ink Tuesday, Sept. 18,' 1917 EVZNDTO TELEGS1M - FfigS Seveil 1 HOW FREIGHT IS BEING HANDLED Some conception of Efforts of Railroads in Handling Tremendous Freight Traf fie Increase. urn Wi'isliinton, f-'i'i'l. I S,-';ilii',-ix I .Hon, diuii man .of -the. .UitUrtiinlii ' Hoard, aut liofi.s t In' ts it J Tw i 1 1 jl; : ;.. -Koine conception (if the ('(Tints which tli.o railroads (it' this run n try are mailing to, handle flic t remeiiiloiiH 'increase, in freight tr.'iflic which the war tins' produe : oil iniiy li( ulcancil from a report just compiled Jiy tix (niiiiiissiuii mi 1,'ar Nrvicp. The it icit shows that diirinr; 1 he four months-' period .between May 1 and Aji pist. ol this 'year, 1 Ifi.K'-' empty Indent cars wore nrdct.-'d nlii tile South and :.) tlth went- to. project: t'je movement of grain a hi I (it lit r I I . -1 1 j. a m l. ns- Biire the prompt ilel i -fry nf t 'he in i'llinjis of fret, of liitiilii'i- i'lecd. if .by ' I lie ;.-ov-eiiimeti! fur t he 'iiiitiiiiiii. iits aii'l i-. 1 1 i j -yards.. -.Several thousand of tin si' car! -titi'i' -nlni ue.- tn .;f:i.:i)ij. (!. .-'tli;. i-fiivi'-uionT. tf phosphate rock ,-nid it 1 1 1 r nia ti'rails needed ill tin' lanil'lfartUlV of . liiiiiiifiou.s. 'I'li e ."co'i t'nVi; ' v r V'i .j.'rad rou.U also -tjr-r-1 -i-i ! -l.'i i.ti'c ,i--i n i'!;i-ni'c j s of till' ('iiipt.ii's ; lici mi i lit; tin' i 1.1.. in : l.fllill 'III . to nin II ml i uLti wnf. Thia agreement inude possible the hIi i f 1 1 hit of cmplv cars into "districts that would lmve been virtually buried uinli-r thi' abnormal aiiitiinit of freight nccuniiiliited in them if the local lim'i hail not received help from their eompe t itnis. ". , . '' At the present time, hundreds of emp ty cam arc. still being rushed into the South to assure the ironiit inov oment ot all government orders of lumber Hundreds of ot her ".empties " are going irlto tli,. central states to protect the grain crop, Ihe t ranspnrtiition . of which is now lining complicated . by the fac( that during the next six weeks when the graiii movement will lie at its height thp railroads will lie obliged to run a large number of siiecial passenger train to canv the hs7,i)t)U citizens soldiers to tht. cantonments. , Long trains ol stock cars are also mov ing into western. Texas so mat Tlie thousands, of heads .of cattle that are threatened by the drought there may be mured into liiore f ett i lo pasturage. SOLDIERS WELCOME CANTEEN SERVICE Mod el' I he c:i l,L and Siiiitliwn,-1 n il' '( mat ing u (,t In r sr Tlie.v v ere ' ni.. .' I, H'ii cd' ml ou I.. I l. t i.iti of t in h..Ve i'-,' l In mill n'.i :-, . ! ctillllt I V. i;:l l . Ill'Ss of ow i.iel'.ihip Avere. iun'it in aiii-c of i ln; in onlniM nT tin- . n ort.-d what niic nf tin' wi the hiMuiv of in the ..intii : ; 1 1 i -1 upon, in volu iirn. iif'" t i l eiitii'.'.l lllllil'fr . t'(" xi t! li l,;. i b.-nn t "Tin- lil.ii'Hl inlir ,.h l.'l:: i Ilicy iiinpli- ;thn.' f..r nua'll t I'ic.ts' wlinr l'!n'f i n oiii rit i :n!. ws lii ii g t lirni u it h the i-i'tniiiiinii (iii L.'ir -.eryiee in i lit . ; ! ! I v ; ii.i e l."'e.n Kt fiml.r'i-i.rfg.Vt imis in t be count I V. !l t he. liln'S linl. Snot !:vi iiiiv,-. been 1 1'.'; u ; ' ii t :i ti iin t a m plnil lllt ;S!lli:(V t'ltiinil Stales '. ,l'! 'I'll f 11 ill V'l i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 t ' ol' nin Mini c in I j ni i : has i :nn! :nb e,' i iiu loads 'In elil ... f (, d t'l Unit n.ind fm. r in elled Washington.- Sept. ls.--C'aiit(?en. ser- ..... n . J vice ol . tlie Keel cross tor memiH-ra oi tli,. .Xiitiouiil Ai-mv and National t.uard is they travel to the calif onmi'iits is .(!- mg enthusiastii'.'illy wi'icoineu iiy T lie troops assembling at mobilization points md at junctinns and wait overs. Re- .oi ts iel;.'i ei .by t'o-t .-r ' Kock w ell, (li: eetor nf ( -aii-tecii Service, from many hniters which diiive linen Nerving light ofieshiiii'iit's to tin'' ilef.'ichiiients jias.siug through their towns, shnw the afiprnciu- t itinu utn.r elithusiusin of the troops. At .islnjigion. lb .. w here the local i-h.-ipti.-r lias been serv ing as liigli as 'jn, inio caps of cofl'ee in a day to the troops passing through, tlie seldiers leaned out of thf ear. vt indou s w liiui t hev saw t he Ifeil 'loss an i tonus and g.'n'n an extern pin ' e I bill spirited I! d o-s I'roin all paits of tlie ('oiinti v i nines the .aim- story - the soldiers fully il'inler sf u ml .t he niea n i n g . nf , t his pat riot ic ser- tee ot' the women of' the lied t'ross. (inly a sui,-i!l propor'iou of Die Nation. ;il A i in has.. ms el gone. into the canton. Hieiiis, and the hiVivier WiH-k of the lied 'ross v;i nt 'ecu service, is s) ill ahead. 1 lint Itiost ill' tin' ( hapicrs have the wink, fiil ly oi eaiiizi'd; and fi'el tlnu use Ives eipii ji pd. In meet s hat ever emergency, inay .level..,,. .''.,.''.,. -; ' The .lied ('ross cant. vii service hopes to l.eeji the lied Cross uniform ennspi eninis in railroad buffets and r-est:iii- AMERICAN BOYS GOOD SPENDERS Spending Ability of Ameri can Soldiers in France Makes Frenchmen Think ' Money Crows on Trees. By W. S. FORREST 1'iiris. Aug iS). (I5y Mail) trance is beginning to believe that iiioney grown on tn'OH in the inteij tstutes. The army and iinvv has had several pnv davs. Shinv Amerrieau gold pieces lmve rapidly found their way into bank tills in exeliBnge lor 1' rench coin of the reslin and the latter ha lieen lavishlf listnbuted in tvpiciil Amer;can lash- 1011. TJie I-reiich prulu looks with envy on his American, fellow-fighter. Tli , lioihi eives -four cents a .lay fnr being a poilu. The lintisli Tummy gets '21 nts a . day. The American, .soldier gets ntiont seventy cents a day. And he spends it. I'aris iiiwspapers never eease to won. Inr at the s.einliiig; Amcriei.Jighters. One told liim- niiiini, ordinary stok- rs oil' rmp of I'ncle bam a battleshiis line, to of oredlt bank where you will get the right nud lawl ul exchange. "lon 't nsk iidviee from strRiigers. (Jo til people in autluirity ori' as sociations of your own country. '' Thcnever yo" go into ' whop lo liuv anyt hing always. ask the juice lirni, "Whenever you order u drink notice that, the price is .-marked oil the saucer upon which it is nerved. FAMOUS FRENCH AVIATOR KILLED I'; iris. Sept. 1 aiitain lioeckel one of the oldest in service and one of t he most remarkftlde ol rench inilitarv nviatoiR, has- (list licetr killed in a living accident at illiicouliliiv, alter risking deatli a thousand times over the. en emy lllK'H. ( 'apt.'iin lioeckel was the creator ol the 1'reiiidi svHtein (if regulating iirtil- lerv hie from airjdnnes. Aruong his cx- iiloitswas. tlie (lest rue t.ioii, of hull' of the nrtillery of the Sixteenth (ierinan nrniy enrps in the .vicinity of Triacourt , Septeinber 1!HI. Ilns aehieyeinent provoked a general note lv Marshal loflo regarding the use of 1 aiiilanes f combnt." .Two days after his success near Triau- eo.irt, t'aptaiu Koeidiel, tly.nig tit a height, (if .'Uifl yards, (liscovered the po sition of a division nf Havariau infan try in the region of Vaux . Marie, sig nalled it to the artillery, then got back to camp w ifTi his machine riddled with bullets and shell I raEinents. When- thp ! rench mlantiy advanced and .or- liris ninl -ashnd.-Wg--li'ttei'i jriipi.i.t tne ' ios:tinn, the fi.iun.l -1 ,snn if Paris banks. Another do tad I I dead Itavnrians on file . lii'ld, all victims' I how an Americaii .laclsi lo.en ties of champagne just Iicchus., it was so cheap til 1' ranee. I'aris hotel keepers have cea-syd to be surprised when an American soldier or suitor orders an expensive room. Thent i e ticker Vortices sell, high priecd seats to A moricaii fighters" wit limit a . uiiirinur.. Restaurant: Avniter.s are . not surii'iserl when thev are tobl ''.lust keep the ehiuige." - . So liiaiked has become the American uioiicv spending nieiia.-e that the Army and Navy i M. t . A. which is a sell appoint ed guardian ' itx er our fight ers pocket Imok. and morals, has .placarded the. fnl lowing . " doii 'f s '". an l: ' 'yviieir-' uvcrs: ' . ' ' I ion 't engage rooms in any lintel without lirst nsjiiug the pr:e'(; . including light and service. And dull 't think that vour" hot 'bat h is gratis. bought a of the French :t inch field guns. ( aptain lioeckel had wgu the cross of the legion of honor and the-Var cross (if with six palms for as many citatious in the orders of the nnnv. ANTI-TETANUS SERUM EFFIC IENT I'aris. Sept. - IS.-- I luring . the last meeting of tlie Surgical'cr Fredet mentioned a fact which seemed to show the alii' (if pre cut ive in jei': tiniis of nut i tet..'inns seruni. Al ter 'til,. . battle .of ()iirci, a eei'tuiM iiiimbei' iif Vvoundi'd French ami (ierinan sol-tiers were collecft'd in a hnspita I. A (teriuan doctor had reinaiued w d Ir t Iki rerninn wounded mid, nil hough suni i dent serum was placed at hi? disposal, tie refused to lisp it for his ninu, saving New Fall of Exquisite Charm. 1 Iliepr11 Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep tember 18th and 19th. We have assembled a display of mil linery for this fall that is so complete and worthv that it is difficult to partic ularize instances of special merit. Suf fice to say that it represents the best pioduetions of master designeis styles that will surely iascinate you with their simplicity and loveliness. You cannot see better hats anywhere. , Dixon-Tillery Co. in tie c.Minps for lb the thv.ui;, 11,1-tieillg'-J'-Ushe,! do t ln':-shije, .-: I ni ncid.'nt grain, im Lois - Juiidiicts h,-i , that 'uniild meet if the I'. Hot ti I ii ii t ;i r I'Olllpet it'i e . one fi'sl.ein ; ; ; i i ;.i m i n'" . 1 1r- e. li.'.',; Minimi I , of- ntjier cnr liei. I i;i'mv i-he- Soul hi rii-.'on tin.' Allni U i t h ! he I u III lie'r , v v-p-iabl, s-and . tent, d a denn.i Im , been ,,er, , i'iromls of tl.e ce )y iigr'ei'.J t,,: ,,,, l. t i v il'ies.- iVlld . o iuriiig- t he - ju'rin Army ;un ls''t-hat-.a-i.e in i'oiests die ('nasi-:: torn enient ..Mn r f i id 'tor ,- -'!,-tiniry had. ige their pern! e . as -I of tilt rants all (iver.tlie cnuiitiy wliibv the t i-nup;;.. :t;-,.i !mi-iig: The eaitt i-en siryfce uu i tin in t'or women consists of a white apron and bib, with a lied Cross oiK the I'iniit of the bill, l.'ed frus cap. The. mile-; workers .weaf a lapel budge nf. u hit. i ibl.nll w th a lied floss and Hie legend" ( a nl ecu S. TV il l". " LET US ESTIMATE ON YOUR' JOB WORK. THE EVENING TELEGRAM I'ou't. order a meal in. a restaurant wit hunt first consulting t he menu a nd see "that the prices are '- plainly -Written ol herW is,, you inny -liV-ditrpyiejl: w n get your bijl. . ''hnn't omit to county your change, "hi, n't give all your spare change to the waiter. He doesn't expect mini' than ten. per cent ef t h" ' 1 it 1 up to fifty 1 (iincH nitd then tiv.i pfr ecu f a 1 1 u i i;:t. ' 1 1 on 't accept oiit side ra t es In e. change f oi- piuinds and liolla i s, ton that he-considered such inject ions had no preventive value. ; The, Ffene.h wounded' received th nor mal doses of serum, (if twel e (ierma u woundi'il, six contracted tetanus (lock jaw! and died, while mi French wound ed showed any symptom' of it. This ex ample of the scrum's pi event ive -efficacy has all t h(l more weight because all the aoii. hud been wounded under the saint conditions and on the same tetanus jn f 'Cteil ground.-.- ' BRITAIN'S HIGHEST WOM N OFFICER l.iindiin, Sept, H.iTlie highest wo man iifliccr in. the. Hrtt ish army is M rs. A: Jl, t.'halu.i i s Watson, "XT. I ., who has just been appointed ".chief controller of the, Women's Army . Auxiliary Corps, which has river I, nun members on 'duty beHind thu lines in France. . : XI is. Watson is a sister of Sir KHc was the first woman physician gnftuat eil from Kdljibiirgh I'niversit v. (Ireen's August Flower XV hv nufTer with indigestion, dyspep sia, torpid liver, constipation, sour stom ncli, coming iiji of food after cn tuig1, atc, when you can got n Bainplo bottle of Green 8 August Flower freu at, May & (lorhnm. Thin tnedicine lias remarkable r.iiriitivii propertieii, and has demonstra ted its eflieiency by litty years of sue c.csn. Hcudnchen are often caused by a disordered stomach. . August Flownr id put up in 2.r) anil'' 75" :cnt bottles. J-or sain in all civilized countries. v o o v sM UMif-- - - I &t-f-i-'j?. V.6a ? .'-vjf n sTbx SUGAR In 5 and 10 Pound Lots 9itc Pound. 1 p!sB! xcepoomiai v ainuie ror tveryf jeJells The Storyof Our Success em We have remained in the grocery business and enjoy a growing trade not because of the variety of our stock, the speed of our delivery, the cleverness of our management, or the time given on accounts (we have none), but because we have been the price setters. Quality considered, always its a household word, WJWELGGME-rA-MPARiSON O VER CL IP THE LIST. 1,000 cakes Mechanics Soap . . Ac 24 pounds Best Flour .A. .... . $1.65 Best Quality Hams . . . . 28c tb Best Comp. Lard 1001b lots .... 19c 6 cakes Octagon Soap . . .x. . . . . 35c Clean Easy Soap, 6 cakes . ..... 27c Red Seal Lye still selling for .... 5c Flavoring Extract, 25c bottle . .". 19c Slide well collars, 3 for . . .... . .25c 10c Tar Soap at 5c Stil Selling 30c brand peaches . . 20c 31b White House Coee during this sale .................. 95c 31b Caraja Coffee .......... . 75c Best Grade Chocolate, one more chance at per pound . 30c Best Grade Rio Coffee, usual price 25c, 3lb for .......... 50c Corn Flakes, per box 9c Oatmeal, best grade 9c Shaker Salt, 12c kind 1ttt-. ..... .9c Best grade Pork and Beans . .. . . 10c Finest quality Cream Cheese . . . 32c Next grade Cheese 30c C. D THA KINGTON. CASH ALWAYS 1 - If-- - :