is practically nothing. .yQ This wonderful group of Lucas products has been especially designed for house hold use. The results which can easily be secured seem little short of marvelous. Varnish Stain Stains and varnishes. 111 one nppli ratnui 1 mi lie applied to lit w or old sulfates dries 111 i'l hours. Voiir choice, of sixteen colors ami shades' for furniture, woodwork, -doors, and worn picture frames, etc- Floor Stain Finish Can lie used on either pine or hard wood flours with eipuil success. Makes your Iloor licauidul, sanifary and easy to ( lean, l rodui cs a remarkably dur able surface, withstanding even the severest usage. Dries over night. I'm up in cans from .'4 pint to 1 gallon. I hirteen colors anil shades. Furniture Polish kemoves dirt like magic:, ( leans, renovates and renews lany painted or varnished surface. Dues quickly and txilishcs with a few rubs. ill tiot re main sticky or gummy or come off on the clothes. Bath Enamel Dries hard anil glossy gives a true porcelain surface whic h is 11.1t affected by hot or cold water, steam or vapor An ideal material fur inside and out side of hath tubs, walls, ccjIiiu'S and .woodwork- if bathrooms, sinks, lavatories, basins, iiitenorof .refriger ators, etc. Sold 111 white and delicate tints. Stovepipe Enamel r I rcvctilB rust indefinitely. Makes old registers, t.idiafuis and stovepipes look better than new. Screen Enamel Lasily applied - gives a beautiful, glossy finish. V ill not clog the meshes. A sure .preventive o( rust. Dries in an hour. 'I wo colors black anil green. Household Enamel 1 he highest class enamel made for general household use. I n itbii i s a very smooth, hard and glossy surface. - It can I ie used 1 ni cither wood 1 r metal and over painted, stained, varnished or unfinished surfaces, tor woodwork, furniture, beds, walls, ironwork ot all kind, etc. Dries in 21 hours. Porch Enamel I' or icfinisliing porch and lawn fur niture of all kinds. Dries hard docs not get st 11 ky or come off on the clothes. Is not allot ted by exposure to sun. rain or-any weather, conditions. Kight shades and colors. Prepared Paint The highest class patntever put up in small cans for household puroses. Dries quickly (24 to .Ml hours) with an excellent gloss. I. nusiial covering capacity about ? square feet to the pound, ide range of colors. Abbey Stain A true oil f tain infinitely superior to ' tlie-orhnarywatcr or acid stain, l'ro iluccs a beautiful dull, llat finish. Can' be an plied to new or old surfaces. 'I wulve colors and shades. Floor Paint The most beautiful, durable and sanitary paint obtainable for the floors of kitchens. hallways, pantries ami on stairways or wherever a xanushed or waxed floor is not preferred, blxtcen fcliuiles and colors. Cold ud Alupinim Eamd Can he wathed freely. ill in it liirniull or grt Micky m warm or damp woatfier. Dries In ona. Hour, hasily applied to piettne frames, bnr a-brac. fancv lampNaiif fumiture. llKhtinK hxtureK lri m-ltedii. luuulil inK. cic. Money-Back Guarantee With Every Can' Every can of Lucas. Home Helps is sold at our risk. You are the udtie. After usuitf it, if you arc not satisfied with the results, simply return us the can. We will cheerfully refund you your money. We take all the chance of pleasing you. H. E. BREWER & CO ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. h r M' on' l''frfiWrr t'w'' ' XTJ lWfwjr.'. i.'l 'I Little Ampere Starts Over a Million Cars this Spring And we are one of the 850 Willard Service Stations that will see that they keep going.""- We're working for you. The battery experience and factory training of our men are at your disposal. 1 1 is not enough to fill your battery regularly with distilled water and to make regular hydrometer tests. Vou should let us look it over at least onceamonth. Little Ampere will start your car let us keep it We have a rental battery for you if yours needs repairs. WILLARD SERVICE STATION THE ELECTRIC SHOP 129 N. Washineton ; J1 Phone 10j; Full Stock New Batteries on Hand ' '