Vvlhy, July 13, 1CD. " THE EVENING TELEGRAM rrrJ pagi: t;; Words of a Red Cross fur: Jlucb of the -hiccm of the Am erican nurse in duo o tli fact , jhnt abulias impressed, upon tho world the ' imporiunee. of mmfoi r for hi! patient in se curing a good, mattress. ' - -j - -. t- :- - - . .1 - ? , ( :,p""V'- Bringing Up. Father By George McManus TV NOlSVET UP!T OO YOU HEA ME? - NORA!! 1 I ' - "ill fAN'T WAk-P I I fetC'S ONLY WO-KIN' IN ," I I ' I - II WELL WHERE f THE. 1 I FOUND - Q3 BUT I COUL-DN'T 1 The "DIXIE -KING" an.iwr- to this - eril in 'Every W; y Take Nn Sul Must Ilsve Cud on Holt Labol- r The Cotton Belt Manufacturing Co. (Incorporated) . Eccky Mount, N. 0. Mi mm m rim if ' MMte 7ll ''"": I Quality teiis 1; lip; 0e tpfePf: II counterfeit iniita- f ' till II Demand the genuine by ' ffjfj . ., M : lull name - nicknames ' ' llf encourage substitution. DELLtANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c iBeturng to City -Miss Alice Ray' mnnil has returned to her home in thin city after having boon away six weeks at Koone, N, Hivhere she t n ii(f ti t mu sic in (hp Apii.'iliK'liinn Training hi'Iio1. Misa Rnyiiiiind wil take- up her forini-r work of ti-ai-liing miifiiiT Ihtc nnil is al-n-iiily orKaniini; a . i-lasa for Buinmpr ork. Return to Magnolia Mi'.it9. HciIktI llluriu! nnil Harry Mattlu-WH, of Maq nolia, ri'tiirncil to their, lionie toiln.v after spending a fewjlays at the-home of Mr. W. i. Home. Ouosts of Miss Horne Mimes An nie Torpy, of Wilmington, llettie .tforne of Mngiiolin, anil Hijuln rilythe,-of Wilson, are the Riiests of Miss Louise Home. . . ...-7. CONFIDENCE IN THE MEDICINE YOU TAKE Avoid "Secret and Hagic" Preparations. Reliable remedies have the full formula on package , and bottle for your . "protection we eau nlTorii extra v aanc-V -. -. Jli.e--iiiarji-t-li(i-.a.v.U-M wtore -lir-i-H-will lie. retiiinetL and Ti crnjteil intirthe pruft'ssii'ii. - " -. , The iii'irp p.".y, ttre mure, the fa. her ea.n ntford upon his u- h ! triiiniiig an a teaeiii-r. Let ms moke eilui nl ion our nationnt extravagance! . ' -4f--W the pnr pdn"e r.'hfT extrnr gi'.nee will Le an invesiiiu'iit. Ail reforms begin with edui ation, . " '" ? Ti.i j school teaelier ii the true, the basic reformer, and we cannot over pav the school teacher, as a profession, a'i an institution. '. it requires so,rae iniagina'tioir. ''to see ttie economic wiadom nf :iii-estinent; in J Mlilie education; for the returns,: are ;.nt imineiUate- they i-nutc with the-nia-turity of the' ehilil, whcii it 'takes" it.i place in fill? citizenship, hut the returns are large, permanent and certain, SCHOOL "I TEACHERS " ; !Tce itiost useful piildic ' s.'rvice is that of tlii; school: teacher.. That wc .ii u puhiic ,n net appreciate this is proven hy the, fact 'that- wo are under paying, them. . . In many ijiiarters we have allow our public fluids1 to liecome of such' W-cstale tinrt teai-hers. hare gone for- Tiinlifha u-illirtiif .,,1,- t ..11 . riiere is. not a . private usincss orin- (S3 PS titulion of any sort ttiiit itoc, nif re gard' the liieeting of its payrool ns its K3 first and .most sacred, ohliirat ion. Visiting at Ocean View. Miss Hazel ftdwards is . spending 'scA'eral days , at Ocean View as the guest -of f rienila at Lowe. Cottage. Returns to Henderson. Miss Rath erine Tirewer, who has lu-en visiting frienls itr tiio e.ity, returned to lier home in Henderson yesterday. Leaves for Mount Olive Miss Eliza beth Grantham left today for Mount Olive where she will visit for a short tinve. Leaves for Wilmington Miss Doro thy Ollhnm, who lias been the gTrost of Misa Dorothy Ijorue for some time, left fills morning for her homer rn Wiluiimf- " Crtntidein'e in anything thnt is niarket edris the Mwer-4hn.tiiakes it ieeeei. Wthout this very important quality till' finest article or riroduct is bloomed ta fnilliire, This is esjiecinlly true in the field of medicines. - The pulilie. has been fooled and tricked so often by inferior preparations, that they look.. upon the average medicine with suspicion., : .This condition has been caused per haps by the ninny" Herrot" or "mag ical" preparations foisted upon the un suspecting jHiblieV. Very few (if them were of any value., In fact, many of thorn were actually dangerous. The law j now requires that nil medicine bear a land giving the itigrcditnts In the medi-j cine. Kvea there the publie is of ten i fro'led by technical nnmes. . . . . In Karle 'a Hypo-Cod, the gre.nt.lienlth liuilder, however, the full formula Is printed on every carton and bottle in simple, every -day tonus that every- oue knows and understands, nothing but the very valuable medicinal extractives from fresh cod liver oil, iron, malt, man ganese, hypophosphitcs,' lime, BiiJnim', wild cherry bark and a dash of sherry wine no dangerous or habit forming drugs are added. ' For building up weak, rundown, deli ente"nnd sickly men, women anil chil dren this splendid preparation As un. esunled, as proven by the testimonials from thousands. ' Karle 's Hypo-Cod is very economical. A tablospoonful before meals and at bed time is a dose and you can get a bottle from your druggist' for $1.20 plus war tax," which contains enough of this exceptional tonic ro' treat the average family fori weeks. Get a tiottle today. The Standard Drug Co. adv. ton, Miss ..lionie 'accompanied her home and will spend several weeks with relatives in the seaport city, . Majiy of the best te.".che- are b-in" failure to: meet the ecoiioutic iitdiiee- ..i? i...rw,i ...1 c.:.: ... Ri l.-ccruilH to the teaching, profession' o. i,o,.,;. i.,ri.,:.,..i... r..n. RS' l.t .is all well enough f,ir vis to folk of .new and improved nii'tlioils nipre- forms ,jn our. educat iolial svsteni,' Jut-, Hi tlio wlinle svHtein. 1 i lf' -m-"ntlici- ili-if il.ll- tions, is ilcpoiiile.nt up.in tiie braius-and R. personalities of tii.o.'-e ..who comprise their human organizations. .. Our fust duty ! re lit is to keep what we how hf keep it . by retaining the br.'iins pernon'ftlitjcs of time :vho their human organizations. Our first rtnty to our ediifational sys knen it ' ii'v: -rot ant in a: flip brains frnit iu,reniinlili- nf tliltQn wJl.i llfllV Of 1 1ll 1 1 1' i Ri And by this aaitie act we wiil be re cruiting more luaiiis aiul jiersoualities fn cuter the lirofensbm for future service, and, a better systciu. It. liiay . sound .paradoxical, but the pay of teachers is. eiie service in which SATURDAY SPECIAL We have been o . eiinp: for the past few weeks-some, extra values-on-Saturday.' For tomorrow we are offering a "Spec-" ial." Every article in the list is a very special value. Jt is real merchandise and not a lot of odds and ends. Shirt Special One lot Shirts-.. --$1.45 S2 to $2.25 Shirts,. .51.75 $3 Shirts - -.$2.45 $4 Shirts $3.35 Suit Special $15 Palm Beach-:.:$11 50 $15 Cool Cloth. ..$11.50 S22.50 Mo-hiurs 17.50 ' 50 Suits worth from $25 to $30 mid night $17.50 SHOE SPECIALS We have one lot of Ox fords ranging from $.5 to $7.50 for ; $4.75 $8 Shoes . $6.23 $10 Florsheim S8.00 $12.50 Nettleton ...$10,50 All Ladies' Oxfords at 25 per cent off. ALL STRAW HATS, PANAMAS, and BANKOKS : ONE-HALF PRICE.... ROCKY MOUNT SHOE & CLOTHING CO. Mens and Boys' Stdre1 "GET A HUMP ON, THERE!' ' SHOUTED THE DOUGHBOYS e j t-tl t -j v - . - . 17 CFZ win sr ALL KINDS .. '.'.-'jj'..i " ".;';;;.'.-:---"' ;'.. -:.:''-;':"v'': .' .': ' - ' -.- '';.";' :.' ...'' .'.''; :''- ''."''.' '-:.'' -: - ' . :.'"'. : ' : M-xs-dl"M-(gd. PUMPS-Rubber soled, without heels, $1.25 values, re - duccd to r ......... ; . . . . 90c pair -Men's, Women's, Boys' and Misses' WHITE TENNIS OXFORDS, $1.00 value, reduced to. . . .- .85c pair Mens,-Women's, Boys' and Misses' HIGH TOP TPN N1S OXFORDS, 75c quality, reduced to 38c One lot of. BLACK RUBBER BOLE TENNIS OX-" . FORDS, 75c quality, reduced to . . 28c All sizes in each of the above items, buy the mnow. &&&Jtt&?bfZ: VAH RocKv- Mounter ,-jEsMblsrdnFcornbeccu i juuui riiiii j lite i mwmm I ".v. . ' 1 m -i

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