j THE EVENING GRAM ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 26, 1917. PRICE: FIVE CENTS VOL. X, NO. 179. Today's Weather U $ js Forecast TELE GROWING FORCE OPPOSITION 10 Wi&W Workmen and Soldiers Are Hourly Growing In Dis satisfaction, Say Sev eral Reports. BOLSHEVIKI TROOPS REFUSE TO ATTACK Bolsheviki Leaders Appear Conscious of the Utter Failure of Their Plan and They Are Referred to as "German Heirlings." London, Mec. iff!. Thi-r'(- have been occasional .. nsoitioiis 'iii IVtrtir'ad dis patches, that the. iiifluei.ee and power i'f 'the Bolsheviki was .waiiin but never with such uiiiimihitv as in speejnl I i pate hos dated friiiri 1 hf Iv'ussian rajnt al Sunday ami printed today.' Nearly a! made the point in one forth itfauothei that defect ion t roin Workmen and Sol . (Iters oraniz.itions is gnnvyig constant ly. -Among cans. alleged are general lack of authority the increase in drunk enness, the . ri luetaiiee of tin- po,n! a r ion to work and the scarcity of food stuffs.' The main desire of the soldiers is said to ln for peace. ' The correspond, ; t cites instances of Bolsheviki troops n fusing to inarch do dining to attack tin' l'kraininis ;nT permitting the Cossacks to disarm then: without resistance. . Piht injj,. .it i -aid. is the last tli.rg they nre willing i.r it.', at to do. A , host-L.'- 'spirit ': i epoi ' cd to Mil r'v i vo : among the . Hi' sailors and. the Hed.Cuurd and the fori:, cr are :nnt n n til r; m s eiio'in.'h to cue '.' ii it '.ho .1 ';k r;iiii)a n-':.i ii'l -I In; lied lu.r .1 -15 '- 'ai'xt ty -un'raiii I l;er;'f'o"i , t hat war ,..i . i l.nbiv will di i I ;.K I . j'Ol 1 against the 1'kra'. not -mutei iulizc .any si rii:s sctio.. , 'i .,iMieV:ki lead, 'I s; ' Hie . Pet i ,-'i , (.rrrsp'ii.deat ot' t he-Mot in o g post ,.' . . t,. l,n l,ei niiior conscious i t hopeless failure w-iilc tlii' corrc cut of the Mailv News, writes: SpHll'l Tin-re is a trenicnihms ami growing oppos lion to the Bolsheviki among all classe Men who formerly supported them ai- tnrninir airainst -'them and Heirl'inns' is a 'eotninoii minciation. There is much -talk of meet ing .the present reign of terror and bomb-throwing -is freely suggested as the only method of everting pressure .1.tt,l.-KoWw'viki :riiiit-ijiut..-iiu'iclj: idle tal kas those who say it are those who already have thrown bombs.-'; . NORMAN WINSTEAD IS SLIGHTLY .HURT Norma n Winstoad. son t Mr, mh I Mrs. -P. I.. Wiiisteani. of this citv, was hint Monday afternoon., when was struck bv an automobile driven .y Cliff Kilen. -The young boy was H.iing a hicvele on Washington Mn r ti tim. ithi'ii he waS hit hv the ma .'on Sufi Cling a severe blow on the head, ile was immediately rusln d to Park iew Hospital for medical attention. Pp'Mi examination it was found that the in jury on the head was nut serious, and barring unseen developments he will he all right in a few days.' --:.--.-. TELLING THE FRENCH WHAT U. S. IS DQl'S'i Paris, Mec. 2(i.--Mr. Herbert Adam (.iilibons has begun an extensive program of lectures in important cities on "What the I'nited States is doing ill tin" War." for the committee on the effort siL France and her allies, of which Stephen I'iuchon, minister of f oi eigu jifTairs, i cliairmau. LAST HOPE OF Boston Broker is Denied a New Trial and Must Die January 15 For the Mur der of His Wile. ' Concord, X. II.. I'ee. The snpiem, court today refus-.l a new trial to K'd eiiek LTTiiiaU", .fornwr -itostou looker, awaiting execution on January. 1", foi the murder of his wife, Mrs.Tlorence A. Small at thir home near Lake Oisipes. .September 2. 1!'H- The farmer with ag ood wood lot fan serve hU country and his pocketriook as well this winter hy cuttin? ami selling wood, as he can next summer by grow ing foodstuffs. SMALL IS GONE BORDEH RAID BY u Trooos Are (iuardinir All Outlets to the Van Home .., t . Canyon lo Get Bandits. CARRIED OFF BOOTY American Troops Are Seek ing to Take Band of Ban dits Wno Crossed Border, Killing Two and Taking $7,000 In Booty. . 1 i Maria. Texas. Dee. 20. American troops today wen-, guarding all outlets to Van llorae I'anvon where , lull Mci ican bandits on "h list mas morning crossed the American -bonier, raided the post oflii-e, ami general store. on tin' Itrite ran eli :t miles southeast of hero, killed .Michael Welch, a " veteran stage. dri en and. his two Mexican pas sengcrs, wounded Sam .Veil I', foi-.'iii.'in of t lie flriglit. r:i neli a nd carried away booty estimated .to be worth $7,'MHI. . A f f ' I' the bandits had passed over the ritu Koe k u hicli rises abr uptly in or, thaii l.uiMI feet above t lie Kiie (.irail.li; the soldiers, ulio wore in close unrsuit fired manv . rounds at tliem and are reported to . have killed and wounded nanv of the Mexicans, The sliootiiK' omiiclh'd the bandits to abandon the horses on whic h thev carried away the loot. ALL BUT FAMILIES ARE TO REPORT Washington, M. ' '. le, . ui;. All lealeis in and holders ...of foodstuffs n V!i iniities substantially greater than ruviiiy supplies should report in. th'! Xlxtr hue ! geney. I 'ood Stirvev 'nilcd ;:':i(ch to' be :' niade';n hti-To'w, .e.ii' tho '-gh they 'do 'iia rl'es .1 . H 1:1 m l , t' 'hief.' of t In id' the of to lo' : f. Bureau d':-. 'Markets', of . t luv I'nited States Me pa rt (neli t of ' Agriciiit ure, who was t he ig inventory in charge, ':,ve ha e attempted to -semi selieii b s from : Washington, to f aeli of the un l.ei.ls nf thousands ; of firms and in liv iiluals- wlio handle, the food mim.1v the Count 'V, but (diAiui-l it has n plivs!e-ii!y . iuni, v- ile reach them all,'" aid M .' ' Itraml. 'ATI dealers, inauu t act 01 ei s, and a 1 1 hoiiseieeu bavin!!- :m food in their o sioii, and all other concerns, slice hetiU and instil lit ions having nior. thai. .fl'oO worth 1.1'- food ' on hand, slioidd arrange lo repo'it their holdings f Meeeiuber .'it, whether sclodules live been deliv ered to h'ein or not. In ase they do not teeeive schedules bv .taTmarrrtlrsrtriTnW-w-tt lie Bureau of Maakefs, I nited States 1 )c p:i i t nient of Agricult lire. .. at 'Wash ington', or should ;all at or. v'.iit te one of the many brnm h offices of the nnaii throughout the coiiutiv. Tin :i,ite and locations of these braih be au be Secured fliMli auv coll c e r .1 t il a t :i leeeived a ;ipv of the si he. Pile. "This survev ct our available fool h.K.s is of tlo greatest signifieai'.e". ice it will furnbh the basis tor tl: Imping by the tio.ernment of import in; 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 and policies, vital lo t lie conn v .swelfaro. 1 1 -ii only with accurati dies before us that we' can pun t'n fignes in regard to existing food sup- r.-erv at ion. utili.at ion, " and orodiK' n. nf our food supply in such a ..i.v'. is to meet satdV the ex 1 1 aon I marv wa:' eoiomions vvnu wnien vvc nine 10 it end. - I believ o- t bat , t lie purpose of t lo invfv is geiieianv uniiei sioon auo ion. raitieally all invn-a and hobi.'is of eo.! will cneeiiuu-. coopeiaie , , 11 . . o 0 I l.e llllHt. I trust that it -.' ill not be necessary o bring prosocu! ion ini ler She act pro hiing for the su:'.cy in-order to toice t.!i" making ot reports. N OTHER VICTIM PITTSBURG WRECK l'lttsbi.ig. I'a.. Mec. L'li. Mis. Ade laii lo Hongiovanni, who was injured b tl stieet car accident at Smith Jin tunnell last Monday die. I in a ho.-pita' I:. av bringing th total dead to tm-iitv. . Hongiovanni, the wife if a lead ng re-taurant owner stated after slo was taken to tin- hospital that she ha. I. 1st diamonds valued at SIii.immi in the V 1 ec k. STOCK MARKET New York. Mee. L'li. Fractional hanges attended the early operations 0:1 th.- stock exchange today but the list developed .1 heavier trend before the end of the tirst hour. I'nited Stat.-s Steel reacted I 1 - points with 1 to s "point Tero-sioiis in other e.pi Ipment s. Metal and Shippings yielding large fra.t'ons. American tob:no lost 1 'i-4. Baldwin Locomotives s naieh. (ieneril Llcctrict 1 1 - and the Motor rdivision also rccedodjnodoratelv Kails-wt-re firm er at the out set but fell hack with he leaders as trading became more etive Liberty fours repeated their reeent min imum of Sm.(" tut the 3 1-C were steady v LAiunu univui i SENATE MM ALL BESOPPLIEO Aroused By Reports of Shortage of Winter Cloth ing in Cantonments Senate rnjrgcs Departments to Act Quickly. ' Washington,- Mec. L'll. Aioused by.re ports (f Hliort.ige of inter clothing in national -army camps the Senate mili tary ' affairs committee loday in resinn ing investigations into army conditions adopted a resolution reipiesting the Sec retary otHrtTir to immediately ascertain conditions, by wire, .siipjdy deflicicn( troops and suspend dej.art nient routine if necessary b' jiu rchasi-'S from sotiTees near the camps. WHAT THE BOYS IN FRANCE ARE DOING By J. W. PEGLEE ., With the .American Kxpeditioiiary Army; France, Nov.. ij - (By Mail)..-' If you're coining to France yoii M better bring along a few Bibles, deck, of cards, note -boles and spectacle cases. It) e.xperiinent ing ' to lind a bullet r.'r sting lunly-a rntor, dlu ordnance folks found, that these articles-have ..'-stopped bullets galore in past and present. years. The enemy shoe k-t roops are furnished i steel body shield made ifi leaves', like the hide of a n , a rmad i I lo. Sometimes this metal ships' Irnh-ts and sometime!! it just says "how do you do" as the bullet goes whizzing st ra ight on througn to caiise.thc Boche an acute pain in his t nniinv. . ' Bibles have saved lots of lives. A (ierinan bull.t usually pulls up short and gets religion ai I milt midway through Revelations. - Three aces have been known to de eat a sieable shell fragineiit Where the nldier was a man of speculative mind. ..And spectacle cases are very useful in delleetiug i icrochct. tuille.ts. ' It iS likely that by the time Our whole Army takes the field -the' ordnance de mit men tw ill ha v e adopted some kind ot armor. It. may be metal and it. may be cloth but it is believed that som-' shield i possible which can irevttit many wounds caused by spent bulle's or .shell fragments. STEAMER BELIEVE S The American Steamship Tusco r a Thou g h t to Ha ve Been Lost With All On Board Near Cape Bret ton. - - - Nriv . Viii'k, Mee, L'li - -The American tenmship Tnieoia formerly-a lake ves ej. and re.piisit ioned by the shipping loar.l for Atlantic Serv ice, with . ! r ntire ci.w of men is believed to have In n lost at sea somewhere north f ('ape Brottoif island according 'fo iilviees receivi'.p rn ship. ing clircles todav 1 rom .Nov a Scotia. SWIPE AUTOMOBILE FOR JOY RIDING Mr, A. S. I.yon, siiperinteiieilnt of the municipal water plant, had bis atitomo- ile appropriated for sev eral hours Sat inlay night by-negroes, who endea v ore.d to use the machine J or joy riding. I! seems that Mr. I.yon and his family -at tended a local amusement attraction and eft the machine in front of the theatre. A negro who followed them got into the ar and headed for the colored section f the citv. Hen' a party of members ot his race was formed ami thev pro ceded to go joy riding. They did noi rogress far as the automobile became stuck in the mud and refused to become unstuck. Tlii' members of the jubilant raveling party lead to remove the ma hine from its muiidy habitation, so thev proceeded to temporarily swipe an other machine from in front of the pie.t- fliee and take it to the scene so as to nil Mr Lyon 's ear from the mud. While the pulling process was m operation. Mr. Lvon 's machine vrashe.l into a tele hone pole,- bending t he bumper and ende: jin-1 jloiny other slight damage. The would be joy ri.lfrs returned the utter machine to its place in front ot the pnstollii e. but Mr. Lyon's machine was found in the ph-inity of where it lingered in the mud. o arrests in the affair have been made as tar as l- known. FORMER SUPREME COMMANDER DEAD Henderson. K Mec. -Jl'i. W. Y. Blaekwell, a decade ago supreme chan ellor of the Knights of Pythians and since reeognized as an authority in the order, is dead at his home here, having sufferer .aJtroke of paralysis. He was 65 rears old. LOST WW GREEKS URGED TO .S. Y Note Received at State De partment Today From- The Greek Government Makes Point Plain. TO REWARD SERVICE Not Only Will The Govern men Suspend the Penalties For One ojf Their Subjects '.Joining Foreign Army, But They Will Reward Service. : -Washington,.' Pe-.-. "0.-I.i recce'.' vv a lit h t .-fit i.ens in the I'nited Spates to en list in .the American army. Not only will she suspend, punishments which or ilinarily ('ollovv I'iil sjiiieiit of .'ie-'K-with a. foreign power but she will nv.aid theni fin', supporting. American nrms. .This i,s the substance of a 'lote t'l iiiii; : .'the ( i reek government . delivered toi-;:V at the State M.-part men! . Police Find Past Christmas a Record Breaker, and Not a Single Arrest. Whis key Very Scarce. A If Tieor.ls have been, smashed for so briety during ( ,'lirist mas. in this city, ac cording (o, a declaration of, the police today vvho explain that not only was there not a single arrest for intnxicat ion but there was not' a man observed, tin ier the influence oi' whisky during the cnliio Christinas' season. bile condi tions have not been bad in manv vein's. not since t he departure (if the open sa loons in fact, it' has 'never been the case lieretoforo that , there witsui-'l some drunkenness lit ('hristmas and some c it izeus, both 'vhite and colored who . shar ed tjie idea that a good Christmas meant a good big drunk'.- Not a single nrre-d over Christmas eve or Christmas day foi intoxication, or practically speaking foi any other cause, is an unusual record and a new one so far as this city is con erne. I, In. the eyes of the court in the past Christ inns .offenders have been "let down light" both because of the season H lid. of the magnitude, of the court., but tlwis vca . t tiere is niC su'eh session; . . -Incidentally it is believed thai tin bone drv lavv an.l t 11 rigid enforcement of reeulat ions preventing whisky beine brought into this city have done niio-i to curtail the siipidy and account s ill no uncertain terms fiir the lack of drunken jiess heie. Milling i'hristmas morning there lall-.'d at the police station one o.l the older and more respected darkies ,e the citv who declared to the police tha: this was the first Chrismas du fifty six years that there hadn't been a drop on "his man Tor piece '" the appeal ev i tlentlv being framed with a covetous nji petite towards some of the hundred odd .pin its stored in the vault in the muni, i pal building and as taken from offenders and a vv a it ing' orders from the courts. Nor was this old negroe-'s predicament an e'o ept ion, according to all .i epo' b and there was a genera! .lea 1 1 h ov er the city and .men who have heretofore been able to buy when it vvas . about or abv elari'd thev hud friends that knew whe.e they could get it, were heard to lein.uri Monday and Tuesday t hat it was not tc. be had, and prices didn't liguie in tl.i least. Of eoure with this condition there was a dearth of eggnog, for with no "nog" the hens were n-.t any t-.. acconiioo. biting and..i-obl storage eg, at ."o c uts and a total absence of' com, try ogL'- was tlu- condition of that mar ket and a pound of sugar for the regu bar customer, didn't make a. fellow f.- like he would like to use bis week's al low an. e for a night's eggnog. CHARLOTTE GIRL WLNS LIBERTY BOND 'harlot tc. Pec. L'i. The prize of a .-.n Liberty Bond i.ffereil by Mr. .1, B. Iv-j.y, State Mel chants Represent at i v under the lfed Administration, for the best article "rm Pood conservation has been awarded to Miss Kthel Ahem'thy of this city Sevor,al s.oie papers v."r siibmijtcd and the judging was .lone by officials of the Pood Administration .-,t Hab-igh.- The exeelleto-e of the papers submit ted in the contest showed a grahfv ill;; degree of knowledge of the fool problem in its world-wide aspect and of the problem of the Pnited States in meeting the situation. If you can't raise a pig, save pne, Tou can do so by eating less pork. 1 i A SINGLE DRUNK FOUND LETTER THREATENS GOV. OF CALIFORNIA Demands Fifty Thousand Dollars or Else The Fury of Nine Bombs Planted in The Executive Mansion and States Building. .Sacra merito, Mec. iTIi. III a letter de c la ring;, nine bombs had been placed in I he exeeut ivt' mansion en pit ot building, police station agd residences of "tvyo head officers 'of the state" hits' boon re ceived bv- (lovernor Stevens and turned over (" the 'police, it. became known to day. The letter dema ndeit-t hat ."iOjMlii be placed, in u i rock pile presumably near Oakland, I'al., Mec. ..'11, at :: o 'cloi- k . , - . . ARCTIC EXPLORER Stefannson, the English Ex plo er , T L. hi :. hi to 1 1 ? v e Been Lost, Reports Today at Fort Yukon. . Ottawa,. Mec. '. Viljalmur Stefan nsoii, the arctic explorer,!, last heard from in a 'letter received in March l;H! has. arrived with: his party at c'ort Yukon, according to word received to day by -the -Navy Mi partniciit... "Stefannson, head of the Canadian arc t ic. expedition has; been in the far norf.h since I'.ll.'t.and lately there has been some anxi'dv ais to his sal e! v. AMERICAN AIRMEN GET COMMISSIONS Wrisiiiugton, I). (!.. Mee. 2(1 Victor Ko.ua! Ivtifbery, William Thaw aiid tvveiv tv-tvvo other Americans who have been living with the Lntavette esendnlhi. ha;e been cominisKioiied in the aviation res.rvt1 (it the American arrnv on recom inendation of (ietieral Pershing, the ad jutant general niinoiiuceil Saturilav. Lufberv, Thaw, and John P. Ilulfer were given coiiniiissions as majors, com missions as captains were issued to Charles J. Hiddle, Phelps Collins, Ken neth P. Littauer, Walter Lovell, Mavi.I McK. Paterson, Uobert Soiibiran, Hub ert L. Rockwell and Kenneth Marr. Miidley L. Hill was commissioned as eaj.tain for .service as instructor, and t he following were commissioned first lieutenants: '" Paul V. Bael, AVi'lliiim H. Haviland, Charles M. Jones, (iranville A. Pollock, Leland L. Koiinds, Joseph (';.' Stehlin, (leorge L, Tiinnnre, Jr., l-rnnk V. Vels, Charles II, 1'o'nal, Jr., and Henry S. Jones. ' . . MAN THOUGHT TO BE DEAD IS SAFE Itobersonville, X. ('., lec. L'i. 'Mr. William S. Smith and family, formerly of Spring Creen, Martin county, but now residing near Ayden, Pitt County, have had a very gratifying experience. 'Some two years since their son. Cliarlos-SSoiit h, lan avvav from home. Be tug desirous of going to sea, he arranged lor a voyage to Alexandria, Kgypt up on a c;att!e ship. l jiniL Ins return t i f his. conn t ry, he .pi it fhe cattle ship wi!i out being signed off and entered the service iif the gov em ment . And upo.i her next vovago, cattle ship was lost :in. it was reported that young Smith was hrst too. But this was a mi-take due to the !':e t t hat . alt hough Smith had left the cattle ship, his name wasstil! kept as that, of a member of .the-crew Th:s vo.ing man is home on a visit, and spent two days this week timon Kobei sonv ille friends. TOBACCO NEEDED BY THE BRITISH Lord Rhondda, of the Food Control Department, Says British Must Have Tobac co. Loudon. Mec. II. iliy Mail.i--Tobae, o is a necessity not a bixniV, declares Lord Pbond.la, tin' food controller in a staleno-nt published here. "We must have tobacco, be savs. "I le liev-1 hat its loss would ho a national ruisfoitun -. It moans much, both to the manual be bo: crs and to him who works his brain. Men would eat a great d. al more if they did not have tobacco. 1 hold, that the deprivation of it would work great dis comfort. Some system of rationing to bacco, however, is forecast by the1 news papris. 5 E 1 MAY BE FIRST MOVE CONTROL John Skelton Williams is Be ing Discuscd By Officials as Federal Adrainis- trator. McADOO IS MENTIONED Officials Generally Believe That This is a Forerunner of Plan ol Government Operation of Railroads as a War Measure. Washington, Mec; L'li. John Skelton Williams, comptroller of the currency, was being discussed lodav in olhcial cir cl.es as the most probable selection for Federal railroad administrator should President -Wilson' decide to appoint one. In th.' f event that Comptroller Williams is. not selected t hose apparent ly best in formed on the situation believe the work would be underf alien by Secretary McAdoo, who, however, would not re liu.plisli his place as Secretary of; Treas ury hut would surround'. himself with n cabinet of railroad men. These 'develop incuts all pointed to an evident decision by President, Wilson to. soon begin fed eral administration, of railroads, al though there w as.. no official announce ment. . SECRET SERV ICE CHIEF HAS RESIGNED .New oik, Mec L'li. William J Plynn announced Saturday that he had resigned as chief of the United States secret, service. " Mr. l-'lynn said he had , offered his resignation Ins). November, but had been asked Id reconsider it.V' Ppon advice of hiB physician, however, and at the ur gent reipicst fjf his family, he had defi nitely decided- to retire, he said- lie will leave oflice December :U-- J here havn been pwmstont rports thitt Mayor-elect John 1. Ilylan had request ed I hief Hvrin to become police com missioner of New 'iork on January 1, as successor Arthur Woods. Mr Flyim would neither deny nor affirm that he would become, tin; head of New York's police force under Mr. Dylan, lie said, however, that the police comniiMsioner ship ot New V ork had not been in Iim mind at the time of his resignation was filed. ( hief l-lviiii lias been with the secr't service -0 vears. FIRST CALL IS .New Draft Questionnaires Are to Be Scanned For Men For Bricklayers Squad For General Persh ing Immediately. Washington, M. '., iMcc. L'b. -The new diaft machinery vvas iuv ol .d f -the first time when Provost Marshal hciicral Crovvder made public todav in structions t.o all governors calling -foi the uiobiliatii.'n of ' l.iloi) brick lavers "'''de. I for C.oieial Pershing at once. Local boards are called upon to amine iiui stionuaii'es . novv being le tiirned and report, as rapidlv as possible as to the number of brick layers ot draft age available for service. Only white brick layers will be taken (other, by draft or voluntary imlm tio.i hi to military service through local hoards". They will be fo., wed bv the. iv iation I corps . taK'dlv Pit-Id, San An tonio, Texas. The purpose ot.vvnch they are hr-de used in Prance is not disclosed. TloVrder is the fir-t ap plication of theVjiecial occupation il classif icatirni jrnvrv.ins of t,h new draft regilations. 'Vncral CroAiJ.-'s letter to tin- governors indicates t!?t similar calls for skiibvl men jn other trades are to be expected. COTTON MARKET New York. Mec l'i!. The b':i!'i'( in 'he cott.ui market doling the early trading was the strength of the to ar months. It deemed seemed that ill-' January issues had been issued and there 'was flurry of covering w!ib li sent the price up to o'l.oi; or :il points above Monday's closing level and into new high ground for the season. Otli-r mouths were influenced by the firrincFs in tliis respect vitii March selling lit L'9.47 and May at L'l.17 or '21 points net higher. New York, Dec. 26. Cotton futures opened steady. January,- Stt.SO to 30; .March, 'J9.44; May, 29.03; July, 28.72; October, 27.4f. FOR BRICKLAYERS ARMISTICE-WITH r RUSSIA IS: HOT GIVEN REGARD Germans Move Troops On Front and to Other Fronts Despite Terms Of Agreement., ARTILLERY; ACTIVE IN REGION ABOUT MEUSE The Russian Advices Telling Of Withdrawal of Troops Says They Are Being Mov ed to Roumanian Front in Effort to Force Armistice Thete. While their guns bombed th' western front the . (.orinnns . are, taking troops from the eastern front for UsC elsewhere despihj tlie provision of the Ilusso-Ger-man armistice prohibiting such action. Hie artillery activity in France has been moderate over most of the front and most violent on the right ban-It of tha Meuse northeast of Verdun, the scene of the (ionium attack nearly two'years ago. . (crman infantry lias not been active and it is probable that Field Marshal on Ilindenbiirg is awaiting for mora reinforcements before making his her alded attack. linssiaii advices tell of the German" withdrawal on the cast, adds, "that some of the. troops ure beintf taken to tne Kouiuainan Iront. Koumania is Dot taking part in the peace negotiations and the IK mine winch lies south of Moldavia and Bessarabia is oppostd to the IJolsheviki. South ot Jiivmeourt in tha Rheiiin Sector of Lhainnaine the French hsiiitt earned out a raid into the German Tines and brought back prisoners. On tho BntiHh portion of the front there have ' been raids in addition to the artillery lucls hut no large operations are indi cated. Leon Trotsky, the Russian foreicn minister has protested against the Ger man transfer-ones' of troops from the eastern front but also has ordered Rus sian factories to ston the niartufflctiirn ot munitions. Tie did not indicate wheth- r his government would take another step against German violation of the armistice. 1 eace negotiations at Brest Litovsk iippnrently are makiiiir little iirocress. . r, , -0 lh (icrinaiis have delayed their answer to the Holsheviki terms and it is report- 1 that the conference will be transfer. red to Stockholm shortly. In the mean time the majority party want the con- . stitiient assembly to meet on January 2. TRAVELING MEN ARE PATRIOTIC A iinioue and effective form of war serv ice is . being rendered in a quiet -way by ' patriotic traveling salesmen, who have-gone beyond the Food Ad ministration's reipies that thev ie their patronage to the hotels and res tiinrants that are cooperating ill the food conservation program. According to a well known and wili ly . traveled -yrrlTo?inan the jolly drum- laers are grimly and determinedly not onlv boycotting hotels and restaurants that are disregarding food economics, and substitutions but are passing the . word along, ontii'liteuiiii' the entire tiav. iyg iiiil.Lic. This concerted action i vvas started only recently but already a few eating places are beginning to fee 1 t he pinch. 30 ARRESTED ON DYNAMITING CHARGE S.oramento, Cal., Mec. 26. Thirty iiien were under arrest here Saturday suspected by the police of being im plicated in the explosion Monday night at the ex .'e mansion- here. Tho ar rest s folldTv V the discovery of what Chief of I , .li. e Mrt Outran said he be lieved was a plot to dynamite the elec tric power house of the Pacific Gas and Kb . trie company here Saturday night. Chief (.'on ran said William Hood, one of the prisoners, was alleged to have re marked that dynamiting of the gov ernors mansion was only the begininjj of a series of explosions in Sacramento, The mansion was partly destroyed bat neither Governor YYillianC I. Stephens nor any member of the household wss injured. Hood was arrested with G. F.F.Voet ter, Policemen who trailed them in an automobile said they were carrying a box containing dynamite, concealed un der cakes of soap. The'fVenty-eight other men were f rested in a raid on the local tieadqu ters of the Industrial Workers of t I World.

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