';r .' I ' L ' THE EVENING lit CfcEG RAM ' . , . ' . ' U WednCsdJan419 THniKAwniiAvi?..t,mTJi?vL?rjfjrrJrjirjV i. j. i. i. i ia. f.lI: i i g mX riii. iZ-i, I IIIVVIIUWU uri.i. ........ mj, ..... . . . . 1 1 ;-L -i . - i ! . .1 - . f --j. I rrnm si am. aiaiTTnr. lill '.''' . ' ' 1 1 1 I I 11 L. M Bill htl in. ir r Tin 1 1 11 " i . L' . i nwuuLD mw as, v la i ijh teftdeiiry or Tuberculosis, may iise'it under 'lain and adder n to ' - APDILXNE 230 Arcade Budding It was whi'ii ilivsiciini H.-i nl it wan -4 in ixtnn i for J. ,M. Miller, (Jrin Druggist to survive the ravages ot T ulierculoais, Hit -begun ox jxTiinciitiiir on himself, nniticovi'rr,-'thtr-Hiimr Treatment, ..known lis AD 1)11, INK. Anyone, with riniL'liH shoiviug till)i!i(il;ir 1 1 1 H t mi1. Scud your u.iini Collllfiuus, Oblo What Is Rhcumatitm? 'ftffra Should Realise Tl)t .'-It I Blood Infection. :DouUfev tike rtVi sufferer., Vott hv often as,, yourself this "question, which continue to re-ffiMftonaweretl.- j . , -Science Jhas proveii that Kncrr matiim Is caused by a germ in your blood, and the only way to retch, it' ii by a - remedy which eliminate! anif remove, these bt- . k jialii' demom. Whj-Stiffer from Itr nsrdfnr Rheumatism ; for more- 1 1. .. il I . I . j J.I3 rt.i. tarj- ,;c3;imonial3 pre on file from those v horn it ha:; benefitted. Try it -to-day;, i.nd you will find your self nt last on-ihs rit-lit track to y t rid of "'Vr Klictmiatisin. ror- triuM'ieiil i viuir uuiiviiiii.il aiidrevi Chuf -Medical Adviser, Swill '-?ix:..a -Co., Dept.. 4J, At Ijuta, (.14. T. 13 YOUR BLOOD HUNGRY FOR IRON? Modern Methods of Cooking and . Living Have Made An Alarming IIVIVCTV 1. ftwilt.iviiv; N-' Stood of American Men and Women ll ' r NIlVATFn IRON JiM ,.HtlF .Make, Red Blood f Jfc ; in juna inat rats Kosea into tne v i ..lneeai 01 women,, ana rorce Strength and Courage Into Veins j;f Wn. . , v. u . , v. ' rji'i i! ."Il tour blonif ' tnrinir fori 1 . V ' hi Sj ntnt of ir n T Iron u bloo.l r 1no4. o If jot trrr'(o nvrihout thin and Who Should Taha Nuiatcd Iron- Tfw Ttrad thin, and maciatnl, you could " it do a tnme urtoti harm to yotirsrlf than - t.vhrn von let your blit lilerally: us Itiinjrr.y c fu a-ant of.iran iron Out givtn it irriimh aim poer to china. iti int-j living t kitk lr. Jamfi h'rancia Sulfivan: fn r'hnuriajit j ( Blls.vsjr lh(nlal (Uuldnor Itpl.), Naw York, aiid t.ht Wcalcliater ' laimlf Ilolll. , ' ."M-vdr metbodt of . conknif and the .: rapid pac at .whKk peoplt -of llfrt'eoOiHry Ji baa made tuch an alarming increase in iron deficiency in the bliwd of American . ineri. ana m-onwn that' I hive often marnied at Hi large number of - jieople who lack iron in the blood--i and ho never auapect the cautc of .. their n-oak, nervoua. Hin-d)wn ... amie. . But in my opinion, you eafk I m.k ilrftn. atltrrl.f i and women by feeding ttiem on r metallic iron. The old forma oi metallic tron mM go S through a digeatlve proccti to irumiorm inem into organic frenNuxured Iron before ' ttier are to be taken up and tern.- Notwithatanding all : ' - tt aa been aaid and ' tiiien on Ihu luhject by 4. veil-known, phyaiclana. thou-' ajmita nf people atill intiat in ': doting themieivea with metallic i Iron limply, I auppoae. becaune , it eolt a few centi leu. I ttronaly advue readera in all . J caiea to get a phyaicun t pre .'k acrlDliMI for nraanir Irnn Vi, or if you don't want In pi tn thin trouble ta pnrehaw only Ntixaled Jr.m In In riiaai packagee and toe -that I lia parliiular ' am IKiitu,! .... '.i i. . VV .."hi A,iT-.ti.i nil i.ir ji.iik- M 1'Vt preparuliniis uh Mn aifl, linn Hllli 1f,lr Killll r 'an fVAr'N. j Th l ltlerly I 'rt. tn.,rtiv M.r. I- if ... v . -; Hoawire V, Fit I 1 1 If I Th. Run-down".' I 1 I Dunnrna Vonmn I aaaai t-. U ; 1 Th Ehud ' Biulneai Man tli.it -lU h cntlrHv ' li(tr ' . 1 1 f ymi -iti'v- ii ct '.strn or wrll. y mi ,"''r;ii l i vs'Mirs"' h.miikt'tln: frill fiv.iiiik' trt : d limv lotiff yi.ii , - w .r!; . limv far v"m trtn-wiiR- witli'M for orfanic IrnnNuxMcd Imtw twn- iivc gr.Vm uUlrt , -r . j n Jlfiri thrt'r tiim in-r Aav ..ft-i- ti, - iFiili-i'i VMM ii i-r t-'itip-r t firV'HI I'll fir-i t f.- ... N-C: DINNER PAIL FAST PASSING FROM MILL Restaurants and Cafeterias Are, Taking its Place in ' Pittsburgh. Why Not Use KLIM Powered Milk- The purest of past tMiiit'd iiiilK. atiil not ruii n chaiu'C of diHcases in the tiso of raw milk. . - ' Analyzed und pussotl ly fitv and slate uonlih depart--lucnU, absolutely pure. - ReeominemTed and used iTv tln Ictidinir ph vsieians of this city as a general fmnilv milk. Trial onier of Iwo pounds, M ((iiiiits, I H") J. O. POULNOT "TSiHtnbuting Agent, 327 Eastern Ave, Thonc 1009 4 K M M mmm.lllm BaSaaSSSaiS ii m v -- ' A-Jy. ar J .. . - . u - . ..... i i il- TOiS-.'W1 euerqihina is Brices too Don't take "any old thino-" wlion von -- -v CT - - . . -w . are not feeling well. Come to our Drug I Store and get- the Medicjnes you need. jThey will be fresh and reliable. " When you buyin our Drug Store, you y .f. prompt attention; and the fairness of i -prices will please yoti so well you will -i to us tor everything you need m our I'lltitiiircli, .Iiiii. IH.,,'Plii'.. iliniii-r f(i(l 1 pimmm; from tin- inill.-i und fnc loin's of tln I'itl.Nliur&li flint rift, lies UiirniilN and (-.-ififtcriiiH urn Inking-T pl.-ico in tin- more tnioi tiint p'.-int !., ini'r i irrrrttvrrr n rir.TjrjitTiiTiliijj o jca' lo Hint H liot, ptilat.-ihlc in tM I iniikcs thr workmnn more' run' .eiited mid iioio i'i)iiU'ii)id jind niori' viiliialilo tliun Mio erdd, iiuliffetibli.' foot ji.-nkvil avrw- in. a .vn ,.ti ticket. 1 In ,Hio iroiucHtend -liiilU of tlic Cur K'tt ." Steel coiiip'iiny in Mimlinll. a fen ui en from. T'ittslinri'li,1' more tli.-in 1 1,- IIIII) men nrp. fell i,. II... f .. .. l ., . In v, ad tl' iimiihei . t4 i-ou .'iiillv rrowinc. At the jilnntof t.lie Werlina house Meet ric & Mnnufnelurinjr eom imny in hunt l-'itt.ihniL'li. ulso n in. Imil), 1,.'IM employes iret their food-iii the coiiip.-inv retrtnurnnt.. and ;i tien dining hull mid modern kitchen in 1. iiitf en-eled. When itrifH-Voifijiletod, the iillilillliv will lie lllile'to fee. I .101111 nf its workers lit one tune '' -Thi'-A-nieilinn Sheet mid Tin i'liilt eoinpiinv has 22 eiif(!,:enii4 in d.-iflv on "ration its different -pliiiitu, It will 01)0 of tin? pioneorR in tho nioveiiii'iit In the Miinhiill works rooked me.-il and ve(fif iil!es iiif kfipt hot in vleain aides, and .serveil aH- llio men ili-iiro ir ns the various nIhHx i-iich,.tl.ii- Uliii-h or dinner hojir. - ('i.-s. enkon mini. ollee, n tart nianv dissert t of whieh the workmen setnu verv loud an- :iUo liv.-iilnlile lit all lio'ins. as ell as tea und milk. . The. i 'nil thus lniv :i hot meal for.L'il ilo ,1.1 cents. . Our; eniptoyes mfe : .(lii'Iirlit.od.-'wl! h llie mi-ills irrved in the nlilni' " srnd woman rein erviiln live of the West inu'l so i-oiiipanv wliu is hi elose eon- '-a-l .iUi 'the. work.: Tlu-v iot l,eii,,i- f . ..1 I'llr 'e . inoiil.v li,..,, '(l.,w, ....' ... . j . .. , ........ r , ,.,, ,;.i. ui home, and t'-iey ir i! it when thev neisl t. We loe nionev liv 'lir- ari:iri"e Hu nt, lieciiuso we iiifivide fimil -it tun I cott und irive awav the eolfi'e ti.i nod; mlJli. l!u , it .v ..iii hc Im,-.. run. lor it ittisf (W e'vervlKxTv ' T heso wnrki-r.':' iIiiiiiil' 'rooms. )t was i-xpliilned liv one eoiupanv siiprrinleii. lent. Dlllut IK- llO l-linlllseil with tire dinii'e;: ropui's whieli luive Ion- li'isen in sorvit-0. for oftice foreiis iTnd oilieiaK f iniilactiiriii); eoneeriis - ' I lovidiiio; warm food for "th'- liile eoll.-ir ' niei.iivas a limirv the sliopsui'ii neviu- expei-te, to titl.-iin," -i. I'-u! now w,. are a in-r ' '! ur inen who ant .it warm ineal.-i, tin. I we-ii re L'lad to do Ir. 'Iliis nlnnt -ii! lever B-o hack .to the dinner l.nekn- "V.ttrm. ' ' SNAKE OIL HaS Brought Relief to Thotuands of Sufferers. .... . ' Miller's Antiseptic Oil Known as And what It. has done for others il .nil do for von. Don t eontimie to suf fer . with rlicumaiisni, ' neuralgia,', st iff iit'I sore musi-les. eoTd iti . the. eliest, roup, i-oiighs and kindred . -flidu' fnil minis. Ask voiir druggist for a hoi Me of Miller s Antiseptic Oil (known is Snukfi Oill, tisr ai-rtTrrThTijr to dirffc-. lions mid know v.liat i! nieans to lie free of pmn. Miller s Antiseptic Oil (known its Snake Oil) is powerful and penetratiag Hid will' not harm' the most, delicate kin. Iii :;iV.. liUr and 1.(H) lioltles sk for and insist upon the genuine Miller Ant ii'pti (Jf.l fknouii a in l(i Oil ). . Your , money hack if it liictl! tin what. u. el'iiin tor k.ile - v ; May A- flnrliai'ii, Druggists, f.'oeliy I" .nt. X. ('. fi : SUSPECT IT Applicants for-Insurance Often Ito jected. : .liiilg'ni"? from reports from dm." gi I s who are constantly. in 'd.ifi-i-t. toio.li ilh th puldirj.tlu'rB Hi no jrveparut ii.it tiial has lieen. t'r'rV "Sui-i'iotsTnl iii. over-, conmig thcsi. eondil mini ' 'Mm mi d and. kenllngj iiillueiii't. of Dr,. KHiilci 1; SiViiiiiti Kiioiris Mion realize. I. It, stand. I'L.h'kJi.U .tIilur,..iXH.. rjiiiiajUnli -SUITSmr ' . . . ( Just receive'd i !hipnijt..of Ladies' Spring Suitsv very, attractive. DRESSES BIG DISCOUNT ON ALL DRESSES irfiici'rsa.' pfrysd.-i'aM- fnat. iiiMii line An exam iiuig the pfftitiliiiJht' life - rn iirrt l4.l one if i-iiiiii.ii. riea, in an tijei-vi.'w ,LLlie iiilijeoi iiiaile the jinii, nisliing stnUuiitit ' our, reilKO-4, wily fJfl , miltlv. i pp ica o i S for insurance nr. re i.n-t e.l - i l.r.,.,,.,, . kidney ti-oulj.. H so. coiiiiiiou to theT A,,...l...... - ....'..I.. . , ., . 1! M-llKC, llll.l M' i.-iri'i. ,,,-i- .iority of those .whose nppli.c.bl ions ni o- ilecliiied do ni.'eveu iipei:t that th have: the ilWeus,. - 1 1 - u-:i,;,'... Swamp ltoot is n Pl,. at all. dm s:orc.s in liottles of two si.es, Inodioi'i and !arge. ,; - - Ilowever,. if yin..wif)it ' liist'.'Jo tost this g rear Incparat iOn f end fe'ir i-efil-lo. Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Hi nuhanil ..n, ., lor ii. Kamp.le lid'.tlo.r Wlie-i wri 'ii;; I"- .sure aiid mention Hie Kveuiug iVIegrain, Hokv Mount. STOMACJt ILLS ' " periiianeiitly disapppear alter drinkln" (he rehd.rtJr.HT'Sliivnr Mineral v!t,.r' Positively jgnarantei'd, l.y inoiiev l.nck (Iter. I attrVLfine; cosls a ti iilo. I Tivercd -any where, liy'our. l.'o. ky Mon i'".'ius i. eo. . ,, wan s am fn, I hem. . . . Of Utiiiost Importance Pure, emulsified cod-Iiveroil is not iriicine as ip any are, prone to think, of medicine. SCOTT'S EMU LSI IF B 0 a a i e 71 . LI 1 . i M' m d. r. fril Phono 61 ' I Proctor's dresses are beginning created a sensation of latcv and this-sale of Fine Frocks farhd ' tJbiwns will be no exception. First th'qy are brand-new, in the new est; styles, for present and early Spring wear :and()ll'cred at- an exceptionally low price. . Secondly, they are made .y of Satin, Serge and Tricotine in line quality matemlnji(Lll leJjesL f workmanship. ICach of 'llie numerous styles disnlavtHndivid uality and smart style. Sizes ' range from 1(5 to 40 -and there' are models for every one. Proctor's Department Store JClosing- Hours:.- 5:30 and Saturday Nicht 10 P. M. fjrr7rzrrii-jr 1 I tn II I 9 1 il 1 i.' a I a is a form of growth-nourishment that is of utmost importance to many children. That moil children relish and thrive on Scott's is a "truism" acceptedjthe world over. GiTe Scott's to he children aad watch tfcem grow jtronf;! Scott t flpwne: I)lcxir..'ieci. N- J HEAL SKINDISEASES Apply Zcmarfclccih.Tenetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecess:iry for you lo sufter withcc7.cma. blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar; f,km trotjiles. Zcmo, obtained at any dhig store for 3ic, or $1.00 for extra largij bot Hej.and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the bkin and healrquickly and cffectively.iofet sttdiseayis. Zemo ia a wonderful, .penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not preasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and. save all further distress. . Tlie Ii. W. Hose Co.. Cleveland, O. ' (Jlilll!lll!IIIIIIIII!illlll!Hll!lilIIII!!il!li!!lli!il!lli!illll!ll!l Your Storage Battery i UW r . W v. ) t . -V- .tf .7 Does it give satisfaction? Doe-; it need .frequejit renewals, and does it always work witi')ut. .ii hitch? If your lat-' tery is' not trouble-ftcb ,ou should e(uip your car v. ith a PHII.A i )VA,Vl A GMD stoi'a-e batttM'y which we guarantee and st'and bacl; of in every particular, A competent Automobile Electrician to , advise you Vulvanizing Correctly Done " I Walker Vulcanizing Works 1 After each meal YOU eat one. 'ATONie IT6f YOUR STOMACH'S sakT) ftnd DOt. fllll forrfl valllr. nnd rul fArr.- ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart born, bloated, gassy feeling, STOl'S acidity, food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the stomach sweet and pure. EATONIO ie the beat remedy nnd only ertitu A cent or two a day to use it. You will lw dc liirhted with reaulu. Satisfactien guaranteed or money back. Fleaio call and try it. For salt,Bv Stniid;ir'tr"lF"k tJoinpany il-- Try Mupterole. See ITovy Quickly It Relieves - ; YoujustrubM"usteroieinbrinkly,and tlStiallv the nain ia I .' jwi.fc. a u v 1 1 v i ' i u , j Eoot hint? eom fort comest o tr. keifs "pi nee."" H1U3H son- is a ciean, wnite ointment; ir.adewith oil of mustard. Use it instead of mustard plaster. W ill not blister. Many doctors and nurses use Muster c!e and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from sore throat bronchitis. croup, stiff neck, asthma, neural,da. ..unEcauu:!, pleurisy, raeumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, cold3 of the chest. Always dependable. 30 and 60c jars; hospital sire $2.50. t33 8. Washington St. 1illlll!!il!ll!i!jl!llj!!!!li!ill!li!!li!!i!l!!i OAS AND AIR AT THE CU&E Phone 3G2 E Ilil!.! - 'in! i ' i , i I i I" ii!ii:rfDi!illllii.')').;'.i:il!..!iiilllI 1A-ILY WAGES INCREAtiK 211 TKR CENT IN GEESWNY :. t'lilo'.rii,!', .! n I I. -Tljo ' aveya-v daily VSMUi' ';' wij-kili:;.i hiis 'Ttere;.e!l I'll u.-r r- Mi PAJOR-GENERAL WOOD Qrf, reCffefur Druggists. T F:2!i5 Drug Co. IS Universal Service brought to the colors through the draft, first ana iajt, approximately three mil lion men, and it is safe to say that not over fifty per cent, probably - leas, of the! men were fit for line . aervtce-when the nation was called y to the colors." said Major General Wood in a recent article in jthe Metropolitan Magazine. "When it Is remembered," he aaid,'"' that-the men sent to the eampa for training had passed, the Elective Draft Board; and that they represented those who were considered most fit to undergo : training, and rtrenaratinn fi,. mil: jary service, it does not take much 'imagination to picture the physi-- i ana neatin conditions ot the remaining thirty per cent. Think what this condition means; what its ertcct u upon the race, upon rational emciency, national moral ity and character!" "The mobilization of the selected men ot our nation brought to our attention an intolerable, unneces sary and 'dangerous condition - dangerous to us and to the race." " To get well, or stay well and trorig-, it it absolutely necetsary to : hart healthy blood, rich in plasma, oxygen, iron and tha nat ural ell-ilts that naturt provided to nourish and revitalize the cells. You cannot live without oxygen, and ii- the cells of the body are not supplied with the cell-salts . that feed and nourish them they soon wither,, just as a. plant droops and dies for lack of Avater. BrRtusing's remarkable discov ery, which he recently announced and named R F.OLO C Tea leaJ-th n 1 1 mbwr r t rr-A Y-XnnA cells and supplies the oxygen, iron and r!1-ea!ri tU, kf 1 a. " - niai nit uiuuu iuds, have to keep the body well or mako it welt. This wonderful Pffll O tnrm..U which has been tiaert ivilli nmirU able success by Dr. Reusing in hia private practice, may now be ob tained inrr".gn regutered druggists who are i.irenri .ctrihiitn.. n the Dr. A. L. Reusing Labort-tn. ries, Akron. Ohio . - REOLO is not expensive. Each sealed package contains 100 pleas ant, tasteless tablets, sufficient for two weeks' treatment, and only costs a dollar. It ia sold under the Positive Hi'ir..!.. .U.. It -- - .v-.ai.nv uiki. ii juu aie not absolutely satisfied with the re sults after takings the, two weeka treatment,; your toney will b viuuiDiiT reiunaefL. REOOLO is sold In 1?n.ktr fnnt I,,. Standard Drug Co. l,ipensed Distrilm". tor for the. Dr.. A. L. Keiwin.r I.nhoi-ni tories, Akron, Ohio, t-;i!i--Vf mailt ;.,; . ; t. inid'-of Mil ,. , . , Mi); ii., '-'ill!. .;.er . j-i.' ii i. 'jdu 1; .a.i-i:ini, .j,.-,,';,.-i-n to t he 1 'i.-ijii-t-;.',-! Wiirli'er's. flae'.'t'- n'r. u,;,.,. . :i in, 'the eoi'. ol'. : tw ''eii'i-'l-rieii ! i n-'., . ,,' ,'.; , ( f iltist i v.- Aeeord-iitir t " 'i. a i'i i'-l,- in .a ; .-ii se. ', Vri i nt-'i- -inj oi' the ( '.iloiie t raet'c t lie i here. e-rjiens.-s "of" inii n a :nit; i :i i'a iiji y ; )(' I 'fii;- ep t'.'i:,r '"ivi'ti:i; t .itiiis I'i r.ia. l;'.- a '-'eV-'. .!i'-). 'n.-.e'd''- .or ii 'veait: '. '' - "' a'.- " .' ; !Vii; said. iS I :iuni.u:fd cases of strange sickness .laii:' 1" l'-'-ina i" that "-Oklai; l... M-tj.-"k"" unite. I Too Fat? -A guaranteed wetRlit rerlueilon mctllofli . fsaff;, iileanant. Itrinss' wlenderness, bet i ter health, happimjs-s. (let small box of ' il of: korein tin carisules) at the drui?- : j pii-t's. Kcllrnv. dlrt-ciiofia. You are al hUiPd to. eat sweets, cte. : no starvation I or strenuous exerrlplnir. Your life beeomes trorth -living with-clearer mind, improve I orilimiMtn; . -cJot Ihlti iiTid stuv po.f Cut; tlua advcrtiaciiKml. II Oversize Speaking of Morale! Moratethe ability to hold There can be only one out cheerfully counts as rtU n,I-,- tt, u:u motoring as in , materials -tliat Porta frc buvs. Iicavuy in varfare. Morale is one of the "in visible" ingredients of Portage Daisy Tread Tires. ' But the service it helps them give is decidedly visiblc--Icmgcr mile age, relief from, bothersome, annoying upkeep bills, and sense of real trustworthiness tl grows with every trip. the on arc worked up with skilled, painstaking care which Portage insists shall be taken. That result is "PortngcTires, All Oversize." WV have some here foe you Portngo Oversize Daisy Tread Tires and Portage Pur? Gum Grey Tubes. - mm mil tw m ; W Iii . I .:. l I I .la m . ' WW r l I K ' l'. 'y.Wkri- '.: - m;W53S9CKN TT .... . .... I ID -r

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