VENMG ..TELEGRAM VOL. X. NO. 46. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 2 J, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS : WILSON' RETURNS GOOD FOR EVIL; PARDONS MILITANT SUFFS -I RUT THEY'LL KEEP RIGHT ON PICKETING THE WHITE HOUSE E c ACTIVE FIGHTING AND GOETHALS PUT IN HOUSE TODAY FOR THE SENATE TO ON BOTH EASTERN WEST FRONTS Determined to Send Meas ure to Conference as Soon Today's Weather Forecast 1 " I ! I I I t . CHAIRMAN DENMAN FOOD BILL UP ANC PROBLEM 0 HIPPING A D CONSIDER COMESUP AND President Accepts (Joethals Resignation and Asks Denman Resign HURLEY OF FEDERAL TRADE COM. NAMED Hainhriflirp Co!hv of New r- - t . " - MiMiihrr of the Shipping Hoard. I I. '. ' '.; ''' i i 1 ...... J. V hltC. . . ...... i Washington, July L' l.-: Fiesident Wil Xnn today asked. Chairman 1 'rninnn of the Kill 'Iii iiu i'l'.'iiiT TiMt'Mit;ii. iiiiiI (ii'i'i'iit. ed tin1 icsionat inn of .Major (reneral lloethnls lH . geuei al manager of. the ernprycisi y tl' 't viii jiiii ;i t ralwanis. Iluilev, a hicngn hnsi nerR man an.! turincr chairman of the i'Cileial I ui'li' ' ommis.siou .ttill he I'lititc ' I h.'lil IIIU II. id' the shipping ll.nlil'1. Was I il t; ton I , I Hi'!", '. hut i -tm-'t i lit tin' . nl tin- nnty will mil i i-iil t ir in i ;il I I'"'t Iih I' f l m general innliaecr oi t in' (:nicrgi.'.luiv Heel , corporal iou.: ''MaiiiVri.lg'c I 'nil.iv nl New Ymlv, ttill t'i'i imtf ii meinl'er ft' tin slipping linjinl in pla. i nl I apt. John H. White, iih m: . i i.'Mi'iint hni thel'iesi- . dent accepted today, I iflicial aiiiiiui!iVii! nts "t tlir a. i'1't nine iit 1 fir rrsi'-jiat mus ul ',( out hals and White was ma In with' the i.iibln at ,i.h "t a letter ! : Mih ! 'i ' .i-l. nl W Its'iiii- 1 1' - -harrnintr-l i.-.uman .-.Mng-.iur ins 'M'.hi; tint i"ii ,'iti'!v iiu: t !m I 'i ( . ideiit 's op in inn thai tin Hits y v- to. cud the run v Ji i i it '. Iia.i .i'-l:i i .f l': 'tli".. sliip building program Win. Inj - I. .'Hi tiiethais ami 1 1f li mil n In It ii'lilin '"I LIIITI!!'' AHKINtl ni:rt(ij.rioN T-' W i ny! 'in , J u I .1.- I n it-.k iit .Mi. Jonmw?i H'jpiutf i'u tltv f 'ii'st'U'iit nil a '.o'itiul Im-' wotil'l IW- id 'liar i. Mr. T KM n t ;t k t- t Im; ' ' ilimr t i : li t frtt I H?i- sell for ;'ct t inir 'ohm- 'that ( f ji.'ilu lias ; Krii . ' ' . ' ' Whf'ft nil hul l ' (lour ";is ' : lit' ha; 'iiiiM,.1' th" i'lrviflt tit wrrttr Mr. I'rn Hifin.' '' I am Mur- that uih in.iv r.Miint wil h t In- Jif t . rni'-vt Him hi',iM,'ti . n j"n I 1m iiHinia'lr rnii f ...l" 11m- p.,),!,. of t lu roil n t r v with t I'lT.'H t n vim y ih;i 1 1 ; 4 n i tni mi jj ami uiist ltih ifv iit; pul-h. lut' HlVl UI''M v, iniiinir -in t hi- n t t f.sp- I ,atil &t mr a:i in i i n t in a ii -t i r ! a n I nuj fi il.Hit'f that I 'hft i1 : Jrai U'.I t- t'l't t.M 1)11 . ' ' TJFiMAN DKCI.AKES OLAD ULSION Wajilniitnii, .liilv !' f - hair inan t'iinwin rrrrrvnl (In ('nv-i'h nt 's if. (iH'st fm his rrsina t inn at . iihii anil trit-ini'tl it. "I want t )n-!(. 1 1 1 - I'ltxi'lrnt .in ' irv -way jinsMihlr ami m .r'r liavt- fjn'' tjnnfit tho wisrfftfii t fii-; i"'ismiis.' ' WILSON I'OLK E MAKE HKi WINE HAUL Wilson, .f.nly t. Sumkiv . lmnniiii; whilo pious WiNoninm; wrr a' ili;vu tinii'i in their diffrri'iit hotiscs of wur shiji, Iiilr jinkM wort l-i iny kirki'il ii on StantoiislniiMi strrrt, in the S'mtti CHstcvn siiiMirl'H of this rilv. 'I'lo- Wil son poliri fiH't'c, ha'h'tl liv lavr Ki! lftt), wro soon, .on th si-nu' ami soon foiiiol out 'liow i 'iinr. I hrv iaitn the, yrorory stoir .f Srlly Kommk, -or orcl, aiul arrcstril him. with eleven wfi n anil two women, all eorn-e, whone RivilliiUj. uif fiM)M7.hei them liv'Koerir Alnin; witl the. luiiit h of re,lei.s four liarrrln, n half hant'l hii1 wn kvn of wini, alotit -"i" gallons, yere siiVcl ami i-Hiteil o IT to poller JirK h) ua rt e i s. Loj; eia inml 'thi yanappraieo! lrcfon the mayor this niornuij,. and lingers plaVei inidrr a heavy ImomI ajol tho ''unlneky l-I" i.;avMhiir personal ieeo niznnrr for tln.'ir appearance at tho Srp teinhcr term of Wilson Superior Court. SENTRY FIRES ON COMMISSION Louisville-, Ky., .Inly J.--A sentry uardinpr thn cantonment dischareo! Imh riflt at 'he paia-le of the Belgian war mi'ision hero to'iav whi n teh ear lea'lin thn proersiaii rnfufleil to lien! his coin maii'l to h;Jt. The ritlenian tired nltova the heaii.s of the occupants of the car. Ilr was placed under arrest. COTTON MARKET New York, Jnlv 'Jl. ' nttuii future opened steady: .Inly. L'."::!, offweit; LW tober, 25. IteiM-mber. 'Jo.I'i; .l.-niiiar'. 2:;.!.; Man-li, L'l.o.'i. STOCK MARKET .Xesc -York. July t. Tii irrei;itlHr ehuncea rpforiled at the nprninp "f ti. day's market were limited to fraetions f in iniirtnn utoiku, the temliip is '.. mirB nhowini; a eontiiiimnrp of yestei svj1ay' pressure, ,1'nited States Steel and ominent topper were slightly lower Joils improved on the better trade .XN-tn. Rails were dull but mainly rr '."-(or racifics and Coalers. as Possible :.. PASS ON AMENDMENTS Leaders Determined to Strike Out Provisions for Creation of Committee to Conduct War and Food ' i Hoard of Three. 'Wiim.Ii i 1 1 ii t i 1 1 . ,lu I v J I. . Win: H t lir f "O'l I t'nlltl'lil loll Wilt taken. Up III till' Hull I ''"l" ' - .Hd.niiii i ?-t t ji 1-ih leadei 's tt ' l c VI t e l III i lied 111 selld t In- mi n-.ll' ( to I'linler if :i.ussildc with' i iisl nirt inns ti I have st litKch out certain featim I rew l it tea. in Yho Senate. These a ie the provisions -lor- ftii' V rent tmi nl' a emigres I minimi I'uininit'toe n tin1 cnti'liii.t nt I h 'art aii'l tin1 -I tf"l aXmiiii:'it i at iih Imard of tlurt' iiii'iiil'iTs in:Xi:.'iil n(' ; ji . .s in ; 1 minlnr. . - ENLISTED MEN Working Out Plans For In surance For Men of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps at Washington. W.ahijii,'1oti, July - VA: -. l-ianir finola uiejil a Is .(if t hi' u n t i ii i ii e 1 1 1 's pi a a fur iiisiintji in-eii it' tlif aritiv, iniv and nia ttttt nil ps aa mi.I dea f Ii and i ii n i y vfn I'V'tiy worked out todav hv Kederal ilti.f-ef-i.' .assiMvd lV t "eii eritt a t i vrs .id t he foil n t rv's lead I it y i niu a n c com pan ies. ' A s S'miii as. lii'n s;( t V details ai Le arred upfor-tt lial! of the plan, will he Slll.lnlttnl to the l.'l esi , e t, t tor a, pi u ;i f , a ml t hr o s;rn t to' 'nil rtSs. T!o pt ia m pro v id-s j.'" 1 ' 'i m efj f. ' allow a in i -i I or fa m i In s ', "meii ni t he ser re aa i t he 1 ) a niVii.-. of .! ii jm ed sa ilom and ?! 1 1 r in lit 't hem -to rat h -;i .'li vidijioo'd BITTER DEBATE INJ1SENATE Democrats and Republicans II a v e Li n e T i b 1 1 yJ ) r a w n In the Senate Today. V;i'.iiint;ti.ii. .X'y -I. Iiiiiini; :i hit ti-r ilitj.-ili' (ii'tfi'i n lii'iii'ii i.'its mill lie iiifii" Srnnli' tn'l.iv nn S.'iiii tnr I'i'tH ox" it'"lnti"ii t" inrs(i:ir l "innitli'i- i.l' I'lilili.' ilil'i.l'liillt mil. inntAr I'liii"-" il.'il.'iii'il (IimI .'I'lmiu istufiiiiii nl linili lin' Mir iiii'l nmy ilr wliliiii'Hl iniiiki'.l liy i m . 1 i -i n n iiinl .in t! i-I'-iii'.. 1 1 ' I'ri'pi'si'n riiiiv ini'ii ;n inn. Nrn.'it.'i- .liiincs. nt' Ki'iituiKy, Di'inii r.-it . ii'i'lii''!' tn " ri.i.iii ilii';iii-.iii iiinl Siiniiii''. ' in tin- 1 1 :i 1 . ami ml r -1 itm I'i'iiriisi' uas- -fitti'inj't i" 14 ' ) 'iranut iMilitirs" by tiiakin baseless i'liaii4''f. CAR STRIKE ON About Half of Motormen and Conductors Quit Vork. Delay Work on Big Naval Hasc. Norfolk. .Inly 24. A partial strike "n the street ear lines of this eity was in anunrateil tins mnriiinj;. Serviee is be inn maintained to some extent on snnie i.f the lines: . It is elainied that about hall' nl' the men Imve ("in' out. Work on the naal base at II atnptim .mails is beiim ilel.u e.I by tlle.tiellp nf transpor tat ion to that plaee. The men ipeentlv Inline. I the union but the eompanv is ilealiny with them as iinliviiluals. There has been no disoider as yet. STRIKING ON ACCOUNT UNION Norfolk,-Uly - I. The primary eause of the strike is the alleged failure of the rompnny to allow thirteen men who had not signed wage agreement in a e.ertain time to work. The legal ques- lion now seems to tie reeognition or non-' recognition st the union. INSURANCE AT NORFOLK Militant HiilTratirtH pardoned by VMlson. ,U (t in rlpht, above: Mimh Doris Kti-ven.s. Mrs. J. A. If- Hnpklnn carry siiJTrnKc banner , and Mrs. I lorence liaynrd Hillett. llelow: Eleanor Urannon. Mish Anne Martin and Mrs. John Movers. Sixteen militant suffraefH .who..yiTe jivon sixty days m the workhouse nfter heckling President Wilson for many weeks have lieen panloneil by tlie presuletit. He pave them tlieir frcedom-when several husbands told the' prcMU-nt their wives wcrc-mttled -at -homo. Ihu majority .of. tlie womi n relia.sedby the preaident however, have announced their determination to keep nuht on pieketinp the White House. USE FAIRS TO -1EACH1EMI The (lovernment to Use the Fairs to Acquaint People With Needs lor Victory Over (Jennanv. W'.'ishi lituii, .1 ul y 'J . t Tlii' i'i li nl i n I'm i". ;i ik'I ml i y to lii in'e I.-, i-l st ;i ii-I-ii nl :it v ;n am.l t In' -f'l'i" S"VI.'' iV I'll.' i;if-,' .fuir aiiiiu.'il iilti ii'f iiiriit iji jiiij tu. iisr I nisit inns I lii unh" : ri tu A iiH't i. ri :t !" t it i why' t In' I nil nl M .-iU'N i emit ..i'"l'li'iiis I li.'it ..ut il't ilry w tu In' ivmii. lli'l i imsit r i ni v. li.'i v ;i lln:r nl' Hear 2H,IMitl.,llH- j.riMH nli.l 4 hi. K"'V (Itunrlit jei in' I lii'Ui :i it i'iil'ni'1 unit v I I'l'Mnllill rl.'lssi'H of A me r i ''.'III S i I i 1 1 ' t s'vrially ii mil. t In- iiirnl .litri.t. MRS. MARY E. THOMAS DILI) THIS MORNIMI Mi-s.: Man '. riiiima, .nl'. I i-it y. ' .'1 1't ! ;) l"n. i I Iim;s, .sun, .1.. I.'. Tlnuua. at Till' ilri't'al'il l silt. I 'i" I t his 'Iniii li i (i; it tin' Imirr nl' hi' ti Br.'tni'h si n i t ived by , f n nllii'v 'Hini's, mi'' .Jaii'i' liHr ui4 -nt lief -I'elat ixes-; Mrs. Tlii' J,;.( lit-. in tins .-it v r smile t iine, a ad nf' late has iieen i ling. illi. her. S'iii, ;jl ' hose liumi' t lii' t i inal.le l.-nl v .pass. 4 w u a v.' The 'remain.- nf, M rs. T ti . . n i . mil I.,- . n l l-le.I t" 'l a 1 1 "H ii 1 1 'iiu 1 1 1 1 1 ua 1 1 a i li No. IH-whereir.iirral will '.takep la. e. .Tlie inanv 1 1 iemls . el. I lie snr iviiig Ineinlieis (if the fainilv oITi r 1 heir h. a rt ti:)t sympathy an. I the news nf the il.alli nf Mis. Thiiinas will .nine as a liisliuet sliork to all who knew in r. HOLT ESTATE , (ilVES HKJdEST TAX Kaleigh. N. I'.,.lulv 2 1.- Th.- estate nf the late illiain A., of llnrlijig toil, will pa v t n the st at e nt' N'nrt h a in lina -t he . largest state inliei itani " tax ever reenl'le'l he't'e, aeeiil'illlg 1o the aniioiineeini'tit tmlav by tin' state eor pntnt inij-jMniiiiiisinii. ,ii ;;jiraisi r w ho has just einXleti i an appraisal nf tin- estate, value. I it at . : .1 1 . .1 ; ,i n i , and 11 "" - " " w liitioiiiit tl.e n..;it.. .list iml- iiu in hentanee tax of l2i;.oim gross. AEROPLANE BILL BECOMES A LAW WashinRton,. July 21. The SOU,-., OOO.noo airplana biirtwrame a lawe today with President Wilson's sig nature. CENTRAL POWERS EXPLOITING SERBIA Washington, July 21. Serbia in a formal note made public at the State lepartment today eharges 'Austria and Kulgaria with an illegal economic ex ploitatinn of occupied provinces and gives notice that "she reserves the right of elaiming al the time of poaeepnego tiationti, an indemnity eorrestoniiiiig to the damage indicted, both on the Serb- inn state and its subjects by these flag- rant- violations of jnibKe internationalist lair. ;: 'febl -M DISCUSS FEDERAL .i Producers, Manufacturers and Others Hold Hearing on Law Today LAW EFFECTIVE SEPT. I Process Legislation to En force Federal 'Child La bor Law is Discussed Ai Hearing in Assistant La bor Secretary's Office. 'asliiii"tiin, July 21. ... 'i uees. legisla hi fur eiit'm-. in- the I'e.leial ehil.l la !'"' a'( were -i is. nss.-.l by'-' p' mini i f in.'iiiiil'a' tiiM'-is ami nllmfs al a he;nin: ill I he 'nllire nf the .-sisfant See . t t ill. I.alii.l'. 'Tin; hearings Here ,'ni, t J I l--;i . I I.SI'1 y -' 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 tees tn tf'Vl t 'l heV Ueneiai ami Hie si-er. tasMs (I inn ineiee all'l labor w hn are emisl i t n t ei nu.i.'l th,- art a l.nal.l tn fnuh.iilate tin l eg n lai inns. 'I'1"'' '"' LU-U ili.,i ll. I.l... n1 . , I ,i September. 1st, ..,,J in interstate' iniein lai'lni ies eiupho. i i j i Its til. e nt hildle Shlj.llleitt . I'.l.lll.'IS ,1, AUTOMATIC STILL FOUND IN PITT t.leen.v (lie, N. I '.. July 2 !. Shel ill Joseph .Me I. aw horn, w ith le enue ( Hli.-er I. Si. 'I'llil and t w.i deputies . I,, dileet ed .'(-still s.-ent inin thi- seetmn nt I. a! lowa.v V '.'hiss Koad. and s.. strong ua.. the seent tlia' tie' ollieers had lltth trouble in loealing what the sheriff deelared tu be a still, it make net er before known by the ollieers of I'itt eoillltv. Weil hid ill the thickest ,,f the woodland there stood a i'i gallon " mon kc v linn" Tiro.iiieir aiitoinatieallv ut I. .. .1 ... niuh t ii ii on r r e '.rsene.. ..r ...... , sup.erinteml its work- Around th. still was about l-" gallons nf "mnukev ruin " and ;;nll L'.llli'lls of bi er - Sheriff Mel.jwhoi'ii stated that he hud heard nf inanv makes oi stills, and during hi. term of o th e he had eap'urrd inanv I ut never befor" had lie fuuntl one do ing its own turk. lie added that while lie was aware that illicit distillers uere slii'k liislegal'ders nf I lie state law, he Ou'ie.' once thought that one had brain, to invent an instrument that would continue it.; tvo. V. while the master was elsewhere. - The still ami its output xtas taken in llnrg" bv the ollieers. DEHATE TODAY -HARBORS HILL Washington. July 21. The Senate to. day again debated the 27,ihiii,imio Kit ers and Harbors bill with prospeets that would de displaced tomorrow by the war tax bill. CHILD LABDR LAIN T MEET THURSDAY Eastern District Exemption hoard, to Meet at Raleigh and Western Hoard at Slatesville.x : b'.'ileigh, N, ('., July 2 l.-(l(iv.eniiii' T. W. ticket t est en lay rint ilieil the iiem iers nf the ibftriet exemption hiiiW'ls 'ippointed by the I'resi. lent upon Ins leeomiu'.'iulal ion . of their appoint inent iml ealleil iipiiii them tn meet Thursilav, Inly 2ti. The eastern ikistriet board will neet . in Kaleigh,- while the western maid w II meet in St a t esv i I le, the head lliarlets of the two Federal districts f lie State.'.''-, In his letter (iiivennir liiekett makes t plain that this dues not mean that the mar. I iniist adopt t he eity nf its" first-' neeling as lieadiiiarters. Kitlier bnard nay ehange headipiarters to suit the urn en ienee of t he board. "I eii'lnse a blank oath of otliee " ,. : i .:.. i . , : i .... . jI"''..!"' i,i.iiii . "in iniii'i, aim ji l:n of ri'L'iilatiniis. I'lease fill nut this BOARDS .iH, of nlliee and swear tn same before ;..";."... ; ,i ).ui,i . ."."ri i ne sniue in :he bnard nt.'yntjr liist. meeting. As -non' irs the boa id has ineti it will de ide up. hi itj permanent liead'piarters, md enpies nt all lieee'ssary forms will '" supplied. t. ' "It is (,f t he lit mi, .1 j,,,.,,,, I,,,,, ., I .., "veiv memliii of the board to be on 'nt'al this first ineetiiig and to s-iiange 'n expedite the work. 'Phis is a great .vork to which you a teen I led , in which v'oii can render services absolutelv in lispensalde to the country in .this einer .'rui v. Vim hate been appointed by the I'le. ident, because it is beliete'l you rtill stand leady to do with cut hiisijiMin. " ' The appointments were made to iu lii'le im each board one labor represen. 'atite, one larriiei', nue lawyer, and niie business man, and cue physician. present at iiiu on the beards au i:"iiiieed by 'I'hersTsvs and (Ibsi'i t er Sun day ii!uriiitijTtiir the western district exemption board follows: (). K. (iarn'tt, Astn'tille, former president of the State Federation of Labor, ihe labor rcprcrii tatite: W. H. (iibson. Statist i I If. chair man of -the executive committee i.f the state 'Farmers' 1,'nion, tarmer; It. It. Ife : ttTiTi'". la w ver ; W. .V Keynol ls, Win stnn Sah -in, tuisiiiess man; I'r. John Wesley Lruig, lireeiisborfi. physH ia n. For the eastern district, Mr. K. 1. Face, 1 'omm issioner 'of 1'iibli.- Works 0 1' tin eity of lialeigh, is the labf . rep resen tat i 1 e : A. W. Fate, Fun is, fanner; J di 11 1. La n gst nfi, (ioldsboio, lawver; 'V 1 1. liradham. New llern. busii-ns inaii; lr. Charles OIL Laughinghoiise, (.ri .in ille, president North Carolina Mclteal Association,- pht -i' ian. NECRO WHO DID NOT REGISTER RELEASED Wilson, July 21. Henry Smith, the Halifax county in gro, who, in default of a bond for $l,oou was lodgej in Wil son jail lure last Sunday afternoon, charged with -failing to register fur the selective draft, was released by I'nited States Comniisisoner A. K. lloykin, on his own recognizaiu-f appear here be fore II. (I. Conner at the October term of federal court. Secretary McAdoo Points Out That Five Hillion Dollars Now Needed THE ARMY AND NAVY NEEDS THE CAUSE No Official Statement As to Exact Amount That is Needed. New Sources of Revenue Hein: Consid ered. lV.asll.i.!.lglnJi.i:.luJv 2 1. Seent, i if Ml A.doiijoilav prepared new war estimates lor t.'oiigress, very niiieh in excess of those, aln ndt- presi iHed iiinl which will iicessitale raising, rrveinie 'not contern plated when t he Senate l-'i nance commit tee ,et ised the war tax lull. The bill pt;iej,a1,ly it ill be I art her revised.. The t em mi' nl basing, an ..est i mate oil the ids ol the natv and arinv wants the tax lull to ant hor'i.zi' an ai'ldition of :,,iii!ii iMiir.oiiii. Serrctarv MeAdoo will peiir bil'oie ilui liii.iiiif ciiuinutte late today to exidaiu the Treasurv s iiee ls based ini the I'eipiirements of the unit and natv. When the live billion Would be raised bv a bond issue has t been determine !. While no '. bill rial int imal ion of the siiuice nl the new revenue was given opt,- SrrTirtarV'McAiliio weiit before the f r 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 iiriii mil tee, .there: we're indie'H lions that it would be drawn principallv from excess profits ami estate luxes, probably Home increases in income, (axes and probably increases in minor taxes. Otbrial figures are said tu show that ex -cess piutits in ttre I'nited States are iii excess ol live billion dollaiH- MORE ASKED IN CREDITS. lietore Sien tarv McAdoo appeared before the l inunce C ommittee. It. was understood that the $0,110(1,(1(1(1,(111(1 rep resented the cstiinaieH of the war and navy depart menla and that he would propose an additional billioiii dollars for to be raised bv taxation and seek ail thority for add it ionlil credit of $2,!Vl(,. 11IMI. mill. Whether the latter sum was to be-ill bonds or certificates of indebted ness was n'ot disclosed.- - ELKS' MILLION FOR RASE HOSPITALS New York. Jnlv 21. The . fl.filifi.lliMl war turn! to be raised bv the Hencvolent mil Ivrntortivc Order of Klks will be used in establishing base hospitals be hind the firing lines, 111 taking care of the families left behind bv soldiers and in iiidiug disabled men to h'liru a new trade or a prof essiou. I Ins annoniicc 111 1' 11 1 w as made here bv. John l. I cner. ha ilina 11 of the War Kelicf ( ominit- siou ut tlie hlks 111 a roporfVfutlmiitteil to the (tiaiid Lodge :is a result of his onleieiice a tew data ago with II. I'. Ii.'ividson, cliaii'iiiaii of the American lied ( rnss. The -11111,111111 members of the organi zation will be not ilied that thev will be peeted to supply the if 1100,110(1, and, winch has the unanimous approval of thcX.rand Lodge. . VERDICT OF WAYNE JURY DISCJUSTING lioldsboro. N. ('., Jnlv "Jl.- Ihe sole topic ol conversation here is the ih.s Mission of the verdict rendered bv the pirv Salitrdav afternoon in the case of Klizabeth ltiirnette, who was iried in county court, charged with conduct ing a house of ill fame and retailing'.. Wie was ac'iiitted of the charge by the jury. Hnth citizens and city oflu ials alike voice themselves as being disgusted with the verdict and stated that they had about reached the conclusion that it is next to 'impossible to secure a jury in Wayne county .to render a verdict of guilty in whiskey eases 'or such charges as were preferred against the Ilurnettc woman. Judge Wand, who presided at the trial stated to a reporter ttiat the verdict, in view of thieyidence produced by the prosecution, came as a big surprise to him, but further than that made no com inellF, An-entire day was consumed in the trial of the liiirnette woman, who was one of a dozen or more white women re cently arrested on charges of similar offense. The court was crowded with speeta tors, witnesses and lawyers, the occasion being the trial of white women charged with running bad houses within the eity limits. Other white women known as "soiled iloves " whu have been lix-ing apart from the red Irgbt district, and who arc classed as vagrants, will be giten a hearing nor! Thursday. - '- Thirteen women were arrested during the past Wdck charged with the above offense, one tho was given a hearing ill the county court last Saturday, the ease being tried by a jury. . Tht. women were allowed the privilege of leaving the city not to relurn in lien of the sentences imposed upon them in the police roort let Major iggins, but all of them appealed Iheir eases to the coun ty eonrt, Jlun.r left the erry before warrp-Ster issued for them. Premier Kerensky to Whoni Unlimited Power Was , (ii.ven (Jives Assurance POLICY OF RLOOI) AND IRON WILL PREVAIL' The Berlin Official State ment Says Artillery Duel Unequalled in War is Rag ing in Flanders at the Present. J tirilin, Jnr72l. J he (ii ruiaa fureea 111 1','ilicin ure ml t line 1 ug from the river Sereth tn the wooded arpathiuns over a I rout nl 1. 1.) nub's, says the official state ment issued today by the (icrinan arm heaibjiiarters HtafT Several (icrmaii divisions, the stato- iiient adds, report that Ihey have each. ikeii ..,0011 prisoners. .Numbers of heavjr Kiissiaa gnus have been taken also much. mot v has been taken by 1 he (lermaus. Over the entire trout trnlil lin- Italtut o tTTe lilack Sea bitter lighting is pro eeding. the statement snvs, great .me esses have been obtained bv 1 he dor- maiiH and allied arms. GERMAN ATTACKS I ON AISNB FAIL. I'ans. Jnlv 2b - I wo (icrman attack! 011 the Aisne front northwest of Brav I.11 l.aiinuiH last night were repulsed, I ernev ami Allies the (.ermnns also at- the war nfllee Announced today. ISctweea tackil without result. BRITISH CAPTUEfi MEN IN BALD. Lodon, July ill. The following .m to day h official report from the I'ranco Melginn front! ''We. captured 0 ri oners 111 successful raids last uipht west of lliivriaeourr -enst of Vermelles ami west of Ilolobeke, BLOOD AND IRON POLICY IN EUSSIA "J'etrngrnd, duly lit. A blood and iron policy will be put into effect if necessarv to save Hiissin bv the gov ernment of Premier Kerensky. to- Whom unlimited power has been granted. In an f4-e4'view todav the J ieinler said: "Kelvmg upon the confidence of the masses ami the arinv, the government will save Russia and liiissian unity by blood and iron if argument and reason, honor and confidence hie not sufficient. The situation at the front 18 very aer kiiis uud demands heroic measure but I am iniiviiiced the organism of thn .state is sutliciently vigorous to be cuivd w ithout an amputntioii. " ARTILLERY BATTLE SEVEREST IN HISTORY Herlin, July 21. An artillery battla of an intensity never jiaralelled pre-, viously is rag. ng dav and night in t lan ders, the War Ulltce announces. PLEASURE MOTORING WILL HAVE TO STOP - Washington. Jnlv 1. Warning wr given bv I'lisnlent A. . Uedford, of the Standard Oil ( oinpauv, and chair- p-mari of the committee on petroleum of the National Deleiise Council, that all pleasure motoring must tie cut. out, :f the supplv III' gasoline in ihisT'uuuFrv during the war meets the demands of the government aud that ut business Not onlv this, but everv oil producer in the I nited Statua-must prepare to increase his output t'r the utmost-rapacity, according to Mr. Bedford. In this connect ion lie shows that the coun try is producing crude oil at the rate of :HMi,ii(i(i,Onil barrels a year, but is using it at the rate of :!.'t.",iJoti,0fM bar rels a year. The amount , in storage May 1, was lio,t"1,7!i7 barrels, he said which reserve is be:ng drawn upon rap idly. LETTERS TD SEEK DESTROYREDTAPE National Security League Points Out the Need For Speeding Up in U. S. Congress. I 17 New York, July 24, Letters to tha editor of l.iou newsfraper knowa to favor aggressive pros cut ion of the war were nent todav by thd National Secur ity League asking thm to appeal to their readers to write to Senators and Congressmen urging the speeding up of the war program. "Red tape an personal jealousy are delaying the efficient coi i t of the war,"" th letter aays in rt: "Two weekir rtelay lost the fi, ''i f't Eyerv hour waste! in-ner:' ' 1

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