?HE SVENING TELEGRAM The Evening Telegram , PnblUhid Ivsry Af tsrnson Ixsspt Bud? by ths Boky Hsnat Pnb- uauac u., IU4-100 orta juu at. TljrsjB) Bldg., Boeky Msaat, N., 0, Msmbsrs f ths North Crolla . aissilstion of Af ternos Papsrt Msmbor of Associated Press -Ths Associated Press is exclusively titled to the tue for republication f 11 newt credited to it or not otherwise- credited in this psper and alio the local newi printed herein. Ail righti of republication of ipeeial dispatcher herein are also referred. foreign Representatives frest, Landis and Kohn, 229 Fifth Ats., New York Advertising Bldg., Chieago Chandler Bldg., Atlanta. . " Phones: Business Manager .....i-..(..Tl-B Circulation Manager 71-F editorial Booms 800 By Carrier By Mail I Tear...... 10.80 1 Tear 10.00 0 Months. . . 8.25 0 Months . . .. 8.60 1 Wesk.....l2Uc 8 Months.., 1.75 Entered at 2d class matter, Oet. 27, 1811, at Postoffies at Boeky Mount, N. C, under Act sf Marsh 8. 187B. Monday, January 19 1920. . MAKING AMERICANS. Dot toil over tin- I'niteil Statni ar . hundreds of AmerTraiiizalioii plans and jirogruni'jl. lViiJiii,lli -..In." moM ' u- t'ewiful is the one that was starti'd in Cleveland a few months .ago;" it progress is the most marked. .': . .. "The movement, lias tli..s Jar been li nanceil by !e;Ul,(HMI left ovi-r 1 nun last "spring's Salvation Armv ili ive. . As. a 'matter of lacy, there: arc only - -Mi !. . saluricd jobs, those ot the director, Krnest I'. Wit's; a secretary and a jHtenoru-phur. The or jja ill kji ri oh 'i.--' known as tin? i levehiiul Americaniza tion ( ouiuil With ".! representatives m civic associations, business orgamu Mods 'welfare ag"iu-u'si and iiJii'jyn languages isoi'ii'ii's on 1s executive board. ; Iriroi'tor 'Wiles' . solo I'tl'ort at. this tinio to organize I'.njrhhli ajnl cili harness winch only the feeblest efforts have been made .. Scientists' theorv of what tho m it.erior of the earth :,s like is paradoxi cal. There is heat, it is supposed-, that would -instantly render gaseous the hardest, most itnpcr urns nmlter known, oud jiressure J h,ajiuake.s-tuir a rigidity greater than that of the most rigid' Hiatal. Thi .subterranean ('oliiinliusr wi.l take a big chance. nvn he Jinks his 'Z.t or .l.vriule Bliaft will be cause the worm to ntiir-trvoTT-nrniging about a condition that wil' make the Qini't inns and quakes .Jn Mexico sci in like a Sunday school panic Instead of ,i servant:, will he release a Titan that overwlielin allrlife? " , ' . Monday, January 19, 1920. GET ANOTHER FIST FULL, UNCLE! . Barnes speaks of our "extraordinary mil 'ff erejuui to-ux-penil 1 1 u re. -J Won Id he have us how I overv -t ime wr sprn.1 a dollar for a two-bit article?. Mexican ; cinniunists , claim." tlicr'1 were . '10,(100 ; Americans in Mexico who dodg.-d the draft.' There mav liavi been iifiMip, but not A nieriea ns. A national election 1s for the .-pur pose -of de.-i.Pmg wluj-her wi. di-il have an old Tif fiewsol'Tn'f " 'cli'aTrpol -hers in Washington. And it , niay." be that , when . rovcrii- nn-.n.t 'control of wheat ends, gravitv :ijl . no longer have anv ' control of t l.e price'. V " ' In short, 'the: charge .-against tli. Reds in America is. tlin,- tlii'V h'.v ess main one ij,art ot one of Americanism. . per ; some Knglisli. it. readily and sotiiii illiteiMfi' zeiishi, elask.es Ha schonls, m'1uiicIu anil tuctories. ,. He lirst secures -.1 he . interest of the: factory execlitives,.whii .- divide the" fiin;ign spea1iiig employe into t hree classes: :.. Non-l'jnglish sjieaking' iiii-n and' wo men. Those miilerst.fnding but not. enough to list clearlv. These include 'American bom. Those, who have first citizenship p;i jiers and speak tair Knglisli. IHrOctor Wiles and the torcmon then jut the inarter up to tin- factory -.peo- jile. They offer to enroll tliem into classes which ineet ontside of. working hours 111. nearbv schools. hiill :.oi . eliurclies. The. (Tevi'.'miKl Jioa.t'l !' education provides the tcacheS. Wiles iiiakiu:the followi;ig argil! .went to the nien and . wojnch through interpreters: : .- ' "You want to get along in this in tlustrv and get 11 Ix'ttor job -vou can i ild it without speaking ii'ilil- writing. Kng ish well. "Yon want, to g. , along in the-com miinitv and be . .successful-' like otlier Americans. , ... -- . I "-Your children are learning Kngl 1 Pretty .soon Votl. won 't. lie .alile to ml ilerstnjid' theiu. or thev vou." .Tire last is the .most ,.ft , - 1 1 e ol in Reven hundred men and -women :u: now enrol led" in ' ai'-rma!" -class. 4,"U0 in all c asses. -.-.V :t:il ot classes: are hard at jviirk and the I . Tde in 40 niore'v rituiis v are "Lii't t ' rendv. . estigation of the Kord-Newberr.v eleetlion will lji- jm ..effort to. lea i n neiiier it was nn election or i cjinse.!- J . mid SOVIET TROOPS TO FACE JAPS SOON. London! Jan. .17.-4-T?us-siaii '..,,..:.- troo'ps which havi-reached Halai.Sta .'ion,, almost 400 mil, cast of Taig.i will lie aided bv Tliiifese- Holshevilii, iiccor.ting ..to a Moscow ditpal-ch, itit ing a message from Cheliabinsk. . It i-s said that the Chinese. wUI opeiiile in the coastal region. : .The Rolsheviki expect soon to i-n. counter ,7apaii("Je : forces: sent to -'east ern Siberiia and the :Miscow disnni-ck tate( tlie soviet forces will' not 'nn Icriake anv -nggrcsive action: cai.-u- '.'iter to iiiflvide 41 eollisinii I' 1 1. vs..: however.' chat.; tln liienace- of nie. Jalumese and of Mm entente -'vi.'s. Is. -in the West will coonii'l tin. s, yi'et aut.liorit-iii's to devote a: great part of it forces to .military purposes. O.li-s s-a.. has been Jicenpied by I ' kraiuia ..sol diers,. assisted by Gali.cian un'jvs, it i repof tod.' Tlieso roups do not -'.iipi'ar to be lighting nt comrades of tjie. Hid rhi-viki.ilthiiugh they are opposing the ttocips fiiiinerly ciiiiimande.r bv GioV er:M- Ii'iiikine in Sioit hern,,,!? ii.ssiu. Holshevlk ofticials. report i-lie Oren burg and t'ra,'1' region.s havV- been clear ed of opponents and. that the Turl;';s tan front could be considered as be 'llg s.'i felvOiotd ;by: .soviet forces. . '! -. . - W : -. . :: . With . a French , li ii venter 's .camora lens f)f long distance: work it, is- pies, sibli- to -get a picture' -of -Tj- jiiini IHV.I yards away 'large enough to til a plate. 1 " ' SuUnlo Will Man Vur Hair lai, la 9 1 I Six Per Cent Investment Invest your money in First Mortgage Real Estate IJrrrrds. Denominations to' suit purchaser. SIX per cent interest isSO per cent better than FOUR per centTTou get your six per cent if only irivestecba short length-of ffme; . . If it's in the 1NSURAWE line let us .serveyou. ' All forms of insurance writ ten. We appreciate your business. Rocky Mount Insurance and Realty Company '.,- " H. I'.. DAVIS, ,11!., fien'l. Manafrer OfTices Seconxl Floor National Bank of , , Rocky Mount Building - -Phone 160 -.(! A Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of us tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE HR0M0..UU1N1NL (Tablets) can be tukcu-by unyeJne wuliuul causing nervousness or ringing in the bead. There is only one "Uromu Quinine." E.W. GKOVK'S signature on the bux. 'Mv. Stire-Relief 1 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief rv.c INDIGESTION THE BATTLE WON Confidence in your physician or the tonic that he may prescribe, is half the battle won. The consistent use of SGOTTS EMULSION ilways begets confide nee i n hose who take it. Scott's is 3 tM-!.mitr.'nnt . -mended by physicians Let SCOTT'S help VOK1 Win Ufn 1 aa " j wua uamo aHjn4t weakness. toil a Muwx. VkHulicld, is. J, ipl KINKYHAIR 'Every womir? ran f 1 j ii-vw iik', lonjr nir. . 7 inches lunst by ua!nK . -our ffimunui EXELENTO ?ouM f"ledby fulc Klnt Rmn,m Y.hi .hi. 1 .mikI.I,.,, vour li.ir until If, ,,rt .U f Ol.r IKnn.lt. rrmovHIdali.lnjff, f,. ,. lifky" ' mJ"C H loo Mlii ...... I fr ilrk. aallott .klu. llawl lu li. ulu.el.l uf aklu lroul.1. PRICE OF EACH 2Sc IN STAMPS OR COIN i ae"T WNTD EVmrWMIItK Wrlta far parllculara EXELENTO MEDICINE CO, Atlant. Ba. -aaaBiBaaaaVVrilUliHTSl(aaBaaaaaaa-- 1 Farm For Sale Between sixty and seventy acres, thirty acres under cultivation, balance in wood, some timber, on the place. Farm has one tenant dwelling, pack barn, and tobacco barn. Situated about four miles from Rocky Mount in Nash County. Posses sion given immcd iately. Cash or terms. For Particr.lr.rs see Standard Insurance and Realty Corporation The Dependable Store JANUARY SALE MEXICAN PRESIDENCY. . It j. good nnwM. t lint .Mxinn Am bnsnili.r Honillas I mving -tWaslllita ton to: 'liofome a' i'i.iiii..t:iti in In." own fiVnntiv. A .rMi.iiit ' of M.'Xi.-o .l unilcrxtamls tin" l'liit.'.l K-:tte '" Jo nuiko tin'' ro! if i'ilis tii'-twi'i'ii !. the two" rountrii's v.liiit tlioy oul. t I.t in 'i Anicrii-iv's : Hcsir.i' :o silt; cest to nnvAmition wlio itn rulyr shoiii.J lir. AiiH'ric.i favors lml.i.'lv m :it rnna 's sni'ci'ssnr. Hilt tlirro nri1 -oi ..tain Anu'rii'iin virwioifit'M a limit Mi'S lco's bi'Tiotlt if tlipv wirp well undiT stooil in tl; pri'soli'iit ial palai e v Mxii o d:tv. '--. The tirst is that America iloVsn'i want to annex nnv iui r t of Mexno. TIip second in that Americn wanlM to see Mexico strotijz, prospi rous alnd liao py. The third is that American cap itnl i stands readv to heliMexn o to lier feet a mood as the Mexicans show financial responsibility. The four lis that America has been and 'will con -Jinue to lit-jiatient toward the iiiativ difficult. s of dempcrntic irovernmiT. south Of the Rio (Irande. The fif'h is that nnti-Mcxiean nsri t n t ions in f'i United States are not supmrted bv public opinion. Ambassador Poinllas has lived Inns .pnough m America to know these fun damcH-al facts. lip cannot fa 'I t- havp realized that no good enn coiiic to Mexico through anti-American pr patraridn, nnv more than anti-Mexican propaganda can bi'nefit America. The TTnited States doesn't want a pro-rtm prican president in Mexico, because' flu ruler of .a countrv should have n.i procliVfes toward, foreign natons, But, the United States would like ' to see a jiresident in Mexico who is not anti-American. Mexico anil ttnr l int cd States could then, develop a neis!i. Tiorhood friendsh .p of great normal art vantage. - Discounts offered bring, sale-" price in most instances to less than actual cost to us in, replacement of same items on to day's market.- A 10 DISCOUNT on our entire stock' of Curtains', Curtain . rsets and Draperies THE EARTH'S INTERIOR. f "Nature '8itbreaks in Mexico, again draws attention to the responsibility of tapping the ine-jthaustiblrr energy of tn earth; inoxhausltible, so far as humanity is- concerned. -Under the earth's outer shell, n -4hlch w Live, Ithere is sufficient pow er to take care of the needs of man kind as lonf humanity shall con tinue here; yet, ?o far it- has not ..! One SpeciafRack of CHILDREN'S QOATS All this season's mpdels of good weight and excellent materials at 1-3 off the Regular Price Women's and Children's Raincoats at a discount of 20 per cent off the for- mer prices Women's Fine Neckwear ., Our entire stock at 1-3 off the original pnees . . : Toys,Dolls Japanese Vases and Nov-" -j " ' !'. i : - 4i , cities and all other Holiday Goods . 25 per cent off 1 REMNANTS flff REMNANTS 'FINAL WEEK Of-Pre-Inventory Clearance SaTl e 8 fV-K I mr Each day of sale our two biV. bnv fnv cn.wded with eageihr;T,pers, but none who came werg " disappointed, but instead Were overwhelmingly surpris ed at the big xalues they found ,'tberef ore we offer un usual values for this week. - PRICES BELOW REPRESENT VERY SPECIAL VALUES? 250 Coat Suits, and Dresses in all the wanted "materials, styles and colors. There are big values. ENTIRE LOT TO BE OFFERED At 1-3 QFF. A complete showing of Marhof Middy Suits, all sizes' ENTIRE LOT TO BE OFFERED AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT 800 laides' Waists, consisting of Georgettes, Crepe de Chines Taf ias, Satins, Voiles and Organ ises, developed in many beauti ful styles'. : ":.'.. . ENTIRE LOT TO BE OFFER ED AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Jersey PoUicoatSHin many wanted. colors ilso Taffetas, - - and Satins, marked at prices far beloW normal. . : . - Ready-to-Wear Sale 2nd Floor - DANEEH