V "ROCKY MOUn4 LEADS THE WAYv EVERYDAY" THE EVENING TELEGRAM THE WEATHER Probably Fiir Tonight and Sunday V VOL. XIV. NO. 347. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. SATURDAY AFTERNOO N, AUGUST 14, 1920. PRICE 5 CENTS GREAT CEREMONIES' OPENING.- OF Athletes from Thirty "Na : tions March in Monster Parade at Opening GAMES SCHEDULED TO START TOMORROW German and Austrian Flags Missing Among Those Flying Over New Stadiunvj American Athletes uraw Much Applause. Antwerp,'.' A uy. 1 Tim Olympic It was a Utadiuin win opened today. formal eiTninunv, staged wi(h a sot- ting -of tl ; i j4 m , li:m ikts anil Uniterm;: pennants jaiiist a background of v.hio stone, cement anil wood, ' wltli royalty;' officialdom, 1 i j 1 i v-, funic and fashion participating in the pro gram or represented in the hnxest- Hut the thousands "of spectators .packed the huge oval centered their, interest in tlit. actual ; -c.ontes'ts athletes from nearly 3D natlGui who. para-ied tin' ' ireua' aiiir'toim'irrow will .begin their test of strength anil skill. : '.'The ' snectntorv-weri as. cosmopolitan as the mass of coji t st a nt s a n 1 in tin' ranks of the athletes wcie citizens of all the countries ' .whose- flags; '...ttyng from official diplomatic ur consular boxes, madi the scene a colorful hodge podge like a warship docked out with all her pennants. 'Two flags,-the Orinan ami Austrian, which, rleiv over the st:i.ium in the . fix ' olympiad "at Stockholm, were missing anil these, count rios, barred from participating in the meet, as were al) enemies of the KiiteiMe powers i'a tlu war, had no representation either in the arena or in the diplomatic hoses. The 'Russian.- Hag, also was missing. I n their places; however; were the ath letes and flays of nations nowliorr. of the War, Kihonia a-nd Czeebn Slovakia, the latter replacing Bohemia, . who.ie Athletes, though then lislt-d scpnrat'ely, had to march Jn.Ht behind the Aus tiians at : ttm khnim.' The' Jngo Slavs today replaced the Serbians .of KH'.Y Tiie formal ceremonies of opening the stadium included addresses by the King of the Belgians, who Of liciaUy presented the stadium t" H.'iroii Fierce de Ciniberlin, president of the lute' national Olympic, committee and lie a number of 'other officials 'of. the gian or Antwerp city govermuea -Hii.1 Belgian Olympic . committees. . There wai also tremendously inipi exsivo . sj:ig ini' bv a BelL'inn choral society.- . The ciici"-'ui(j . ams continuous tie athlete. filing hi from the open s hist back of.'llio sialiiini where . (lie liail rormcd, nation be nai mil... .same into the arena headed by the iiioitilierk of the International 'Olympic -commit"; cc. They marched in alphabetical ol der, hough Ilie ' Holgmns alphabet b cnlly first in 'the lisU took last place, eoui-'emisly, as, hn-t-. This brought Australia first in line: behind the nfli rial commit t ce. ". Kacll group was precede. 1 bv its flags, and generally -speaking, group of nal niuals w as imi dri'sned not in atlilei-.c . loe-i c.-h h "ovjniy in. t in fsoi'.e. HI. of uniform i-lit iliol . ilo. . . jioi'-'ev i r, wt form. A to in al dty ''i u;: ,y niK th"v swiiiii; by. the royal l.of, where Kimj 'AMieri. I'nric.' Iiiopob! an ! a '.'(jronp of ;'siv'-r(mii'iit of lie oil's v.cic s'atnliue, tlicv s:i I ill 1 the km;;. f .li e of the al.v 'tr paid ": si.ui.ar co:;itcfV to th? .imbassaiiors or .miniv ters of their nations, who hat tmxiM all aroiiml the arena. - Whether it was represented alhletcH, as was Vrnnce, ir j'luupnrative haiiufiil, a- by ;.:irii only a Japan, nied to rncli nation imrt iciimt in;: have ita clique of partisans in the htaiuls. SVlieic possible, the sped ators of oco liHtliinnlity had grouped t" aether. All of the tourist a who, lor weeks, have been pouring into Hoi giuin neeine.l to be there. Tli American athletes, about .Hm (troiitf, were cheered .frequently rw only bv their compatriots in the at a mis, but by the thronga who recini7.ed that the- group mnrehiiij; behind the stars anil stripes were nnionRlui ulrona con teiidcr for victory in the seventh Olympiad. It eeined tliat there were thousands : of -Americans in the stands. Kvery noldier from the army of occupation ooitlie Rhine who could possibly secure Jeave was there in khaki. Jackie from the cruiser Frederick, sailor frrnn the American niercha nl and passenger .lin er In the harbor and hundreds upon linndroiiH of tourist!! swelled the dele gatidu from acrom the Atlantic iinli), in some part of the stadium, at least, it seemed to be a regular .. American crowd. The Belgians, of course mid also the French and Knfilish appeared to be out in fotee. A fflance at. the list of nations par- liiriiifltinit in this Olympiad gives an ii. dm cosmopolitan character of !... nttib-lKS and crowd: Australia, , Belgium; .Brar.ll, Canada, China Chili, ' n,.,imnrk. EirVftt, Spain, United States, ii.,i...l Kranee. Oreat Britain, Greece Holland'. British India, Italy, Japnn. i -,.,nrir. Norwac. New Zealaiirt Portugal. South Africa, Sweden, Hwit- .,in riveehn-Slovakia, Ksthonia ami Monaco;. , , Z, ' . . ; . cic thpse. Brar.il. China, Eaypt, Spain and British India did not participate t fitockholm in 1012. w..,Uv't ceremonv. from the inter national viewpoint, signified nok.jinly rUm formal otienlnir of the Olynp"- painei but the completion of a task by "lj(iuiii wli4clv undertaken it a difficult time in her history, seemed al most impossible of consummating. V'ShiT tli International Ulympie MARK IIC STADIUM JAPAN REPLIES TOFREPUBLICAH PARTYlTEWNESSEE HQUSE1EXPECT SENATE TOIMANY LOCAL BILLSfPOLISH SIBERIAN PROTEST Makes Detailed Reply to Re cent Note from Ameri can Government LENGTHY STATEMENT Original Note and Complete Reply May; He -Made' Pub lic by State Department Next Week Goes Into Occupation Issue. , Washington, An;;.. 14.t Japan 's re ply to the Anierican note protestini: agniHrt '..Japanese ocmipatjiwi of the northern part of the Island of Saylm lien wn. reveived today at. the state lepariiiient. ' -.' '. ' , . Tlic note was. dejeribed as a lengtliy ne and it was understood. that it went thoronjjhly into the wlinle ipiestioii of ! he, Japanese .(piostion in Hibe.ria. The document, together with t he . orijiinat Aiiieiiiati next week note, may be .made public Survived 22 Wounds to lie Killed by Lightning I'aiers.in, N. J., Aa. II U'ehard J. Koran who .survived flu- world- war 'with -d ivouiids while a momlior of the .'amth machine un baltalinii. was killed by lic,htiiiii;;gtodMy nliile- seeking shel ter beneatli a t ree . iliiriiii;' a severe thunder storm. 7 Two companions had It Koraii a moineiit before lie was killed. Ahearn Re-Instated on American Olympic Team 'Ant werp, Atijr. 1 4.-- The: re nisV.'i le nient, o'f Ibin Ahi am. .of the Illinois Athielic club, dismissed yesterdav. frrun the Ainericail Olympic, panics oil cliarx.'s of insubordination, was announced this noon. Ahearn apol.'nied this laorniue. in the. iteseni-e oi' both the American rommitlei-., .Tbey".' ac'epled " his, apiily iy ' ainl he was reslnreil to bis . 'forin'c, ytandiug Mil tlic team, thus .closinjj the incident . '. , VETERANS INVITED TO VIRGINIA CITY General Meets - Issues'. An nouncement of Dedica tory Exercises Acciiidiii to aiuioiiiH-enieiit nia-b ' oda ' -be l ieiicr;!' Vi!:n..it;'iuli, .c.'im: ..lames.;- I; lllii. .'I-, of jit' 1 ' nit i e ll!l-!Ht.i! :-. I'etiii;r. r : . Metis, of the N'or'h ,1 ' Con fed It. i f I, a V will: be which are -i i'i icator- ' a i o' iiia liu.'i division erat era I: V'cterinis. . I H.i ! r a i de, Meat he .on! exerci.si It tieuera '"liat will at monies. d Se. V d.t. s I'll t..i' the . eartH" I , Mitts i;i !l vetel a n ml and la Two. nior de his wl .I, l.vi allllOltllceil , :.:"siblv part hi the i uoliie, H'ort'iiv rallant Mildii rs i ever 'i !, and the Tar lice! ' Veterans who oossiiily ciiii sliopl.l . ,1,, hiiiuinti do "tl'n'il l.l.i UIIU'V v.ith their presence ou this iu'eii siou. " On tin- : n i till t of tSeptenilicr jli 'ie I ;i uli t i-rs of the t'onfcdei'Hcv at. SViu cliostor, Va., '. will --give a iniception to the members of the party nt 'ending the dedication. As the l)iuii;hters .f heer wish to know as soon as pusdlde aluiut-hov' many therc will be jireseni, hose of the North d 'ilrolina Veterans who expect to 'attend' jii'e rciinest ed fo j anvi.se, it,, .ii. . i on nor, oi liaieisiu, socrel a iy ; or . t lie .North, I arolina 1 1 f m toric . commission. commit tec, meet in tr at .1. ansa una, . ill l!Mil, decided to award the seventh Olympiad' to Beloium.; the ntit ioii, nfl-'r four years of occupation by the eiieniy and in a crippled industrial eoiidition, set out to coustriict a huge . stadium and mnke other arrangement for the frames in abodit one year's time. Other nations, scenes ot previous Olympiads had had much more tune and more favorable conditions. Nevertheless,, .the stadium was com lilctod in record time, having been turned over by the -contractor to the Belgium Olvnipif- committee, on Jlay last. . The stadium is something more than three miles from the central biisines distriet of Antwerp and Is reached hy street railwav and steam r.lilwav lines It has 1uen built of. stone, concrete, steel and wood, with an iinpressivi arched main entrance, lis total ca nncitv for snectafors is esllmaied at :tl),(l(li). It, like the tracks it encloses is oval in shape. On two sides then are 'roofed ''grandstands' where are located the iioxes nnd reserved seats At the two end of the oval, however there nre no roofs but onlv a series of steps like' those of the old Oreek open-air theaters nccmnmodaling thousands of spectators standing. The tracks are the ordinary cinder paths,' while the inside arena, where will be held the Held events, is of well kept turf. The running track, oval, of course is a fraction under Sl)0 met en to a lap There is a straightaway., along one side, sufficiently long for the 100 meter dash but. the L'OO-meter race must be run on the oval.' Thcv grusi" field inside Is 14S hv 7.'l metSPj and the football ground 100 by ft',l,?tcrs There arc tenuis courts lWiti';to the stadium. " . , ; There nre of course, speclul j in, bathing nnd refreshment for the i-lthletes and v jn foi press jiiiulf ,f!'it'!uh, ..i ASSAILED B, COX IN SPEECH - TODAY, Vigorous Attack Made in Address Before W! Va. State Convention DECLARES G. O. P. IS GUILTY OF TRICKERY Would Trick People in Op position to League of Na-tions--Second Speech of Day Will Be Public Ap pearance at Wheeling.' Wlieelinc, W. 'a.. Au .11. nor Cox todnv opened fire on hi -ti over re,,;,!.. lien n iiiiposil ion (h.'ireiii''; iis leadershi with "altemptcd triclicryM'f the Anier icaiv ieojde in opposhiy the league of iini'miix" and with i-nmliictiiig- n cam jiainu behind i smoke, screen' to secure part :.an sjioils. '. ' ' Th a! "a powerful i-oniliii;it ion 'of. in tefcVts is now atteuiptin "to buy nv erniiieut control !?. also was assert nil - liy the -ilemocr.-it ic presidential candidale , who chiired ' t hat ' mil lions a in I mil lion.-, were. heii'K- fs:'i l. .in CitVnpuiyii ciiii t ri but ions. The ipivernor . loosened his atljo-'K in .his ndilre-s here. Jit the W.it 'Virjsiaia democrat ic con vent ion. It was bis lir.it vigorous nssavi-l. on the repiililicans and; was to. lie followeit fiv n::.rltt by aiiol her addri'ss .to be iiDi-le to tlic fieneral pul'Iie. . A it hoiijjh the ii'ivpr.'iey of tiic league of . nations, wl i.-h I'ne Kove.i -iiiu'.- d.eeia:'- 'ii WHS Ilie ' re;itest ill-1 V c'lii'T, t of- l i).'lit eoiisneSh. . in . i he. iiisK l y it'; 1 lie uerlif," was ilie main tli-.Mic -if tije vhnHi.oi'.'it ic ca ndidat e.'s add iv's'j,: he aHii .i.ttaeked the r.-pub:i.;an nl iaarchv. . The deioner.it.;; he adrlcd, .pres-ont' a caun of eoirsl riu-t i i', prum'.-siv e, eciiiioniii' service with a, savllio of. two billion dollars . niiiiiialiv in oovoi 'anient ox pi-lises.. - SINN FEIN START SYSTEM OF COURTS Establishment of Supreme Tribunal oi Appeal Will Finish System li'iiblin, Anjf. I I. Sinn I'ein is iiriau ''nii". under the name of the Jrish. lie: ubiii-.'iu j;overnliient, a sii.reme court f .Tppon I wiiicli when set. op will com- vto I he. systion of tribunal- sii su e : c.sf oi: in haadlini minoi'. disputes for he past n.onths. The hiyhi st court of the Hrif isli eovi rniiiehl in Ireland has irtiially ceasyd to funition bevanse poeals have bei-n witolfawn ainl liianv i.Ujr.'intj ; jlocline to : Teciignie; that at i ;niy nntliority whatever. ., Art bur (irifKtli, tlie leader of Sinn in in Ireland, ' told The . Assoi-.iajed e-i, . that it had. nid been decided viicthei- to have t hree or five judges on h esuprenie briii-h imr had any uf "thi' tidies iieCii selected.: ' J ' "!)ur Tower courts have been, sue e'ssftil in checking the wiv of c:inio lli.it was sw;eeirine- over .Iridaiid a few 44-U4- II go- JttnaT ver nmy be said about the ropulilican it luiibt be crime, has ;iiverniiient oy imr encmic; lild Is adinifted thai ; pet.tv iccii mi the wane, all over the country iin lir. courts began to function. Nat-1 uraltv in :i ii V" .cases both, criminal and j ivil linve been npenled but we have in court tuglier than a itistnct court o vvhicli we may fake, thoni. Appeal a os arc idling . up and the iiecd of a uprcine court is increasing every day. '"..We do ' not .-nnticipate nn;,ti more rouble with the military and police in milling meetings of the supreme court than, we- have- liiul in- connection with the lower ones.' Sow and then an irmcM force prevents their being held but in that case the eoii'ft meets again oinewliere else. In no instance have tile troops nnd' police perinanentlv pro- vented cases from being tried." ; The idan Air . forestalling .Biitish I'liilges and courts is very simple but piite effective. - When court is raU'ed men summoned for .pirv service tail to appear. J-'incs up to ino have been m posed , on absentees. If. the .officers irrcst the in nnd imprison them they go hi hunger strike and subsequently arc re'eased, hence, British authorities have ceased to use imprisonment as a lY'iipon and their courts are rapidly easing to function.1- , All n dicers of the Sinn rein parish Jirirl district courts, are under the juris diction of the department of justice of the Irish republic. Each litigant in a civil action agrees to abide bv the 'decision and not to take up the rae in an "enemy court " moaning a Urtish institution in Ire land. This agreement and the verdict of public opinion constitutes the pow er of (he new courts in civil cases, The powcr in criminal cases lies with the Irish volunteers, a forlc that is be coining K'ss and less secretive in its (ictiviticw. Tlif colurts are held in public, halls or in nny place; conven ient and reports of the destrtictinn of Uin court holmes of the British govern ment come in almost daily, Sinn Fein has no prisons. Sentenee in more serious criminal cases and the one ii.ot dreaded, is deportation, us ually to .K n gla nd. I'enalties for minor offenses are usually a niodieation of the pillory system. The Ki.'ininth . Indians of southern Oregon have, since prehistoric, times, iriithfi'i'it for food the seeds of ' a spe cies of watcrlilies, regarding them as ' delicacy. RESENTS OF . THETPRESIDENT Speaker of House Replies to Message Urging Ratifi . ' cation Measure CONVICTIONS PLACED ABOVE PARTY NEEDS! President' of States Rights League in North Carolina Wires Tqnnessk'e Head quarters That Ratifica tion Is Doomed. Nashville, : Seili A. Tcnii . Aug;. 1 1. -Spunk-.Vl, Walker of the Ti:iiue"- iepre.seiit;it.i.ve today ro I clegram of I'l't sident, .'Vil li was exprc-M'il the 'hope ni.s'e" would I'ouciir in the i or sv-e ionise o plied to (die fill in win. that the h seuate itiL' t'u lion on the' resoli.it ion ralify uitliau'e ameinliiieiiL' The- it- ply follows:' .''I have Ibf profound .honor to ac knowledge, your wire .of . Aul,".i-' l.'l. I do not attempt to -.express the vieWs (if oilier iti i' tu I -1 s of the lulu r lioo-.e of Tennessee lint sieak 'or myself aioile, which on t lie' Ant hony '. -iilionidmeut are contrary to yours... Vou welt too yreat to ask it, ;ind I do not be'ieve that iheii of .Teunessvo wil convictions: fur politij surrender. honest al expediency' or lo. I .o.eii.v. .;, . . , - . , Anti-rat ili . -it ion hi'adiiiai:lers . mad" public, today a teiograni .frnm V, II. ViUiaiiFSiin, .-jcsident of the stales i-ilil- reague of North "Carolina', do-ciai-ir.; 4 ha sufl'rae would lie defeat ei! iii that s.,),.. 'I'lie ino-saee follows: ' W e are . 'jji'Vi ti to will: in hpiie . of 'pressure, from, the v.liite house, llay "i mi, .Ohio, and fin in 1 he ; I'll it ed Slat cs senate ami ilie ' -ecrelary of f.lie liavy. The will of f he-' pt-o'ple of our stal e must be: the laiv. If this eriino is. por'pet rat ed, lid if , out be iaid lit the door of either Nor1 h; .('arnliua or her daiigiiter Tsencs iee. l-'igiit . to the last dit.-h and then . some, ';'. '..'".''.",.' ..: . ' . . Housing Commission Is Created in Rome '. lidiiie, A u.. 1 :',: 1 "oiiunen iai ore l.n f ignoli, the neiv head of the hoiiiiiig coiiiaiissioii, with a touching bolicf in the good ne ss of, liuioan nat uie, . cele I. rated his apjuiiiitinent by sending an appeal to t lie .: arist ocraey : of Home, asliiiixr I'.iem o allow am: spare I'muiis in ilieir ,,sdendid :ol.i.pali!c.i:s to be lent ed out .,.l,o some of ibe we.a ry seek. ers afler. honserooni in the Lternal il v; ;;, .;: ; . - -, . All wil li one i-inisi nl lioyau I" . uiake excuses. King. 'ic'l or, -however, was an except ioji,- lie lias, a Ireadv . made ten liew apa i ''iiient h for iniiuble faiu liies in tli" --'.Jiirge stabb-s near the Oeiiiiia! t'olace which his father. King ii.ia.be ,'. krol fail of borsts, but Vvhicb, since, the accession of the prcs eni king, have always been more or less empty,' At an . uxiieuse of nearly inii,lHMI he. jdans to coiis'riiet .'II! 'more . ajiartuients. ' . Rate Increase Granted IiyCanadiaiv- Commission Ollawa. t'iin., Aug. II. --The JKinjiii.-' ion board of railway, ciiiinaission.'f s to day granted increases in through rates lo the I'.iiitel Slates to roads in Canada to conform-with those recently approv ed bv the I nlersl ate Coinmerce. Coin- mis-ion at Washington These increases apply to all coniinoditics excejit coal and. coke. - ;' Officers Take Over c Another Boston Bank Host on, Aug. Id. Bank l.'imiiiiissidii: or Joseph ('. Allen today took charge of the affairs of the Polish Industrial Association, conducting' a private bank at :t" Cross streel in this city, Henry II. Chmiernislii, presiilent of the .Han over Trust Co., (he chief depositors of Charles I'onzi, whii-le was clo-cd last Wirilne i' lay by the. ciinimii-sioner, : is president of the nssoeifitioii. COST STORK VISITS , MORE THAN. DOUBLES New Yoik. Aug. I t. Keporfs of ma itemity hospitals : today showed that 'since l!)l(i the average-per eapila cost of stork visits has increased from $:;". 19 to $7(1.04. . IN POLICE COURT The following-- cases were disposed of by Ti.'corder Lancaster at the regu lar .session of municipal court this morning- : Andrew Jones nnd Kdgar House faced charges of driving automobiles with the cutout open. Kach defendant; was fined $r. In answer to n charge of parking on the wrong side of tiie street, O. I!. West was taxed (!!. Charlie Onv was charged with reck less driving and relieved of by the court. ('. A, Thompson was also charged with recklessi driving but was found not guilty. . . ,,; . Joe Battle wns the third defendant to face the court on a reckless driv ing charge, ,11c was ined $!.". Sol Krnr.ior wns charged with giving a woi'thloPs cherk but iudgnient was suspended upon his pavnteut of the $5 costs in the case. C K. Shea nil was cnanred with false pretense. The case against linn, how ever, wns nol prosei and (he defend ant id i tr wiiti i -" i ISSAGEIIOTE ON SUFFRAGE QUESTION TUESDAY Leaders of Anti Forces De clare Amendment Doom ed in Both Houses HARDEST FIGHT WILL OCCUR IN THF HOUSE Ratification Supporters En couraged by Governor's Message and 'Favorable Report on Resolution by Committee. Ualeigh, A tl y. 1 I. - I., a ic:s in the N'oitli Carolina leislat iii-e were of the o'pi ni on., t inlay, 't hat licit lie r t he sena'- e nor t lie . lion ii' would vote . before Tne-h.iy on rat ilical i'Oi (if the federal suflriiee iiiiicndnii'ii,.' It was pri'dicled (bet .action, would he t;iheii , iil-st in I he .. ioiie orobablv Tuesdav an I that if Ilo '. e--te. -ivW; when bat lb rat ificat ion day v, ere :ld il'it.ioli iilli'iiilt'ced mI t here, it Would by: (he, : house .,a bit "or,, close opt be considei-ed it was -expect we.ii.ld. occur. Sufirage :ud;oeatcs w by ( bivcnior liiekett 's ra) ilical ioii a ml (.lie f bv. a -seiiafe couiuii'tee 1 ion resoliil ion v.i're' i of .siici-css in 1 he. senate ere i uc-oiiiaged menage urging i virable report of the ratitlcH. onliilcut ' today Sialic of theal were a bit. dubious iiiioiit the hoti.si'.. ixly-three of tie I'jo nieliilii'rs of the house signed the telegrani sent to the Tennessee, leirislalure urging : it to defeat the . siiil'r..ip;e . resolnt ioii. . Anli suffragists said' liy ''.H ...'.ytniil tlllisl whA'"!.igjii'd. the telegram : would vole trgailist i.-il ilie.'itiou, Unis assuring do feat of Ui" - resoliitioli, . Sufl'Vago i ppoiients also i-Uiiued thcv would . iie , able, in break into -the'-. .suf frage :' ieii!;th ill the senate, and pr dictions were made that the .miff rage resolution would never reai h (lie htiu.sc; TREES NOMINATED FOR HALL OF FAME Washington and General Johnston Oaks Among Those Reported V.i -l.in n, "Aug.. 1 The (inly f i i kiiowu to iiavi be'i ii. :piaued ill- nior. ory-.-of Abraliaui l.in.-olii cijM 'lifli i iias, in' 'if ..imiiii.it'.. his ass:i4ssii:: on i or a piaee ..it Wil It an I 'on t!i' . Hall of IViii'-'f ' ' ( 1'C) ..rv. wllicil .',(".: Aioerican I - nre.si rv 'A-,v -ia!.i.m: is ii piling, u here the as A. S. Ilaib y, i the I ree now o.cia! ion thai- tl. iVc ends Vri'l' II is iali, leiv. iufoiaie e.as iiia'i till in.;; ;:s .-' ed I mil' Joii.li "l-inti. When A In till Idneobi nated ...Mr; K.inn Coveriior Sroue, few days later (iocrnor Stone, day of nimirning i u t ii the yv.iioo.s; haekbei'iy 'shoot was in ("hicigo it .-. of Iowa, declared u on April i!'.Y l'i of Iowa, d care I a for Ijiiifoln. l'"nin went and . dag n;' a siiiiii. nisplam TV. 1 111' Sl I'd.;! Ill 1 lOnl Of : .l lr. ui . '! lie slioot look root, and lo.': of tiie nui.st iiiagnilieciit Ir'es 1, i.s Tin feel high and nei.rl is .... Ii lo'.V. VI fee1 .-ts i:- in circiiiiil'erciice to - which fa Aiii.erican Foresly ' Associa' in i as a L'i'eat lesson in what cum I .ptiin: : don ill t.rco jdanting. , ,, . .;: The -Duughtorn of the Am.riiaii l!ev oliilioii, the. (irand. Army , pi the lie public- and hbi'-i4c;ti-Mn-retieT! : o"' t in country are said lo ;he' reposing liiahy olher Irees.- .-.with . U history to tin Aioerican ioreslry Association. Othi-i noiiiiual ion for the Hull of i'amo are: The first aly.ii'oba tree in the llawa iian TslainU by' -M. J.: Kiordaii, of I'la staff, Ariz. This tree seed wis t.ikoi to Honolulu by Father llnc'-li 'i"t. from t'allforiliu. There are now "mii.-ail 1 of ! hem in the islands. The (leni'ial .lacksoin Oak on tiie Shiloh liallleliold . by (lie chamber id coniiuercc of Corinth, Miss, In ler thl tree (leneral Albert Sidney ..Johns.t oi was killed while leading ; his troops The tree, now dot) yVnr.s oi l, is car" i for by . the national' government., The ashinglou Oak near S'liitu'. S. (,'., nominated by J. Danforln Uioh if Wilmington, ilel, Tlie -tree wat oared from the ux when Oenrai' Wash miflon u rued that it be not cut down." I'he tree is on the estale of (.''.done ilenry Hut ledge. : The .largest eanvoii live oak in Ca'i fornia is believed to have been ton. id bv I.. A. Ilarrctt. of the I'nited State forest (service, near the Hbidison ranch in BoiKiui-'t (.'a n von on the Hnlitji Bur barn forest. The San I liei'ii .Mission I'alm, iiiuin nated bv T. 1". Oct.. I Ins Is tlie (inrv one remaiuing of the four planted l"ti!.- Two were sent to the Chiengt world's fair in IMS and a third wat bl(in down in Iftll. The Bliinsliui Olik. just over I hi I'liiladelpliiu liiio ill Onrhy, nomiiiat bv -Miss Kthcl Austin Shrigley, l."nnilowii. I'a. This tree was mention il in n deed in Hi.i.'l and from beneath it in 1717 (reneral Washington watch ed his army .march from Philadelphia to Ch:i dd's Kor.t The old Sassafras Tree at Harris burg, now 2US years old, nominated by J. S. llfick. It wns 15 years old when John Harris, Jr., son of the man who found the TennsvlvuiiiH capital, was born. The tree is U feet in .arciini fereu'.o mid 5fi feet high 1'or the there were fir-' six 'months of IOL'0 2771 suici h'S ill the United i-emnared v. il h 2 'Ii I tl tt s" PASSED Oil TODAY Two Houses of Legislature Worked to Clear Docket For the- -Week RKCESS UNTIL MONDAY Statewide Tick Eradication Bill and Stringent Meas ure Against Carrying Concealed -.Weapons Are Reportej.1 Unfavorable. Ilaleigh. Aug. 14. '--(By --Max . Alrer-natliy),- Working lor iieariv two hours this in or n ing. senate and house-': made iiuili a lo'le in numerous local biils of feri d (im'iilg lhe past four (lays and leave tile dm ket clear for the week, lloth housos eiioli ; recess until' Monday nigh I a; o'l-loi-k. The house coin mil tee en agrieiill ure ivp'i.i. ' 'I " .. imfaeiii.'ibly Hie stale.widi; tick 'crailiciitio.n biil ns - did anolher Oil (be bills ottered bv Hep- ntative IJn is providing for tight- niiig uii the laws about carrying con- n led vyeapolis. 'I'he htu'i bin- pro: ided that a man. iniglit be arrested on picion and (dherwise nihde (he, law still tighter 'fur. 'the. approval, of the inn in itt lit'.. MenibiTs 'of the. eomiittee did not I hi nil it. would be p(,sible to retain the arl v. hold oil eastern ( lirolina it the icl, i'ladicalion bill were put through iiise there is great opposition on he part nt' stock farmers, (here to re- rict.ioii.s the tick law would, impose, ree raHkc county farmers where there ii( 110 fence laws declare it wonni n nipo-sible, for (hem, to get their stock elileit for .the -dipping Vats. he - senate linanee committee let own die Inns (or ine lowu or lien ersiniville today vvlien ' it reported, a 11 . favorably authorizing the city of ials there to; sell bonds below par' in order to. meet notes . uuitu'ina this ill h. Targi' n limbers of other cities (he, stale ait- in aboiit'tlic nun' fix .lleildersonvilie. NEGRO IS KILLED BY VIRGINIA MOB brother of Girl Negro Tried to. Assault Fires Bullet When Negro Fought ". Oaiiville, Va'.', Aug. It. A few hour ier- attempting to attack ; a white ill near Alton, a., Halifax enmity. oy Mile hell, a: negro,; was shot and ei bv the young ' woman 's brother, ceordiiig lo a' leimrt received here .to- iy. . . - : : " ' Traiieil bv u jnisse and caught, Jlitch- 1 shosved fight with an axe when cor- ered, ilie girt s urouior: ming a man in a shot gnu into the ., negro n toinaeli. Alitidiell died sliorlly after eing carried lo (he lloii-ton jail. 0 TONS OF POWDER SET OFF BY BOLT Way ui:, N. J.. Aug. 11. Fifty ton, powder - undergoing "wet dry" reatiiient in the Corning mill -of K. I. TT I old . iinWder iilalK Here., was lie piuit Mere., as dc- I roved vest erd wlien ligntiuii.'; (ruck .the.-' building ,i'u which it was oreij. . '. t rrilic explosion tollovve I lie lightning flush and liuibliiigs wcr .' liakeii ainl windows brnken through- lit (his part cf New Jels.y. JOREMUS TO MANAGE WESTERN CAMPAIGN New York, Aug. 14. (leorge White, airman of the ..democratic.-' national ominittee, yesterday annouiioeil up- -wutuiciit of Kcprivcnl.'ivc Frank Do- emus ot .Miclngan (is western nniu- ger of the Cox-Koosevclt caiiipuigii. Mr. lloreiniis will iiinneiliaieiy ihko harge of the party's head(uarters at hlcago. RUSSIANS GREATLY OUTNUMBER POLES 140,000 Poles Are Estimated to Be Fighting Over 350,000 Bolshevik Washington, Aug lifcndiii'i Warsaw 14.-rolish force are. outnumbered ibout two arid a half to one. ompre- ienive details n to the bolshcviki military crganizat ion, received yester- lay in otlieial circles here, place the ttrength of soviet army on the J'olislt 'rout at .ViO.diio men. The, strengtn oi lo' I'oles has been estimated at 140,- HHI, . The details as to the bolshcviki trcngth, which is confirmed in a' large iart of itiforniiition in tho po'session if the American military authorities, 'stimiite that in rifle and saber strength ilone the soviet force .composing the I'ripct river consists of 114,000 men. Bolshevist rifle and saber strengtli louth of the Pripet river in the south ern army is placed at 4S,000 men. Soviet in fit ii try divisions to the niiinlier of twenty-six, tho official dc tails "assert, linve been identified as fui'iiHf the I'olish armies in the front M lie with thirteen dividio j in reserve. I.n addition ten . cavalry dtvii.ons have been noted in nctive operation at the front with two such divisions, in reserve. . Henides the ?,9 infantry divisions re ported on the I'olish front, the holshe viki are climated to linve scattered ;:i other ii"t ' '' V.'i -: i 2". oth.i rs, ," ; DELEGATES, PREPARE TO LEAVE FOR PEACE PARLE! Woman Among Party That Will Meet Representa tives of Soviet Russia - CORRESPONDENTS MAY BE KEPT FROM FRONT Newspaper Men Will not Be Allowed to Accompany' Poles to Parleys Unless Permission Is- Received From Moscow. '. Warsaw, Aug. l t.-rnland ' peaco de legation consisting, of - 16 , members. with miitary aids, clerks,' and stenog raphers, one of whom is a womas, pro pared liife tunight to leave for the battle front to meet representative of the Itiissinn soviet government. Up until a lute hour tonight 'there had been no. response f roin Moscow, to wire less messagn naming the newspaper correspondents who were to-arcompany the I'olish delegation. AnnounC:nient was made at H o'clock that otre?pond (ills would not be permitted t go to the front iiiiIcsj word -ailowisia; them to travel caine from the bolshcviki. v. RUSSIANS CONTINUE DRIVE ON WARSAW Warsaw, Aug. J4.--(1 a. m.) -The Itiissians nttackiiig Warsaw linvo work ed welt towards the rear of that city's defenses and are attacking IMonsk within a dozen miles of the Vis lulu northwest of the i'olish capital, according to Friday night's official I'ol ish communique available early today; The statement says the- enemy i ad vancing towiiribi a point nor;h of VYnr aw and that masses of the bolshcviki are attaching a port 22 miles .north west of Warsaw and Plonsk. ' TO PROBE CLOSING OF MANUFACTORIES Federal Agents Trying to ..Learn if Conspiracy. Is,, in Existence Washington, Aug. 14. Department of justice ollirials are conducting ai Invcsi ignt ioa into the textile iudustryy to ibtermiiie whether or not clovin;r of cotton and woolen mills is due to a con' piracy by manufacturer i to con tinue high prices, it was lenrneii yes terday at the ollice of Attorney Gen eral f'almer. I'almer, a week ago, gent into New England an agent who now is .directing thu investigation.' J)itrict attorneys havo been instructed to give him 'all assistance, . Information reaching nut nalj the in. In... .Iniiitrtniniit hut aln nrruvrtii . .J.t...... ,.M v..., ...... 1 ill the bureau of markets and tln com iin nc -.department, otllcinls said, indi c a i es that manufacturer, nov,- are clos--iiiir -their mills to previ nt .stocks of c'.lt.ii nnd woolen cloths from Tiililior tin itiis won 01 prisiti ii mrriicr.t find would cr(nte , . when the fall deniand bc- . , . Ollb.ials. hern ; were utmlving the closing of Cotton mills in lieorgia and North and tSouth Carolina lire jilniv iiiug to reduco working hours next week, according to reports reaching of liiisls of the bureau of markets. The elosiiijr down process seem to be strik ing textile millj in irll parts of tho coiinity. Thousand of workmen are being, laid off or discltaigod,, Idle, woolen spindles July 1 number ed 1) l!!,(i(ffi, according to commerce de partment reports. Idle worsted spin illeJ totaled 737,073. The number of idle spindles lias been increasing more than a year. July 1 showed 42 per cent idle; Juno 1, li-I.I per cent ami May 1, 11.3 nor cent. Manufacturers say they ure forced to close for lack of orders. ' . Ono liochester, X. Y.,' ready-to-wear clothing maker recently sent a circu lar to all retail dealers stating he would be , unable this fall to suppy certain kinds of clothinij. This, lie said, was becaiiso he was unable to. obtain cloth. This niaimfacturor named big wool-' en mill which recently closed its doors "for lack of order. " Tho clothing maiitif in-direr said he had previously placed large orders with this game wool cloth manufacturer.. ., Cotton cloth manufacturers in the last year paid enormous dividends. Several Fall River' milU paid, more than Ki per cent for tho four-month period just ended, according to report reach ing officials here, in the preceding nine mouths the same mills paid a to tal of 25 per cent. BOND PLOT FIGURE - TAKEN TO CANADA Arthur Ecrement Secretly Deported to Answer Wire . Tapping Charge . New York, Aug.' 14. -Arthur . I' re ment, former member of ho t'ntiodian house of parliament',' whose name was drawn into "New fork's five dollar bond plot" was secretly mil; ion (lejii'i t-l-l.ie.'d od lo Cmiadit last night, it was today at Ellis Island. Kcremont., whose rob in "t: pine" was that of a witn. - , r.