Saturday, Sept. 29, 1017. JPAGE TWO THE EVENING TELEGRAM J WITH CI I UllCI IKS FIRST METHODIST Ir. 1' rank Silcr, onu of the fnii-mnsl preachers of thu Western jnr' h nr. Iiiih contoronco will prvach lit 11 a. n Tin1 pastor will pionch ill inlit. N'.rv n-. at 11 a. in. uiul 7:.l p. m. Niiida.' 1 1 . t lit !:.!') a. in. I'.pwoith .league a' - I J). 111..; Mimical rrogrnm Mrs. L. . Ivornognv, d n ee ' or. . Sunday Morning. Anthem Ithiho the l.otd .... OflVrlorv --.Sextette - ouim I n.'n :i. Haltc r, . Mr. IlarriM. . 'lyirnt-vi? Jones, Hiillm-li, NVyniio, lorim ni. . . Sunday livening Hvinn-Antlieiii Serenity Vallon OffiM'try-Solo lather in Heaven. Saint Haena, Mrs. hornogav. SILL TRUCK MARVIN M. E. hniiilav school !:.(( n. in.: I n ai ti n-.; soivicoN 1 1. il. in. mid .7;iUl p. tii . .Innnii league j! p. in. I in vi' i'. ti irv c In .-,r,i . evening 7:i!ll. The rev i vnf 'H ii'i.yvi' with 1 1 1 o evening servile Mindav. Let Jill those '-w ho lim'K'.'llililrl'ir til le . iiri tizcd or fun' who wish to i tin' nlnuWi lie present. .-A cnrdml welcome to ail. -Hov. (). 1'. Kitgcrald. CHRISTIAN Hubert Virgil Hope, minister, linns, of worKlnp located on tin corner of ali and 1' ranklin HtroetH. 11; to .'i. in., Rclionl. H ii. in. Hcriiioii: ". Tin'. Trails forming T'inVer ,01' t In llospel." li:i!U p. ill. Christian hmli'iivor. 7:.i" p, n t si r liVon: "Tin" Christ of the Sorninii on t In Mount. ' ' U I'lromi'. TMK SCIIULTZ HOMK :iS South Pen I Street n B f I I I A U jlj LCoiilainih": 1 1 rooms with all modern conveniences will. be ' V "I sold al Auction, next .Monday, Oct 1, 2:30 p. in.; One-third " 10 Acre Tracts in " Hall' 'asn' '):,';IM('(' M1 tas-v payments. Sale conducted by 55. SPECIAL OFFER: 8 Cardui Has Done For Me, So A To Help Others. Mile ol City Limits. Voli haii- ot I' ll' uanli'.'l ii' stci !l I ; m of hunt (li'H.i in 1,'n, t, v .M.hiiiI,- l;n;-' . Mil r!l :;l V u!l l- ; ;:;.' it ;l I . li il '1 li.n ynin- , -Ki.-1..-hi, si ill I-;!; ;;' '!. 1 In (lu v.mi-r vyiul. in JJ'i' ' H s. 'I'i"- Ii ' i- IT: IIC I Mil plll.'lll l.'lllll, IU-I 1,111 "I I'l'-," tin- Wil-nlrTnTPt;- i,:r,; h.-r-ii 'i n't in), small ai-ri'iir 1 vai t ' r.-i ii-.;jii; i..n..-i ' t'i;.iin .". tn 1". : , 'and" v-j'l ' :"!'!,'.' Hi,- Atlantic'. ' list -' .li'oi'ill v;- ! '-';..' al. lion o, trj.rr'lvi : a; ni. ... f.'lV I'Mnl of I.IH-I J 'HI I ll-.TV li,, I'ii'..". in 1, :, I i,.i n : Ti, iH- r.-ii in .il n-" invai' i in- ... v., ( '. i . -In.--! on. tin' I'a-it a-i ;IIn';1.!r-;iu.-' V. i n; t.-ii .i.l' t..v a 'i-y t In V. inalr.i,ii'.'--.."a'.n.-.: ni.'. ,la.:i; Tor a iiim.-'.'it.itli-,!--,''! . ') . Vi t- t,..jn' i.r t.nti.rii .ij.iv v . .'.i! 'i TLNTIC COXST KKALTV CO, Otlicos: (Ireenvdle, N. (!., and Potersburjr, Va. IM 8 9 T K L E GRAM urn ,l.i-U- "lit- I I.e. .1 nii-f.,V"l '.Mi. nii-Kil.-'Miiiiilas; iit .'lo'-"n;.h 'I Five Cents a Line, Six Words to Line. Phone 71 and Have a Messenger Call for Your Want Ad. i TIIEI.M IS CIOINO TO HE VERY i ,fu.iiar this .si-aiiii. . Ni l' In r ut Ky- ' NIT 'H, S 1 1 1 CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPIIERU (Episcopal) IU'V. Knvlrnrk hn-lil. ri'i-lnr. W. It. Jiftrrow. organist. ' A. ti. Tylrr, fnipri'inli-iiili'iit of Stin day ncliool. . fjiivnif oonl h hnnilii T (i f tor 'I i mil v. Ninti lorl y li I'-1 Hianlav srlinol. Kli'von- Mni nliifj jiravrr -ami n by Luy Isi'inli'i-. Hcvcn-lliirfy p. in. pra-yci nml wriiiou liv ri'rlnr. .Siilii-ct ol nit moll- "Jo Who in Mhall W' lio.- Mian grrs coidially inviliil. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. .. Jr. Morton Iiiih rrlnrnoil tinnn Ur.ii ooiintv ami is to till tho polpil al I I a. III. tomorrow. I he kitiiioii tn.n- in - I Ii iinng lot for I ml h I i-npli-. .M ":l in tho evening ttio topii' - I- in ti-l tin i lie (nil nml its 1'iiiiiHliiiii'nt. T ' SK iUnl music, tiy u Irainril i-hoir. I In' Sninl.iv He lion I loil In' NipfTintrnili'iil K. I . liar ret, nml tin. Itar.-n a Irai hrr, .luilfr K. I . 1'OimtHiii nml tlio I lnlatlii'iiii i-lnss rim diiotcil ly Air. KM. I'i nlyi'ii. in to iin i't ut tl:4,r a. in. . of cullivation to be sold on c;isv terms ;it AuctKni.Moii l.i.()(t Nl, 10 10a in S lie b A t l.ui t u Coasi Ki,ilt Co II v risiNoii f- lliortiiiiih lM.nhl nii llh lln limit tr.uU lit Iti" I filial Mulff mid limnr t thiitr os ruluiitj Eck man's Alterative FOR THROAT ANI1 LUNCS " ;nilliorfi f ihjkIim iifiil 1 uliN Kn A(i.-U..l. .N.ini'i."i vt ll-o n ' ri.'ii'i: J mis yz Sub $1 S Now $1.50 Now 80 Ctt. TV Iimi'll I .nl".' n'nrv. I'lilli. il- ll'li in. CLARK STREET HO. ROCKY MOUNT METHODIST At ( link Mrcot. l-ri'iii-liMii' II a. in. followed liy tlio installation, ol tln nl ili'Pm of Iho I'.pwoitli Iiiiith'. Niiii.:i scllool H: .) a. in. .Iiiiiiiii- li auiin :: . in. Pernor Ioiiriio W ciIih'siIiiv 7:.ifi p. m. At South Itin-li v Mount. l'r'arlniis p. Hi. Sunday Hi'liool ',i p. in. K-u'..i ! i. loaiJUS Tlmrsdiiy ti p. in. 'liiLlri'ii's Hour 4:.'l(l p. in, Tliursilav. I!. tor, pnstor. riRST BAPTIST Hl-rvii'cs nlorninj; aal oVi'iiiui; :l Pallor' J. W. Kniciiolor. Itar.-o a i hiv lia I'liaro of Hi'rvii'cs in Sninlay si Imul ' Stale Mission ilav. Mrs. V. A. lliillin-i, to inuko a shod talk. "Mornint; , Voluntary A n I li m Onlvai-.r I'lirntian . 8ohlitTH, Sclini'i'ki'r. Offortorv, Anil - lmw Mo I n TIi.t ISrvin. I'.vcninu oluntarx', Anthoiu-O Trust ami S'-o. Rojjurs. Offertory, Solo, si'lech-il- Mrs. W. W. Avcra. THEIjMA UAH .DISTINCTION "': . '' ; " : wliii-h i- i Mtii: i I . ii t i-s n pi-rsiiii" Small Farms m .-.eduo oi : niu.y.- w.i-i...'-ii.ppr..v.' , riM i, '. of tii i:i.i ti-M i v. . v i tr. tlie oi the til. 1 h I m ( i n .;.... 1' ,, ,,, 1'iu'l v'i FOR SALE -ONE NICE LOT ON or( liapman 1 .urn on Kiik j i , Ul , , Mount and AV iIson road. !", Arrb-. ;t. iis.-: and 25 acre tracts, bmli statei sfrcial' jjaiuminsvon all iniri-..i'iin''l (''.''i'-s, ; iljainiiii-ls, al rlil-S Jt'.'A i'lVy, ' . t l'!llllS, sait l-al'S, . lia'ii'l l..i-'-i,. f-porl-'in (jniiils, iiitisiral . in r Tr iiii-i. i, t Hi'w i ii ,r:. iiiai-Ii i iri-s, i;nits Uiiri I'lc. . Si-o- ih .i l:"io - l.n ut;; ;iii I Ha 1 yin'r iii!im- . . Tlii' oM l-i liat'lt- i. .. .M i-nit r.ani shjip, ii. .i. i:.i 1 1, j s I . 1 1' LOST ONE BAY FEMALE MULE. V, .'i.;ll-: tlilin-l'll'l "illll'ls. S' .-iV . "ii . :li'iin) lr.- l;i..;i:il iivaril I'm- iviiiin , t.i l 'l'-iVin-r 's AVaji. ! !' 1 .: 1 1 . Sin. nil ItEVVAKD WILL BE PAID i tn'- .1 ii.' T.lfiin' or aiiv; iiil-.jMnat.fiin ' ,;l".aMiiiLr Jo '(liir' i'.-'-n'.i-'iy' ni: a. I.j.i- i 'ami ... w Inl,. . iimi. d il..-. ;vliirli' -I r.n. r-l f i-.nti- in liini-1: . mi . n iMla-1. -, N' pl . r- 1 1 , I ! I1 i . 1 1 1- a ii i.i i is-1 1 1 ll,,i iiaiin; i.l'. . 'rmir, '-i:i i ;' i.ii.K : i-;. V,. iii k. -nil ui.iii- ". I ll i.i'.r AMtll ' I jli.:. Nl.l ll'yV'.W. i-.ol-.iiii, :' . :riv. : I V ii'iM-.i-''s i. li.iii ' or . i'l..:iiV' . ".- : 1' '' i lit IS K.II I ( 1 0( h OI ( N ,l MO I PROFESSIONAL CARDS ! j ,J r rri&-' AUTO HE-lItSE SERVICE m tai 53; .'Moii Ml I . !l'- I OK 'AT I lM 101 RUN T OUT " l;r ; 1 : '-. .'. A -.j .1 v.','l I, I'.l I . 11 i i I ,. V. H. ; " i;..v':L-il,;i:'i.. 1V Ait ii: ii i v . (.'; .;i-ii;i DO NOT i Ol M I M( II T S( HOOL .' j.. i,--'.--(li-lol."ri-''.-l. V'u.-.- Ill ...I in ai .if. II .-.-!.! nl TI,,:' I.'... I v i M.i-M.'l. n'.'iv.-ii...-',.'! ( .'I.-.,,,',,,. ..Ji,,!,,- !!! i.' - : ::,, :,t. WntoR-i '.V- Va. Mrs. Sx V. Gladwell, $ of this town, says: "When about 15 years U of aue, I suffered greatly : . . Sometimes ft would no a monlh or two, and I had : A terrible headache, backache, and bearing- , JS .... i - . 1 1 -I down pTilns, aua-wouiu jusi aniK anuio I . I . : ii irttlll! llC I W nan no ap peine. i ..." i . . , two weeks, and was so weakening,. inl i.r Iwillti uin nu,-till. My tnolher bought mc a bottle ol i (Jj Cardui, and I bewail to improve after g FOR RENT THREE OR FOUR UN- ' In ill ishoij roiilns, ,1.1,1 Ini-arioil, lltoit nit i iilivi,'.iiii'lli i''s, in -'iioil'- 1-nnilit.iiii). i rjismial.le j.rii-Oi, 1 'Inm.' H I ' .1.. It..s L-'t ' " " " I InkiniT 1hi first Nittle. SO kept it UP till I ; FftR BENT -TWO OR THBEE UN- (ook "tlirce . , K;lim.j. aild was well I g fiiiiiishi-.l . l'lioais siutal.,- fur, lilit ct .,, i f,'n'i to Cardui. 'il ini".3"""!. - n I I am married now ana nave jciinurcn. h" i-. !. t 1 1 -r. App nr plniiii. ::ns-y. .'i:i : li . !l 2 iit I "-. Have never had to have a doctor for ! V, WTED TO ACC OMODATE THAN lS trouble, and just resort )c i Urdu, if I need a tonic. I am glad to testify to ,,ts ao.l .:.i)iir.i..'a..i. i l"-' ."'; vvliat it has done for me, so as to help n.i:il, s.-i vi'.l. i-wh , i oil I uuil-ln; i - , , . .-,'' -, , ,. ,., ..--.', i o'.liers. n 's-' '"'""l '''1:1 ' v '",'l i",i nn n,A norvrurir weak, have head- ,A i .,. I - II , bklChPS ,f ' "V , S sc iv ' - a ailments so common to women, why not . '" '''-' ' : ' give Cardui a trial? Recommended by s: 1-O-ST -MAN'S GOLD WATCH AND many physicians. In use over 40. years. , . iiiiin In t ivniMi t:tir.l ,'s .'..siori' imul .ii-J.i j 4,Hei;in taking Cardui today. It may j 'g i.av stn'i-t . irr--M:iin. 'li.'tnin to t ins t bH t)ie yery niedicine you need. . $ ' - NC-130 1 MR w LOST - TALL BLA"(-!4 llOli.SIi. LIP ;i ii ial ' r. wai'.i r.'lili ii tn l-'rmi.T'- . '.,i..,,.,i,.- ...- ' -i li I'OK SALE - ONE $1 o i Mi ,. an-l lil'ty '.Iiiiiiii i ;; ,:w t.riili :.vlii;iill n-J-.l ; i 1 1 in.! 01.10 ' il ' ' !'l'...l..:. I Small Farms ;n cdue of J ! tho of the eit v.. the, lirewor. jj i4vr ( liaiman l'-arm on Kocky i 'Mount andWiNon i id 1") ' E year's subscription to Designer, including one fashion book and cou pon for pattern, all for 75 cents. Call early, lim " bcr. . F. Proctor, Tarboro Street. '4 .md 21 ac io It ad- hijili lalt oi cultivation to be. .sold oil w nti'i) : fibfm an ma LuutTjcasv tiTiiis at Auction, Moll is . iii. ' 1 1 Xl 1 .(Kin Oil lt.lO.lda in bak us ; :c : : :: :; ;: x . . S. , I ..von. it.r al. 'l It, WANTED AT ONCE A 1IOK.SL I OK hi- li.v'p I li i on -Ii iivt'T -.(''.'I- . ot i 1 1 j; ;- iii-iiiaii.-.- in. liiiyl'v '.'. M-'iiili; ,' i';'" i:,.:i I .-, I.. I.' -lal'l.:. i'.i.-'i. ' v i - U' I 'ii .l.'" '' ' r vviir -niii.-'i.-: i'io'it i,t' -t--i',;i ii..-r; lav ' :-i,i-,l.,.,. -W; ' Vh :l:..i.1'-aiiv. Sunt,' K'-i ,t,.,;.'-l- lialM'-iM., '.IV-.- I i -I-.WaV. ' Mii '!. ni si", r. 'i. i I .", '.'it.::- '' -'-:. ID Atlantic Co.i4 lit altv ( o GRIST MILL JUST OPENED II I.I P IIU IU)OKS 1 OltOl U I K.IULI I.,! I Combined Statement of the Condition of The Planters National Bank Rocky Mount, N. C, and THE PLANTERS BANK Battleboro, N. C. , ; Comptroller's Call of September, 11, l'J17. RESOURCES Loin, .liul discounts -. - - --- -- , in W '..In vs! NOW IN OI'EKATION SIX 'DAYS Ovci'drilltS THE W f'.KK I -iv t, -i ! United States bonds to secure circulation : I.on di and securities . . . .' Eandmjf" liouso and fixtures ?d92 702 80 5 78 25.000.00 . 50.250.00 43,900.00 .j, in- A:;i.ii; s:u.y. .-'iiii'iil s'i'.lil l'; ai::li '" . , iii O.i.'.-ii Cish in nilts 78 00 ; 54 , Duo from banks. . 18Gb27ft3 if Uadortaklus Farlnrs. Third Floor. Odoii oacli uiiiht until u c clock: sundai hniiru Q a in A n ,n lli...a 'n O I I ' ' Migbt Pliones- 4SMJ. mi. 121. hl7-F. ! WANTED TO KENT .SMALL HOUSE BULLUCK FURNITURE CO.. j ,.', ',,,i ,.,!,.v, ,(.,, M' ,r,i,. I'v,. Corner Main anil Western Ave. : i lim" :r. t . - n . . ! ::, : t J. J. BATTLE, D. D. ; "' . Dentist 120 North Main Hiroot EVENING WORSHIP AT 7:0 P. M . From tho I'hun-h . oot'n i's piillisln', todav, it ran he noon that, ou st ol' thciii liave changed tlu-ir hoiir ---nf--woi'Mhip from 8 o'clock to 7:.'iu. . All . Inm h firs ill tho rity are rrijiH'.sli'il tn lodo this cliane, ill oiiKt- that thov mav atti inl the s"rvis at tho iliffori'iil p'lii;tiiiis 11 HtitutlonR of tho city on t'inti-. Ivoini 111 bcr, worship nt'itiiH iimli'.-nl of o'cloi'k. . . ' , CATHOLIC Eijflilpcntli Sunday after l'rnt.-i -ost. Holy (oinintiiiioii fit S a. 111. Snmlav School at 10 a. in. Mass nml si-i in-'ii at 11 a. m. Boncdii'tion of tho most I.Irs ted naerainpiit aftorinass. No i-va-nin:; aervir-ps. Mass n (fit-tioly i-oinmiiiimii daily during the week at S- h. mi. Si. K tails attend to nt any time day 01 ni-lit. Church open .daily from 7 a. m. to 'i p. ni. A cordial invitation is cxtoinlnl to all. Railways Lund Surviving 1 Watorl owor Municipal I niproveiiiciiti : JNO. J. WELLS I Civil Engineer I Oftlre 1;5 I'honos KoHiiiimre 87I-F I Rofkv Mount. N. O. - - ' j J. D. 0D0M I 4ttorney-at-Lavr j Phone 309 i Daughtndge Building 1 Rocky Mouut, : : : : N. C 1 LOST A LADIES HAND BAG ON i'i;i,l I rl0i-'ii l ity- and Siiinly ('i'.-.-i ' ; .- I n. v.. ( . i i 1. J i al.-.'u1 i7n. j-i nl'' i,l, Ii ; ' l'hi-'i'.-- v-.i 11; tliM..-..t", i j..'...p'n;.'-..s.- ' :' I.'-, vv.'ard- T..r r.'t n in. -"to- ti,i iir.'i- V .' ''.:' ii -s iii iwlJv tli-it ti'il'l;-! I, a v.- tair, . uiiil i:i.,-k I.O it 'llh'Tr. . ' 'Mrs. I', -ri.llilliilti1!'' iii r. md - WE1CJIT iU A It A NT EE I) it:; r- ,1. tin it t. I'rk-'A, i. . Si' ni II, rlia i i ina.ii '-,.,1' V- l'.''X.'kV -M111111I. .: ': i l.',t i-ii n tn a ii-i ,i.';l . ' 'a'-,'! inak'' t li'-i .-' '"ii.t.i' WANTED A " l-i-rilirlllrllt -.: GENTLEMAN OF ;ni,l al.iiit.. I.. m:II' li,'-: i-.i. a in I ii":i--t ;;ii.;vinu t, - ,i. v i i.-..n..'),U l.rt.i ial ,l, I h'i I v :isi,;ll. li-lit iiiiin. ''piy 'rin; r 'I'l-NiMt !"'., i I Iii i ... U ;! !! -7 lit iir.lH I,, is 1 , 1 1 , '' f,,i-- I id:, v.:, 'J ill!! We Eny Corn. Also Keep. Moal for Sale ' or Excliange for Com'.... j THE ROCKY MOUNT MILLING CO. '' Back of Standard Hardware Co.'. -! Phono -1;7. ' ' $1,232,031.03 LIABILITIES CipiUlMitk - - - $10000000 Surplus and undivided profits . ,,.. ..... 144,174.0 J Cncuhtion 23 000 00 Received for mtcicit - - 10,90829 Deposits - -- -- --- 8G5 289 92 Dividends unpaid -r 7o.00 Bills payable 10,000 00 Re-discounts - -. r v- j 1 1 r- i ;. it-lo-it'-'l lit Ml iM..ii i.t.-.l t' li '$.",1111 iiiai 1; 1,, GAY & ARRINGTON Undertakers xSnibalmers and Disinfecton Dur Lino is Coinploto. lalo'inl Treat ninit aod J'riimi't Sorviro. ' I'houon: luy, ISO; N it-ht,'7s;iH HARRINGTON & TERRY. y Contractor and Builderi JJil'J Andrew SI root THOMAS W. SMITHSON Dental Surgery Arnngton BniMin Phone 4t'3 Maiii-Miineot Avenue IIII SCIIl'LTZ HOMi: :2S South IVari Street I 'onlainiii!; i 1 rooms v ilb ail modern conveniences will be sold at Auction, net "'Monday, Oct. 1, p. m. ; One-third-cash, bjilancc in easy payments. Sale conducted by 'Atlantic' coast kkaltv co., Ollices: Crecin il!e, N. C-. and I 'etc is burg', Va. CHICHESTER S PILLS , no: in uniMi innvii a I li COMPARISON OFTDEPOSITS $1,282,831.95 ?ept. 11, 1915 : ?4G4,712.64 -L i inn.. .. .i . . . ivniirt:!-.! a kmi im.i ui ' of ul. ii. iyi.u . --xvoi.ovij.o i IMVilONf It Ml I'll I a f.-t,r. r . T V S3 Vflrii"-':! .'i. IVl'il-.t'. 1 .....i:,, In . - - n n - i n rv r.Di-f.c.KT ri;f ovuMrrs iPt n, xvi. - - - -W-,wjz "W'f "I V t -f isLlL!illilII III. "VE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS BOTH LARGE AND SMALL7' " ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S -vt " THE ORIGINAL v MALTED MILK.1 Cheap aubslitulcs cost YOU same price. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Kunday school at 10 a. in.: servii es at 11 a. m." Buti.jert "Reality." Testimo ny meeting WViliirwday at p. ijl Eeading room in Church editice op.-n daily, except Sui'day, .'!:i!0 to ri.-ilH p. in. The public is cordially invited to visit our reading- room and attend our ser yiceJ, i The Royal Italian Hand will give n sacred concert on the Ricks Hotel lawn toriiorrow afternoon..' This band in with the Metropolita imhows. P. R. ASHBY Olvll Engineer aud Contractor j office in I Planters Bank Building. Phone No. 663. , i Municipal Designer, leve!optnent anfl ' Concrete Work of All Classes We Have The Following RR Hardwood I'loors, Screens and Weatnet trips. EKtliuatne Cticerf ally Submitted : Inetalled complete In Building. ; Hlgn grsde work guaneiteea K. . SliEARLN I PHONE 2fiS-B ! LOUIS K. COIUIAM, . DENTIST Office Second Floor New Br.iswcll Build- lug, next to Grand Theatre MAIN STREET PHONE S59 ' THE SCIIULTZ 1IOMK V : 328 South Pearl Street "nnfainino-11 rortms with all modern conveniences will be ' Ruction, rextMonday, Oct. 1, 2:30 p. m.ncsthirdj I ' - - y paynents. Sale comftK, ! ' ' 1 12 Hines St., 5 rooms . . ., 8.00 917 Clark St., 4 rooms 8.00 410 Hill Street, 6 rooms ........ . .$20.00 429 N. Church, 5 rooms . , $15.00 322 Chester, 6 rooms . .... $16.00 806 Branch, 5 rooms . . .$12.50 915 Redgate, 4 rooms $ 9.00 116 Pearl Street, 8 rooms ....... .$35.00 830 Clark street, 4 rooms $10.00, ROCKY MOUNT Insurance & Realty Co 1 coc- T.TY CO Phone 1 GO. HUFFINES, General Msn-er rr-r'-1- '! n'JR W !u. III OWKII L1LL TIJ.ANT LN ARMV WOl'NOLT) Va-l,iii(;,i'i, ,S. j.t.'' -s. The: ishj;l.l '.viilillillll,,; .il I'll"-! I -.ieli t ellil lit llinvar.l K.-a t ivj. -1 . t I'll i lairl'liia. : it ii ' i nt;. an air . ' ' Jll I) I .. t L- ' J1JJ liil.t on. tlie li "I (.( I'liit.rr ::nn, was I, -p, .i t, . I to t in' Win- I h . ai t ii, en! in dai -I. 1 "i" i i'i 'j-' "li ' n-. I ,i''nti.a,n:l K . 1 1 ii;. v ,t-i a lin n, In t nl' 1 ! ,- ini ii'n-nl I, Hi ! n ii- ., t ii' i , rp's a 1 1 ;i..l,i:i tn the lirit ilr ai in v. I I B . 1 J-J v.- s , tr. "HUBBY" has all tne modern helps In his business why should YOU put up with the washwom an or do the washing yourself when our. FAMILY WASH SEE VICE will do the work BETTER ' and at a moderate cost? Scientific waslilng, fine soap and splendid equipment mean A-l Bterile, uniform work. . Call No. 73. BISHOP'S LAUNDRY " We do it better." . rt 'i' : ,tj ..,, fi , . 1 1 1 H a 1 1 1 1 1 01 Sv 0 ale! One small farm, three miles from town. Splendid location. $2,000 worth of buildings, plenty of wood. Terms, half cash, balance on time. Just the farm you have been look ing for. For particulars see . - . ( ' Standard Insurance & Realty CorporatiV i n i i o I! 1 a a a a a a i I