VENING TELEGRAM ROCKY MOUNT, N? C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 13, 1917. VOL. X. NO. 90. PRICE : FIVE CENTS Today's Weather Icq taj y Forecast T7 fit WILD DISORDERS ATTEND AHTI GERMAN IT ARGENTINE START IT Seven Citizens Shot By the Police as They Storm , German Centers THE GERMAN STORES AND CLUBS BURNED The Argentine Cabinet Ap proves Action of Sending German Jlome and. Con- Riders lending, Swedish Minister Also. Ilueuns . A irp S. .I.- I :r -Tlic nut ill' - ' ... v , ..which hcga'..jihe're .late yesterday in an.. ."nil ;: n.u ii. !!. i. tiati-.M colli i lined: through t he iiigli f,.." Y. i'i-y I ititinaii ktisi - : iicsk -house and "restaurant in the .low n , town ili-t ! ii t . as w re. ked. The fc inula i blinds were ie.i' wounded y they 'i"red -! he in jure. I club and wi"' damaged' by BCVeii. .riotc.l's into ".the are i.'xptN'vd ! - At tns- r1' - ;1 other. ;; The . aid.' that U.e leading' to tin colisulfiie-.. Tie 1H);k. w ere: I a i.i foe safe k'-cj.i;: titles i.ievcnted ing the otliccs .i all th street ,-n .l.-gat ;-n ' a lid - III hcs;' I'UsJ-1 fll. I '1 I i t st'ioi 'i v v an ft ! ii i-lio'ii a rmcd" w it h j fhe'.niob from destroy of tli" Uer in a n.Tia n,s ! - Atlantic Company, hii-l.i su. lies tJie city's lih's. Jleavy' for.-i-s. of .irt i. ionai .tino;.s aie i,uardiu.; tlie railway over which . ( iermau jliUKli'i l.uxbm'g will arrive today. , ' . The cabinet late last ."ni'ht aif.i'"C''d the iiction (if I'r.'si'leiit I rij;o.v'll in ji'e-. jeutinj; iiasspoits to . '' ii ti t - Liix lin i 'It is said to IiHa e considc'iv.pMUiiinr ;n: tion In the c-ausc of l.Jarnii I.o.tcn-, the Svxedish ministei, but no aitioii (il1. bf taken jiiuidiii th,' rcciupt of fiii i lo r Me 1ails from Waslriiton and Stockholm. OFFICIAL TEXT OF! EXPLANATION Wasliinjitnii '-iScjil.' I U.iiiin Aker hiehn, -lrarj;e of tlie'lsuedish legation herf toilay info'imed S ietaiy I.aniii hcjirtil ri-ceiied the xtateinent of - the. Stockholm foreign oflice alieady pub lished here on the j'as,sa;;e of Count Iiixbiirg'n ditpatrhes thiouyh the l.eija' tion at lluciios Aires, but, as th,. de'iiit ineut already was in i'iK.sos.siini of that information he did not considei it in ci-s sare to present it formally. MORRIS PLAN HAS PROSPEROUS YEAR The lirst .ninn.-rl nu- liu of the utockliolders of thc .Morris I'lan Com pany, was held a few days a'o, in th office with the Wilkinson Company. The Morris I'lan bank hoc has Jiccii successful so far and the past year's business was most gratify- Kotir percent diviileml was distri liuted among th stockholders, and a considerable sum was carried over as iiii'ldus. The Morris I'lan Hank fills the need in th-. community not taken caro of by other financial institutions, in that it makes loan for a period not excell ing one year on basis of character and Kirning capacity, without reference to their commercial rating The following oilier wero elected for th ruining v. ar: jr. K. llraswcll, president: M. I. JlniUi ,vice president ; ami W. Wil kinson, secretary aluT treasurer. The following 'directors were also elected: J. t- Blount, J. C. Brasw. II. M. R. Braswell, W .A. Biillu. k,-.1. W. Pavcnport, R. B. Kavis, Jr., (Jeorge S. Edwards, K; Kpstein. K. V. Kngan. T. C. Gorhain, .1. H. Herli.rt. M. F. Jones, M. I). Mnnn, W 11. Newell, I'-. J. "Rose, V. C. Shore, F. I'. Spruill, W. H. Wilkinson, 'and O. If. Wiinberley, STOCK MARKET IV I L D 01 I GERMANY New York, Sept. Ft. Offerings were V. smaller scale in the early market lav and price were irregular. Cana--i', Lehigh Valley nd North deprewed a point or more, -S presented a better front V ' ' DEMONSTRATIONS EDGECOMBE 40 PERCENT TO MOBILIZE SEPTEMBER 18 The Kdgceombe count board of exemption lias received telegraph-' ie instruction that it is to mobi lize its lnrtv jier cent of men cer tified for .service on Tuesday, Sep ' tombel' IS at Tarbnro, only W'hif e T" mou'licing included, in the mi!. A : member of- the exemption board stated that the men would he mob ilized on Tuesday, the eighteenth, and 'would- leave on Wednesday, the nineteenth. X(i colored men are included in. the second I'hlgo-. Combe contingent. ; No call is sent out by -the board, for Ivlgceombe men to - i-fjmrl l u the names id' the men certified by ' the district boned have not been revi'"H ed by thi; exemption board ' ol' Kdgceombe -county. According to a conv creation with a member of 'the K.lgecomlH' hoard, the ..board will call the : men individually.- when the name evf the. men cer jtitbid 'by, -the district board are re eoive.L The .juo-t.-i to be furnished by IClgccnmbe county in second J: put Uiiji t is 1 ''i men, and the boa nl."hii-iiilier stated that only !'!' w hite,, moii w.cie probably avail' fble fur .ser'ci'V,: Jo did not state 'low -flic de.ticit of uo'ii tTubl be Ml(d in order to bring the total :p to IL' O .Viwther .l.velopinoni-s regard-. ,ittg the .nioh.ili.ation and move ment of the second . coiitingpiit frolic fidget'oni bo' county will be nindo .public is available. '-- U. S. ARTILLERY J A Large Contingent of -i American Artillery in Training Nowvln France 'Aniciiian Traiiiiiig t.'aiup in France, Se'pl, - I .By. A-soeiati-d' I'i ss. ) A ontingent' of Anieri.'aii artillery has I'linnl t,hi' ex pisl it.ioiia i y a nii.v and is "M;lt a ioitvr wiiii .its in.f ensiv , train iH'R-'imih't French', supervisory, in Ht rue. t loiis.,' 'Hit Ji"i to.tile-inricni of the artil tiih'iy eontiiigeiits, has been" .-arefiillv .-ti:iviVd and m'i niissjon to mrntion tin f-a'i-4 has ,iii-t been yiven.' "'Tli'' Ann cicaii acfillci eitien" are" using tlie latest mod. 'Is of the French To 's and also six, inch Ilovvifers.. - ; . . LEGALLY AMERICA HAS NO ANTHEM W,-isliingfouSi'pt. I.;.-- Tlie surprising nous v as , f i t h.oini ng f nun Adjutant C.'u. cal II. I'. MiT'ain t.idav, tliat Aim-r iea has no national a nt hem, hvnin or air by tlie pi iivisiuiis of aiiy federal law-. Army inui N';i y .i "egu hit ions, eons) it ute th,. oulv autlioiitv t'or pi oclaiming The Mar Spangled -Banner the national ,-iir. it as such. ' A i lev and lia y i cgulat ions are bind iug only upon the j'rrs.iunel of the army and v. i-Hr i-il McCain "the custom -of rising ami'- .remaining standing and uncovered while the Star Spangled Banner is being played is growing in favor among, civilians. "Among army and navy me nit is ob ligatovy. "Whenever the national air is played at any place where persons belonging to the military or naval service are present, all officers antl enlistisl men not in formation Hie reipiired to stand at attention, facing toward the music, ex cepting when the (lag is being lowered at sunset, on which occasion, they are required to stand and salutrt at the first note -of the. air, retaining their position of salute until the. last note of 1 lie air is played. " If in civilian dross and covered, they are required to stand and uncover at the first note of th.c air, holding the head dress opposite the left shoulder until the last note is played, except in inclem ent weather, when the head dress may hp held slightlv raised." DEAD BANK PRESIDENT WAS AN EMBEZZLER "Washington, Sept. I'i. Comptroller Williams issued statement last night asserting investigation had disclosed that the late .1. B. Martindale, president of the Chemical National bank of New Vorkt who died in July, 1!M7. was an embtv.Jlcr and forger to the extent of about J.SOO.lltMP. - The amount was taken, the comptrol ler announced, from the account of a wealthy Iesitor, and the hank has arranged to make good the entire sum. Capital and miqdus of the bank, Mr. Williams announced, were not impaired in the slightest degree by the alleged operation of Martindnl. AUG MEETING OF RED CROSS CHAPTER Regular Meeting of Local Chapter Held Tuesday Night. Reports Read and Many Matters Discussed The, regular monthly meeting A' the Rock- 'Mount'' I!cd Cross a'li;nitoi'. wttii held Tuesday night in the j'ooms of the chamber tif Commerce, w itH" a, good at tendance, of nieiubei s. The meeting was proi'led. -over by '.'Chairman. I. F. Til lore. The minutes of the' last gather' iug v. ere read and approved after the assembly had been -called to oialer.. - The .treasurer being absent the r iort of this department was read, showing total receipts from all sources of 'I ,L' to. 1 -t. Total disbusements were, re ported at $l!s,."!i leaving a balaiice on hand; of $!l7ti.." . The , report .shovve.l, how ever, that :!s belonged to. t lie Na' tjoiial H.'d t'ross for membership' dues, ami that several - huil.licd dollars worth if . materials, had been ordered, which had not been paid for, thus cutting down 'he baiaii.c considerably. . .. ... .. M iss Kate A rriugf on, chairman of the Snniiee eomniittee. ii-.orted that $:i7.50 had heeii rcali'ed from, the; barheciie 4i II tier, served the Merchants Associa tion, and that 2 had been added to the 'iieniorial fluid to Mrs. Fi. C, Craven. .Mrs-, !.' W. Kornegav, vici' chairman f the F.irs,t Aid Committee, reported 'hat the; class already organized -.had about .half completed- its course, anil that another, class .was . uniler t he pro-, "ess of .oi glcniat iiui. - ' Airs. AV.. Moi iie.vclia'u iiian of the "Tltrrta iulllellt Hi it t ee, i'epol treii th-ft-t inangeieeiits had been made ti Serve lunch at he : Fair.' and asked that all uilio coiihl help in this work, will kindly 'oiimiuuicat e with her. Mrs; K. I'. Bulluck, chairman of tlie enrollment coiiiinittee,. reported two ad ditional .'.'members for Kocky Mount, and stated that lift y - of - the nurses in the city who had joined in a 'group, were not included, in the treasiirei s report cf "i7H members. Mis. I'ulliicU also report- 'hat two new auxiliaries had been or' ganied; one at Bailey, with inein liers an I the other at Middlesex, with. a ' . n; be". ship of -fi. Mis W. K. Feniii'i. firs! icc chair nan, spoke to the chapter roga !'i i r g th,. .v.u k. of si'iii-i: iug. tobacco frioe the I'aimers who swll th -ir v, .' "1 on tl.e'i.eal market, and staled that a considerable .1 mount . t hat I. ecu i eal izi-d . t'r.un three lays soliciting. .Sire ;statei, hinvever, that in iirdi'i' to secure this -tobacco, it was necessary for the ladies to go to tin' e. arehouses. Ladies to do -soliciting at the different warehouses were asked to volunteer. . Mr. K. '.'. Sinith, appointeil by (iov "rnor Biekett as chairman of. the tebac fii niovenient fov the Red f.'i.iss in this se.-t ion,' spoke to the ehnjiter regarding t he quest ion of securing donations for the Red Cross. He stat.-dj hat the lit tl;!.Jovuj .of. Nil hujs. S..uth" Carolina, which sells about two and a half mil lion pounds annually, anil raised over five hundred, dollars in three days: that (irecnville had pledged herself to.iaise .-',l)UII, ,'iud Kiiiston '.oOii. Mr." Smith further stated that it was necessai v that the ladies get behind this movement heart ily and giv e the farnieiH an op portunity to do something for the J.e.i Cross.. It isrrrprcted that this campaign will be pushed vigorously hereafter, aucl that' it will result, in great success for the Red Cross chapter. It was decided that if the next con tingent of drafted men vvert in this city to any considerable extent of time, be fore they left for th( cantonment, that a special meeting of the local chapter would be held, and Mr. .lames II. Foil, of Raleigh, invited to speak to the men who will fill the ranks of the first na tional army from tii'.ie two countiis. the members of rhe local ehap;;;r anil the public generally. L IN STATE SIEGE Nation Wide Strike is At tended With Violence and Serious Rioting is in Pro gress in Portugese. Madrid Spain, Sept. 13. Portugal has been declared in a -state of siege, awording to' a telegram received here from Lisbon on account of a general strike. All establishments in the For- tugcae- capital have been closed. Sev eral persons, including a number of sol diers have been wounded by the explos ion of bombs. 1 PORTUGA NOW REVOLT DOES NOT S German Cavalry Posts South of Riga Fall Back Under Heavy Presure LINE UNDERPRESSURE Comparative Quiet Contin ues on the Franco-Belgian Front, Though Artillery Is Actively Engagnging the Germans. 'Berlin,-' Sept. I (ieniran cavalry posts to the south of Riga-Wendeii roa I oil: t he nor I hem Russian fronl yesterday withdrew before strong Russian jues sure, according to the official announce uienf issued today by the O'emia'u' gch' erarhea.lquarfi'rs staff. : "" : lompaiUt'ive quite continues oil the Fuance-Belgiuni f rout, the artillery has been .cxtremelv active in Nome of the .Flanders scctom and moderately so f 'ei;diiu, but licit le. r -Hie Freiieh or Fritish infantry has been in action. AU8TRIANS CLAIM A BIG CAPTURE Yriinia, Si pi. 1. via London, Sept. 1.!. t I v British Wireless Iress) The Italian losses in the 'ctcvk-uili hu ouzo battle savs an oflicial stafement issued today- by the. Austrian war of fice has reached almost a uartcr- of a million',-. inJuiliug 0 000 prisoners.. , HOW DRAFTED MEN CAN - -' SECURE A REHEARING In an interview with Mr a. F. Austin, chairman of the Nash county board of exemption, the question was asked as to how a rehearing could be had by men .called for. mlhtary service in the draft army. Mt. Austin said that when a man called by the district board, and had new reasons, not previ ously set forth, for , "xenipUon, could by filing -fiwoni affidavits, aoting forth these reasons of his claim, lmme&attely after being certified by the distinct board, with the local board and the local board can make recommendations to tlie district board and send along the new papers to the dis trict board. Tlie "local board has no outhonty to grant an exemp tion to a man, after he is certified by the distrtct board. The district board has power to act in snch cases. The claims above referred o are for dependence only. The local board does not consider m duKtnal or agricultural claims. 7 STATE UNITS Renewed Assurance That - National Guard Units Will Not Be Disturbed, Says War Department. Washington, Sept. L!. Kviiewt d as siiranec that notional guard units will be broken up as little as possible in the army n. oiganiat inn w-ns ' given today by the. war department. It was explained however, that in many cases it Will b necessary to change the status or unity of the organization and that the decision rests with the department commanders. The qu. btion arose over n protest by Senators Mar tin aud Swan-on, of Virginia, against deciding find ('anions Rochmond Blues a cavalry squadron. They were told that lajor (ieneral Iuval,' commander of the southeastern department, will be - instriN'ted to retain the- organize tion if possible. MRS. J.rGUllLEY DIED LAST NIGHT .Mrs. ,1; WV. Gurtey, agegd (H, died last night after a long' illness, at the home at 2-7 Dunn stre -t. She is surviv ed by her husband and two children, Lacey and Lin wood. Mrs. tiurley was well-known in the city and her death will be known with regret by the many friends who knew her. The remains of the deceased lady will be tak.n to Keuly this afternoon, where burial will occur jn a local cemetery. Tho funeral sfiTict.'S wilt be conducted by Rev. J. M.McKmi, 4astor of the North BocSy Mount Baptist Church."1 " ' 15 Mrs. Hurley-was a -consistent- mem ber of th. Baptist church aud a. lady of high moral chanuitLSlie was a faithil wife and devoted mother. The many friends of thv aurvivors. offer their sympathy in their aad bereave-mntr STOP RUSSIAN IN DISTURB sIVIASS OF EVIDENCE IN KING CASE District Attorney Swan Un earths Much Evidence in New York BOTH EMBARRASSED The Estate Had Been Looted and Much Evidence of Forgery of Will Is in the Hands of District Attor ney in New York. New ork, Sept. 1.1. A muss of idenre which will be of the groat- f-t aid in the prosecution bv the an thorU ii;s; of -Concord, S. ('., of thoso suspected of causing the death of Mrs. Maud, King at that .place, is. now In possession ol iiKiric,t Attorney., Swan according to a tel gram he sent to ll-avdeii ( leiueiit Sohcitor of Sails bury, N. ('., in response to ah in.juirv for in format ion District Attorniiy Swan in his dispatch said he examined impels seized bvj his rcpresentativen in tin a part mcut in the city, formerly occupied by (jasfoii B. . Means who had acted as business agent for Mrs. King which indicates that the -woman's es tate had ) wi looted and that both she ami 'Means Wen . iu fiinmi-ial difli culties. . '. . Many dunning'' .letters tho fclegranf continued,, ami th-n landlord had. insti tuted .proceedings to dispose Means from the flat for non payment of iv nt. "'I he looting of t he estate ". and the alleged forgery of the second will " tho telegram concludes were; partly com mitted ill this county and render af firmative action on inv .art necessary subject . to , the proof a greater crime committed iii oiir county. " ' Alton Means was called befoivi the firund .lui v lodav to "tell-what he knew about the ensc. VISITSjUARLOTTE Says He Went to Charlotte to See Doctor, But Spent Time While There With Lawyer. Charlotte, N. Sept. Ki. (.aston U Means, of Concord, business manger for Mrs., .Maud A. King, .whose death from pistol shot August litt li , is beingin vesti gated. -was a visito In Charlotte for two hours late yesterday afternoon. lie was accompanied by his lather. W. d . Means. The elder Means stated that he was here to consult ti phvsician,. but rumors are that a promrnent local lawyer's oflici' was visited by the wfi ' while in the I'itv. This Cetiiot i'ni.1.1 not lii 'o-iHi.l at-'the oflic of the lawyer today. A valuable foreign made automobile belonging to Mrs. King that was brought here a few days before her leath .and placed lira local garag-for-fepairs remains unclaimed. The garage proprietor made inquiry from Gaston Means as to the dispositun of thj car. He replied that he would consult Mrs Melvin, sister of Mrs. King, who is a visitor at the Means home and make some disposition of the car. PLANS A ALLIES Officers of Russian Navy are in Washington For Pur pose of Making Plans to Aid Allies. Washington. Sept. Ki. Cooperation of the Russian navy with the allied fleet will be discussed by the naval com mission from Russia presented to Secre tary Daniels today. The commission .in cludes one captain, one coiumaudcr, two lieutenant commanders and one lieu tenant. - COTTON MARKET New York, Sept. l'. There were a renewal of yesterday's selling movement at the opening of the cotton market to ilay, prices making nevv low records for the-season First prices were 4 to 8 points Iowit and the active months told 11 to IS oints net lower right after the call. Cotton futures -opened steady. Octo ber "0.05; December lj.H0; January 19.70; March 19.90; May 211.01. GAFTON MEANS 0 RUSSIAN REVOLT AT END AS (ORNILOFF ASKS FOR PEACE WHITE MEN CERTIFIED IN NASH CALLED TO EEPORT Lvci v white inn u in Nash couu Iv, who has been certified as lit lor liulitarv scrvic in the na tion's fust armv of m7,(KI0 men, and who has not received a notice of cM iuption or discharge J rum the district board ot Kastcrn 'Niirfli Carolina, is called to re j.ort at Naslu ille, on Tuesday, "" Scptr inbi:riV-it"!lvrprn!rKnini these men will be taken the forty per cent numbering 1iS men that is to leave on the nineteenth. No colored men are included in the cail. Tho instructions for tho calling of the. white, iiicii for the second contingent was' i;eceivcd by telegraph vesterdav from .1. J. Mackav at Raleigh aiding through 1'rovost Marshal licnurnl Itiiw : der. ' . .,'' 'J he uuinea of the men curtihud" bv tliu diHtriet board have not been received bv tho hoard, niid for that reason thnvlocul board annot call tho men tor the second contingent vi.lual Iv, as the members of the board -do not knowiho has and who has not been certified bv the higher board. ;;-j;: . The board requests that all frmiulii ol iiicii who Iihvc btnm certified to the district board tell them of the fact that they aro t report to Nashville on next Tues dav at live o'ebak in the attcr noon, aud do all tln v possiblr can in notifying every man concerned in this call to be there sit -the, sta-. ted time, Further particulars ragarding the mobilization anil movement of. ho second contingent, which will be taken from the men concerned in the above call, will be riiado known as available. PRODUGE-AMD SAVE KEfNOTEJF FAIR Big Feature of Rocky Mount Fair Will Be Demonstra tions to Teach Food Con servation. 'r'ood Administrator Iterbert !. Hoover and the I nited States Gove rnment have reeogniwul that the fans ot the country are one of the greativst mediums through which, the people can have the doctrine of "Pro- luce aud Save" expound-d. to them, bv -demonstrating the manner in which the food Mipplv ot the country can bo con rved and greater production encouraged. The great Kocky Mount Fair has answered the call of the food adminis trator and the govornment to aid in this campaign of teaching tho peopln how to produce and conserve the coun try 's food supply. Mrj. Hoover says that the people of America WH...0 noiigh food to feed th British armies in Fiance and thei have food to spare. The food administrator, therefore, has given to ffieTTairs thlolighout tho na tion, a big portion, of the, task ft asking the people to stop this enor mous waste and also to raise more anil better food crops. A big feature of the-Kocky Mount fair will be the demonstrations put - ing forth the "1'roduce aud Save" ampaign. The various departments will be in charge of superintendents, who are well qualified to give expert ad vino along the lines of canning, poultry and live stock raising and all matters relating to farm and garden production. It is expected that those interested will take advantage of the presence) of these experts at ,the com ing fair, ' w hich ' will result in great benelit to all who are striving to fol low the -food conservation dpctrinc. The Navy Department has also ad vised the fair officials that several big pictorial displays will b- sent here for fair week, showing the workings of the Navy, and how the men are cared for, which should prove infcerettting to alL . Of course there will be rich and rare entertainment for all who wish it but there is sufficient in the way of instruction to make a A'isit to the fair grounds highly beneficial and well worth while. For any information as to the specit' "prizes ottered for i'orth Caro lina food products' which prizes were chiefly offered to stimulate interest in the food conservation campaign ad dress the aecnetary, Mr. G. .B. Home, or communicate with him- via tele phone. Washington, tsept. 1.1. The Susan B. Anthony resolution for nation wide, man suffrage by constitutional amend ment was favorably reported toilay by the Senate suffrage rwmmittoe and will take place on the cnhjMa'r for a vote in the session - . g ia December. IS OP THE KornilolT Read to Surrender to Kerensky on Certain Terms ARMY BEGUILED AS TO CAUSE FOR REVOLT The Latest Advices Indicate Revolt at An End and No Battle Will Be Fought Fought Between Kerensky and KornilolT Forces. London, Sept. 1.1 (ieneral Koriiiloff , former commander in chief of the Ri:s sum armies, and leader of the Tch'thon against the provisional government, has expressed ft willmgneai to surrender en certain terms, says a dispatch from ! trograd to the Lxchango Telegraph Co. The provisional government, however, demands his unconditional nrreuiltr. MOSLEM TEOOPS f HAVE DESERTED I'ctrograd, Sept. A division of General Korniloff's forces composed of Moslem troops hns reached TsarsUoo Stilo, 15 miles south of I'ctrograd.; Kit- -gueskelff, a lawyer Mohainnieinbiii of ficer has In mi sent to treat with the.a and they agreed to abandon .remttana to the provisional government on condi tion that thev be sent home to tho m- casus whure thev must not be employvl . against the Tnrk, their co ichgionisls. , I'remier Kerensky agreed to the tiatv, . EEVOLT SEEMS TO COLLAPSE. According to an oflicial stateuietit pish issued, General Korniloff's, attempt scums to have collapsed and .there is no longer anv reason to fear a-collision of the two forces After General Alexmff had been in communication bv telephone .. with (ieneral KornilolT, the opinion vs expressed that the revolutionary general would abandon his revolution enterprise. DECEIVED TEOOPS ' ' . Itf REVOLT. General Koriiiloff 'a attempt to over throw the Kerensky government in Kus sia lias not vet led to hlood shed nor has it weakened the strength of the pro visional authorities. Premier Kerensky, Himself, has taken chief command of tho Russian armies and General Alexicff, former commander in chief hns been ap pointed his chief of staff. Meanwhila the forces of the. rebellious leader here advanced to within 30 miles of Petro grad. One army had ocejipied Gatchina on a railroad o.) miles southwest of th capital while already forces have reach ed a point I t miles south of Taarkoe; Selo about .15 miles south ot Petrograd, but there has been no lighting, Officials of tlie Kercnaky government declare that General Korniloff decpived UNCONDITIONAL DEMANDS RUSSIAN OFF C ALS his troops as to the purposes of his re volt, Many of his soldiers as a rsenit are declared to bo deserting, while oth ers are fraternizing wit lithe govern ment forces. '.... The provisional government will en ter into ni) negotiations with Cmueral Korniloff, whose only hope appears to be in the capture of I'ctrograd. Martial law has been derlarad in Moscow which . compared with Petrograd are more in sympathy with Korniloff than tho fac tions favorable to him. Troops on the fighting front remaining loyal to Premier Kerusky and Berlia reports repulse of a Russian reconnipter ing party at several points along the.' line from the Gulf of Riga to the Black Sea. The Germans have made no de- . tcrmine.l attack apparautly awaiting their chance should the Korniloff and Kerensky forces engage in autual cou diet for the supremacy. TAKING FOOD SURVEY OF EDGECOMBE Tarboro, N C, Sept. 13. Misa Efia Vines, the county demonstration agemt and Mr Zeno Moore, the county fam ; demonstrator, are in receipt of a communication- from Washington, advising them that it has been made incumbent' upon them to take a food survey cf . Kdgeeomhe eouuty. They were further instructed that this is being done under . penalty. Miss Vines and Mr. M joic pre aow complying wit li the oflicial decree, taking twenty-five families in the county,-ascertaining jurtt the-anonnt tin. various families coiiX'.ime in f " ; ! f-r no one week's time. ' .