:T7 ji.JA .. V Jl fc.i j I FILE SUuJi . iiiu.XiJTu J 70ULD 17ALK 20 flES TO TELL IT ATTACK'. r r - i '- A 4 , ... " 1 5 i ' vjuh'C. r,ix T 9 ' " n-'jsii'a, IK i ' J . t. t rir Proof Eotat u r r tu etty, imn 1. - - ; tit loclXtt m6 Mf T A. B. WATTT, IZaaajMT. If Statements Are Nat Filed by July 15, Sugar Supply Will lie Cut Oil County Food " Administrator Paul K. ( aiifiU i anxious that no dealers In McKenzia Oaijia Twenty TiT Founds on Tanlac and Health 1 RetordToLU Frlenda - About It. , , I'm o grateful forvtlm wonderful relief J. have gotten from Inking Tan tlgar or hotel, ! restaurant, boarding; j'ae, that I would ba willing to walk bouae, hospital or other Institution hull find themselves in null position after July 15th that they cannot plirehne atl gar. "Tba order la perfectly clear, "r gtnt-d Mr. Capelle. ''No dealer la or u,ser of lugar ean purchase sugar lines July 1 except bouseheld . eonsumers. All retail deal twenty mile to tell anyone who suf fen like I did, what this; medicine ha lane fur me," said Miss Adela IcKen r.ir, 424 Hiith Avenue, gouth, Nashville, Tenn. VI suffered or about eighteen months from nervous prostration and kept get tine worse In spite of all I eonld do. I ere, hotels, restaurants, boarding houses, had u'o appetite at all, and after eating, hospitals, county homea and other in- my stomach Would burn like 1 hail swal. ititutioua r -included in this list.uAH !wej Bfirf-eoaLl.WOijld lyn cold one of these should writ -without delay to tha Sugar Iivlsloi of tho Food Admin WANTED! Five hundred men id jbla our Pressing Club- . Special Price . $1.00 per montb All clothes go. through our Dry Tumbler Machine (cut below) before" they- are pressed, which remove all the dnst, deodorizes and iteriliaeg. 1 j Ttia- ta Cut of or-Dry Tumbler which ramovfa all dint, lint and d oderibaea. 1 Led betters, . ' Pry CUtiiat ni TXT 1M SOBMA Arw UtratioH at Italelgh-ataUag 4t-atHf of their business and asking- for proper Idunk form upon which to file their ttitement. When thesa statement have been made' out and returned to Raleigh the -Sugar Division will send ecrtiieatea for t ha (ugar requirements of ech Arm or institution.; i, .. "The attention of all dealers in augar ig tailed to the requirement that all dealers most kern an absolutely nccnf. rate record of the names f purchaser aad of sale and quantities, of sugar nnd nre furthef .reniintii'd that the iimx.iniyin quantities of five puunds to tliev rniin- trv household and two poiiihIk to tlu I'ity household munt l rigidly obserj'eil "Sugar dealers are required t, sell ugar,only to their reguhir ruatomera. "Beginning July I, eight inspector wero put into the field by the Food Ad ministration and they will be able .to cheek tip the records of dealers ami as certain the names of any users of sugar who .have been purchasing from denlers other than their regular customers;'. MRS. S. R. VAN DI FORD PASSED AWAY. HERE "Mrs. F.tta Vaudiford, age '3.7, yife of MrH- BJi'nndiford, of Ouk .Level tonn. ship, Nash eoiinty, died yesterday aft ernutn at the liocky Mount Sanitarium. Deuth was attributed to typhoid-fever. The deceased was a native" of- Nah founty and a ii:iuginvr ir atril . S. Joyner. the resided with her family nt the Jmma mo. R V D. X. 3 Th..' de eeasedfis survived by her liusliaud nnd ievcrnl children. day at Hit' home in Nnsh and Interment will be in the family liuryinn"groiiud. CrOOD SERVICE AT THE WAX.KER VUlOAKIZmo WORKS minute anil hot the next at times, and I n an norvous 1 flouhln" 't. knnp-ttll 1 could hardly sleep at all nnd I fel fifT "at. elat sixty pounds. .-. . After-f .hnd tried severol dilferent tnedii-lnes without getting nnv relief, Hi v brother got me a bottle of Tanlne nnd I started tnklng it. I?y. thptiine I had fl.nfslied my aecond bottle, my ap- petile Kegnn fi improve nnd (be troti- lde were greatly relieved. The burning irnsiition iu nry stnmnch has disappear ed, the nervousness Is nil gone, I sleep IlkVn rJiiJd nt aight and tiesides pnimni; twonlv five iioiiiids in weight. 1 nm In pli iiilid, hci(ttli again. TanlAe.i sulil in l.'ixky Jfoiint ft tusi vi-l v by Kyn'r Jruir Co.. iu r.iirinp Hope by StMthside ritraai.ii . :Nash- villi- by N.'iHliville Pruy . ill .yharp.v "iiig by ' 'lliidspet(T L HuI.I.hih; iii 1'as tnliji by Itiirt hliiit:ew lrug f.V.; and by ; leading driignistn in every town. . 0 m The Atmosphere of Home Regular Dinner 50c' BMdqnartem tot CommerclaJ TravailoTi . EOEOFBAJf HOTEL EAT AT 246 St'jlli ainSt. ANNOUNCEMENT OF OPENING, of the CITY BARBER SHOP NEGRO RUNAWAY IS CAUr,UX.lNCITY tm'.Crr O. U, Xnrrii. of the CidiNhoro poTiivi diTiiirtiiii'fitTWJlrt ill' the.TiTy"tilflayTT" ntfe,- a colored -runaway:' priwuer, that j . sonped from the M'nvne counfy i .'.-ipital j t fi.-iv duys ago';'--The ruu:m.iy win ''rip- turril in tin- city Vifti-r. lay by (iiliier Uobert.oniif the loi-al ib-pai tnient. (J.f licer N'mris .will takij liii-frritoiier baik to old-iboro tudTiv. i PROFESSOR ALLMOK IH x IIIUIILY RECOMMENDED l'rof. . Alliiion i:i hii;hlv reenmim-wded as n dam in?; i.iHlrurtor. He will be at the rurini-rs Mutual wari hoii-w Mon" day, Tuesday nn-l Wi'.l'ii' sil:iy i,f .j. Ii week. Ju il rui-t ioui f..r Indies ".-unr ehil dri'ii at -1 p.iii. im tin e day) an ! fur ladies iin.l g.-nttenn-ii -p i,i. H j class Ii growing rapiilly. f 'oiiie tint .aiL follow the crowd. -r.ldv. I, wish to aiiriouneio my many friends that I 7-have"purchaspd what was f ortiifi-ly the" Model Ilar-l-ir Shop, on Main fctreet, -next to thffSrandard llardware Cornpany-,"o'p-united by KiU-'ofjoli, atnl KoliiMt your patronage. in. a iiyt b i ii -h- t It toiiHOiial lini'. All white barlwrs, first dass otiiiprnei)t, san ilary surroiindings, nnd prutiipt attetitiott .to the lit'i'tls (it our cimtomers-. . Sperial -attention given Uiiitirt'ii s hair f-uxtajig. New 0lt. luiptnfitt through V. R. HALE, Mgr.. - J. I. LANCASTER, Prop. x l J;, . - , ... - - - . i : ; - .A.. : . - i " -r j ! -" All the new shades of Geor- i T'. i! gettes and Crepe de Chines - .. 1 tomak. - - ' . ; r,f ' ; LADIES', SILK HOSIERY i VKW " Ijij We have a. complete stock. " I jC. , I , J ' - See our specials of Silk - I . . .l l',"lt I . I - TTnsQiit.$l.Qqand gL5Q, ; ' , " ' -' !' . War Savings Stamps for sale here ! i R H7 IP Ik? O T T O T ) r- -M'. .. -: -V sU aiiXk- ... . a : sUi ar JU J ' i Rocky Mount. Tarboru Street. Si .... .... ll I U V X . III -v- in l ,--. . I -Walker-HMnizingW ii r N. Carolina. havf 1 15? Rnnir your hrdfr j-A tu beau aui j uur uuiiiuyeu cues iiibbeau uj. m consigning them to the scrap heap. The chances are that we can make them fit for :vt ' ' . ... n rrvpnt. mnnv rnnrp mi ps nt kpivicA. I )nr k vulcanizing process i snot just ordinary tire repairing. ;it is practically tire renew-;. !.! :'' ''in r Tf vml nnnnnt strin in nhnnf n; Rnt. A don't buy new tires until we have had a f.f ..-. . . . ".---T-l " ' .jj look at your old ones. UNITED STATES TIRE SALES AND SERVICE STATION QUI AND All AT THE 233 S. Washington SU Phone 3G2 ' l mm I ' .... , i 1 VUAjUA-WLiLNU WOKJiB . ; follow' the. crowd.-r.idv: '..';'' ",'. jg. ,TZZ.. .ITZ: ... Z7,:.Z'!.Z3l"'i''',' - vmn-.mi- . l- --T ji.-iiw.i.ei'''Tf-fBnT asiuiijsiuBaiafiMs.iiua-a!aiaiiikJtliL3 '""-u r-,""J7 wmif i mill i mi ilia -"TOa- to.. , -t- 1 i " ""'"S $1.00 OFF ON ALL MEN'S WALK-OVER and BOYDEN OXFORD O A n n F 9 S1.00 OFF ON ALL LADIES' J&K OX-; ; FORDS and PUMPS ior SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY ROCKY MOUNT'S SHOPPING CENTER. ; TWOBIG" BARGAIN DAYS SATURD 4Y amid MONDAY. . not .- j.ro! 'i . . , this war fur freediniw c increased t , in France, tircV (! American mmmmmmmmWmmmammmmmWmmmm hfing this war. 1? - . T livln8 t09t t0 ratV Parasols . . . . . 1-2 Price i ttxioks in such fashiuia, Ij.nA fhfiir Ynt ta we. ' , of the people and th. Skl"rtS-$5.50 to $7.50. if lor us. iney nnvo uuui .! 1 to niako the burden of I x . Ok IB f'- tho American jieople to !;avo been of greater as . cuunitfi of acmocrary collection of pro-Oer-1 anti-Mar drialits id theyliave inclple but for ' eommis No ' A ruills in colors. HOltf 98c Yd. The fnnera" rt. iiorno ill ' at 3 o'clock, at tb.. will be conducted 1. of Goldsboro. - Inter I'ineview Cemetery, The pall bearer will bv One lotAVash Skii ts.drumnuMs' sani- Civm doC'liino lO-in. wide, all .col- 1 lot white Basket Weave and Gabar- Lplos, values iip ----- - $1.39- -" r cr: v7 - Srov "-" ; "? " . t l ' ' ' 'p""' dine Skirtings,- full 36. in. wide; 500 yds. White Flaxons, sliocr (jual- ..... 'l. ' t . at 25 ity, 30 in. wide; a Me value; on One table of Waitings and Toile, .................... t. c sale at . . . .... .V. . ; ... . " : .25c values up to 7Hc; at . . .7. . . . 25c ' 1 Lot Fancy Skirtings ......... 19c eiis 1?aliii Beach "and- Goo! Cloicfr SoiiLs oorham. p. j. Kjwrt.. BIG ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM IN BO TH LIGHT AND DARK COLORS. ' X-- : : 'V 4 U v i t y - v - f i i 9 i: s i s iT ; 2 r - , t r i i r-1 i ws ; i ri-. s : L a J sth of Mrs. Home tt Xl flPQ x JR Q QfJ VrUy morning, at . . .1t-r ' ' ' ' '' . 1 At- , . i.HO nr niorninj, Bl i jTf'O t Avenue, after anUL0 ,'sva. The news i I II? C V,.f h.. ... 'SS- JES . . ....... . ; . .. ........ . v . . .. . . : $ 5.95 ItZS . . ... . ....'.......$4.95 X earafci f ... n-w" mrm fb 0119 f- ' vj-i "p ft O iie'lFourA-Off-; -0n-M-M ens raw Ha ri -v.

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