J- 0, 12 EVENING TELEGRAM i in : I Monday, July 23, 1017 HO .1I..K 1 . '!. lirGRAVfOTCKY AS CLUB BUILDER John J. McCraw's Success in Baseball Due to Good For- Ability. ycw York, Ju.ly y:,A-' ''.linl nf fortune, m niiuhloil in wilh Tin' ii.nl ability tlmt is evident .is ns tniirh rr- npr-iiHilik1' hb nnvtliiiiR i' I nil in tlsn sihv i of iTulin .1. MeUraw. v Tduteil iih ii wonder iih ii Imse luilt mini. SKor, it is iliiulitlul if. .Medriiw would l.' iiiiliT to ; ti it -t tin' Hfiiin' result that Inive ohiirnrti'rizoil the efforts of Severn I other liii k'iiyui' iniihii;;rr.s:Mf hr didn't llnvo t lie .u eiilt ll tif his :l:u lii'l'S to illfiw 1 mill, loin llitf llllll I reC t.) I'lmnsn lit will ' ill iiuiiiMH hundreds- of M'nH .ilay,cr!ii , . . Till! (','IHI'S (if Kll.llio ItllllHl'll Mllll il'l 'i Kililolph lire pcihiips tlii: most pri'ilmni mint, li'iiiiHi'li is -iii'in' tin.' tni ,'iriioiin Niiliiin.'il li-.-iHMi' luitsinen. : liiulnlpli is Ihist.un 's , itint '-etfej-l iyr .pit i-her mid : vrils one ill' till'' iniiin reiisous ivhy the. Inriiitr More ulili' In Lilt tli- I heir :iy lira; Xih tilUllll Iriiinie Ii f i it i j r jn I M 1 1 ) illlil II Hillt Ml'ipiellt WorldH rlllllllpioiish ii. lit.t h (hrse men were oin-e (liiiiits. ifousrl Wiim l.opt nmihlv - iloiiitt lifiii ii duty w'hilo Kudnlpli .si-iiri-elv yro-t- t lint . I'd) .Miff ott Stork Ih iiiiiiilii'f cxjiiiiili': Krot Mi'ilsli' U a fair idon of ii l,t:i1l: jil.'iyii ilisrlllili'll iM .11.: Illis lil't'lt. Mini H III I h llniiilr I'lent win k. Tln'i'' lire iniiiiv other' . r ii i iir'ii n "' -t-i MMfraw luni-VnM- 'tln'in nsiie In uiuki tune scrambled With Itcai ,. . -,. ,,. i,,. ir,L,i,t wi,f,i,i ,iu m tor v.itli tin' ineu lhnliiiin; up Ji i m Iriini Hi' ims been iii'i'i'SHl'Kl i ii.. i 1) ii ' ti y pr.ii ii (i nt YiiiiI Iiiih hi his i-i i il it one u nl hi ':. I.:i.i.nii!i-liii, lull '.if lii' v o il .. inl lii'i the slurs he hi'is li'l slip (in in ti i w ji):is .linl, fo;rfn Ml.iem iiltu one ti nm t in rhnhees .'ire In". Vvniihl inn i; ff Jiinrhihi tlmt Mould ini ulili' In n ush I In- pi-esi-n iiliixy of Ml ink with whirh luMis trylni in iri.'t IVis w;iy to n iciiniitit. A li t t li' nun i' t tin n n yrnr ri j'n M i il i im srt nut to yiii I ii I'; in ;;!i svrrihiH of iitifi: it I i ' wliirll In- I lii i'lili'iiril io Mill I iiiiiiavii y .: i iii-i' of Hoi Nuliojiiil Irnyiit I'l'iniiHif. : A lining Iht'.'ii'- i;i IIihis l..o lll'l t . . 1 ,illirl t.: il iifn 'I i'l r'i llllisll .(lit Sf'MV ir.'ni'l I1 iiM' tl now o'nl'.: ;in ;i: iiin:l liil tor.- . Mr ! rinv tMirT liiiii liiifyl i (f, :i't: it, is' only ii: li.rii'1' st i-i-tt li ol . t inn jilln- III' Wriri i II I o' II ' fil'rio i lli., u on n kii mi' t'nr t ho 4 innis liy tin' .11 illinm -i uf las . lii'lil inU' ':iio'l Ij t ; in', .';'; ;. ,'. ,. . ., .;'. ':. J ! is ,.- ! h i Hi; In Ion o nioiii' v lirh. n. j 1 1 1 ' 1 hI ill iniotlior to lio - nl'lo ,1 o liiiilil u i'li;iiiiiioiisliii ti'iMii. ,; NO MOfiE RACES1 THIS SIIMNlEEl - -''..": t ''-I-' Summer Disorders Often Come From Impurities in the Blood Y'x Match llacps l-'or Wed nesday Have Been Finally Called Off, Because of Bad Weather Conditons. Regain Your Norma! . W eTg hX You can add one-fourth to one-hlf-pound -aday- by - drinking a gl of this deliciout (ligcatant wilh each meal f ShivarAle) PURE DlflESTIVE ABOMATICS WITH SHIYffl MINERAL WATER AND QINOfS v - Civci a heart appetite. -viRiu diBCtion, rich blood, clrr complex ion and firm flh. Your money Wk on firat dozen if not dcligHted. At all (jrocera and druggnta. Bottled and guaranteed by the ccle. bta'ed Shivar Mineral Spring, blitl ton. S. C II your regular dealo eanntt aupply you telephono ' GEO!S.EtiWARDS&CO. WkvltiaU DUtriblor for f.nVj Moaat WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY National League. t liii'itiro m Tinst.nii. - ( iio imiii! i lit Hi ooklyn. I 'i 4t hIhi ;ti. n t Now Voik. : . Nt. I.oii is lit. -I'liilinlii Ipjiin. American League. No ' .JM dm :; ()M 11 '(Ittt'f. DWELLINGS FOR RENT 213 S. PEARL ST. in front of Graded School 7 rooms, $25 710 WESTERN AVE. 5 rooms, $17. GEO.JR. HORNE CO. Western Avenue - Phone 777 .'I'lio ;'i'i.ssi:i': uiiij.s. i'n tliis sf'otion for lie lirs t ovoriit wH'i'lis' lnis ri-inli roil tin' il. r ti.'u k nl flio l-'mr fTi'iTiiii'iVs Ti f sin ji i ii"niifii mi iililo. "'"on 1 1 it ion for rni-i'st lint "III''-tiljj. iniiti h r.'n-i's' ti:it wo-rn -to liji v ii'jlll lll'hl Wi'ilposilil V IjlH O lil'l'il i jllll' l IV for uihmI. 'I'lio rm-i.'s wori- ni.'it fiofii'il 'riiiii Inst I'Yi'liiy niol wi'.in to Imvo Im-oii iclii Vi!.lni'sil;i', .Inly .Uo. nr" 1 :.'i'r 1,'i loi k. ;TIiis with tli'iv-.Viiiriiijf .off -'.of I.I -i- 1.1- , I l.i-io will I'O llli nnili- ci.li i.'st on ' I ho Itor-liy Mount rni'c1: t r.'ii'ti ini i) tlio full ;i'il. M's'iiro ln-lil... " , :;: Mfinv of lio'Cnst -hofsi'M l.n'iiii; tinilioil t in linr.i l.i'i'ii si'iil- North Mini" liiiiny no i- ii t "iiiij'oii ij.f tiivy low 'of t (its' fiii-IV Ojji'l hiir with I hi' iinfii voriiiili' ..w(':it;lii'i' fimli I o.i.j tin. Oi'i iifiiiciiionf in -i Iliinri- if tin- ;i r.'iioc in.-i.N for tin' riu-i's, lnis ( Clubs: lioniit it lii'sf to. i-i.ll ol)' thlv.iuiii.li-st;i J',' 'liO'no IIOMIOI1 ., ('li'-:lnn.( Cet in condition for perfect Health. So many people draR through the suinmcr - scasnn with that wornilown, tin il-oiit fi-clintf, that almost entirely unfits the tn for their daily task, without knowing just what the cause i.i. It is just now that a few bottles of S. S. S. will prove if Rr-eat worth. "This great blood remedy is a wonderful purifier, and promptly cleanses the blood of all -impurities, rtnewi.HR the vitality that conns with a restored appetite. It is absolutely without an equal as a tonic and system builder. S. .S. S. has been on the market for more. than fifty years, and" is 'Sntd 'by druBRists- everywhere; who will tell you (hat it is thoroughly-reliable. Write to-day for important litera ture, and- free medical advice from our medical director. Address .Swift Specific Co., Dept. J Atlanta. (Ja. STANDING OP CLUBS 31 LIGHTNING DAMAGES (J R K FN V I L LK G A II A G F National League. CIuIih: N ow in k -r. riiiliiili'.lihia Cinciiiiial i . St. hoiiis . . ; t 'hi, a.;., Iffoolilyjl . .. . liostoti .. Pittslnn'ir . . xv. l. rtt :, : -f : : ; "fj '.'': ','." ' ' l:"i : ii' V -t:t .-' ..r.;; Hi ' : ':m.. -.-..w ; Mo V- . (s'.i !:!s ,'. -1 ' .To ::; Hi '"' .-I 'T i'- '.' American League. w. ii, Pet ' !" o-'-I'-' t ' i-r 'ill:' mill' I. ; . -: rii.'M' a 1 1 1 In- no. iiooo r:ii-i-s t h's sinti iii'i its fiiV lis". Uim -;kv . Moiiiif is i-o-i) ;1 'et ro.it. ..... oi ni-ii litot tii-i-ro viil;;.4i.i-iiiisi.or'ii.i' ! ,'N ,'''' yr , :,-.'H. n.i.hin i,a iiiuoui; t in- hiviM's oi;i' ashriiiltoit1 'ini'si' r;n iiifi l(i know, t li.'if t lii'si' i .ml i'st.s l-oiilS . v.-- Iiri-i, i-nll.'.l iilf. 'flic inrii. in ,'h:ii;o. I'1"1'"1 'r1'1" if I In-. . cnl Klnti'.l l liiit it. w us. :ihno-t j " ' ,' -,-': - t ' . it.... t. 1 1.. p.. p,o -.ti-i li.o.i InternationalLeague. '.'inn's .on tiro. 1 1 in-1; hiTi', whini I hoy -n i'o I ;.;''..; ; ;:.;.;.' .; .. ': tt , 1 1 .-Ii i iii I !t i u n. :i.s tlioy - n r.i''- iioai n i ir I j '' CIvlis: ':" -'.'''. y. T... Tor thiil. rriisiin ttiiy :tr;ivo it: i(',' Nownrk-' ,' . :: ,'J": .':.':'.'. -M,;' . Tli'so niiit'trTTios'wi'r1'.. to Inivo. lioi'ii. 'j-i,viili-nro -, . ; .,. ;' ..: '"' ' ' V -''' ' '.no' (if tin- I'iuw'st Til'-inu ,i'i onts i'or :Xi.,roiio '. '.' . ;...' ."-on ' : ituiir.d' in -I Ins' sort ioli;;i'tlil.i Sonlo -f . I ho 'un i iiinl'i'; :, V.M '...,'. . ' ' .-' ;'.' l'?lsti'St , lioi.sl'i in this Si'i-tiou . on.' :tt'';';iH.i,;nti;-- ;'-.;. --.'-.i,' '. 'I'!', 1-('. .- 'iiivivlfik.-n I'liit. '.''-' ;"'.''. .-''..'" l'.i,fl':.l.i V. ...''. -, : .; .';.V.;". . H ovS i.'v i-iv. th'i.so follow oi s of I In- ti'ii' k ; jji.'lurinriif ';-;' . .. , .;'-.";' : ;;i l .-.'.-v'ill--' oinv. Jin'v-o- 1n .wni'l'.. iliil ;'K-tho.: f 'S ' M nni i..;;l . -...' ,: ; . ... i'M1 1 ' ;,."io ; ';1.-.-s'-ooiiio ' off : iii ' t'hi'; lull l.ofoi'.' thvn' j - , : .:'.-: .' :-".'v'. ''"' ' '.'i ll hi- iiiiv. inoi-i.' i-uiiti'sl s. .1 .l.i i 'I'li'.-.o ii flo- r :i 1 1 - w ill; tii'. oo;tl.-iit no. I iii:iii if t hi' 'liorvos w ho n i'o uoi ii'.r N 'o't li t. ' i-'i' ioii' iiio ihiiio' I'.'itk in tli.-ni.-. S'o - h, i ho lliil Vollt'l SlN'-i'lllln:' hIV.' Mi Mm. fllll. io; ;:N"!V Orl.'Nri olio to son .1 hi'ii,''n-f fit .''..-Mvi 1 1 T'O niiioo :'',.; A Vln M n : ,. . ho' lovit oV'or :hi-hl ;in;1tii-,si-' Monv ';' . ilitnnin'liiiui " -.The rvv iviil of :.i fn-i hi: iiL.;ait.oi u Cy1;' ! M"''"lll! - ' iii iin lnis I. run:; ht' -siiiim' Tt hiirHo's foN ' h ii! si', t ion .11 ni I' iilsi-i . soiiii' -. iiiiti't(:..lioi so;, t Iin t i ;i nnoo-'i 'l-iiiiiM-s;: luvi.'W :.f this ! ;i. 1 1 1.- rnres I .it t jo 1,'o.k' n. t his si'i-lion ,'ti't' lii'l l-.'r .'Ijiiiii oi.1-r;-l1io----3oliih' . 'oro -'..'iii.l, n Mi r ront.-sfn mi-o l-i-in-;! rhi; f-., . - M" -il.' 'f ii :s i'oj U ;i I j . ro n i.i son: to sin ; n w ln i -.i' i i n l t ho j. on rlo iii t in-Mn'My i'ii t nroliu'i-! : Mi;ii-o-H' i-4tn:i"--t.-i,itt.H'' .ilif-'-s ill I'l-lfl'l i'.Vlll'.-Hls Hi .'111'' flllili'-.. !'' - I ho lioi-.ky. . , lo I iii! : t in.-1;. . -is ono .. .-o.o., tho i'li-l'ivit .lii thi' t-t'i'li' ni.i'f Iris ,io:oi7i'. tii toon 'liij.r ''l.riw :n . n'l .f tv.r ,f hih . it:.v: i l );ri- til't v ' lioi vv- linvi'.' lo-rii .(rniiiMiL:;,.. hrrr nint. Mie "trii i n.oiM in M'hrii vonrli j for l'hi iwi clli'in'O )' -tlir Mo! nl - ifiM: I ri.r i'mi','. Irni-ili:; nl' hijisi's- iin'; i-oiiir tii . .- tli-v- '.in' l'i;i VI i i'! '. . 'n ro I i nil- mimI -t iir fro'.' J7t.' ii'i'i- l.'ll.ili"' . ,'i JJiO'i .1 . : 1 4J i or... M .in t'lO'ii.;. ';,.' r, t ? 'i I I Pet ililt .'.",! IS -o I !" Miol :(-H - .; i ''! ii villo.. :N. M';,';.li;ly XU- T! Nn 'fioii.nl' iiiinor liiiiiHuii on l-'ifth stirot Wtiii'h is. in i-oiiiMi' oil' ( nri.s: i iii-tiiiii: ;is vrry l.i;oliy ilninnif.'-.l. Cnrly' ThiiiS'iny inorninji, liwinj; -to Mlio. i.-i-rr-t fiofivy i-n ids- -: vviii.-h sii ' oof n iii-i ! the -I'liii ni a l ioiis tlinl '-tli-y' fiiVV w n v;: .' All- of tin rrn - of ' t hr , li.iit'l.-l iny i-nun I 'li-.l "t o- ,t hi o'liniol . ,'iinl. n l.i;; .i ii inn (,f: tlio .root' v.-is i-oniloi-i'-il MmuUIjIo'i'sM.. Tin: Illicit vv ntrl:iii;in sniil- hr ns-; - il ': in o i'jr ;,n ;in-. l.o.iu.ilir.- iii'iir: tin;1 'I'l-nr xvall' U lion . ;i iirn-vv" iJ.'oJi. of lihtiiino ril'lm' llilil it in lis' h'rv-'.st .i(. k t T; ti. t ni if. liny: lis' hr - v Mlirlirir'' liy- th.. Iliisli "riir .-iiniiiiif;oMo' t.lir tin . i I .iii i i ,..;.-in i. il:( o , o-;r i' . n liiin sum!, ili.llniii;:,' -':' -M. PROCTORS Big July Sale Now Going On We still have many good bargains left that we are offering you in our Big July Clearance Sale that will interest you. Come now while all the stocks are complete. Southern League. ClnH , W L RESULTS YESTERDAY . err Are Your Nests Filled With Bugs or Eggs? ! ,:. Von ' v'ill pe'dom. fiinl buprs and f ofrs in ; the : sr.niu:' tiost.. . If yaur ! :-l;i.-i'.oi;s art.', to. Jay ihov .- must ho Kent f i'i,'o froiii thesir I rimtilp'iiiiiio in Kri t;; ' IJso :i!Elv !iiiAU INSRC-f I'HU OKI:. J-taiiTrt, in Mho nests .arid on f (:! h joke ns ,'ir.d M'ou will., prif an j oi-ii to nil liutrs '"there". '.:' Ilarniless to -.human iici;it;. aua aomeHtic muniuia. Bee Brand Insect Powder itir.CirO.i!1 National League American League r. ,l i.'V'i -.At- I 'ol i. ":'rh HAIL INSURANCE HAIL-STORMS are of almost DAILY oc currence, and all crops, in many instances, are destroyed. It may be your crops next, and it is a part of wisdom to be prepared by insuring against hail. We israie hail insurance on cotton and to bacoocropsCalll over 'phone No. Hli, before it is too late. DISTURBANCES OF SUFFS PLANNED- "V ' I'irOoO ; J ;: jJOst'nll 11. . . At St; Louis ' I if; -. -ti V u t ,;", International League. .'At" Won ( von f ii - : Nr.vvnilv " ,'v Southern League. Pet. :s . .irfo i'.l. -. .ii.t -0 i ' i : : . Is' ''..-... I l. i lii:- "..."'p1' I ":'' ' ;.-f::'o j -urn . : ':: ' I: I .rt-;'I.--v.. ' . I .-. :".i ii.ii I .-nm r-rr rT irr ; -.; B. F. PROCTOR 116 Tarboro Street HOW TO CONTROL LICK ON POL LTV " Al iii-'i, "or i-.l-ii'Uiji.- .1 fan it Into tho air. I h .1 and mosnintiieM 'f'-f--!' iiiiv i:i a few jnmiitt'S. Vi nl: kii. ants, fleas, rcii-h'-:, bed-buffs, lice, : :hl hi'i of. cverv kind.'-' f'irectior.3 m iiacUmte. '...,H I'Oo!: f or the li-jo iJi-aod trrft . .j .. ' "-: :Si crr. .: ' Everywhere .- . . .. - . rio.v,i'jviii : tx Df.mK ma. -x h iii'.' 'i's. ni'i'-. ".-r-.'ti'o'nliir- ' siil.'K- 'in ,'t iir . hot. Mi in in rr-'-t inn-," .1 iiiii-ii ;: j M.io, liivmo-;itln;r ! lo-vi- . j.. -vis liinHijih-' it i'l V' :i';i'i;-14v-;' 1 ' M i!''s i i.'j i io,l u ( ' l.-iy. I ni;: i i'iry ii;i;:i;-.! t .: I.i i : io;. j,u HoM j'-iiii' " ot'.; n ;t n-r lv J '.. inMv-' nii'-i '.,'i-:i.r;.thi":' -i trlir'jii.!; 'ini' '.;:V'ii Ii ' 'o'o n-ii--l thr T):,M; .rnnOXM' v't l';o .-o,m-:1 ,r ,-) M- ' ''-!'. foh-S 't M M; '.,.-. .-'-". ' V , V '" : ''.' I'Sffllinl thr"v .-nn I .t, -;' -:, I'O.- nio I. '?HiMf-.i;'M.rt .nt I .,;,-.-;: ,.:,. ' Kll j',,. iin- si-1: -...:. t..,-...i:i..,.ii.iio- :nt " ;! : : mtt-. -: .ni ,.'-i i . ,:;.!; ( .-;lr.,,,; ,-, j,nt.-h int.,- i'i:.v M.l'l 'i.nrn Mi-.-. . -' ' ''' pi.'lo'-oii.'i ',.i'v::MM,.ii-h"i!i,.'.v f,; ',,. ,v V..,,-,,:.;. '(.(,;. :M'-:.-.ir;:.lj.o!1s:.lior,.' .l.i i i.i 1 :i '' . . -.-1 1.' i i ' i.n ,;o;i(i):'. i . nn-i; ',;.,,. ' .t:;,M,,.., t : i; .. V . vlli.kW !:M.,;.,..M .' i, V,; i:; T ii.- V I '1.-1 '. ;rM' .t-iS '0:;i;:..i.,;,;,-a,i:: jii-! 'i' i ! oir.:U' ;'i.'.oi'"i.'i.' '!r M"l;::M; ;nii ':"M- ni:M..--;-. Avtitr. . ht? fo us I,.u !':i :,-: 0" ,r I ,. . I-;:."-. ,-;,o;, t.-.i.-v, !'-, . ',. -' X-.C' ' V : . no ' :'-h iiii... ii 'ii! '.::-.' iii- : : :.il; . Miil -ir'" M'i i ,iv , (i to .j.-,,, -iv.':' i.i- .'i:o'.i-'ii;i'.i':-'.;"ii- iiii'l- iirii,;':o'..i .n ';. -i'l.i'0 i t-i..; IwiihllfiM, N-" .':" '. " ,'': ' '' '.' .:; :' "' ; - '' :.' .'',' ;'- x ' MiMBMMHMlMMbBHiBWBM.fl.MMIMMnMHVMHHI To'.v.-n-i iio'iui'iL' tho initi's Ir.'ive thffl hii'.ls li iol :(;i.r 'I'.'irk ti, t hr ' M.:i'rh'. poles, if, y oil .siisi'i-i-.-- ;r: Ii on so" lioiny:' in f est Oil I'v" iiiit i's ili.ulf : ;'i f The under- si.itd. of the ,i'i i-lr i i-lr '. u hi.- ir- :t li e in i t oh ', niny : bit -soon .iii i liisfo.i s, liioi nlsi'i nt the point ulirco the iiiilos. i-iiioos in-roi,t.'i('t, vvilU "'"i;i"'M,-, . ..; :.; ;m.:. '.:... y- i'lH-.ln '.t his- loW.i.u-il I "so-., .thv1 ; 't'iilrijial' ii ' roliliiij: ii llrir-k : tif-i;,,,,-,.fv hivili. ;i);;'or tin!, Ti.i ". ,o' ini I i.eri.-'h poies ! ,o i i iiiiiv (il ii . '.nl tii ken Sr.. oni'l.-, ;is .1 t"'ll oiioiiiililA silt lirnti I. fiili s- ns iv oil ' iiiitt:' ' ni-r I "iiiol, i-.-i.n .'fist Ito ifoiifl, ' ( h jri-.t ions tin vc. -i.o- by f he rlriiiii f fi.i."-. but: , , rn n t:l!Olii.rllt.-,!!-! thrrft r:rit "ii:.il . n'iillif-, 11- niii( .t.h.i ii" js no: Or .inaV.-hws' iil'mut ' At. ?.ru: ( li l'.-.iiii, :M AnliviHr o. ".Al Aliiiiilo r '' JintMiiiriiio.n. 'ir I.-.-. ; A t M- iiiiliis I l.ii,! leMAiirk t; 1 ( Hint .r.i in ' ii' ill II MlO'S i, : turbanct'That is Pulled off " ' ""' l)v Tluni. Militants Plan and Rehearse Lvery White House Dis- PROFESSIONAL CARDS I : Vnsliihot'oii,M.I ii'ly'' ii l;i v ory .' nnli t iftnt; 'iiilVihoe ilistiii'linnio in A'usliiii! f ton is il.i mi - il,. ri'lie'arseil -noil Ms.'t;ij;e., j by the Nntionn! W'oiiinii.s frirv liko tjo'l bio .si-oni' in n iuo io no-huli nni.'i. 'I'lo-n j il "is :"iilt tn-ross " on i s.-.iioiliilr (iin- ,1 !.en- the sutl'riioisf i-.'iitu'iiis' ;irr' 'sun- j t lie lion spiipi'i- vol 1 1 -'o io I tit s ii ml in no J rrn ineii are out in. tonr, -when lot vn lor i iint-iii' s have ilr.'iwn n ri'owil to i he miot iiml '-.ivli.-i! v oto. Iiiiutrrs nie sur . il.,.i. ..ill ...0 tli,.i- liii.i..iv' lit Ml . III i world v, hie ."Uil. iirily,. ; ';' MlUlSOIl Miss A I ( I 'mil niolMiss l.ii.v loirns Jjjj a re l:!io. sl;i,: I' lnntinri 4.tRo-.r.li:il'ifls, Aitii U. S. ARM 'fhr.v wrifl BROAD, SOFT TOE, SNUG HEEL Munsoo Last Wilkinson, Bulloch & Company PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ' Corner Sunset Avenue and Howard Streets Rocky Mount, N. C. of I 't rss -' A ''rot rssr s, en in inn n us t-lir nt ' inv I'.f "l'nir '-', iiln s ' hirh : sn"''a.s tin- , ; .-il.n i l f i i.i :r 'Irt.'nls niol . I'nnkrs sure nil j , iii'pn I'l-i's ii lid .pi o,-:s n a int iiois nn-.; kept i II i'lil'liosl. .- -. . i Wlen ;i riot- is lilnuueii the hour is: !us,iullv"-i"l. I"i' .I-.M" '.."111. 'of' l'::i'i 'p ' j in... uhrii the ni-i-essiin s..-it:itoi nini . ii. uitii io. -nits uill in- .supiilifil Iir i-i'owls: of rlri ks ,-oniino fioni ::!io Stnt ,, Whr 'niol nv.v Iniihliiti;. Tiio inilifuuts shinv is pliinneil nt theii I ion 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 - is mil r the W'hito I Inns'.. Volunteer--. i-nnVil iii-iiiiioI the h'loii-rs, unious to I . . .-nsT in prominent roles. M i s. Hnki-r s lo-io:1,,-irpis litisi-. TeleplmnoM tinkh' in nil in us puper ollii os. Tin- event is nuiioim-- d. The rehrnrs.'il nuiipli-i '. il, out unity the woinru, do Mioir , touts, yrt ni rrstnl, I'l't li-onseil iiml reliirii to heii.iiini'r's. lilJ AUTO .HEARSE SERVICE Undertalriai l':irlora. Third Floor. Open each night until !) o'clock; Sunday bonis 8 a. m.-tw 4 p. in. Phono ol'J. Night Phones; -I'M, 2;,0, l24,'-817-jP.; : BULLUCK FURNITURE CO. Corner Main and v.'csteni Avo. a.' '.fi--7, gar cssLTiir - 'J:j o llift iff t?i ...n l ni. 'i i -. . I A ' ' . I . . 1 -l'..-' '-"".- ' 1- M m 7."A i.-- -sovwi l lil ikr:-w? - - A IDi-YS t.v- - m tt I ' We have a very large stock of Porch Rock ers, Swings, Gras3 Druggets and Porch Shades that we are offering at prices that we believe cannot be duplicated. J. J. BATTLE. D. D. lleiitmt 120 North Main Street R'l'lwi' - Water Power I, an.l Hnrvey irijj Mil hi r'i pal linpruvementft JNO, J. WELLS Civil Engineer :)ni. e ll!5 I'hones Hesideiire 371-JK ... Rocky Mount, X. 0. k'rr-irjfrrr 1 .Vulcanic IF BUSY SANTA drove an auto he would bring his vulcaniz ing work to us because we do the most re liable work, return tubes and casings ex actly when we promise them, and quote lowest prices for guaranteed repairs. Let us show how satisfactorily we can serve you, Mr. Motorist. GAS AND AIR AT THE CURB. VN1TED STATES TIRE SALES AND SERVICE STATION i .v in f-"Jlr1.: 3rnf Washington St. Vulcanizing Works -Phone 3G2 HERMAN'S U.S. ARFflY SHOE Denigned by the ermy board, built accord ing to their specification.! and required to be worn b every U. S. officer and enlisted man because "experience with thousands of men proved that thi3 shoe will neither deform nor abrade the feet under con tinued hard marching over rough roads." For all-round use there ia no better foot wear -for outdoor men. Sportsmen, Letter Carriers. Expressmen, Machinists, Carpen- 1-.1 1 ictb, iuasuiiK. Lumiipr i arc men, onuaern, ff I Motormen, Conductorf, Surveyors, Plumb- feet find this the moet scientifically built shoe to be obtained. It is light, neat, and full of wear. Buy from your dealer or direct from us postpaid for I Fit, comfort and service guaranteed. Made only ty JOS. M, HERMAN SHOE CO. BOSTON. U.S. A. mi I A.ttorncy-at-Law Phone 309 ' - Oaughtridjre Building Rocky Mount, : : : : N. 0, If you need anything for the porch it will pay you to favor us with a call for we have the stock and our prices are low. "White Mountain" Refrigerators that we are making special prices on while they last. GAY & ARRINGT0N Undertakers Embalmers and Disinfectors Our Lino is Comj.VtOi . Liberal Treat mi nt and Prompt Service. Phones: Day, ISO; Xight, 789-B ' HARRINGTON & TERRY Contractors and Builden 2.'2 Anlrcvv Slrrt't i zr::-r' Buick, four-cylinder . .....$ 675. Buick, six-cylinder ... . . . . . . . . . . ., 1070. Cole Eight ..... .... 1795. Oakland Six ..... ., 875. Vim Trucks ........... .... . . ., 715. Republic Trucks from $795 to$2,800 TO THE ABOVE ADD FREIGHT- ' Regulation Army and Navy Shoes are the best for every day wear, 11 ! We have a suoply for our custom- frjl J ers thatwill out-wear. iiniTi i iwir o lilll Bal l ItItI IB .11 tT JOMNSO P. R. ASIJBY Civil Engineer and Contractor offiee in Planters Bank Building. Phone No. 663. Municipal Designer, Development and Concrete Work of AH Classes THOMAS W. SMITHS0N Dental Surgery . Arrington Pailding - Plioire 4! Main-Hnnsft Avenue Hattfwood floors, Screens and Westbef Strips. Estimatos Cheerfully Submitted InsUHed complete in Building. Hlgli grade work gnai-ateed We have an Automobile or Truck to match the price you desire to pay. W. Rose & Soil I 4 TARBORO STREET R, E. SHEARIN . FE0NS 855-B 'ome and See" is a! we ask,