RAM "ROCKY MOUNV LEADS THE WAY EVERY DAY" VOL. XIV. NO. 325. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 19, 1920. PRICE 5 CENTS THE WEATHEB Local thunder showers Mon and Tuesday EVENING TELEG IS T Trouble Started with Attack Upon White Woman Sat 1 urday Night THREE TAKEN NEC.ROES ARE BY OFFICERS Suspects are Arrested After Being Trailed by Blood- Hounds Mob About Jail Disuerses at Request '.of Woman's Brother. Orahinn, Julv I'.l With the I'm ham -Military :'-eottipauy guarding- tin- jid hci" ' wli'.- iieru "aspects are .hold lust night. passed (pciony at t er one of the- most exciting days in the history of 'irahntu following the at tack nla'de bv a negro upon one of the most prominent white, women. -of' the citv Saturday- night.- Tracked bv blood hounds, the negroes were arrested ye--terduv morning,, and a niob at cunt gathered about t he in II appareii tly t-rni on lynching the blacks. s.'' . The attack on the white woman -ivj made Saturday night while her husband was awav and she is repented in a Berions condit ion. Blno'clhoumls brought from Raleigh early y ester day morn ing were put upon the trail which they fob lowed tu a hospital where (ieot'gc Trov ler, a negro, was employed as cook. Another -.log, according to ..'lUt.lioritios, followed identically the se trail ; and Troxler Was put under arrest. Two ot It er negroes w-Jio werV found near the hospital were also arrested." A mob immediately began to colled around the jail until the number in the crowd. sOon reached nearly "J.oon, Coun ty Attorney K. h. Parker made a speech t-i I he ei n Wd urgi ng f he nu n to let t he law take its course. . This had some el tei t Mil (lie lin ii oiiiiLiiuifil to loiter around the jail nu I the Su I huril io a ik ed Oovonior IlieUett for Hoops ' ':.:ii:i tain order. After , the arrival of the niilifia from I'lirhain, a 'brother of .ihe attacked woman made ;i talk, 'o 'bo men and asked illienr t" go I" their liomes. .. The lnuh tht-ij-susreTsi'.l, . and the authorities expect no furl her mm ble. .'."' Ta ken .lied ore er sould not be the woman stall tacked her- wore ever, is nu able cxplitnnl ion, of dav night. He the woman, flu prison, positively iijent ilied .is d Hint the. loan who. a t -a mask. -Tioiei-, liou to gi ve a "at hifai-l orv his movemeels Sntur will be.,' hcl I pending further ilcvej.upiii.cnts. KIDNAPPED CHILD FOUNDAS MOTHER Girl Lost Fihjhleen Years Ago Finally Located at . Blackstone. Kirhuioiid, July lib - -That luiior..Iov tier, who was kidnapped in . I!"i2 f roiu her home near ( '!inr-!i road. .1 liuu hl i ie -County,' when only live years of age. lias been found, hi l-hc V''-"'1 -nl Mis, W. T. lio-kert, now visiting in Black BtollP. f' ' woll estnldislLed-bv mem bers of the 'family according to reports received here. .'." Brought up as u child In. the home (,f a Mr. and Mrs. Hell and given the name - of Zolla Bell, she was murnuil under this name ami' moved' to a sinall town near Buffalo. She is now the mother of two children and is visiting 'at the lime f lier sister iii liluekstne. At the til 'f the kidnaping a neighbor of the Jovners was ariosled, nd citizens ;WoYe s0 positive that he was guilty that a rope was actually placed around his neck and he-narrow . ly escaped being .lynched. ,-. Southern Publishers J k Meeting in Asheville '" Asheville, 'July 1!'. ixty fight. nii-.iniiir men were idected ineinbeis . ..' L .1 A ........ I.. I ...ii of tlu Souinern ruiMiinis .-"""i at the opening sc-suun oi l lie eign teentli annual convention here tins morning. This niiuilier is ecpiat urine frm. nieinlif-rshiii of the nssiuial ion at its meeting in Asnevnie ngm years ago The leailing eveni on ine program tnilav is tlie acnins.s o.v President, . lumen II. .Allison,- of l-ort Worth, Texas. 1 TWTRTEEN WATERBOTTLES OF WHISKEY PROVE UNLUCKY Danville, Vn., July 10. J. H. ilson, who avg that Ins home is in i eiiu "Bjrlvania, was arrested .at tha T)anvill ad Western Hailwav stntiojj. Sutui day in midsummer lieaj'bcarnig 1.1 hot water baits, all containing li.pior. il son, unable to give Imil, was placed in the citv cooler and al once wired to O. K. .InneH at Kounoke to ttMinr to his assistance. Fedpral oflicers were waiting for "Wilson when he came m from Tat riek county and his two grips were taken in charge lit onec. About seven gallons of corn liquor was contained in tli rubber containers jfhich ' stliowed igns of good usage. Durham, Julv 1!. Oeorge Murray, a atar pitcher for North Carolina Mute college, will appear next season in a New York 'Yankee uniform, Recording to Bob Glisch, a emit, who visited Durham yesterday. Murray, according ito the scout, will finish his colli'ga sen eon next year before reporting to the Hi QUIET PRINCE wTH MILITIA GUARD M JJVIL FRIENDS E Declare Scandal Not Re sponsible for Self-Inflicted Death FATHER (JIVEN NEWS Act of Prince Joachim Attri buted to Despondency Death Comes as a Great Blow to Former Emperor at Doom. Ki'i'lin, Julvj l!l.---Prienils of Piiuce doathinr, of llpheiiidlern, deny stoiie? cuiieut in t-terlin Sunday that his sui cide was : brought, about' by - scandal, lie is believed to .have been short of funds owing to the limited allow ance from tint crown fund:, permitted ti nn by the Prussian government, lie is hIso re-ported to have been brood ing over the fallen state of iner rovul house and over hi; the for- father's ',ii lit ion. ",',.' DEATH IS GREAT BLOW TO FATHER Doom, -duly '.K- The announcement of the- death of Prince .loai-hiui -caiiie like -a I hunili i Liifl'r""at. poorn .ea-t le. The former Gernian euiperui- has been troubled by heart ailment rei'ently vnd if was though! at Iiit that the news might In-. w it hheld from him. How ever, the ex emperor lias been told and is greatly uft'ected by the death of his favorite son. : ..'.. Prince .loaehinr had recently visited his'iTTre1it.neTirg a guest a I the I'oorn castle here about the middle of June. CROP CONDITIONS GOOD IN COUNTY Latest Report. Shows That " Eastern Carolina Will Have Fine Year flic crops rofina- hav .th is section of Xort h ' iiiipiovi-d reniarliMlilv, i'ii though thev aro .skill late, after the kit o. wiitl er .and .discoii rasing weal I er conditions during the spring, : m coi-i1in' to :i. '. . reporl iusl issued b l-Vank 'Parker; agricultural tal istician of I'l" I . H. i-rnn . rriiort mg service. The .1 iine " , eroji. condit ions improved seven per cent as tin1 w eal her was very fa vornblo except ing fur sortie' spot ted hail hit sections.. The crop forecast is l'at.'r.-ible at jiesent us inuounced by t hi-, l ate 's. co -ope rat i ve croii re'port-ing 'ervi.ee at jfaleigh, . '. Kdgeconibe coiinlv has illi.fclH acre f com or loo per ceiif 'eonipareil with last venr. . a ei -agittg -normal ' in', con- tlition. The" lob.-icco crop nvoraes fiM pi-r t'eiit. in comlitiitii. . 'I'he . acres are est iniated .to be lo:: per cent of the I'.ild crop, and Cotton is reported to bo 1 1, so :lores, r tl7 per cent, of I!"l!i and' - 1 1 1 1 i t i 1 1 1 1 per cent, The Huidilipn of tin- wheat crop a! harvest w:h' ss per ee'.t i.f a- r-eal. N;isji (oiiiut lias ::,:i,"in ;itres rj' -corii " c I o I per cent i.-otn pa.i'ed with last v e;ir, a or aging vs jier cent iii cond i t ion. . T he tob:u'i.-o cnoi avaeia.''es , , per out ill eoinlit ion, Th'e ae.ies nre o-t i Hinted to l.e- 1 11! her cent of the. I i and coi t,m is report ed to be MLi.imil i, or '!!!. pci ci. nl of liMIl and coiidi- I ion .. per- Tlu i oiolii inn 01' I Ollllil ii was 'JO 11 01'. I lie wheal c.roi al harvest per cent I normal. I lie North Carolina corn aereago this vear is four :er cent . below la.t it's and. indicates. per cent of ii full crop prospect. The forecasted liftv-seveu million bushels nro.luction is Ihree per cent boiler than was .niacin last fall. The present farm price is tL'. 2? per flushed or 111! cents ..'more, than a -venr -ago... i he l-nited Mates acreage is ' lighl ly iio reased fr.i'nn lasf veiir, but the present condition of the c.roo fore casts lie jier cent les.s pfoduc-tion. ; The. state's c'olton crop acre-age is perhaps increased slightly with a "I per c-ent condition. This was nine per cent lolver than it was a year ago. The improvement - during June w as four per cent. The hail swept M'ofion around I.enoir c ty suffered heavily. The South s crop showed ohf per cent in creased acreage, 71 per cent condition, the same as last year, but the crop un proved dining dune from the lowest condition on record to the ex'tent. of over eight per ceirr""f3ho present con dil ioii is Kiighl ly above the - ten year a v. -rage. The tobacco crop that put the slate to the p front and brought so much wealth into Northern and Kastern ( aro lliia is increased five to six percent in acreage with a condition of Nil per cent of a full crop. 'Hint means Ihat w have a good, crop prospect and . it prices hold up, we will have another high rank in the crop s value. I'er haus we inav Vet convince Kentiiekv of the)iniportance nf the crop in' this' state, since we are Increasing I In" last year s acreage which surpassed hers. Ihe value of last year's sales were cer- tilied to by western buyers as aggre gating more) than those of our rival. c cur eci c.iiieii producer a sales umuunieci to iotirteen millini's of pnuinls mure than the production that was officially estimated. A dollar bill last, season bought just two pounds of leaf. Irish Civilians Blow Up Military Lorries fork, July 19. Two military lorries loaded wiHi soldiers which passed through Cork at three o'clock this morning were attacked by civilians and blown up with bombs. Sixty casualties among the soldiers and 29 among the civilians have been reported as tlie re sult of the uiuturbance. su STATEMENT READY FOR OPENING LOCAL PLANTS GET OF TOBACCO SEASON Considerable Improvements at Factories of Local To bacco Concerns PLANTS ARK READY TO HANDLE YEARS CROP Erection of New " Plant by China-American Company Tops List Total Improve ments will Invovle Ap proximately $500 '000 . With the date of the opening 'if the lrjcal . tobacco market tixed asiSepteiu: ber I uiitl the an iiouncemeii t -rhar triple win ne coniiocteu,' urning. inviti s now Jicilig lllltue iiy loeiu j lions i" ii inuie ine ciu wane con -meraoie mi pi ovements, .. involving : apjiroxiuiaielv foiKMioO, " have been coinpleted,-or will be completfil before the' opening of the oiai kcti.ihe "tobacco town" 'eetioi ef the l-i'V. . ' . ;; .. ri..cniost among the iuiprtien)ents Iris been the eli --t iolt rd' the l.i!. Is.no' new team drying d:i'nt of the I'hiua Amerivan Tobacco . and .Trading t'o., which will, have ,-i .sullicient; capacity to handle " l:"..ooo. I pounds of . leaf' to bacco rnnunlly. '. This . .binpa -y w ill ;ib-.o continue (o o.ierate il.s ohP-pla.it here, .while "it has openi d several new factories, at either uiarkef i in. order to e.Aedile :1' liandling of itn, enorinous volume of. business. - (insiderable iniproyements have 'also been made al the local plaa' of lii" I imperial . Toba.-co Company during Ho summer in inlhs. In. a lo'tioii to the m-la'gii-eri of the factory liulh'.ing, ail oil ion ai machinery has bee.: rust rolled, giving Ihe plant three drying machines and grea!!y ine'ea.-'ing its general caiacitv. The local lit will this season be under the. manageineit. of Mr. U. II. Thoiupsoii, Mr. K. W. Smith, th.' former : nianngr, having been pro uoded by the coiuiiany to t.h position of, .svipervisor (if tuarkots in (leorgih. .-(Jeorge A, l.ee t'oiijjnHV is auotiler plant; that '-has made (sx tensive . imprn ve in ent s. .. t',h.l!igy.s(.jt this . . factory in clude the installation' of , :iu additional drying 'machine, .ereat ion of .yirfre stor- agT -MAii. mm in i"H''wneriil sm largement of the entire plant. Thorpe and" K: ks ha e . likewise enlarg.'d h.ir sj.htv' section and made other impr.rvemo'n.t w hile Hie W. K. l-'enner Tobaiceo ( 'nnipiinv grea 1 1 y increas ed ifs : already ample facilities for handling the. crori.. Tobacco ,,wu" aS a Whole has beiin on one continual boom during . t he siini in ef: ni on I lis, a nd now with ihe' South .Carolina .anil (leiirgia '.markets opening tomorrow aiid the local jnurkrd '-to. upon. September I the imprinoinents :ire being rnslie'd to ( Oiuplet iOu ill order Hull lh'y may be ready--, to handle early shipments : i r I the local crop. - . .The local Tobacco Hoard of Trade has already held an 'important session ill Which file date for the opening of the locnl. niarlet was lived and triple sales .decide upon. At this, same ,ses ' si on t he follow illg of tieers Wove c lose 11 for I hi' boa rd : I 'n'.sidi'iil , !'.. P. I la vis; I v ice president, C S. I'aniel; secretary. K,; (I., .lohnstoii. Loi-al iiiteri st in tin' jirt'sent seasim lian been crystafi.eil .v ilji ttie niienitiij h t he niu i kcl s (ceorgia and isoiith 4 arolina tomorrow. Numerous . tobacconist Is. , left the eil.v yesterday and today for the various markets in these two stated, and.lirst shipments of the weed are expected within the next few clavs. DOCTOR SUBJECTED TO HEAVY PENALTY Ashe County Physician Kill ed for F'ailure to Regis ter Birth b'aleigh. Julv l'i. -The highest line yet imposed in a local court for a,, vio lation of the state vital statistics law was imposed during.' the week on Dr. K. W. I ugnian, ot arrensville, Ash county, who: was assessed $o(l -and Ihe costs in two cases for lading to re port births where lie was the attend ing physician. '--.' The case of Dr. Tugnian was ag gravated bvihe tact tnat last sum in it he was convicted anil given a ii 1 1 in f no I fine for a siuiilnr offense, and in the present instance ,: prosecution was instigated only alter repeated el forts hail been made to get him' to I'dinpLv Willi ttie law. "It is the inluTent. right of every babv bom in North arolina to hav. its birth promptly anil properly reg islered," declared Dr.- K M. Kigisli-r, state deputy registrar of vital stalls ties, in commenting on the prosecu tions being instituted bv his division of the state board nl health--. "In tins ease the state board of health has ex tended lis activities to the most north western con lit v of the stale. Is arm is long enough to reach across the mountains and kav to the doctors and nndwives who are derelict in their duty, 'you must, treat every babv right, and register its Inrtli.' Failure to comply with the provisions of the law will not tie tolerated, and prosecu tions will be instituted in all rases of violations, regardless of who may be affected." Besides the birds, there are numer nun insects which attack the fruit, wood and leaves o the olive tree. The length of the fMissouri.-Je'jssigs Inpi river it 42000 niiks.?N , . PENN. RAILWAY TO CUT OFF WORKERS; ANOTHER Pig Reduction of Employe; in Eastern Region is An nounced Today TO PRACTICE ECONOMY Statement Issued at Ofl'tce o f Railroad in Philadel phia Declares That Heavy Fx lenses are tin; Cause of Reduction. i'hilail.-lpliia, I'a., July I'.l - A ten per cent -'reilucTion in the vvorkinii forces of the I 'oiiu -ylvauia Kallroad was announced at i the; ollifes of the railway here today. In the territory cast of Altooiin-.be'-twee ii eleven ami twelve thousand workers- will be." laid off, it was .staled., The announcement, declared that Ihe red-net ion . y as necessary . be4' the expenses (if the railroad were exceed ing the income. : :. ' -';v - In view of this condition the ttate uieiit fleelar.'il, .'.very possible ecoiioniy must be jut into operation. WESTERN RF.HIONT IS NOT TO BE AFFECTED Chicago, "July' 111. The reduction in the working loieo of the I'oiinsylvnniH as announced at I'liilaili'lphia litis morning -applies only t.o Ihe .eastern region, it is stateil at tlie ollico ol J. I', oogei-.s, - vice .'president' of t lie noli ii -. eastern . region. Keiliiet.ons . . tor this regiini aro- uinler consideration, ac-i-onl i ng. to I he stalemeiil, but it has not been .derided hat order, will be js HUCll. NEW WATERWAY TO AID MANY CITIES Milwaukee one of Principal Cities on Great Lakes to be effected -Milwaukee, Vi,, .July . r.-l'ass,oe f the measure to open the Ur.-at l.at.e- waterways to. oi-i'aii navigation will lillil Milwaukee prepared to bi'come an icean niOi't, accorilin to Phil A. tirnii, iusille...s luana osoeiatioii tti ;er (it ll"' Milwaukee , mmneree. No change in rfiie i'liprovenient pro raui for the .M iivKiihee harbor wilt be necessary to prepu fihur ocea n Ion- nage," - .Mr,, (.ran .sunt. : I' or inuo yi'ars, or since t he oi'gailiat ion .if f he M ilwaukee hai'bor eoininis.sioli,.. the har bor improvomen! s.diedule has been such as meets all .ri'iiireluents tor every vanctv ol oe 1-iin.Jiinnn ). Mil waukee coiinnorrc :.a ttiiT- Indus! ry . long lias seen that the opening of the (Ireat. kc "Waterways' In ocean navigation title'.-of f he inev it. a ble mat ters of Ihe till ure, however distant. " Milwaukee a trend y is faviire.l will, ine of the l.iesl , harbors in csistelli-e, lesigiii'd oie lilies ..that mi'ct all re -pi i rem eu Is' . for . ocean. - tonnage. ;. Ship pers save oiin-ti linn' inriingn t lit" lernn nal service aiol iiiucli I rau.serr (-xiiense. The ditl'i'reut ial- nn coal In the Mil wauliee harbor is about live cents per ton. . .. .. : ' - -. . - - ' Milwaukee, like, ''many other lake port s, a I read y has iuaiiuc interest e'tual lliint ot I4tv h f acilit ies ii It loreigu a l.ak. .s r.'i ocoiill port r "'Wants- bot ml tiiiniago huiiilling. sli ipnielit s . . from the ion could be started by water instead of being, .jaiiinieil through r.wtliHad traffic.'- to reach seaboard,' ;!H lii 40 per eeht of f ne present traffic load I conic) lie -"taken- oft' the railroads and the railroad, st ill be 'kejit -employed to their capucily ill liandling domestic cjiohiiiier.ee which nlhcrwfV wciulcl have been held iip:" - Telephones Used To Aid Suhway Riders New Vc rk, July, I.oinl .speak ing'' feli-phoiies are siioii to give N.o'w V'ork -subway riili'i's Vc lii-f from the in articulate sounds' . einanat ing from guards in aiinotincin;; subway stations. The tciephoiie instrument; which is to be 'installed on the' Hrookvn lilies, will not only be c inployecl to announce stations, but will bo used for such warnings as "Watch iciur- clep! "Step lively, please! " "tC. Ihe phone is operated bv the con ductor' iirgJiard at the. center (if the car, who speaks in an ordinary voice Ihrough a transmitter, his words com ing forth "in increase'il: volume at each club 't he nhoiie is also audible on tin' I car plat forms. . . iv . l.ond speaking receivers are installed in the ceilings of the cars near the doors and are hardly . visible. The openings are ..about eight inches in liaineter, but screened; and paiuleil tlie same color as T no ceiling.. v. The phone operator is provided with, I. Or!, ..llu ieo..,. transmitter w hich is I small and can be carried around in the pocket or held in the hand. It has a ord similar to that on a regular tele phone and connection ismaile with the teledione system bv "plugging in." FLORIDA JUDGE UPHOLDS STATE PROHIBITION LAWS Tampa, Fla., .lulv lib State prohi bition laws passed prior to tlw accept ance of the eighteenth amendment to the federal constitution provided the state laws do not directly conllict with or crosR the federal amendment and .laws based on the amendment- are valid and prosecution- under uch state laws was upheld by Federal Judge K. f Call, of the mint hern district of Florida in an opinion and order by 'tun, received here yesterday, BURTON IS .GIVEN TI TO PILOT THE YACHT Sir Thomas Lipton An nounces Regular Pilot Handle Shamrock REFUSES-' TO ISSUE A FURTHER STATEMENT Relief Expressed on Hoard Victoria that Captain Rurlon Asked 'Shamrock IV's Owner' to be. (iiven One More Chance.. 'Sandy Ib.ol., .lo'.y h. ' ( 'apt a in Wil liain I'. Hiirton ; will be. given anojher chaiu-e at the wheel of Shainroc-k. I V in the iaee louiui i 'i , aii-oi-iiiig to tin lllllllici'llli-llt Ihade tintay. Sir 'rhoinas l.ipton, iiwner of the cuji i-haileiiger, woulil not: say what might be expected after tomorrow s race. n,or diil he deny ' that he a nd his ad visors aboard the. Victoria haif viitually ..ill' ei-ded to reuiove ('aitaiii Din ton ' from tin' tilli-r of Shamrock IV, following .i-it leisilis of the w ay ill which be hail handle. I ll- craft.' '. i ' -'".'-.'.- Sir 'Thomas 'did not- appears iii the least peiiiirbed n hen he read of the p!a us: for reinov ing t 'a plain i.nrt on. ' I 'aptain Hurt. in. will be at the w heed t ti n ( n n . I understand, " n uounced Sir. .Thomas. " .ffer ihiif 1 i-aiiniil say anil will not talk .about it." It was generally believed ' aboard the Victoria Ihat Captain Hiirton had asked for another chance and that his recpiesf li.'nl lirc'ii granted. Captain Burton himself could not be seen. RUSSIAfT SOVIETS SEEK NEW FIELD Lenine Seeks "Start I'ritish Nation off on Career of . Violence London.- Julv lib---The Kussian soviet government, through' Nikolai lien inc. seeks " to starf the Hn( M.V-i!rtion nt. on thai same career of .revolutionary viplenoe, vvliii-h has made BuKiii, such a jolly place toiive in," Winston Church ill, mini-tor of war, cleclared in "an ar ticle published in the I'.veinng News, answering a, report by a Uritish lallor ileli'gation which visited Kussia aiid n loiter clirec;t(c to the Ilritis'h jieople by Li'ii inc.. iShoiihl tlii' soviet system- be i-Ktab-lishi-il in Kngland the war minister be lievi's ihat not onlvi would fifcodnni of the press and .freedom', of thought be swept away but "the Knglish lajior leaders-, themselves ,would ' sliare the late of Kcri-n-kv, IheMensheviks hav.- nig in I his own country ami said il was .natural he should wi ll "to" have all other nations reduced to the, same Ic-xel of luisery, itr order that his .own carnage inav be covered in the general chaos, ". w role Mr, t'lnri-liill. liiissia was on the threshold of vie to.r.v. . After- all she struggles she wa within r.-aeh of Ihe g"ai. The tiio- loans scut m Lenine, as poison gas is sent sealed ill a svbniler and he -robbed hei'.of the victory she had all but Won fin. I which she might have shared with us. ... "A -milium (ierinans, relei.iecl by Ins net of t rc.'icheiv, tvere let loose on the I'ic'Ueh ami liritish fronts and nearly that number of Unlish und Hreiich ho I diers are dead (ir milt ilated In conso iUeiice. Instead ot yiclorv he gave Kii-sot shame and lmioeasnrable disiis tor. 'I.eiiiiie destroved fh. Hussian re public. He dissolved the Kussian par, liament. "lie had the bulk of its nrem bers biiiUt jlnwn and killed. ; He has robbed his .country (if victory, peace anil, 'freedom' and yhaf lie has given I to in in exchange "liussiu, the great food producing .enter of the world, wracked with famine. Ihe towns depopulated to" half t heir, n u in bers the work men scat feted, ilost-rove.l and the rest en-wed or demur aicd: hundreds of tliousainls 'of peopl ilrivi'ii to the vvo0dsand .-'.mountains to form Mir. -i'ii (iiiarcls' like liobin Hood in the Middle Ages: the railways cm whii-'h t he - whole economic eivilizat ion of tli.o gn'iil regions . depeml sinking .-hopelessly into ab-olule stagnation. . "Onlv Ihe peasant Willi his rille in his Milage -guards the hard 'Won pro duce of his niduiiliial toil, refuses to sell the friuls (if-his labor ,forworth less ) aper mollev iin'' i!TJj "live Ho' old b'u- sian lovejH-"rreai t and home. 'The egoism of the peasant,', says Icn ine 'nuisl now be broken. .' '.'. This, fl s the man whom the crav portion of the socialist party lias been worshipping. He lias now reveal ed his measure, and Ins mcnfctlitv to the Mrilisli public and he appeals to them to create in Hntain that enslaved, in fected, starving ami venomous Hedlam to -which he has reduced the noble and mighty Kussinii stale and nation." CHANG Four Miners Buried By Serious Explosion Pittsburgh, Julv 19. T.onnie Lute ni'in, night foreman, and three laborers were entombed in the mine of the Union Collier company at Kanton, 13 miles from here, this morning at :.W when an explosion partially wrecked the mine. As soon as debris ean be re moved, rescuo workers from the. Pitts burgh station of 'the bureau of niineg and other workers will endeavor to reach the buried men, - . ' ; ? ' . - ' " NEW FIRST LADY OF CANADA '";E -t - tic -( T fVttt 5- f V c.l:rs. Mc'lgheii is I he- wife of tho new premier of Canada,. . Meiglieii: succeeds Kir Hubert. Hordeil. .Mrs. Meighen is ai'i'laiiiieil one (if the tnosf- (haruong and talented women of Ihe lloiuinion. Warrant Sworn Out for the Scout who Enticed Pet ersburg Twirler RICHMOND SELLS TWO Poole and McWhorter Pur chased by Chicago Amer icans Outlaw Scout is Charged Labor. With Soliciting lYtcrsburg, Julv I'.l. "Cv" Young, torincr liiltdiurgli lirate pitcher, last night lumped Ihe i'clcrshurg club of the. irutiiifi League and acct'pted nil oiler. with one of Hie clubs of the Mil lion 1 lollar ..League, . ourig has been one of the tnimi slays ol the local club and was re garded bv inaiiv as the premier twirler ol Ihe league. ( pun the 0 iscciveiv lli.'if Young had inn'cil. a waiTsnl was sworn out. for v l icrce, scout for Ihe out law league, charging him Willi soliciting labor. The Million hollar League is an out law .ivlt-'i ii I at ion coiiipQso.t of cti.T " various oullt I arolina, tceorgia, J lor ida ami Alabaina towns. - . .. COLTS SELL PLAYERS TO CHICAGO CLUB Uiclnnoiiil, .lulv lH.-.lim Poole, Hist bnseuiiiii, and Artie McWhorter, riRht hiiuil pitcher, have been sold by the Kichmoinl club ot the Virginia. League to the ( hicago A nit-r it'll nn. '1 hey will reporl at Ihe close of the present sea -on, Jsopteiiibcr II. GIVEN 513,500 DAMAGES IN CASE FOR DEATH OF WIFE AshevHle, duly )!.- Holding that the coinpaiiv was negligent in that the run- a v train v.hieh last November tore .liiwu the inouulaiii Hide, in l.rahain couiitv, and crashed through Ins homo killing his wife, the jury in f he t inted ' stules - district court here cm haturclayj returneil n verdict- awarding K. II. ! drown 4-1 ..."iOO trom the Hal.c-ock I, an I an.) Luniber c-ompanv A ct'rdict of l'',noii was given drown for the hots o I his wile ami $1 oOO for the deal rue 1 1. ni of Ins home .'end mental anguish. RALEIGH SPEEDSTERS SEND FINIES TO DURHAM ' SQUIRE it Hi rb:i in. .luiv III. -When Scpnre S. (I. Itilev returneil from his vacation Saluiilav ho tc I J.I letters bearing U.'ileigh post nee rk. In them wrf re in 1 1 1 .-i lots covering the fines und costs rceentlv taxed lialeigh - speeders for violating the speed law nu the home ward strefch from the rourth of July bull game ill Durham. 'I IJT other nine lined have not yet remitted, but -the '.Sipnre is expecting the total number of fines to be paid within the next few dais. TWO INSTANTLY KILLED WHEN AIRPLANE FALLS Tulsa, pkla., . Julv It). AUmrt W. NewMoin, of I'nionpoint, fla., and Rob ert V. Midkiff an adopted son of Minlaine K-hiimann Ilcink, and son of a minister at Decatur, li.., Were instantly tilled in nn airplane fall near hero today- NciY-aom, tulot of the machine, was maneuvering for a landing wlwrt niie of the wing suddenly propped off and the iplane. fell about 3,500 feet. Newsoin was manager ol a commercial flying field at Okmulgee, about 6!) miles sout h of al&a. . . "1 CY YDUNG JUMPS TO OUTLAW CLUB COX PREPARES FOB CONFERENCE WITH PARTY COMMITTEE Launches into Busy Day up on Return from Wash ington Conference MUCH PLEASED WITH OUTCOME OF SESSION National Committee Mem bers are Arriving in Ohio Capital Today for Con ference with Party Nom inees. Tomorrow. oliiiiibiis, July 19. Ooyernor Coj. mi Lately upon his return from W iislicngton this .morning where htl eon terrecl yesterday with President Wil son, launched into dans for confer ences w ith the democratic national com mittee here tomorrow. , ;; . ( hiiiriuan Cummiugs and many men. -lit is of the ; committee arrived today for Ihe meeting tomorrow ant) kept Gov ernor Co husy with discussion of plans for the selection of a campaign m:n ager, speaking tours and other arrange ments. . . .; : (covernor Cot stated that A.: 'very much pleased" with the outcome, of his confer. nep wUh P!,1ait Wil ¬ son and reiterated his atatement tint ne would not reply to Senator liar. ! nip's incmirv nnr entyntrA 4m an.r deliitte with the republican nominee. inciiiueii among tnoso arriving for the committee meeting tomorrow morn ing are any women who were elected fo places under' the suspension of the rules at the Han Francisco convention . Itcturiiiiig from Washington with (iovernor Cox wag Franklin D. Roose velt, democratic vice-presidential nom inee, wliti will remain over for the na-" fional committee nieetiug as a guest at the .executive mansion. . n MOORE REFUSES TO CONDUCT CAMPAION -.1 ouiigstown, Ohio, July 19-B. II. Moore,, naLional doniocrat'to committee man trom Ohio ami pre jtuivenHtin'Ja'in--' ed einiiliaticnlly today that h . would not accept the position of chairman 'of the national democratic committee ami. manage the presidential campaign for Oovernor Cox. .. . , N Y EAST SIDERS HALT WILD SPENDING Illusions That Came With War Die Out and Folk Settle Down (By Lorry A. Jacobs) New York, July 19. Slowly, Sadly but surely, New York'a Kast Hide is beginning to awaken to the fact that no rial prosperity has come as the re sult of high wages. 'I he high cost of living, the mail tei- il. in of oen ih thrifty EasT'Siders lo spend easily earned money for ej Iravigant elotlies and pleasures, and 1he nlready felt pinch of" the slowing down m domestic trade orders have all combined to bring to a halt the short lived belief of these sweat shop work ers that this was their "day," and that the wiorbl was about to day its wealth at their feet. ' Wages are high,'' they have argued with themselves. "'They can't go down. We will have our flyer and then settle down." Tliev have had their flyer. They have worn f ilk shirts, fur coats, and much finery. But now the silk shirts and fur coats are nearly worn out, wages are no higher than they were a vear ago ami the cost of living, If any thing, has gone up. The Knst Hide of today la not appre ciably any different than H wns five years ago. Much costly fond is dis played, but malnutrition eases are just as iiiuiiv at the clinics. High rents are. belli-' paid by housing conditions, if anything, are worse. Factory girls are dressed In silks and stevedores in tailormade garments but there ii just as much filth as ever in the streets. ,. "No," said a Cjna'1 street shopkeep er to me. "They do ript buy so well now. They shake their heads when I show them" the silk dress marked down, to $21 its that last summer they did nor think good enough. - -. "Yes, I am getting high prices." said a Tenth avenue curb fruit deab r. "But 1 sell so little I do not mnko enough to live on." And so it appears that New Torh's Fast Side is about to settle down U some real saving, and forget the t'tu'. ions that camo with the' flood of mor'-. , and high waees during the war after the armistice. . Dry Organisation To Meet In Washington Columbus, July 19" Announcement was made today" by Jsmes A. White, snnnrintendent of the American Auti- &iloon (League, that the meeting of tlie executive committee of that or jganir.ation will be held in Washing ' ton Thursday instead of In Columbus as first planned. The purpose of the meeting will be to determine whether the organization will support Gover nor Coi or Senator Harding or neither one of them in the coming pre,'; ' n!' -,! election. .. , , - . ' v; -' - : Y