THE EVENING GRAM "ROCKY MOUNT LEADS THE WAY EVERYDAY" s ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. MONDAYAFTERN()ON, JULY h, J)20 VOL. XIV. NO. 319. PRICE 5 CENTS THE WEATHEB ' Y fair Tonight and Tuesday, .1 .hi.L.lj THE IRISH OUESTIOWEVEHTS SHAPING PRESENTS A FIGHT Lively Job Amalgamade all Interests Presented at Convention THE IRISH PLANK IS TO HE FOUCIIT. TO FINISH The Convention Apparently Marks Time While , the Platform Committee Con tinues Its Work Behind Closed Doors- - j 11 1 1 ft U , , 1 1 1 V H 1H IV . lilt . tin- anralgaiiiiitinn .of ill,' various elements assemble here for tin' forinataioii of. a r,:.. ,1 ,.i,. . 1 ' U-...I. tit! new jiarly continued . behind chucd doors this morning, while the couveu.. tion of forty nine anil the labor p:ti ty marked .'time.' Kvorythiug appeared to ..lie procecdiuii oirsolic.iulo wilh; a simile note (if :cxcit eiiieut provided by a .plat form light 011 flu1 I rish ' iiit imi. The negro (ph'st'ieu Was .brought lie- . fore t hp con vent ion by a ih'ih minister tut 'Detroit... '-HiC-WHs introduced" as a speaker fiir the naTiouul nss.iviat ion for . tht-'advancoincilt -of colored" "'Tci j ).t '-. .J'J. O. Thompson, a lecturer for the, nat ion, til u on-partisan league', told t he '4 coitr ventinii delegates of. state en;cr'prises .initiated l,v ilie league, aoiiiini'-t rat inn in Ninth lial-et.i. He s.ti.1 the league liad given.", union labor a 1.1 . il hail asked . and then some more. . '... Dm ins; the . .luug wait for cull I' ei i-nce it iiio t - mi ii.l.oi a Hale, of New .Vork, telling .of !(. u i it at ion proceed ins of 1 he ' f ciler.ii 1 gov ei run cu t ,' n! tacked . At. . tvniey , lieiieral I'ahtii-i and won up- an -e. 11:1.. told his audi; net" that llarley I'. ( In istemeii of f'tah,- proiiii -' iieut chairman lit' 1 he ownveiirHiu, was (Hi' -lit' the firs.) .icfen...ri of the I. V. V. .: The ' iicl(';;ates cheered at this llu 1ii ('hairtiuiii i'liri-- ciisen was forced 'to .'icktidwledo,!'. by b iv he-;. The. if. purtiHciil of lulor has isincc heii'iiie emancipated,; II. i!'- 0 . I, ileal ''j-'iiji with iMIuici liv t lie ('oiiraye of ianiis . l'ost. . Hi re the delegate-,, a number of tin ni rising nave three cheers the assistant secretary . of labor ivImhc im peachment has been urged 'by' A ft orite v tiyuei a I 1 'aimer, I la Ie . ret erred t r him self, casually .as an oi.l fashioif id rev- ' ulut iouai y Amoi dean. V lie assorted, that Attorney (icnornl l ainier . has the ."highest' ideals am! ,:lo' lowi"t f.r:ie':' tiees of any oflicial in our histoiv.';' GRAIN KING SAYS NO FAMINE PRICES Sees Cost of Living Gener ally Set for Slump; Flour and Potatoes Cheaper t Hr Kdward M. Thierrv, N 1 Stat) Curie. i.:i. ot. Clileago, .l ily lL'. Here's a . sllil rav of liofe fiir relief from Ihr..v. li. r. i.. ' ItV-J .'.It v- lames A. I'll Me n uivps it. I' it I en, "lain for Kim- nf .the i Wheat I'll tl idi r'.: eai'itaiist; idiilunt lirio.i .1, is: i;ee oiriiized as the irrealest autliority '.'.in the 1'nited States I'm ten sav: NO FAMINE PHICES DUE NEXT WINTER :''.' Flllliilii' food ..prk'cs iire not coniinc; down t . or next winter. r'lour niurlit tn .c'onii f i:i n Imrrfl. l'ntalo. iiice will .jirobaldy cut-in half.: Cost of wearinir a; pard l.:i down to stav, down. . Karm labor, shortage is no : longei jeriou.f I'robleni. re(..le are over' th.-ir ' 'buying ' fever. .... Transportation tie iips may help to lirine; food prices .down by preventing; bitr exports tn F.uri.j e. . . t'ost of livinir . generally won 't tie higher with some things coilisj; down mind noiiP uniii up. . Uriellv. that is the sumniin); up of the situation l'tten made in an evelo ive interview t'lven the New-paper Enterprise Association. I'iitteii recentU was rpicted as savin.,' "lie was "tired of tlic world's present strife and disi'ontent " that "niil.iidy widies to work aalid evervhody wants to make ensv nmnev ' ' and wauled to net nwnV from it till. He i" 't m'll'nn avnv f rom it. ON THE JOB WITH HIS EYES OFEN Wliilf li' lia retired from the dewv of the lio.'i-Wl of trnslees of jNorthweHlern llliversilv. While Ins ph'lantliropif s total a million and a iialf, lic'fs lit TiiH desk every day in In-, .office Across1 tlie.ntri'et from the board of trade, with one rvo on the yrain market nnd the other on tlie nnnierrms crnipHiiicM in whu'li n in n din i tor lle'n .fiS, with white hair;; and inn . tuehp,' with liii! )ows, a . liniri- traine, lncimen in . i" ltnoitv linmM with a 'fionil Rri; gn.ilr and an ever prrese'il TiK ten is still, in lnisiues.s ii i. in. biiiiws pvervihuiL! wid 1 1 s- r. to hi there lr Iici n Him ... - . to know about (frnm the fi undal ion of the world's fond supply. " Mninlv FikiiI price ri'duet on m Ihc .i...... u'.i.,u ,l. ,.n,ls on herder the uui'vue .--i " ""r - , pi l inir wheat crop of mi. count ry n I Caiind.1 yields-Wititifiiilv,",. :n '0-1- A I . 1 Hi in lr . it will. ICII. ........ . - , iiHioin .fiin. lire slilendid. I'rices ' v.i.i finn-n Wefive been pay BIIU1UII twiii. v........ ... . . . i i ar,o a liuibe . 1 wouldn t be surprised to see that cut in lialf. FOR THE NEW PARTI FOR COMING SEASON Warehousemen's Assoc To Meet at Wilson Tuesday to Handle Matters GUESTS ATiARI$ECUE A Number of the Bright Leaf Buyers are to Leave for Georgia and South Carolina at Opening of Season" Next Week. As a forerunner for the opening of the tobacco inatket in 1 liis section will be the gal herin ; tomrHrrnw in . VViTsuU of the lueuibershii, of the ; North Caro lina, Warehousemen s association hit h has as its chief pin pose the election of oflicers aand the setllini; jif the date for . the starting nf t hi" season in liast- eru Carolina, and enjoying a baiiiec'ue ilinuer tendered by Wilson, tobac I'OllixiS. ,,' '"-. . v .Mr. W. K. 1'enner, ol this city, is president of the ussncial ion iian-d when Ihcy gather toinorrow at. Wilson evry local vsar.eliouse association t hruiiyhoiit the toliaccn bolt "will be . represented and several dales' for' t he , tt a 1 1 inu of the tobacco s(.,'is(.iii a re 'expect ill tit be ad va nee, I, 1 hoii;;h that jjnif-, o cue rally aici pteil is about Seitenilii r. Jsl, - and it. -is -knnwii ; here that . Ill 'date . of August ;;ii il I,,, advanced, iinad. chaMr piotU'd liy at least two of the liii'tp't ura rket s. follmvinir the. nieetiiiLt toiniirrow events -wll follow in sucessiiin until tlie ' (vji.-n i iivr date nuii the .lirst real hai peu'ini,' o far as t he senre. or liiore of buyers of the briilht . leaf herd are cini cerneil .comes with- the npeniii;; of the markets' in (!enri;ia and Soul li Carolina on 'I'licsday; .inly L'nth. fur this eeiit there will be upwards (if ;i ilfiznn lm will leave the eity next Sunday to be on hand "li the, i!i-irkets in the distant slates Tuesday morning. Iiiclu.ied allium; ihn-e w Ik will ' 'reprr'sent lucal tiruis are .Miosis-, i;.-'!'. I in vis a lid Sid Lee, nf the . W, I.'. I cna. r fubacci. i'o. Messrs. Il'iiiee l.ea an.d I',. (I. .luhtl -on,.ot the (leiirce A. I, on- Toliacco t.'o. Mes.-rs; .(leoitre Jurton, ; -Will Ailanis and f. li. N'oelJ, of I he (ledr;.,, . (;..,i rott Tobai'cd "(',,. Mr ll.'ll. t'uthrell, l.ioctt and Meyers Tobacco i 'o., and Messrs, ('. (lordon Smith .ami W. T. fuller, . for Ihc t.'hina niericaii . Tii; liaci'O and Trading ('o. liesiites the above named ue'nt leilien who w ill ' l einaili through the live to S"'eii w eeivs of the SnnMi ( ' .' rol i na ri 11 . 1 fieorfria season there are expected ipilfe a- nitnibef from this; city, who will .-(jo down to -waHli t ho opening and th i rciul of t he . price i, w hich is o-uau v taken as nu -'jmlex jif u liat may b, ex-, pected when thi' so-isiin starts here. SEES POSSIBLE SLASH IN FLOUR PRICE . ' So when i('(iuh -even sn-ea lb d e i: PH'ts '- sav faniihe ' .rices are due iiext w iiiTei', I -a v liii! . L ; .' : f.v eti . if Ilie. wheal crop isn't boiin tifnl,. do nut hulk fur. hiyln'r prices, Wc'ai1 ;ut. iiiiich more than vnoiic;h for ouiseh cs. We will jjive'. F'liropp what CM-r transportation, facilities, will let us. lint (.veil if the exjiort drain i I'".; one, pin es ,,! lliuir nusht not !i. ha'hef. Ai.d many things: will be lower, "df there's a ;; ioi crni tlonr should ni down to 1L to a barrel.' lattoir emphasized this j oi'it : " With the hij.:h cost uf livin;v enmiiii; down, the.- natural . sequence Will be. fewer .labiff (.lemiuids. . I eat id be th" i.iim'sf kind .of hel;i in !ip adjust i. '.'.! ni;. j hiiios yeneratlv,' .. ;"-Sprinjf wheat, erojis won', b,' ready f ri a not her "six to eiiit w'ei'Us, ' . sa id fatten. ' '.We can't fell, what l-Jtiropc will want Vor. what they-can, (jet-;, tlie li ,t becn'usc w e. can 'I tell, yet .what t ho rest . of , t he world 's, wheat supply will be and the second because of the t ra n -pnriat ion t ie op. " TRANSPORTATION LACK MAY HELP THE U. S. " li.-ick .of traiisiortati(iir.inay ludp to lirine; food price? down li 'i'e bi'i'.iusi of the dif liciilty of shiiiin;; it to- p"r's for Kurope. And I do not look for heavy baviny of 'options by Kurope--av any; price because they n 'ed ' it so badly oveer there-for Ivunpenn buy i ts (jot st line; very badly V "i is auo .1 nd sJ 'cuJatoM - eyeuerallv iiti their let's pulled. ; "In the next 12 inonths the I'tiife I Stales and Canada may hnve lo supply Kurope wilh tilifl. million .bushels nf wheat or at least a niiniiniiin nf ,i."jii million bushels. Arirent ine . 'u. t rvitli; to buv back lnillion biislu Is tilrea v Id Kurope and has stripped .. sliii- uients. , . Anst ralia s crop is .. sJnlrf tlirom;h drought.' India's shipninV; .pro hibition is still on, 1,'iiumaiiia ..will onlv have a slight surpliM and Hussia is a noiiativo factor.". i''ii (leelart'd . the flaVin labor "hortane was oreat Iv exac;e;erated : that Ilie situation had ehaiifred entireolv in t!',' past .ill (lavs. He said he knew i eolleec bov in Kvanslou who wenl to Kansas Id ijet a job in the wheat held and returned because the fnri.i labor market there was glutted! 1NLUSTRIES AR3 . LAYING OFF MEN , "'I Ins is liecniise industries have been laving off lots of ineti,' Patten said, ' Railroad conditions have some. things to do with it. Hut take notice 'ae people lire ever their liiivni'; l er. Thev nre n 'mliidinl, Shoe lactornw are working half time, be (li'se evervbodv is ovi stocked. I lie woolen mills nf Pluliideljiliiii uiso-'lire on a hiill-tinie Schedule. f "I do not see much ehatice of iin prnvement in the industrial world. ( M.dtiiilly prodn tum and deiiiand are reai'hing an aliumeiit verv healthy movement in the high cost of living barometer." - . FIRST REUNION OF RAINBOW DIVISION Thousands Gather, at liir mingham for Celebration for the Veterans CITY OUTDOING ITSKLF The Salvation Army Lassies are Serving Doughnuts and Coffee and Cigarettes and Candy to the Large Gathering ' liii luiiieham, July l. Thousands of ieup!e are here today fur the yat h. riuo of t he Ifaiubow .-I'Jnd ) division uorlil war veterans, which ;' waft tY'iiiialiv opened ' to'dfiy.- "with wilcuininv; nd drsses by lead inn eitix'eus and re- ipoiis-es by; vet era ns. '. .. '--. - The pni;;rani ; iiiidudi'il the ii it veiling of the two liron.e. those who lo-l tlieir iivesTa t he. service. Tin; pro Mi-Mtii touiiihl eoilisted uf free' movies and vaudeville, street dances and auto rides about- the city. 1 l ei irh n n l- aand (ufl'ee. ciareties and candy .' are dis trihuted free. Jo the visitors by iniiii hers of the Salvation Army. FEDERAL PRISONER ESCAPES FROM TRAIN Clad only in Underclothing Man Leaves Train at Con cord Early Today : I'oncanl. X.-, ' V., .I.hily l.-i-( 'bid uuly ih, -'Ills' uioierclothiiii;, lieor'e Kini;, a pi isoner,. en idiite froni i-.w York To the Federal prison, at Atlanta i-ia ped t'rom a Southern . Hailvv;i.y - iiasseiioi.r train as. it was. leaving, the station, here early today. Tin, . man find been locked in". thi' drawing -room with ' another prisoner, and it is nut kluiwii as tii how he es.capedi unless '. Ire-' ci i-.wled Ihi-iiugli a wiinlow. Ilevas last seen liv the negro train ,orler running to ward , a rriink.'; King issaid to- have l.ieeli convii.ted (if tlie. theft, (if Jin an t ollKibib''.. ' .' . . . FREMONT SUFFERS THREATENING FIRE Call Assistance from Wilson Department Gets Quick1--1 Response W ilsi hi, duly 1 Sunday . itiorui ng beeiween :l nnd o'clock' ;a. all f ruin-l-'reiliont was sent to the Wib .soji (ii-'o ilejiart nielli, 1 n . a very -ui.ri ,vii ile I li e c hief l.aiica-1. r and lil'tecji tire lighters., aboard (Hie of ': lav;;c I. a I'ranee lire troclvs. were in: tlieir way , 1o the. neighboring , tm ii! 'Ilie lire" originated -ill and was i-unj lined to vllif Ai . ih-Iv lo '.-I. I Mililui ': which is oc('iiiied by the lilcks Hard ware .t'lonpuny. All lln ir iiooks, sim-ks and ricc(i'unts Were, desi rnyed. ..Thcii'' was no iiiurance-4iii thet' things. Tlie building' was partially iiinieif,' . EMPRESS EUGENIE DIES IN MADRID Unusually Well Until tak en Suddenly and Ex tremely 111 Madrid, dulv 1. , I'ornier empress Kugonio, of i-'ralii'e, who died here this morning, was ill only avtew liouis lie fore her death, she was iiiiusiiallv well mi -.Saturday' and she. lunched here at dday. -A short t.iine later stie be came ill, experiencing severe ahiluiiiiuul jiains;. The physician King Alphoiisu w:i. siiniiiK.iied and lie in turn called two idhers. TlO'v were, however, un aide, to relieve the -patient.- and death followed. . ' . FREIGHT STEAMERS ARE INA COLLISION Steamship Lake Frampton Sinks off Atlantic City, N. J., after Collision New ' Vork, duly 1'.'. The ste.'i mshi,. I.aki' I'rnniptou, owtied bv the I'uite.l States shipjiing .board, bound from ow, York to .Norto'llv, was . niuik nil Al.taiilie City, N. .1., . a f ter it diad c(d lidod with the steamshii 'minis, ac cording to wirelesa adviives received bv the I', vS. ina'ritrme I m rc.-rtt here,' 1 he I oinus also was damaged, and anchored until '.'after, daylight, but i; exieeted to prroei-edt o sonu' nearby port today. . 'I hi oo nf the crow of the Lake Framplon nre. missing. The LiXe l''rani,.ton, a ve.o-el of -1,-Ofl tons, was operated liv the West linlos (stenmship ( oinpanv. Aged Negro Released liy Supreme Court S. C. Spnitnnsburi;, S. ('., .July lU.Thc State Siijireinc ( (mrt in nil order-re"-eeived lien- lodav set ihe ver dict of guilty and ordered tlie release uf George Kellev, nn ageil negro of Cownena. thifi, poiinfv. cnnvictpil ..f t- tenyded attack upon a little wh'ite girl snu tenteneed to 10 years imprisoiiineiit The court held there was no ;videnefl upou which to base a conviction. KING ALBERT sf' . 6 'tVI'.. ? lV'" ' X r v!i K.-1i..,.. ;; - ., : ( liit-iw i w oi kinnn 's i.-ili. King Aliierl, of (telgiuiu I'limi'. :iml (jtii ii.ig hiji A i-it in coinpriivat ion law Whiidi, he 'It The- I Oil lapli. shows Cn. a nit Kin Plan Submitted Would Dh charire Obligation in Thirtv Years They Call Attention to Ger many's Ability to Payand Ure This be L'orne in Mind Iieiiuest jJTaximum Sum be Fixed, i s a, lielgiiim, .1 lily-12. (ieiu:iny ciiii f ii tii l fat lire engagement y (inly if f hex a re ba.scd on her linn ucia capacity , said a statement ' (iiitliiiiiig . t he Herliii guy. i'liimenl 's piau for. operations sub liiilteil t. tlii' allied premiers. In re .to night, I he ..: (Icraiau ani (',- i'lle sintvuii tit budget bat . t it -i t I'.l ,' Hi there r. .i-e in the l.liial Wiiiild lie a rapid iiig debt and .the al ity and i-a'piB itv oi ine uaiioii lo pav. .: Ih.'re was .;i a-si'iti'd there. iuiir be im further m a ii :t inn tlenuaii : tuioianietital basi.s ei on'omv '. w hicle !i it ii ni already . .much thai I lernia liy 's as . a . basis, t he p;i rat inn . obhgn a nullities which Hiu it ed tii ;;o'-'. cahened. A sinu lag liiitlt y In j :; is u.s'eu id incut a-lvs that n nils be ex pre-sed In would 'lie live I ami iif-.' The stipulations a vii u tn (leriiiany ' cs and thereby i oiii lis in money an, ii, Jjeaty of : ersadlcs, (it pe. dally Jo- ;t he; if to lie .iiiadi.' with,: (iiiaucial cal'aiit;., rise iill obligui im acnoril ii;g tu the This' wuiild 'r.elale pciiM' (tj- t he n mi v ot occitj at ion hil-h to-bi laid oa i I a tiioney and part ly in kind, ...' ; : iii.'ipiesi also -,v a - rnade. the ai ties t llie iieiximiim illns of .oayiiieiit for reparation und iipou the dischare,e of the,siijii that the (jermau fuverii nient would be .free of - furl her obliira t ions. . ' : 'V FOLES DlSrLEARED , . AT ALLIED ORDER ,K,a,. I :,'!:, ill ni, ;.l illy ; 1.. - The I'oIWi dele c.i I. ion at t he coiif rence inub r stood to be e: nno h ilir sat ilicd with the' terms of. tlie allied note tn t he li'iis sjan o.ii t en ernment n - an anuistice betneen thi: I.olshevitvj. and I'i'lisli armies. h, feel, hrr-wiVi r, that they will he judged , to accept;. HARDING CONSIDERS THE H. C. L. PROBLEM Senator Harding an(fCum mings Meet with Head Ohio Grangers , -Marion, Ohio, .fitly -. The 'trim portatiou and hit'li ciwt-iif living prob lems were di-eus-oil at conferences to. day between .Senator llardiiij; and Sen ator ( ''luiirnirnjs, of Iowa, chairman of tiie Interstate t'liiuuieree tlomiuittee, and. ,f. lj. Tabor, nf liarnsville, ' Ohio, head of the Ohio, State 'ir.iMj;cr.' Huth ciiine tlie senator - reiiuest. ; . Stephens Was In ior unusual Munis .New Vork,- .Inly I -V harles (.euri;, Stephens wlm ;wa kil.ld yesterday in 1,'oine; over Niao.'ira rnlU in a barri'l, was a barber ext.n'ii rdin.irv.- His hobby was perfnrni ma spectacular stetils for which he received three nbbniis. live noli! medals and sue silver tiiednl-i. llic specialties ineludia kissiue, a linn in its den,, shaviiie rust ulnars in a lion's (ten. iioxym in n lion a den and cinite jumps from a balloon, . p.'iru. Tuskogee '.Institute,.' Ala., July With representatives present 12. from every state in the Vnlon, the National Association of Colored vWomen 'a Clubs held" .' its first Fession today In the chapel of Tuskogee Institute, 1 1. ' ;.. -r. i. i -'S 13 GERMANY WANTS TO.COX MEETS WITH KNOW SIZE OF DEBT AND GOV. COX .it ;,'ir LVr' 1 i,. w "WK'- art ..-j.. vi 1.1 . ' i jit" 7- t:.j.. via.aj;;.sviv ' .vft "voc vas much unpr iiicinuati praisi lared was a ' ' sseij by Cox 's d, t'ox highly. ord his for model fur the world, liiel!. :; E" Democratic -Nominees Make First Plans at the Ohio State Capital KIDES IN DAY. COACH The Democratic Nominee for President Confers With His Running Mate and Gets Back on -Job of Governor,. at: Columbus. GOV. COX MEETS ROOSEVELT TODAY Dayton, Ohio. Jnvl 12. Gov. ernor Cok returned to tkn State execntivo oltite this innruiiiR, ulieic. dnriii!; the day, ho will have his lirst mcotinjr. with Franklin D. Koo.sevclt, lim runuuig ni.ite, at the huad of tho Democratic tickot. GOV.' COX RIDES j IN DAY COACH .1 'oliunliiis, .1 u ty lil.- (liiyernur the I lemocrat ic noliiiinee, Caiv ( o, lii r. siime 'I his 1'rniil 1 hi vt on t oda V,:,i.rep; red to r MS .I'iilt ICS ; :. I l ei noon I. i ' I'. Ki.o- t the eXeciit i c. of '!( ,'. was t o confer wit h I'r nk l l'l th- -evelt, ti i - ri i mi i n,y male, oni liavtou to (.'olii'iibiK, his way t K.i.yei iior rode jn the day ciiai h was .iuit bv fiieiids "who rt'i'i and el ill f r n 1 ulated him, At. th road 'stiitiiin here I lie jrovcriior ill,) he Kin 'ed 1,1.1 S'lllMlk a II .Is vilh lid -t.'itiin im niber of .railroad men i employes,-. after, whieii li" t to t he e,ecit iv.1 -, oflice ill aidt ol. . . wi t (Iin he state NEW THEORY IN WANDERER CASE Sixteen Year Old Girl May Have had Part in Prompt ing Murder I hicairo, .lulv Karl Wanderer kille. li in ' 1 mliber becansi' ii I tl yea e old "irl Wii A . theory . that Ins wife and a f his int crest, i a advanced bv the police loda; in his cell. nf ronteil with the end Wanderer for the lirst .lime lost his eoaiposure nuimentarilv and then' denied the ;iri hud had any in lliieiice on hiv desire In be free. In on - of his st a1 e'lient.s to the police he had declared Ihal he killed her to be lii'e lioiii the care ot his wile and the baby they expected text month. The e;irl, dnlius Sell mitt, told the po lice l-vhe. had known . Wanderer . soine (line and had ioiU' "to nil amusement, i amp wit h hinr .several, t imes. She was not held, however, as the police failed lo find that she had ,'iny knowl!'d;;e of the inuhler plol which was carried out in the lobby ol Wanderer's apartment on ; June 21 . Two Irue bills . 'i-liaririnjr Lieutenant Karl W arideri'r "aand t!'. stranui r who he used as u dupe were voted lodav bv a grand jury, ; .- '' COTTON MARKET Vork, .lulv 1:.'. ( niUn futures linn. : July. :)fl. oil; Oc-toher. Iiecemlier, .tl.OH: January 1 .('." : New opened ::!..".(: Man ii, ;m. Tue cotton market opened firm at an advance of Jl to Id points on Liv-r pool luiviiig, which has been act. ye siiiiv. the unlavorable cron news of last villi. October contracts sold up t" .(.', and December to 31.90, making advnnee of. -about' 10") to 110 points from the low level of ; ' 'Friday.' Thco was , considerable realiing at these figures, while covering - became I ss active. , . . , A declaration of war always brinjfs down tho suicide rate of a country while a fiiiaucial panic increases it. '"s1 v i ? t Unit r 'f) , Jf. - ROOSEVELT-TITO SEELEYTO ENDOW CHILD'S HOSPITAL Asheville Hotel 'Proprietor M akes ""A n nou n cc m cji t of Plan for Hospital WORK TO START SOON Owner of Grove Park Inn to Ituild and Maintain, a -big Hospital for .Crippled Children on Sunset Moun tain. Arheville. .lulv IL' - I're.l L. .Se.deV, owner ol tiiove I, aik Inn. aiilloi'iiced he woulil iiniiiedu' tely . Const met ani iiiiiiiiliiiu a h(ispitat"for erippled eli'il ll'eii .1 r the nilits . iil' the hotel. W i I li ill few Weeks two buildiugs will.L In under const met ion a ml others a ill be i iiiisl riicted as (lie heed for; lliein i- felt, it a,s .stated. .A Vile on t'unsel nioiinlain has been selected lr. W- I'- lleib.-il, nf tins en. will he i ll . , or Ilie nii'dical. stalT. He will b' assisted liy a staff (if upecialiNts,. all of whom Will contribute their .service;". ; , UPTON PREPARES VESSEL FOR RACE Little Bit of Ireland is-Floating Around off the Jer - sey Coast New hork. duly I J.-l here 's a litlle bit of Irelaiiil boatiiii; off the. Jersey coast and its ruler is a fannluir figure in yachting llauuels and cap. Its Sir I hoiiias l-ipton and his "navv " six craft st rony invaillii( th.v 1'nited tSates to capture the America '" Cup in n v a e Ii t sun n ' battle oil hniniv Hook this moiit h. the man to whom n larfre patch of water is nu alien sicjit thinks nf the cup races as a tew impromptu jousts between n couple of sailing sloops which cost a nut' inure than the average man can aflord. lie does not realize thai1 these vnclitK all dtheir crews have to !'ii throiii'li a period of training ns long as that of anv foot ball team and a thousand tiiiio more costly. - Uv purchase or charter i-ir Thoninsi has amnsseii hit. Ile t. In addition to the chnllcnjier, Slinmrrn k IV., ainf the tunl horse, I hu. IM-meter Hhamrosk, 'iKm'imyi' stt'Hm- y.ieht -Viftorta," the llaishiji ol the fliot, im whiclthe vet eran vachlsitiaii liven, anchored each night in t he- ! I ildsnli. I hen there Is the househunt Killar ney, tuelved KUiigly away in the. sheltir ot the lloolv. On the Killarnev reside the crews of the I wo racing craft. Hut this does not complete the ll ot There is the tug Oovernur Smith to tow the sloops to the .starting line an 1 a snappy speedboat to run errands. Numberless small' r launches nnd din L'eys .: don '.l count in this yachting ar Ui'ada. ' ; " ; Ilie Irish baronet has his dailv schedule-- c movable ijoitgh, but 'ills, nt i present a business to which he ndheres I as closi Iv as the broker daily watches hi.s ticker. : . l.ach iHi"v Tie steams down to the Hook from New Vorkjo watch the challenger.-' his sweej-'hearl,. . the elderly batchelor caljs her match le r speed ayaiiist the. trail horse ' l.ach iiav, as dusk ajiproaeliefi. he iiolds contereiice wit) his band of yachting'" experts, suggesting little I' ; 'liiie, litiy 'Hiinges there, smiiiithing iiiit a ripple in a club top sail which to the. .landliiblier. (its exactly- or clipping n few inches from a topmast with, which, to the uninitiated, And each day he cont line s to .deal there seems nothing wrong. . And each iiav he colli nines to ileal out dollars to the loll members of Ins ariuaila. hor it is an expensive Hport, this ipiest (d a hiiiidn'd guinea cup and victor (ir loser, Sir 'Jhoinas Will have paid nut 1 1 1 ( r than a million dollars lor Hits, year's races alone. At o clock, exce)t in most iiislress lug wealher, raising ol Sir 'lioiunHT personal Hay a green shainnick on a held id gold betokens that the vice coiiiiiuidore of the Koyal l ister ) acht club is aboard, awake mid ready to re ceive quests. '! hese Invariably include a corps of newspapermen, Mont, of them eone for breakfast, stay for lunch and linger for dnim r, and as sea air breeds nu appetite, the yacht ' birder receives a blow which Would make the .ordinary housewife (piivcr in (lies- ilavs .of - high prices. I In ii the Victoria weigh anchor. Hecognied bv all harbor craft, she re ceives salutes from sootiest tug to tuost ina, jest ie . batt lesh ip, ' - . Sir I hoinas stands on the bridge the familiar. Mil' picketed. Iicllaunele 1 tiLMire u ho for years ban crossed the Atlantic1 to win the trophy on which he has set Ins heart. He strokes his gravxoatee and Ins face wrinkles into a roguish gnu as he swaps vurns for vara with Ins iniiiiincritbli' guests. fur Sir .Thomas muni have Ins joke. One of which Ih1 is particularly tond concerns a visit once paid him nt. ( owles by former Mnvnr John Fitzgerald of Huston. The baronet was entertaining a group of Americans when sinldeiilv Jt was re ported to him that the royal launch was headed for his cratt. 'The king or the queen','' cried Sir riiiinias and at once began drilling his guests in court etiquette. Hu: the rnval launch, which -rarely carries anv but royalty, arrived with a rolie iankee. ' 1 " : It seems that Fitzgerald, wishing to pay a visit to his friend the Irish .yachtsman, had been unable to "nd a craft which lie deemed sufficiently nut- fy 'to bring him alongside. But finding the royal launch at. the royal landing stage, he pronounced it ' a Recent VERMONT'S CHIEF, DECLINES TO CALL THE- LEGISLATURE Accused of Sinister and Far Reaching Influence Be ing at Work WAS RECENTLY IN A' MEET WITH HARDING The Governor Points That the Measure is in Direct Constitution and Invasion of States Rights. Hut In ml, Vermont, July 12. Tha governor s proclainatioii followed. crinfcronrcTvhicli was hold at Wh ington recently with Senator Uarding, the Ifepiibticaii presidential , nominee, at. which it is understood the question . of the rat illeiition being completed by . -the Ifopublican legislature of Vermont wa taken up. Jn giving his reanoni for refusing again to call a special e sion, (Invernur ( leinents said the pro posed ameudnient. clearly invades the state 's rights as laid down in the eon stitiituin of Vermont. . . '1 hat the present legislature irai elected lie tore . the question was brought up and that the people of the state have had no opportunity to ex press themselves' on the issue. , The governor firoposed that, for the coming; election that candidate for election b required to declare themselves on it. (loverunr (dements ' proclamation . scried "ns it stands and i interpreted bv the Supreme Oourt today, the fed eral constitution threatens the founda tion of free popular government. The seventeenth amendment to the consti tution had been lobbied through con gress and state legislatures by federal agents-nnd that the eighteenth imend nient had been forced through by pow- eriui anil irresponsioie organizations operating through paid agents with on- limited t uinls. "It is now nropoaed to force through the nineteenth amendment for woman sufi rage without consulting the male vote of the laud, I have been asked to overlook these consideration! as a matter of party expediency, but thin U nomine for pnrtv expediency, tint principle Ami woe unto partv. invadi a well established prineipij oi popular government will surely aufferv to the end,, ' , Hutlniid Vt July 12.Oov. Element i todav lisiied n proclamation refusing tn. call the legislature In special cession. ro iniiKe . posaitne rntincaiion or tn federal amendment for woman uf- rage. ' , . , ; - MRS. CATT MAKES BEPIOU8 CIIAKOE - New York, July 12. When Informed of (.overnor ( dementi' refusal to call a special session of the Vermont legia- i lature to consider the Susan B. An- V 1 lion v snlTrnge amendment, Mrs. Carry ( hiipinan ( att, president of the Na tional American Woman Suffrage A siiciation, today gave out the following statement "If it is correctly quoted the deci sion of Governor Clement is to con trary to the dictates of his office and the will of the people that It convince me that there is a sinlser and far reaching lnlliieneo behind it. To un cover this sinister and far reaching in fluence promptly shall he our task." The work (if - ratification will ba - v pushed strongly forward in Tennessee and North ( arohna, she declared."' - Kinston Short of Its Ten Thousand Washington, Julv 12. Census figure announced today included Kinston, '. C H.77I increase 2,776, or 3H.7 per cent. enough boat" and ordered it to th Llpton yacht. Meanwhile the Icing and qneen, reach- ! ing the . stage, beheld in amazement; i their launch dashing away from them. .And Ilie master of the small craft, on J Ins return, had this explanation to make the gentleman had Introduced himself as ''the mayor of Boston, Unit ed States if America," which the roy al yachtsman, impressed, compressed in to ''the Mavor of Amcriea." And of course a man who womd dare march onto the roval landing stage mast hava stepped onto it with roval permission. And so, chatting of kings and stow aways, vachts and intrigues, he enter tains Ins guests until the Hoot ia reached. And as Sir Thomas ia never so well cast na whin he ia playing the host, it is an en lovable trip, this joy ride down the bav to the serious work. I 0f the dav. The rncinir slooos. Ivinir at nIinv with mainsails and club topsails set, awaiting arrival of their master, look as alike as two pea to the landsman. And the vegetarian simile ia carried out by the hulls, both painted a lively Irish green. The only apparent differ ence is that the Shamrock IV is just a little greener than ber partner, for even, her decks are emerald. As soon ns the Victoria's engines are stopped, the veteran of international r gattas boards his launch to inspect his craft before they aet out. From that moment he become lost toall but thhigs maritime. ' s Hound the course Sir Thomas follows his sloops as they ruce and after the finish again holds parley with their skippers,' Then it's back "to New Tork. in the evening the day's work dona. Japan has tha greatest number of divorces each year tif all the nation of the world, hil the United is second. ,

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