f AGE TWO. 0. 3, ilii-J bii SECRET SERVICE United States Has World's Oreatcht Secret Service Police System and is Com pose dot' These.. are' JIEKOINE IS FIRST WOMAN TO BE "NAMED SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR IJY UNCLE SAM CATTLE MAY ENTER RESTRICTED STATES n ROC -iV'- ':. if j&fdie Collins, Who is a Slow 'Starter, Still Tardier This P: Season .With Lower A n r. , age. ' t I'Lt J I (By II. C. HAMILTON) ; New York, .Jul v" I' I.- Kddie CoilwW undoubtedly is feemtf hi" .it s ijttlo bit. AIwHyi n hIhw starter, li- i '. ' Inj'pitiK more iliiui vit. tliin in:m i. finding Jh-e pitehiiiK. I in average i: J " lower now than is hi cii.stiim :it I his r ime of the year. . , ('ollii)H i fieliliilK jost as lirillimiitlv, . thinking just iih Tii.iilly, and -j' nft slow: . inn perceptibly in hi linHe finininir.dlis . 'jr. oppcaraiiees.hif fi.rMt Imw, howe or, Ini.v-e T. ' bei-ii' ten) "few. to allow, mm h l'tise teiil fnu t inn woriinr. , ; . ......'a t, : 'Bvcii when Collins wB'a.'wi' li IheMneli I iriai 'liiie'an I enjoyine; t he; height .of his t liliility, It iiUviiv.i nipmed n few weeks rrtnom tliuii n month fur linn to ri.'n li i ,. ' : : j i. '. t' i. :.. I... i ; ., .. 'ui . 1 ' wh.'i II - i ,f .('IllMi ill ins I'm , n'p, " '. '. - 1 the end ef the KeliHun found Jiini 'tis jilting baltind piciiiiersliii with 'I'y t 'obb nnl Joi' .lackmui, nlttiimti hi :i rag never re'ae.lie.l' the 1ni.-nit';(it ; bv thoHe Imttiiit; utiirH. I ' ' If Collin were- tir nvvinjj into. In rdd time hatting form at this nt:it;e of Th raee Ins HsSisTTin would ne mi Mi . cierit in itself, it in believed - by most ritien, toeiirry the to n iaimiioti ship,: Ami, if lie hIiouM Hilddriily re tii'ive tlw nsHiHtunce of Joe .liu kMon h old I ni iCIeveliind ilonii, the Amei i an Iphjjub rne ppobubly would be cuer just nbout hiiiI .'eulvv .Strangely, neither Jin liNon nor CoI'Miim lias been fi'bUi. to hit the hi hsiiii 'rt. i'V n ' injt with biittliiK .stren'tli ainee Ihtoim in nieinbeiH of the White Ss.- .l:n K non 'a inei;u;e never w;m no low ns it i !(.', mid he He.eiim tot.'illy; i ih-ii 1 I ' of throwinn olf the kIii in The drop of thix (uur in lnftiii it nne -fhinii the ilime t im Inf K imI in I'l'dun;'; the While H,.x us Invulili-M ui the .lohn . on (lernmble.: Thi'v lire- the pbivers who Itutkp the Sex or wreik theni. Kyen with their li.-ittiii low their ellnrts Hie gufrleient iiiMiiii-atitm to other ineuiln i of the team to eoiint a' great ileal.' STANDING OF CLUBS National League. Cltibs: W. I.. Pet. Vcw York -7 '; Cincinnati r' b -"I1 Pt. Louis . , '17 in "II riiiladelihia . . 42 . M ..V.H Chieatfo .'..'; ; ... .... 4:1 4(i Broohlvii . : HoHttm' , . ... . . . .id Hi rittalturgli , -S or. , .:!,!.; American League. ! f Clubs: ChienRd . .,. . Boston (levelnnd . Detroit . . . New Yoik , Wash inj ton 8t Loiiin , . I'liilad'eljihiit International League. Clubs: Nf wark . Proviilehrp ToYonto ' : . Baltimoii' RovJn-sttT 7fiuffnlo 77 Richmond Montreal W. L. 1 I Southern League. f Clnba: SeW Orleans . ? Atlanta ; Bjrmindliam . i Memphis . . . . e fVashville .... ' Chattanpojj.'i . Little Roek .. 4 Mobile 41 l.l is air . "d'4 ..,; i ..".o . Il'a . r.i: .id l!l :.T" 41 ;i cyiuLCANiziNc UNITED 'STATES -Icn St. HELP! .HELPU OK r r: w Miss )ora Wlieolcr in ber life puanl eo-Uime. ''Miss llnra Juno Whooler, iiir.ete.'i-(';u-iild liij-li a. iionl irirl of llolli-, h. I., ii now on drily as .-wiiiiiiiiiiT -in I ern-t.er and life "-dind al ''eian I'veh. I,. I. She i-i the liiet woman "n ;,' limi honcie l by the t'edi ial life .iaio ' wrvieu. Two , years aro t:hc f-uved a rum from death lv ,l' oy.aino'. RESULTS YESTERDAY j i National League. 'At New Soik I 'd 1 di I A t III ool: I. li 'J; I iionl eat i ..At. fliiI.ol.lt .l:i.y st; i.'od-. ' At-I lost on ':'.; i in.e'i'i. t I Ii.iiijii, American League. At' i'lii,l::ii o. la.sfnt, : International League. Southern League. At Xou- Ui-Vnas J..a -li- do- i. At ..'Atlanta '; l.iltli "Iom U I. X'n otlni-. rain. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY, National League. ( ii at laislult -t.v. HOW TO ( ONTMOL MIXES ON i'OI'LTlLY ..Their aio 111:11 , '. r..i - t V ' rt ' 111 M k a 1 11 ! ol 1 i , . a - on- : -lie,- found ill X01 I . ( :i'"li,. .' a a-i ihollld apj'l e.-t:l' o it .:' a-,. '. '. nlle woiti.i -,'i I l,s -ao. .',.. 1 1 - : o- kind, of laid t rev w.i. '., ii,i . I.iee inilltiph I y l:n , oos nr.' . otiioet to tl"1 Oai' featlieis. Ill a few da - lio - Ir BUS Y drove an auto he would bring his vulcaniz '. inir work to us because we do the most re- : liable -work, lvtnrn tubes and casings ex actly when we pi-cimso tsiem. and (juote lowest rices for guaranie(id npa.irs. Let us show how "satisfactorily we can serve you, Mr. "Motowst. GAS AND AIR AT THE CURB. TIRE SALES AND SERVICE STATION hi l 'a. V e ' VT' . I el:,. 'I'Ji -t (.I: uiH-nc-.ti V'uj Ni'fd n I'ient-ral Tonti. 1 ake irovc's The f ",! St nuhi!,'. Grove's TastcltiiS i-.i;i. Ti-na- :s cpi.nly va.l'.ia'',o as a ' no I (,...;ier.;i l-'inr lr.-cui'.vR it coiit-.ius !ltc a I wt Ii I; .pmvui nic r"i vtiert-iea of iJl'ININi; I'io j -,ti'l IRON. Jt acts li.ii'rl.e Liver. Drive! t thai net ?I..!ar:';i, ldi:icl'.9 the Eloixl ihhT l!it.l up the Wlioie Systt-m. 50 cent f-il j i : L-J I &AlH I A jn ; !Jj (ii Phone 362 ' W Vl T!!i!ei;.Ji.. N '' with !! l.i,':,.l ,! 'ini.fli.'il . I'hhi-iry of V;ldii'.'l.tll, I '. ' if"-' -V-rt-i'i'ioitiy- I '.i-I vi .ioii of -th.e.'.S.I.ii ' i '-, !..,;i tien! ..i'I (.'.if-t.-i.'',- X .'.-."'.:, :i 1 1 I 11,,- :: ;o...i;l, l iidui ry hiviSi"nV:ii! Wesl'' ..i:b". '."S"-. 'l"..-(d:i.ii..f J,:ive I..-.-1 1 i .. i tS- f i' Im i-'.-.'V b" f tl,-,iiit,'H,h-,l '.for' i.i-Ui:;i': i;"" ,;i n:i t ill if. in. t iik.' -fry ' .f m ';n- "l' li 1 1 i f .tl,irt:. St.:i i, I J:isiitti. rt-:-t i i.-ms. t'.-l.-M rd ' ni it; : ,'l.'..:l'' eo'n'n'' .'.of ' .'( i.V.ri .'iH,, vid ! h-r ..one 11 : ! 1 1 i 1 1 I ' ' I i : I I .- 7 mAy vv'f !!! :;t., ;.i;;iii:;i; liiii'ti:i:. i ',Mi'l.tl-i :itl'f, "ii !:.. itfr 'r.'jt.tle t'lr-k jwl.,H,!i 'lnn-f hr '.i('-l".;d. mii:- ' '.t'.e.-'j.rr. 1 . 'i ,';,,'. s' !;h-! '.(iwii .l..j jj;'-.4;.;ijeaii vl! A hi Jtoll:.. ie-lll:it. ;!i;',i'l.;VivOll of lt;. -he. Hil:,"V:iit;i!o-. 1 t ;, I'.-.' Sm. h- i-.l'),.: 'ir; ,;::,,",'; ; vy, !, ;'-1;, y iV,:,,:.' ,i,:,--:rd ; lo)iV..-, I 'Id,!-; . ,'iH eiui.-tityi' !nm r'.'ril'i.eil of foe.-! : it. I I . I 1 1 ! HI rt.evt..1;: r ui :i t rt ,.t '!ei. ';( he .droiit;!! r-.n-o I. it?;,' 'li'im . -v :i 1 1 1 - - on to Tovii.-: ' :;ri,.;.; I'lidiTvi'jot.i.'-'ii'' roiolVtinn- li.'i-e e.'V! I, ores o(' t iioso - t '!- i 'iiiarliof .)n''-iiiiif iii i'Ia : !. ' !',,: prevent tjds." ,-;i..V.I'"iii'.s!:i-.ni: !)!,' m''!'., !i'i':dio ;ig .I-:.-! : Ad "JTlri 'at lie '....'"..--". BROAD, SOFT TOE, SNUG HEEL i Munson Munson I act I LflM HERMAN'S U.S. ARY SHOE Desifrned by the ermy board, built accord lr.ir to their Epecifications and required to I be worn by every U. S. officer and enlisted ; mon because "eirvenence with thousands of men proved that this ahoe will neither i deform nor abrade the feet under con tinued hard marching over rough roads."-! I For all-round use there is no better foot. wear tor outdoor men. sportsmen, Letter i Carriers, Expieasmen, Machinists, Carpen- ! . l r I 1 V.-l 1LT,. D, .:, SL: Ilk--All X W ; . ! i fit 1 ijl j Motormen, Conductors, Surveyors, Plumb IM era. Insnectora all men much on their i feet find this the most scientifically built i shoe to be obtained. It is lipht, neat, and ( full of wear. . Buy from your dealer or j direct from us postpaid for Fit, comfort and service guaranteed. i Made only by JOS. M. HERMAN SHOE CO.! aosTON, u. a. a. j Refrulticn Army and Navy Shoes are the best for every day wear. We have a supply for our custom- jers that will out-wear. liBULLlKM LiOBMSO'W W.-.l.i.iL't n. Js:v '"Li: iie.lv,. ;ftaii .1,,. -i, ' ii..ike ;i'-v liiilidr .lioi ;i!,ini . his V, n't M'!i i'--iit;iM,b-"'.:i'H- K;i!':-:,r V,'i'i. does! il'ojit liis Wilhidiw-'va-'-'.(.-iinjliM.:sl''iiil jjyt, t'lJ'i: but '.the Miie jim I. ) l.e.'-muii'.-, ne of In'. I.iy':. T.l.io.'l-ei.t.e.d'Sl.iili'slliiH ! .;, . ,.-,.e,M--:..olive"!j .ten..- ;'i t.e'-wol.!'-i. i 'h i . lit. I - ill' U II -lii-'eli. '-ll is' eoili j ; .., 1 -'The .ftnii ii i of I'lvevtipntiori! I.e-. i i'Vii.:'i.i.;iif of ;d "c-t e . -.h.'iid' .J 'i.y I'ou e l ;i, ;. .i.i. 1 1. i" : t ;n;.'s4!ln- 'iiro;(i,i oite.ir I. id, led : ul..d", -lav, '-. "iiM l dm ,rVi-- iL,h,J.,0-s.Ilhd: ol.ll.'l' V (V. h . I e I -. XllW it lllih' -; -( I'-Vl'l 'III -des; -ril'Vy lo'il i.llisef. J...-'- 'I'i'e Se,'-':'et , i l.'J.'y I M'lv'i i'V I llief. I'! III?:. . I'S - ll, II, ' ifi.t le- H ' '. ''. to .it'll . '-'I II '-Ml oil if- tor tue- 'I'lOMSiliv Hriunt iia-i' to ami I -..Vin-li ,td:o , d .;!. ..di.-iit :, ,o t'.! -e; '-. '' -i:::oi -- -.. : ' 's,'.,"'. ' ,.,,l;, v-;.-t: o : ' ot otlioi j .i;v::. ,,,,o 1,1 'V'.Vi 1 iiio'i ; -lodi el-; .oft j oilr-e ilil'oeloi- .! 'loif noy, .. mln'oi -, 1 ' 'idie il'llne , l Ioii "v" ha i ,f il ' ;l y ivil I liioans o.l ""H i.l; i H f, i'l.nn ' 1" l, 'j-f Null 1 AO.' ei i I aeios-'i-i .v.V'i.-'l y" ilire, ' ' -'' j'ior'-.'.:ii;.)lu-.t:. til' I'll -i fnnii; flTi..,,'' l!1.,,.t:t;-ij..,i '" i hte-l 111 ill I . In to.. -.:,'. ri,!'1 el ,uv t .., li, li fji ,1 d';i;: II PROFESSIONAL CARDS AUTO HEARSE SERVICE andortaklng Parlors. Third Floor. Open oaeh night miHl 9 o'clock; Sunday . hours .8. a- m. to 4 p. m.. Phone 312. -. . N;ht Phones: 4!Mj. ij:jti, lai, -S17-F.; . 3ULLUCK JUKNirUIG CO. . .'Corner Main and T.'enicru Atb. J. J. BATTLE, D. D. i . PfiiHflt .' w - i ' . ' . ' ' : " 120 -North Main Street ; Pntlirnva T.'niil Sin V PV I n O 1 Water Power Municipal IniproverjientH ! JNO. J. WELLS Civil Engineer .'.'' ' "; '''-' i ')ffiee lia i'lioni-tt ItiMidenre S.71-f Hocky Mount, N, (J. . j J. D. ODOM attorney at-Law Phone 309 Daughtridge Building Rocky Mount, : : : : N. C, GAY & ARRINGT0N Undertakers Embalmers and Disinfector T. . , .- T. , ur L,u ,s ( "'"I'L't-. Lil.pral. Treat Dunt and l'ronipt Herviee. rhonea: Hay, l.Hd ; ilit789-B HARRINGTON & TERRY Contractors and Builden 2-'!2 Ardrew St met P. R. ASHBY Civil Engineer and Contractor offiee in Planters Bsnk Building. Phone No. 663. Municipal Iesi(rner, Development and ' Lon;rete ork or All classes THOMAS W. SMITHS0N Dental Surgery Arrington Building Phone 493 Main-Sunset Avenue. BtirdwboA floort. Screens and Weather StrlBe. Estimates Cheerfully Submitted Installed complete In Building. . Egh grade work gnari3te4 We still have many good bargains left that we are offering you in our Big July Clearance Sale that will interest you. Come now while all the stocks are complete. :':B.:F.':FF ll6 T&rboro Street RKMNCREASE IN : ''". COAL HANDLED V, ile .'I, ' W,,r r. We have a very large s'ock of Porch Rock ers, Swings, Grass Druggets and Porch Shades that we are offering at prices that we believe cannot be duplicated. If you need anything for the porch it will pay you to favor us with a call for we have the stock and our prices are low. 'White Mountain" Refrigerators that we are making special prices on while they last. Buick, four-cylinder Buick, six-cylinder . . Cole Eight . Oakland Six ....... Vim Trucks . . . . . . . Republic Trucks from .... . . $795 to$2,800 TO THE ABOVE ADD FREIGHT We have an Automobile or Truck to match the price you desire to pay. W. T. Rose & Str'' -'I IJ Ij I Hf .lUoe t!;., ' liist -in ailaldo, .show thill ill OMiti oadi: ol,; ( i. ,1 ry haul-.. .: i a; .. i:f Lit tlliiilltr i'onl, IIH .I :'i','. i ' i' , rat iiii'i .linn1 lust ; Ti.at y.l',e (dreads. af, .i'yi 'foviiI- . . e 'lenilv ad'"t'iate trans-i- o , ' ad las; t h of ' :,' d ! IIV' la, i Ihaf dim V;. or '1 !i;i'. is l.'lllod till! ! i",;. areddetiiiii on ..Iiin . ' : .o-" , e. e'ej;.' I'niiii. I he Hit- ;:,- . :. .; -r "The iiijidlod etir or- . i , , . t i s,i','7 (in J lino e'l, :.,! one June o'V ., ',e:,.'; to ".li I, i,' ei ' wdo'ti t he mil- : i : . e't noist-. effort to : ' .,:o t'n ii;!,'t s'H'iiv,' it in . : r. iadioaos '. War Hoard ' ,,.;(,,, . .11 '"' eioiii'ililtioll - - -.;, aoV : I 'itUiat illVf llOll-: -; e. ', ,ei r : ,:.: it he eoijn-' : , ':' . i r - o'ooetat " i, mid ,' ,: i r . 'ir, ".i'.iri-noiii(j In - Il $ 675. , 1070. 1795. , 875. 715. ml

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