. AGH TWO ' THE EVENIN G TELEGRAM " ''"r:'gaturdaK March 6, 1020. ii4( Take - I For Colds and Grip . MOVE ?TO PEEVENT MEN1 "OILING' in U Pa so; Tpx.; . Man-li "'5 K'r;i F'inrilBiay I;- tlin.wn around oil wcl's mi the IV.-M field. Visilor.s haw found tl,r. .;l f ,,. ,.,,,.- limes li.-i n k i-k lilic Leer " 1 Ey 44 MICE Y Look WMo9svM'eie! Just Arrived The Standard Eight Touring mid Sedan Seven Passenger DINGLES The latest thing in" motor car construc tion is offered to Rooky Mount in the - Standard Eight Dark Rluebody with fen ' dors Jn-hIackaiKTThi stream -'lino - hndv -o gives it the appearanse of thepnwer-nawi ,uieuuraoimy wmcn icnaa. Equipped with a motor made for the Standard Eight on ly it performs like a Lion on (he hard -pull and has the pick up or the quick get-away. ...The double-ignition .system is largely ro sponsiblc for the praise with which the Standard .Eight has met and is a large factor in the smoothness of action, nnilv V of operation, and the wonderful perform ance that is keenly noticeable to . every owner of this car. . , From I'itlslinr;h, I't!., In New "l oil overt he I i .-.'li 1 1 n -v inouutuins, no slops ;irul not a mii:.. le-eha " ..' . ..-irs H high. .Tli is is the record ol llm wonder car that is here, -in Hocky Mount vntlnn your reach. Smart in appenraiier' although riot llnshy, it is tlic ideal car lor I In-- !rn wlm en' joys to drive heisell. The ease hi eperal i-xi Jms won niaiv admirers in experienced driver:-;, allowing I li'viVi 1 he.' I'.-i'liiV" of security mid satisfaction ot Knowing it will jn.'..ii'i when railed upon. Tlrp-TipliolsteriitL' of the-front and rea-r-eomieirlni,.,,!... , . i mil I ..mi ii . 1. 1 . f . . ..I ; . I . . 1-1' 1 i i . iut g.om j.- iiki. IV. !U Kl-MMllir imilll Oil. II lea 11 1 ei". ( . e' ell IT hair and is "nil that you eoiil.! .wish ,.r cnntl'oi't 'yfrjr . compart tllWlt- lloni-m-MS enrred WillV p.li:.sh lin. .1 TaTp'e! Biid ill the Sedan yon w ill hiiii a eon.plele Vani'l v -Se ' for the ladies and n smokim.' t fin- ho men. J n l'ai-1 it is 'tnifv a palace on w heels, it has all t hat yon - could; think ;iT ex cept hot and cold t niiniii Valer. bingles: : :: ; U -c-,; ;.,.-i 1 l.t;.l;T l,a.l v.' ..I .)-,,,' .,:;,.,!! ' '! y imi i ;,.! ' . ; ';M.;;- uV. j;,, j ,; i J, j . -y,, m""'hm"". Jims ?- - - .' ' . . .N.OT'.OS. OF SUMMONS AND V " i'- i.ia.v l,. i-ri '; I;,';,.; ';' 1 1, i ,,' I'.ilfT OF ATTACjiMKNiT : ''I', l.i'i;'.,,:v1 ,m Skvmmas-':-:- 1 I r . , , ( I , . j 1 ,., 1 !,!,. ! ,r ,.., .i ;. .... "' i. ,;,..;.,;,. .'. . 'I .;..-:,.- ;.. itt . ' . ...,!;;,- T. J; . !. (w-.!.,-.. ZXJtTiWl- '.'V ;v - i-.vi, , . ,' ' "' ' '' ''"I" "" 1 It 'i. ;. :(!; tit 0 ,. ii: i i; ' . 'k ; i -.!:-... . i -' , i:-t ;.l.'i,;l , u ii.,.,..... , i-.- ', ! ' ill'' -.I..;. II. : : ;. UJ , ,;;,j -, . ,, , ., ,;,, :, " "''.'": : '" .,: K,-. .I'-i. ! , : .,-Vioi.;e-..i- f,,,', ,., ..,.. .v.-.;, .:;-i;.:1Q,v,,i.l),,:,, ,:,'.!.;,. i.';.:, I.e ovi r ;,! .-7r-7Tn,;,; -,,,, ;;. ' v. i ;,V ... :!,i'. v .i-i.i,.-., !;. -.-.k-.-:n '-':.;v. ii. 'ii-'.;; f; , n- . ":-:i i,;r- .., : ,,- . : --T.i 1 ;i v - .;.,:., i, .;,,.;.,; : ::, ;::iJ u. -. -.j-,,.,,:,,:, u-' -71..-:. ..-.,..;..;.- .;-, r,:.:-:;;- Y -. - ,,;-:-r-r::-. i ,:; - .-j'.ri.MMir .I'.ji i-ii;.!:iv-; ' ,rLrv--:t.:,.,--.. .; : vi-v"-'. v -; "i iiii ; .' ii- ."I I j.;i .,-,.. 1,11,1s-.,,. . :.: ' I .-- 1 r...i!. , r.i.n., ;,. . 7 .--. : ' . " 1 ; 1 ;. .'. 1 - J ' i'-'A V-'.- ..'i,--.':! i : v .' :': ,-'-": : : ;; ;;. - ; ;-'!' - ViM. mi-! Ml i-., '-T; , -- ' .i I ,-, Y .' -l:'.V, iHMVau, li). ).;,'.;: ;,V.; ... . , i ,, ' , V - J ...'.If '-' ' ' ' I .:f?3r. - l.ri--rl.Uii.;i;;:,t!i,, .(!,,,, i.,;,f,;,. ,;,UI;.). i.-'-v. ' !-!- f i . : ni0 V..JI iioi- .i.,. ;., , V,--.-i ;;,h . ,, .-' , i,.';. , . : ... ; .:'ici:.L' iaU.I.--.ii i.-i.l 1 v: 1 -:m-,. ',',1',; ,. "'. ' 1 ' -. '' : '1. ..." ..1' n,. -.v".-, i-v v,:,,!',.,-' v. iK-l-'. """ r-' -V. .1" : - '..,.:'-;..:- -'I ei.i-- li.M-h-t !.; 1 .. . .- :'.! :.i-;''' ; ' I 1' : 1 -i .Mi .(...-.thf;..-' 10 1'.,:!' ij, ,. ,.'.. ;v'.: ' .- ,M--; .' ; . j -nl' .Vliii.ejs' .1 ? :. T-.-:n'-;: ;;; i-.. ;, , :.; ;. . .' .'. '.!! A -: -.: J;. . . i.ll l !;... V-'v-v. .:.l:;' l:;;v i',.. .' CI . V . . "; , '( . V : I . I .'ixv ' 1; ;i v ni i -1 !.' 1 . r. .. . ' ;V;- V i l-.;--'T ',!'.' ; 1 . " - : !- 're llll- I.i . If m I,,:- .-,'K'';. u:', '.: -.'.,' '". .p '''! ' ' '; : ' -.'.,...'. !' C ." I). B L. "I I! 1 1 1 'I u jl Hi -It t wr Tailor 3 a il v.- i n n H MR. I. N. NUSijUJVI, For Tray more Tailoring Co, Phila, Pa. 1 with hi triml-J(d' samiles to take your measure for that Easter tnit, or hter unlivery. Display for ! days only. Come to sect M. JS'ushaum. n1 1 CI J DEF ARTM C?1T STORE THE CROSSETS "':'' ,oiii'.. icu' -slyl.W.' loNr-cii JiVr. s iVTr tiieH. : Si'ree l.ore.v ::'' ':. - 1 11 iy ailkiiiWiiiOTi:!::-:!:!:!!: 1 - GIVE THEM NEW LIFE -:- 1 .vi ; ." Ask for a deii'oiwtrat i(n --uhe( hei- yon are ani ir-ipaiinjc hnyiiiir a new cai or not u e waul 1 lie ni-ia ile.r,. ,,r j, ..;,, ?, you. just what the Standard Kihl w ill do iinder an; einid UOILS.' Tim Rii?iiL- Aiif-jr iP - ! ; ' .-'.'.-.. ' ' -' " :. '.'.. '' ' .i.TARBOKO STREET Opposite P. 0. Rolcky Mount, N. C. .YOU r?ON"-" H'.VF. TO .'SlCrC w . - 1 y.iec!iain y()Ui: l,atterios" at this, char-; , Ling -1 N, , .,;. vt .nti'v to pat a new M brwtri:-t1ifo into. theiu vso 4h;at they wil 1 -r S ! rY ; M the "juicj" voi: eer had - s ('V'!'. nic!-(. . . v0 sbarii-"; nn cunvni SSulv-but'tcui ;-rVi II; tl-ic V;-vil I H . r:.is:no-id G-id Battery e Station ,st anti. s i ; ' t ? ! i s Cetihcv,'a:tcoj.cfyorroyNr aa ii " - v . ! Walker Vulcamzln? Works I 2JJ S. W'-'ur-toi . GAS AND AT AT TIT", cvw J pi, t- S l:::"!!!!i:ii::iiii!:::!!iiii.ir!:! :; ifr'iiLn::: i;;;:hi:jnn:r w; : Jh.'iirjiJwnirrHTiMiinnnnHiiinnsiiiiiHll M K. Mm . T .rn (i "Is- if " H O An Important Pari of Your Aitin We want to show you the charming spring modeI-;Vi have assembled for you. Rich Ihown in aMui shades, dull and bright Kids, IVown Si.cdi. Hlac Suedes, and many other prelly creation.- hi ; ... and oxfords. We are prepared to lit yevur !'e:'t -ive AA-to E - f r . -.- r . . ' Moderately Priced From. $7.50 to $UM Complete Lines of infants mid QiMre Men's . Oxfords Leonard, Shaw and Dean Shoes for men in Cordoxan Calf,Kid and Gun Mal. PRICED $7.50 $8.50, $10 to $15.00 e A "SellsForLess" :.. ;.:.V.. ::rV;v:i;; i j ' i.-'tt ; -; , t"Vvi ' . . j I '. .;; 7 si 1 jzzzztz.- " " K " 3 1 ; m.mi I n m Ml A Bi:- kvsslmsnt Opportunity- i :di-n. cit;-.o . ju Mi.iineiit in bi-ines- affairs in Rocky :' ' '.Tit '; vv. ' I.,-. -. ,.i r.,. ii,.. : : - ; v - . v 1 v ' '...J ' t . i ,,-1. v a j. yi l :. II i v . a . J .- ;.R i. . ' Ki frf -Sl .anr& I'j w wmm. i-'.id ilia '.hit a in hi Aeii'Ki-ait one. of: the finest bottling tie le n ; a mi fat-tn i in; and d j.-t r i- --CQLAMJT SYRUP . We liae ab'-ai Mfhii) narc :; oftiie Mock of this company, Par V ahie of Same which we arcy.riV; in.- to the investor or investors that act prompt- core SeIIsForCash,, For further information address- r. W. A, Phone 777 Farmers Warehouse - inner. Rocky Mount, N. C. .V 11 2S SSSi