Tlxe Evening Tetcsrai Tuesday, August 17, 1920 1 1 J 5X3 CXHT PI UNI I . J. 0111 WITH ORDWt I i?i 1 Units yon wt a ooa traot4 dTrtUr na- tog ona hundrad ot on toons dlipUy MmtlaUig Mutually, t JU Dhnmoa m Tkii xuu wz ajib nr A POSITION NOW TO wholesale and ratatl ice cream. Be far too bur . taste our eream and aik oar price. You know, the tele jihoa service It bad. Give your or . ' dera Betnrdar nieht for Sundav. Bocky Mount Candy Kitchen. 4 20 if BTAXTEB rOHDB, PLAIN ; an4 trucks. on band. L. D. Howard street rORDS Bujluek - i it FINS PBJNTINO QUICK SERVICE Phone. 71 Job Printing Department Evening xaifgram. 22 tf HBAVT HAULING AND MOVING . household goods done on short notice Team or truck. Kicavnting a stic ' elalty. ' Apply 8. Felton. Telephone 837-W. 7 6 If TOn BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS food for wrapping or packing. Tele train offloa. PUBLIO BEBVICE CARS AT ALL hoars. Block and half Bick Hotel, ortTialf brock Main Ht. 120 Mari "gold 8t. Crouch's garage. T. C! Bobblni Transfer Co. Day phone .838. 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Nijrhl prion, 883-J. J. T. Kobbins, res It p. m. to 9 a. m. T. C. Bobbins ' Transfer Co. : 7-31-tf LEXINGTON CABS THE MINUTE Man Six. Two .thousand dollars, V O. B. Wilmington. This is more tlinti three bundrud dollars Ii'hr tliun you ean buy locally. OrnVr now. 1. Q, Moorr, Wilmington, N. C. 8-1 1 t 100 PAIRS ODDS AND ENDS $8 to , $10 Hlioes I have set'j.on Bnrgni Tables. Ymir choice $.1.H5 a rvii Roiooe Griffin Shoo Store. H 11 If JUST RECEIVED A LOT oF BLACK Buede Oxfords and pumps.'.. Roame . Griffin Shoe Store. 8 11 tf WANTED riRST CLASS AUTOMO- bjle Painter. Nothing but A No. 1 . nocd apply. Rose Oarage S 10 tf T TOU ARE OOINO TO BUY ANY . Shoes it will pny to you sco hVNtoo j Griffln. Pretty Shoes at V iow- price. . " :. . . MWv w "um- - saia , ma innowiug nouses: rootn house on South Pearl One 8 Street: on 7-room house on West Thomas atreet; two 5 room hmises on IVn- der street; one tt-room house on Ar-,i.ji, lngton street. . l . A l I 1 ffrt. i Above houses are for ( terms. Clmmnns and ' sale , on easy . Redmond. 8 12 tf WANTED A CHAPERON FOR night . work. Apply. Chief Operator, Homo Telephone nd Telegraph Company, ft is-et -- , ; LIBERAL REWARDPOR RETURN af black initease left t)n side of Rieka Hotel Thursday nightvXW, H. Andrews, Tarboro. R lv4t HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE SHOE Bargains at Hoseoe ,'lriffin Shoe ' Btoret- : . S 11 tf WANTED AT ONCE SCHOOL BOY who intends working in afternoon to work in mailing room. Apply ' Circulation l department: this oflice. . 4-14-3t. rOB BALE ONE PAIR FINE MULES AND FIRST CLASS DOUBLE DRAY AND HARNESS JJACUO AND 'IKAUINO COM ' PANYi -. . . 8-14-41 LOBT LADTES SIZE HUNTING ,Ca Watch. Return to this office and "receive reward. 814-31 WANTED TO RENT SEPTEMBER 1st, large resilience In best part of , eity. Write stating Jeruis,' lonrHon ete. References furnished. Address ''E-825" care Telegram. 8 14-31 LOST BAY MARE RIGHT HIND foot little swollen. Return to C. S. Brady, corner ' Dunn and Arlington Streets. 8 14 3t SOCIAL AND FI7SINES8 PRINTED stationery,- onibe and commercial printing. Franklin printing price . . list used exclusively. Phone 71, The Telegram Presses. 8 14 tf WANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT, HON est, bustling boys to deliver The Eve ning Telegram. We have several of oor tnowt desirable routes Open ti boys who mean business. Apply at once, Circulation department, this office. 8 18 4t WANTED BOY OVER SCHOOL age 13 at Pressing Club. Phone 446. 8-16 6t MUSIC I WILL OPEN A MUSIC class for the 1020-21 session at my residence commencing September 6th 1920. All the latest -methods'' in pro gressive series taught from No. 1-A ti No. 4-B. Any one wishing to takj wtll communicate with me. Phone flf'-W. , Miss . Bessie Bartholomew. tWO R. Church 8 .16 2t PAINTERS WANTED FIRST CLASS Crockett, Phone 1002. 8 16 2t S3 NEED A WOMAN TO COOK AND keep house for me and two boys. A good home and wsgea for a good wo man. Will use white or eolored. W. C. f R;f. D., Battleboro. N. C, 17 ;!t . ' - ' WANTED TO BENT FOR ONE, tlirco or five years, fitrni within eight miles of city. Will pay a reuaiin able rent. Apply J. T. Jolly, City. 8 16 tit WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN private family, beginning about Sept .) for six weeks, liv traveling man with wife ami child. Write 15. H eare this paper. THE AMERICAN RAILWAY EX- prss Co., will sell at public auction at Rocky Mount on Saturday, Sep, lumber 11th a large number of tin claimed express (rhiiiments which have remained on hand !0 days i longer. Sale at Jbxrircas omce oppo- eite Kicks Hotel. 8 12 sclieil.; USED TRUCKS FOR SALE 1 In termtt ionnl one ton t ruck with body, used eight months, bargain for quick sale. One Heo speed wagon,3 i ton, used four and a half moiiths. "Look v Jies trucks overt Hayes M filler Truck o. ' H 17 It TRUCK FOR SALE 3-4 TON DORT, in good condition Itargaiu al $il'U. Sc.. s. I. Ward, l'hone (ilil .1. 8 17 e o d ; THIS WEEK PURE LARD LT.clh Plenty of lOc a gal, at J-'. AVil sous South Rocky Mount. 8 17 :it LOST TOBACCO SAMPLE CASE between-Hunters IIUI road and Rocky .Mount. Notify this office and 're ceive reward. 8 17 III WANTED POSITION AS HOUSE- of references. Kveuing Tele 8 17 4t keeper, white, best write "M M " care gram. ORDER YOUR SUIT THIS WEEK. all union made,- 2 pair pants. No ex tra charge, at K. Wilsons. 8 17 -itt WANTED POSITION AS OOVER- iiess for hiiiiiII children in private 0 -l IHiie. live vears' best of " care 8 17 L't . reference.. rci cri-ncesi. write t. Evening Telegram. DON'T FOROET DOC WHO TAKES off corns, bunions and ingrown nails without medicine, inhere Please sec him at once. Thursday for residence calls., lycitve calls, t the Standard Drug (Jo., Bishop' Barber; Shop and I lie Red Cross'. Nhaving parlors, ''will be at the Hcd Cross Nhaving J'arlors from p. III. 7 to 10 a. ni, and from -f to ; 8 j 7 lit LOST 32x4 UOODYEAR ALL WEA- ther tread tire rim mid case between Rocky Mount; rind Sliarpeljnrg.: Ri ward if returned to Central Service Statiioji - s 17 tit IN POLICE COURT. Following the general trend of the present few davs during which the iim- niciiuil court docket has been unusal- nicipul - court docket ly light, only . one liunor , case- faced. Recorder Lancaster for disposal this morning when Will Lucas, was arrhlgh-- n,l in u li,ir,r nf .IrU-;,,,. ., n ,, t . . ,., . ih., nut ,?.. u.,,i $rK . .. . ...Av . BECOMES VUEK PICTURE) Huffy. Soft. Silky, Long u.i Herolin POMADE HAIR DRESSIN&Ttfot itlckv or fua rnfr. liihlf perhim)!. StrtlrHtrar-out thklnkr I tutlieal ot napp hklr cswittof U to grow long, I oft. fluriT(nohat IroM nMs&rY.) Reisoffw dA I HdrufT, stops ttchiot scalp mH nlinf hair. X. I AT DRUG STORES 2Sc I 4GFNTS WANTgn.XW'"t tgtin(Tlil rt.U. IHEKOlIN MEDICINE CO., Atlanta. Qa IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rs - -.'-. ':. x "N I Do You Buy a Corset I j Just To Have One M ' "-"-"'-' - - - - H or do you expect yaur corset to give you graceful lines as well as a stylish figure? Let us combine these features and add comfort and durability. - We have added to our sales forces MISS MANNING, who is a graduate corsetiere of long experience, and she will be glad to solye your corset problem.. Let Her Fit You Fashion hcp Correct Dress. For Women s About Viaitors From Monroe Mrs. E. L. Davis and daughter, Miss Leona Davis, of Monroe, ro the guest h. of Mr. an4 Mrs Joc'Fullenwider at their homo on Washington street. '' ; Return to City Mr. and- Mrs. S. M. Taylor and daughter have returned to their homes in the city after a two wceks' slay at ('oiiiodly in the, western part of the state. Visitors to Blackstone Mr. and Mrs. K (1. Hit!' and son, Kenneth. Gray, Jr., are spending some time with friends and relatives in Black-tone, Va. Visitor To Charlotte M r. T. J. Ah ernathy left yesterday to spi'iiil his vacation with-'friends and relatives in Chnrlotle, lialrMgh and High Point. Return from Ocean View Mr. an, I Mrs T. O. lreen have relumed to the city after an enjoyable slay at Ocean View and Berkely, Va. Leaves for Mt. Olive Miss Erdice Moore left .'' yesterday for Mt. ..Olive where he will visit her aunt, Mrs. W. J. llighsoiitti. Woodmen Meet Tonight Tar River Cn in p N o.' 4 urt, .AVoiifhnvirTif "t hirAVTrrH will meet tonifcht at .S o'clock in the hall over Kvier's drug store. As dis trict' Deputy' T. I. Moore, of Greenville,, will be, present, all1 Woodmen-.-ire. espe cially urged to attend the meeting.-. Return from Norfok. Mrs. '.(). A. Snipes and Miss KNie .Snipes returned yesterday from ' -Norfolk and Ocan View where they spent, the past--week. Watermelon ExciifsioirA watermel on ' excursion Will ' lie given I'V nil- Philathea,. class of the North Rocky Mount. Baptist church Tliur-da.v .night at 7:.W for the -lieuefit of the parson age buildiifg fund. A ticket, the price of .which Will be 50 cents, is good for a round trip from the church to Dream land and back to flic Community House. I'hoje who attend arc urged to. hold t.heir tickets and' get their treat. 1 icl(. els are on sale at f . laywr. anqj-ions store, '.-::.; Visitor from Kinston Miss Scotia Hobgood, '.of -Kinston," is the guest of her brother, Mr. ('. IS,; Hobgood-,. at- his home (in fleorge street.' Repairing- Railway .Knlbiwing .Uie announcement made: by railway ollieials at Wilmington several days ago main tenance of way employes., .have been pairing the roadbed of the main line of . the A. ( . I. Ihroiich the. heart ot the: city yesterday, and today; ... 'Ihe crossings on .Mam street are also oeing put in better condition. :. Visitors from Durham- .Messrs. n. A. Michie and' S. I'. Uatchelor -ot Dur ham, ..spent yesterday, ill tlie. city on bu si ne -a. Here from Spring Hope.' Mr. 1 A. Morgan, of Spring Hope,, was among the business visitors who spent yeSter dav in the ciiv. 'v . Visitor to City. Mr. ,1. ('. Matthews came over from Spring Hope yesterday l 'spend the day with friend, and Tela lives here. , Visitor from New Bern Mr. K. K. Bryan, of New Hern, is a biisim'ss isi tor to tile city. Here from Salisbury Mr : T. 1). Walters, of .-Siilisbiirv, is .-peniliiig. sev"- era! davs ill t he cit v wit a 1 riemls. . Visitor from Chapel Hill Mr. J. O Heaii, of Clinpi'l Hill, spent yesterday in the cit v. attending to business mat; lcr. .-,' ''..' Like Kiustcin's theory, there are only a dozen niental giants alive who can : understand how ; .Cliarlcs I'onzi made iuillions in iiitermitioiial'st.'iiiipjL L0NG,WAVY HAIR Of course vou want good looking hair. Your hair will be moat admired if youiuc Nelson's Hair Dressing nauon tit una ua lirotlM hair dra . lint with ptftic- bi colnisr1 people or nearlr 51 yea is. All KOod druf storn In U. 8. kerp Nel oq's. Be stirt to set genuine Nelioo'i. BtuhJtnti, a (fitted girl j Htuitn,'Ig.t Mitt N$inn'$ I L Nalan's will aiakarog pnadof roue lulrt I I tLSON MFG. CO., Richmond. Va WT) " f , NOTICE ; ' - BLACK'S SHOE BHOP Now located at 418 E. Thomas St., ojiposite Farmers Mutual Warehouse. 1 J. R. Black, Prop Phone 487 Dependable result tirodiieinte Imt 3 K9 t 4 i, ,i' .. i icry tv in iv iiouu ni tlift lowest cost to users. Batteries Guaranteed l finmT i' mi wintr r Rocky Mount Battery Service Station Rear Kress WILLIAM H. PEARSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER ' Phone 613W-R2 Residence; . Office: 343 Atlantic Ave. 605 Goldleaf St. Rocky Mount, N. C. VIRGINIA FARMS For Sale by Pope-Ferrell Realty Co. -National Bank Huilding . Petersburg, Va. A 'few': liaraiiu in ood Hrijfht 1 oljicco r aroys nicely located with tiii-i Mines',.,'. 'le n ty : of. wood and, t im lo r, anil ,ioil ievid la mis, No. "I - ho ae,h- liliout ,'tu in cnlji va'tion, -0x00111 dwidlin; anil (nit V hiiildinirs,. li.-.-l -2- ilea to ".'iha'tV ket. -I'rice . , ...,.'. $5500.00 '11. I arrc nljout 1-2 .in cul tivation. Willi 7:room .. dwelling and out hiiilVliiiiis, nice lot of tim- Imt. I'rice : . . . '. ,-.'. :$7000.00 No, L'li Mi acri'M about tio in ciiltK At ion with iiiiproveiiients worth ri"i."" 1 to, niarket. : Trice '-,.;'. . , . . , .', ; .$7500.00' No. L".i---J in. acres al'ont 1 00 in cul, tiva'ion liriT" ;Iot timber, -room ilwelliiiy, 7 tobacco barns and teu ' ant lion -e, a stdendid farm. Price $60 per acre; We hiivc a 11 lilt 1 1 -r of (itlit'f J'ii rms any size. -Write for'tle seri ption.s loday. . . : ' Hair Grown on Bald Head Aftitr bin ImrMl totallf halrt. Now Yorhwr fcppilT fotjnd omthtn whieh hronsrht out now kiiarinnt orowth of h'r ff whirh ho h oo proai thot bo will onii the )nfrmtion frro to onvrtno who fre It. Wnt: John H Br-t'om Station f. New Tork. H T. Umnf womei and coon hove vowo holr after ell olae sUd. Cut this out, y w etbors; iblt to boIs, Children anrTeraq; from awmmar mmpiaint and secure nouriahtnent from Milk Jelly whra other foods ran not be rctaised. Drnmlve box CHALMERS' GRAN ULATED GELATINE in 1 qt. milk, add 1 nip aiigar and boil 19 miiu I .uillfc amis tad baffler. h..PURITY:..J - ': h& MIIKJELLY. DE. CHAS. B. FSATT Dentist ffice over Kirst Nat'K Bank Phones -Office, 403 Ees. 653-W Oas Administered L. H. HICKS VETINARY SURGEON Office Ky. Horse & Mule Exchange ; Phoiie 53 DR. CLYDE E. M1NQES ' DENTIST tlaU14-4ie NaUonaJ Buk of Booky Mount Bnlldtef -.X-;: PHONZS Ooe 7I.. RaMdenoe 4S1-W Dr. E. G. Hornbeck Dr. R. H. Prindle OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Spinal Adjustments Laboratory Diagnosis and X-Ray Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms 306-08-10-12-14-16 National Bank Ry. Mt. Bldg. r Join the "Make itMo club" And help reduce tho high cost of clothing. By Bonding your old clutliPM to us and haviiin them, Dry Cleaned, Sterilized and Sanitary Pressed. ' We Clean Anything. LEDBETTERS Dry Cleaners & Dyers Phone 717.. Rocky Mount, X. C. CITY BARBER SHOP J. I. LANCASTER, Proprietor Good Barbers No Wait Special Attention GiVen to . Children KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rocky Mount Lodge No. 84 , Meets every Monday night S p. "ni. jrasonio Temple, third, floor. Visitors Cordially Invited Dr. E. B. Quillen Dr. J. J. W. Looney Disease of Bye, Bar, Xom an4 Throat, and Fitting of Olaaaea t W. ROM BOELDOia -Hours: .9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to. 5 p. m. Alfred E. Spivey ( L. Btaton BPIVEY ft STATON Attorneys at Law $rond Ploor rirat' National- Bank Building i " KOCKY MOUNT. N. 0. ; PITT and HARRIS Undertaking Department Licensed Embalmerg Auto.llearse - Cor. Main and Nash Streets Phone 623 Night and Sunday Phones 893:j 617-J.. 368-W For Transfer Cars Call 938 Crouche's Oarage Day Phone Hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 983-J 12 p. m.- to 9 a. m. T. ('. KolihiiiH. res. s I have 3 nice curs, Hudson and Chand hxPrii'cs reasonable. Go any tiint'. l'lifiim me your orders at either place. T. C. Robbins Transfer Company X Prices Right Lumber For Pine, Gum or Cypress lumber in wholesale lots, per- ectly machined, write PERSONAL TOUCH - The object of this Hank is to jrivfl. dose attention to all accounts, whether large or small and by this personal touch make friends. .. v Make this Bank your Bank. , We are at your service. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK ; OFFICERS ' T T THORNE Prri M. nMlu .v 1 , v.-iths. T. a'. AVKRA, V.l'rrs. . W. W. AVfcBA, Cashier B. B. SPKNCER, Asst. Cashier What is Your Choice No matter what your-choice drink or sundae is we can prepare it for you. Our specialty is mixing drinks and preparing sundaes that are different. r ' " .' Try Our Banana Split Thomas Gandy Kitchen Phone 693 Look at Your Bank Book When did you last make a deposit? If it was months ago you've neglected an opportunity to add more money in time for the 4 per cent Interest Our Savings De partment pays. If you've deposited .weekly you're richer by interest on every dollar. A Try depositing weekly it pays! MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rocky Mount, N. C. j Safest for Saving It Pays To Know the bank with which you deal and the men behind it. - We pride ourselves on an institution of safety and service operated by men who have earnestly at hrn't fbp hpgf inJ'fits A of their customers and community. We invite you to a closer acquaintance ship with YOURBANK and its officers. NATONAL BANK OF ROCKY MOUNT .-''''. ...'' . ' ' l;- : ' ' Home of Security and Service . YOUR RECORDS HOW DO YOU The old gentleman wIp kept his aecounts On his cuff couldn't hnvPl foimr) the record a very lasting one. - . - - .':" '-'-'" - ' - Equally, transient and much more tedious is the system -some people follow of keeping their accounts in their heads. The truly efficient and easy ancial transactions is to open X this institution. THE PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK, V Rocky MountN. C. 5j :?i i j J re KEEP THEM? way to keep a record of fin- f a Checking Account with . ..." .-.'.., ;. : . J ! J. S. Whitley & Broj ! 1! - Williamston, N. C. Phone No. 171. -,M . TRY TELEGRAM WANT ADS For RESULT: