p - ' : ' -J ' - TTOS EVENING yELEQBAM ' - ' Tuesday, Sept. 18, 191? - i r ' 1 " 1 ' I T7- I I 1 I I r-f DON'T POUR TOO 1 FT .. A. YOU LL NOT GET HELLO - 1 Y 1 FAbT - JERR-f : BfeJiJU OOT WHILE 1 SO TO u JERY- COME OVEK S --1 ' PSK . THE -STORE - TM 401N' Msf ' NOW - DON'T FORGET ' r ' -C-H H ! ' TOUOCKVOOIN! J JS&JL WN STRUT! ON S- - f - ALL ) ' - f SA-V , V' o 1 aaE&flM I l!o lwio vi u a j i v a . : 1 professional; CARDS J AUTO HEAB8B SERVICE Undertaking Parlors, Third rioor. Open each night until B o'clock; Sundaj hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phono 312. Night Phones: 496, 230, 121, 617-F. " BUU.UCK FURNITURE CO. Corner Mala and Wasters Ave. J. J. BATTLE, D. D. DfDtlSt 12(1 North Main Btreel Railways Land Surveying Water Power Municipal Improvement JNO. J. WELLS Civil Engineer Offlre ISIS Phones Residence 871-t Koeky Mount, N. C. J. D. ODOM Attorney at-Lavr Phone 309 Daughtridge Building Rocky Mount, : : : : N. C GAY & AKRINOTON Undertaken Embalmeri and Disinfector Oar Line Is Complote. Liberal Treai meat and Prompt Service. Phones: Day, 180; Night, 78B-B HARRINGTON & TERRY Contractors and Builders 232 Andrew Street THOMAS W. SMITHSON - Dental Hurgery Everything For the House and at the Right Price. J South Main Street R E. QUINN &.CO. Reeky Mount, N. C. in iwmiiissiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiniiiimiuiiiiMWH'i'ii'tiiiiii vi FUNERAL ' COflTEGE is Liouon R N Parly of Mason Citiyans, in Iowa Put One of Season's Best Over on Enforce ment Officers. Amogton Building JphQnal9iL JMajn:8unflt.,Avanm. ? P. R. ASHBY 01 Til Engineer and Contractor Office in , " Planters Bank Building. Phooa No. 663. Municipal Designer. Development Kanc Concrete Work of All Claa'sos Hardwood Floors, .Screens and Weathe. trlDa. Estltaatf Cheerfully SubmlttSH Install sd complete-In Building. - Blgb grade work guaranteed 1.E.8HEARDI PHONB S56-B LOUIS R. GORIIAM, DENTIST Office Second Floor New Braswell Build- lag, next to Grand Theatre MAIN STREET"' PHONE 359 American Citizen, Help v " Ycur Cccclry! Xt you caa't fikht help furnish the material yov can do this "by only aaring eld strap iron, metals, rags, rubber, etc. , and sell It to the Junk man. Won'i yon do your blt. ( Vnf thn. In.. Sent. 1 7. Id siili'iits nf nort Ihm li liiwii iin .enjoy ins; ii ('"'I Imili !H t'i xpi'iisc f law ciifini'f. nirnl (illiciMH stal innrd 'uluiif; tin' Mui ncsiitu Imnlcr li ii'vcnl tin- illrnnl iinportivtton of li.iior, The Htuiy pus Hint (hoy were clcveriy outwitted -ly a i;irty of thirty M:ihoii I 'ityiuiH v!io oruiuiieil a " t'mieral ' " pr.oce.ssiuii to fivt i!I.Ht t lll'y frj vjluut OlticMii. . At ii "wet " town in Miniiesotii, so the Htory (,roes ."a"7uotr henr.se was M'iieil. Tlie cnslict w."M till, d w it Ii !iiuiil rei" leMfiinents of the kind that make men lnut tiieir wiws and see ink cK'iinntM. The '' inouinors ' earn .veni well stocked. .Then the proces sion composed of some 'J.'i or auto inoliilivs, moved sol nnily toward tlie .tate line. .. ' Ar) the. jirocessiou . neared the liorder 'he ', " t'ortojji " moveili hIowIv. . .Mem oers of the party assumed :t Holemu mini. They fairly exuded grief." The 'uinislerinl appearing perSTilL in the front ear appeared so sanctimonious liat crepe could have added nothing to his generally dejected and down ast spirit. Arriving at the Statu line, the en forcement officers sized up the solemn inrty uncovered their heads and liovv il and tin jirocessiou moved on un inolesteii. Ho i-oiiiplete ;was the air of ,'loom and sdness that it is .said the icrTSrvrn short Jl f w ti'itfH of sym iathv for those who so visildy sutter .'d, but i 1 1 Htojijiing' to iiupiiro tlie name of the "iLi'iir d-uarted." ; , search of the iremises. There w-.-is no ono Wome exc ept a small .'.liu.V,. and tin' scare h. p.rogrges ! until Sheriff. Hel ton opened t he 'diior to cue of the up stair vooiiirf .; t hd-e he saw near t he chiuiii. y a f uniac.e live feet long, m ar. Jpy -.stood a ti gallon ' oil can over hauled to meet the lecpiireiiients,' and :i ten worm jieifeet in construction, a copp( r cap and spout completed the needs of an up to-date dist ill.ery'. There went . wiiodeiL . kegs conveniently lir i aug d and everything was in readi ness, l-'urther search revealed a barfel of lieer and a ipiantity of rye ;inalt in' the.' snioltehoiin ;.. ': The, : ..oiit lit. . .was lirought hack to tovvn. Jones has not lieen cap! ureil. ... SALISHURY NEGRO SENTENCED TO DIE Pali.sliit.ry, X. ('., 17. J inlgi? Clin,. Sat urday sentenced .Baxter t'ain to die X'i veil. her !H ii for the killillli ' of .liel Harris. gii v e . I I e n i y I . wis t h i e , . a iu I o 1 1 e h a 1 f vears at 'hard labor for slaving' Unity Ksteriiiinger. and Lula Allisun ivas ai1- liiitted for killing Annie Alel.'ulloifgh, 1 1 i heiii.r a l.iisv ilav for the vourt. The eiiinnal term of Rowan superior court which closed Saturday -at t ern-ion was featured hy the thriv muriler trials. MEN FROM NASH WHO GO FRIDAY (Continued from page one) Once the gauntet was .safely passed so the st"ry gies, the pent up spirits - liquid and ot herwise were released. The sadness' ipiickly departed and glouin and hot Hen wei-v iscrtttered along t he way, There have been ' indignant denials of the Htory, hut. if it is not tine, the M'asou.'ity liar ban got in his work. MhsiiiV City is widely credited With Ixing the lioiuv of a budding geuiiiR. The border enf ireenien(j officers are ''the goats" of the season 's . best booze lioax win tho'r true or not. SHERIFF DESTROYS SOURCE OF MIRTH Mount Airy, Sept. 17 There bad been for many years a mysterious at traction somewhere on the Fancy- (lap road north of this city, which, lias been the occasion of much travel on C-in road. Men with th marics of care upon their faces and slj-ns of worry upon their brows have journey ed forth, to return jubilant and ban pj, with song upon their li and nary a vestige of, eare. Many -times the mystery lias been thought solved and this source of joy "removed"' always to find the familiar faces returning aft-r a time. Since the bone-dry law began working the pilgrimages bad -been f 'W'er and many pilgrims linve been seeu ret urn bag, not happy and joyful, but footsore and weary. However, in the last week or two the old order has been apparently returning --"'1 popu larity" of moonlight rjdes inemasing on the old highway, sheriff Beltnn be came.' interested and last night' derid ed to g.ik the source of mirth for reasons quit "tiiferent from those of tie resrylar visitorXU And Jiia ttepu '' '''eve pii, tlr i!jVb road to flic ' ' ! .'. ,lS . e, ., V.vn Earl Lile, Middlesex. H. W. Lamm, Bailey. -A. C. Hinton, Spring Hope. J. T. Finch. Bailey. Andrew Joyner Wheless, Rocky Mount. Clyde Alma Hunter, Rocky Mount. Floyd Whitley, Elm City. John Thomas Robbins, Rocky Mount. Francis B. Whitaker, Battlcboro. " James Raymond Perry, Spring Hope. Ira Claud May,-Nashville; '.. " Jim Bray, Middlesex. - Rober F. Patterson," Elm Ciiy"" James B. Vestef: Nashville. William II. "Dixon, Rocky Mount Jnseph F red d ifihPjlcfiB,ocky-Mou of his! count ry in eadi case. Hefore lit' fame-out here he liad been ju charge of the consulate general at I j inbiiig. Ilerr ( 'i iMiiiol inhas not gol a -Su edish hilt on ly, a Chinese urdef at (o-esent. '. , . " I - eut Mre . to suhtnit to ytmr' -ex ci'llency the advisability of laying be fore Ills M.'i ii-'-.t'y the Kiupeior the nanie of Heir roiiliolin. with a view to the Crown, order of the second clas being hesloV. ed Upon liilli. . i t - W Ollld pel lia ps he desirable in onlvr not: to excite the enemy V suspicion',-'to. t rent w ith secrecy the niatier of t he: -ue. of. t he ."pat eil.ts until' t lie. end . of the .war, should . t lie . deVisioii .lie"fa:vor:ii.ile!'tii niy . -Suggest ion, This wo ii i nieaii that the malter would lie coiiiiiiiiiiieated to lio one but tjie .re cipient and his governim-iit , and even to thein only under the seal' of secrecy, whil"" th,. piihlii-alion of. tin- histowal of ' Hie ileeol-a'tioll would he. postponed n ii 1 1 f t lie end 01 the war. - "i should he particularly grateful to voui- excellency if 1 could br furnished with tele.eiaphic news, of the bestowal of tlie ilceorat ion .which 1 .strongly re couiineiid in vieyv of the circiniistances detailed above: ' . -. . "VOX" Ki'KIIAKliT." are indiiatioiis that the disturbance-i off the South Atlantic coast for t lie past s,. eial.days are lno inj; northward ui"d northeast storm warnings arc. ordered diVplay.'ed today f'em . Block lshui : , to a ! 1 he weather bureau. : - . ..' Mr. Bre..k b'. a le, of I'lyin.-n i-p lit Sunday" mi the city, being, tie) curst, of Mr.: II !VV., Kdwards. STORM WARNINGS ON THE COAST Washington, Sept. 17. There now i a E i i i ii 09 1 a i i ii Our Vulcanizing Equipment ti-invAiKr'nl v T-nri'ifM-n nnd comnlete. Wei X 7 HIV1 Wf-,t! a v.f w . - - - - - A have ami)le facilities 1'or doing work quick lv and cllicicntlv. Don't scrap an old tirp just-because patching has proven useless. Vulcanizing is a far superior process of re pairing and we save man a tire that other wise would be of no use whatever. UNITED STATES TIRE SALES AND SERVICE STATION GAS AND -AIR AT THE CURB. Walker Vulcanizing Works 233 S. Washington St. ,.. Phone 362 i i I! 1 Hasten B. Chambiee, Spring Hope. Lonnie Embro Bass, Rocky Mount. Franklin W. Thorpe, Rocky Mount. . Lin wood A. Collins, Nashville. ' Haywood Maryland, Rocky Mount. R. P. Robbins, Rocky Mount. Covie Morris, Middlesex. Dosso Hoyle, Middlesex. Walter Philip Braswell, Nashville. Bon Dunn, Whitakers. Roger Cooley Collins, Nashville. ' McGonny Richardson, Nashville. Ernest R. Turner, Naslivlllo. . A. P,' Finch, Bailey. E.' G. Finch, Bailey. M. O. Crowder, Middlesex Earlie Strickland, Middlesex W T Richardson Spring Hopo FULL TEXT OF VON ECKHARDT'S LETTER The lepartuieiit of State makes pub lic the following translation of a letter dated March s, 131 ti. from the (ierinan minister at Mexico City to the .Imperial Herman chancellor "Imperial Legation, Mexco. "To His Excellency the Imperial Chan cellor: .. . "" "'" "Ilerr Volke Cronholm, the .Swedish charge d'affaires here, since his arrival here has not di.sguisd his sympathy for (iermanv. ami has entered into close re Intions with this legation. lie is the only diplomat through whom information from a hostile camp can be obtained. Moreover, he acts as intermediary for official -diplomatic intercourse between this legation nnd your excellency. In the course of this he is obliged to go personally each time to the telegraph office, not seldom epiite late at night, in order to Iiind-w-the felegrauis. "Urr C'Tonholm was formerly at Pe king and at Tokio, and was responsible for the-preliminary arrangements wbiili g " e sel O For Men, Women and Children. Our prices are practically the same as a year ago. The satisfied customers that are patronizing our shoe department will readily testify, as to the quality of leathers, the perfect fitting lasts to the variety of styles, and to our reasonable prices, we guar- X7f - " , -I'. ' x - - . , . C d r!l?rO . r j antee the service of all shoes in our vast stock. Bring the little folks to us, its important to have your child's jl foot fitted properly. We handle tor children txlucator Shoes, Mother Goose Shoes, Brown Shoes in colors White, Black Tan, Champagne and Smoke in all sizes from O to the largest. Let us Show You. Full line of Rubbers and Rubber Boots. ROSENBLOOM - LEVY CO. South Main Street Where Quality Outlive the Price . (Successors to The Btet Co.) ESTABLISHED IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY 1886. Rocky Mount, t , '4 " - vtT ;

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