THE cm Today'g Weather Forecast ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, WEDNESDAY; AFTERNOON, JULY 25, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS VOL. X. NO. 47. EVENING U1M GUARDSMEN BEING ENROLLED TODAY IN THE ARMY SERVICE North Carolina Supplies Seven Thousand Who will - Co to Greeneville ALL IN NATION (JET READY FOR MOVEMENT The New, England Guards- men, Forty Thousand in , Number Plan Now- toCo to Charlotte. N. C. At Early Date. . Hull-lull. .V ('.. .Inlv L'5. Mole than 7.IMIU National i Hit i . ) in i' ti were mohil wed iu X.ntli Carolina todav prepu i u tnrv to being dratted in tn tin1 Federal erviee. lint' .regiment' of infantry, and t Wf I'OllI ill II K-s I hf flu' llieel S ol tlie'Noltll Carolina: guard I .- men never were discharged tium federal nitvii-i' after- their return from the Mexican .border mill A.t pjtunt (.elioral Kovstcr Mii4 today t lint the state Would scud lit t.vcen Voim umL ..U.oinl men to the. camp lit iioenevillo, S. (,'., if' all units were ordered there, Many recruits are being added to I i.e nilh. MilVement--o4: -the troops probably would depend- upon when the camp was ready for 1 hem, I ioneral Kovstcr said. NKW KN'ILAND rnoopa READ V. -' ' Hi st,,,,. Mas- . Jul :'f, (-. . 1 1 thmi sand 11 at mil ilsuicii w ci e niuliilieil in the N'e.v II 11 .l.i ini -Mate -'today -prepu r iifui v to l-i-iii ' ili.iCti -I in tii the nat ional sec y ice I - I it'ieiier' ie tie rat f d warily in e.jliiiiiatiil of the ,. .:n tlln'iit of the n cnthi',1 '' i-ml thai 1 1 in iimi t.Ttfiiti In llif" : training camp at ihailntte, V ('., hi leiiilv had been in ranged tor anil tnit it., v ns iiolinl.le Ibc New Fnglnnd guards hi li I'Hiil.l he In have tor the Mouth by i:gust in; HYATT-PENNINGTON WEDDING TUESDAY M.-s Mamie IVnuingtoii a. will k ii.ov.Vii. and attractive mini; lad of. U.nkv Mount, dauohtei of Mr". Murv I'ouiiiug tun. w ho resides i n Sunt Ii Church stieet,' lift Mr. .1 . 1 .Ii f. II vn 1 1 . a Imi t,1 Mount, ami fon i.l Mr. ami Mrs. ' A. Hvatt, were tpiictlv .uni i icd last night at the parsonage of. the First Method st chinch lii'V. H. ('. 'raven, pastor, per tonne 1 the i-ei "iinmv. The affair was a iliiii't one anil onlv a few friends "it newcd the wedding, y Ml. Hvlltt is elli...v e.l with the At lantie Const Line Kaibteid t '.nii.aii v at South Ifnekv ' Mount and is a young 11, ,111 i.f evrellelit e ll a I a t I'. The V Oil II ;' .e is well known in this city ami their host of friends wish them a hap pv vnvage on the sea nf mat i iinonv. 'Mr.' niul Mis. Hvatt will 'make their Ilium' in Hoekv Mount. FOOD SUBSTITUTES ON ; SWEDISH MARKET Stockholm, .Inly '..'5. -The shortage of various necessaries of lite in Sweden is a I red v uhegiiiiuiig to bring various sub slittttes into the market. li t these is a liiiiiil ealleil "eeononiy sweeten injf " pin port i iik! to enntain to eai h luittle of l-ll iirains. the eipiivalent in sweetening Aiilne ot thirteen poninls of snf-ar. AtiulvsN has iist shown the eontentM to eonsis! of one tenth of one per fent of ri vstallose. IJ 1 - per eent il' onliiiaiv Hiit;ar nml 7.l pel eent water. COTTON MARKET New York, .lulv L'.j. otton futures ii-nel steintv. .Inly LTi.ttU; i'.'t.itil; lireemlier L'.'l.TT; lanuarv 2o.i'ii; Mnreh :rt.70. . 'ew York, .Inlv 2.".. The eottnn mar ket had mi irregular oprniuK to. lay with first irietH 1 point hiiilier to 12 nnit8 lower. I'niler selling for Liver pool aeeount. Oetoher later sold down to '23.7S and .!eeein!ier to 2S ia or 7 to ID point under last night's elose. Gr.od luivinn at this level eaused alarm ammiK shorta and quic k rallies followed at the end of trie lirst hour with Oetober nelli iikj hack to 24, and leeenilier to 23.SS. STOCK MARKET New York, July 2"i. Professional sell ing of the aetive list was resumed at the beginning of today's operations over niuhi il.u4ftimett- st honir nnrl shmHil eeininir to favor -the short interest. War issues, shippings, motors and asso riated specialties lost 1 to 2 points. Equipments, oils, industrial alroliol and Atlantic Oulf and West Indies being most susceptible to pressure. United States steel fell a large fraction with such rails as Vnion Pacific, St. Paul, 'fsa.fine. New York, Central and Bal . '-more and Ohio. Substantial rallies oe i ird in the first nail bour on general PARTI FIGHT ON FOOD MEASURE The House Lines Up This Morning For a Ritter Fight on Matter of Sen ate Committee. Washington, Julv 2;". 1 he minimis tat ion foo. I Control hill- was sent to eon teieme in the House to. lav under M rule without a- record vote;.; Opposition which -developed' venter. lav disappear. I. V aNhiiietoii. .lulv J.i. - I'arl v linex were ai'iiaiant !v drawn t.ielit in tli house toilav nv it. the peijilint; iiuestiou of v het her uiuiiiii.iioua iMinsenf w ill .h given for t he. food cunt rol hill to go t eonten-ii-i-e; Imlsv s session i.s the outcome ot Kepnlilieiin Leader Nlnnii s, refusal ves terilav to eive uiiaiiinioiiH consent to allow a vote on the Senate amendment tor thi' creation ot m separate senate war eM'euihtuies eominittee. 1 Inn iiuexpeeteil mov e on the pau of M r. .Mann caused ailininist rat ion leaders to ahandoii the hope ot rusliiug the iimemlinent to confeieuee anil, prevented in adjournment. . MANN BLOCKS BILL. Washington, .1 illy 2 ' he a 1 1 111 i ti i A. 1 legislation eu- tint niii s program jit in i-iioiit eii--l anothei delav when KepuMi in Leader Mann lilocked plans to hum the food control hill to eonfoence. The proposal to create. a .joint -oiuinif- tee or ( ohgiess on exjieiiilitiires or Jlie war, written into the hill in the senate I -objected to l.y I'li'siib'lit.. Wilson I signifying a lack -of ; confidence, in liini, was the feature which started the trouble... The lb-publican lender railed iiianv members of his icirtv about him in, I last night t he sit uat ion had taken on the-aspect of a partisan light virtuallv t h,. lirst t iiiie .si nee t he war session piet. : - ' ; ' - Ailiuiuist i at ion .leaders, despairing oi sellulllg ilie Mil to ronierenee unoer a nan mums consent -agreement, are pre paieil to I.l Dig ill a-!-! I rule lonav liinler w hich tlo-v expect to force a con fereiiee ami i" addition to instruct the oiiterees to di-agiee to. all senate lillleli.llliel.ts. faking the adiiiiiiistrai ion inHuagei bv .surhijac Mr UiUiu JiuW4i4 uutMa.- hen the bill came up vestenlav that he ,'oul.l not give unanimous isent foi lie bill to go I'onfei ence unless n sepia te vote were permitted on tlie war com mittee proposal. A tiasiy canvass oi hose present com iiici'd the iidinin 1st in ion uien that they, could dot be certain if a' inn jin il v aeainst the )iroiosal aud n a-l jout uiiient was takeh. l uaiiinioos eoiisiiit again vill be ask ,1 lo, lav . bel'oie the special rule is ill oked, but the liepli I d ica II leaded have 1 1 ere sum moii e.l 1 nt. enure inciiii.eiiiii r a v ote and a paitisan division seems rt.iili.. In pi eparat mil for it. the leiu lilts tiohlelled Up their lilies last night insure the oreseliee of a Ilemoeralic ma im il '. ii wasinoue,ni I . . I . . .1. .1.1 that I lemoei ats vv on hi' A.iil l' vltt the liei.nbli.aiis. Adoption- of the role will virtually elude separate votes alsji on the a nIo-I bill for 'wheal and prohibition I me in I n ion t s st i oiigly desired .y ..several house Iieiuoi-iats. . I'liioiighoiit del. ate yi-sterdav fhair man Lever,-in ehaige oi tin' lull, promis 1 that tin' house I leluoiiat ie eoutelees Olll.l do their utinost to force accept .- . . - ... i . c 1 1... lllli-e ..I .1111- oil;ii:ii ( .1 m i n . nr. ... 1... muse bill. In that form there was no .revision f.jf i-ithei 11 war expenditures olllllllt fee, II food bollld of three nielli .eis or wheat and the prohibition ections contemplated 11 bone dry conn i. '. CIHSON-IUJLLUCK WEI)I)IN(J TODAY Mi-s Hessie Hulliick, the nttractne 'laughter of Mr. and .Mrs. 1. It. ninnies, who resnl Nash county, near Ivm h Mount, and Mr. Hllis F.. UihNoii, sou ot Mr mid. Mrs. T. L. ' 1 ibson, ot this city, were ipnetlv inaiiied this morning at 7 -:'.il o'clock nt the first Kaptist churcli Tl reiiionv was perlormcd bv He l ivings! lohiisou. the wedding was 1 simple one and iiianv triends ot tln vounr couple were present. The procession to the altar was h- 'i lcd bv Messrs. Charles Kullin k and Hamiiel Arrington. follow im' t hem came the best man Mr. ('.. N. dibson, and Miss fin ile Rnllnck. the maid of lion or These tiled niound th(. side nisle hile the bride and frooui, went down the center nisle, all meetiiigat the altar As the bridal pnrtv entered, thp wed ding mareU --was able, rendered on the bi" iiioe onrfiii bv Miss Ada. Shearin. y,r :iWn is B well klio" n vniine nan of 'bis r itv i"d is n"neinted in bus iness with his father who conducts n loc-il fnrntiire establishment. Miss Hill ;u ..ell known nod has a host of friends hereihouts The manv friends of Mr ninl Mrs. (Jibson wish them much linoi-iness to come. Immediatelv after the eeremonv the voiiniT counle left for Virginia Hench. Yireinin. where-thex- will spend some tiiee. After their return they will make their home in Rocv Mount. FEATHERWEIGHTS TO RATTLE TONIGHT Philadelphia, July 25. Johnnv Kil bane, featherweirht rlnmtiion, and Hen nv Leonard, the lightweight title hold pr will meet in a six round bout in Shibe park tonight for a purse of $20, 000. each man to receive one half. According to fight experts, should Kil bane win the lightweight title, Leonard -m-n thf fpflthprweiurht oh am Dionship because he eannot make HZ pounds ringside. HRITISII TANK IN FIGHT ON OLD BATTLEFIELD OF HOLY LAND ' A - o -V - 1 v.iir . , 'ori..4A ' SJVTl ' ' . -.K-r Iirttish tank at the gates of ancient Gaza, near Jerusalem. This photo shows the latest invention of modern wui'fuie going into battle on ai. ancient battlefield of the Holy Lain The smoko shown is caused by the engines which propel the machine. Gaza lies about two miles f 1,1111 the Mediterranean, 'lhe armies of Kanieaea, of Alexander, of the Crutudera and of Napoleon mut have marched acrusa this very landscape. CONSCRIPTED ARMY CANNING MAKING LISTuJCJOnRuS Will He in the Hands of the Local Hoards Within a Day or Two. Mailed Yes terday. Washington, July 2"i. Master lists oi t he 11 rui v eon sci apt mil ill. aw ing wei e 11 the hands i.f a iiuiiibel of local e mpt.ioii lioards today and vveie oil then Wav 10 oilier iioarus uioie insiani-1 1001 W'MshineUiu v hole tin-v wen.', inaili'd stenlav. Ka.-h local b relpltred to ill n( on 1 eceipt of 1 he list siniiiiion lor exaniiliatii'ii; men as t he actual' .'pud a t v ici' as man v of the district' Thus t he w oi k of select nig men to liiahc in. the lirst half million iiijngeut -oi Tlie anny hereatter is 111 t he hands of en ilians comprising t tie ex iiipfmn boards. -. RACE ON AMONG STATES FOR HONOR .Washington, 'July 2."i. The race be Iween Mates lor the liolmi 01 neing rue lii st to call . t heir o in it as, under t hi' se lect ;v.e dral't I. ill was -on today in ealll est. Culling up men. for -physical examin ation begun I Ins nun ning in sev eral re ;;ions. Meanwhile details of the nia-h-inery for aclually 'calling the accept-, i-d men into service and sending them lo their mobiltfatioii cainps ate being Worked out. I'lovost Maishal tieneial Crowd. -r hss already ruled '.that tne t :t j in of tlo army attaches to am reg isteied mail as soon as the' local, selec tion I i.l ins I10S i'i . 1 1 1 III as acce Hen. 1 from that tune on. unless exempt will be suliji cl to military law an ,1 lu ll the w hen es "of ear. Ii uticles of nan failure to appear ailed will bung, the military '.fori . 1. c u . .. l III . Ilie ililiini ill. 1 1 ii.i i it the missing man aim ne win or violaLoii of .regulation I unit maiiial. 1 1 appeal s probable 1 hat t hi be I ri.-d it-fill e a .. 'accept- 1 men ill be first election board heaibpiai tei s. d iir t in il There .lis a canton tiilmt ion ainout'. the sixte, incuts. (leueial 'Crow tier' sail today they would be governed by t lie , in t loll ot the law reipiiiilig that t li.'x I"1' a-signed as far as pl'acticul with I from their own .-ilate ami ine uearesi c.-io i on no ., reduce lhe 1 1 a nspol t a I mil .problems near as possible. No i nt oi mat ion has uhed (ietleral Crowder iudn al ing that there will be Mnv need to summon a see md iliaft in addition to the tis7,"t mini now cnlle.l lor iliiiuig ine -iieseni ve,.i. Kxpeiise to cover the second increment has I li sub initted, it was called out, because call of the expenditures must be made m advance it a call to have ni ii.iiii nts ami oiiarteis ready oi tin' f Is must be ncliiallv on hand when the cull is made. CHARLOTTE FINALLY GETS CAMP GREENE Charlotte, July 2fi. Camp (Ireens w ill not be removed I ruin liarlotie, lor ine al committee has mot all the require ments ot the government oniciais nun work on the great cantonment site con Uuues unabated. Seveial farmers who owned lands heretofore of small value, grew rich at the expense of the citizenship of the eitv. Men charged reins lor iracis oi land three or four times as much as the land is worth. The eominittee paid the price. In several instances prices un heard of in this section of the .State, were paid for land covered with virgin timber. Colonel Ladue, engineer in charge and Major Kilboiirne, chief of start' tor (ien- eral Wood, while thev nave no ollicial statement, let members of the commit tee know that their report .to (leneral Wool in Aaltna on Thursday will le favorable. riencraTYood lias reiterated .several times his desire for the camp to remain here and no fears are entertained as to what his decision will be. More than one thousand men are at work daily on the cantonment. Mayor McNich has instrmVd the city engineer to proceed with theiying of a waeer main to the camp, the contrac tors are rushing their building program and both tbe steam and electric railway companies are busy laying tracks to- ward the camp. ,1 f. GREATPROGRESS Canners Will Co - to South Rocky Mount Tluirsday and Friday to Further Movement There. - Th, canning of perishables at tin . M. C, A. last week progii-ssed spli'inlol ly anil t he only setback wics friday, when th.' rain drowned out all canning nc t i v i .'i e s. 1 1 1 1 w e V e r , . t o 1 n o n o w j 'I ' h 1 ii s dav and also fridav the ladu-s of the city will take, the ..canning, out lit to Nnitli Itui-kv Mount, where tlnv will aid in tin'- canning of nil perishables that iie ladies, of that section (Ics'iin to have imprisoned fur us.. 111 the fu t u cu '1 he c a 11 11 in-g t at h I s vn 1 1 fi r,THt IT t loned ill a vacant lot opposite ( rock or m store ami a reprcs niat ive ot lhe movement and has befji to South liockv Mount, ninl has prepared for the .coni ng of the runners. Ilo-se canning out tits will be on dutv tor two i ii vj ninl it is hoped that many of the ladicssoT Soiith lioeky Mount will bring th, iY surplus fruits and vegetables on; .those days for the. -purpose of having them I'iiiiUMi, Tin.- movement for. the canning centers lias iio.t been delinitely settled, but the ladies in chargv' are working mi the. plans ami expect f o make an ami. luiicini. nt The canning good lor the It a rniix citv 1 arlv lat, inent is ami th doing great - high i'ost of living is going to hav.e. a precarious time, when the nserves of tjiie pantry will be I'll I li'l on this fall and winter. All vegn tables and fruits found loafing lire going to. be canm-.f and none will be permitted to become vagrants.' Slid, is not going to lie alow il, and all tha' is not. eaten ifiis summer is going'do li) iuf. up in cans for future use. I his is a great movement that tin ladi'i-s of lioeky Mount are. carrying iml and they are. to be complimented foi the excellent results have b en 'rcaliee from their efforts. . I Therefore the la. lies. in South Rocky Moiint Will have tlieir opportunity, te get rid af what perishables they haw hat cannot, be used immediately anil will save them for use la I r on. limit forget 'I hat . t he canning bul li! s w iTI "vis" it Smith, liockv Mount - Thursday and friday and ail ladies in tliat section liHv inganv thing to can must not miss (his iipportiiinty. FIVE BILLION New Expenditures Request ed Are Principally in An ticipation of Second Army of 500,000 Men. Washington, July. 2.". Plans worked out in Congress for raising war revenue wi re overturned yesterday by announc luent of fort licoiniug additional esti mates for war expenditures aggregating i e than $r,tMil,iMiu,liiMi, principally in anticipation of assembling a . second army of 5(1(1,01)0 men under the selective tlraft. j, Secretary McAiloo, at a special meet ing of the senate finance'i'ommittee, re vealeil that the war department alone is preparing estimates to cover addit ioiial expenditures of nearly $0,(11111,(11111,111111, ami asked tlm committee to huh up the 1,(170,(1(10,000 war tax bill until the de tailed estimates of all departments art submitted, The committT agreed nr the request. The new estimates, including $500, 000,0110 additional for the shipping board anil $ for the navv de partinent, are to lie submitted to. the committee this week. Then there will begin another revision of the war reve nue measure probably resulting m an in crease ot the bill's grrhli tax levyby from $ofjO ,000,000 to $1,54(0,000,000. Further credits mav also be authorized in the form of bonds or indebtedness certificates. MORE WANTED , It. BRENT LEAVES Theodore Rrent, Vice Chair man Has Tendered His Resignation to the Presi dent. .'Washington; July , LTi. A nununce ment was; made today at. the While House that Iheodore I'.rent, vice chair man., of I lie ship dug board, had tendered his .fosigunt ion, but that it has nut been acted upon by l'resiileiit WiUoii. BEGIN WORK REORGANIZATION W'ft i b'i ii fi t tin Inly "o b'eoi-jin-n-'illl itlll' of the shipping board and the emergen cy fleet eorporatioii was ill lull swing todav, lollowing President W ilson h ac ceptance ot the resignations of t hair maii Ileiimaii and Ma tor Leneral tine thals ami the end ot the row winch long has delayed the ship building pro gram. The Senate commerce eominittee i pi ieli ly reei i m men tied the coulir.uiHt ion olx Kilmiiiul - N. Iliirley of Chicagti as theNiew chairnian, but action ' was tle layeil till I he iioiiiinat ion of Hainbriilge Colbv forNiiember of the board to suc: .eed ('apt. ,r,!l. While. Senalor Wads worlh and ( ahe?X til New i ink, reipiest ed the tlelay. ' ' 'Mr, Colby h.ns beelKjironiinent ill the I 'rogii'ssive partv in .New York. Ailinin istiatioil' leaders, howevc'iY exrieet no serious opposition to Mr., t olby. Act ing Chniriiian Hrent today nlsiiXiffered his resignation but the ('resident Hiok i.o action on it. Mr. I'.rent was n siije itirter of Chairnian Penman.'.- EMPEROR GOES TO OALICIAN FRONT Copenliagan, July 25. The arrl . vaj of Emperor William at the Oali clan front yesterday morning, is re ported In an official statement. ILASS ROVVI. TO INDEPENDENCE HALL Thibudelplfa, Jnlv 17,. The glass bowl .from" which the lit,.ril)l capsules ontaiiiiiig tin' national armv numbers were drawn in Washington last Friday is to be .'itiiled to the historic collection it I mlepeiiilenee II a If COMMERCIAL SCHOOL FOR ROCKY MOUNT The Rocky Mount llnsiness Collego will soon he one ol the strnmt-cst .com nercial training schools in the entire south. Mr. !si lininlt, the present imin ager announces that he has miido ar ia iigeiuenl s with Pr. Wnllr M. iitelnn of Haltunore to come to Rocky Mount an. I take charge ot the school so that Mr. Schmidt inav have an import unit y to travel and work for the interest of the . The combination 'completed is sure to make this institution one of the leading schools, as both Pr. Ciitehin ami Mr. Schmidt are men with broad experience this line of work, thus giving it a stronger combination than is ordinarily fotind in a school of this kind. Pr. Ciitehin is a graduate, of the I'liix'ersity of Maryland ami for the last sixteen years Jias been roniiiecteil with the Urvant ami Stratton Husiness College of Haltimore. Mr. Schmidt- came here from Lynchburg. Virginia, where he) worked for a year in one of Ilie rommer cial schools of that place; before that he was manager of a large school in Kansas. There is no doubt that liockv Mount. will be much 'benetitti'tl bv this insti tot ion, ami those that are contemplate ing entering a school can hud proo! enough of the merits of this institution by investigating what its students are now doing. MINE DISASTER AT WATERFORD, N. B. Halifax, X. 8., July 2."). Eighty workmen were killed today in an explo sion at No. 6 mine of thgjominion Coal CoinpaTiy at Neww'aterford, N. B., ac cording to advices received here from Sydney. Twelve bodiei have be;n re covered at present . 1 BOARD BRITISH SAILORS TELL VICTOR! Say German U-Roats Made "A Consent rated Attack on the United States Trans ports. ' Halifax, . S., July b.'."'.---British sail ois aiiVing lure todav who claim to have been .itlnong the vessels ill the vi einity id' the transports which cluivey ed lhe lirst. American troops lo f riiuee say .1 hey ji i e credibly i n formed that Her man siilmiM ri ues in ii I ;i . coneeti t rat ed attack and were beaten oil with a loss of six boats, only one .submarine escap ing. .The sailors said they were within three miles ot the transports ami wit nessed heavy and cobt lotions 11 I e. 'Ilie men- were i-n I hree or four pitch vessels winch had been taken over bv the Mill it;li gov e'rnineut ami were, tin their wav to i: ipe. CANADA SECURES A SHORT LOAN WnNliijijjIoi iJtilv Alio llft.H imt ltinl t II ni' limi itr' that t lie uliji'el inn to rfnula J.Ct. Secrt'tai'V iMt- ( ;i(iil'h;in iimilsttT t'OVt-IMIINftlt Iimh no H HtTltl llllf 11 Hill!! t t j i nt' rifilit ut .-f tMt.uiMi((tiMt hum pnvHte MtturcfM iii tin1 Aiiirti.-aii nionrv niarkfl. SEVENTEEN IULLI0N FOR FIRST YEAR iisliington, July America s war hill for .the lii si vear w ill total $17,bn(l, (Hlll.illlll Si.nator Siiioot la 1,1 the Senate today '-"instead of '.fl l,.'!l!ll,HII,liiHr, hit es timated yesterday the increase result ing friiiii'an additional ifritiOjIlild.niil) for the shipping board, .L',lMi,fiiMt,IMiil fn-r Hie allies ami ifd ,"iii,iiiiii,iliin ilelicil . in the exeellt i e depart metit. REGISTER NOW UNDER A USE NT VOTERS' LAW I'h'iise permit, ine through your paper to call the attention nt your readers tn the law enacted at the last session of the leni'Tat Assembly which permits nb mits absent electors to vole: Violdiers in the .National (!uard, all men who nr(. called to service under the selective tlraft, and anv other voters who inav be absent from their home vot ing places at the time of the next primary-election in May, HI1S, or at the general election in November thereaf ter, should by all means see now thai their names are entered on the Ab sent . oters' llegist rat ion hook, unless their mi lues rue already tin the regular regist rat ion books the chairiiian of the -count v board of elections in each comity is the registrar r all such voters who wish to register. The slicntl or anv county olhcer will, upon reipiest, furnish Ins name and ail Ircss. It a voter is now registered, Ile will ie flit i ( it'll to vote bv mail it he is awsv I nun home .'it the time of the primary or the general election, but there is no provision in tin law tor registration bv mail. 'I'liwo is no fee for this registration and every voter whose name is not now mi the registration books, who inav be absent, owes the duty both to hiinselt and to his state to register and register now, fur unless he- does so register in person before going away, he will not be permitted to vote be mail, ami, if away I roin home, w ill thus loso his vote. Ibis law was enacted primarily for the benetit of our soldiers, ami sit is hoped that they will avail-thcmsclves of its privileges. , W SV WILSON, Secretary, North Carolina Council ot Peteuse. Raleigh, N. '., July 21, 1!!7. t QUINTET HAS HARD JOB GETTING SUPPER Last night nt the Rocky Mount Hotel cafe considerable- argument took place liel ween the Oreek proprietors ami a recruiting officer ami four recruits, who tliiied lit that est a 1 1 1 lib 111 1 l t at the sii per hour It st ems that the recruit ing oflieer was takine the tour recruits from Huston to liarlestoii, isoimi annum. mil had stopped over in liockv Mount The oflieer bail instructions to allow 50 cents for each meal for the four re cruits ami that the bill for the meal be sent to the government at Washington for navment. The recruiting otneer is saitl to have shown the Creek proprie tors the instructions regarding this and the quintet proceeded to devour their evening meal. When they finished, the dreeks dul not relish the idea of not being paid im mediately for the suppers of the five men and raisetl a howl. The officer showed them that they hail to semi the bill to the government for payment, tmt it seems that the cafe proprietors didn't like this method of being paid. ; Therefore, according to best informa tion, thev siinimone dthose members of the Rocky Mount police force in the vicinitv and proceeded with the desire of hnviiie- the oflieer and Ins tour re emits arrested for not paying their meal bill Mn-or Thorne was en"",! in nn the and after talking with the officer v succeeded in allowing the men scene fiunltv to go and the proprietors of the cafe were to iret their monev from the gov ernment in the manner specifietWJ'.v the oflieer, who explained- that the govern ment had to pay for it and that the bill would have to be tnrned over to the wivernment and that he had no right t v pay for it in rash, aa he had -.ii,,.., 'i.tniet iniia fui the fiv men r.erted and t he js?stauraHt keepers will have to send, Jti their bill to Washing tn.fQ- ,pmoney for the auppey RUSSIA OPTIMISTIC DESPITE ADVANCES OF THE Germany Admits That She Has Not the Men For a Rig Offensive NATION SHAKEN BUT IS STILL CONFIDENT i The British and French Are Keeping Them Too Busy on Western Front in France and Belgium to Al low Transfer of Troops. r Hush 1 11 TsHlialtcu armies 111 (lulicia aie still 111 retreat which bids fair not to end -until thev reach approximately the line occupied bv them last year before Oeneral Hrusiloff began his big offen sive. Pcspite this exneiisive back move ment covering virtuallv all the front between the northern fialiellln border and the Carpathian foothills, the tone of both i.fticinl and unoHicial illspHtchei coining out ol I'etrogrstl is not pctiin li.istic. There is apparent confidence that the disorganization of the ranks Induced bv the machinations nf the extrem ats mid believed to have been largely promoted bv Herman intrigue will be nileqnutelT dealt with ami a hi 111 front again be presented to the eiieuiV. For one tiling , the (icrinans, bv their own admisaion, have not the men to spare to pronveute a sustained oflcuaive on a large scale on the eastern front. The fir tmh and French are keeping them too bimv and thev are too apprehensive uf some ex tra forceful trokc 111 the went to trans. t-r-nny "great -tiuniber of troops from the Franco Helgiftn war area. ' The Russians have Tiig reserves of men Slid 1'rciuler Kerensky will find it tnfluthh in weed nut thfi illslovai -i4e 1" - - -- -. , . - -- r mcnts from the front ranks and replace them with the hosts of dependable troops which Russia still possess. -i The. Inherent strength of the Kntente positon in the west has just received a fresh illustration on the Aisne front. Here the French have UNt emerged vic tors in a long drawn-out struggle with the (iermans for possession of the im portant high grounds 111 the fraonne re gion. Yesterday's brilliant attack gave Gen eral I'etain's troops renewed possession in almost complete measure of the slight area ginned bv the Crown Prince in his costly series of attacks. The French even pushed beyond their old line at some points. . This morning cutne the test of the (ieriiiiin reacation. It was directed against the position recaptured bv the French on the ('alifurmae plateau, al though delivered after a violent bom bardment it was entirely futile. The Trench retained their won ground and consolidated ill their gams. The path of the Russian retreat in Oa licia is traced in today's Merman of ficial statement report. ng the occupa tion of Tarnopol bv the Austro Herman forces which down near Pniester are Hearing Biiczncz ami still further south have occupied Htamslau and Nadavor.. GERMANY CLAIMS CONTINUED ADVANCE Hi'iliii July L'5. The advances of tbe Anstro (lertnan forces in eastern Oali ciu continued uninterruptedly, the War Oltice announces.-, 'Tarnopol has been captured and the (bermans are Hearing Ilinvac.. . 'X . ' FIREMEN MEETING AT ' MOREHEAD CITY Morelicud Citv, Julv 25. The thir-v tieth annual ni ting of the North Caro lina State Firemen 'a Convenu'on was called to order here at 11a. 'in. esterday by President James D. McNeill of i'ay etteville. I'ne invocation w-as made bv Iter. H. W. Haucom, pastor 'of the First Bap tist, church. The address of welcome o I.Jialf of the town was delivered by Luther llamil'.nn and was responded to bv President McNeill, Col. A. H. Boy-, den, of Salisburg, Chief Wood, of Ashe- ville, ami others. Aftmr the regular order of business and the appointment of committees the meeting ad journed so that the delegate could enjoy the fishing sailing and turf. There was a business session las-1 night an another business session will be held this morning. At noon today there will be a fish fry, and thisivening the annual memorial exercises will be held in the M. K. Church, South. The election ;f cflicera will take plarV Thursday morning followed bv an ad dress bv Solicitor Chaa. U Abernethr, (who-sulisttttttps Tor tfoveraor bickcii. The Governor was unable to get there becau. tf the the extra duties no- posea upon mm in supervising mc ex ecution of the selective draft. More than thr e hundred delegates representing r.bout evnty-five firt com panies are here. i On Thursday evening a firemen's ball will he held ia the ball room of the At- Lo.. Ian tie Hob I. de - l 1 Aa orevit uslv Mrr.iii- J - for next vear 'a met ticg will be hV. 1 ' Aseville. - The tournament features' this year eliminated on Bi count of '-' wf-r- CERmAJS

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