182,550 BALES OFf FAT I MA TOBAGCQlf , r 1 " tH ferfl II IN. ''J .7 . 4JL WiUYjBr' ,i i - ' "n.ifu 'Mini nit in ... xu i i w. u i . r -T1" ,Ti v "11 . P. . ? I t PEBlilC'S IS E II III FRANCE American Soldiers al Ameri can Training" Cairp iii (iood Spirits. French. Res idents Amn.ed. . -rl'i uihji; t.'it mp in It'iain v Asa,, dated l'lr:-s,.; I It t : n'ii. ti.'t V.; heeli hoi, t .-,:!.- ; h.'v. ai,':i.i, :il!a i : '. a ' . ' 'It ie: y a Irea ..H..'- ';)!,;li,i,-;,!y ;,: Ii;i!im iif "I Iti..". s'",'t. lull e f' lal'l, iM.ij.-.' !!' ..i' Aii..::'.i. 'i'. .11 lent ll'.'l'i' ;.H 't-tl'I i '11: : i; Ill Jlli. I I 'I L 1 it.:: I'i moiii hi': nd Sl.liaf 20 Grat mountnins of choico tobacco n!l needed U "t yc.ir to in all needed to meet the Lu'sj-i -n i lialf-a-year demand fui i;'.;t a:. . Men wont a ri"irctto IiU f-nt .. delicious to 'Vjr fneot; t.. tlv toirjwo oix-th lI.e'A.c'.y - s n:;i HA PROCTOR'S i Big July S aie Now Goioff On If you did not attend the sale on opening day, be sure and attend the sale tomorrow, as we are offer ing many unusual bargains in all departments. Bargains Jor the en tire family. B. F. PROCTOR 116 Tarboro Street You, too, w:!l v, ki;d CROSS I '1 0"" a H 'h ..';','.( ViM I'l'. l. i i ti'Klijhl iij'-'i,: n-i . lA'::',i.,.i.ii,i:: i I '. cT Sensible Cigarette , i,n;. V. to n i'lii'il ill ii!'i Jifivi. ;m . ir,.ul ..I.v .Miii- r.-f (lii-rc i . .-i.i.i.J -h rt;i " ' 'l. l i in: IlllVP ill) II u '-' t" i tli.' Sna ipistiim'.l it' u t ill IhT. . --.'lit rit , '1,'ii.lv si "ml n:. r 'juiiy- lo .i luiia"li'Hv ! !,, I.i' i. ut hy; 'I'lio ,' i . 1 1 1 s I'i if :.. at ft ' ! " iiri! S !W ""f " .'.., wTUPMIII li'il- m l a. n null ' ii i 'tt f ir i t i . i iir . iijiiiiiiim l i i i i i i I. .n- .Mill i' i nnw HUGCiNSBUELDING i!-.;, i- -M a. ai r I'.-i-i'l'Mll i-hil.. if In' t-' ' I- !. pnnn nM p no .. bllUU DULL ULUUV ,, :; 1 ilk O I. .i 11 1.'!. I i.i I in i) ' 1 1 it li I f . Bh. m iswa ii i' . pv ! ;,:ia H Ail!, Ut lit L Vi: 1 7 Jlv -4111'rjl aV - I lit.. iii'jMI'!1"-??. it!:.:iiii:sr-&a p .-3 'Wl ; 1 t : . " 1 'mm1 " i i ''."jftr i . i Vi-- S TENDING OF National Lt'.-urut". mi:.-! k dmm .H'' iif.!: 'r i ;d he Miller Muggins Has Built RemarkablcCIub For Car dinals Since He Became , Their Manager. . RESULTS YESTERDAY National League At' llnl;i.l.'li'lii:i :; fin. At Now l,i III. ' -At ' Hi--i..IJv n '."; M. I.i At I ; , t mi ii : I 'itl..'l'i At i.'.tii.-.'i.. At 1V''"I' J t -, l' ;v inniii:' . Hv II. f. Hamilton (United Pros Shall t iirivsniiili'iit ; New York, .lulv IU.Oiio "I t im ' " most Hiirpn.sniK tliniyM in lnr l.-.u'iu ? rtatbatip'iuiMtr"fr.ni -Hio a7fiMiniiJii " : form mIioWim! 1v t lis-- I im-iiiiiat: lo .l-. ' s, il the trtllv roniiii kalili- wv tin- itnn ' nalH have boon brliiivuij; mm r a i liainti . of owini 'Mlnp av' MiIIit 1 1 utiiriHii. a real clianci' to.iii ri iso tiitt triw abilily. '' ' Ball jilayiTB liavn como mnl i:ono in St. Loum siiii-o yrs. Itnttoii st. i.oi! , out of th(v wav. MiikhhIIh lias I n quick to si'o l' tin" troml i aioi ' eparat llipnr" fmm I In- bml on . . - 1 1 baa diiilavftl boiiu' of tlio limst yinn.ii: playprs tlm liin IraKiwM liavo f:liiii'si'.l for gpvcral nt-HMoiis. -I'nil ln .miIi ing Btronj:. . IuglU!, latest jinn liase was ;i : young fellow namoil Ciomlwiii, a iii:I i hand jitcl. r fiom t ho Mihvatik. i- iis "t Bociatioa i-lub. Kuflii-iont. 11'i oiiimi inl.r tion 13 Ei)ic(l ulIo i.lic Ins; rin i . through tlio nuiiouiHTtui-iH tliat . -I'.iaiu Ii Eickcy, first saw him work, and id " fd ha was to bo iiur.ta.i'd ivanllrss .f the prici to be jiairt. - hi-viow of tin v , fact that tlporjjo .inlor and Krnif Xoob bcsidcii vera! others, r.' i-: i-d their first Ktroiiir ' ffli-oiiinioiida! ioii , from the new i reiident of tin- t. arillti ads, it is safe to nay that 'Oiu.dn in's . advancr. notice will not fall -down. Hugglns always lia Imch jnt a j good a niaii.'iciT a.s In- is proving today. .The reason lit- has proved it with anv more vim in reni'hiinr h''li points in Ihe National 1 nnuc s-.-indi".ii;s ronhln't be .stronger iitati'd in vicnv of tin- r versal showed when the Cardinals - .n cold His I'avid llaiuin opiiatM.ns among clubs of the lcacno, in wliich lie finished out player aftr player and ' mado stars after other luls de. lured them no good have proved hi worth at sizine ui var9. ' It was JlugK"' r" loeaieii lingers no"::i... llomnbv sn ii ii i ii IT hfinself in Texas ami ):.,"'," , ,'O.ljir job. A American League. I c I !: .-.i. i Anierican Leairue. ibs: . '.'" V T,. International League. t !: it j ' ; At J ... . i -i 1 At ; 'I'm onto At ii... Im .1. i International League. We have a very larire t.o'U of Porch Rock rrs, 'SwintTS, Grass Dr5ii,rela and rorchShades that we are-oiferinsr at r rir.es that we believe cannot be duplicated. If you need anything for the porch it will pay vou to favor us with a c!l for we have the stock and our prices are low. "White Mountain" Rpfru;-iaiors that we are making special prices on while they last. CIllll! I : I' Sou I hern League. At Mmiipli'is- ' At i.KM. i;...i: At Hiiiiii At H.ri in , WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY! rr National League, Southern League Clubs I';!' li li at TT'-f "ii l!li- Ut Iti'l-ol Im. i'i.':l'o ai N. 'i-i American League. Host. .11 at V:isM::..t...i St. M..n.; .. - j New Void: a! I" .lu.it. r ', l li;i:i...l.::, a, '!,:. !.,., .1 j LITTLF (JIHL FALLS I FROM SKC0NI) STORY; 1 1 In ' t ion, mi l f. ',.! Ki.l.mon.l. V;:., .Inl, lv. !!"! land.- the Im ..iv old .J - u . 1 i . ' Mr aii'i .Mrs. V. li l!..!:timl. of Ida!.. eoi.it';. . -...a.. -:t i J -.- 111.1.11 '-"I "-i'i" S'lti lay noirni'i't '. h a '.a!kin:r in I"'' p t ' ' . she f tt .'"roil " a s.'. on.T ;.t.:rv A!:o' i SI,.- m ! .-i t T.lie. aeeid ;:i hit ire .! a; ihe h . ..! p'I.e !"" vv.tr t: ir. Imt ;;rati.i.a:'i-!i;s. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. j en !..r.Mi- i-iiti t l.ivil avenui . litte r i mh- i.us I.i - 1... eh Id 's a-'ies in . ' .- ' ! mve him a regular (h. Also, it was , r.,.S- I rn -' o'it -i ' :t -i -n. le ri . ' ' ,, : .. -:..L o,l nn a v.i.lh ui.i,..l . ... . I U ..,...'.,. 1 ..TV .-til n s. i s' : I' . I tl'I.HUtll ll'lo.it. I . i: i i :ii;2 ins, w ii. . j.n f ' ..(-.. - - ...-..-I' . '..-H ! c .11 V.'Btson one day, ftve him ft iean . A. fr.i."t:i.e ..f.fli. 1 i" vfy. and dish.-, iimn th" vo,m t. -,f ,.ii. an "a to help (r, .'e ins i: .01.- lyruit. e.n.Mi el 1 ne le.i sikit :it.".';i.i - ' s. ! v jir W..T. ' loi -'iMl - r .'I'ty,, M in nie enteti-w eriaau.!- j.di, and lives , I I'i- at. : ?7 y$&Vt . 1.1 . j . A.i a wiild, palatable. y-t thor- i ' .;. iru -j ' e- , - W,:!' t.. pi.1 d in! ' C " , i c:i.:l.!v etfrctiv, ovor-ntght Jaxa- M i j, .. .. ;. .... ..i ' . .i ' . - ., f" ' : : tiv-.. ibev hh i;r.fi!Ui!o(l. ' Sf- . . . .' " ' .. i ... , i.i,. .,'.!:. V Vi ! ! 1.; i i -. -n tai:.. them v.'ilo'nirlv. i- .' "', i.. ... t, ..l.r. i...... " 9 Ai't.'l" a fill,'I.t k I . , . r v, i;, p. It. "i i' :'. !'-J t : u.m l, keen a r-- . , . . . . i X - - ,.. : j U-- ;'u tin; med- If rg"7yiv ! i: '"'! M I: vs m:i:!'- nt. J . iX,.. - , ;;.-. i i. w. rose drug co. ;:;V:;:",1 i ' ' ";' " '' ' ' ' : 1 ......... I.. , .' ,1... ,1.T, .. : I' i.. "'., ! S,. I i ii i nli'i-. ii -rrrt Mir -.inilnit T. -;an a -r..ss a,iS ' M I ........ .. M i :n. tree. li..ivjJ4fa iraU-n . mn ol-C 7-."t'Tp r;-.Vw: .'"'oKiAOif-i,' ;.'r " I ,'l"r- i. -, A!..a.!v I - . II" '"' "" " 1l' ' '' " I I ' Vk I those '.olden ideal i- when romisired I . , ,.'!.,,,....,. ' I ' 'ls. II with !li-se ideals.' They "are the truej , i- I. ... I Cm I DflOKFU iV I builders i,t -ivil7iitioil, these men. , teT . .iie'i-k. :SffK,, .. I They have bui.t itrM t h",e is of it. ; : ' 'Ui'lLln'-' - 1 1 nu the raek and the wheel, the stakei, 1 1 :iid the 'loss. ... II II "Here am 1: Ken-l met" j I Co out under tbn stars and tl.iuk Mm:.' '. . r JAMKRICA'S hoard OF WAli DH?F.CTORS i - . ANNA HCV,.'. WE REPAIR AUTO TIRES by vulcanizing the jjunctured ov toi'n parts. Tin's makes those- parts as izond as when the tiros were new. All "other repairs are but temporary makeshifts. Our vulcanizing is .-permanently elr'ective and means np more trouble from the damaged parts. It means longer and sure tire mileage. , GAS AND AIR AT THE CURB. t UNITED -STATES TIRE SALES AND forty m--r. ac I iir 11 . tt i in i I JYaiKer vulcanizing - works 233 S. Washington Street Phone 3Cr i - sh :au t . J tiuu Liiiit up iiy jir. Anna iu-warn