i i 'f'1 ' Y K ft ' r I 4. tr i . S, SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION A RRINGTON ' Q mon.otues;july 5-6 am. PALACE Prices: Afternoon, 15-30c. Evening, 20-40c. COME IN THE AFTERNOONS IF YOU CAN THE TYPHOON BREEZES WILL KEEP YOU COOU i f"- ,"s H TCP c 73- 1'. ? EXTRA- Sennett 'S-afk' 5-3.? LUMBER I iini a!'!'' In nTn-c:-if-r "frr l.uiu'ier in, lmtli ;n;re a II' I '!iim!I ijiiai'l M ics: - ( Vi III a liv nilii'1 ileliverv, M y. jii'ii'es'; are- riirlil,- . : ' : I Ipeii 1 1 1 in 7 a. in. !n .. in. ,' . y ; ' .': I'll. .lie C7:i .f J. B. GOODE LUMBER Villa Street tuul Nashville Railroad Rocky Mount, N. C. - FLOUR Beginninu; July l.t, for ton dayr, only, we arc .tyoin to olVer fiity barrels of SWANS DOWN FLOUR i in twenty-four pound bags at t $1.00 per bag, cash This is under mills cost. This is the iAbest Ariade of FJour market. A trial of one sack will convince you. Charged at regular price. .We also have Swans Jenkins & Jeffreys v n Rocky Mount, N. C. cfortn? Z. LasAy 7 bre$x?nts PRODUCTION i i Y CHANGE YOUK W!FE?: jtt&ammounlgrtcmft (picture I If mill no more inn inns! men,; liui liis wiT iit'lcil ;a hU jrnvi'i'iicss i'dllier tli;ui 4i is sweet licyirt. -So ;i liiishiii;,' lil t le moil. at tilt) " .Miti-on Chii'" .-.mi !rli- 1 in to liis lilV ;niil -tin' wile won in ilie eiitl. ( 'nine iiinj see, linw: . , ' . . , THK MAN S SIDE OF MODERN MARRIAGE -.1 ,A . Iff illiiiilt,. Ii inir aiiswrr to Ceeille IV.. )eile"s "Dnn't : ("Jiiiii Vi'iir I J usliji 1 1. 1. ' ' . PivseiitnJ with all. I lie intiiiifile ivfil li'lV - net'ionV ;:ll (lie hraiity juTS'.n, .jruwiiini; ;m,. M-ttiiii; that ipiiI.v I ,M iUc ".II -n! mi tl,e .-,1'i - i n. riavr.l I'v a n Malilc ea -t I;, i.i. .! I.v : . -- - ' :- ' "' THOMAS MEIGKAN GLORIA SWANSON EEBE DANIELS THEODORE KOSLOFP 'iijfinijiii .,i m.niaai Comedy "THE GINGHAM GIRL" ever handled on this Down Cake Flour. faults ' -i: . '-: -; I Y A 'I ' : Tin: jimn'nil. of :'r. :;h: ,.. i the I IllCe.l, M:ITS v,;y cl:.V in W 1y,.ir i- i'llil.l i. iihoii! .. i,liinl,iltil;tlii ,,H iii"i r.1 our iniJi-: . . . . " NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION j Xoiire is Ii. i;i ,v oiveii .tlnit t ho tin. I ili i iii(',) ,.. sum M;i v L'l i!!:iliiio.l ,-is a.lininNr.-,ovi of lire rsCitc of Mrs, j -M.-iry.-irrt M n rslifioian lute of Xii.sli j eoiuiiy.- .VII. .iMTSoiis li living !.i i ii.iuis,. siiii, cKiaii' are tiryed to iros eiil tlioiii on or Ii for,. May til;; or lliis notice will lie plea, l' in liar 'of t heir I'l'covc'rv. All : )rr.soii i inic Ijt o.t to s;i i.l , 'state are urged to make i in lueiliate: s'.'tt li'incnt. ii. o. cfvr.Trr 1 M K-ll I Ol JiN J, H n week (i AVUi'kx Bopfirt of t.lio Condition of the IARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK at Uorl.v Miiiint, in llit. State of North ''aiofina,. at the . Ion,. ,.f l,iiu,'.s, May -Ji!.. :;. .'. V . ,. Re-!ourcc3 ' loans: ai.o I ili.i'oiinls . $fil7,fl2,".(Vl O.viT'lr.-ifl-', iiiist'i:iiri'i . , L',(iJ7.('il 1 i: !. I Siat, .s , on. Is aiel 1,il.i-i'lv l.oii.U .-,';., . , . . , : .Hd.iKio.aa H.I ilk in;, houses ............ , I'.'i.s" 1 .Oil I'ni-iiil iiie .;ln, lixi i.ri's , . . . . ' '.ri,i:ii.(t si in' vault 'Jt'iiet aiiiDiiiits. fine f I'i'iii l.anlis, lianlteiH : an. I tni't .eotiii'aiiirs ..... 'ash items li.-l.l ?iver 'Jl ' Ii in r 7, t hci'lcs for I'leiirin . .. .. . . . 'AO, 1 1 II. HI ltl .$SIII.!7.16 . I.-ial)tlitloK npital stork 'ai.l in ... . . .JI'iii.'iiiO.o.i iii-phis f iiiul . . , . . . .... . ... L'D.III.MJ.OO rinlivi.leil rulils, ; U' enr- - .i'i ht exfi'iiscs anil taxes .'l'iii'1 .:.'.'... ' (i.siii .r, livi.i ails 'unpaid li.aa Noli"! and lulls rediscoiintnd H Ml' ! r.'i ISills i'ui yal.le . . . . . . ... . ;!n,r()(l.(K 'I e.i'sit s -iil'.je ! to chec'k . '2Sfi,0(ili.":t' I line eert ihi-nte.s of dcWMit "7."71-77 Sa viat-'s dejuisitK 227,S!tJ.:tO ''asliier'-s elierks-,; imtsl and- iiijr mm -i i ert ilieil i hei'ks - 215. U total .......... .,: '.$KO'l.!)87.10 State of Nnith (arolinn; (;ountv of Niih. Mav 1 Ith, ly'O. I, W. . Avi'ra. i-aslner of tlie above naiiii'd liank, do snletniilv swear that the aliove statement is true to the best ot in v knowledge and belief. W. V. AVKKA, Cashier. JMilmcrilted and sworn to ljuforc me, this 17th day of Mav, 1!20. II. L. KKOIOXD. (Seal) Notary rnblic. Mv commission' expires Jan. 21, 1922. Oorreet Tttest: . W. A. m'TLtXK, II. C. JOYNKR, T. A. A I.RA, . . Directors, . ' i. j ? 'THE COUNTRY COUSIN" OFFI- .CIALLY ENDORSED BY TWO PRESIDENTS "Tli iv (.'mint iv ('oiiiin, iirturi', in . wliivli Kh'iiiu w stnrri'il, Hnk jir:ii:e.l nijhj' M rs. Wilson tiii'l tin lititisi'vrll, wlu'i) it ; wan K In W. ;i ml I ;i 1 1 y i- lis n : a :;S.'lziu. li I liUIMUt'l stl'ill I'V J'l Tsi.ll'lll hit.' 'rhriHlcir iVi'M'llll'l( I'V ilfW t'ljtv in New York, After l're ddelit an. I M Wilson ha.l witnesseil tli,' pi" foi nm m-o. t lie nat ion 's e it iff exe.-uthf An.te a letter' in whii'li lie ex I'l'sscl himself and : M i's.' Vil-iin as liavin.r hern ivj.i nihrh pleasnre, .arl ii-nlarly' lie.'aiie of I he " si nre'rity, ili.u'itii " a nd. 'sinij.lir it y ' ' of the liiei'i',. and . I.et'ause there had l.een ili.ije " -onii'thi nt; thoroughly wort h ioi u ' ' The niyht- that Hie lay ..o'cn.'.l in New York former i're.si'frul K'(ios.''el.l -i'riiii'.l. ii staye hov. lie. va ree"g: ui.'i.d l.etueeii . the arts, and in re onse lo a'oause, Tn-r jn Ins plarv I. made a shoi'f sprerh in ja'aise of t he ( lay. ' : ' . " 'live 'nil ii t ry Cousin"' ! . II s - th" tory 'iiKa'Tcirl; who eoinrs from Ohio Ii) Ni'iv YnOi k . a ii.L. t'hen r;ie.s In New" II, e'iMNenrllir siune i nl e resl i u '.! i.lvent ires a',tlie rentral (ieure in a roup w liTrTi iiirHi'les a litiiiii'er or so i-iet v "'"ii!e, . Thevlay is from the jh'ii of Jiooth 'l'aikin;:l.iiiljlii, ,Iiili:iii St r.'et , aiid was a prouoiuirerl snr, ess as a sintre idav. The M.i'eeiiv.'r ion. run tainiiij. all the rharms of.l jilav. will he seen at the I'al liursila v. WALLACE ItEID "SICK BUT THERE'S NO CAUSE TO WORRY Haiul:iom) Star a lively Invalid fecixen Version of Popular Stago Farto Ii ! la iidsonie .I. a Uiwel i 'a Hare K.'id Iviii:; in I ouud his lfe'ad ii (id a nd two duel or hi a t is th,' si.rhl that woiii.l prett v ' nurse ; tenda lire. This Iia e met v.uir eye. had you V.isMed i hr l.asky ; sin.lios recent t . And .veil niitrlil- tiaV.e wou.ler.'il if Wallare lia.l paid the; p'ire al in d for ihe re.'-klesV daring; 't hat. he displays in those auto vi'oKile nt.-iiio- p:r I uri's '?f his, .. Hut .'.von wi.ujil ipfii'kiv lijive learned a ditVerent :?dory. .Mr.'Ueid Ava- just .'iiakinjr s.-en y .for hii new pi, hire. "Si. I- Mm;.)," n hi. li will.).,' al Ihel'nl live Theater H' xf I'ridav, ; "ol I lint t he e'.-ture i.s imi'' of -.1 liy s-ir dei'resstiH' Ininlii '. with lorlf ' the east, living, oil' l.efoiithV' third r",d. (Ill the ' eon liar v-,. 'Sie'l; - Al.e.l'" is one of ) he . In el's) 1,'eiil idrf ures ey,,r ' l e.'tlrd. Waltie isii ,'t ill :i lll'...elit, not. even for lilm jiiirpivu:. . Me 's just ha.'Uimiii'. . ar''.rdi lo t Jh- st ory. in "l-dcr not t'l i ii' i'.iiiina' .' a f i ieml "f his in a divorre sui. A lid. '.. the pretty iuir-c l.v Ji.it lutt ,!. i none .oilier than li. l... . flanieN, ' '.'( he ':. illshy lit v' -ril ." Mill,' ami 1'ejii'ile" . and . " W'h Mia n ce.; Your Wife?" "S rk . A!""l w ill, niake real i iiva lids . turret t heii pains and cause vi I! folks to roar with in i r! h. V ' INDIANS ASK AID FROMNEW PARTY Speaker Declares Twelve Million have Slaved for 5 Centb a Day Mexico City. June II. Twelve mi! lion Indians, who have slaved j'nr live rents a day. for five yrnvs a!;-'! iiitte to sii,piirt ;;,(Mili,liun i.llers, cry out f.ir help to the newly formed N'a'ional Ac rarian jiart.y, .' accrdhi'' .In 'risf.fore niei'tinr; here . vest erda v, according; to Kl HeraUo lie'Mexico.' "Since chihlhooil I have lived the liiu of the peasants. said I liniicz. . " 1 knoAV. .how iuueh the toilers of the field' have suffered, how much they need and how much they merit. The) have spent five veals-:rf a time e-'ii'n lag. the miserable daily wage of. fen ecutavos (five rents r lilling the earth with the sweat of their l.r'uv for nthet ienite's profit. In the lieginiiinn of mi r. history as a : 'people the. Indians were reduced to worse, than nothing lv the Spanish agent s.' w ho, to enslave them, inculcated in them fanaticism for the Virgin of (iuaduliipc, so ,-is to die able. to do a nyt hing t hey jdeiisad with them later, ley Invoking t'lis tianie; mid. the Indian was .reduced tn slav ery. '.&..'. " For this reason the Indian hales tliu while man.. J he Indians, who call the animal (hat roams the fiel Is ''ciiaii heoyose, ' ' .simply- call the wlfii e man ''eovote." that is Hurt. 'I his hecaiise for ;i long fline there-have l.een in Mexico I.IIOO.OIIII. Indians who have supimi'ted ;i,)(MtfHit idlers and not a tVw . 1 .uropcuiis who alsu live -otf ol t hem. " liittcr attneks on I.'resident ( arran.a and some followers leuturol the ud dress of tho iiuwlv-elcc.tcd 1'rcsuleiit Antonio Diaz. Solov (..una, who said that l'.miliano Zapata was his "onlv chief." hotn y Oama pledged the partv's Riipiiolt to the presnlential eandiilaev of (iciieral Alvaro Olircgon because of his ''radicalism," and because ho "u feared bv the reactionaries" Generals Alvaro Olircgon, Balvador A,lvrado, I'lntarcjv J'dis ( lies, Antnio I. Villarreal and Gilardo Uagana were iderted lionnrnfv Residents of the new purty. ; '.,' ,''-. Tho scareitv of linnsp hnsn t nlTeet ed.the quantity production of- lioiific ie: orinina' irNiThealri ABED," AL1EIJS FORCED TO PAY INCOME TAXES IIup;e Sums Secured from Outirointf Aliens Who 1 ry to Evade Payment New ork. .lulv -.--Het ween nun unl It'll iiniiions of ilnllais have lieeii rathi'ied from ouliruihe; aliiis who were loo iiin.leM to declare the full amount if their "eariiinos for iiirome Ins pay in en t h ' hud in an y 1 hou'-aud niDre; . are iii'i collected froui leliniiieiit aliens who l.na .1 of tlieir ,1nii)e incomes, to ; in in iniat inn inspectors to convince Mios,. ollicials that they ?an eatiily can for iieomin ilfpemlcllts, iU'."Ordinrf t" a statement niade iuldie here li.v Col Kaniel i'l'Ve'iiii I il i siipervisin internal T'ilt of th federal incomi lax eolleci illy; ser icisr- tjiil.v live a;:eu!s have- liccn kept Inisy. it tlie pier;, and elsewhere in the i!fy i U ii-1 i ji the nillioiis I'ri fin oulneii. diens. A small s'l'md ill a-(bnreau es alili.-hcil ct.i'.e I.y.fhe court s , of Spe -i;i I iiiijui ry at. the Kllis Islimd sta Mmi, len.l atti'iit ivn ear e to the tioasl' if !',.' rll;elis.-; - . '-. '. . . : !'or-tUe liiontlm of Kel.iriiafv,; yl.ird: lad ril the reports mIiow that lie r. ''an ?;;(i.iin': was cullecf e.l ill I'.jlis 'N. 'and (rum ii'ien. tax . io.'.:eis, w Iri le tree times' t hat umuMli! was I r icol to .ilier localities .ami the collector; won. toil ilieil. The , rri.orl for M iy iire not 1 iil.'d. I. lit the aninunt cuUe.-f.-ii is i'i to hac increase. wirh ..th.,-' nicre.'nr illy diow ol initn iwral ion.. ..'A resiilfiil ', ;iTieli;':' .explaiu ,1 ('ol nod I'orter, :""rj;iujs. In the imu,iy rei ion .'.at.'oji lo sponsor a rctalive (r'i'iid '.) aditiil :a nee in t his . cnii.iit ry Ijiinw.-' 11 t hat- a ri''spuiisil,le - pi'r.jiu. inu-l M'ara lit ee ) hat the inim i;;ra lit ilno'i .ccoiiie a piildic charge, 'I'hc residcui .lien ones prcp.Lrc.l . i.i., -late oil oaili li.'it . his income Nam; lo Jo sii.t'i.e'iiai'l he. , icililir ayainst' such drd iid'eiil s. 'he her or not this re-i.lVut alien hav aid hi,s. i.neiin.e, fa x ).econi,r t he ini nediate suliject of interest for ,uh igeiil". ; They call 'tile ileliiepieiVt into i ciinl'cr, nee a ml, after a !lo ino such -LsiiuHitimis, iis-li'iii.iim,tiijiiifU! it.li;d lo. 1 y l a.v oil I he remainder of hiy ."Worn latellol.lt of illc.eee. . "When thet'ax dodger iy a. resident f sonic cil v- or town not hi. iiiir dis rict his ;worn: statement is forwardeil Ul the local . collectors, who. make t h. ollcct ions. I u i, her eases i he v are iiade here a ii.l t he ioiiiu-v sent t o t he iillecf or (if the .tistrict wiieroiii the-ta.x !(elj;i'rre ide.'i. Most mnnevs collected anoe in ainoViiit of '..from ifda to Solid Villi represent taxes ,1 ill" the eovel-,i t on . small liu-;iiiess cuicerus aii.l lir'iiluet inn ,,f ihout enil iiii.i. lisideralde wor! I 's liiea a chap ' w ho in . was ta rfed.- ellt ed eit ies.' Report 01 tho Condrton of Tho I'LANTERS BANK At, Bat.tlcboi'x N. C. in tlm State of Noith Carclinn. at the Closo of Biif lneas, May -Jtli. 1'.I20. Iloans anil IiiscoiiuU .... I!!,".' to. 12 All other Slocks;. I :,.n. Is and , Mori gaei-M :,V. .'. . '"' ' -S til. 00 H;i ii king hi'iis.-s $::.iiiiii; fur- . - n'.t lire and lixtnres .f'l.'.iinl --I .tmo.lui ' 'a h in a ii II and .net ar,i,'iuiit,V- due- froui liauks; -: Hankers :j -nj 'i'rust Co.,.. . Io,i.',!i7. ili Total . . ; . , ... . . . . , ; ; '7i"piRn stock- paid in ...... I ' ml ix itietl . i'rofit s, les.i enr leii! expenses and taxes I'Mid .(I c.si; -'s ,'."i .1 ui((.(i,i ii II 'l 1,1,01111.(111 ; IL'5. (Oil.tMl lll.lill",. lU' o'"s an I Hills IJedi a-oniif I U' osit sub ject III check.. Saving's lieptnit s , ; . , : ' 'ashier 1 tine to ( hecks itutstandiii'J 111.11 'i.btCi.Oo .N'atiomil Hanks...'. .. Tft a I ; . . .:. ., . ; . . . . A . oo!i,i;Mi.: State of North ( 'arolinn--County.' - of N ash. Mav 1 7. fiiL'o? I. -I. ' C . H ra swell, president: of t he 'ibove nanii'd bark. do sob'iiiulv svvear hat the above si a.t enielit is true Iy the best of m v knowledge and belief. .1. '. IUJAKKLI,. I'reaidelit !.'.OKH.I:'T -Alfesf ,1. It. SOWSItY. lll.AKK Wll,l,ll'01;p, s I u,! ls I lirect (its -Snliscribi'd and sworn lo before me his I7lli day of Al.-iv, d'.ejo. . (Seal) -U a.T. Lri.i.rcK, 1 ' ' ' , 'Notary Public. ( Mv com. expires r-rjrl. 11, I'.IJO. il E I 0 1 i A I 1 B i ii X 0 I 0 0 I lit: m 11 VH!.r I he rl. I's present river is iVtima t,s I at mil ,'iiihccs rttinnallv. !V the hC llf Specials This Week, All odd lot Shoes and Low Cuts, "one-half price. .A big line of Ladies' and Children's Slippers in white, black and tan, all sizes. an, an sizes. - - ,- , Proctors Department Stoi E. L 3 Store? vYt '. -tH "THOMAS ME!GHAN and GLORIA SVAMSON in i scene from. CECIL B-De MULE'S PRODUCTlON.'VHY CHAN6E YOUii VlfE?' A PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT PICTU.R.E CECIL B. Ue.MILLE'S NEW PRO DUCTION Id STRIKING IN TH3M3 : ' ."' . . , "Why Change Your Wife?" Story of Married l ite. I ilmcl on -Lavish scale Ce.-il H. I ,'! tile 's lat.-sl I'.-u am .inii, Arte raff prndii - I ioii,. "AY liv riiaiig'n V our Wife .' " will ci.u.e. jo the I'nlaei's Theat ,-r I nl- . 1 -i n da s; couim-'iiiing Monday ih-x.I . '.' I ! -iy . iie-crii.ed'; as' a si r i Is 1 1 1 Lr ,i i ;i iiT.-.i id! iharrie.l life laeishiv pri-s, nl.'d. (Ih'lia Sw;eei'li and 'flioni as .Meiirhaii; n re. ihc ti-aliircl pli.yers. The - . y ; - '. v Wi::;.i'.i i , m '. - The pti'l c-ul ei -' roii n 1 1 J fid .ert. - and lleth (lor, Imi, mai-rii'-d for i.-n, years, Inii- now beiiiiiiiig . .In drift apart. Ideth .. v.ts,- a v charming girT. She has biM'o'nie .a t"o w i! e'-c wile . a ud . bores h".r. hu la n d w it h her ec. ss-,. sol i.i-: f.U'lx for. his coin for t.si I Le linds jli ver sion . in . the company : of vivaciuns, urS - i'snrH,. - f I W , ' il. ' fu. ', mm n ii-,i?i m mm ii ill mi itiiic; i;iii'- :c.f.:i! I 1 1 if'i i in i ii iniii wmmm Ii: :',,.,,'i;;,'i:;'!lili,!il;!t.i: i ,i:ti .ini'ii mpmmm fT V JK- il ' Ii mm li;i!!:niu! -tiiu... i!t....iii1i,''' lii. ii ii? I, ;i"Ht-.. .1 itii. ... JENNY EE GOOD." TINE IIICLE TOR MARY MILES MUJTER '. -. VE- I anion:; fctar and fctrong Cast Mako line Material lor New Play . Mary. MiU-s Miiite.r's: latest pholo drama, ".leiiny Ue (oo,," vvlii.-li will be'the jirinei pal. at I raid ion of the pro gram at ti e I'alaci' Wejincsday, is froni the pi-it of Wilbur 1'inley. i'auley. The '.lory ileitis .wit h a Jit t le - girl, .Teitiiy Hiaim, who is cared for bv jier old grandmotlier,. She ineels and "' eretlv loarrus lioval lieushaw, 1 he son of pari.' it Is Vvli.1 have, -itcial aspirations. MMii.'v learn , of his secret. . marriage and at. once . set about . to ait' the young HOE il iri.wl :-''! 1 111 It' i B Wil li '1 1 1 ' I. IV V.,l ITULU I K'-: :pw':i7f 'N- Maia and-Tarboro Streetr. Phone CI pleasure-loving-. Mallv (Mark. Literal iniii,!, -it Melh imagines them in Jov.C. A- !,livor isallv lonows, and lvoliert inarrieK loo late Hi'tli discovers why -he inst her husband, and. lilo.vnnunir like. a oe. deiclojs into society llr ligiire- rallv, on tlie oilier hand, is transformed by marriage into, a noise household drudge than Hi-llt i"- it. w as. liol.crt s eves are opened Ha. n he again sees, liet.li, and through a . ih a m at ie series of events they are In. 'tight : happily, together. , . - I he piclure has been produced with 'all the beauty of. '. setting, mastery of screen tie. hiio pie, and admirable 'Btteii turn tn ib tail that, was characteristic ot I Veil H. lieMille in "Male and Ku nial'e" ami his htbor cinema elpssicH. Sada (oan a.i.l Oiga iTintlau liirn islo'il the Scenario. , I 1 Ui i Jin. (.inji im furl, ' Mailt Srunctf ctuueilv, - ' '.' mm ,l!UulMM.iiii.!lli.lluuliiiii M A R, YJ MILES 5f MlNTERj) s VIN Jenny Be Coop KAlARTPICTUItE5 ;:' 1 fill iinitii!!i.limlillJIliri,fiUWW!l'4 ii.ii.,.,.l.,(K.,nii.mil.tnil f .titwqr-jr.'fcr- -.ms... IlillS;'''r-a : 1 I ! "ar&Jt "t ic' ' v ' .i : m: ru i, in i " iw.i" . . liLit n ii , it v ilF ,iSf-;r': -. i -- , 1:1 ,,c i iH ! -- . 'I -M l ' c , - .7 - if :- .;: - IE:-;, ;!- : 1 i . n r- i . .in i! ii i ii ii, 'i . Wi ' til i'iil'NiiUI ' Ii m iiuii.i . m coiiile. Jennv, throiigli (heir inllii-' ence, bus the ninrriage annulled, and " lioval. due to the dei'eitioii of his "' fainilv, marries .lolanda, a deliutauto of the smart, set. 'there are many eon- ' trasls ol the vices and virtues of tho ' coiiiiiioii neople with that of the ao called American anstoeraev, and the grippmg storv is rolieved by a vein of fine hiiinor. Marv Miles Minter as the ln'rum s mt'ur(rr1' ly -a cast wlueh includes Margaret Inheiliv, ' athermo Wallace, l atinv (nwar,, -Maggie. Hallo wav I isher, (iraite I'ike, JaV Uelaseo ami other prominent artists of the screen. -Julia rawford Iverg wrnto tho sceiiariii and illiniii Ue-iuond Taylor du'cctcd it,. ... . . t . ful. -.oils U '5 1. Jr-Jr.jr . -i 1 1 . g .1 i.' t t h out 11 -Tr T rt I 0 Seilmg i - I'OilltS 111 'hig 32.I.J n V . ' . I