PIPP IS YAWKEtS" big lira ' - ... Wallopy Pipp is Main Cog Around Which Rolls At tack arid Defense of AVcII- Known Yankees. Iniim' of it, lio in. oim of ln'xl Ifcili'in the Ariiii'ii li'iigur lmili. . For inittiuiri, If'ijttT I Vrkiiii!iunh in -iti'I it'il ulii' nf (lift Ix'wl fioblori in lli;' I Aiiirricmi li'ii),'iu -ii mini uliu IIiOiIm imd ' tlirnwn I'liiiNiNlciillv il.iv in .1 ml nut. Am ii inittcr of , fiiri fCiirr if ,junl iih lilu'l.yj tO li III fit till! lllIIT liiT 111' llliKe illj li;,'M lli'lil im lit liml Iiiim', (l in i thill 'n when l'ii hri'.in o unik fur tlin brut'- J lit nf lite homo Imiyh' iiyrr:iL-i. Mr in n 1 I . lu H 1 1 t ( Ii mIiiion! iiiivu lion; in hlniut in;; ifistiiiirii of hrn; niisi' and nimioii ' em uii. ll (lorn il ciiiiHtiuilh . I'ri'kniiiauili 'i rrrniu lire tiinii'il inlu I throw by l'iip. . I.ikru ii' In i-imih tlir hud iiim'm iiji fur tin- ri'Ht n f th ' crowd, 1'iHiik It.ikir iH.a v-;i I ixi 1 I 1 rt 1 1 I : i t r ninl Slim ('nldwcll is ;i w Ii u Ii' nf ii piti li cr, hnl jiiHt xvlinl wmilil biiiii'il to tin.' i ii nk its wiili iilliipv I iii Is wiini thing fur tlir nizzl" m.-i l( im In uumw r. RESULTS YESTERDAY National League. At 1'hiliiili'liliiii .'i ll; Now York I .'. At 'Hriiiikl.vn.fi II; HohIoii til. At rillslmid ii; 'iiii'iniin4i Ii. At Ijiiuiu (i li; ('hii'K" "' (Flrnt Kiiuin '-I.V iiinihn, . mtihiiI.' iiiiii' i 'in III II s, d.'ll lillrKU I. STANDING OP CLUBS I New York, June 7. WhII.v I'ipp. who would look juiit hn wi'll iiiimoil WhI- .V'P.V . FipPT1. ""nip rog around v. hii'U rolls the attack Mini ilt-fciuy of thf welf known nm! oftliiU'iiBHpiI Y lin ker. Flip, elongated exponent of third bane and homo mini, wiw once i-lijjilili1 to A pnnitihti mi ri'Kilr on Hugh .li-iminK ' f mnous Tigura, hut Ilii(liio couldn't Hoe it that way, mo he 1m now milking the board Jtle tmunhor of Wild Wil liam Donovan JmtrcpoTouii kh"i I'ipp hud (l hnrfl time couviuriiiK the ' f mm thi vpr that .tlii'y: hnilii't jjoiib" a little loo far ami fiiiiiipwliiit too noon ,'nhrii thrV rclniiii(l hi in a demon Htick e. Ila ntnitcl vary, verr tardily, hut clniic about the time t ho Whitu Hox .amhlril into town to toach the yniikii-a DITCH KS AUTO TO hnnrhall Wnll.v anil Iiih lint got liuay. 1 lie net result of hia I'fforts wnn two dc i cat's for the Whita Hnxt and when llm J'.ronas loo up ma liunlen wlicre How-1 iim-iivilli', IN. ( ., .linn1 "7. A Kro tt it Hind u stars left off ha won two giinu-a j toiiiolnlr, Iii'Ioii;;iiik o nud driven liv a WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY National League, llimlon nt llrmtk Ivu. ('liii'li(o ill H. I.nnirt. t'inciiiutrtT'n , l'illiiurf. ' ptf oris nt l'liiliidi lihiii. American league. Detroit' at I'liiraun (two niimi-m. H,t. f.niiiH lit ( 'li'Vi'liind. V li i iiriH nt a.l Koaton,-" , J'hilnili'liiliiii nt Ni'W York. AVOID COLLISION American league. ; A( ( hii'iino L' I ; Drtroit 0 :. At I'l.-vi'lanil r, fi; Hi. liiniiH - l!. . Al lloMuii L'; , WHsliinyl on ;i, Al Ni .v York 7; I'liiludi lidiiii ii. International League. At N. wink I; I In ll:i In X . At Kii liniiuiil :i. 'mJhit.ri'XT " A. rrovidi'iiri' (I; itochivr It fi. ' Al Hull iinoro Toronto iime nidi fur tndiiy idiiyed tluhc -3.. Cluhi: I'liilinlclphrft Now York , I'liiiauo St. Loii'ih , j I 'incinniili . Ilrooklyu . . Most on . , , , J 'it I.nIu rj National League. 4 ...... x ' . . ; . .. :ii V ...... :i7 1:1 in L. 21 American League. ii.-.i American Association. fslncln-liandcd from thn r'it'lder Join's antry. .Two homo runa clmipd off hia irnt at opportune iiiomriiti 011 sui'ci'sivo ilnya. . " I'ijip in a sort of iiluHhiiig Kcniun. IIn in no prouder of hia hita, inclinliiig Hip home runs, than Tid Walsh ui'd to In cf hia apitliall. This ia 110 proudor of n thing th.in the I'hifod Statoa ia'of il navy. Jlowaviry rtjjht tlicra hia np plauHfj ends, and, in apito of it, not lie- Mr. Iti'dduk, wii.h ditched nlioiit ten miles fioin town MiindHv nielli when lie i:lini'd 11 horse 11111I ! n ilr.v in 11 iiinrow' pint of tliu r I. Ueiidick hinl the choice of ruiiiiinj; into the liujry or ililcliiiii his I'tir. He elios' the biter course. The car turned turHj. anil in do ini; ho, wns pierced liy irmnnip in the dith. . Th hi mop weiil clenr thiouii the liottoni of tin innchine. Keddick esciiped srrions-411 p.irv. 'At', MilwnulKV -J; Toledo 1. At Kuiimih I il v li ; I uilinii.'ipnlis At M in 11.1 upolis 7; I'oliiinbim ii Oulv tlnce seliedllicd.; riulia: ( 'hicnuo . . . , Hoston .New oik . Detroit .... f 'le vein ml 1. ; Wiishiutoii St. I.ouis . . . riiiladi'lpliiii W. 10 :i-' 1! h. lil L'l "S ' :ni :i7 Pet. .Ii Ills .SHI ,:.ir .I 7S .-(.'Hi .li'ti Pet. .(l.ili iii; .."'.1:1 .5(1(1 fil H .I'll) .ilh.'l .:i;i;i 1 i'V -r,3f O-liaDir Grows Long, Solt, Silky International League. Umilrimnt i-ir en en ! Ui jut ip.i w hnl T'-ur Q, Unlit Pummdm tiM A-rit t'tr Hit htir II a ?rnrn lu 2 Ijw'Iim 11 ml ! fi jf Out i. ,(1 ititil iik v nul I n not tit in j hir ny tT I maul I II i th" lfat k r ruM,.r In vvjfii; . HUI. A HANKS, P(n'( be fMlrI nil your flfo hy unlnic some f Hko n pnrMiinii wlitt h huin lo n(i:iij!(irn kinky liuir. 'ou nrv iunt (ooliitu mir,cM l-y il. KtnKy Imir i;iiriit t'O H'ikIo !iij:ht. You niimt have hoitJUx&L. Now this EXELENTO ?SBSK-, Ia h I lair Grower w Im h frrds tlic ncnlp 11ml roots of the ht"r nml inakrn kinky mtppy hir utow lonK,t;fi aiwi silky. It tlcmifl (liuutriilf ami slops Fnllinir lliir ut oner. Prlc iSc ty mail on receipt o( mmnpH or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Writ fur Partkular V CXCLCNTO MEDICINE CO. ATLANTA, OA. SEVENTEEN HURT IN S. A. L. W RECK Southern League. At Chiittitiinoa. 1; Little Al :isliville li; Meiupliis fi. At New Oilenns 7; Moliile 1. A4 Al l;intn Kirniiiiliiini, rain. GREENVILLE' FARMER KILLED UY TRAIN (ireenville, X. t'., Julie i!7. Henry Vimderfonl, ned iw, a well kriowti'f iiriii- er ii'Midiiif!; nlioiit five miles from (irceu- villi", wns w.'ithing along the iNorfolk Soul hern trestle Monday' nioriiinK, was at rue It liv n lieirht train,, 'fell. "f feet I'niii Iho tresllo, suflerud a frnct iireil fikuir ,'ilnV died; iunl.'intlv. Vmideiford w:i' well ''Mown lliroujfliont the I'liuntv. SAXON ; . . ' ' . ' 66 Clulia: W. Ii. JVt. I NV'wiirk .17 "J ,t7 I ti.. 11 : 'u: t: 1 1 1 I II il 11.1 IIMll e ' ' ; .11" 1 I'rox idenco X7 li I .Iid7 I ; . Kncliester .l Toronto ..i.. . .1 . L'l .!il I Huir.-iio Jf. .is . I If icliinond ............. . 1 .17 Kock .1. I M out real ............ IH 3S ' .il-i-l I 1 -I Southern League. Uiilia: ' W. t. Vet. NcW- Orlraiii ........ -1.1 V .! Atliinlii ............. 41 ill I ..'illfi Hiriiiinliiiiu . ..... . "li! t'hnttano(a 'II ' Nashville. . . . .17 .11) .."ill" l.- niphis '.: A ." :U ' ilil- Am Little Mock . .. .. .. it" 'I' .l(l' Mobile . .. . ...... in fit" :2.y.i Ciitlli! InkH and powder don t mix. Would Von lather teeil a lick or Iced a soldier The dipping vat j;ivrs vou a real choice. I HI Nnlfolli, 11., .1 11 nt' -Seventix 11 piisM-nei's, se en woiiieu. ten men, were alight ly' infilled this .ii'leruoou wlu 11 I he lirj-t :i 11 1 ' second clnss passenger coaches on the Scnlni.'irit Air Uiiik' train .Number Iinuiid I nun Monroe, N. I., In Hut herl hi ill tin, .V f'., weir iliM.'iiled one mile west ot sianlev, iv ar Lin- lutoii, liccordiii'i; to a b.atcnient yiv- 111 out 1 1 y the ollu nils ot tin 'road hero last uiL'ht. '1 ho di iailnicnt nceurr- SEE OUR NEW WHITE COW CUTS,, The now Dorothy Dodd, Low Cut Shoes tue boautiog-you can't help but admire their graceful design atul pleasing style. All the netye'st effects, Colonials, Pumps, Oxfords ; in patent leathers for dress soft lustrous kid or gun metal calf for :gen eral wear; tans, bronze, whites or -colored kids. No matter what your preference may be, tho modol you want ia here. Every pair up-to-the-minute in style and will fit like a glove. We extend a cordial invitation t to inspect these new shoes. $3.50 to $6.00 i BARBAIN OF LADIES' CHILDREN'S and GENT'S ODD LOT SHOES Wo have a special lot of Shoes, all sizes 2 1-2 to 6 wo are selling below cost. See onr display rack, you can save from BO cents to a dollar on each pair. . w v B. F. PROCTOR 116 Tarboro Street "' I 4'd in a deep I i unie'il hart I j liaiikineiit. '"' slink ke i.i up, ut, anii the two coachcH Ilv . oven iiitinst . T he isu 1 lie passengers wire badlv but fi their in juries, it . was slaleil, were iinlliiii more serums than bruisi's anil Ht-ralches. 'I he train -was runu nj!1 at. a rule of speed estimated at. about .'o miles an hour and the cause nt .,lie derailiiieut lias not. as vet hern ascertained. J. 1 visional nlliei rs arrived on lilt' scene a few lioura after Iho accident, had 1111 ineili.vclv starl,'d.-a llirouj;h inventi );al ion. N n in lire .'1 is, a local train ami the mpireil piissenireiM lived in the lerri- irv colli lyiions to the scene ot thfiSj u i-'-rK. A doctoi' was s i : 1 1 1 from Stan S ley in iiu iiiiloiunliile and rendOled liisl r$ ni'l. tin I'liL'ine ami iniul ami txiueHs i y. cars procecilid nml Willi Hie passeii gt'rsi and t he injiii ed to I,incolnt im. " - i fVlLCANFlllSC. i it '.t . TODAY'S WAR RECIPE I'ro'in Britain's OIlicl.il Wui-tho-War Cook. Book. "I w Oatcake I wo breaklast ' ;., 1 I'llpsf'ull. of ( ill 1 i 1 1 1 ii oaliui'iil, two iablespiKiiil'iiIsi of i; ma r '.5;i ride, a p i nc Ii nf sail., i 'ut t he oat . i fj) ' mi al in a . 'basiii. uiell down the fat, 1111111$ t'liur it into the (latmeal. Add Hie pinch (ft 1 nf nalt.. Work into n dmi.ya adding n lillle hot-water if needed. Roll out on a paat iy bi'N r.l, cut . iii I ii nm nils with a liiinblr, Mid bake nil a 'tin iii n very weak ovi ir, or on a trridle over the liri'. 'I'Tnke.'one loaf b'S.s'a week for .every two. pi rsons in your I'aiii.ilv. ) . . AUTOS COLLIDE AT CRLENVILLE .ii head on Jl II I 'HlHibilt'S. . Iti'i'U'fed mi (I reeu ville Hnniliiy ib lyei bv liny I Ii-m v f: r.'.in il I.-. N. ( cidlisinn of' two about si etiies fi n b.h I v. Ivu a '-.'i r vas run ijiio bv aiiolli'T itiacltine I u it h ni'rin s. All nf. the wheels of the f wo iiiai'liine;;, w ii li I he' exception nf oiif were knoclii'd oil". Tlie curs siolaini'il o! her 'iainaye. . lulr neither I lierrv nor I ho negroes received Wi ions in pirv, thev were all bruised coiisidrra Id v and Mi-ralcheil up. DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES to your own interest. Let us repair and look after your tubes and casings. If a tire is too i'ar gone to be repaired we will tc I you so, but don't junk any tire until we have given it tiie "once over." We have saved hundreds of dollars for our custo mers by our expert repairing of tires and: tuljes. We loo"k out for your interest all the time. : ' UNITED STATES TIRE SALES AND SERVICE DEPOT Walker Vulcanizing Works 233 S. Washington Street Now Men Know That $200 or $300 More Can't Buy a Better Car Than Saxon "Six" Car values in the same price-class do vary. Men generally know that now. It is clearly understood that the price of a car does not depend alone upon the actual cost of the materials and the labor that go into the car. Such factors as the efficiency of tho manufacturer, the shrewdness of the purchasing department, the economy in building, the volumo of the output are all big and weighty influences upon the final price ol any car. So you see it is impossible that a ear selling at $200 or $300 less than an other may have more actual car-value than tho higher-Driced car. It is true in regard to Saxon "Six," at $935, a3 comoared to any other car priced from $200 to $300 higher, That we do know. And it can be proved, Jfcst a minute consider this phase of the matter. Ono car of unusually high-standing and dcservctlly so with the pub li ;, costing over $2200 has these 4 fea-turqs-rTimken axles, Timken bear ings, Spiral bevel gear, Exido Dtorage battery that aio alao fea 1 itrci of Saxon " Six ' at $935. Aiictkcr car, costing over $3000 has these six features Timken axles, Timken bearings, Fcdderscradiator, uniral bevel gear, semi-floating axle, Exide storage battery that aro also Saxon "Six" features. B'ivo cars costing from $4000 up have this feature Spiral bevel gear r that is also a feature of Saxon ."Six." .-'. So it ftoes thruout Saxon "Six" in feature after feature. We can give you many more similar Instances shewing that 40 cars costing from -$1195 to $10,000 coincide with Saxon "Six" in two or more important fea tures. In other words, the important fea tures that the automobile industry knows. It. is manufactured efficiently, neither time nor labor is wasted or utilized inefficiently. Purchases of parts and materials are made far in advance Thcchantring conditions of tho Sup ply markets are under constant at tention. Saving after saving is af fected. Saxon "Sixes" are also built in vol ume. Buying in quantity and build ing in auantity onen the way to many marked economies. . And the marpin of profit on each Saxon "Six" is kept low. Every corner is clipped save that of quality. And so we can price Saxon "Six" at $935 and yet have made it a bigger car-value than any other at $200 or $300 more in price. It is not only a bctter-valne car in point of costly car features as we proved to you in a paiagraph or two above, but it is a better car in point of performance. If you have followed the hill-climbs, demonstration tests, and other public motor car tests held from time to time you know how often Saxon "Six" has defeated cars not only of far higher price but also cars .with eight and twelve cylinders. And Saxon "Six" has proved its greater prowess not in one phase of performance, but in flexibility as well as acceleration and in speed as well as hill climbing. Jt is an all-around, able car under every condition you may face in mo tor travel. And men thousands of them who have hitherto held $1100 or $1200 to be the lowest price for fine-quality cars are turning to Saxon "Six" at $935. It has proved its quality to them. They know that $200 or $300 more cap not buy a better value. F. o. b. Detroit, the price is $935. Everything about thfa model food supply cniporiotun rueit.s with tho ap proval of tho most particular hciino wifa. ; Our service, our eood.i and our prices all contribute their part to bring here more market baskets to bo filled than to any other food pupply store la'Eocky Mount. ' Give ns that order tomorrow and ac quaint yourself witli our servlc. Phone 362 J We Have The Following HOUSES FOR RENT i 19 SWAP EVEN I li wards Motor Go- Bring your old Rheuma tism, lame, crippled, twisted shape kind to us. We take it without question on even trade basis and give clean bill of sale. Safe, and sound title required, as we buy it to hold forever. Ask the auctinoeer ME. J. R. CUTHRELL for terms and conditions Inn it t n Ivyserurugl o ' We deliver the goods backed by nearly 3QyeanL experience. 829 Pender St., 6 rooms ... 830 Clark St., 4 rooms . 81 1 Clark St., 5 rooms . 320 Chester St., 6 rooms . 321 Ridge St., 5 rooms . . 221 Buena Vista, 6 rooms . 112 Hines St., 5 rooms . 815 Redgate St., 4 rooms . 315 Edgecombe St., 6 rooms 440 Edgecombe St., 4 rooms . $15.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 16.00 .12.50 . 18.00 . 8.00 9.00 22.50 10.00 rocky Mount Insurance & Realty Go R. L. HUFFINES, General Manager Phone 160. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Full Protection for Every Disabiing Injury at Annual Premiums of $5.00 to $40.00 - GEO. R HORNE XX) Western Avenue . r Phone 777

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