HE EVENING TELEQB1H Monday, October 29, 1917, Dresses. THEY GAVE RFTER SICKNESS A1USEMEHTS A GREAT riCTUEE "THE BARRIER," TODAY . tii fie! sliiiwiiin' of ."Tin1 1-tii r ficr,'' liv IVx Bi'iirli, from Ill's fiinxnii novel, nt (lie Hrniiilway 1 ln'iitri', in !.(' 1 1 r k , this WdiiiliTl ill ii hill' li:i jinixiil mi J m:i z i ti y hiii'ci'sb. It riitur--il tlid Iii aiulicMir-i' nt tlic vi'i'v. start. . Jt In lil t li fin lirVntli1',1hroiih m.ciio Bt'tiT HiMMic nf swift, stirring iii'tiiiii. ; .Jt ciillcil forth wave of , iipjilmmp as , tin' 'lb.rUliii;''i'.lJin'xoH wore . rcacliciU A in! nil liccaliiii' ' The Humor ' ih h jirmit jiii-t ti r jir'eatly - jiroiliicp'I. tin' lnylicst (l('V(ln)Jiiiriit of tin1 jilioti dr.'iiii.'i. A tii)iiiie plinsi' of tlid Nrv ork r ni is Unit tin' prcM lias boon almolutvlv )iiiMliini(iiis' in prjiiso lif " Tho H.'irriiT. '' Tin- I'Ht ire jiroiltK't iori Wan minlo ; iiu iliT t tii1" iliri'i't supervision of Mr. Honili l iino'lf, who oi'wiuizocl tho Kiu Bcui ii ' I'irliiroi Co. to priidin'C in inoviiii; po tmtn Ins tii ti v poiitilur novels. "The Harrier" is at the (irninl Theatre to day. . . TEDDY BEAR GIRLS COMPANY AT OPERA HOUSE THIS WEEK TEARL WHITE COMING IN A GREAT SERIAL The firninl t heatrc lias seeuied T'at lie 's late serial jiliotopl.iv, "The Fatal Uuitf'' whirl will start on Wortnosdav, Oetoher .'.1st. 'I. lie hifjijesl teatnre nitlns se lial i.s the (not that I'enrl WJnto ih the star. Mish White has won the envlaMe record of hoinj; the most jxipular Ncrial star ami loeal fans are anxious to see the hrst eiiHoile of her new pieture. Lvery motion pieturo trade: pajier has . rated "The I'ntal linifrV as lii'intf the best ever Riiecneil and they all iiyree . that II ism White outdoes even her for mer reeords. Ion't by anv means miss the first installment on ednesda v. A little coupon in printed m todav'H add on tins juifje vvliii h will admit imv lmlv or idiild to tlio nltcnioon shows, lietween one and six, free. 1 Lis w done because wo know that wo have a jocture von will like and we want to jfrt. vour inter est nt the start. Anvhnw it on 't cost von Hiivthin' if von clip the coupon, to nee the hrst installment, o take advan tage of that otter uiiynv. Other juctures will lie shown on Wedncsdnv. The iriees on ediiesdav will lie live ami ten in the afternoon and ten and tiffeec at night. Hill Lei. lit 's TcVWv Heiir .(i.fi'ls ,( '0111 p.'inv, till orij.'iiii.atioii of twelve pei!' is lmoked at the Opera I louse, for the entire wi'ilv ' comciiiin today. This show promises to prove noisl. pleasiiii; with a I. lie up of . en-.'it x'ine.inu; and ni.fiiy novel . Vauile'villif featiircs '.'; Vr'vt--'.v (jirls, i'liniiv cujiioiliiiiis and In-iyht spots of snappy c'u tei'taiiinii'iil tt ill make iiji -a liuiit li'iod show. Matiiires will he yiven -daily nt :!:.'!! and tin- nilit shows will dart at..":!." aud.ii. MARGUERITE CLARK COMING " The Aniiiuils," start inU' .Mai'KUi'l'it i': Clark, will he shiivyii it the llrand Tlientre on Iriilnv of this week. " l.aiiyh, and t he world' laughs with: von cry, and von weei liv vouiselt ' . contends . w insulin' Marguerite ; .'lark. .'I Then.' 'sll lie no (lander, of .the latter it you see lier ill her latest Paramount I'ictiiie, "T.l.e Amazons," for. it is a screamingly J'unny satire riiiii is. eram ined full of hearty laughs. OFFICIALS CAN'T IIAVR BUT ONE JOB I 'a is, .Oct. 'J 7. To ireyent oii'liilier fioin huldiiiir any othei EH of iarliami'uf illlilie oft ice, elective or fioin part icijiat ion inn with govern iiient or iioiiiiiiativi' i business di ul di'iiitrtmeiits, a IJLAMED SHOOTINC, ON WRONd PERSON The boy you cheered when he march ed away will stand kaoc deep in trench mod, he il llace poison Ifiix anil deadly flame. He will endure all the terrors of modern buttle. That Js Ins bit. 'ioui bit, jierlinpSj is to save one sliee of bread ft day m order that lio may nut Ujrlit in VUIU. Kin-don, Oft. i'lt,-- 1'aul .loiics, coiftf t rv youth w ho , whi-'i he vVas' "fat ill ly wniinded )y tin' accidejital iliscliiirL'i' of frieiid 's jiistol at a Soitflr Kinst in resort c placed, the blame, upnu another to shield the triend, is dead here, .lones. ibout IS yetirs of age, a short time be- loin his death confessed to Ins falhir t!:at l.illii' tiulley. Who was "he'd i.ii bail, fur the shooting, had imeliiii',' In do w ith it. In a preViuiis . staten.eiit .Iniies siiiii that : tin! (lullev uoiiian .-.hot. him. , Kvidence fathered -by" the aiithiirities was tliat l.illie fluliev was ill in another part of her bo.is.' when Jones was shot, desse Mabes. a youth ful coiiiianioii. shot him, I'ael .lone-J declared to hi father. When Main t was apprehended, he. said, n hole would lie found in one. of fie .pockets of his coat. . The Jiistol vviis in that jioi Let ami. 'was' not in siy lit - w hen it u.'s iliscliai'scd. There was to tnaliee, tiie dying youth'-intimated. ' His nb ili n.en perforated, .limes' death was ex pected from the moment oi the shoot ing: The bov and .Mabes had been di Inki'iiK, it is !ille(;ed by th" sheriff's oflicc here. Sherii'f 's otliei'i's are look: iny for '. Miibes, but so far wi liiuit suc: eels. IIo Ik believe to be liidiii'? and br.uly f nj;hteneil. bill hii.s just been introduced into tin i 'hniber of li.eputies. This liill is su posed to liavj' bei'n prevolseil by; re e.eiit, . eve hit iiins and i'liinoi'H-regard in ; Hie ji.irticipafiiiii- by iiieiiiborH Cf jinr liauient in businesH tnin act ions- with dil'fi'.r'eiil branched of tho French gov ci unieiit , neutrals, and, it in .asserted, een with (Irnuaiiy.: . . ' At present the sanie Jierson .may be a! the saiiie time- a deputy ir si'iiiitoi in in ister ; mayor of a .town and ne m her of the geiiera').""i.;oiiiici! "of lijs de partment. There is nothine- wh'u-li pre vents him froui eneagine; in nijiiiesp oiitcrprio of the state, depintment in cinniuiiuul adiiiiiiistf ationji. (I'liis, ' (f1' is intended to ireveiit ciiinalative of f jee Iioldiiij;, except lag jha t deput ie ami .senators . nuiy still become ininiK ti-is, PARIS NOW HAS SOLDIER-POLrCE l'aris, Oct. JT. Smne of the soldier juilici'nien.votelTiiis of tin' .Mari.ie, oi' Hie Vser iind Verdun, have innde their ripjreai a nee in the xtrects of .. I 'a.ris, at't er having done t heir share of . inaking w-a i'i and. t hey. are showing t heniselves jiuii't capable r if lining t'heir bit in the keepin ol peace. ., All of thesi'iuen are more or less decorated with the war cross, military modal or other ijboos. All nf tlicnl Wear 'upon their sleeves t.tii' record of the time t Iny have served at the front and tho ribons iiild the che. rons seem to hav e -a great calming influence iiji oi.i tiirbeleiit. spirits, , - And She Soon Got Back Her Strength lud. ''The measles left .no appetite, could not New Crist le, no run down est at night, nod I took: a severe cold vhieli -set t led (in in v lungs, so I. was nil -ible to keeji alyiut lliy housework. My tiir advised me to take ' Vi'nol, and six mttles restored' in - health so I do nll ny housework, including w a siting. 'inol s tin! best medicine I ever used,' li. e b'i'coi d, 1:17 So,' 1 it li St.,' .New 'a-tle, Ind. We giiii iant ei' t liiti w oinli'l I'll I cod liver lid irvutonii', Viiiol, for nil Weak, run- 'lOw il, ii en1 oils ci i lid it: ions. ( , -May Jt (iorhani, druggists, liiicky Al nil ti t. and the best drug -stores ill every itv and town in the country. VENICE CATHEDRAL MADE BOMB PROOF Customers who appreciate courtesy aombined witli prompt service and the right quality at the right price tiie combination that makes for satisfaction aud economy the combination you get when you buy here. You will always find tho largest and finest stock of choice staplo aud fancy groceries, receeive the most courteous attention, and save "money. New crop Buckwheat just received. Fresh country meal every week. Agents for Ryzon Baking Powder Good cook )Ook with first order, ii 1 M.l k ? 1 .J I 7 mm TTT7T ti Mm '-ni,-c, Oct. ' Af nuNHn's for t lie M;irk's t hi tiiftst Miii'C from ! In jH'u'trrt i(iM of Saint f:unmis njoinmii'iit of t'lii'inii's li(itiils hiivt' fnn COLORED TRAINING SCHOOL OPENED JrJrJrJrrJr Ir lr l-lr r lr-rJrJrJrlJrJlJr' In. ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' .il i 1 1 a ii i i s GRAND THEATRE TU ES PAY-TO MORROW-OCT.30 Mme. Petrova IN "The Law of the Land" A human iutereit story running the whole gamut of e mo tions. Adapted from George Broadhurst's famous play i '', that thrilled theatre goera throughout the land . . . Prices 10 and 15c Aft 10 and 25c Eve. Thursday . PAVLINE FREDERICK in "Double Crossed' Friday MARGUERITE CLARK III A llC UlU.4UltO. 1 il I i Tlrei'iiville, : ('., ).!. i'!i.-.-'-,,. Tjif County Tl.'iiiiiii School 1'or (he colon1 rn e,..)ocnte(l nt. (irinieshiinl v;is fiiriiui l.y oienci on l-'riilny with must ijitc i strn exerciscH. Other tluin l.euie; tor (he trninin of the colornl ti'iichcn there is ;iu imlnst ri;i I ilcpart incut ;i isu i roi. ti. jt. . uiiutMil, a leuiier unions the' n'ej-ro nice of I'it t i-oufity, is . snper inleiiiieiit (if the: iustifiition, ,'inil it- wits tlir.oiiyli Jiis effort si that the school Wa ii:;i-ie jiossilile. . .Some hijrh State otlici.-iN were ores eut nn. I took part in the exercises Auioiij; thciu beinn State Superiiifenilcnt of I'lihlic 'Instruction , '11111 .1. Ifrvan (.'rinics. I'r.esiilcnt H. II. Wright, Hi KiiM 1 ':i j (iliuii Teachers Tiaiuiii ',s, hio! of,: this ci! y a ml County Siiicriiit'nilcrtt S. I!., riulerwooil were hiiioii' .'..those present inol took part in the sjie.ee k ma); ""tf- : . ' " " . L It w:ih a great day for the nejjfo i-;kt of I'ilt i-ouuty iiiul a large, nuinlier wen in :it!cu.!.-inee. (JERMANS DESTROY GUNBOAT ERER WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31st. The Greatest of Serial Stars Pearl White In Her Greatest Serial Photoplay FATAL RING" A .,iit!nrf4 picture that grips your injterest at the start and holds it . all the way through "THE Other Pictures. Prices AfL 5 and 10, Eve. 10 and 15 FLXASE CUT ME OUT ..'-' . - -i .- '. . - N Any lady or child cutting this coupon out tod bringing it to the Crand will be admitted FEEE Wednesday afternoon between or and six. ; Uio .lilneiro, Oct. 29. The Cerinaiis Suturilay set on fire ami sank the (Jer man unl.oat. Khcr, HSi tons, which lias lieen -.Iviii); at the port of lialiai. fear- ug seizure ol the gunboat hv the lira, zillian Hiithorities. .. 'Torpedo luuit ,ilc sfroverfi were ordered .'-yesterday to take piisscssioii of the Klier. (Yesterday the Hrazilian chanilier . rr deputies and senate declared a stale of war lietween (ierinauv and Hr-izil. aud I'residcut lira. sanctioned, the prociaiiiatiuu of a state of war with Cermaiiv. The jjunlmat Kher, v.liich WMK W i'i't ' loinf, hud a conij'lenieiit of I2o inch.) . . '' " " '' " ... now been coinj'leteil. I lii' lace illiil The li.'S of. the t'nthednil arc enclosed by iin arnior of b.is of suiiil held in place by sc;tf fiddiu which is liiieil with iisbosl Os - ax a protection L.i'ainst inci'ii- liary iKiinbs' susli.-as the one that '.fell i yea r. aii w it lii u ' a. few yards o f the; math I'litr'ancV. , i'lie iiiiisiaes both iiisldi- and outdare decied froui . tho rushes ii f air t hat mi 1 it result, from exidosioiis by C'in- va.H strctclied beni'ath them which would sevviv also, to catch "all the fra ,'i ann that ; iiVieJit fall :nnl, preserve tii fin for' rest urn! ii,a. " All. precious, objects -ind works i f art that could In1 : reuiove4-, ini linliiiii the four l-ollasal ( I reek . horses mi , the facade ha e been renin', i d to safety in the -treasury : of the basilica, which haif ' been transfoi rued inti, u strone- loom,, stoutly . a rinm e,. :. Inise; jn th, inferior t hat. cod Id nut .be re in ove' I. hay been i-ovei'ed with niatresses stuffed with seaweed around which an' pih'd buttresses of sand baes. : : I he hi;li alter bencat h. w hich Sanit Mark- is buried Uii'l the tmnb of'. Andre;: Ihtndola, liave been prnleyled in tii: way. Tin' dome's of Saint Mark, ' finvi lecciveil.ii thi'-k coal ; iu-jj-fjof U j u i . cu in e lit: which, hard en lliy;,.' v'onst it rites' ai annor, hile the woodeii portiiiits ii.'lvf been treate.l with ti noii, iiil'l'iirlabli lop-id.. '.'.' . ' ; NOEFOLK SOUTIIEKN EAILBOAD Short Line to EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA POINTS NORFOLK, VA., and ALL TOINTS EAST and SOUTH : Through- Sleeping Car from Kalcinh, daily, 'J:-0 p. in,, f or Wilson, Orci'iiviUe, AVashinj;ton and '..Nor folk, Yu., connect iiif- at .Norfolk with rail hud steaiiio.r lilies for points. North and Ivast. Through Sleeping -Cars from Norfolk arrives Kaleiuh, daily, ft. ni. Through Train for Norfolk and inter mediate points lea cm . lialcih, daily, 0:110 a. ni. , Through Train for Wilson, Washing ton and Belhaven leaves Kaiei'h, 'jaily, p.. in. ' . .. A'll Xorfiilk. trains arrive rind depart from .Norfolk terminal station.: . i'or rates, S'-hedules and other infor imition write to ti. V,. l'Nlii;i;vooii, c. A Charlotte, N. C. W. J. Wl I.I.I AMS, C. A. U:,!, ih, N. Ci . J. F. JAI.TON, C. I'. A., Norfolk,. Va. Just Received A New Shipment of Silk Dresses From $12 to $20. BUY EARLY. New shipment of Tan Low Heel Shoes receiv ed $5 to $8.50. Proctor, Tarboro Street. BOBflTPflOEM Rocky Mount Readers Can No Longer Douot the Evidence. it. pa i n LET US ESTIMATE ON YOUR JOB WORK, THE EVENING TELEGRAM This l.'ocky Mount . eit izen test ilied hililj ,1;'il, T"!d Of ipiic k. relief of lllld'.ubte'l lei.cl'.t. .. TIiit facts ar.vnovv eoniirHHs-l. Such test imony is eouipet ,'- he .evi- li'iici' couclusi,e. It tonus coi.i incine; proot nt! im .1. M. .Mcaeham, 4 17 I'Varl St., I sutTercd from backaches nnd leross iny kidneys. ) lie k idii'-v 'seen ions were tin natural and c.intainc ! s'ed- oient. 1'oau '(i"Kidney J'ills reeul.'ited iny kidneys, relieved the. lMUieness niid iiu-encss in my" back and beneliti'd ine generally.:' " , ' ADDED PRAISE Over thiee years later Mr.. Meachaui said: "My kidneys seldom bother ine nowbut when they do, I take I loan's K ill no v Tills. They never fail to jjivi mo. relief.' ' I.'rici'.riiic at all dealers.. Iion't simp ly ask I oi""a" k idney remedy -'of I loan 's Kidney l'iils-the -an e that Mr. Mcncli am had. Fostcr-M ilburu Co., . M 1-rs,, Buffalo, X. y. , ."-.'.'-.' MOVING ,..T0 OUR. .. NEW STOR Two Doors Above Old Stand. lose Drug CompY 15-PHONES---15 : : -sbv :. k ? :. : m ii .y Patrons: i . Owinir to the hiy-h cost .of doinir a credit l)U-ins, I v.wo decided to place mv bnsi- ne on a STIIKTLV CASH P.ASiS, be- g' uinninpf November lt. This is also a irreat advantage to you be- Z cause seventv-five cents will buy I'or CASH Q what one dollar does on time. - 3 This savinti- to you i woith your conoid- eralion. I vvil continue to carry the best of every- thins.,. ' Yours trulv, J. I. CRAYTON. WE WILL CONTINUE TO DELIVER t ALL GOODS jj , : ac- v-. ; ,: . : ; : -: y:ct 9 i i MONEY TO LOAN on Real Est&te Security Apply M. V. BARNHILL 26th SERIES CITIZENS BUILDING & LOAN COMPANY Will Open September 1st, 1917. Your neighbor built his home through the BUILDING & LOAN and now he is in vesting his savings in stock of the Company because he knows it is a safe high class investment paying a good rate 0 interest and ar the same time by so doing he is helping others to build their homes also. Why not follow your neighboi's example, loth as to home building and investment? Books will be kept cpen during the month of September. For full particulars ap ply to W. S. Wilkinson, Secretaiy. Office with Wilkinson, BuU & Company o PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rocky Mount, N. C. Telephones 81 and 83. We haul Household Goods Kitchen Fur niture, Office Sup plies. Apply Phone 111 Christian & Joyner When Daddy Bring. nomeaxNew Vu?tor Record mmwrt I II I .far bl the youngster b Iry delighted. For the VictTOla quickly d Velcpa Ll children an appreciation of the best music. Thpy never tiro of it. Did you know that there are many Victor record (Specially suited to cluiciren ) We like to hv the boys ind girls come in with their Drent to hear records played. Tiie Victrola puts nt your command the art or the woild's beat sirger. musicians and en tertainers somethinf to please all who enta your home, no matter what their tastes are. The cost is one that every family cau a (lord. When may we expect the oleasure of a call ? viEO. L. PARKER JEWELRY CO. Main Street S 1 If irzJrJrjf Hi 1 1 P. Vulcanizing With a-BigV I is only popular way of expressing tho hih class work we do on repairing1 tubes and tires Bring your injured "shoes" or tubes here and we will return them to you quick ly in as good condition as before you had the puncture of blowout. Oftentimes they will be oetter man oeiore. i'rices. reason able. UNITED STATES TIRE SALES AND SERVICE STATION OAS AND AIE AT THE CURB. Walker Vulcanizing Works 233 S. Washington St . Phone 362 I m si