Today's Weather Forecast KB - 11 k I Want J VOL. XI. NO. JJ; ROCKY MOUNT, THURSDAY" AFTEttNOO N, JULY 18, 1918. PRICE: FIVE CEl". (iff uH. II J 3 VI EV &. G, pmp j7 m - 0 i ' . : If l3T MMlll li u mm I i v. J s r AT STRATEGIC POINTS HUNS ARE DRIVEN BACK BY ALLIES -'. . Allies Are Striking Furious Blows Between the Aisne and the Marne and Aro Making Gains at Strategic Points and Are Ketaking Small Tovns and Villages-Lost in the First. Rush of Monday. Maximum Penetration of 1 Allied Line is Six Miles. M tet rv. . (n I In- 1'ieiicli Fnnii in ! liiiiic. ..Inly 1. l'ly I In ..s.-iriiit'l Press (i. in. ) 'J In- iillii'il loi i-cs ;iic tu'Liy cliiit.'1'il in iin litiuiiT:int rnim iiHiirk Iii'Iwitm tin' Aisiif iiinl tin1 Miinii'. nnrtli nl 'li;itiMi Tliicr- Till' ilttili'lv Is lll'llL't'l'Sslllic ljl lll'Illllv, l';nls. .IiiIv 1 . ' Tin-. I'tciicli tini . nioi'iiiiiiT li'livcii'il .'in nltiick mImii"; the line Irnin tin! Ii'ivcr Alsiic ns lar soul li lis tin- ti-miii nl !el li.tii. n limit nl ;iliiMi,l 1 vvcnty live in i It's ami tumlc ifiirrcsx at ci-rtam pninls iiflifi i'vii a nnlr ntnl a imlc anil a tin II ami I vv n miles, the war ullii'r aniiiiiiiiri's tdiiay.. , . 'I in- Ml i iat inn mi t he .M a rin ami ('liaiiiiaiu' I run Is is iiiicliaiii.'1'il . Kiirlv ui. Hie iini cini'iit .i iMini'i-s takfii in tin- inlv linees lieian I'oiiiiii in. i 'I'lic nmi liii'ii pari ! (In- Iron I nl attack is- the town ol Foul rimy. iHNirlx a mill' nurlli .nl I lir- li t vit Awne. In tin1 tivrlilini; mi I In- limit nl tin- (ieriiiiin nlVensivi' the l''rcmli last ini:lit sliipi'i lii ( ni inairs in llif Lice (it vnilciil titlarks winch t in- ciicinv lanni'lii'il sunt li w i'sl ol Naiili'iiil l-a I'iissc, lictvvccn t 1 1 -Mann' and Ivln'ims. "II llii' linni lu-vnlnl I i nils. r;lst at tin' Visit' ljwi". all illtjirk li'v 1 1 1 CENSOR V LX. ) , y ' M1ER1GANS LAUNCH POWERFUL . COL. M. CHUROnLL ih'v iiriitv ri it-n l;irri iin.i.r tl tni ui' tjn j ('hiiti hill, Ir.a.i Ulll) ll.l inn- In liia'-hiil is li.r military iiilrHiviicr. lit f:il w it li -.0 t t In4 m i J jnii, ;iv bi t M-ih-iil' fr;ik W. Mrlntvi, , Im'CII ,1J tlliy Jin li'Il-OI, Ulll IT itifh" as lji nl llir liuit-a'i 1 ii-!ilar aflairs. n-Nii;ni f i i;t r I ItnlU was rttnuil.-lrl v riu.liis Ii.kI i i i ; i 1 1 t ni tli' i at annus niinls mi I l.c 'I ins iimriiiiir's jittai'k 1 1 pi i si iils w hat ai'i'ai i nl ly is an iiiinirt It III si i a I il'Ii- nunc li ( Ii'iVi a I l-'mli In cnnnti'r t In- ( icinian Itlnw alnnc; n limit I a 1 1 1;. T sou! h almiir tin' .Manic ami on tin- line tn li'licmis. 'I'lic sci'lnr in w hu ll tin' atti'ck was laiinclicil inclinlcil a part nl tlic limit lii'tii In Americans. "I ! Aincricaii linn rxlcinicil cast nl li'JJi au wofTtiinl imrl liwcsi w aril at least as lar ns Tnicy. nilialil' tMillir two or Tliree iinles Wltlllli I h area inejxUnjieil. Iv ik 1 1 1 1 1 t'i neralh assiititi'il at Ihe tune thai these attacks were merely Inr ileteusix e plirpiises In I nil I f V t l.e line atrailist a nissie ri'. Iiewiil 't the (icriilaii assault III tins tlili'elinn. LONDON HEARS OF THE - - " SUCCESS OF FRENCH l.nliiimi. ,(iilv is. es reeeneil ill l.nniliiir liiilicati s I the aMack slalleit in Itie I'leliell Jills nmllllMi: nil the tliillt lielween In - Uui-'l liierry 'ami is on a I'liiisnli-ralilu scale. 'Ihe attack is . Iicle'eil In le ma!f!15 rnnt irni:ress. ' ' A 1 1 lees tfus a 1 1 mini in sta red I hat the I ! i'l tacks cast nl I ' li in s and t!i,;l lite I'l'emli I. mil I had reiiaiiii'd irrniiml. BRITISH ADVANCE THEIR LINES SLIGHTLY LAST NIGHT l.nlldnii. .ilv .-- III ll !i I s I '.li I tl i lli'll snill h ill the Snliilne. the I'.llllsll lute has lieen advaileerl nil ; t I'nlll --t Hint e ftiall 'tie Ihllc. s;i s the statement ill the War.o'liee Inil.iV, 'Ihe 1 'ill ish I in-1 1 in: is In I he c;is 'ol I iehiil el lie a I mi u ei e mi . n; i 1 1 sninewhal. Snnlli nl I '.iieiini- nil the.lniii snilinal nl Alias ;i Inr in, M raidii"r ai 'y ill Meij'ij!L li . 'I iirniaii -jtrt il itif v- i ntisidei -alili: ..... ail iv it v , din w 1 lw lllht lit Ihe '',in.eis tliillt Inutllnl I'.-iiIIcnJ. EMPEROR WILLIAM WATCHED THE FIGHT Amsterdam, dnh 1 t he Iat est lerma n ml ens Wl-I o li In Mil .. Ills a vol lil enll i sliiill dlspaleh t i t le- I'.cHin i.nkal AliVeiejer. FRENCH REPORT RECAPTURE OF IMPORTANT POINT - I ,ni, , in. .i s ' ,,. - ivnrh. 1 I,,, rejinrts s,t .MiiiilnMHsiii smith ill Itie .Maine at the iomt wheri vdvaneetl t in ttei est toward' Kpcinav and t'lu-lie la i'lui t-Mik as well the in-tthls nl the MllaL'es nxerti 'Ihe AMERICAN FORCES GO OVER 1 THE TOP WITH FRENCH. Wil li I In' Aiiii'i ii'.TH Aifiiu's in I litiii'C, i .1 III V I S.- A lln j Ir.'lll 1 I ihiu W I lit IIH'f I l,e le wit IT a wlio'ip tins imit ntn, j v lien On' Tii-iu-li Tamil' ti.'i I tlicir i' 1 1 ii ii I t j ;it l.c I; n, I In- iricn luliiw I let I can- I I llll i i v. DRIVE NEAR CHATEAU THIERRY , With the American Army in France, July 18. American storm troops in large numbers launched, in cooperation with the French a powerful offensive pn the line to the north of Chateau Thierry .this morning. The Americans passed beyond nearly all their objectives, including the Paris-Soissons road. ; , ; The enemy was taken completely by surprise all, along the line. The Americans advanced behind a terrific barrage toJ their first ob jectives in less than half an hour. While they were digging in', more Americans in most cases passed over the first objectives and then the vanced bebind the resumed barrage to the second objectives, which were speedily taken, especially at north end of the attack, opposite the Paris-Soissons road. " . V Numerous tanks participated in the offensive. The American in fantry went into the attack without previous artillery preparation. In their advance behind the rolling barrage they captured many guns, machine guns, prisoners, equipment and material. The Germans in most places offered feeble resistance, but here and there they put up a stubborn fight, which the American shock units quickly overcame at the point of the bayonet and with the muzzles of their weapons. The town of Soissons is how well. within the range of the American - gunsr l"llliel or 1 1 1 mi an Wllll.llll Watehe, t he nn -Hi li ! nl advance iihscrv al mn put innlh r rc'nrts in a dent Kill I Ii'iimii '. hav e Iceirjil illed 1 he ( n l in. ins i . i 1 I Jcllle tn I he w est liking the Maine. ( ict Inalis al f It't'ol ted to have made sTTeht lirniM css tmi lh nt !:. Afnan in the district tn t he miiiI Ii vvi-s Til f)ii tn. i iis licl'iu the .Maine Illjl llll'.ll I'llieiOS h.l- Ih-'II slow. 'I tie 1 1 i.t 1 1 n 1 1 1 ii n in tl al mn ot lh I' li'lleli lines siiiee .I illv .t is M III il"s. aeeni 1 1 ih to the latest refnit ol liehhn"; imr''i nl tne .Manic. Italians have retaken the village o " lalltt. twojll-s Hull In ,'lsl o I'.Iieuv. t he adv.lees add. -SITU ATIONA LONG FRONT- jOF ATTACK IS EXCELLENT IimIo. duly I leiorts ti eejv ed tinh lii tit iimni all alnlii? the llie o fatlat LOSSES OF GERMANS IN MARNE rOCKET WERE UO.ihkI . t'.'in-, (llav.'is Ap'in-vi, .IiiIv 111. li tile ,,'i,i I w 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 f ( .ri il.:i II- Iiiim ilc.'lti'il -si in I It t,t tlte MiiI'Iii' I tie t r ln--.-s acciir'liii tn I'oii-ri-v ativ c . i -J uiiali's iciii-licil liu.iiiii.t in tin ln.-l few it.iv el -tint' )i h f t ii if. liir M.-itai1iiTl:in t-l ; NASH COUNTY BOY r DIES IN-SERVICE Thomas Iv. Wilson, Xasli Snl dior, Dead at Kll Nlaml Army Hospital '-IW't III tilt' I W ,. it..- r. -. I. N, a ,,i '. leVl. II, -J f .! I lll.'l .III. l ltitt'J X ' .I. I, I,, !, H'n-i I-:, ,i I I'lSI , J I I.. . W:- .,i it l ll III, l-M SUMMARY OF WAR . THEATRE DURING' DAI General Foch; the nllied commander in chief, has taken the .'impressive on an important scale, attacking this -morning on a 25 Tiule front between the Aisne and the Mame, the westerly side of the German's Marne salient. . The attack appears to be a significant ccunter stroke to the German drive along' the Marne Rheinis-Champafrne front. From various' sources come reports that the battle is projp-essing' favor ably t o the allied forces which presumably include --American troops. ";.:..--r.-- ": ""'""':''': '.'. ..'.'" The front of attack runs from Fontenoy, fj miles west of Sois sons to the town of Belleau on the Clignon river. Few?' details of the battle arc yet available, the main fact officially stated that at 'various points along; thia front progress of a mile and a half to two niile lias been made and that prisoners have been taken. The situation on this front presents interesting possibilities. The battle line when the German offensive paused at the Marne . early in June rlosely resfmblrri the letter V with the acute angle NTEflNTl ill SIBERIA DECIDED Japanese Government Has Reached Decision as Out eome of U. S. Proposal DISPATCH FROM TOKIO v- ... Message States That Plan -Has'iii'n Involved, for In I !(-.( r -.n' I 'ii- .HII I ', in London k he-Jim l.y iv the sil iia Ii iK- - llitil fillilT to lie t eellt'Ut. Tin- i ttaek is tin- Inchest utTeic-ivi- move mailt' this ear by tin allies. . The i-'relieli ha e (.'ailietl I rnm ln to lour in lies ev el v w In-re or. a (went v -five mile Ironl of tlnir olVeiisive l-.vla v.lniUTi lK" A ism ami the Mai ne. Hci ordiiii: t,i rcpin ls j in-ltiner lanidnii l his al It i iiiHitt. 'iin" I'lt'iicli have eailnreil m ,er,il t lmis,iin pi isniiei.s and about tWl lit V (,'IIIIS. sfRENCH COUNTER ATTACKS "SURPRISE TO GERMANS London. .July Is. The I'l t Hell move t h is im o uiii"; aitears tn lu:V' been a Mii'rise to the ieriiiitiis. The manner in which this .iir plise was iieeomjilishetl niiiv best lie jii!e;e. tnm the lli,i which shows u ureal ana ol' forests rovi-riiis: the friiuml In himl the -'reiieh line. l ittler rover ol these forests In-lii I al ''oe h;i lieen ireiarill; for Mllllllllie tor the present. IllOVe. , Washington. ,lnly Is. - "Word the l-'rein li wt-re stiikinir liie (ol'liialis on a wide limit lit low the Aisio- sent a wave of en I h nsi;tViu 1 lirtuii.'li I In W'.-ir I t'jiari meiit Indiiv v. Iii n tin'' tirst hull. -tin eme m. Ilnry tliiM I Heetptetl it as proof that the Imivr da.vs of hourly de fensive opera! ions are eutletl nmi that (it-iicnd l-'oeh. lartrely ln-eause of the million American soldier that have been rushed overseas imw is l'li' t Use 1i;ressive taeljes. At first jfkuiee ami withat any definite inforiuatinu as to the Frrnrli roiinter st rokr (iftieem rrc inclined Ut ln-liev it a diversion in force tt relieve pressure on the front of thf (ieruian drive. It is the first extensive eounter blow the nllied have been lde to attempt Mnee t!ie (ierina.'niislaiiKlit Iwgan lat Mnrrh. v ' . . ' It 'I h M 1.1 l- ill I t U i - IV -ft I:, .. el VV '! COTTON MARKET" - Tl.. -blunted Sine e their attack on Monday monunir the Germans have made progress which has changed the form of the line to that of the letter U. the right leg of which is shorter than the left. -From Fontenoy at the tip of the left leg to Rheims on the n;;ht is about 37 miles. The distance from the Aisne to tne pres. cut battlefront south of the Marne is about" 25 miles, It is along tffe left leg of the V that the allied onslaucht be gan this morning. Behind the allied. line is the forest of Villers Coicrrcts with a network of strategic wagon roads and three mil- ! way lines In front of them there is an important railroad line running southward from SoU.sons to Chateau Thierry, presumably I used as a supply artery for a large portion of the enemy troops ( along the Maine river. This railway was about four miles from the allied front when the attack wa started today. I If the attack of the aliie.; is what it appears to be it is a ser- lous hreat to the whole German position south of the Aisne. ; " Rapid piosTess by the allies to the eastwardwould complete abaiidoniiieiit of the German offensive which is now apparently ! directed toward Epcrnay to the south of Rheims mountain. It might if successful even bring abouLi German retirement from j the whole Seasons -Marne Rheims salient with potential disastrous t-rmdw to-tiwucmy in tl;& lu-tf iiiciu.un and material . SThe part American troops arc taking in the allied counter . Vllrtll -i-. vrt iuiUtvmwti tervention by Japanese , and Americans Lomlun, July IB. The Japinewj gov eminent Iia reached decUlou which ts tl:a outcome of proposals from the United States, K.iy ' dispatch from Tokio to the Timex, under data of July ) 1.1. fur Joint American Japanesu Inter vention in Siberia. The American pro iiials,tlie dispatch addn, were different from jliose made by Oreat Britain and franre.". ii.' ,. J.H. 1,1- 1.1 n -. . it,, .tit!. . , .I..' pl lw s s;i j -J I., -t ft f '"' I'' . ".tn I I I. I, i.MKRCIIANT MARINE .'NEKDS-YOUNCi MEN Tie' Sl:iiel;ir, lru I itiipjiiiv, of tlti il, li:is 1,,'i-ti HHiiMtf,l . ri'i-ruitiiii; :it iit for lie' l'nili-,1 -ta!e Hliii,inj( lli'.'it'l, ,i tt't-ir" v-tiiiiij men ftitiii thin , :t .:.i,'l i, n jtr Inr e.' v i'-r i 'i t lie iiht- luii -t .fi.-i i i in- Tiic fie. mil Ik iiteil mn a t , i it 1 1 1 ii ' ' :t t it n , J, let -V'll riilint al! -;: ft . ll'lt.V i t-'ti, -litis le'tren tint :c'. nt L'taJvi. ; frr iitiaina . on u --iiielrin nl' i l i,,l slit-rf Ili.lMOjtiili'il liy I-.- li' inj l-itiiiij lit tr.iitiin in tre ,it,.if v V i i,-c i ii let 't I ftr, v enM-ln I Ti I In, tl'it.-ii in' J I (lie Kb-, nut) the i-it n i until, '! 1,-r I li is v it e are ex- tt-j -f-tftn-rr- vif ..'. A'l vttinijj meii -ii t-i, tit v ;iicl v ir'nit., n w isli to jnin ' li lt in! ii. i r r "vtllit m'l'iy "tn It"? -i:i..,:it, iiit-'eu.;-n, at the nirui'I M;ihi strec; ami isui.s -t avrnue. N'c , rt,v t 1 I t ; .,.,t,i. , :i", ii '- I I ON E TAR HEEL ON THE CASl'ALTY LIST .in i :: ! - t" 1, t i,. i I, I I I sue B Cliaimi ili. of -TayUirsviile. Ilctmrtt'd Scvfrely Woimtted in The Army Report. RILLION AND HALF IN FOOD TO ALLIES V),. tl'."',,,, .:;tv s ,,, , ..l.,,.,! if ai'i'M v iit it, ; l ,1,111.1111 -i.iicn wi- I t..r , :il v, -it t fi .ititit- TRIESIAN COW SELLS FOR- MAGNmCENT SUM or sis.;:", I !"ii. ,I,ev r.- i;.!,,- , tn. r rt. ,:oi tnw wl-iili is nou itif t n ,.il l"ii tif iin'k ,t.ii!v, w:e,st,i, i,,i'i, !v f..r ls.;;:;, M( H. t,-i l.-e. fi v 'l-' v ln., tin- Hnti-li re.ttr.I ef ?,tn -:.'. It'ti of a niilk in u i:ir. Thai uni liirh !. fr in Ihe liiylnst prirr ever mi4 fttr a Krienian rotr. Milk in Ixin,li,n 5s bow wiling fur fo.i. tern ecnta a quart. W. K, I' 1 , li . .! I i.-t I ,..!: l-d in ' I of I of ,lt-t i-ir- i i t - j, l.oltt, I I 1, 11. reel r t in, - WW.i Wt.iiti.l T! .- i,-t I'-' I,- N li a i t "l,;i .tt,:i n, t,f M, t. , u ,,iiit l I 4 I .1 - fit V, , oil' . - 'ill. t.f! i - Vi ii." , M ,- , I I," IIMIIM- Of - is;.'.- -I -id.. tl. i - I .ll'. V 1, 11 is If- r.-lv. MARINE LIST. Wi!;ii::ii; .Inly Is. -The Marine i.rj, f .iroaltv lit today hows: i Killi j ia at'tma, three. I'ii'S of wound, one. WrM'4 iK-veri-tr.Jhr'ee. Tula!, trveB. PERSHING CABLES THEO. ROOSEVELT ays (uciitin Roosevelt May Have Landed Safely Be hind Enemy Lines STOCK MARKET St -Veik, July ttVrtmirr-Thrrf: """ti ll, . Uf I In Tore leaviiiif the Saratoga. N. V, to atteml the tiliilr pO'ivnitinn toav, re- lVrshing i ,tv i; fllV f IteplllVlitaji i-eie.l a il.l, fc'rm frt.m lien in VAhi-h tlic Aimriraii rt.ntniati'li'r rk-pn-asi-.l thr hrii- that Lieutenant Q,n tin U-HiM'Vtlt, the I iihuii'l 'n itii, restrt-t-,1 Kiili.l in rtii u. iial I, attic in Kraner, mav have Un,,-,1 New Vurk, July H. Leading kttirk iiia, I. iil,-taiit i:il Kaiun in tin- tirxt half hour (if tiHlayV Ira.liui; nn tint further favoraltle war nt-tt. War sharea were ritte-t riiiiiiriitiii iti the a'lvanre, with ' ." i I'liii-nf s and rails KbitMiiiK ifc.'ns of Hitili fruiii tljeir Ion? period of dull 1ii's K' t)iH; H'lvaie-i .1 1 .14 and ion I'a. itie 1 iieint. I Ttthat-, OS lead the Hrierialtic, Suma tra rallvin j .1 (mint. Marine preferred, Mi'xit .'in t't l f,.li uui, International I'a pe also nvTre r ml lrttn). Lihertr bondi Were firmer lVfed tin. "I.rrad line" with eter oa! igilne our men are risking their live to hnt.l it. ONLY 2 12 PER CENT OF BELGIUM TREE FROM HUNS I'nriK, July J. nil, an 2 12 prr tent of Ht'Uiau territiry ia atjlt frpe frntn the invader. All the uanrrupin .eniinuar arc within ranije of the tlrr iMin hrnvT artillery whirh has ftre.l B on lKinkirk, hut all are Inhabited. j(ht th o'her hand Ileijriaa trixtpa h l' e nrrtipif j nevrn t i m a n.-e h (irt m H terrif -y ju C,-msii f..t AfV. a "f0 t- tf.t mr : f s MR.F. F. FAGAFJTO GOTOIICIOHO KesTghs as Cashier of Ka-. tional Bank of Rocky Mt . Effective Sept 1 , . OTHER APPOINTB1ENTS 1 Mr. Fagan Will Become Act ive Vice President of First National Bank at. the " Virginia Capital Mr,- Frank F.' Fagan, for the peat four yean eashivr of the National Hank of Kooky llourit, baa reaigaed, effeetive rjept- I, to. take s poaitioa ai active vire preaident of the Firat National Hunk, of Richmond, Va., one of the lurKint banking imrtatutione in the Smith. Mr. Fagan presented bit retig nution yesterday at meeting of the ilirertora of the bank. The ilireetora elected Mr- J. L. Suiter, who recently accepted a position with, tint local institution, as cashier to suc ceed Mr. Fagnn. Mr. Suiter came to the'eity from Kmporia, where be was active victr tiresidcvnt pfJhe First Na tiimal Hank. Meiiars. William fl. Bobhina end Nor mini M-rennett were slso elected . assist-. i. ., ant enshiers of tho Iwal Ljink, tUir armnintTTirnts being effective (Sept. l - lloth young men have been connected with the bank for sometime, and are well qualified to fill their bow positions. .The resignation of Mr. Fagan will be know with regret, especially among the business interests of the city and sec tion. However, the numerous staunch frirmls he made while la the city will wiah him much "saccess In bis new du ties with the Richmond bank. Mr. Fagan hgan bi banking career in 1001, when lie took a position with the Bank of I'lymouth, at Fly mouth, as clerk. Hinre that time he bas worked liimttelf steadily up the ladder, and bas a notable record for achievement aud Mii-resa to bis credit. lie rame to Rocky Mount in 1914 as cashier of the Bank of Rocky Mount from the Farmers and Merchants Hank at Williamaton. By bis splendid ability, knowledge of finance, and affable di ponitiiui he not only made a host of friends, hut the local institution bas en -joyed a successful ' and gratifying growth during the time he held the reins as pannier. Mr. Fagan'a services to the bank have been most valuable, and it was with keen regret that the directors yesterday accepted bis re!g nation. . Besides rendering the bank willing nntlXaliiahlV service, Mr. Fagan showed himself to be a li ve itier and a man with the interests of the community at heart. Iluring his residence in the city ho was identified with every movement that would tend to make Rocky Mount' a bigger and better place, and one of the bent business cities la eastern North 'arolina. ' He was president for one term of the Rocky Mount Chamber of Commerce, and bad been one of ils di rectors for several years. Mr. Fagan not only served the bank and city, but the government in help ing successfully prosecute the Var. As chairman of the Liberty Loan commit tee for Rocky Mount andKaab county he was instrumental la putting the city over the top in the tliree drives wsged since the I'. H. entered the war. Be en tered into the work of selling Liberty Loan bun, 1 1 with the firm intention of making the campaigns a success, and in no instance did he and his eo workers faitTrtHcTetbe-goat. jWrBg- tt(9- - necouiT campaign especially was a ea table record made, when the city and county Went 1"0 per cent evrr th al lotment. He also proved himself a bus iness man of unusual ability, and hs advice on business matters wss sought by many. Mr. Fsgaa la one of the directors of the Rocky Mount Insurance k Realty Co.. and of the Homestead Loan Co. snd also served as president of the Sag amore club. In the going of Mr. Fsgaa the city is toning a valuable eitiavn, and a ntttt who Hid many things for its b anil commercial advancement. Be is a man whom any Bnnsiripality t-e proud to boast. , The appointment Of Mr. Fa.' , u a splendid compliment to his flnan. '-.-d t business ability. This iatifitwt i ! total resources ef over does basinrss ia a!l Parts of t',? N'e ether chanjes la the i the local latitutia wr n - - ! directors ye-tcr.Jav( in I v ... , tcrs dieuii-d n-t i f i r . t'ki 9 !'

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