If ' Thijiii k.-.,.t- it inert THE EVE Nil? G TELEGRAM ' PAG. The Evening Telegram Bank Vice-President LUMB E R I have just rec-eived a ar load of flooring and roofers and 8. 10 and 12 inch finish boards. " -My prices are right. - ( ; - 4 PasUUta Btmt Aftsraaaa Bxatpt Baataj sr ta Boaky Maa Pnb IkklM Ca, 1M-10S Nsrta Mala Bt., Kslaftraja Bldf , Boaky MMmt, . 0. Tells How Zlron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation for Appendicitis. m FTffR any eerlona Wness, the Read this letter from Mr. J. B. Kelly, rice-president of the First ; National Bank, Gracevllle, Fla.: "My daughter had been In bad health since last April. She waa operated on for appendicitis. She has been . taking Zlron for two weeks. Her appetite is better than it bas been. Her nerves are better, and she says she feels better . . . I know that Zlron is good for weak and feeble people." Zlron Is a scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepared from valuable strength bnUdlng Ingredients, for weak people with thin blood. Druggista soli Zlron on money-back guarantee, Try It. Mesabars at tas Nortt OaroUaa Isitstloa af Af taraoaa Papers IX first thing you notice when yon lMione 679-J . begin to gat around la your lack of strength and energra tired, weak feeling. - The sooner 7V9 fet your strength back the batter. The thing to do la to eat plenty of good, nourishing food, get all the fresh air yon can, exercise oonaerratlrely, and take Zlron Iron Hon to three time a day. ' Toor doctor will tU yon thia la souad adrloe, and urge yon to follow It of Assodatsd Prsas J. B. GOODE LUMBER Villa Street and Nashville Railroad " . - j Rocky Mount, N. 0. ' k Awoeiated Ptsis if xelmirtly atltlsd to tfcs uss (or republieatioi 4 all mtwi credited U It or net atherwige credited in this paper and ajsa the loeai new printed hereia. Ail rights of republication of ipeeial dispatches hereia are alio referred. roratgn Representatives Frest, Lendii and Kohn. 21 fifth Avs., New York Advertising Bldg., Chisago Chandler Bldg., Atlanta. noMi aalaeas Manager ..7Mpnrn B Olrealatlea Manager n-r aVUtorlal Booma .-r. ..- 601 By flarrtat By Man 1 Tear ;$M1 Tear. 6.00 'Moatae... 8.210 Men the... I.B0 1 Weeh..,-,.lli I Meiths.,,, 1.76 stared at td elas matter, Oct. J7. Mil, at Peetofflee at Boeky Monnt, tT. d, aader Aet af lUrek a. 1870 Tuesday, August 17, 1920 PROTEST TRAITIC LAW NOW INSTEAD OF LATER Two week ago there-'was presented by a poDimittee appointed for the pur POM, a new traffic law effecting the handling ami parking' of oars on the itr'etn of tlin city. Tliat law wns r rivpd and eonilered by the aldermen end after Home modifications and rtaage has pawod the first reading end in awaiting tlie imiilie referendum before it ailoption t the session of toe aldermen next yilmrsday night. There have been many ".change suggest ed and ida advanced, ami there were , but few of the mtliat were not possessed . of merit. While Hume of them jxis'M'-isril worthy tliouclit. t he . citizens might have overlooked a greater need in the ruling that it he done ine other wav. Hut at any rate the hoard of aldermee don't, claim' to know. it. all almut park ing and t mill c and they are" open to suggestions, and in fait fhev invite them for if soino oilier..- u'rsoii iias a better, idea or a . better way (if hand ling the proposition which is "really a knotty prolilem thev want to know it. So don't wait until . it .lieeomes a lw and make your . street, corner fpeeclirs in iriticisiu on Tridav hut romo to the - meeting of the board of aldU'rmen Thursday night and make yimr objection. If you hear a fellow criticizing after the law is jiassed ask him If he told the aldermen of Ins ob jection when he had the opportunity , The increasing number . (if.:: automo biles mke the protiloni of traffic -and parking the- more acute with each month and there Is nothing that raises th iTe of the motorist anil thr citiozfn, and they are prettv nenrlv getting to be one aud Hie same in a tnaioriti- of instances, as does arbitrary -rulings-, and what hr regards as high handed dicta torship without regarit to reason: Ami o it is that the board of aldermen want the bet with a regard- to . safet v, and I the recent draft, was after a conference with a committee from' the chamber of commerce directors, and the present law now pending is t he ontyrowth , of this' work, : But at tha t: .it: isn 't per feet, but as an interested citizen' iriakp your protest known now rather than later when the law will have to be amended mavbe to take in vnur idea. " Thursday night is the tjme How? Ask Us! All batteries wear out in time. (Many a battery dies long before its time. You can'trwwbattery death but you can osfOMtf it. Threaded Rubber Insulation has been selected by 136 manufacturers of passenger cars and motor trucks. THE ELECTRIC SHOP 129 N. Washington St. Telephone No. 1056 M. P. WILLIAMS, Manager. North Carolina solons are apparent ly waiting to sen how Tennessee. .Tohn J. McOraw's experience with umpires . ought to: . stand him in good tead for that argument with the dis trict attorney. I C WlilD I juwe Good luck does not come to you; you must 00 AFTER it. When you LOOK prosperous you have a better op portunity to BE prosperous; because you are "sized up'' by the way you APPEAR. Then come in and buy some of our good Jewelry with your spare money. It will help you to appear well and will be a PAYING INVESTMENT. Geo. L. Parker Jewelry Co. NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS WOODMEN OF WORLD: The district-deputy, T. I. Moore will be with us tonight to explain the new poli cies' written by W. O. W., want all Wood men present. C. Tar River Camp No. 423 J. W. COUNCIL, Clerk Meets.over Kyser Drug Store With the Olympic games under wr, American are showing Kuropp for the -first trme" that theV caiTTIm: To hear Harding tell it the. League of Nation will cause as murh trnutde as th Kaxtern Carolina League has had thia seaon. The republienn effort to arret Gov ernor Cox might have been baaed on ha- charge that hp was Kpeeding to wards the white houap. From the wav the Poles are bending .before the Bolsheviki advance, thev o inane up aoieiy ot onmrino. Raleigh i cahulating on inereaoing ber population figure by extending her city limits. Washington. N. C, would do well to take notice. , The l'ole have pursued the Reds to th Bug rivr, (iuess they had to stop the fighting and si rnteh then. REOU3 Restores Health REOLO I a scientific formula which bas been prescribed by Dr. A. L. Reusing lor nearly twenty yesrs in his private practice. It has restored thousands of nan and women to health and strength. Make This Test Order a box of REOLO today from four druggist Deposit with him the tegular pricel 1 a box, as evidence of food faith. Then take REOLO reg it arty for two weeks, and if you ara ' pot absolutely aitisfied that REOLO la benefitted you, be win refund your vtnney on request without argument. lUiOLO is a wonderful tonic, stimulant md hestjyti restorer. Test it ett our risk. I t"2IA ' ' Cleveland, C&io. T1 - Se) xzAdjustmenriasis Siivertown Cords SoooCHiles Fabric Tires 6000 Mies !)(olMIbi A Goodrich Tire is one necessity solcUt less than pre-war prices Cotdrich Tires cost 15 to 10 less than they did in I9IO ancbgive far greater service.. i Chandler Sales Co. SOLD BY Weston Supply Co: The Building and Loan Associations stands vh'wr. to the people than any other . form of finan cial institution. Its Held is local, its results benrficient, .with fnifral and .'economic hands it gathers the savings of the thrifty, and having done so, it enriches the comraun- it y in which it, exists by assisting .in the. creation of the rnost valiiahlf asset of the Country, Home Building, ileconie a member. j.i 18th Series Now Open New Home Building & Loan Association Office in the First National Bank Building Phone 207 f'i The Buying Value Of a Dollar Many authorities believe that prices will go down as time passes. , If that is true a dollar saved now will buy ' more then. Ouc 42nd successful series opens Sep 'f tember 1st Subscribe now. Ask the Man Who Owns Our Stock Rocky Mount Homestead & Loan Association TH0S. H. BATTLE, President. R. B. DAVIS, Secy. & Treasuifer. i ,; .t"!ii.r.-!r m ilia And, .. 1 SAEJE'EI?. yout We shall not oiilv give you safety and service when, you make our hank your bank, but when you come in w& sliall give you a hearty welcome apd' make you eel at ; home.:- . '.'' " . -'--''.' It will tie a pleasure to us to advise with you on any financial matter you may be considering whether or not you are doi rVjr your banking business with us. . Come in. ' "" " , "' '.;.-'.'"-' y ; Put Your Money in Our Bank V, '- You Will Receive 4 Per Cent Interest Rocky Mount Savings Cz Trvzl Co.