THE EVENING-TELEGRAM "ROCKY MOUNi LEADS THE WAY EVERY DAY" peal Showers Today; Fair Friday. . VOL. XIV. NO. 316. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THURSDAY AFfERNOON- JULY 8, 1920. PRICE 5 CENTS THE WEATHEB 1 r:' i 1 , I" ,1 i ' 1 II' f A- J- ' r i T '' f I V J 1 i A LABOR HEADS WILL MEET TO CONSIDER S OF Conference of Chairmen of Sixteen Labor Opganiza tions Called TO HEAD AWARD MADE BY NEW LABOR HOARD ..... 1 i.,----- Committeemen from Var ious Union Also Expected to Join Chairmen in Chi cago "and Pass on Ruling of Wage Board Washington,"'. Iiily .r'.V .'sftrriul meet, ing of t lie. general cha iruia it of sixteen hihor organizations has hifurVnlled for Chicago "ii July . 1!) so Hut may nin s:tl..i ( he- award (if tin' railroad 1 ;i I r --I'faijU v. lion if is uiinouncod. The award1 is expect 1 uit or '. about Jul y i n addit ion to the general chairman aliitiit 1,'jnn ci'iiiiiiilti'i'im-ii from the unions :i n- ex f t ;. 1 n I in 'h ii-jjyo ri t tin' time I lu' a ;i r. 1 is aunnune (1. . If ihe labor boards' do - not approve 'tile iiivnrd. it :-vil) - I j referred to n rt'fiT tn.ltiin Vol i" i if the .union it V :i s "sn "n i at labor hoadiiiin'rlors today an iipiii'iiii-ni that tho entire .tni'tubcrship s I u u 1 1 1 have .HTt ii u .tv to pass on it. LEAGUE MOGULS INi MEET HERE TODAY Virginia League Directors Attend Session Here as Guests of Tar Heels Porky Mount, i s I In' niecca liir fin' nioj.; u la of tho'-.rYiv'giiiiii .League today, t lit' dm ''H (if the eight clillii lircuif. being iti'ediiled to iiriivi !1 111,' hero hort lv after noon aand (011111110' wVHii.u nhtiC. Illftlil; I'riring tlu-Uj 111 lay i of lltTf till' Vi'lll ul'S ho till' glH" till' TH- Heels.- Immediately "'. upon 1 it v, the il ireetors w, private dining room 1 cute, where tliov win 1 ml dinner and w ill H ilil'iis Sl'isiiill. FolloVv . amyniff II ,-itlicr f t lie now no 1 r ".1 , th. n -tho Island I , spe I'll !OI i" t ) f ',us iio; the inljonrn Ihftlt Of 1 Us SI!- - o.!'. tho III"".! llOOll v. . of ed bv President W. H. Itradlov l.'i. h:u. li.l. w ill ! in ;i. body to Heel ,. 'ink when' tlicv will ; w'it-inp's t'amc between till' TVlr jli'rls ;ll'l. Suffolk Wildcats. A ft 11; t he game Tut-. 1 1.,' 1 iio 1 ho . vi' -itors . will In1 tlio . spj'o'inl tho loi al . Vituinia l.ryin:-. loiilicoiio to :l.p itivon: lit f'jirni. . At tint cuin liii.oi (if iMIOstl of Hiili. at a liivi'rsolo tho I. ii'.- (Of, Jiv.1.1 fi fifml liiiiin'ss si'-ii'ion will lo1 in : or. lor tliat anv nnittors thai ma v have Invn ca rrioil .vet- f ruin' t he aftf-hoON nicetiiii; may lo- settliol. : .Vi'rordim; to i nl'orniat ion 'prevalent in local lineliall c'rrcles. Mo-re .uc ,.;iv: eial i m porta nt. matters av h'n''hwill .ci.oii" up liefove the loirlKv ilirertorSj1 1 he 111. ,t importniit liein the vurkTns; 'mil am) adoption of a waiver rule for Hie league. There if also a prohaliility that , tlio draft of a now. sHiednle for the soeoiiil half nf 'lo. season. Whieh lioaflii last Monday, rnav lo sulitnil (ed, and in ease this .mat ter does come up, it is expeeted tlint' ,'1 lively disoussion will take place. In ad'Htion to rresident P.i'.adlev, .of Richmond, w lin will preside at I he " xionSj the followiiii; directors- of .the variant! Hubs, hiive ' siultified their in tentions of liOiin; inesent: -.(.'. M. Hurr. (if Norfolk: 11 . I'. I a iviiii. ol I'oltsinnnfli: (1. S. Karnes, of Newport A'.hwi-W. 'S. I'.oaninn. of Suffolk : L. I.. Ki.l.l- of I'eterslniri': tl. W. W ilson, (it 1 Kichmoml. and ( . It. while .r. I.. Home. .1 r. einl represeiitati';" of West, of Villain. , wHI lie the' offi-thv- Tar 11 eels. Mexico Will Export Huge Amount of Oil Mf-Ticn ! ltv. Mex., .Tulv S. Mexico will export in'lD'Iil lietween 1 1lll.iliii'i.iHin - mul MS.WMVtnil Iiarrch of (iil niore thlitl .ill the r'-st 0 the wdrld, neeord inn to est iniates made lv (ionrii Hliirdonc, Tiiinpico oil slalisticiaii. COTTON . ?3ew York, July Cotton futures opened steadv. ..lulv -..'in. 411 to ;;!l.(l."i; lOetolier n:i.l' Dereintier ,U.ri."; .latnl arv :ti).!)ll; March :tll..tJ. The I'ottmi nia'ket was oxtrenielv nervous nnd unsettled during today's carlv tratiluiy. Inlv liroko. to 1,ii"i at the opening or lc' points net lower and the wPiiknesK in the spot situation en (niirantod fiollitli; of spot mon! lis winch ii'iied ID to L'l points lower, except pept., winch. wn .10 points lusher. Tavoralile weather reports for Hie floutli and (nntiiiiii'il nnfavoralde news t'rinii tlip cotton L'oods trade, inclndini,' (iiiiiolinrement of nrrrcaseil ciirtailinent in cotton vnrn nulls, were also factors in the decline wlneli carried Oct. to 12 !0 and lVc- to ;il .:i.'i shortlv after flip opening, or 3,1 to 40 points net lower. STOCK MARKET New York, July ; 8. The npward swing of prices in tlio stock, market ' made further progress on the opening lessiott, signs pointing to a -continuance of yesterday' activity in the popular gh n res. Some of the oils, equipments nd motor subsidiaries rose 1 to almost 3 points in the first f'W minutes of trading, and rails gave promise. of ex tending yesterday's prominent gains. Bhippings, chemicals, textiles ana util it its advanced from, one tan to joints. . w; ,.' AWARD BOARD LEADERS OF THIROWOIVIEW THRONG TO PARTY IN SESSION Pinchot Leaves Chicago to Hold Conference with " Senator 'LaFollette DELEGATES ARRIVING! Representatives of Twelve States, art? Already in Chi cago Walsh and LaFol lette. Mentioned to Head Ticket. .('hicaKii, July ..',S. Aiiios I'incliot, of Xevv York, a iiH inlici' ijf t lie: i iiinmit,- tee of (V . which 11. o! s her - in convi'h t'ton atHi(lay lo lioioimife a .head fur the new I'ation'.'il . jioliticril party lei"' t.iday ; for ..Mailioii, Wis., to, coiifei wilh Senalor'iil'et te who is nien tionod al h a .ipi.i! !ers here liy file .etiinnii'tee of IS as olio Cf llie 'leadiii'' Candida; e's. Senator'o.l, tie h.-iif just, ' re t urned liono- . after aii -'opei at ion at li'ochest r, M inn: - i'riuik I'." Walsh, of Kansas t'ity; . forhier, cjiaii inatr of tlio indtisl ria! coiiwnision and later of the war in iii-,i l ies : lio.ird, lias arso lu-.-n iiientioni d. Iteleyatrs f rom ' . slates had arrived no t)( iiuon todav. . A II M'V OF ' :( il! K I! llfS . . : ' , .;. , '.' .' W'ashiii'toii, .loiv s. A land arulv of i,( farm , hands rocrtiit, d liy ' tlio i!eia rt'iiieiit ' of : arii-ol'ure is ,uuiviiio . across the western , wheat .Poll aiol. is I; a r vest iitif' the 11 at ion 's 'n heal ci i;p in lietli'r I i 1 1 1 i t hatj in iiiany yen r; -a vs an aniioiiiiccni- nt from ihe de),artiiie!it, I od.l V. , . . Km t lie. lirst tune in years f.irniers lirtye. not lieeii iiaudieapp(',l throuoli lalior s,(,rtae, riirector . Taylor,.:o.f the Idiieau, said. Afrractod hy a waye 'of I'm a ten hour, day,- t.hoiisii nds of j workers h:iv. .n n j I'lasl a ml f.;one vestr sippi tii join t he thn i;at he'rint' .. I his yea r 's 'crnited f rooi the :icross t ffe M issis iil! of v.orkers. in o,ra ; n crop. . GOVERNMENT URGES FIGHT UPON RATS Public Health Service Tells Methods of Destroying Harmful Rodents . Washinoton, July. K. st royilij;. and oriroofiiij; iintlnieii in liieralur. railed 8l:ites I'ul.p, for use l.y. s :il e and -MethodM n (f .1 in -il l a pivpan d I of ..!.''. ts Jire V the ile.llHi - sel'Vii.'e lniiiiieipal hcaith ollici -is over the . eoiiiilrv in t he yam- pa'otn . w hii lr tio y have Ii ei a S11 1'ijeii 11 tie neral On 111 111 i 11 :; t o r ife in order , to , or.: .-,-! the against loilionic plague. .The died l.y i ii :i 11 ejn ..nation 11 tivitv oi the hvalth service , result s. from th a ." a 1 .nice of the plague i it Mexicaii and Aineri. -an gulf poris and at points 11. the Mediterranean. '!(.. d.t rilct iioi.' ' say s tin-- '' health si'i'x'ice bullet in. ' ' can be accoinplih ed. by individual effort to. a limite i degree, but to iTe . suecesfiil in ii . large city t hero must b ra' pi-oolin got. I in lid iiig?.:- N-ii. spa sin ii'lic- cr ii.d i v-i dual cf ' forts will .result ill: the desired ; Olid. " Hats can be destrovi'd by trapping, by poison'ng, and liV using nat 11 in V en emies, sach as Certain bre ds'of cats and dogs: , To iusitro the uci'i ss of (hose measures it js nece-ssaty' to cur tail the rat t Ood sujidv by propi'i lv disposing- of garbage and. tabl - refuse, anil by . prevent rats from gaining aece-s 1.. as .-. con.-,,,,,.,, . rries-. groceries, markets, st:woes itiw thc lil. ' ' Success . in - - trapping ' is proport 10 n nl to .the .'-'attention and indust ry the trapi. r -devotes, to his tras and pro tectum of other food supplies. Two kinds of traps are generally' used the wire cage trap and the snap -trap or dea, I-fall. The trap- should .1),' phi I d wher ver, 1 he -rat's have been a ecus tinned to coine for feeding purpose.- and should lie more or less cnnccafo'I, ihe snap trap liy scnttrrlng. dust, ciiinineal or Hour, on or aliout them aiid .th- cage trap liy -.pieces of sacking, straw or rulddsli, leaving only ..the opening free; . . ' : :. "Highly, sa'voredarticles, such as flu'eS' , and toasted baron, wilt more (( attract rats than will food with out odor; hut the Idea that a rat call be enticed into a trap by- the employ nielLt i (if bait, more ajipetiing to him than the surrounding fond . siii))ly is fallacious. To the rat, fond snply is a ipieslion of ; a v :i 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 v and prcfi-r-oiice is a Hecond.'irv consideration. rin destruction of rals bv poison has alwavs been more or less 111 favor. A preparation O'f nrsoninns acid or plo rphorus, ten per ' iit and suituTde liase, as cheese, meat or glucose, are the most popular poisou"V Poisons in doiibtedlv have a certain oflieiencv in ridding a lace of rats, hut whether by V iiising their migration'or their netnlil destruction is somewhat difficult of de tenu inal ion. ' Hat prooling ev'eludes rats from tlte food supplv and deprives them of har borage. Without this procedure it is almost impossible to rcnicc the rodent population. lu rat proofing any building, the following parts have to he considered: (irmind, area, walls, ceilings, garret, roof, bed spaces in general, ventila tion, abandoned sewers, doors, windows, oiitsidi piping, watoj- and sewerage pipes, down spouts, wiring and air ir light shaftifc Hy the (imission of sonic small detail an othrrwise. i-at pl'oirf structure may hcilonio bail rat-in- sted. . . ROCKEFELLER CELEBRATES ' 81ST BIRTHDAY TODAY Tarrytown, N: V., Julv 8.-John D. I .... - . . . . u-H.LU Hi. Ul., I'll I 1 1 tw?.dav anniversary t hit Tocancico Hills J estate today. . ' -- -. COLORS N POLAND IRE Recruits for Army Flock Forward in Answer to Recent Appeal GIRLS PARADE STREET Women Soldiers will be used I .as. Guards, and Train Es corts in Order that Men May be Relieved for Ac tive Duty. ; -AVarsa peal ma. yoiiilltei 1 nie)i hav Veswrda t hy strec llH'llfs of I'liii racks'. .' duly :s.,.8t iri'e.l l.y" thy ', I y . ihe nal ioiiiil . council i. Iitiiidied.t nf L'irls and for w 1 trtkeii i.-.p- to jidii jhevariiiy r.o miieir 10a r. hid throng! s unaino, wiiile iiiany deladi U'linen were, (narcliinsf to th. , Mauv of -t he wduntccrs r. yiinnjr.-'KirK ivii h shoi I hair liraided down tin skirts and, wi : Lacks. -,. Tile ;' siyhf 'of these aroused, out illlsialil ei.'r woioen ill lie u-ed for . recruits has I'he in lie're: ". 111 I'd dut .in.d food dei u and 1 1 a 1 11 11.. for esi'orts, thus- iirljevii.e- the lot v in the front line 1 re 11 . ho-. TO AID ALDERMEN IN HELPING C1H Chamber of Commerce Supr lorts Traffic Changes and Street Paving .('ii-opcrat ion of tlie. chamber of eoin -mei'ci. vhli'ihe board of aidenneu in work i n g ,; ohl 11111 a ic 1 pal ' prohli'ms . ;is ldi-.:ged i.v, j!,,. board of :ilirOc:iirs (.f the commercial organ i at hur- a4 an . il ; t iill.-ia -t o- ,'ill dlargely. :iM,. tided, llieet iug of Ihe board in id in the chainber of ... coiiiiiiirci' rooiiis' :v b.i elday all '!' noon. - ' " At, tii-. i;i ipu'St of t he ehairm.'in if the spo.'iH ciiiiinnl lee appointed by the city fill lo rs iil- a ri'i'i'iil meeting' 1 0 bring in recommendations for ail. ex tensive si lord paving 'program and 11 re. isiou of I ho present t rafioV. laws under t lie pri'F.t-tit r- gulat ions, the directors vesK-nla r chose n special coin m it tee to delve.- carefully into both th-ese matters and afler' an int usive.. invest igat ion to tiiako- rei ommeiidal ions' ti.i t hi' alder manic committee for the chain ber -of v-omiiK-rr-e.'. This committee, which will act... for -1 he cutoinereia I organ iat ion, is (ompos.d of M. X . liaruliill, W . 1 i Weeks and K. Kistein. : . . '. After, d .s.-u- 1 the present, tile phune .service, in Ihe city, the m ": o. 'Vi.nt on ri'i oid as being vvillin'g !.,. do ae yfli in -g piissiby. to I.,." er the r aa 1 1 p'i dged ii- uopor' : 10! ciiopi-M-t on lo t he. lioar 1 . of abler on 11 '.In ! ' glil . hich they r. 0 -nt 1 : .launch (i to -ei 1 better 1-. ' .1 1 V f Wile s."- I'1 .or. '.-i. v .'di.ui.t, . ' 11 f Ihi lii iia i fo b" carried b.'f r t' e ('orpor:(.!vii I'oiiunission. . . The ('oal situation and the . drastic re sults; whiHr iniglil follow next winter came In for discussion at the meeting jviln the result - the directors w nf. on lecord . as warning" 1 he domestic con sua ei's of thc i ity to lay in their win ( r coal su)iil v at t he. earliest possible date iivoid any iossibiliiy of a shortag" of filet. - Disciission showed .tliit ti -transportation'.- nud Cxport situat ioiis might cause .. a scarcity and. f,ir -that 'reason tie commercial ortram t - - m - ri,o, m.., a ,,- ,-,1,1,1;., ., .,11 on possible prernut.i Farmry:'! Win Title of Professor of Stacking Topekn, July S. The title of "pro fessor of --tacking " ha- lieen conferred 011 old t iuie. farmers who have -mastered tlie art of stacking wheati;o that it will wil ls.tand the effects ofyind and rain. Secretary .1. (.'.. Molilef, (if the state board -of .agrieul!.ui-e,--vhii confers this degree at the same time, urges that these veteran farmeri be pre sed . into servirp" fdtea eh the younger geneiation the so-called " lost' art ' ' of stacking 1 1,'ra in. running out the need of . tinished stackers because. - much, of the wheal (,rop must' be held, either in granaries or stacks on the farm, Mr, Atohlj'r said: "The -older geueration immberpd many men who could build -.-tacks that would stand against the wind and thoroughly protect the grain against the mill and such stacks had the big ad vantage of 'sweating' the wheat and giving it a better color and ipiaiitv. Cigar Factories Will Adopt Open Shop Plan Tampa, Fla., , duly 8. Nearly . Id" large cigar manufacturers opened the doors of tlu-ir factories today to cigar milkers who wished In work under the open shop plan. A walkout has been 111 progrrss since April JO. KINSTON FIREMEN TO BEND TWO TEAMS TO FAYETTE VILLE Kinston, July 7. The local fire do pnrtment will solid two renins of pick ed athletes to the state association's tournament at Fayottnviili nex: mouth. For the first timo ir. many years the firemen will fail to tuk" their light racing wagons and fanioin horses, with which they pulled down prizes at nearly evpry tournament, before, the war, Every contest the Kinstoa volun teers will enter at Fayettevi'h; will he with motor apparatus. Kinston main taining the smallest volunteer lire ue pttrment la the state", has on) o' the lowest fira "kiss records in tho United mates. DECLARES NEGROES T-AL TO CAST BALLOTS Those Voting Republican .Ticket Disappear -Wit ness- lestifies GEORGIA - SITUATION IS SHOWN IN TESTIMONY Georgia Republican Asserts that Large Percent of the Negroes in His State are Prevented by Force From Voting. '.'.liM-ago, .Inly s. Xi.'roe ihe republican tickoi iul.'. lis.lpliea red ;ilii lia ve Jlever ote.r orgin ,11; been lie: froiil, Hi 11 1 v Inicoln .lohnsoii tl I'M tj (if thr republican ib tohl the' seiia,'e: nig cainiiaigii legation froni (leoiia 1'dtiii.uii li'e i n e'-f igal e vpeiid iol ui cs tuda v "lieii he was ((ilesl ioiie.J about Ivneh ' . ' I ;cy don t Jyiu-li Illcli 'iir big to tlo republic a;i : p.-: rl v ." ( iiaa irnia n Keiiyon, Mill iske . ' ' (lb, ye-, they. do. r. witon s. .. ''Afany a: iiein oeude 1 W'ill, d l ' -.lice. ' vofed I am! the republican tek''et-dr has. not been heard -from The com to :t l ee. negroes that -Was 1 he 41:11: iae soil said that ill h hed. I ho number- of 1 Iioi. ed I o vol e iii a in! no reply .b.l.ii st s.'i per rent wore pre ented from Vol illfi brute lie . :. for .sort .V k I'd a bout I viich 111 I lute ineu. v-ere g'l () gii Is and wi loui'd In in j iinislo at d a lid tlia: did much 1 a rouse f I.. . rrr-j' . In Imid paigll there a sm: H ei I I lb 4-1. "ill, but ill' Ih.'in'SU'.ODO. a. during wn ; vile. Willli'SS. 01 her fi he (il her I lie n cenl cam II so of tiinilev,' ' : "I i i.,-!y llow h 1 . nt more fellows 1 ho ieiiera I .WoihI, for inv support! wWe 1 rs of .Vfajor was Wfiifkiug email. w -Asked the actual iimoum both dcle: gat ions .spent, t ln- . wil noss- doclared Ihat he did. not, know but flint- they both " passed Vi plcnt v t' ick. " DENTAL CLINIC WAS OPENEDYESTERDAY Free Treatment Offered to Children of City by the Hoard of Health I'id'dttilig denial clillii -t -i '.('.' b.iard 1 I'.i'ld esli Sch 11 It.'" the t he o,ii n ing of t lie ..' 'fee Minder- ihe auspices of the of, h.e.-.'l :i u; the I- a-t r.lay niiiriiing, I ij- A. ,l . rieiitisl in e.hari'i'.M'.TIrcoii- 1;i:llie' t he . clillii ve"ks iu Hitler hei'e : for. i he next f oiir that, .ill childi'oit both of Ihe city and of I lg( i ciobo coiial v b '' :. 1'i iie I he a-'ees . f i ami t.veivi' in I :i'i ol '.the to ( il.'d work'l'.' I .-(.,. '.of i'K lusivc ibay ; t ai.e :id s'al e 's offer , aa ml h i i liiiiie ell I heir toot h :.b ( barge I.. 1 ib r the i!aus. e.'.'i'l static board of health,- v (Hit by 1 he h i having .polled h i' re : state,' 1'r. (!. tu . lidge- l'l. c I ;n'( s .Hitnifa r.-t o : he one c.ud.ic'.'il uviir tlie . i lil-ir Si-liuif -,. lias been allot t combe coiiui y for f.lll,'. wet-ks to In til (il'.'il. four MTi tv. niont Ii ill in I the ; his Inst : it v. ! of Al- eli . - ol I Iji. pi'.rio. pent in Turboro. -t h.i.s bei n nltolfi- a lb 1.1 meiit t.o be : 1 l-oiig'i i he di'lit i 1 I h'dgeci lobe county i!"ii(.u- of treat in; voral I'Oinmunities, aa n.'t is ospecia liy .the; ebibi reu of tiie all tho .11 of b'ock v Mould , reg ird Wh, I'lher 'Hill'!' lldO-l flee bey 'ics-id e oil tin' Xa-h ilr Kiljjcf side of '-'tlii' city, -are . I'i-wis'-i evt' tlii' opportunity 'of sei-iirii-g 'be t iv:i tiaent. '-."" , According to nnnounceinenl. )r. Si'hult. yo-tordny, he w ill made by be at the Kant school 'for. the next four' we with his hours .r;ingiug from 11 a. ks m. until '2 :'.' t il .1 p. m, I .. in. and from - p. nt.1111- Death Sentence of Spy Was Commuted Tieaveuwprlh, Kan., .Kily, ,N.--I.otha Wiische. the oiilv (lermau spv son tf'iicc.d to il'i'ilh during the war,, was received lit Ihe' federal prison here re cently: to begin serving prison sen teneo. The death .-entence was coni niiited by. t he president. . Witsche was 11 lieutenant in the ticrmnn arinv. I'lirinj a . naval piigageinent -in the Atlaniie ocean, in which Ihe Teuton warship oil which he was serving was iilik. Witschi' was cast adnfl. He was picked up bv a viisscl boniol for Mexico and later made his war across Hie intern! tonal' line into the I info. I Mutes. He succeeded in making a number ot ma,: ami drawings ol liar lmrs and fori ihcations along the I'lu-ifie const ami rcturnid to .fnxico. There he became oiihdciitiul Willi an Ameri can of (ierman (lo-ceiit, who induced him to retur-n to the Fnited Stattes for further espionage work. He walked into the trap and at Nogales fell into the. hands of federal officers. Wilson Agrees to Call League of Nations Meet London, July 8. Fresident Wilson ha nccepted the invitation of the league of ations to call a meeting of the assemldv of the leaecue early in Novembeij, in the housi Harmsworth, eign affairs, i it wn.s announced today of commons by Cecil under secretary for for- I EXPECTTO RENEW IAN Tl Officials of Department - of Labor Say Han Will be Removed AFFKCTS ONLY TRADE i Lifting- of Restrictions will Have no .Political. .'Sitrnili cance Individual .Export Licenses jVhust be Secured by Ti-aders. ; Wosh'i t rade eu i.'.-'ioiipt i lici.'lls of .or t.lon dulv Lift in: ; (if- tin .-it h " I hi I by o f -r 111 01 liens I baro aji iu-' .!;u.,ia mi "I 1 a i. is cm,, ,:, t hi department id' tab I lie ib'porlat of ; tiial .(Hiiilrv mav be I'll 1 I Ii ir 'I A! I 1 .vimat 1;, 1. 1 t'omiiiuuisls fr gJU-i sia and n aiiarchi.vl I rmii stales i'on ligiiciis to Ihat; iiation are. now. await ing de,oi (a I inn,: the depart uient olliciaN i'; ! llnat I Ii 11 cre.d it s f,(". ibl, ased prsdiii I ion .in. sin ii't llii.-'sia any iniii eriti 1 lid ill nop: nake red im inmeice not .of 1 rade -re- 11 iisuiiitiiiij- 1 he remov tri.-lioiis, iiflici.'ils . In lievo.: ! -o'l !' art o ies '11 be 11 d-d :' be toteratell ;,s Mil l i. port a -1 warfare lifting of ii I Kjgnili 111 b: in wiU-haye toi irolil: call 1 -ii I (igii.ii ion it and do soviet Kit not moan roc i." 1 iid iviih'lal for .11 I icelisi s will 1 gr.'lliferl -ri'(ptn-( (inly an I and. . xt-. i.. T II lie i tiori ll a CROP CONDITIONS APPEARFAVORABLE Rejiorts From Middle West Indicate a Marked -Improvement : .: 'Chicago,-- July , s.-;-Marked improve n-o'lil- in he pi im' ;.al f ood , crops of 1 lo- iiiid'tle ujiii Uu-- to en reported in the 1,'i'd lew w.-.'ks, in ei.ntra-f (., mi f -M i.! . aide p.ros, cl uca rlier ; in the sea sou which gave ri.-Y to soiin- al.'irm. "Therii is no (langer that thc'ctiiiiitry will starve this .year,',' is the eilnuneiit thiil .1. . Howar.l, presiileiif of the Ano erii aii l-'arin. liur-ati t'oderation, imnb' on reviewing the isitual ton. ,. -I 'resident Howard reporfeil th;it the corn prospect was. now very fair and tliat . wheat, was really better. . Corn proiliic) ion promised to lo' a lit tle 1111 ili.'f noiiiial, Init it was well cultivated and clean and would turn out well, with good weather in July anil August. . While the. w heat crop would not. lie normal,. .1 ho cnip eouilit ion was . verv ..fair.. As against a lighter aereag- lucre was a heavv carrv ncr. M r. ll..a-.l est i mat ei I hat ','' per eet.l of 1 l:r-' year's wheat reiiiaiui'd' on Kansas 1 fariiis today. In Kan . . , . . 1 .0,1 Oklahoma! a b tier wheal- crop than last year is reported; '. " - : . : Oats '..were Very short and showed no improvement, Mr. Howard ad led. Oops are reported late. .. Xoilh llakota sends word of better crop conditions than for s"vernl. years, LEGISLATURE IS CALLED TO MEET Governor Issues Call for a Special Session to Meet August 10 : li.'ilcijjh, .inly S. fiovernor Jilckett's call for tile special . session - of the NHrl h Carolina 'ienerai Assembly for August Id was made yesterday. . The sessiitn is called for the purpose of considering work, don? by .the state' tax' eon! mission under the ion net, ; If the governor expected the' general ass " in !l v to take up the suffrage rad boat 1011 . issue, he made no reference io it- in his '.proclamation, lie will, of ( ' , ask the legislators to ratifv the Susan I!. Anthony federal . suffrage ami'iiilinciit in th,' event that a resolu I t i (ii fo ratify is introduced. . The call presi'ribes Ihe following matters which' are to be considered: . . : "j I. lo presenile, such tax rates as iii.'iv be wise and just in vivv of the!: actual valne; df the property in thej -.(ale as ascertained bv the Kevalua t ion act.- : 1 n consider constitutional amend ments rediicing the tax rates that may be hereafter levied. To ennsider .such other matters of grnvf iinportance to the piildic as the general ussemblv- mav deem wise. AntiSaloon League . To Decide Attitude WeMterville, July. 8,' The attitude of the AntiSaloon League. of America in the coming presidential campaign will be decided at a meeting 111 (. olunibns Julv "-' of (he executive committee of the league. . - 2,100 Tons of Sugar Arrives From Japan Now York, July H.: A shipment of 2,4oO tons of jvdined gcanulated sugar shipped from Japan by way of the Suez Canal and transhipped, at Gibralla ar rived here today. It was consigned to New York commission merchants. WOMAN TJNDEK. DEATH , - SENTENCE HAS TWINS Ouebee, July 8.-Mari Anne Hoiide, under death sentence today gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, ja the RUSS HAYS AND HARDING 1 n n imp i PhMl L d Tfinino Dfiui rno PTiucyniT n imumu uuivrui lumumiuvv run : j n l v l i National Chairman Leaves Chicago for iMarion this Afternoon MAKE CAMPAIGN PLAN" Progressive Leader Assures Harding Support From Roosevelt Followers-Pro test against 'Front Porch' Camj)aign. ' ' ' 1 s ill II II ns, Id blicaii ;i'iiiiiai 1 ha .1 ina u, resiimoii 1 ('il l illgs n ere l-iewiy .vil h liepulilicitn '.parly leaders mi . caifipnign plan-, Im! I ill lea c loiiHirroiv with ! 'oleloau l)u- lluut for . Marion, Ohio,- to (.-on for wi1h iSeiintor Harding. The 'hearings will 10 d bi cunt 1 nurd in (.'Ii n-ago u nl il after t!;e idlictai not ilicat ioii of .Si nalor -llurj-iiig's noniiiml ion has . bi:eii ininle at hi lei'ii." .lulv .1.. II.. Slodd.'U.l,: one of the leaders of 1 iVe 1 'rogressi v es in .t he IHI 2 i-auiiiaigil. ! ga ve ' asMii a uci s to M r. Hays today HI. a! .Senator Harding lomlil count On it he i-upi old (if Ihe InteTheodore. ibiose- It '- fnHowors. . I'rotew of Ohio b'aile'rs against the. iront porcn intnpnigii which 11 lias 1 hei'ii 11 ii nun need Senator Harding 'w ill luuilerlahe, will lie .taken up with it-hair- -nan 1 1 --. -: . ' FRANCE EXTENDS THANKS TO CITY Sends Certificate of Appre ciation for Adoption of War Orphans Ihe citv (if Uoc.hv'Mimiims 111 re ceipt of a ban Isoinoly engraved . cer tilic'iti' of ' apirccia.t ion - from the I' reilcll gllvernili: ilt which exlelids pro (use thanks for the attitude (lisplnved by liii-a I residents in adopting and cur ing for u Hiimlier of French war or lihans: Ihe cerlilicale ts signed bv 1'resident I'oincnre nnd .-other high i lfu'ials of the" French government. I Ins mark nf iipjireciat 1011 from the lorcign governmeMt. hn been ilaced on exhibit at Ihe chamber of commerce moms and may be seen there bv nnv one who ciro -lo examine it. Those persoiiH who adopted I- ri'iich orphans will be especially interested in. seeing Ibis ina n ii est at ion of appreciation for I heir lict. According to nil,, .information, there are many thousands of the orj bans yet iincl.'iiiiii'diiinil -ir continued appeal is be ing loaib' to Anierici to adopt them. Moalames C I. I'orter - and f. t-v. Spriidl hn'e charge of the work here a ml win he giai to ri'ceive.anv Kims .. ,,,,,,, ..;..,.,,,.. ,,li,i II I 111 II", , I 1 it 1 11 1 u I II 1 ,,111111. c:l iise. . ' , ' DATE IS SET FOR GAS RATE HEARING Corporation Commission is Also to Hear Controversy Over Trains ltnleigh, Julv ,s. The Mate O'orvora tiou 1 (iiiiinission has set July 14 a the date tor the hearing of argument in the 'matter of re-routing Southern trams Nos. "I and 22, trom Ooldsboro .o Ashe'ille. The trains now ar$ be ing operated by way of WiiMton Saieiii. ' ' '. - ' Kllrls are biing made bv several tow ns along the main line of the mad to make tlie cliange bv wnv. of Oroens- I hum. Aiiiong the towns that will likclv lliavc rojire-entat ives beforo the coin : 111 1 his Km are .Salisburv, Lexington, High il'oint niiil '1 hoinnsville. Winston- lem will be represented and will ask lit the net it ion . be disallowed. Iil One of the main reason such strong efforts will be brought to bear on the eommiSHioii bv both sides is that there is being carried on the trains through pill I man from (loblsboro nnd return, the inauguration nf tlm service being the lirst hroiigh nil 1 1 tii si n acciimnioilatton between those points that has been 1 made. 'Ihe pullnuiiis were only recent ly put on. In addition to this hearing the "com mission has announced the following dates for hearing petitions from gas companies for an increase in rates: C harlotte, Julv l.'i; inton-Salem, Julv 111; Ualeiglt-and Durham, Julv 17. These hearing were originally set for this week, but were moved up until next week bv the commission because of the press of other matters. Elections Board Will Meet to Canvass Vote Jfaleigh, .Tulv 8. The State Hoard of Elections will meet Tuesday, July 13 to begin canvassing the vote of the sec ond priumrv, lieid on Julv 3. Returns UIOI iriUIIKVi IICOI VII MUIV J.CfcUI 11.- ., - J.A'.. i 4 1, from the county boards must reach thciof T0f,'ent"t" ' 1 state board on or before Saturday, Julr poneral assembly ln , 1 10 Some nf the cn.intle, have nlrcsd'v , Y "fused to suspend t in. Some of the counties have already sent in their returns, but in most in stances they Jinve not yet been receiv ed. Since there are only three candi dates to certify It is expected that very little time wili be required to maka the official canvass. , : ' JOHN L. SMITH NAMED POSTMASTER AT MT. OLIVE Washington, July S.; The reues p pointment of postmasters by the White Hmjie todav included John L. Smith. I Mt. ULive, JS. U. y' 111! LIQUOR AniTUDE Democratic Nominee- De clares He will Issue State ment in Due Time dkmockatuTleaders forward messages Cox Especially Pleased with .Pledge -of Support From Senator Reed Leaves for Royhood Home This Aft ernoon Day ton, . July H. Governor Cox to day received n telegram from Richard I'. Hobsiin, ant 1 saloon league leader in Alalia 111.1, a.skliijf In in for a strong tate iinnt iijipo-ni, further efforts of con gre s tii modify the Volstead met to permit, -a greater alcoholic content In. lopior. The governor signified. that ) would unswer tho telcfrrara "in '. due time."'' .-.":.-.'. -. , Many other messages of congratula tions were received by the presidential ciiiididiite over night. Among them were messages from Senator Gore, Am bassador Wallace, Will McConibs, and other prominent Democrats. He was especially pleased with a telegram from '"eiiutor Ii 1 pledging him his support 111 tlie campaign. -' ,, Ihe governor state Jthat he etpect ((1 to receive word from Franklin 1. Koosevelt, the vice presidential eandt dale, mul member of tho national eom ijiillee relntivo to n conference when 'anipaigii plans would be formulated at an .early date, lie left shortly be fore noun for Jaeksonburfr, his native home, to take a brief rest before re turning to Davton this evening. . THREATENED BREAK OVER ALAND ISLAlir Relations Between Finlr and SwedeiT StTr" - Over Claims V -( - " . Htoekholm, July fi. A .critic: lion has arisen between Swe Fin land over Hweden's attitude a iele(jatiott trom tha Aland I which represented to the -Swedish eminent Ihat Hie population of t: lands desired self -determination ji, basis of a -referendum. After a h exchange of notes 1 between tho government.' - a battalion of Fin, I roups has been landed on Alan encamped near Marichamn.. Ihe Finnish government has atrc I wo lenders of the Aland deputation a charge of high treason. yS Sweden hns despntehed a ndte fo 1 land uriiig the Finnish govern men! consent to a plebiscite by which . population of the. Islands would deci whether they shall" belong trt 8wed or Finland but it. is understood the Fi; nish government is nnshakfn in Its do terininatlnn to oppose any such un i sure. ' ' : vOfhrial opinion here is that Finland's attitude is based upon-the assumption that the initiative for separation of the Aland from Finland was taken in Sweden, whereas. It is declared, the tntum bejran with AlnndeTS who base i their right of self-determination on historicsl groilhds and upon principb-s reeognizcd bv the Lcngiio -of Nations. The FinnishJ government has. an nounced that if "absolutely re jects all such claims as are irreconcilablo with her sovercljjntr over the Alands, which Sweden recognised without reserva tion." " - The Aland archipelago, in the I u iT of Hothnia, consists of 80 inhabited is lands, with a population of 24,000 nf whom 12,000 reside on Aland island, the principal town of which is Marie hnnin. The Islands formfrly belonged to Sweden but were taken by Russia in 1S(). The Finnish government hoi ' s that no Finnish government eould ce ; them to a foreign power and that unii- cil with Rwedon they would constitute a constant source o' danger to Finland, S. C- Delegate Is Hit by Street Car San Francisco, July. 8. Colonel J. S-' Padgett, vice chairman of the Sunt' Carolina delegation to the Democrat convention, is suffering from eon. n xinn of the brain and probably oth. injuries ax the result of being stiu hy- a street car, hospital authoriti. announced today. v- , " Louisiana Fails To Heed Appeal cf C Baton Tlouge, July 5. tn spit, of l aipcal from Ooveinnr 'Cox, tho h" ine i.oiii st session tho rulei allow the introduction of a motion ; oring suffrage ratification. The nn was voted down f2, to 46. Senate Conrailtce Wi t ' Continue Invc t Chicngo, July mittee invostignti R, T'i tines will move t. investigate the pi tores of At torn.. Palmer, tin' ci t!"-..e , h t h , , : - - -

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