V"1 ';'; '.' v"' V ' r f r e races atitocfor ' lit Jraur him . . . . '. ' ; ; 7 '""' '" ; .. ."'.'"'. . '''.' ' .'; ' '' ! -?"'.'".. TOMORROW..- JUNE 294k at 1: P. M. , i AW AFTERNOON OF THOROUGH ENJOYMENT Grand Stand FREE ; ADMlSSIC5p, SO Cents No Charge for Vehicles ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE af Griffi v nr it ) wan..- . ,Avjjjjiw Willi LPr - . MBM - ' -M feMiMMil M-VI fll ftlf w-F iSlllSjlfiliiiii;!! ,1 ii i i i lii. -X. Ji I i y iiiiifiiiMwiJ. -hi SIM EF IERY AND CULM PLAYERS Herein lielow Arc Found the Slight Differences He tween the Fighter and Closc-Moiilhcd Ball Hay ens. . . By II. Hamilton (TTnitfi. Vri'tm Htnff Wr:'Npondent) New Yolk, .liinr L'S. - It in n matter of nnir-spl-i-tinu In draw tho. line of popularity between tin; hnll player who rninefi flip nitu tti r on t li liclil, mill t)u tcadV, i amiT uinu Nlur who merely j)ly linseluill tiyi, lenvin tlio tiglit- Of types t Km n re il?hty of emli vnrioty in Titlmr of tlie Iiijr Ii'iiiien. There (ire Htnrs w.lio me pointed to fur their RurPHHiveness, iiml ther".'; am tar who nro referred to ns Vnlni, close'-mout lied jdnyer inivi who are put off, Jh field Ko.neldoin a fan eniinol reniemlxT the liiippeniiiKH. Of the bellierrnt type .lolin .1. Me draw, Clmrley Heroi;, Arthur Kleteli er, John Hvr, lleinie Zimmermmi, Ty Oobh, Fred Tyler, Mijinel OoiizjiIi-m mul Maramville are the 'iioHt. pruininiiiit. Ami eVeiv one of them is n popnlnr Iiloyer. r- rh.-ips there inn'( a more pop ular man nnywhere in tho nntioiwil hi time thiiii the fiery lender of the Neu' York (5iiuit8. On Hi" other lmnd then:1' are Kddie C'olliiiR, .Ini'k I'.nrry, Joe JiiekHon, lien or rev.kiJipniiHh, Wnlly l'ipp, 1-ee Afflcea, Wnller .IoIiiihoii, (Irovi r Alex ander, 1'Ynnk I'.nker mid lull!' a down other real, hifjh eliiH hall plnyi r from whom n real, live kiek in niiKiy tones never, w:iH li 'nnl. And theo men ar almoHt if not ijniU' ns popular iih tlie ones lixted .under III' lieud'niM of liilli Keren! s. 'J'hr II raves, wh 'ii they ewiv driving, and HtiekhiL' nroiincl the ton of Nation al leupue Htniidiin; eoiiHisteil one of the greatest ilrnwinn eards the name ever has ixeii. Kveiy man on the eliili whs a lighter. The eluli won its num. by ffjlit iiijj. It ii 1 1 dozing wns one of its rentes! unsi'ls and tin jduyeis Hindu it over. Then th'-re were the Athidl ies men,, who rarely utterid a protest. Tin" mere ly played baseball am! were recouui.ed as I he KrenteN.'! machine bnsebnll ever lias seen in action. They drew poivc fnllv in every American lcnjfue city. The in 11 1 11 difference weins to be in the iiiiet kind of it ball flayer draws his cheek intact, while the scrnppei' MiilYcrs the setback of the lines. 'numerous entries this should prove a verv interest iiif; attraction. i Kverv stall in the stables tif'the fae grounds in now o. copied nod it is possi lile that ll (r hol-iiH will h;'c to In laKen cure of lit local it.-ibl. 'i'he fair company is i harniii- an ml mission of only ."iHe to the 'Is, will no i tini;e for the j;rand sland. V ehii b" will be arliuilted free an. I a space i; provided' for iniliiny "aiitomobibw in Hole of the grounds.-: ,. . . ;' ii.very effort; has been made tii firvivldi races of iniiisiial interest and it if liopeil thai a la');e crowd, will be .on, hand f -ir til,- contesls. IIORSK UACl:S I1KRK r-TOMOKKOWAT-l 1. M. The bii; races to bv held lit the Hocky Mount I'air liroiiiid:i tomorrow, i'rid.'iy, .finie i.'P , shoiihf pvove'a e;nla oceawioii In the people ip III is vicinity,, lind ('s lieeially to those who enjoy seeiue; e;ooil loose laeiiii'. The lirsl race, which is :i free for all, w ijl be called lit 1 o'clock, p. in. In this race several horses have iilrcady been entered,-anions them beiim Hilly hail, who holds Kinnd circuit record of 2:05;. I'l iscilln llarroli, l.ucel 1.1, liiidv Coelnan. and others eipially as well l;noMi to followern of the track. . The 2:IS trot is el especial import nice 'number of entries from anionc; the horses trriiiiino; in Wocky Mount during Hip past winter. The well known ' la ril) ii i ii i was pu ri'liased by .local si iii 1 1 'Oiien this Week iuid Will appear on tlie Kockv Mount track for the! lirst liiui' c.frriii the colors of a local own or. -Tins horse lias a uiiiiuiiie; record cN celled by a fe(T horses ever owned in North (Viroiinai and fias just won at ( Joldsboro iiml Tfii'boro. ' .- The 2:f.'H race w ill briujj nut several of the j;re,'ii horsea a ink w inf to the! ' ' - ' : ' RESULTS YESTERDAY STANDING OF CLUBS National League. Clubs; New York .... 1'hilnd Iplriu ... Tiiciij;o . . . .. Ht. Louis ( 'inciiuial i . Brooklyn ;......( Boston . .,. ..... ritisbiiryh XV. i ;i." "'4 10 h. " I :ii :tn .' :; t American League. National League. At SI. I.ouis 2 li; I'hieauo I :i. At I'hiladelpliia 2: New C.k I. At. I 'it luburj; Ti: 'iMciunnt i li. At liiookly n 7 ; Boston X American League. At Cleveland .; St. Louis -1. ' At. Boston 0; Vasliint;tou 7 (11 inn' ingiO, ''' ' .''.' 1 " Al;Cliicairo .1.'!; 1'etroit 2 2. At New York I'hiladelpliia I. International League. An liichniond .1; Toronto -: f ';. At Newark li; I.'oehestiT II. At I'rovidencc 5; Bullalo I. ij Baltimore 1 ; Montreal .'I. American Association. At Mi'niieapolis :t; Coliiinlois 2; At Kansas Citv li; linlinnnpolis At Milwaukee :s; Toledo S. At St. Pa ul 1 ; Louisville , Southern League. At Atlanta 2 1; l!inninnliain '!.: At 'New' Orleans." .; Mobile 2. ,. tvv,'i''"':.;i r - . Tire." AfUU ililwiw jMil ...v Clubs: Chicago ... Boston . . . . New York . Cleveland ., Detroit . . . , Wanhingtou St, I.ouis ,. . I'hiladelpliia 20 . 21 2:i 20 ; 21 L-4 2.j 2 ;;u .;ni ;;s 1 lvt. .(2."i .111 I ".5.1(1 .lv'. . ;i 10 .ii .;ni.i I'd ..tin .'.till .oV ..'(IS .1 ...pill Corns Pee! Right Off With "Gets-li" 2 Drops, &nd the Corn is a "Goner!" When you'vo got to walk on the xt.lt Hi of your Khon to pet away from those awful corn-pains, there's only 0110 vommon-ueuse IIU11K tp do. International League. Clubs: .... Newark . . Ball inline . Providence Toronif. .. lioeheater , Buffalo . . ICii'hnioinl . Mont real -;- V. Ij. J'ct IH ' 22-' '.fi.'S 17 2;! - .(11 S HI .(U 2 2'.i .."2 1 .oliH .:(!M 21 to ;to ,i0 Southern League. Clubs: New Orlonns Atlanta Birmingham i'hatianoo'' Nashville Memphis . . , , Iittle Knelt . Mobil,. V. HI ir. 1:1 41 ;i7 :it .'tii 10 I.. 2S :u :' ?,i ;t: ;;ii :i!) : it Pet .1122 .ii' ji'.'.'.i . Oil! ..I'lo .'-lO I WHERE THEY PLAY T0DAY Lower Tire Cost Than Ever NOW For, in the old dayi, tire not only cott moloritta more tir tiro, but lyere lo to far inferior to the present product, that the final cost the cost per mile was from 50 to 100 or more per cent, higher than you pay now. United Stat; Tires the 'Royal Cora", the 'Nobby', the 'Chain', the 'Umco' and the 'Plain', v one for every need of price and ute, " produced by the largest rubber manufacturer in the world, produced by the most experienced tire manufacturer in the world, produced by a time-tried, exclusive, patented, vulcanizing process, produced of only' the most carefully selected material, have to far eclipsed every other make of tire that -United State Tire are famout for their mileage-giving qualitiet their low cott per mile. The proof? ihe consistent and persistent trenien dou sales increases of United States Tires. United States Tires Are Good "fires 77r for Eoerv Need nf Priem nn) IT Royal Cord' 'Nobly' 'Chain' 'Vico' , ,1 I . I Vnitrti Slain TVIi and TIKE AVCKO RlgS llnrr Ml the Slrrllng Worth and Hear ,.. ,nflifB t. nir.Ti .vifirfu j irrs nuprvme rriLTn stocs of unitep stajes tikes carried by walker vulcanizing works National League. I'liilaileldi'm at Brooklyn. Huston at JV'W 01U. Ciiu innati at I'll .fdnn nil ( IncaRO at St.. I.ouis. American League. I let 1 oil at. Cliieacjo. St. Louis at Cleveland. New 01 k at Itoston. Washington at I'lnladi Iphia. l'lnladelphin at New York, NKW zi;alani)ers . ARK VINV) SOLDIKHS Sydney, Australia, June 2s -New Zen land troops bound, cv enhuiliy for the front were. ;al hered in laiue uiinibers in Sydney. recently.: The streets were alive with lliein; niockv, soldierly looi, in;; Vonths whose uniforms 'contrasted markedly' will! "those' of Australian ! roups in that they woie tiniii s very like in ciit those in use in the I'liited State: aruiy nnd peaked ."rim pumdier" liais. Kverv arm u. the lioininion military hit vice was representeil. 1 lie .Maoris iiur intr'n -parade of the troops tlhfrh th- ily iittrneled the particular attention f the onlookers. The eW Zealand Minister for Agriculture, '. J). S. .51. -ie Jionald, said of the troops, who were composed of both, volunteers and eon scripts, and of the operation of the com jmlsorv scr ice law:iii New Zealand: Althoiiijh the coo.M-rpt 1011 sysiein is in force men still have the fight to vol unteer and it is always found when men are called up that more than half arc volunteers.- Ill my own electorate they have .'never had occasion for a draft. Thev have always been able to find the pio'a thron;li the voluntary system. "New Zealand does not make the slightest ilist inetion between its volun tei'17 and its conscripts. To each class precisely the same privileges are ae rorded. ' ' I'se "lieta-Iti" Tonr Torna Won't Mrrll Id nler. Ilcsldes. They'll Shrivel, Loosen nntl I'eel OH! Tut 2 or 3 drops of "neta-Tt" on the corn rlKht away. Bain and Inllarn luatlon wilt flisappear, tho corn will tieKlii to shrivel from that instant then tl loosens and falls riuht off. There's 110 other eorn-remover In tho world that aits llko "liets-It." No new .tiseoverv has been nuide In corn-removers since "lietH-U'' wan born, iion't fornet that fact. "Gets ll" iloes nwav forever with the use of salves that Irritate, bandaees that make a lturiflle of your toe, plasters that, half- do the work, knives and petssors tliat draw Moo.l. Cse 'l leta- It'Viw more liii'truur ur eutl inn ":-ts-U" ts sold evervwher... Sf5o n tmttle. or sent on receipt, or prloe by K. lawnmee A Co.. i;uicairo, 111. TRKNC1I TALES FR03I WAR FRONT "This is iiiv tl.ii-l tiiel tiome with wounds" mid a vouiie; Irish sireati throuli bniti'.aes whiih eiim 1 nea I'overine; his . i-nt ire. lii-iid " but its no jioinj; to be U.e I :i -1 111 1 . 11 y li t-hey 'v made a pukka anoss 'of nie tfiis time They 'v fairly peppi-red. me with shrap Tlirrr iiri'ii'i- inanv of the bid crowi left with my bat ta lion now", he said lidding tliaf. he had Be n in the "fun slii'ee' .M.oiiM. .' '.. m v . voir.vvjiilv -;j;ot a new 1:1ft jod lone; bi foi : n e 1 lit tacked an, the new bo-s went over the top lik t he res; ol' us . idder ones. That 's t !i faArdT ll.in.r t)Ml nue,l li, MiiTt.i'iwe II regulars, ., we've e;i.t nver it by tTiis time, It's all the- one .ennii;. ami the new ones iilav it. like caod 'uu. Tliev'ro up to .iienriiiT r rwv. any iimo. Vy f 411 i '2? Evotvtliing about this nioilol food supply eniporionm moots with tho ap proval of tho most particular liouao wife. Our aervice, our goods and our prices all eontriliiilo tholr part to briiitf hero more market baskcta to bo flllod than to any 'oilier i'ood wupply Htoro lu Rocky Mount. . Givo 111 that order tomorrow anil ac quaint yowrscjr wtth our aervice. SWAP EVEN 5HOES '"- SEE OUR NEW WHITE LOW CUTS ii. ) .. :2 1 , : ! e '''. - ' r : e : ' '-' "i . . . Th new Dorothy Dodd, Low Cut Shoes are beauties you can't help but admire their graceful design and pleasing- style. All the newest effect, Colonials, Pumps, Oxfords; in patent leathers for dress soft lustrous kid or gun metal calf for gen- eral wear; tans,. bronze, whites or colored kids. No matter1 what your preference may be, tho modol you want is here.' Every pair up-to the minute in style and will fit like a glove. We extend a-dordial invitation . to 'inspect these new shoes. ; . ' ' ;:: ;Ji : $3.50 to $6.00 ' ';, ;r BARBAIN OF LADIES' CHILDREN'S and GENT'S ODD LOT SHOES We have a special lot of Shoes, all sizes 2 1-2 to 6 we are selling below cost. See our display rack, you can save from 50 cents to a dolfar on each pair. , . ; r 'V 116Tarboro Street " ; We Have The Following OUSES FOR RENT 829Tencler St., 6 rooms ... . . $15.00 830 Clark St., 4 rooms . 10.00 446 Edgecombe St., 4 rooms . . . . . . 10.00 320 Chester St., 6 rooms .... r ..... 16.00 833 Pender St., 6 rooms ... . ...... 15.00 221 Buena Vista, 6 rooms . . 18.00 112 Hines St., 5 rooms ; . 8.00 815 Redgate St., 4 rooms ... . . . 9.00 917 Clark St., 4 rooms . 8.00 304 East Thomas, 7 rooms ...... . , 30.00 ROCKY MOUNT Realty Go E L HUFFINES, General Manager Phone 160. GIVES BABY THREE POISON TABLETS 2. oV' of uus iiuiH to Alberiiuu le, X. 4ir-dniTe the most unnatural nets uus iavo taken lilace Tuesday iiiorniiiK al liadin when a Mrs. Aleox, of that, place. accord uifj to her own confession, gave her four year old baby three bichloride tablets. The child is said by physicians who examined the contents of the stom ach to be beyond hope of recovery nnd possibly wrlr'-riYC only a few hours longer. . . v '!7-... V.1 '...'.. "' Bring your old Rheuma tism, lame, crippjed, twisted shape kind to us. We take it without question on even trade basis and give clean bill of sale. Safe, and sound title required, as we buy it to hold forever. Ask the auctinoeer . MR. J. R. CUTHRELL $ for terms and conditions KyserDrugto 4 We deliver the goods backed by nearly 30 .years' xperience. ril iiml' '.? f .1 tvl 1 B I a E e s n 1 'The time to save moneyis in the morning of Life." V BEGIN TODAY with the NEW BANK 4 PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Large and small accounts solicited and appreciated " - ".-.' ' . -. -. Farmers & Merchants Bank I. T. THORNS, Prw. H. O. ELOtJNT, V.-.-. . 1 T. A. A VERA, V.-Prol W. W. AVEEA, CMMer. i i : Ir .1 , 1 1- ( fill 1 - I ' I 1.1 S 1 ! i. : ' 8 V I S )?1 7 ii 1.57 I ?

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