EUEUMATISM i completely washed out-f .lig syatouj. ly the celebrated r-hivar Mineral Wa ter. ; 1'iwitivply guaranteed try monoy baek offer, Taut fine; eoats a trifle. ! !'iX. XmX.:.v. .3,.ai &..i('KX4Ss &. Av-A'. ;-. ,;i5i,Xfe.Si-.-"jK'i out Town Great Things This W Big Purchases 11 tor to Norfolk. Mr. W, livered anywhere by our agenta, Ueo. 8. ;. 'iit yetCTdajf'fi Norfolk inin 1 ' . li it Norfolk. Mr. Jaroft Bat ;s7 for NoTfolk, where she ". several davs, : r ia Hobgood.-Mr. Frank il tli is morning for Hobgood, i' !lvisit frieada ': . . from HjU&igh. Messrs. J. L. 1 W. R. Thorite returned tolay In it f stay la Raleigh. . froia EwuXort. Miss Mamie ! imtall hail n-turned to her home r, h street after siiendiuit several ;it Beaufort. . s X-ys House Party .Mr. T. A. returned la the eity. yesterday I'i.lirewayr PaipwheTcfhe 0i ..t'.oadiag a hrui&e party. f,r Vacation. Mr. G. t. Tarter "r. C. E. Zi;e left today for Ashe vif;i lory wiU spend their vac- uliBj ew Days la City. Mr. : t Crr.y, tf . .Scotland Nock, i a fsw iC7 in thaiity on bus- AN EXPLANATION The Evening Telegram, Boeky' Mount: Tbiough justice to the- medical staff of the A. Hospital, lr. K. M. IVr ry the referring physician) rark View Hospital and myself. I ask that you correct statement, made by J. C. Pitt man in yesterday 'a Telegram in regards In iiiiurirs received at the X. C." t..f shops. " ' ! ' Mr. I'lttman was referred te'me by Dr. K. M. Perry for an X-Rny examina tion and Ma radiographs showed abso lutely no fraeture and he did not have! further TOnmiiuition at Park View Hos pital nor any subsequent treatment as he stated, but was referred. back to Rr. Perry after a negative X-Ray rxnniinn- tion, who advised hint in regards to the alight sprain ami some nnrasions ne nsi - q about his person. - ; . Reflectively,-- . MA.rO R . FLEMIXfl, M. D. Anything -that Wilson mw sjj' ti the Kenste. will, less effeet than the -!nmOr of .business men: who nr.'. eiijjrr to pet into Heinie V poeke.y book, ' .-' '. " ' ' " ',"23 IL'ra. Gutter.; Miss Betty "i.-3, cf Eiclaiond, Ta.; is visiting ; :rcr, Mrs. A. IL .!ter, at her .urns f.Ka Cooaroi Ne. Mrs Irmeoek rcru?aeye3terday from --:d Keck, T here, the has been oa a visit '.. i :.; '3 rjtnmd Misa Esther Bui , of Eocky Moaat, has gons to Bieh Va, for a several week3' viait to sister. Mrs. E. E. Cibaoa. otot to Baiamore Mr. and Mr. . Kosenb,oO"i; stcompanicd by Mis? i,ah Kollor, left yesterday oa a ,r trijv to ' Srlt-'-aore.. They, were d in Tarboro ty several friends w ill oiake the-trir Witii them. Hiisba&a tH; NTW Ortesiis. Mrs. mrr, Pearl street, after spvadiag. c tine 1b the city, left lrt nig'.it for rwljifl,na where her husband. vito is Hie government service, is now sta- ;ir-i Piekens, whq his been the guest M s. A.H. Suiter,' at her home on i.o -o street, has returned to her home ! h:nnndr Va, :izg- Mrs. Harris.- nhil Mrs, Miss Sallie Blunter Iligrfins, of k Virginia, arrived in the eitv lav and are the guests of Mrs. i Harris at her home on Tillerv Miss Francis Scott PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Offlca at - -J. EICKS HOTEL PnOSE 123 " A mast woildei ful Hssiirl.iiicitt. N'otliinjf like thfse in point of vhIiio lit tho price - iu L ilian months. Iiu-ludcil are Handsome Dfesscs of Voile. Charming New Crepe Dressed Daintiest of Lawn Dresses Practical Gingham Dresses Dozen of Smart Percale Dresses nrfJprJrJri7rlrj FORSALE . YOUR DAY ij Desirable Resident ON SUNSET-AVE. - ' Apply to ' H. J. Yarbcrongh 313 SUNSET AVE Dr. E. B. Quillen Dr."J. J. W. Looney D leases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and, Fitting of . Glasses' L W. EOSB BOTLDDfO HOUBS: 8 to 12 a. m.j 1 to 5 p.m. ; )i II li I 1! M 4 El I; i I Tub::Dres-sesf;: Uy- ffj " ';l;-.v -il a!jd we are paying the stockliolders the :, KJV ' ',7 ' cash fur their shares 4 ' 3; 1:':. Tlu iissnrtiiii'iit iiicliKii's liillii' Itiirki! imi Wnixt s!) !es. Some vvil h ,anVy 'v'e.s'tv Hii slci'vys, (il ht-rs tiinic skit'is. Km m rtlh of'taiitly; ;efr!lrs,: .ftr.': iv.-n-: -;-::-r- J resM-s tlmf aft'islr iitmiirli lur .slrcct wenr. 116 Tarboro St. Pbene 61 Otore -Closes Batuwlay n.'glit atlO o'clock 116 Tarbrro St Thone CI .from big tire cxpenpe will" begin the day OF FREEDOM you rmS your injured tires for, remak ing instead of nhing olf and buying new ones. : For vulcanizing 'does more than mend, j It makes a perfectly whole uiKlam-, Jft.S7 I esq; aged tire. And the cost wouldn't pay for' S even a ptvrt of anew tire. !1 I fl PhiladelpUia Diamond Grid 'Batteries', for all makes ; of carsi'', Guaranteed for 18 months under the,-adi"-:j;'--jnstment plan. V ;:-:'v''- UNITED STATES TIEE SALES AND SERVICB STATION alkerfulc 233 S. Washington St. GAS AND AIR AT TEE CURB Phone 3G2 ifrs: OPEWS TODAY Join Now and let us build your Lome. - "Safest for Investment"- " p Building & Loan Cp i OiScc in Planters Natl Bank Eldg. Rocky Mount, N. C. -'.'.'' .-'."-""'-." 7" ;':';. ' j ","j ill n, Hi tMMWWWMaaMMaaMWa J ' ! I jWiW II JW I IP . M. i VJ; WtiW laMFOalffiJ AJW j .... Ut AIUW lll.UUClMJU. .11 I M. .-tH'. 1 i ha. returned tn her Itonie in thi r . - . - if.... i.. . tf... la was ae.eompanied home by her r, Miss Sophie Poole, .who will he uti' st for some time. v :v for Greensboro. -Rev. W. E. i. paetor of the -Arlington-street -t ctmreh, left today for (ireeiis , where as represi'ntative i uf the ive eonmittee of the lioannke As jon, whieh eniliraee N n h ant! J adjoining counties, he will enn ith like representatives from all nit the state in the formation of t for the launching of the $7.i,0ii0,-r-i-Dpaign for schools and utiMfiionn : cniiertaken by the Hn pints of the '.i at sn early date. '.Vorth ( aro profortcnate share of tins fund lisff to the statement of Hev. Mr. , WiU be 8,060.C0Q. " "ro 19 Jine ani rortnne In store Ci girage mechaaie who can get car aod test it without .e .ii-j thrca pcusds, of grease on the Pimps aia -:. Hf :': ' ' - - M : ' v A-l tP M m & . Perry & Harper ' : EXGLVEERS COXTRACTOrLS rulluck Bldf. Phone 754 :ZO. L. PARKER EECISTEESP Optometrist i Exaaiaed Glaasei Fitted Offlc la Sea? of :i3 jTriiif. co'& eross Misaand Madam" should be well supplied with dressy footwear the J & K kind that sparkles with quality and-style and is always proper. The original arch-fitting shoes that will be so greatly appreciated when you sti;oll .along the beach, over the hills or. down country . . '.- lanes. - .. We call your attention to, our statement " as 5 shown on page S of this-issue. . Farmers and Merchants Bank "Satety Serviceiii-l'oiir PeTTnF Sf-Jrrr-irrr-Jr r Pricea: C. B. PRATT 5 Dentist ; HOTJK.S: . g 8:30 to 12:30 A. 11 N 1:30 to 6:0 P. t f DA - , ! aa to 1 x - - .- . .. .. . .. - - .- n : ... I 1.1 FOR SALE HUNDRED -ACRE farm in Nash county twelve miles" . from Rocky Mount, two from '. Nashville. Three horse f arm un- der cultivation, forty acre3. wood ' land. . Crop growing. 4 Bargain musrbe cash transaction and sold in ten days. Apply Farm, care this office. . ' hizri'rj rii r-i r-J i-xi riti prifj ri rJi i m m imniw jLivjdi..iJaii f77?s ShoppingCenfer X1 ?4 1 '' ('fillfifltij'r j--v..'"-iMvr -.- . , - v.. iii'v.c I :'-cr".:l!;'AAjMf 1PM "I -- .. . 1' r ,"'? t ! '